i'm here to introduce to you the brandnew 2016 a smaller home number one selling gas class a motorhome in northamerica and help me with that is marc andrus who is one of our regional salesmanagers and he's gonna tell us a little bit about this case but first before weget started i think we need to take a look at how the foundation of the motorhomes put together so we can assure everybody there could be safe andthey're taking their family down the road all of our motorhomes are engineeredusing the best combination of aluminum steel and fiberglass the walls and roofare constructed from aluminum which
provides a strong yet lightweightskeleton to support the overall health of the motorhome our floors are builtfrom steel the heavier steel construction helps lower the overallcenter of gravity of the motor home while providing an excellent platform tohelp insulate the interior of erp from road noise cancellation within the wallsroof and floor is low density polystyrene foam insulation is formfitted to all structural areas to provide protection from the exteriorelements the side walls are finished in fiberglass large flat sheets or rolls offiberglass or laid upon elimination table to be prepped and bonded to leealuminum structure a large glue
applicator runs beads of adhesive everyinch down the length of the structure to ensure 100% coverage now eliminationprocess takes place the entire walls roof and floor are inserted into anindividual elimination bed where air is removed and pressure is applied causingthe adhesive in the walls to flash also known as vacuum bonding this flashingpermanently bonds all the layers together providing an optimal structureto build a motor home with elimination process complete a final routing of allcut outs in the structure is performed old bennington the walls and roof wereframed in aluminum foil the floor is all framed in steel this extra step ensuresthe openings are always sized correctly
so items like windows events and entrydoors will fit each and every time mark that was a great introduction tothe foundation i think we really can see how people can be ensured that it'sgonna be safe going down the road but we say eight alright i think it has aspecific meaning is also a little bit about how we came up with it what theace means that customers out there john aces gonna stand for ac evolutionso what we did is we taught a class a motorhome to fit the family's needs anda classy that's going to offer your overhead sleeping absolutely mark sowith that evolution of the class a and class c motorhome obviously we take thebest of all worlds and give the consumer
a little bit more than they probablyexpected so in 2016 we've made some significant changes so what kind ofstart the front here and show me some things that are new for 2062 startedthere's so many things to talk about with this motorhome of first we've gotthe brow this gonna integrate your box sleeping area into the front but this isalso going to keep the sun out of your eyes when you're driving the coast ofsun will either be in the trees are in the browser that's a nice features wellwe've got an automotive bond windshield so that's gonna be bonded for 12 hoursand cured just like the automobile industry does as well moving on down thecoach we've got integrated cameras and
both the mirrors so when you turn onyour left blank view bill see down the left side and as well on the right sothere's gonna be a nice option as well moving into the windows all our windowsare gonna be frameless windows and all the openings on a thor motor coach willbe flamed out of aluminum which is a very big point in this industryframeworks winners are going to protect your seals from a sign so they won'tdrop rod anya nice also this is gonna be a nice safety window like what you seein the eighteen-wheelers so when you're on down the road there is no blind spotsin this coach and i know this double the doggie window to the pats love him andla right there and they like the rod
watching roadrunner and i know most of our coaches specialcases very pet-friendly will see some more things on the inside but no ownersof motor home seventy percent of traveling with their dog or cat or no idon't know maybe the travel too big to know what it is but their past and ithink this is an excellent thing so we talk some sense of security that whenyou're outside the consultant to see you and jumped up on the procedure anythingcorrect john is a great feature about the ace alright so should be a few morethings on the outside here moving on down all our hard work is going to bemounted degs steel strapping and that's
going to give something secure for thescrewed amount to a not loosen up over the years that includes cabinetswhatever is mounted to the sidewall of this code will be eg stils trappingmoving on down we're going to show you some storage compartment which let meget this one more year already even got your google re it's got a full hookupbrought back you saw you gotta do john has shut down on the stand plug it right and as long as you gothelp in your tank you're ready to go cookin well you know that that reallybrings some of them so you've got the grill ok now means i want to be out herei'm gonna have a little party time
cookout or whatever my family when thereis like not the grill now get a strange being a few more things on thismotorhome that are going to really give me some entertainment options that's correct we got the outside and tvright here and this is a great features not taken up any interior storage as canbe right here at your fingertips ready to go along with that all our storescompartments are gonna be wrote a cast and this is gonna keep from rush moldand mildew to go on and this is a great feature that we offer all our thorproducts it's nice to you because it looks like it's got you know noteverything since the same levels so if
for some reason i had a can of soda orsomething that kind of opened up for spilled i can have my cardboard boxserious i actually being set in the liquid so it's kind of protectingeverything is in the storage compartment do right and all these will have niceduring wholesale all your water or whatever you getting yourcompartments will drain rod out john speakers on the sidewalk because if i'mgonna go campin me personally i like to have a little music outside and my wifeis to you of course that's only if the kids don't get to the radio person takeit away from us right if i'm not mistaken these are actually connected tothe radio this back in the bedroom
correct just gonna be a bluetoothoperation so you can control that radio inside or out john that's nice and iknow the nice thing about it is when i have my telephone on the outside herebut took up and i'm using you know slacker or pandora siriusxm i canactually use my volume button allow me to turn the volume up and down and idon't have to go back inside the coach and turn anything up or down insidetheir correct everything can be done right out here john there's so manygreat features about this coach let me show you the biggest feature about theage 29.3 alright let's go back here we're one of the first rd manufacturersto introduce the outdoor kitchen and the
class a market and we tied into the 29.3a somewhat this feature does this keep your family outside and also gonna allowyou to have more access to your stored for your refrigerator ok this is gonnastay cold as you're driving down the road this floor plan offers the invertera national stakeholders you're traveling down the road got a nice inc here withhot and cold water and then also a great stories here to keep your materialsneeded for cooking and the nice thing about the inverter it takes yourbatteries from your house and actually convert from poolville 210 book so itcan run their refrigerator correct that's correct john
anything else that's hooked up thatinverter yes you'll be able to operate about three you areas in the coach that you can chargeyour phone say without running your generator going down the road we used tooffer one on all the tv outlets ok so i can watch cd going down the road my refrigerator still cold when i getthere myself is gonna be ready to go and then like you said i got my tv i got myspeakers i got my grill i got my kitchen there's really no reason even go backinside the motor oh there's not john wants you get everything out here set upyour gonna be outside with the fam
instead inside the coach will you knowsomething on the outside that you know especially open the door you reallynotice is this exterior three distinctive it's got your typical whitefiberglass anymore enforce it doesn't it's not full body either so we give youan option of looking like full body paint for a lot less money so tell meabout that yeah this is gonna be rhp max exterior and the beauty of this is apigmented fiberglass this gonna run about a quarter of the way through thefiberglass your customers are gonna be all buff out scratches and stuff likethat has also gonna hold up a lot better now son due to the old white exterior ofcoaches this is gonna be able to be
maintained a lot longer and look a lotbetter down the road i like to that we've got all four are trimming or morethan matching i look at some of the other coaches in the market and it'slike i said ok we're going to the fiberglass but we're not going with thetrims and it kind of looks kinda off with black and you know champagne colortaupe color so we've got to try to pull this whole package together to make itlook like it truly is a single color all the way down beside the correct john isgoing to give you the look of a full body paint without the cost now as faras the coach goes i know that we're gonna go on the inside here in a minuteit's got a pretty big slide-out room
we're going to jail but i'm assumingthat this comes with the normal utilities that you would need likeleveling jacks what all comes standard on the ace that's good to be true isgonna have your automatic leveling jacks is going to be a one button push youralso gonna have your own and fourth fouls and generator this can offer eightyour air conditioner is well we've also got the power awning so that's going tobe power in a now makes it very easy first set up once you get your water andsewer hooked up your do you're talking maybe five 10 minutes to get discouragedso ready to go how fun alright let's head to the back of thecoach has another couple things you
wanna show me there too yeah let's go alright marked here we arein the back the coach you run down what we're looking at back here there's somany great features back here want when you have the latter right here in thisis also going to be mounted to each year steel strapping to make sure this stayssecure over the years one thing i liked the part about the ace is also the steelbumper a lot of coaches are all fiberglass all the way down in afirst-time owner backs coach in the something they've spent a lot of moneyon fiberglass where the asus gonna have a steel bumper and absorbed that and notbe so call see if they do make a mistake
and it's going to match the go right andup up top here we're gonna have the rearcamera and that's going to be a nice picture so if you are towing a vehicleor boat or something you can watch that unit are well as back into a campingspot for more features are a thousand-pound hits in this is a bigdeal we we started doing this in 2016 and a lot of my customers are reallyenjoying this pitcher john gives them the ability that as long as they don'tgo above their gvwr gcw now in their little light on their coaches / on theshop floor plans if they want to put a little bit have your trailer on it wegive them the ability to do that where a
lot of other manufacturers at lowerweight are limited so we're kinda leaving the opportunities andpossibilities for their open are correct and other features as real people fillthis is a great feature for your first time buyer because when you pull into agas station you simply might not know where you're going on and you can fillon either side or if there's a low overhanging gas station you're gonna beable to back up and still get fuel anywhere you want to get it i reallylike that i don't have to worry about what side is it on because it might be acool i'm always especially troubled cars i never remember which side is i'malways getting around to the other side
of the island so i think peopleappreciate this is a great feature we offer this on most of our class we gotthis also your own and generators gonna come out the back and that pretty muchwraps it up here on the rear caps source of all starting outside you got a nicelittle storage area for stuff that you can keep outside of keeping on printernow the coach also you got another storage compartment right here alongwith that we offer the mudroom on the ice and this is a great featurecuz you can throw you know dirty shoes or whatever and take care of it as youget home this also has a nice drain plug andallied it as well i was gonna like that
is now me now my kids with me i won't bedragons and in there and getting all of the codes that she has to back out andthen of course with the stories there in the stuff like that things like gloves when refueling in mytire gauge my tire pressures alright but all that can be right here never have togo in the coaches take my greasy shoes are all my oil field shoes inside of myhome on wheels correct a lot of our clients will leavetheir house user water out there and store their shoes inside that's a greatpoint you got perfect let's come on inside john we've got so many greatfeatures from up here i'd like to take a
minute to go over that with you up herewe're gonna have the computer table ya gonna have a 12 volt and 110 outletslike that laptop gps ago right here it's great for cheeseburgers will think aboutthat along with that we're going off for goodsafety 0 front double sided still far away all on the ace this is going tomaintain the alignment of your dash and also not have operation position / assomething strong to amount to over the years and is gonna be a safety featureas well come on down we've got your hdmi plug so you can plug all your smartphonestraight into this radio and now that's gonna mirror your smartphone so gpssatellite radio pandora all the new
technology is gonna be straight intoyour wireless connection this is also blew too but you're gonna want to ensurehdmi near your smartphone we've also got the usb charger as well and this is yourmic for your blood to set up a good site to hands-free calling while driving downthe road which is important states now that you can be talking on your cellphone and that of course with the issue of i play here i have my cell phone andi handed over to my co-pilot which in this case would be me i could program inthe gps while you're paying for the road he could do hands on the wheel and thenthe voice commands are the speakers so really this is kind of a safeenvironment coupled with a fair that's
correct in its not gonna get outdatedlike most satellite gps radios do this is always going to be a little update asyou change phones or change devices with the google or apple maps the nice thingis there to get real-time traffic updates to go to my favorite destinationi can figure out whether i need to go it two in the afternoon or two in themorning actually pull into a campground is correct we've got some other features as wellwe've got the emergency store and thats can allow you to take all your batteriestogether one battery was down to allow you to start the engine or start thegenerator along with that we've got your
convert one touch control jack operationhere so simply would pull the coach put it in poor make sure our parking brakeson and turn this on and hit level as one but need hit the automatic and that'sgoing to level the coach very easy to do i need to get a manual control it i needto get a few slight variations on rocky ground or whatever i can actually mainlygoing to program it myself to that's correct you'll have access to all fourjacks to change the position of those units well as you can see here were spunaround here so this is nice because our seats will also known as a few things inhere we don't have it installed right
now but you know go get it bring it uphere but i got a little easier for the fed table looks like actually have acoffee table and chairs here that's correct we started doing this in all ourclass size and this is made a great addition to our coaches if you got fourpeople sitting in a booth you can allow two extra people to sit here and eatdinner or simply leave their computer setup during their stay so they're nottaking up their booths as well as i can see myself having a cup of coffee andwait for everybody else get up again moving in the morning but while i'mdriving and one of those things that we do or driving a minivan in the past andi dont really big things there is you
know you're trying to see whateverybody's doing it back and i think the addition of theconversation in addition what we started with this conversation or above yourhead here really gives you insight so you can see when people are movingaround behind you are so many go to the restroom or if you need to make suresomebody sits down that's correct and you know also if you do not have to comeup to a red light i like the fact that if you know somebody standout you canwarn them about your fiction to stop or something like that so this has great features about it theconversation mirror and then of course
as we make our way back i think we needto go back and take a look at what is happening in this kitchen looks likebecause this is what i can think of the glitz and glamour that most people wantto check out that's correct john here's the front bomb operation andthis has been one of the best designs in the industry that i've seen allow you to sleep two adults two kidswhatever it is up here that you'd like but as you get this down you're gonnahave a nice sleeping capability but also what i like about this john is up frontif you want to raise this and store valuables are you know jeweler cashyou're gonna be able to close this back
and take out the key and take it withyou so you're not worried about somebody getting that stuff so you've got a lotof great features and new for 2016 on the ice this is a very big deal we've alfred thelatter so we got that as well and this is just made the ace a great coach andas really why's number one coachingindustry market now that we've moved back here living area i've really needto talk about the fact that this is a more friendly furniture the dog windowand i we gotta give you a little insight on why we call this pet-friendly yeahthis is more of a leather at material
this is going to withstand up to uv raysyour pets your kids it's gotta last throughout the years of ownership totony's you can really tell the miners had gone out look different than usual are trying to make a little morecontemporary and i think when you when you were looking at this thing that ourcompany job kind of mixing and matching window valances and countertops and andfurniture in a little bit about what would we have for our design staff yesjohn we've got several employees that help with his arm but we've got a latethat takes care of all our interior design and i think that helps create asoftness to the interior and toss
everything together nicely well you know all the other seatingareas that are too so let's face it the other kind of the most comfortablechairs in the whole entire vehicle because they are individual charity thislocation is unique because all those positions can look at the tv in ca andfor this one position here that we're going to face in the tv who caresbecause you can you say you're reading a book that's correct in this floor planwhile we did this is the booths across from the couch and it did you that niceconversation area where everybody will have a nice seat to view the tv as welllike you mention what i also like the
fact that this dinette here is actuallylocated on passenger side of the coach which is when i looked out on the patioawning no i want to see my kids and i want to see people i have over my girlor whatever his biggest looked at my neighbors to see what they're doing so ithink this is a great use of space hey give me some seating this does hisgreat there's not many for plans at all for this booth right beside your awning camping side of the rd and this is thereason that i really like the 29 30 you know all this talk about the moviestarted so let's take a look at the kitchen here so i'm hungry i want you togo and pick me up on me like to do that
yeah we've got a couple of great thingsback here we got the house my on a false that's gonna give you easy access to doyour dishes on whatsoever yeah there's got as far as well and thenover here you're going to have your oven to do all your cooking along with therain stopped along with plenty of stores also i like to point out the fact thatyou have a place for your trash a lot of rvs don't offer that and that's onething you're gonna have to have as well along with that we're gonna have amicrowave and they're going to build a cook with that and then also you'regoing to have your refrigerator and this is a fully automatic refrigerator johnand that's gonna work off electric power
or your lpg gas regardless of what mysources as long as that help getting rid of the generator plugin my refrigeratorrunning an offer that's correct so if you were to have this on automatic andyou were away from your rbi and it was plugged in at the camp is going toautomatically switch over to el piso you don't come back to school food well you know we've got the storage roomyou like your overhead for your pencils in your plates and everything but i'mreally digging the pantry storage boxes of mac and cheese that's correct weoffer this and most of our floor plans and this is a great designers can allowyou to put whatever it is you desire in
this pantry and have it nicely stowedaway as well alright so i figured out why i am hungry just look at thiskitchen and now that i am i gonna be hungry let's move back to the bedroomarea see what we offer storage in you know where we're going to have consumersthat will retire for the night back in the bedroom we've got a lot ofgreat features john and warren starting we're gonna have the tv mounted forgreat viewing does walk with that we're gonna havegreat stories behind that tv so we're utilizing as much basis possible backhere and along with that we're gonna have great wardrobe storage hangingglided along with that we're gonna have
several drawings here are coming isn'ther set up if you will that we're gonna have two big storage as well get a merethat's you know this man and he's got a charging station on it so tell me aboutthe charging station yeah we're doing this now most of our floor plans in thisis gonna have your cell phones are all the devices because we've all takenthose with us and what this is going to allow us to do is not take up thereceptacles and bill to charge those devices right here john alright so herewe go we've got a window back here and i like the window back here because i canopen that for ventilation and i hope we offer option for some you know i getpast the attic fans in the front or rear
the coach so i can open that window ican turn on the fan and i can really pull some good air into the bedroom areareally get it kind of you know little breeze going make a real comfortablewhen i sleep at night that's correct and i do like we talked about earlier thebluetooth radio so not only does that have speakers on the outside alsospeakers in the air but it also has a clock function on it so i don't have tobring a separate alarm clock so now i can just set my alarm clock back herethat's willing to do to myself on my tablet and then you know as we look herei can never forget that you know the most comfortable matters of the worldare built by denver mattress and that's
only using all the aces delhi correctand we're doing this and all our coaches now and and ever since is where it hasbeen a nice feature course along with our our new bedspread covers you knowthis is a small detail but big throughout my years in this businessi've noticed that all the covers will fall off the bed now we've got the newwraparound top cover for your bed this gonna make the cover stationary and iknow a lot of four players as long as you know we have space underneath that iwould do some good storage underneath which you know you put blankets orpillows and i and i like the fact that his big stories that little storage soyou can bring some bigger items with you
alright so we've heard we've seen theliving with him it was in the bedroom of course peopleput too much emphasis on the bathrooms but thank you know something about thebathroom it's unique it's just that we're trying to make a bathroom is veryinviting and smaller coach and i think the use of things like porcelain toiletsrather than plastic toilets and we've got good countertop space and then we'vealso got a unique don't worry that we actually put out the shower so tell me alittle about that yes i i really am a fan of this shower curtain it's a vinylplastic material but the reason not like this is not going to rattle and you godown the road and also if you have a
glass shower door that also somethingthat you have to clean a lot and can get very dirty alright so then last but notleast most of our race for plus i don't think everyone just about all we haveanother pet friendly beach that we need to talk about the bathroom yes this is agreat feature we got a nice little slot out drawer below the shower most of ourace floor plans and it's a pet-friendly feature and it's going off your food andwater on either side right so i think pretty much more we have kind of look ateverything that the reason this floor plan should mention that for 2016 ithink customers will really appreciate the new look and feel of the capitalgive a different look and feel i think
that they'll appreciate the plans ofcourse i can't forget about there being more eco-friendly by adding on the ledlighting inside of the coach that we're using less energy less power being alittle more green trying to save other
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