>> heavenly father we acknowledge your handin all things. we're thankful for our military troops fighting somewhere in the world forour freedom, protect them, bless their families and bring them home safely. we're thankfulfor the race car drivers today who inspire us to dream mighty dreams and ignite our passionto push ourselves to the open capacity and potential as human beings, bless them withsafety and clear minds they might compete to the best of their ability, and that, obviously,the best driver this day with his crew will win. in the name of jesus christ, amen.>> here today to honor america with the singing of our national anthem the 2013 georgia musicawards winner, for best female country ars test of the year, please country recordingartist angela rain. by the dawn's early light
o say, can you see by the dawn's early lightwhat so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fighto'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?and the rockets' red glare the bombs bursting in airgave proof through the night that our flag was still thereoh, say, does that star-spangled banner yet waveo'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? >> will kyle busch win his first ever atlantarace? can kevin harvick win four straight?
could one of the teenagers beat the big names? >>> welcome back to xfinity series racingfrom atlanta. today's guest driver analyst is clint bowyer. the kansas native, a manof many interests, you all know he loves his kansas city royals but he's usually on wheels,tonight he's heading into atlanta's super cross competing in the whole shot challenge.>> i think ricky is going to get the whole shot but if there is someone to put up a fight,probably clint be. >> tough to predict. it's going to be closestbetween biffle and bowyer. >> clint, i hope you've been practicing.>> not sure he's been on a bike. >> if you haven't, you're going down.>> don't make a fool out of yourself.
>> oh, my, my. i thought double a and michaelwaltrip would be tough for clint bowyer to handle. you got danica to reckon with. she'ssaying her man is going to get the whole shot tonight.>> i love it. that's what competition is about. i think she's the sign girl. yeah. that couldbe interesting. we all might get stuck at the gate.>> why do all of a sudden i feel like i'm on two wheels next to waltrip and bowyer.good to have you with ounce this saturday afternoon from atlanta. we know how difficultthis track is. but you were just out there, for sprint cup final practice. give us anidea waf we're going to see. >> the old girl is getting slick. that's whywe love it. slipping and sliding around, grip
is a premium. you have to move around andfind yourself a good momentum, a place you can find, you know, you can't put in put intoanything. you want to be able to barely put anything into the wheel, you don't want tobe stabbing the gas, you want to be gingerly with every in put you put into the race cartoday. the guy that can do that is going to prevail.>> you got to be super smooth but we have a template, right. the 88 and 22 car one yearago led 160 of the 163 laps. they dominated. so we just figure out what they do and dothat, right. i think there's some kid has say we will do it our own way, erik jones,daniel suarez, both really fast. they've got those two covered. i think it's going to beinteresting to see how the old veterans stack
up against the rookies today.>> here's what i love on the front row, kyle busch, the all-time whips leader on the series,starting on the pole, next to erik jones, who is 19 years old. both of them, can you believe trying to getjoe gibbs their first win in the xfinity series at atlanta. it's going to be a fun saturdayafternoon. let's go trackside for the command. >> race fans, it's time for those most famouswords in motorsports. welcome today's grand marshals, sheriff tallton and chattahoocheesheriff glen cooper. >> drivers, start your engines.>> it's just about time. round two for the nascar xfinity series for the 25th time weare racing at atlanta motor speedway from
the driver's seat with elliott sadler nexton fs 1. >>> the engines have fired and the xfinityseries drivers ready to do battle at atlanta. >> how fun is it going to be watch these kidsrace for the championship. >> here in atlanta you to put your work gloveson. >> battles all over this racetrack.>> that's just putting it all out there. >> in a word, domination. kevin harvick, thirdtime in a row he's a winner in the xfinity series at atlanta.>> gorgeous saturday afternoon for the nascar xfinity series here in atlanta motor speedway.aerial coverage provided by goodyear. superior performing tires to face challenging conditionson the track and road. goodyear the official
tire of nascar. and now we go from the driver'sseat talking with virginia's own elliott sadler starting 16th today, michael.>> we'll see what elliott has to say. elliott, michael waltrip and clint bowyer up in thefs 1 booth. do you have a copy on us, friend? >> yes, sir. i got you loud and clear.>> we're going to be brought to you by goodyear today. how are you going to take care of thosegoodyear tires and race your way in to contention late like you were at daytona last week?>> well, i tell you what, that's a pretty good question. we felt a little loose yesterdayin practice, and a little bit this morning on the qualifying on the goodyears. guys havedone a lot of work to this, and it's a slippery slope, man.
you got to go on restarts, put yourself inposition but also got to save a little for the end. we'll continue to work on it andtry to save as much through the run and be there in the end when it counts.>> elliott, it's clint, i'm pulling you for as always you know that. i'm going along thesame lines and it's about tire wear. managing the tire wear. where exactly do you feel likewith all these options on the racetrack, that you can save the tires the most?>> yeah. that's a -- i'm going to play it by ear and see if my car is tight or looseand run the bottom a little bit to save the front a little bit and we'll just have tomove around. look, that's what makes this racetrack so much fun, gives you so many options.you can move around a little bit ing on what
you're fighting. i think a lot of guys willdefinitely be fast on the bottom with these cars. and hopefully we can make ours theretoo. if not we'll move around and try to find the best spot.>> all right. we'll check in with you later during the day. drive fasters. heels are playingthis afternoon. blake shelton is in a concert somewhere. enjoy that today.>> i want to send a shout out to our military all the men and women that protect us notonly here at home, man, but abroad so we can do what we love and race here in atlanta thisweekend. >> two laps until green. hear from our pittreporters with jamely little. >> good afternoon. brad keselowski is backin an xfinity series car here in atlanta for
the first time since 2012. also working alongsidebrian wilson, a new crew chief for the first time. we haven't seen the speed out of the22 car that we've expected over the years, but he's hoping the hot and slick temperatureswill play into his hands and get his first win here. chris neville.>> daniel suarez is starting in the top five for his fifth straight race dating back to2015. somethings last year clicked and thinks his first year is going to come on a mileand a half track, best ten lap average in practice yesterday. could he get jgr theirfirst win at atlanta. matt.>> atlanta is a special lace for ty dillon. three years ago he had his first truck serieswin here at ams. big weekend for ty, today
his 24th birthday, filling in for tony stewart.tomorrow in the sprint cup race. his focus solely on trying to lock himself into thexfinity series chase. he told me he loves how his car launches off turn four. especiallyon the bottom. doesn't have the initial speed but the falloff, not that dramatic. he's excitedstarting sixth today. adam. >> a last time he went to victory lane, july2014 at indianapolis, trying to become the first driver ever in the xfinity series towin on his birthday. warming up, 54 degrees and i'm guessing that track temperature goingto come up as well. >> absolutely. as a fan that's what you wantto see. you want this baby hot and slick, see the cars slipping and sliding around andthe boys turning their money.
>> we've seen this race dead on the bottomof the racetrack, harvick put on a clinic here a year ago, what did you feel in practicewith your car, your cup car, was the bottom better or is the top where you want to be?>> that's just it something about this racetrack, personally this is what i love about it, sometimesit's on the bottom, sometimes it's not. this groove is going to move around and you'regoing to see that today. >> richard childress racing cars strong aweek ago at daytona. best in qualifying today. that guy, ty dillon, rolling off sixth.>> all right, buddy. happy birthday again. get you a birthday present. these guys willtake care of you on pit road. you know, tire management is what it's all about.>> yes, sir.
>> you've gotten those pre-race speeches before.>> i love it because he always puts the pressure on the pit crew off the bat. these boys aregoing to take care of you on pit road, aren't you, boys.>> subliminal message, pop pop, grandfather richard childress up on the spotter standor on one of the haulers here in the garage, keeping an eye on ty dillon who is going afterhis second career victory today and as matt pointed out gets to victory lane he will bein the playoffs this september, michael. >> old pop pop coacheds the 3 to victory lanemany a times over the years and cool to hear his voice. calm and cool and relaxed. you can tell he'sseen a battle or two in his day.
>> just so neat to see the guys as they'recoming to the green here. what's going to happen in turn one. is this going to washup. i have to save these tires. how long do i wait for these tires to come in. attritionis a big part of this race. >> the balance of experience and youth onthose first two rows, kyle busch and erik jones, share row one. daniel suarez, kylelarson in row two. it's the second race of 2016 for the nascar xfinity series. time togo green. here at atlanta. >> love it, making it work, drives aroundbrennan poole and got the spot from limb. >> from seventh to the top five in one cornerfrom brad keselowski. >> erik jones holding tough on the high sideagainst kyle busch as well. there goes kyle
edging ahead.>> larson slides into line behind suarez. three wide for fifth. big surprise kevin harvickis on the move no lot of questions to be answered about the 88 and 22 car. you can see themrunning together there. harvick uncharacteristically up on the high side. we've seen him work thatbottom historically but like we said earlier his car hasn't been that great. what are theysaying about the 20 car? >> start violation. we have a report theyhave posted erik jones in the 20. what a rough start for him.>> that's big. >> such a difficult thing. a lot of thingsgoing on right there, trying to -- let's watch this here.>> you have to figure this out tomorrow. he
beat the leader to the line and you can'tdo that. >> larry, what did you see on the openingstart of the place. >> yeah. what he'll have to do, adam, he'llhave to come down pit road and do a pass through penalty, which means go down pit road, doesn'thave to stop at his pit, maintain that 45 miles per hour. the last thing he would wantto do is speed on a pass through. >> that's the last -- another thing he can'tdo. that's going to be easy to top probably hot under the collar about what happened.it's important to get to pit road in a hurry but he can't slide his tires.>> here's paul menard going to the outside of brad keselowski. let's listen in to team18.
>> spinning my tires the entire time.>> yeah. 10-4. >> yeah. i mean kyle's trying to take careof him there. he said he spun his tires. end of the day, what the 20 can't do is panic.he has a fast hot rod. it's early in the race. ever a good time do this right now is it.he'll come in, take his penalty and get back up there.>> you do not have to stop. >> they're saying he does not have to stop.>> he doesn't. >> don't make a mistake. on pit road niceand smooth, we'll be fine. >> that was the crew reminding him it's apass through penalty. you don't need to stop in your box. here he comes, matt.>> he asked his team exactly what did i do.
his spotter told him, even though the 18 admitshe spun his tires, you still beat him to the line. now it's just a pass through penalty.don't dig our hole deeper at this juncture. let's try to get back on track and focus.>> and clint, that's just on the initial start of the race. if they start evenly later ona restart, and he beats him to the line, that's perfectly fine but on the initial start youcan't beat the leader there. >> no, you can't. i mean it's just one ofthose things. that's a team effort, obviously, as a driver you want to hear your spottertelling you you can't do that lift lift lift and unfortunately got caught. they're goingto make up for it. we have a race going on. >> kevin harvick starteded tenth, up to third.last year, he put those left tires on the
yellow line, didn't move off the bottom. today running the wall to get to the frontis harvick. >> that's what i love. you can't go throughthem. right now they're not on the top. >> how would you like to be one of the kidsyour crew chief, spotter says, kevin harvick's game plan, do what he did a year ago. buthe's not doing that this year. he's doing something totally different.>> he's doing one thing he did last year, going to the front.>> erik jones, by the way, had that pass through penalty for jumping the start of the race,scored 39th, did not lose a lap, you know what he wants right here, a caution. tightenthis thing back up because his biggest challenge
is going to be holding off his teammate kylebusch as fast as he is, it won't be long before he's knocking on his door.>> it's difficult to be in that situation. you're being hard on the rear tires and youcan't afford do that. you have a he got to be patient, let this car have it, kind oflet it be. do not put the hammer down, don't abuse the tires because it's going to getworse. >> he got the caution he needed. problemsfor david starr and the 44 out of tristarr motor sports. you saw kevin harvick go tothe outside of daniel suarez. the 88 up to second in the running order.>> that looks sick. >> starr was 21st when he had the issue.>> that allows erik jones to close up to the
back of the field. possibly see him on pitroad for a little fuel. just the strategy play. going to be in the back anyway.>> it will be interesting to see how they handle this. he has a rookie crew chief inchris. you have to think about so many things. this is not something you plan for comingto the race when you're starting on the front row.>> absolutely not. you know, but that's what i love about this sport. you got to be ableto adapt to any situation and they're going to do that and we're going to watch him. iwill tell you one thing i have been watching it's going to be interesting, i know kylebusch, raced against him, as that 88 approaches him he's going to move up and take the line.he's a smart race car driver and that's when
we're going to have a battle.>> talking about chris gabehart, what do you think from a crew chief perspective? >> what i was going to take clint up on ifthis is the cup race tomorrow, lap 8, 9, you're on pit road for four fresh goodyear tires.remember these guys only have five sets of goodyear tires in the pits. as much as theywould love to get fresh tires can't do it now.>> absolutely. but you know, it's the same for everybody. no different than the cup series.we would all be coming in and taking tires. right now i would say these guys are goingto -- unless you're really battling and back in the pack i would say just like we weretalking that 20 car he might come down, make
an adjustment if he needs to and go on.>> larry, if you divided the sets of tires evenly over the race, you could get a setof tires every 25, 27 laps and certainly not to that stage yet. working lap nine, kylebusch started on the pole, led every circuit so far, just joining us, erik jones got penalizedat the start for beating the leader to the line. he started on the outside of row one,had a pass through penalty, scored in 38th, our first caution of the day for david starr,looked like he had an engine problem. he was smoking down the back straightaway and nowwe'll see if we'll have any takers here in our first caution of the afternoon.>> you can see them pulling down there and looking in the mirror. they want to but nobodywill go with them.
>> the crew chief said it's way too early.kyle busch out front. at atlanta motor speedway.e city, parking is hard to find. >>> early caution for the nascar xfinity serieshere at atlanta. they're getting lined up for a restart and i think this one is goingto be really entertaining. pole sitter race leader kyle busch choosing the inside laneto his outside this time kevin harvick, the guy that's won the last three races here.>> and also, you know, harvick liked that outside. that's where he was running the leaderdown and, you know, kyle ing hay on the bottom. >> brendan gaughans like the outside lanetoo, he will restart ninth here. >> up there high side, but it runs so wellon the exit that i gained whatever i lose
on the way in back.>> early on, that high side me and harvick took off it was pretty good. came in quick but i have to get down, likeyou said. >> that's a guy that loves to run the highside. if he thinks he has to get down, that's not where he wants that car.>> not going to be any grip up there. >> going to complete lap 12 as we get thegreen flag. kyle busch, kevin harvick, daniel suarez,ty dillon, your top five. no good startby kyle. got his nose front of kevin as they head for turn one.>> boy, they're getting after it behind him. ty dillon low, middle is kyle larson. here'sbrad keselowski. on board trying to go to
the outside of the 3 of it ty dillon. that'sthe battle for fifth. >> and you can just hear the throttle. reallyhard on the throttle with these cars. fun to see. you know you're driving with the steeringwheel in. when she's coming out from underneath you and you can't afford to lift you haveto steer. >> suarez looks good on the restart on theinside lane. paul menard doing a nice job early in that black and yellow number 2.>> look at the crossover by harvick. he wants the bottom out of the racetrack and he's goingto take it away from suarez. >> that's that run you get off turn two onthe high side. it's always, you know, a big benefit on the exit over there.>> lesson learned there if you're swarz suarez.
bet he hasn't seen that move too many snimsa smart move by saurez. you know you're following him, seeing what he's doing, this early inthe race is pretty smart driving by him. >> look where keselowski is sticking the 22car. he looked up the middle of two of them in turns one and two, falls in on the highside. making progress in the top five for brad.>> second caution of the afternoon. 25 of chris cockrum off the pace coming off of turntwo. >> had some issues with that car during qualifyingand looked like maybe he spun out down there. lot of smoke.>> last year in this race we had three cautions. only two in 2014 and already a pair in thefirst 15 laps today. keeping an eye on erik
jones. penalized at the initial start of therace at one time was running 39th after the pass through penalty. reed 27th a moment agoand now in the 20th position. look at what happened in turn two.>> looks like he just got loose on the bottom chased it up. did kick it out and continueon and run the rest of the race. >> pit road is open here. 15 laps on the board.let's bring in larry mcreynolds. what do you think, still too early based on the numbersthe kruchs are looking at. >> only ran a lap and a half of green rightthere. what we might see, we're getting to that point of this window where you may seeguys at the back that may be duck on pit road and try to get off sequence a little bit.we had jeb burton and darrell wallace that
did it on the last caution, but i'm sure alot because they were not very happy with the way their car was driving. i just thinkit's too early for the leaders to come. >> brad keselowski disagrees with you. he'sgoing to try it and bring a bunch of them withlarry. a lot of our top running cars areon pit road. >> top six or seven elected to stay out butbrad keselowski one of those pitting. >> in the very first pit box on pit road hesaid the car is really loose all over. getting really bad especially the third mark throughthe corner. a four-tire stop reminded they have an extra set this year.>> justin allgaier, also coming down the pit lane. blake koch, taking advantage of oursecond caution of the day. he, too, gets service.
kyle busch the race leader, at atlanta. >>> nascar xfinity series under way in atlanta.things trending differently than they have the last couple years. five combined cautions in 2014 and '15 alreadya pair of yellow flags today. kyle busch started on the pole, has led every lap. kevin harvick,daniel suarez, kyle larson and ty dillon the top five. first driver in the top ten thathas already made a pit stop, darrell wallace jr. came down at lap 10 and erik jones madehis pass-through penalty at lap five because of all the takers here on pit road, cycledback up to tenth on the restart, we get it as we complete lap 18.>> kyle doesn't waste any time. look at the
charge by ty dillon. he's coming as well.>> kevin kind of held him down a little bit tighter that time. ran the middle insteadof the outside like that. >> erik jones falling in love with the outsidelane on the restart. from tenth and already closing in on a position inside the top five.>> you know he didn't pitt that last time. he's in a situation where he needs to go andget ahead of those. you know tires are coming behind you.>> this is going to be the fun story to watch during these opening laps of the restart,is where brad keselowski goes. a lot of traffic right there. that's corey lajoie and ryansieg outside of that. those fresh tires will pay dividend for the 22. he could be leadingthis race if we go green for 20 laps or so.
>> 88 and 19 trading punches, kevin harvickin the right white bright yellow machine to the outside of daniel suarez, bringing kylelarson with him, the 42 slides into third, maybe not for long. solid battle here.>> i tell you what, it just shows you how strong erik jones's car is. he's back up there.he's been mired back in traffic, he's up front, got fresh air and he's rolling.>> the restarts are great but they can create anxiety, can't they?>> oh, absolutely. especially on this track. it's so slick, you're down there, trying toget to the bottom and guys really close to you taking the air off of you, which by theway you need all the air you can get. and, you know, as you can see right there,it's pretty tense.
>> erik jones has gone from tenth to fifthon the restart. keselowski with tires. has worked his way into the top ten and not doneyet, saw ryan sieg sneaking into the picture. he, too, has fresh tires. the driver out oftucker, georgia, 11th right now. >> he likes where brad keselowski is goingand i think he's planning on going there with him. drives on the outside of darrell wallacejunior as well. keselowski cutting through the traffic.>> fun to see what four fresh ones do for you. look at the car in front of you, ty dillonslipping and sliding around. his car stuck and he's going to roll by him.>> brad is strong, 19th to 8th since the last restart.>> his biggest complaint before the round
of pit stops was entry stability. that wasthe problem. he wanted to come in but they told us they thought more drivers would comein so they stopped and made a track bar adjustment and took four tires and now he's feeling likesuperman after restarting 19. >> i think they're all pretty well aware,it's all going to work out just fine. this thing has a green flag feel to it at thistrack. you see a lot of long runs here and now that the field is getting strung out abit, brad would like to see about a 50 lap one here.>> i know how much homework you do, michael, the stat is the last three races here a greenflag run of at least how long? >> 70 laps.>> you are always on it.
>> that's what a slick racetrack lends itselfto, clint. so loose and sideways you can't run into anyone because you're out of controlyourself. >> it's hard to put in words and explain,you know, just how loose these cars are and how hard they are to drive op a track likethis. >> three fords in the top ten. we talked aboutbrad keselowski, jeb burton is there and darrell wallace jr.>> and bubba wallace one of the drivers saying his car was loose, wrecking loose in the firstten laps. he was one of the cars that came to pit lane on the lap ten caution. they madeevery adjustment you can imagine to the car. he said right now this thing is working.>> if you ever question what tires mean here,
chris, we're finding out right now. there's darrell wallace jr. making anothermove to the outside and brad keselowski, incredible since the restart. that double deuce backinto third. >> yeah. you don't want to -- you don't everwant to give a position up but these guys are being smart. even the younger racers,tires are coming behind him, moving around, let the car go. take the least amount of timeto let him go around you so you can settle back in and manage the tires.>> brad knocking on kevin harvick's door here. >> erik jones is thinking i thought i wasthe story. i served the penalty early and back up to sixth and haven't been to pit roadand all you want to talk about is brad. brad
is charging and getting ready to try to takesecond from harvick and set his sights on the lead.>> how much more good in those tires for keselowski? eventually they're going to fall off too andmaybe this thing balances out a bit. >> without a doubt they will even out. i'mtelling you what, from the looks of things, it's going to be well after he's in the lead.>> harvick likes that high side. i'm enjoying watching him be so versatile.>> yeah. the biggest thing they can do right here is like you see harvick going back tothe bottom, letting him get in that dirty air. that's going to use his tires up and,you know, that's a good thing. that's a smart race car driver by harvick right there.>> looking at things by organization, michael,
we've talked about harvick, best of the juniormotors sports car. justin allgaier. you saw bubba wallace going at it with erik jonesand keselowski has made the pass for second inside of kevin harvick. wallace, workingover jones. we've gotcing all over this track. >> give it up for wallace. that car wasn'twhere he wanted it in practice. bouncing on the low side. qualified outside the top ten.today he has it together. the team they did a good job huddling. we know what momentumhe left daytona with after a strong run and here he is in atlanta performing well again.>> kyle busch has led every lap of this race starting on the pole. he is on point no more. outside move, freshertires, brad keselowski, now the race leader.
we're 28 laps in at atlanta motor speedway.>> didn't take long. >> fresh tires, they're everything when itcomes to ams and brad keselowski is proof of that. >>> i find the most challenging part aboutracing atlanta, it has to be how worn out the surface is. the tire falloff in generalis it tough. >> the most challenging part about atlantaprobably the most -- all the bumps and stuff on each end of the corners.>> carry a ton of speed around this place, so really is a driver's racetrack and makesit fun but challenging. >> fourth of the field making their firstever start at atlanta motor speedway. among
them, brandon jones, who scored in 15th. youheard him there. and all trying to run down brad keselowski who got those four fresh tiresat lap 16 and now hes has checked out on the field.>> race time. move around here. >> tight and center. plenty loose but a littlefree off of two. >> you know, that's the standard stuff, man.that's what i felt all day long and what i was telling my crew chief in the cup practice.you know, you can get these things to where you really struggle for the turn in the center,free them up and all of a sudden this thing is breaking the tires loose as you turn offinto the corner and then turn two, off of the exit of turn two, has always been a problemthere. you lose rear grip and start spinning
tires.>> kyle busch five seconds behind our race leader in the runner-up position. what arethey saying. he has to be wanting tires here. >> five times he's been in second but he doeshave two sprint cup wins here. looking at the overall big picture, he told his spottertony, i want to get together and talk and keep an eye on what you think my sprint cupcar can do better versus watching my xfinity car in the racetrack. the lines and how itlooks on the racetrack. looking ahead at tomorrow hoping for success today.>> right there, he just nailed it. everybody always asks me does running xfinity help youin the cup series on sunday, right there is a prime example of how it can help you.>> and clint, ale i'm confused the drives
talk about the bumps and lack of grip andsideways, why is that so much fun for you guys? it's fun. at these speeds the first time youpull out on the racetrack and, you know, first practice, you get out there and you're drivingoff in the corner and this thing is slipping and sliding around. any other mile and a halfbig racetrack like this absolutely not. the tires are hard and they make a ton of grip.that thing is either stuck like glue or you're in big trouble.>> that's what we saw at daytona too. some of our stars simply getting loose becausethe cars were stuck like glue and when they step out they're gone. here you're constantlyon the edge of control, so you're ready for
it.>> well, it's not just like you're ready for it and that's what you see. it's just thetire is, obviously, a little bit different than what we run on those and things likethat. if they're more forgiving but you're slipping and sliding around and working alot more. isn't like it just breaks traction and you hit the wall. the bumps, i'm tellingyou as i'm watching the race exit off turn four, the cars that can stay pointed and keepdigging on the bottom are the ones that are fast.>> it's a head scratcher right now, we have three different strategies plag out on track,larry. >> and i think this could end up being a chessmatch if we don't get a caution in the next
eight to ten laps because i think within thatwindow you're going to see kyle busch, kyle larson, kevin harvick come to pit road andonce one or two hit pit road, everyone else is going to have to follow suit because thenthey're going to be beating everyone like we saw brad keselowski do with his fresh tires.>> i'll say this, kyle larson in third, larry, running some really, really good lap timesand you know what he's yet to come to pit road. >> quick trip 500 tomorrow at 12:30 easternon fox. >> entering today's race at atlanta motorspeedway, brad keselowski had led five laps all time. the 22 out front for 18 today, hisadvantage, just over seven seconds in front
of second place of kyle busch. kyle larsonthird, justin allgaier fourth, jeb burton is fifth. great afternoon going for danielsuarez, he's coming to pit road and so is kevin harvick.>> kevin harvick won the last three races here, knows exactly what he wants in the racecar. it's a four-tire stop, air pressure and track bar adjustment as well.>> daniel suarez happy with the balance of the car for the first 35 laps but lost aboutfive stops in the last ten laps. the car way too loose.>> matt? >> the 3 of ty dillon is in. he wants a chassisadjustment to try to help the 3s especially on exit, that's completed. four tires changed.jamie?
>> brendan gaughan in as well, a four-tirestop. air pressure to help that car. he was really loose. back to matt.>> and kyle larson is in. they're going to make a track bar adjustment on his camaro.trying to tighten him up just a little bit more. left side tires going on. erik jonesis coming in too. >> watch your outside.>> kyle busch. >> the bottom.>> ray black jr. with problems. >> oh, my gosh!>> and the caution is out for the third time today. kyle busch was coming down pit roadbut did had not pulled into his box and will not. he's going to go straight through.>> this will shake things up a little bit.
>> and brad keselowski who had already beendown to pit road earlier was yet to make a scheduled green flag stop in this cycle becausehe had more room to the good as far as his pit window.>> see an issue with the right front tire on ray black jr.'s car in the middle of thisround of green flag stops. going to shake up the order tremendously, guys that hadn'tbeen on pit road, justin allgaier, jeb burton, brennan poole, they all pitted earlier alongwith elliott sadler, this could turn into a huge advantage for those teams. >> you can see he barely brushes the wallbut that tire is gone, clint. >> yeah absolutely. just a product of theselong runs. you know, may even just run over
something. you never know.>> did you see any significant tire wear on your cup car when you were out there? i knowit was a different tire. >> i felt it.>> finally goes. >> the liner that blew out there. yeah. imean it's a shame that, you know, it tore his race car up like that but it could havebeen worse. he did a good job keeping it out of the fence.>> 15 cars on a lead lap. a number of drivers had made pit road pit stops would take thewave around here. brad keselowski, justin allgaier, jeb burton, brennan poole, elliottsadler, all drivers that had already made pit stops today, will use this caution tocome down and get service, really help their
circumstance in the race.>> pits were closed there. we're going to run one more lap before we open it up andlet these guys come to pit road. all of our leaders, with the exception of paul menard,have been on pit road runs once and menard was a guy that had stayed out along with ourleader keselowski, but wow, what a shakeup in this running order and it's going to senda lot of teams that were favorites, larry, send them scrambling.>> the only thing this will do, i think adam mentioned it, absolutely, kyle larson, erikjones, they will take the wave around and be at the tail end of the lead lap behindthe other leaders. but i think what this caution did, it puts everybody back on the same tirestrategy because actually the green flag pit
stop started about with two, two and a halflaps before that caution so this puts everyone somewhat back on even ground.>> but i think that early stop for brian wilson and the 22 of brad keselowski, really hasworked to their advantage, establishing this track position and now in a way they're inthe cat bird's seat. follow up with jamie. >> i took a look at the tires that came offthe 88 for kevin harvick. the right rear is just shredded. there's scoresall over. he didn't say anything about the handling feeling off. they made an adjustmentbut something we need to keep an eye on. >> that's probably his car was leaning onthe right rear. ray black jr. leaning on the right front. this place just wears those goodyearsout tremendously. it was time for a pit stop.
they've only got a certain amount of shelflife on them and they found out what that was.>> we definitely saw the shelf life there. you know, that's what it comes down to. agood balance on your race car, not having to put too much input into the steering wheelor throttle to save the goodyears. >> brad keselowski on to pit lane.>> luck on his side. they almost pitted the same time as the 18 but opted not to and stayedout, four-tire stop for him. justin allgaier car is getting better. chris.>> elliott sadler getting lucky a wheel vibration before the caution came out saying that cara little too loose getting off. matt? >> and chris, when you talked to the goodyearengineers this is the trends we see with this
tire at atlanta. you're going to see teamsshort pitting more, at the front end of their window. chassis adjustment already completedfor kyle busch. he says the back of his race car just way too erratic. all the way throughthe corner. service complete. >> great work by jason burdett and the 17.justin allgaier picking up a position. they got off pit lane before race leader brad keselowskiand those drivers that just pitted, close to the window to being able to do this raceon one more stop. >>> back live at atlanta motor speedway. timefor our ford track facts. roush fenway, seven trips to victory lane and the second oldestasphalt we compete on. last repaved in 1997. thanks for being with us on this saturdayafternoon, michael waltrip, clint bowyer,
i'm adam alexander. i didn't get the memoon plaid. good race so far when we get the restart justin allgaier going to be up front. i'm looking forward to this. he's a dirt guy.should be able to slide around and get something done here.>> this is a dirt guy type of racetrack. a lot of fun to be able to race on this place.ever since i first came here in my career, this was one of the places that i couldn'twait to get back to. >> we have everything on the restart. lineupjumbled up, some taking the wave around. fresher tires on keselowski. this race is playinginto his hands with the strategy move he and brian wilson made on lap 16 to pit road, gavehim a big advantage. interesting to see it
if he can take advantage of that for the restof the race. >> by the way, everybody else had a chanceto make adjustments there too. >> there were 12 drivers that took the wavearound and some of front runners in that category, kyle larson, erik jones, kevin harvick, danielsuarez. notable drivers one lap down, teammates at richard childress racing, ty dillon andbrendan gaughan. they will restart here 25th, 26th thetively. cleaned up our third cautionof the afternoon and get the green flag as we complete lap 54.>> aggressive start by allgaier. he wanted that lane, that groove, that middle of theracetrack and he moved up on keselowski. just took it away from limb.>> elliott sadler now in that mix. junior
motorsports starting to flex their musclesin the middle stages. >> both elliott and justin got a good starton the bottom. brad must have spun his tires a little bit or something because it stackedhim up on the outside. >> i have a feeling when brad works his wayaround jeb burton he's not going to be happy with the way that restart went down. justinallgaier is the leader, though. he can choose the lane he wants. looked like he and bradwere arguing over the same lane. >> brad now to the outside of jeb burton.back up to third. >> brad's hunting the high side.>> check this out, clint, is this fair play. he gets to choose where he wants to be andlooks like brad is trying to squeeze him down.
>> brad is spinning right there. how doesit look? looked like he was squeezing him down andspinning the tires and almost got into him right there. but they didn't. justin allgaieris leading. >> how about his teammate is on his bumper.>> we have three fords inside the top five. mentioned brad keselowski, jeb burton, ryanreed, last year's daytona winner there as well. he looks really good.>> absolutely. i love to see that. >> kyle busch.>> it's been fun watching reed this weekend. he's been fast in every practice and lastyear he got off to a great start winning at daytona and after that it was average at best.>> tracks like this aren't easy for a team
to come to and have speed.>> what's the word on elliott sadler, third right now?>> adam, i told you during the pit stops elliott sadler reported he had a massive vibrationright before that caution came out. this is the right front tire that came off that car.you can see the inside shoulder of that tire getting ready to fail. so elliott sadler verylucky early on in this race. >> place will chew him up.>> he had pitted so he pitted on lap 16 caution, so it will be interesting to see how thatplays out if maybe the front end isn't set properly for these tires.>> and remember the bad luck for kyle busch was on pit road when the caution came out.lost a tup of track position. here he is back
in the top five, clint.>> absolutely. and, you know, going back to these tires it's easy to be on the fence of,you know, i want a better tire, don't want these things to blow out. you can't have,you know, a dangerous situation there. but i also think you can have too good of a tire.i like these tires are wearing out and you have to manage them to be there at the endof these runs. >> you would have liked it in the '80s boughtevery driver had to take care of their tires. that was part of your job. if you jnts takecare of your tires you watched "days of thunder" -->> i heard. >> you pay the price if you didn't.>> kyle busch started on the pole, led 28
laps early.>> another guy that deserves a shout out is jeb burton. he has the ford up in the topfive. >> nice and straight. smooth off.>> the announcement came a few weeks ago that they were going to run the full season. didn'thave that planned but they have managed the first couple weeks of this year quite nicely.jeb running really good right now fourth on the scoring pie lon. matt?>> and on the first run he was on and had to make a small chassis adjustment. he wona race at texas so he excels on the bigger tracks. right now, they're telling him justsettle in and ride. right now he says the car just a little on the free side.>> clint, you talked about getting an adjustment.
how effective are those adjustment at a tracklike atlanta. can you make a big swing at it?>> you can. you have to be careful doing so, though. so much of this is the rear grip.you feel that rear grip off the corners. it's spinning the tires. i'm loose. i can't holdon to it. you can tighten the car up too much. where you're leaning on the front tires toomuch it's going to snap off the corner and makes the problem worse.>> justin allgaier leads this thing, but here comes brad keselowski .>> great job, man. he's falling back now. he's fighting three and four. clear by ten.>> i can run this space but i'm afraid i'm killing the tires.>> as a driver, i like hearing that crew chief
pumping him up being a coach and get him excitedand keeping him up on the wheel. >> when you look in your mirror and he's gettingbigger when supposed to be getting smaller is that confusing for the driver?>> that's the realistic situation going on. but nonetheless it's always fun to hear somebodypositive in your ear. >> i think this is something we're going tosee a lot of this year and that's justin allgaier leading laps. a talented racer. talked abouthis dirt background. dirt races in florida in his modified car and obviously can getit done on all types of tracks. >> but you're sitting there listening to theaudio and i saw him going through turn three and four he hasn't been able to keep it downon the yellow line. a little tight, having
to scrub on them tires and lean on it hardto keep it down there whereas brad was kind of effortlessly running there on the yellowline. >> saw brad keselowski making moves throughthe field there, working lap traffic. he's running in the second position behind justinallgaier. and kevin harvick, who had to take the wave around and lost a lap, in that cycleof green flag pit stops, finds himself solidly back inside the top ten, scored seventh. downto jamie. >> and talking about justin allgaier leadingthe race. it's a boost of confidence. remember he's been racing in the sprint cup series.he's back in xfinity and wants to prove he's a race winning driver. it was all about hispit crew on the last stop. they did a phenomenal
job, as the 22 tries to go inside. the 48cup team hitting. gained him four spots and put him in the lead.>> allgaier took the groove away and got it to the bottom.>> this view i love this view at this racetrack. you can see how sideways those things areand the boys off the corners. >> we watch these guys right on the yellowline. how difficult is it way late in the corner? that seems to be where harvick isso good. he's able to hug the yellow line further around than the other guys. how hardis that? >> that's going clear back to practice sessions.you have to be able to work with your crew chief, work with your guys and make the adjustmentsto have an opportunity to do that. that's
what makes the cars win these races an thedifference between the cars that win the races and the ones that don't are the ones thatcan exit the corner lowest. >> did you get your old girl to do that.>> we're feuding a little bit. >> another driver that took the wave around,kyle larson, has worked his way into the top five. brad keselowski, back in the race lead,inside of justin allgaier. and it looks like he might bring kyle busch with him. a lotof drivers that have fought some kind of adversity today, working their way to the front of thefield, showing how strong their horse is. >> you can see that right there, what clintwas talking about. allgaier miss the bottom half a car length, before he knew it he wastwo car lepgs off and kyle busch drove around
him.>> it's almost like a train track. slide off in there and waiting on it and thatbaby locks on the track or it doesn't and shoots up about three feet and you never doget it back to the bottom and guys that's locked on blows your doors off.>> the only thing missing with this picture is kevin harvick, right. you have brad keselowskithere, kyle busch, where is the guy that's won the last three? when they would reallyhave a nice tussle at the front? >> this just has our fill loss itfy when therace started thrown out the window. we had erik jones, daniel suarez, up there battlingwith the cup veterans but about that's not the case. one guy that's been able to hangwith them is jeb burton in the middle of that
mess. going to have a great battle for thelead between these two. >> another driver you throw in the mix, kylelarson. just like harvick as i said he took the wave around. larson fourth right now andonly a couple of seconds behind this lead battle.>> you know just watching these two cars go through three and four you saw the 22 bouncingaround and moving and getting loose, that 18 seemed like it was locked on to that tracklike i was talking about and wasn't moving around as much, by the way, isn't wearingthe tires out. >> halve not too far back -- harvick not toobar back in the sixth spot. driveses at the front, kyle busch, team penske, joe gigs,never won here in the nascar xfinity series.
perhaps that could change today. i'm startingto worry about the 22, runner-up three of the last four races. the good news for them,they're out front right now with 69 laps complete. >>> welcome back. 88 laps to go and we havea new man out front, danielle trotta and larry mcreynolds. here comes kyle busch.>> yeah, kyle busch is in traffic right now trying to put more drivers a lap down. almostwent a lap down at lap 48. made a green flag stop as the caution was coming out. they didnot stop in their pit box. stayed on the lead lap. look at the battle between kyle buschand brad keselowski. >> they are trading spots one and two. they'llgo back a few moments ago. here comes rowdy on b.k.>> he restarted 12th. it took him just about
15 laps to get up there and battle brad keselowskifor the lead. brad tried to put the block on him, but kyle says no, no.>> interesting to note these two top super stars, two cup champions, neither has an xfinityseries win at atlanta motor speedway. >> that's hard to believe and yes, she saidkyle busch does not have a win here at atlanta in xfinity series.>> a man that does, kevin harvick. in fact he's won the last three at atlanta in the88 for junior motor sports. >> and he looked like he maybe had about thethird or fourth best car but right as he made the green flag pit stop on lap 46, they hada tire issue and jamie, he may have another tire issue.>> he actually said there's something on the
grill, there has to be, the water temp about280 to 290, thought he was blowing up. keeping an eye on it trying to decide if he shouldcome in and get the grill cleaned. >> he was running in the sixth position whenhe made the unscheduled pit stop at lap 73p. right now he's 20th, one lap down. his secondcar in the one lap down category. if they could get their problems rendered perhapsthey could get the free pass, get back in the game. right now going to be very challengingfor kevin harvick to get his fourth consecutive win at atlanta motor speedway. here's histeammate, justin allgaier. he's been solid today. running fourth, has led 15 laps, butpaul menard coming after him for fourth. >> yeah. absolutely.
i've been watching paul a while now makinggood lap times. he has that car, like we said, that car that's going to stick down to theyellow line and be down to three and four she's going to the front.>> paul menard told us on "nascar race hub" atlanta his favorite track. i think we'restarting to see why. >> he's having a great day, very quiet onthe radio, the times that he has spoken to the team, the balance is pretty good, if anythingi need help getting off the corner. jamie? >> and chris, the 88 you see kevin harvickon the right side, coming in. the temperatures were not dropping. watch him pull the tapeoff the grill right there, take it all off. dave allen said that is the call, cool thething down and salvage something here and
that's what they did.>> same car they ran here a year ago when kevin dominated and picking up his fourthatlanta win. this team went to victory lane last week. chase elliott behind the wheelat daytona. not going to work out for him today. put the fate of junior motorsportsin the hands of sadler and allgaier. >> sadler is in the 12th spot. allgaier issolid. kyle busch can't shake keselowski, keselowski able to stay within a second ofhim. talk about the ajimtss, looks like the 22 car will ask for one if he beats kyle today.>> it comes down to the tire wear. watch the car go through the corner and see the 18 caris going to prevail until 22 makes an adjustment. >> 30 laps since the guys were last on pitroad. i'm looking at the lap times for kyle
larson. e he has been consistently right therewith both kyle busch and brad keselowski, maybe picking up a little bit of ground, andgive a nod to daniel suarez, last year's rookie of the year, another driver trapped a lapdown on the last cycle of pit stops when the caution came out, took the wave around, herehe is in the seventh position, all three of joe gibbs cars inside the top seven rightnow. everybody chasing the lead dog. he's the all-timewins leader in the xfinity series. 76 victories for kyle busch. his lead is second and a halfover brad keselowski. >>> great day to play at atlanta motor speedway.the xfinity series, later on the camping world trucks. aerial coverage provided by goodyear.superior performing tires to face challenging
conditions on the track and road, goodyear,the official tire of nascar. >> i want those goodyears on my car becausethis is the equivalent of running 200 miles an hour on a gravel road and these goodyeartires just stand up to the punishment and these guys are able to make great lap timesand just so thankful goodyear is a part of our sport.>> is it really that extreme, 200 miles an hour on a gravel road?>> yes. >> ask this man, he'll tell you.>> you would take eight of them if they would let you.>> kyle larson going to second, we said he is fast, he's in the runner-up position drivingaround brad keselowski.
>> what i love about kyle larson he's versatile.he came to atlanta and all of us said he will be against that wall. he's good up there.he said i don't think so, i have to be down low. he can go wherever he has to go and hehas a car faster than our leader kyle busch. >> give a call to his teammate, brennan poole,tenth a, a rookie of the year contepder first trip to atlanta that's impressive.>> i was watching something you alluded to, there isn't anybody right up against the feps.seems like you're splitting the outside seam but being on the fence like we've seen inthe past isn't quite there yet. >> that move made me nervous. kyle busch strongright now, matt. so far today has led 46 laps. >> and kyle larson is slowly closing in onkyle busch. the car was really pretty decent.
not as good as it could be with the back ofthe car but decent. about three laps ago he said he started to lose the handle. that'swhere you see larson start to close in. the car to the free side. needs help on the frontturn. try to hook up the back, they will do some adjustments on the next stop.>> a lot of times there, guys. that front turn, lends his hand to being toos loose offand then you're burning your rear tires up too. you have to make sure you have the turncapabilities in the center of the corner to where you're not coming off with wheel andthat thing snaps and burnses the wheel tires off of it.>> behind the wheel driver, elliott sadler loses a lead lap as kyle busch works aroundhim. elliott in the 16th position. he would
like to see the caution fly here so he canget that free pass and work on that onemain financial chevy and back in contention.>> think about the drivers a lap down, ryan sieg, dakoda armstrong, ty dillon, brendangaughan, kevin harvick's problems earlier, so been over now 40 laps since our last cycleof stops. how do we manage the rest of the race with 70 to go?>> i think you set it up when we had the last caution back on lap 48 and everyone made theirstops at lap 51 except for the drivers that made green flag stops prior to that. if youwant to make this a one-stop race you have to run about eight to ten more laps. everybodyis wanting tires. everybody is wanting adjustments. here's the thing, if we see any of the leaderscome to pit road you cannot be far behind
them because they will be beating you 2, 2.5seconds a lap. >> you've operated in the day you would purposelyrun 30 or 40 laps, really short stop this thing to split it up have the fresh tireson the car. haven't seen anyone use that strategy today but it's been successful in the past.>> well, michael, if you're not inside the top, say, six or eight, you know what, maybego with different strategy and see if you can pull a rabbit out of a hat. >> we saw brad keselowski earlier today takea chance. he came to pit road when the leaders didn't. he used that to lead a bunch of thisrace. that worked. i think i'm with you, if i'm running eighth or tenth and haven't wonone of these with the chase format you win
you're in, one of these guys maybe throwsa hail mary comes to pit road and splits this up for two stops.>> a number of goes in the top ten that could roll the dice, series regulars, erik jones,daniel suarez, justin allgaier. kyle has been on these tires for a while. how hard is heworking here, guys? >> you see, as his car is going around therethrough three and four, you can see the input he's putting in the wheel. he still has agood hot rod but this kyle larson is coming in a big way.>> remember at texas, adam, he had a fast car down there, a tire rub bit him. yesterdayin practice the 42 car experienced the same issues. the team was cognizant of it and makesure they worked hard on getting the find
fenders away and clearance they needed sothat didn't happen today. >> i talked to mike shiply the crew chieffor the 42 in the garage this morning. felt like they have that buttoned up and quietlyconfident. he's closing in on the race lead here with 67 laps to go. brendan gaughan makinga pit stops. >> brendan gaughan said this is the best carhe's ever had at atlanta. four-tire stop, air pressure adjustment, to help him out.he was getting hot. made sure they wiped the grill and got everything off. lot of rubbergetting stuck in the grills out here, adam. >> just normal debris on track, right, goes.>> hey, we're talking about it. it's certainly not on the tires. it's going somewhere. itlooks like it's going in the grills.
>> elliott sadler.>> we talked about it class b gravel road and also a fast cheese greater. these tiresare being away by the agate surface the guys are racing on. the move larson has off two.>> really good on the long haul is kyle larson. outside of kyle busch. around the lap machineof mario. new leader at atlanta, maybe. kyle busch,battling back on the inside. side by side off the corner. this is good stuff.>> another really fast car, seven seconds behind but paul menard just keeps tickingthem off charging his way to the front. caution flag, pit stop, we could see menard be a factor.>> look who's right behind menard, erik jones going to the inside of keselowski and a spinneron the pit lane. that was darrell wallace
jr. also getting out of shape down on pitroad. 13 of josh reaume. what happened with darrell wallace jr.?>> just coming to pit road a little too hot there. little out of control. made a lot ofadjustments on this cars the first round of pit stops. it made it better early in therun but halfway through the run he said once again this car just wrecking loose. i havemy hands full today. >> 14th. one lap downs last year's runner-upand rookie of the year battle. >> darrell wallace jr. brad keselowski makinga pit stop, jamie. >> saying he's a little loser in and off tighterin the center. getting sideways. wanted the stop to fix him up. chastity adjustment, four-tirestop looking to get the first win for penske
racing. there is the chassis adjustment forthe 22. matt? >> the 43, jeb burton, he's making his waydown pit road as well. he started to lose the handle on that 43 machine, the overallgrip was going away. he wants them to make an air pressure change on the front to tryto help and also going to do a track bar adjustment as well. we're closing in on kyle busch.>> scheduled green flag pit stops here at atlanta. kyle busch. the race leader.>> we are pitting this time. good out back. watch the pits, watch the pit right here.3700. right here. >> kyle and kyle. bush and larson. both makingtheir stops with 62 laps to go. ryan reed on pit road. paul menard coming. so is erikjones.
here they are, matt.>> and the 42 of kyle larson and the 18 of kyle busch, both hit pit road at the sametime. that was chris gale's map. he wanted to pit with the 42 to keep them in sight.chassis adjustment on the 18. no real changes on the 42. he was pretty pleased with hisbalance. the race off pit road. good stop by both.>> looks like the advantage to kyle busch and then kyle larson. guys, remember, thisis about the time we saw a couple tire issues earlier in the day. tire wear generally tendsto improve as the day goes along. if we can get through the green flag stops without anyissues could be a big advantage for this guy, kyle busch. because he's going to get backto the track before nape else.
>> saw ryan reed coming down with the raceleaders. too fast entering for him and adversity for darrell wallace jr. coming on to pit road.>> looked like the 13 car -- >> oh, man.>> that's a tough break there. >> 13 was coming into the garage to call ita day. didn't know the 6 was coming in to his stall. that's tough. man. absolutely,that could have been dangerous. a guy coming over, one of his guys jumping out. a goodhead's up work on everybody's part. >> nascar has beegressive with the pit roadrules, all in the name of safety. they don't want the crew members with their legs hangingover the pit wall in anticipation of the driver coming in. that's why right there. thingscan happen.
>> i'm sure number 13 is going to be calledto the trailer to discuss his -- >> i don't know about the 13 driver. the spottershould be. >> well the team.>> lack thereof. >> might have been able to handle that situationbetter. >> let's follow on brad keselowski. eighthright now. what happened on the stop? >> long pit stop. we talked about how oldthe surface is. so is the wall. on that stop the hose went over the wall, before it washere and got stuck in the wall. a long stop. the crew just taped it pup than cost bradabout five positions on the track. >> tough break for the man that won the championshipa few years ago in the sprint cup series.
>> the hose gets caught, you see it in thewall there. >> my hose is too short.>> see it right there. >> oh, then got hung up again.>> yeah. >> that's a tough break there.>> oh, man. >> that team used a little strategy and cameto pit road, one of the first cars to come there and try to take advantage of the newfires for a couple laps while kyle busch was on the track. didn't work out.>> he needs a caution and so does ty dillon. he has not made his pit stop yet. if he canget a caution he would stay on the lead lap. the advantage for kyle busch, 2.9 seconds.-150>>> beautiful day at atlanta motor speedway.
the first of our double dip on fs 1 comingyour way next, race two for the camping world truck series. watch it live from atlanta motorspeedway here on fs 1. michael, going to be in the booth with phil parsons, vince wellsh, racing into the night at atlanta. look at the difference. brad keselowski has donea nice job working back up to sixth since they had the problems on pit road. if youlose more than ten seconds on the pit lane in a cycle of green flag stops, that is tough.>> okay. i see 21.7. that's horrible. but when do we start making 11.5 pit stops inthe xfinity series. >> good point.>> usually those are saved for special last pit stops on sunday afternoon, that team isbringing it. what great job by joe gibbs racing.
>> to that the advantage for kyle busch overkyle larson prior to the stop half a second. he's now got a three-second advantage overthe runner-up. look who's in third right behind kyle and kyle, it's erik jones. what a rallyfor them, matt. >> nice recovery from that early lap miscueon the start. now they pitted the same time while we had the leader of kyle busch andthe 42 of larson on pit road. the 20 hit pit road as well. his biggest issue the car waytoo tight in the center at both ends of the racetrack. entering down the line, that'swhere his biggest issue was. air pressure change and chassis adjustment. on that 20.but he's about a full straightaway behind his teammate kyle busch.>> you think they did exactly what the 18
did some.>> i would say. >> that's what i would have done.>> that would have been a good call. what about erik jones and teammate daniel suarez.those guys are pacing in the top five running great lap times. they just need a caution,maybe that final adjustment that we talked so much about and they can contend for thiswin. >> i'm looking at some of the names, though,inside the top ten. you mentioned saurez, allgaier up there, jeb burton, brandon jones,brennan poole, this is a tough, tough place and these guys have come here and done anexcellent job friday and saturday. >> let's go a couple steps further. blakekoch in the 14 spot. j.j. yeley. these are
competitive solid runs by teams scratchingweek in and week out to make it to the races. it's great to see the talent behind the wheelshine and these guys get a chance to run in and near the top ten. i love those stories.>> you know what, this is a racetrack that's going to showcase that. it's going to showcaseyou as a driver, you as your -- being patient on the racetrack, not abusing your tires andyou're going to prevail. these guys that have fast hot rods and bust the big lap off ifthey keep pushing it like that like you can do on a regular mile and a half you will paythe price at the end of the run on this track. >> but just shows you how tough it is, adam.we talk about the speed of kyle busch, the quality of the team that daniel suarez has.that 11.5 pit stop tells you how many pieces
to the puzzle you to have right if you wantto be a winner. >> it's the confidence level for team 19 with48 to go. >> he's definitely got speed, but like clintwas saying, not abusing tires is important. his crew chief scott graves told him we havegreat speed in the car, great balance but the last ten laps are aing the tires. theright front that came off the car and the last pit stop was coming apart.>> scott graves knows what he's talking about. pretty smart.>> came from roush fenway led chris buescher last year.>> great crew chief. that's why this combo of saurez and gave wills win in 2016 and contendfor the xfinity championship.
>> guys as i'm sitting here watching thisrace unfold i'm getting nervous about what's going to happen tomorrow. you know, we haveless plate, less downforce on our cars when we get out there and, you know, i think tirewear is going to be a bigger issue as we have longer runs even tomorrow.>> you know, these guys when they pitted, and that cycle of green flag stops happenedaround lap 100, give or take, they were scheduled, but they came before their fuel window wasup and because of that, it looks like everybody going to have to pit one more time beforethe checkered flag waves this afternoon here in atlanta. >>> going to get the whole shot tomorrow night.out of the nascar drivers i hope i do.
>> i don't know who will get the whole shot.it's been a long time since i've been even on a dirt bike.>> so why are nascar drivers talking about about getting on dirt bikes at a super crossevent, monster energy tonight live on fs 1, 7:00 p.m. eastern time. you're leading thiswhole thing what's going on some. >> i can't wait. huge fan of super cross,my first love being on a dirt bike. that's what we did growing up as a family. have aunique opportunity to race some of my peers on the super cross track. we will have a wholeshot. we will have a mocked up start where we will go out and see who can beat who downthe first turn. >> we look forward to that tonight 7:00 p.m.eastern time on fs 1. under caution. y gase
into the wall. reason for the caution. everybodylast pitted at 101. you have to come and get tires for the stretch run.>> no doubt. we're coming and going to try to have another one of the special pit stops.kyle busch leads kyle larson to pit lane. >> these two have been connected at the hip.chris neville they're coming your way. >> paul menard happy with his race car. hesays he's got good takeoff speed but struggling to keep the car on the bottom of the racetracksaying he's loose in the center and off the corner. matt?>> this caution pretty much seals the fate. chris gale told kyle busch nobody could gothe end op fuel they would have to come back in. chassis adjustment to work the tightnesson the center of the corner. meanwhile the
42, larson needed help turning in the centerof three and four. erik jones said his car was neutral, just a little tight on the frontend of the run. >> and the 18 group did it again. kyle buschholding serve, wins the battle off pit road. kyle larson comes off second. there were ninedrivers on the lead lap. brandon jones will get the free pass here. kyle busch, the raceleader when we return to atlanta. nascar sprint cup series. it is the quicktrip 500 sponsored by coca-cola. our coverage begins 12:30 eastern time on your local foxaffiliate and you can stream the action live at foxsportsgo. under caution for the fourthtime today. the leaders came down to pit lane, kyle busch getting out in front of kyle larsonwhen they exited pit road.
>> real good stop, guys. we just had to holdup for the 43. real good stop. >> yeah. if we didn't have to wait for the43 we would be the leader right now, so good stuff. >> here's what he was talking about, clint.>> look at that. that's just good communication. >> yeah.>> spotter and pit crew saying don't go yet. >> i tell you, it was -- that's good head'sup communication right will there. i'm telling you they did have him beat.>> jeb burton having a great day, the 43 they referred to. he's going to restart eighth.paul menard and erik jones restarting in the second road. saurez, keselowski in row three,and keep an eye on brennan poole/kevin harvick,
restarting 11th and 12th, the first two cars,one lap down. they're fighting for that spot to get back on the lead lap should we getanother caution. >> i'm looking forward to seeing what paulmenard has for them. he's slowly but steady been marching to the front and he's therein position. >> you talked about adjustments. any of thosecars up in the top six or eight with the right set of tires, right air pressure in them,they could be a story here late. >> 36 laps to go.>> ready. green flag. green flag. >> good head's up start there and kyle larsonyou can see had to drag his brake a little bit and allow menard to get to kyle's bumperand get him a shot out to the lead.
>> keselowskis like the high side. he's uplooking on the outside of jeb burton. >> boy, that was close.>> side by side for third. the car of larson sliding around saurez. here comes saurez'steammate, that's erik jones, in the 20. justin allgaier making an aggressive move. slidingdown in front of jeb burton. let's not write off kevin harvick. he's making moves to thefront, a lap down, but he knows if he can get up there, get that lap back, he can beright back in the game. >> kyle larson makes a great move off two,just got lower than menard, going to take the second spot away. we've watched this raceall afternoon, clint, and as they get 10, 15 laps on the tires looks like the 42 caris the fastest one in town.
>> possible fluid off of two. possible fluid off of two.>> darrell wallace jr., fifth caution of the afternoon, huge break for kevin harvick. hadthose two unscheduled pit stops, he is going to be back on the lead lap with 34 to go.>> got to give a call to harvick for his persistent staying after it will get the lap back. brandonjones got the free pass on the last caution like daytona, steady, strong, he's solidlyin the top ten. local georgia kid that has a lot of talent and proving it today.>> elliott sadler, who elected to take the wave around under that last caution, lastpitted lap 96, break for the 1 team, good call by rookie crew chief kevin meendering.>> he vently comes down to a game take the
gamble and that was a gamble worth takingright there. >> not what darrell wallace jr. was wantinghere today in atlanta. sixth place finish last week. came in second in the championshipchase. three points behind elliott sadler. >> doesn't look like he got in the wall oranything. you can see the damage from the 13 car, but almost just maybe just a flattire, run over something, some debris on the track or something.>> we can't win this race now if we come to pit road. if you're leading better stay out.>> we have one of our leaders. >> only 11 cars on the lead lap and erik jonessaid what the heck, give me some tires with 34 laps to go. what are they saying down there,matt?
>> and looking at the 20 of erik jones, youmentioned he's hitting pit road. four tires for the 20. like you mentioned fresh tirescan mean anything. and he is certainly bounced back from that early miscue at the beginningof the race. solid effort for the 20 of jones. >> and want to make a correction, matt, wehad timing and scoring for a moment showing that kevin harvick was the first car one lapdown when the caution came out, but ty dillon had gotten around him at the point of caution,so the big break here as far as the free pass is concerned, to ty dillon. the birthday boy. back on the lead lap forthe stretch run. >>> fox sports supports is proud to team upwith your grateful nation and dedication to
supporting special forces veterans as theytransition into their next successful career. visit foxsportssupports.com to learn more.>>> gorgeous saturday afternoon in hampton, georgia, atlanta motor speedway, playing hostto round two for the nascar xfinity series under caution for the fifth time today. matchingthe number of cautions we've had in the last two races here. getting ready for a prestartwith 30 to go. kyle busch leading kyle larson on the outside of the front row.>> these engines they like, i don't know if they have their fuel, how the carburetor isset up or whatever, but when they take off in the start, their engine like blubbers alot. not like it's traction control or anything, but like it almost sounds like -->> what's that sound like?
>> that's what i was going to say. fellowdirt racer there, kyle, having fun, what does traction control sound like.>> i'll leave that to you goes. >> we got to -->> tell you what if there ever is, sure looks like the 18 has some, he has some traction.>> lights have gone back on on the pace car, so there will be up with more lap before wego grown set up us up with 29 to go. >> danielle?>> my it's been an eventful afternoon. >> the last caution, one before that, cameat a good time for at lot of drivers. >> your outside pole sitter erik jones aswe recap jumps the start of the race. kyle busch out front. no-no, pass-through penaltyfor erik jones. he worked his way back up
but fell to 39th. brad keselowski takes thelead from kyle busch, lap 29. >> actually brad keselowski came and got tires,that's one thing that happened him. ray black jr. brings the caution out after losing theright front tire. >> halfway through the race, problems forkevin harvick. >> overheating, had to make two unsced greenflag pit stops. he's the first driver one lap down.>> so thankful no one on pit road hurt right here. it's been a tough go for darrell wallacejr. late and then problems on pit road for brad keselowski, the hose gets stuck in thewall, larry. >> a 22 second green flag stop went half alap down. to my point that caution paid different
depds for him and let him get caught backup. >> fast pit stops for your leader, kyle busch.11.5 seconds on the last pit stop. does anyone have anything for rowdy?>> it certainly doesn't look like it. on the racetrack or on pit road for joe gibbs racing.they do the same thing in the sprint cup. they knock them dead as far as pit stops onpit road. >> adam, in the pre-race, larry said kylehas that bucket list, wants to check off his first xfinity win at atlanta today. lookinggood. >> which kyle is it going to be? kyle buschor kyle larson some. >> i think it's kyle busch for about 20 lapsand then kyle larson for the last ten. that
car comes on strong at the end.>> just going to have to see. i guarantee one of the kyles has his marker out to putthe checkmark in. >> the green flag goes back in the air, therewill be 29 to go. paul menard and daniel suarez, and then keselowski and allgaier and keepan eye on erik jones restarting ninth. he came there for four fresh tires.>> wow. suarez could have timed that big run he had a little better he could have jumpedto the outside of kyle larson. not a great start for the 42 car.>> there's your guy menard making a move. >> absolutely. got stacked up on the outsideand, you know, saurez gave larson a big shot, kind of stacked them up and put allgaier outon the three-wide action and boy, he lost
a lot of spots right there.>> we talk about how difficult restarts are. on the outside, we saw it again there, larsonlooked like he spun his tires. kyle busch drove off with a really strongrun on the bottom. that will be key ifs there's another race restart later and we're goingto watch that all day tomorrow. >> yeah. absolutely. i really thought thatoutside line, at least hold its own a little bit better than it has. sure seems like thebottom is where to be. >> erik jones restarted ninth. he is workinghis way close to the top five. and larson now back by menard. daniel suarez trying toget a piece of the action. larson, 0.7 seconds behind race leader kyle busch.>> erik jones, he came to pit road, got four
tires, just decided to take a chance. gamblea little bit like bowyer was talking about. now he's going to try to take advantage ofthe tires and get up there and race with kyle busch and kyle larson.>> yeah. i saw the lap before that got a huge run off of two and pass two or three cars.those tires are worth something right here for sure.>> now is the time to go. don't have any time to waste. get all the good you can out ofthem at the beginning of the run. >> he's not saving tires. you can see bradkeselowski slipping up and he needs to pounce and take advantage and looks like he is.>> this could be a story we get a caution late, some of that track position made uphere and has a chance to spread to the checkered.
>> brad has his hands full right there.>> whoa. >> that was a major wiggle sliding up theracetrack. will that open the door for erik jones as they head towards turn three? saurezgoing to get back down in front of him. >> you can see, jones just got held up onthe bottom by brad. slipping up a little bit. he checked and saurez went right by him.>> saurez heading the wrong direction there. you can see the nose of the 19 toyota headingtoward the outside wall and jones was able to cut left.>> you said it right there. i'm telling you, as you watch the rest of this race and therace tomorrow, the cars that can stay pointed off turn four will be the ones that are fast.>> what happens there is it takes off, there's
like one last bump off four you hit that thingan the front end takes off and a lot of wheel to the wall, the rear end comes around, youburn the rear tires off of it and the more you do that. once you slip these tires at this racetrackit just keeps getting worse and worse. >> battle here for the eighth position.>> whoa. >> that's justin allgaier. he had the spotin the red and white number seven, slipping up, opens the door for the blue and white33 of brandon jones. can he complete the pass on the outside lane?>> you know, that just showed you how much of a dog leg this track has on it and howslick the track is. he got there, right in
the middle of the dog leg. you're turninga little bit and as he side drafted off, his car got loose.>> brennan poole making a nice move to the inside but he's one lap down in 13th. thesecond car in the one lap count category. right now the free pass position, belongsto harvick. and what a move there by allgaier. that was tight.>> let me tell you something, battle for eighth is heating up, boys.>> left of your screen, erik jones. works his way up to fourth. sliding around keselowski.>> our leader kyle busch has pulled the whip out.>> he has that thing in high gear running some fast laps. last time by over a 0.10 fasterthan second place kyle larson.
>> you know, boys, as one of his peers thatraces against him, you see him leading a lot of laps like this, especially in the xfinityseries and the truck series, when you're in this booth, and you're watching this, tryingto call this race and tell people at home what's going on, it bothers me him stingingup our show like this. >> he has a tendency to do that. think aboutthe most important laps he's run in his career at miami last fall, running hard to the checkeredthat's what he does well. >> threes are wild here, brandon jones inthe 33, jeb burton in the 43 and ty dillon right there as well, chris.>> brandon jones trying to hang on to a top ten finish, backing up that seventh placehe had at daytona. and talking with his crew
chief mike hillman jr., he said this youngman has so much raw speed. watching him in truck, one of the issue he didn't see thebig picture of the race. today running late in this one near the front and i think he'strying to figure out that big picture. >> he told 19 years old like ten days ago. to come to atlanta for the first time anddo this, very, very impressive afternoon for brandon jones.>> guys, he's been at the back, at the front, he's really worked himself around and beenin a lot of situations which experience wise, experienced at all and that's what he's lookingfor right now. >> brad keselowski has led 28 laps today,fifth with 20 remaining.
>> fast down the straightaway here. we'redriving the corners trying to make up for it. little better on the corners, don't getme wrong, but way better on the straightaway. >> we're watching.>> thinks maybe that toyota has more power into the hood it sounds like. here at atlantayou have to take aerodynamics into consideration too. brad is not happy with the straightawayspeed today. >> it's interesting. you know, of course thecar that's in the front and slipping around or not slipping around and is beating youthrough the corners is definitely going to beat you down the straightaway. it's frustrating.i've been on both sides of that fence. it is more enjoying when you're the one sayingthey're getting smaller in the mirror.
>> we talked about kyle busch would lead for20 laps and i thought kyle larson would close in on him at the end of the race, startingto happen. last time by about 0.10 of a second favored to kyle larson. broke about even thattime. you can see the distance between the 42 and the 18, is closing a bit.>> i think they have separated themselves. it's a two-car race right now. can kyle catchhim, that's the question. as they get in traffic we saw it earlier in the race. got held upone time and the second place car got around him. it's going to be interesting as theyget into the lap traffic here. >> going to be 1 to go this time by. certainlyplenty of time. the interval at the line, 1.37 seconds.>> this thing isn't over. a lot of racing
to go. we know how the tires give up and howthe cars will start to slip. he's just close enough to be aggravating to kyle busch rightnow. you have to look in the mirror and see him lurking back there. >> absolutely. they're both driving the wheelsoff of it and also, trying to be patient and trying to keep the tires on a little bit becauseif a caution comes out, who knows what's going to happen.>> and kyle busch has seen this movie before. you saw it on the graphic. no wins here, fivetimes a runner-up at atlanta motor speedway and sprint cup competition. one of only threeactive tracks where he has not gotten to victory lane. next week at las vegas motor speedwayhis home track, zero wins there. also has
failed to win on the road course at watkinsglen but in position to finish it off today. >> clint bowyer, you know what's going tohappen if the caution comes out. four more goodyear tires for everybody. yeah.>> but we did see that. it's a race off of pit road. without that 43 car, that 42 wouldhave been the leader. so maybe that will happen. >> had to get up off the bottom there andrun the high groove off turn two because of a slower car. see if larson can close in.>> last couple of laps, kyle has reestablished his speed and beaten kyle a couple tenths.>> kyle busch started on the poles, led 104 of our 148 laps. paul menard has slid backto fourth. erik joness continues his drive to the front and there's menard, repassingthe 20. as those two duke it out for third
on track.>> toyota leads a couple of chevrolets. the ford of keselowski is in the top five too.we got one of each up front. >> you know, these two have been at it forquite a while the last few laps i've been watching. a good battle. you can see it'sgetting down to the pay window is open and they're going for it.>> look at menard able to peek just to the inside of jones but couldn't make the movework. >> this is one of those tracks, just remindsyou of a dirt track. you slip and slide around and make as mistake, the guy gets around youand two laps later he goes in the corner and makes the same mistake and you do back aroundall the while you got a smile on your face
in ear to ear because it's just one of thoseplaces that's so much fun to get around. > this is fun to watch. no give and take herewith 13 laps to go. >> you know, it's such a neat thing to situp here and watch the xfinity series play out. it's a good blend of drivers. you gotcup guys that these xfinity drives are learning from but this is a new generation of driverscoming in. a lot of youth and fun to watch. >> kyle larson found a groove up top. hisent to go high. last time by 0.3 faster than kyle busch. i think the 42 car has found somethingto chase him down with. >> that's what i love about kyle larson. eversince he's been in the sport dirt racing, watching him race sprint cars this is howhe drive ps. he's going to move out find a
groove and run them down.>> last time the nascar xfinity series went to a mile and half track, homestead, seasonfinale last year. it was kyle larson that won on that saturday afternoon in south florida.looking for career win number four here. if he's going to get it he's going to have torun down the best all time in the xfinity series. kyle busch the advantage now tickingback up toward a second. >> yeah. his front end not working quite asgood as he wants it to when he runs the bottom. you can see he's washing up in the centerand fighting to hold it down on the yellow line.>> watch the tracker here. this is where i saw him making time moving up to the top ofthe track, a little over a second, doesn't
gain much time there but look down the backstraightaway. the ticker just gets less and less because he has the momentum off the corner.making it work. l be interesting to see him run three and four. he likes the bottom inthree and four, doesn't looks like he gains ground, loses a little bit and gets it backat the other end. >> all day long, right there off of four thatcar that stays pointed and keeps digging and drives straight off the corner i think youcan see really well right there with the 42 kind of washed up and then fishtailed andspun the tires up off, if he's going to run him down he has to do it on the top. >> look at that momentum down the back. gaininga tenth of a second on the back straightaway.
working as hard as you've worked all day thissituation. >> oh, yeah. like i said, pay window is open.>> just think about what brad keselowski said. i'm overdriving the corners. you have to becareful about that too. he can see that leader up there and taste this win and he will havea tendency to shoot in the corner too far. >> if you're down on horsepower you have tomake it up somewhere and i think that's what he was trying to convey. i'm having to overdrivethe car in the corners and do things i know you're not supposed to do but it's the onlyway i can prevail. >> saw ty dillon was a lap down, got the freepass. battling daniel suarez for sixth with eight laps to go. seven laps to go when wecome back to the start/finish line. kyle busch,
has the lead but it's back under a second.kyle larson, trying to reel him in as time wind downs at atlanta.>> good stuff. trimmed a little more off of it.>> i like the outside line in one and two. >> gets a good run off of two and i thinkif it's going to happen, that's where it's going to happen.>> i want to see him do it in three and four. i think he could make ground up there. doesn'tdo anything down here with kyle. kyle larson is an experienced guy. talk about dirt racing.he knows to look around for the groove and look at that has it down to 0.7 seconds.>> this is as close as we have seen the gap really since the restart.>> we talked about the short run speed of
kyle busch and the long run speed of larson.>> going to have to n bottom here. >> see if it holds down. see it fishtailingaround. he's driving the wheels off of it. you knew it was going to come down to laptraffic and things like that. that's what's fun about watching and being a fan of thesport. so many elements that go into winning and losing these races.>> coming off turn four. we'll see five laps to go. and the advantage for kyle busch hangingright at 0.7 seconds. >> you have plenty of time.>> plenty of time. >> look at the lap traffic to the front ofhim. what role will that play. as we finish thisthing off.
>> going to rob a little momentum from kylebusch on exit. he couldn't go out next to the wall. but now they're going to be sideby side when larson gets to him. >> 24 of corey lajoie sliding down to theinside lane. >> i love a good battle.>> gets in larson's way. >> that's a good view right there. you cansee the car slip and sliding around and what you fight all day long inside.>> four laps to go. half a second separating the top two and there's larson, once again,digging in that outside lane. >> he's using his all right there. you'reright, he is digging. >> these two have finished one/two on threedifferent occasions. each time it's been kyle
busch that got the checkered flag. but kylelarson trying to close here. it will be three laps to go. this time the advantage just overa half a second. >> making that high line work. he he likesto run that seam. some tracks you want to stay off of it. looks like there might begrip with the seam there. >> i thought the same thing in practice. iwas curious to see as the race went on if they would get above that and ride the wall.doesn't look like there's much grip up there. i would say i would be on the seam tomorrowas well. >> three miles to his first ever win in thenascar xfinity series for kyle busch. two laps to go and he's stuck in behind a lappedvehicle. will that help kyle larson here.
>> it's going to be tough for larson to makehis run off two. that's hurting him. >> that hurt bad right there.>> ryan preece in the 01 nowhere to go. >> when you're running that outside like thatyou need all the track you can get for the momentum. you really kind of let the car unwindand run the wall up off and just run out of real estate there.>> that may have ended the rally. the white flag is out. one lap to go. sponsored by credit one bank. kyle busch tryingto deliver for the first time here in atlanta speedway.>> 2008, got the first win here, for toyota and nascar sprint cup series. joe gibbs hasnever won here. in the xfinity series. and
kyle busch trying to cross another one offthe list. coming off of turn four. finally, kyle busch, going to win at atlanta motorspeedway back to the line, he delivers. >> erik jones coming in third right there.what a day for them. the whole crew, to battle back from the mishap on the first start. theyput in a hard day's work. >> well, the cup experience prevailed at thefront of the field, but great run by some of our young xfinity racers. erik jones inthird, suarez, justin allgaier, these are guys that will battle for a championship thisyear. and obviously they have a lot of speed. >> what about the call for elliott sadler,take the wave around, got the pit stop, he ends up inside the top ten and jeb burtonthere as well.
>> he's the all-time wins leader in the nascarxfinity series. 77 times kyle busch has been to victory lane.>> winning a lot comes learning how to do a good burnout too.>> you know when he shows up on saturdays he's going to be a threat. last 15 starts in the nascar xfinity series,kyle busch has gone to victory lane seven times and that's his 26th win. >>> clint bowyer said it before the breakhe knows how to win and because of that he knows how to celebrate. there is the patentedfrom kyle busch. checkered flag in hand, a burnout again.>> took had him 12 starts at atlanta. he's
finally crossed this one off the list andhe's in victory lane, matt yokum. >> no driver or more goal oriented in thegarage area than kyle busch. the offseason you circled this one is what's missing fromyour racing resume. five times finishing second what does this mean to put the big checkmark.>> a lot. it's been a while. certainly means a lot. just to accomplish some of my goalsi have in racing and come out here to do this today and to beat kyle larson this must behis favorite tracks or one of the, just being able to move all over the racetrack. he'sreally good here. so real proud of our team, the nos energy camry was fast. looks reallygood on the racetrack, and better in victory lane. our relationship one race back beingin victory lane first time being in atlanta
never won here before can't say enough aboutjgr engines, whole team, everybody that does such a great job for us. it's just prettyneat deal glad to get it out of the way and check off the list.>> back in the 18 in victory lane, but how concerned were you two runs again, larsonseemed to close late in the go. were you concerned about the same thing on the final run?>> i was. i thought the last run would be too long for our car which was better forlarson's car. and, you know, we made some adjustments, dale did a good job making ajimtssto our car and held me on the front side of the run for the first two and i don't thinkit hurt me until the end of the race. larson was better than us and could close and close.lap traffic trying to figure out. they were
nice to me, i think they screwed him up acouple times. appreciate those guys. going way, way back to the beginning of the racewith erik jones, i was spinning my tires. i hated that he got busted for beating meto the line. i was trying to get there. i'm glad to see he came back for a solid thirdplace finish. proud of all the jgr. >> 18 color back in victory lane, win number77, it's a special one. jamie? >> kyle larson certainly kept it exciting.we stayed on that battle for so long, kyle, watching you hang it trying to take it. kylementioned the lappers. it's the lappers weren't there a couple of them cou think you wouldhave had a shot at the end? >> i would have got closer to him. still toughto pass him. he was saving his tires i think
around the bottom and i was running prettyhard up top. he would have definitely moved up in one and two. the eneos chevrolet wasvery good. i was happy. a little better than i thought we would be. i thought we wouldbe fourth, fifth, sixth place car and we were definitely, first, second best. happy aboutthat. excited about the mile and halves i get to run later this year. these are newcars, and since we built new ones we've been fast. should have won texas, won homesteadcould have one won today. hats off for everybody at the shop for their hard work.>> drivers don't forget the ones that get away his next shot california in two weeks.>> justin marx behind the wheel next week. the team car nice job, rookie brennan pooleinside the top 15 he was 14th. victors go
to kyle busch. >> we don't win unless we finish and we don'talways finish. this is no game. because we don't play. we race. >>> happy birthday again. go out an get yourbirthday present. >> kind of slow in front but everybody isrolling. small opening behind. high lane coming quickly from behind. outside.>> oh, my gosh! >> get the grill.>> wiped it off. >> pull the tape off.>> feel like we got something now. >> kyle busch going to win at atlanta motorspeedway. back to the line, he delivers.
>> yeah! way to go boys.>> got it. >> entertaining afternoon hampton georgia.erik jones battles back to third. chris neville. >> and erik jones bounces back after thatearly penalty. erik, bringing home third, this has to feel good after daytona.>> it is. nice to get back on track and, you know, i thought maybe we would have somethingfor kyle there, but it was just really good all day. he was about 0.4 faster than therest of the field. he had it going on and he's got it going on in a lot of ways. we'llkeep working. the hisense camry was good and nice to battle back from adversity and getback up and get a shot at it. >> thanks, erik.>> ty dillon brings it home fifth today. first
time i've seen sweat from grew guys. how hardwere you working out there? >> quite a bit. we started off a little offand got two laps down there, so it was a battle with the short xfinity races. but our rheemchevy was dialed in. nick and the guys did a great job getting me where i could chargeas hard as i could at the end. able to nose by harvick to get back in the hunt. and i'mjust proud of these guys. the last couple laps all i had trying to get through themand maybe if we had ten more laps we would probably have got third or fourth. wish thingshad played out differently we would have had a shot. proud of our effort and work and can'tthank rheem and the sponsors for the xfinity series, it's been a lot of fun, and we willgee on to wherever we go, fee knicks or vegas
next? >> tomorrow you have to race in the 14, fillingin for tony stewart. >> and paul menards comes home fourth today.your 200th start in the xfinity series. great speed in the car all day but sounded likeyou were on the splitter in the last run early on? yeah. we didn't qualify as good as wehoped. we went to the front, you know, five cars right away, felt good about our richmondwater heaters and menard chevy. on the splitter too hard on restarts. we needed the trackto keep going green at the end. the last couple restarts didn't help us. really good effort.learned a lot. excited for tomorrow. the track is awesome.>> thanks, paul.
>> great afternoon for paul menard. coupleof vehicles inside the top five for richard childress racing. aerial coverage providedby goodyear. superior performing tires to face challenging conditions on the track andon the road. goodyear, the official tire of nascar. i know it's early, but we need tocheck out the standings. elliott sadler, a couple solid weeks, three points in frontof daniel suarez. >> yeah. absolutely. i mean i just -- i can'thelp but to say the sport is in good hands. see these kids coming up. daniel suarez, whata good job he's done, brandon jones kid is really, really impressive. you know, darrellwallace coming up. so many young drivers, erik jones, he's incredible. everything thathe overcame today, is amazing. but, you know,
then you have elliott sadler, justin allgaier,experienced drivers that have been around, brendan gaughan, it's just going to be a heckof a race in the xfinity series all the way to the end.>> elliott will teach them the ropes and keep them honest. you driver that to victory laneand lock yourself in our chase, the 2016 season for xfinity will be a lot of fun to see whogets there first. >> absolutely.>> i love the chase. blake and clements in after two weeks of competition and that'sgreat to see. >>> next saturday the xfinity series setsits sights to the vegas strip. if you want to win here you better be willing to rollthe dice. only one lucky winner will be able
to take home the grand prize. coverage 3:30eastern, 12:30 pacific on fs 1. >> one year ago in las vegas, it was austindillon who dominated. today, all about kyle busch leading 119 of 163 laps.>> he stunk up our show. >> dominated in vegas and sideways and wonby half a car length. that's what we saw today, kyle busch out front but in the end it wasinteresting watching kyle larson close. >> it all comes down to, what an incredibleracetrack. i mean the aged surface. if you could ever come back and figure out a wayto repave surfaces with old asfought you would be on to something.>> come join us in vegas next week. >> thank you.>> michael waltrip has the truck race and
danielle, clint bowyer, going to ride at monsterenergy super cross. as get a good look at them now.>> ten feet over my head. >> he's going to get that whole shot, i justhave a feeling. an exciting doubleheader on fs 1. the trucks in just a moment. larry,ended up being kyle busch who took the stranglehold at atlanta motor speedway that kevin harvickhad on this place. >> i still would have liked to have seen iferik jones did not have that problem in the beginning, but looks like the experience prevailedbecause look at the top six finishers, five will be competing in the sprint cup seriesrace tomorrow. >> erik jones was your pick to win it. ondown the list. you see daniel suarez, give
him a shoutout, finishes seventh, secondsin points, three back from elliott sadler who finished ninth.>> darrell wallace jr. there had a little incident on pit road and then got into thewall, tire issue. just way on back. >> the series regulars have some work to doas we lead to las vegas next week, larry, the cup stars, they've won the first two racesthis season. >> well, and i think about kyle busch he getswin number 77 in xfinity series today and the two that still are on his bucket listhe's competed in in this series is las vegas next week and watkins glen later in the year. >> we will see kyle busch at his home track,las vegas motor speedway, next weekend. right
now, what you'll see is the camping worldtruck series setup. let's see if johnny sauter can open the season with his new team jms,going two for two. after daytona it's atlanta motor speedway. we are keeping coverage righthere on fs 1. thanks so much for joining us for the xfinity series. now, it's the tailgatersturn. send it to charlotte, north carolina, the setup now, with john roberts.>> dap yell, thanks. welcome everyone to the camping world truck series setup show. racenumber two of the 2016 season comes your way from the 1.5 mile track at atlanta motor speedway.a track that eats up tires and will put young drivers to the ultimate test. johnny sauterearned his second career win at daytona and last friday's crash filled season opener.we'll talk with the gms driver. rookie driver
christopher bell walked away from a spectacularairborne crash on the final lap from daytona. ray dunlap spent time with the 21-year-olddriver this week. tonight, marks the first of nine races on 1.5 mile tracks and atlantamotor speedway has been the site of some fantastic finishes. will we see another one tonight?it's time for you to get set up. hello, everybody. welcome to our charlotte setup studio. i'mjohn roberts, he's todd bodine, a driver who has won a truck race in atlanta that was in2006. there are so many young drivers in this field, todd, that never raced here before.what can they expect? >> they have no idea what they've gotten into.a racetrack that is totally wore out with no grip, every lap is slower than the lapbefore that, and when you get to the end of
the run, you think you got the worst racetruck on the track. >> sometimes you lose three seconds over thecourse of a tire run here. always exciting. and also a scene of some of the best finishesin nascar history. let's get you caught up on some of the news and notes in the campingworld truck series. four-time nascar truck series champion ron hornaday is among the20 nominees that were announced on wednesday for the nascar hall of fame class of 2017. five inductees will be elected by the nascarhall of fame voting panel on voting day for the 201 class. will be wednesday, may 25th.matt crafton has 11 career wins and eight have come on 1.5 mile tracks including a winat atlanta including a win at atlanta last
year. and kyle busch motorsports is winlessat atlanta. remains the only track on the schedule where the team is winless. best finishas runner up twice which was kyle busch in 2010 and 2012.>> the white flag is out. they will crash. >> a big run. they're crashing.>> coming to the checkered flag, but the yellow is out.>> johnny sauter will win the season opener at daytona.>> let's now sent it out to kaitlyn with the grid report.>> johnny, i'm with johnny saunter. how does that win give you extra confidence as youlook toward today's race? >> it is nice to start off the season witha win. i mentioned it yesterday, the reality
set in. we are into the nuts and bolts ofseason. you have to be strong anywhere. you have to be strong at the mile and a half.we struggled with the allegiant travel chevrolet. we started out tight. this is one of my bestrace tracks. i don't know how much it is me or the truck. guys at gms are doing a goodjob. we have to be smart tonight to learn what we can.>> the one thing you have on your side is experience. five starts. more than most inthe field. how will that give you a leg up on the competition?>> i know the trends of the race track. obviously starting the race the way we do and how itends at nighttime. last year was a big eye opening experience. we ran sixth. i startedway too loose and made changes to it.
i think experience at a place like this isa good thing and a lot of ways, a bad thing. some guys don't any any better. a tough place.you know, a tough place for me. i do like racing here. it is a fun place to race. ithink if you have good grip, you have fun here. i'm looking forward to the changes wemade. it felt better than all weekend in qualifying. >> thanks for your time. johnny saunter hopingto get back-to-back wins. >> it was his 11th career win. broke a 33-racecareer streak. todd, we know one windows not a season make. how big is it for johnny sauterto start out? >> you always want to win. they won the superbowl right off the bat. no better way to set the tone for the team. the tone for the guysand get acquainted. a great way to start the
season. you heard johnny say he wasn't optimisticabout today. i think he will be fine. >> one driver to watch for sure. last weekendcamping world truck series and daytona 500 proved to be memorable wore martin and ryantruex, but both came up short at the finish line.>> let's go win this race. what do you say? >> better get up.>> oh, my brother. >> see you at the victory lane.>> good luck. >> a lot of door banging going on. sauter.>> checkered flag. the yellow is out. >> truex on the inside. hamlin on the outside.too close to call. >> it was the line is when he finally passedme.
>> congrats to denny. he passed me.>> i think i was the first one to make it to the front doing that. it's tough not towin. second sucks, but i'll take it. >> both truex brothers had a big weekend atdaytona. what have you learned about how you have yourtruck in atlanta? >> thanks for coming and sitting with me.i feel a lot better. i learned a lot. i learned you have to be on the throttle a lot on thetrucks. i have run xfinity and cup here. there is more here with the trucks. they are init all the time. our toyota is fast. the guys gave me a great truck. another one they thrashedon and had to get ready last minute. it look goods and it is fast. rolling off eighth,we can get to the front. i was telling you
earlier, it is tire strategy. tire management.we have to keep our truck and keep the tires under it.>> best of luck. ryan truex rolling off eighth. j.r.>> thank you, kaitlyn. maybe he can finish off in the best start. when we come back,we will show you the highlights from the afternoon qualifying and talk with today's pole winner.last friday night at daytona, 21-year-old driver christian bell was involved in a violentcrash. bell talks about his harrowing experience coming up. >>> when you talk about 1.5 mile tracks, youtalk about kyle bush, but what about todd bodine?>> i used to be pretty good.
>>> welcome back to the camping world truckseries set up show as we get ready to go racing from atlanta. todd, qualifying was held earlythis morning. let's get you caught up here. cameron haley.>> he qualified third here. finished 14th last year. wants to do better today.>> fourth fastest on the qualifying chart. won the pole at the daytona 500. the daytonatruck race and starts fourth today. >> grant had a great truck through practice.the whole time. really likes his truck for today.>> best start ever for christopher bell. >> this is a slick track. he is used to slidingaround. >> get used to saying john wes.>> i'm sure he has a lot of friends and family
in the stands. wants to get another win.>> he will be joined by matt crafton. >> first atlanta. this is a truck he was onthe pole at homestead. he is on the pole today. can he get a win today?>> that is the big question here. todd, let's look at the grid. ryan truex will make a startin a truck at atlanta. for more with the pole sitter, let's go to kaitlyn.>> thank you. matt crafton is starting p-1 for the race.won the race a year ago. where is your confidence for the truck?>> i was happy. i wascstatic on long runs. the track has more rubber on it. it will havea bit of a change. we will finish the race tonight. we have to stay ahead of the changes.i was very happy the way it ended yesterday.
maybe we can keep that in victory lane.>> matt crafton starting p-1. looking to get back-to-back. johnny.>> kaitlyn, thank you very much. todd, johnny sauter says the 1.5 mile tracks are the nutsand bolts. how good do you have to be to be champion?>> last year, matt crafton out pointed erik jones. this year, we have a different animalhere. you have to be good on 1.5 because it gives you nine chances to lock in the chase.>> if you are good on these tracks, you are good everywhere. let's take a look at thenotable starting positions in the field. we have daniel. coming off a good run in thexfinity race. tyler reddick. now let's go back to kaitlyn.>> thank you. grant has had a strong truck
all weekend long in practice and qualifying.you feel like it is a winning truck? >> i think so. we struggled on the long runyesterday. but jeff and everybody at gms made improvements on it. it drove better in qualifying.starting fourth, i'm happy about that. you know, hopefully we can prove ourselves. wegained respect last week. we hope to prove to everybody at gms we deserve it. >> this is a good place to get a feel forthe relationship with the team. how is the relationship evolving?>> it is going good. we worked together a lot last year. he was gallagher's crew chieflast year, but crew chief for me on the side. we have a relationship there. that chemistryis working really well. you know, i don't
think that's going to be the adjustment. theadjustment is me getting used to the trucks and how the tires feel and body reacting inthe pack. thill be the adjustment. i'm really blessed to be here and happy to have alamorent a car on the track. >> starting fourth for today's race. johnny.>> kaitlyn, thank you. things are heating up on the grid as we get closer to racing.christopher bell will be behind the wheel after last week's harrowing crash. we willhear from the 21-year-old bell when the set up show continues. .>> it seems like you are flipping forever. you think will it ever stop? you watched thevideo and it is only a couple seconds. >>> welcome back. that is a much better fordtruck after the melee after the end of the
daytona 500 race. christopher bell is backwith us and ready to go racing again. bell is just one of many talented rookies in thisyear's class. in first race of the season for kyle busch motorsports, he took a wildride. this past week, he took ray dunlap through the wreck that fortunately he walked awayfrom. >> one truck flipping end over end. side byside. barrel rolling down a number of machines. the massive crash at entrance to turn one.>> just hang on. >> you have been racing sprint cars for along time. have you had anything that resembled what happened to you in a sprint car likedaytona 500? >> yes. i crashed sprint cars and midgetsas well. it wasn't foreign to me.
>> turns one and two. bell caught the walland tumbled. >> you are right in the center. when you startflipping, everything is flipping around you. in the camping world truck series, if youare sitting on the left side of the truck. it is like sitting on the outer part of themerry go round. >> the guy on the outside is going off themerry go round. >> right.>> hornaday on his roof. >> what was your initial reaction when youare inside the cockpit. what is yoinstinct? >> tuck and hold on to the steering wheel.as soon as i know it was out of my control, i went into the tuck position and held on.>> in this particular crash, there had to
be a moment where you said i'm in trouble.where was that exact moment? >> probably as soon as i hit the wall andgot turned around. i can feel the truck get light. that was the moment where i knew itwasn't going to be just a simple hit and stop. >> look at timothy peters. christopher belltumbles down the straightaway. >> look at video here. we can back this upfrom the initial contact. when you are coming down, let's say about here. they are aboutto throw the white flag. you have one lap to go. a big group of trucks. what's on yourmind? >> at this point, everything is good. downthe back straightaway, we were sixth and seventh. we got bottled up and stalled out.>> look here.
>> guess what? you are on your way into thewall right there. i assume you realize a crash happened?>> you realize you are in trouble because the truck is getting light.>> let's play this right here. whoa, you are rolling down the straightaway. guys did agood job of avoiding you. what are you thinking right there?>> at this point, you don't realize how fast or slow you're going. with my eyes closed,i wasn't sure if i was done flipping. >> christopher bell with a wild ride. barrelrolling and going end over end. the truck came to rest on all four wheels.>> i'm thankful it landed on all four wheels. it made it easier to get out. thankful itwas on all fours.
>> you okay?>> i'm fine. >> a testament to the safety of these racingvehicles that christopher bell can take that kind of ride and drop the window net and climbout. >> and yes, we are all very thankful for that.it's great to see christopher doing well. todd, when you look at the wrecks, that isa carry looking wreck and for the driver, it is not that bad.>> every time he landed, that hurt. that is not taking that away. for christopher,he never hit anything solid. never ran up into the wall. never had another truck hithim. those are the things that hurt you. that is what gets you hurt. the hard imps wherethe g forces hurt you. he rolled down the
track. it looks bad, but the energy went awayslowly. fortunately, the nascar has done a great job with the chassis and rules. we sawright there, he got up and walked away. >> our good friend rickey rudd said it isnot the wreck, it is the stopping. a quick reminder, tonight following the truck raceon fs 1, daytona 500 will air at your photos or videos make the cut? we had an overwhelmingresponse. see all the action from the daytona 500. it is how you the fans saw the race.100,000 cameras after the truck race here on fs-1.
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