"music" hey everyone i'm sara rahn andwe're here for another edition of nebraska's best car & truckshow. and i'm rich eyler we're here at sid dillon buickgmc cadillac in fremont,nebraksa and we've got a reallyexciting show for you today. we've gotsome really unique vehicles. adodge challenger a chevy corvette, thisbeautiful chevy avalanche and alot more. so let's get started. here we've got a great vehiclethat is brand new to our inventory.this is a 2013 yukon xl denali. so it is fullyloaded with lots of options
to tell you about. it does havethe white diamond tri-coatexterior along with the cashmere tanleather interior so nice light color combination there.since it is the denali packageit does come with a few optionsspecific to that. we've got alot of the denali badging on the vehicle. we'vealso got the honeycomb grill which is specific for a denalivehicle. this one does have powerretractable running boards sowhen you open the door therunning boards will drop down. when you close them they willgo back up into the vehicle.this one has got the nice chrome wheels, chrome doorhandles for accents and chrome
moldings which looks reallynice. inside we've got a ton of options as well. this one hasheated and cooled seats for thedriver and the front passenger whichis awesome. it has blue toothfor hands free calling. it's got a heatedsteering wheel. it happens tohave a sun roof that you can openup. it's got navigation so youcan type in the destination on the touchscreen and it will play throughthe speakers to let you know where you aregoing. this one does have arear back up camera on that screen as well.it's got power folding mirrors and it's got nice wood grainaccents inside the vehicle aswell so very classy
look in there. moving furtherback, this one does have second row bucket seatsand those bucket seats happento be heated. so that is kind of a nicefeature for your first rowbackseat riders to have. this one is a seven passengervehicle so there is a third rowseat in it that's a bench seat that fitsthree. this one also is allwheel drive and it is a 6.2 liter engine soit's a very big motor. it sounds awesome andwill definitely give you a lotof power. this one also has a dvd screenso there is actually two ofthem. they flip down. one is rightbehind the sun roof and one isright before the third row seat.
so the second and third roweach have there own dvd screenthat flips down from theceiling. so this one just has a ton ofoptions for you. it's got remote start. it's gota power lift gate. the listgoes on and on for options for this vehicle.this one has only got 23,000miles on it. so definitely if you arelooking for a full size suvthis is an awesome condition and definitely one tocome take a look at. again,it's a 2013 yukon xl denali with 23,000miles on it listed for $ 51,995. alright i've got a reallyexciting vehicle for you. thisis a
2010 chevy avalanche that isjust in immaculate condition and it's very well equipped. ifyou're looking and you like tohave a truck but you like the versatility ofhaving a suv and the ride of asuv this offers that. it's just areally unique vehicle. we just have really good luckselling. it meets a lot ofneeds for a lot of people this is a 2010 and it only hasabout 53,000 miles. it's a one owner vehicle thatwe recently traded for. it's alt package meaning it's toward the higherend and it also has the z71 offroad package so it's really it kind of getsyou the best of every world
there. just looking on theoutside it's a beautifultungsten metallic color that's really sharp looking.it's kind of a dark gray and ithas some metallic flake to so it's really really reallygood looking. i don't know ifthe lights in here do it justice or not. you can seeit's got nice alloy wheels andalong with that the tires are in excellentcondition. basically brand newtires on there. speaking of you knowstyle it's got the z71 package thatyou can see it's got the z71badging on there, the nice runningboards. it also has a some molded mud molded splashguards.
talking about versatility itdoes have a truck bed in therebut that's all covered right now with a that removable cover and nice thing about that is whenyou lock the vehicle thattailgate locks as well. so what you store underneaththat cover is nice and safe soit's not like a pickup truck where ifyou put something in the backyou know you go to the grocerystore you got to worry about what'sleft in the back there. not onthis one it's nice and safe. so this one has heated leatherseats, memory driver seat. has am/fm satellite radio, dualclimate control. it's a five passenger vehicle with the withthe front console so it's
nice armrest and a lot ofstorage in the front seat. soyou can fit three passengers in the back or tworeally comfortably with thearmrest there with the cup holders in theback as well. so if you needthis to haul a family around in you can sure get thatdone with as well. this onesalso equipped with a sunroof that slides open or a moonroof. and it is a gm certified vehicle soyou're going to get a 12 month12,000 miles bumper to bumper warranty with this. along withtwo years or 24,000 miles worthof maintenance. so that covers about four oilchanges and tire rotations in your firstmaintenance period. a lot ofnice coverage there
in the certified program. againit's a 2010 with only 53,000 miles and you can buy itfor only $31,995. we have a lot more to show youso keep watching nebraska's bestcar & truck show. 'typing' she's here 'music' fall in love with a brand newbuick enclave save over 15% off original msrp that'salmost $9,000
in savings. only at sid dillonbuick gmc cadillac in fremont nebraska. don't you love it when you're surprised to find some moneyyou didn't know you had? at siddillon buick gmc cadillac in fremontour staff understands how precious time and money is toour customers. so whetheryou're looking for a new or used car or truckour focus is on getting you thebest value for your budget. allwhile having a fun and positivebuying experience. come see us at siddillon buick gmc cadillac
in fremont where it's fun tosave money. the cars & trucks your seeingtoday are for sale at sid dillonbuick gmc cadillac in fremontnebraska right now. so stop on out and see us.we got a lot more to show you ,so let's get back to the show. here we've got another greatvehicle to show you today. this is a2013. it's a lexus rx 350. so this is thecrossover type vehicle this one happensto be a five passenger vehicle. so there's a benchseat in the back. and it's got
a lot of options that i'm goingto tell you about. this one isall wheel drive so it will definitely get youaround in the snow if you're innebraska. it will definitely get youwhere you need to go. it is asix cylinder vehicle as well so you're going to havea lot of power when yourdriving so you know with that all wheeldrive and that six cylinder beable to get around reallynicely. we've got this nice graymetallic exterior. the interior is a black leather so nicecolor combination. as far as the exterior it is in greatcondition the previous ownertook really good care of it. there's no really rockchips or anything like that.they actually
have a clear a clear bra on thevehicle so it's really nice it's going to protect that fromthe rock chips they just tookreally good care of it. and it's in awesome condition.inside it's got a ton of options it's loaded. we've gota navigation system. and actually the whole radiosystem up there is actually able to be controlled with a commandstick. so it's really nice yourhand can just rest right on it and you canbasically use it like a mouse and see what you want to see onthe screen. so you can get tothe navigation the climate controls, theradio. you can get to
everything from using thatcommand stick so it's reallynice. it's just very easy access. this one so it's gotnavigation. it's got dualclimate control. we've got heated andcooled seats for the driver andthe front passenger which is reallyawesome. we've got bluetooth.we've got a really big backup camera which is awesomethat's on that screen as well. it's got a push button start sowhen you get in the vehicle you don't need the keys anymorethey just need to be in thevehicle and you just press the brakeand the button and the vehiclewill start. this one does have a power lift gate on theremote, so you can definitelyopen
the back of the lift gate veryeasily. we've got a sunroof on this crossover as well soyou can definitely open that up. again this one is just inawesome condition definitelyone to check out. it's only got 17,000 miles onit so very low mileage. it's a 2013 lexus rx350 listed currently for $40,995. all right i've got anothergreat vehicle here for you. another one that's hard tofind. this is a 2010 toyotatacoma trd package toyota racingdevelopment package so it'skind of the
off road package for the tacomaand it's only got 25,000 miles. a five year oldtruck with only 25,000 miles.it's a one owner vehicle that we recentlytraded for that's in immaculate condition. walking around theoutside i don't see any rocksrock chips, dings, dents to speak of. it'sgot a lot of nice style. thesethings usually fly off the shelves there therea just a really sought aftervehicle. especially when you're talkingabout a low miles tacoma here. you can see it's got a lot ofnice racing racing style to it. it's got the scoop on the roofand just a lot of beefy flare
to it going with the the wheelflares there looks reallysharp, so it's just a great looking vehicle. you can seeit's got nice alloy wheels. and the tires are in excellentcondition. we've gone throughthe used car inspection everything passed with flyingcolors on this didn't have todo much to recondition it. which says a lot as to how wellit was maintained previously. looking at the still standingon the outside it does have anice full sized bed with a bed lineras well as a bed mat. so you're going to protect thatif you need to do some haulingwith it or anything like that. this isgoing to be a perfect vehiclefor
the family. plus it's going toget you some good fuel mileageand be able to do some towing or hauling orwhatever you might do for yourweekend warrior projects. on the inside it's got nicepremium cloth seats that are adark gray color. it's got a two toned dash darkgray on the top and lightergray on the bottom really sharp looking.it's got am/fm satellite radio along with a six disc cdplayer. really good looking it's anon-smoker vehicle. again oneowner five passenger vehicle so it'sgoing to work well for thefamily and get good fuelmileage. we have it for sale atsiddillonbuickgmc.com right nowfor
$29,995. i'll make you a dealif you come in and mention theshow we'll sell it for $28,995today. here we've got another awesomevehicle to tell you abouttoday. this is a 2012 hyundai sonatathis one is in excellent condition and it'sonly got 14,000 miles on it so super super low mileage for the2012 year model year. so again this ones a redmetallic exterior. inside itdoes have the nice tan premium clothinterior so it's really nice interior. this one happens tobe the gls trim level,
so it's got quite a few optionsi'm going to tell you about aswell. this one is the 2.4 liter four cylinder andit is front wheel drive so you're going to getawesome gas mileage with thisvehicle. so if you're looking for a low mileage vehicle withgood mileage, this isdefinitely one to check out. the previous owner was fromfremont, it is just a oneowner. no accidents or anything andthey really really took greatcare of the vehicle. it's just overallin great condition. inside it does have an automatictransmission. we've got powerdoors and locks which is a nice feature. it does havebluetooth for hands freecalling so on
the steering wheel there'squite a bit of controls. soyou've got the cruise, you canchange the radio stations, the volume. youcan also go through yourbluetooth from that so you can answer callsand end them all just from that from everything that's on thecontrols of the steering wheelwhich is nice. great safety option to have. this one doeshave the usb cable as well soyou can plug in like your phone or anythingto that and either charge it orplay your music through the through thevehicle which is nice. it's all pretty easy to work. again thisis a 2012, it's a hyundai sonata gls four cylinder, frontwheel drive.
and it's only got 14,000 mileson it. and we've got it currently listed onsiddillon.com for an awesomeprice of just $16,995. up next we have a lot more great carsto show. so stay tuned tonebraska's best car & truck show. "music" she's here ("music") fall in love with the 2015 gmc sierra crew cab slt with over $10,000 in savings. only at sid dillon buick gmccadillac in fremont
nebraska. "music" buying a car is a big decisionbut it doesn't have to be adifficult one. sid dillon buick gmc cadillac in fremontmakes it fun. i've been a loyalfan of not only the sid dillonbrand but also the peoplebehind it. being a family business, theyunderstand honesty and gettingyou the right deal from their huge selection ofvehicles. with great prices anda solid reputation, sid dillon buickgmc cadillac in fremont is theplace to go if you're looking for atrust worthy deal and apositive buying experience. "music"
welcome back to nebraska's bestcar & truck show. we have a lotof great vehicles to share with you today and atthe beginning of the show itold you we had some reallyunique ones. this is one that i'm reallyexcited about. here at siddillon buick gmc cadillac obviously weare general motor's dealershipand we don't sell dodge, we don'tsee mopar as for you racing fans but i have a hard time notgetting excited about this one.this is a 2008 dodge challenger srtpackage that's the racing package with a 6.1liter hemi engine that it only has about 33,000miles. this thing is immaculate
and talk about unique it is oneof about 7,000 cars that was built in the country.actually a little less than7,000 that was built in 2008 so it's a very rare car.walking around the outside youcan tell this thing was babied.there are no scratches, ding,dents to speak of at all. i don't see any rockchips i mean it is immaculatelooks looks like nearly showroomquality vehicle. talk about style i mean theorange i mean if you're talkingabout a dodge racing vehicle orange has to bethe color right? this is does have the nice blackstriping package. the srt8 isthe racing
edition and it's got tons ofpower and tons of tons of ride qualities that you won'tfind in many other vehicles.you can see it's got nice 20 inchalloy wheels and you can seethe red brake calipers there. those arebrembo brakes those are greatfor you know those are going tostop you on a dime if you needit and those are those are racing quality brakeuh brake calipers there. again style like crazy. you cansee as far as amenities it does have a sunroof. it'sgot the nice spoiler in theback and on the interior look and feelit is just really really
nice. it's got the srtstitching on the seats nice leather seating as well.heated front and driver heated front driver andpassenger seating. it is a fivepassenger car. not many sports car or musclecars you find that seat fivepassengers. this has five seat belts two inthe front, three in the back.really comfortable for four. it also is equipped withlike i said heated seats. it'sgot a navigation system. just a juststyle and muscle if you're looking for aweekend sports car this is going to be it for you. againit's a 2008 dodge challenger
srt package with about 33,000miles. and you can buy it for only$28,995 at sid dillon in fremont nebraska. here we'vegot a really cool truck to show you today.this is a 2012 f-150 it happens to be the raptoredition so it's got a lot ofawesome appearance things that you cansee as well that we'll be goingover today. this one happens to be a supercrew cab so it's got a very big backseat so you can definitelyfit three adults comfortablyback there. this one is a five passengertruck so in the center in the
front we do have the centerconsole that's available. this one has the 6.2 liter engine soit's got a really big engine. sounds pretty cool to. as faras appearance things it's got the nice blue exteriorcolor and we've got the nice charcoal accents on thevehicle. it's got the big offroading tires and the black wheels whichlooks pretty cool on thistruck. inside it's got a lot of thingsthat match as well. the blackleather interior actually has some blue accentsin it, the stitching and someof the trim it's the blue so it matches theexterior. it also on
the console and the dash it'sgot the nice charcoal colorfinish and it also has some blueaccents on that as well, so itjust looks really neat that outside matches theinside of the vehicle. somepretty cool options. this one does have arear backup camera in the rearview mirror when you put it inreverse. it also has a sunroofthat you can open up. it's got the bluetooth sothat's on the steering wheel. you can sync your phoneto that and it's got a lot ofother steering wheel controls to so you can do everythingfrom right there. this one doeshave the sony sound system so we've gota great sound system in thisford raptor
as well. this one does havedual climate control and it isfrom omaha, nebraska so it's apretty local owner which isawesome to know. as far as the back it is a fourwheel drive vehicle. this onedoes have a tonneau cover on it and a bed liner soyou can definitely store thingsin there and lock it up. lock the back of the truck upso nothing will get wet or youcan't really see what's inside so that's anice option to have with thistruck. again this is a 2012 it's asuper crew f-150 ford raptor so it's the raptoredition only 28,000 miles on it and we'vegot it listed for $48,995.
wow what a show we're havingtoday just got done doing thatbeautiful ford raptor truck. a lot of unique vehicles. nowwe got a 2008 chevy corvettewith only 8,800 miles it's a zo6package ready to ready for the track or the roadwhichever one you want. i'mgoing to talk about this car a little bit but ican't do it justice. you got toget here and see this thing to understand what a niceawesome car this is. again it's '08 corvette zo6 with only 8,800 miles on it. it's a locallyowned vehicle that is just
an amazing amazing car. walkingaround it this this thing isshowroom quality vehicle. you can't seeany scratches, dings, dents on it. i mean it's it wasbabied. i don't know for surebut i'm sure this was in a garage with thecover on it most of the time.it's a beautiful fire red exterior and it's got niceblack leather interior.actually two toned black on gray with the zo6badging on the outside. zo6 package you can see has alot of nice air diverters, nice chromewheels. it's got a 7.0 liter v8 engine with morehorsepower
than you would ever need on avehicle. so if you like to goto the racetrack this is it for you. but it'snot so much you can't drive iton the road to. as far as sound goes youstart this thing up people know your know youraround. it's going to be a headturner for sure. so it's a beautiful soundingvehicle to. it's got performance brakes on it. tiresare in excellent condition now.these are all season tires on it.this isn't racetrack tires onit. again if you want to get out anddrive it it's going to work foryou. interior quality like i said it's gotheated leather front seats. itdoes have a
navigation system in it. dualclimate control it is a manual transmission iforgot that important deal. it's a six speed manualtransmission it's just a got everything you'd everwant in a corvette. again it's a 2008 chevy corvette zo6package with only 8,800 miles on it andwe've got it for sale right nowfor only $48,995. stay tuned we have more to showyou here on nebraska's best car& truck show.
fall in love with a brand new buick enclave. save over15% off original msrp that's almost $9,000 insavings. only at sid dillonbuick gmc cadillac in fremontnebraska. don't you love it when you'resurprised to find some moneyyou didn't know you had? at sid dillon buickgmc cadillac in fremont our staff understands howprecious time and money is toour customers. so whether you're looking for anew or used car or truck our focus is on getting you thebest value for your budget. all
while having a fun and positivebuying experience. come see us at sid dillon buick gmccadillac in fremont where it'sfun to save money. don't forget to stop in anytimeand ask us about the great offers we're showingyou here at sid dillon buickgmc cadillac in fremont nebraska. now let'stake a look at more greatvehicles here on nebraska's best car & truckshow. here we have a 2010 chevroletequinox. this one has 78,000 miles on it and it's inreally good condition.
the exterior color is the redmetallic and the interior is a premium black cloth. this oneis a 2lt trim level so it's got somenice options i'm going to tellyou about. this one happens to be front wheeldrive and it is a four cylinderso it's going to get really great gas mileageespecially on the highway withit being the four cylinder and the front wheel drive sodefinitely something that wouldbe good with that. it does have the clothstitching does have nice red accents as well so it lookspretty sharp inside. there happens to be a sunroofso you can either completelyslide that open or tilt
it open when it's nice out forthose sunny days. we've got a rear backup camera that'sgoing to be in the rear viewwhen or rear view mirror so when you put itin reverse part of the mirrorturns into a screen that you can see whatsbehind you when you're backingup. this one does have bluetooth so thatway you can sync your phone tothat and answer everything handsfree it would all be on thesteering wheel. you can answer and end the callfrom the steering wheel whichis really nice. we also have a power lift gateon this vehicle, so on theremote you can just press the buttonand the back end will openautomatically and then there'sanother
button that you press and itcloses on its own. this onedoes have remote start so you can heat up and cooldown your vehicle whatevertemperature is going on outside. this ones got thepioneer sound system as well. so you're going to have a greatsound quality sound system inthe equinox. so it's just got a lot ofoptions that are really reallynice to have. we've got as far as exteriorwe've got the nice chromeaccents so we've got the chrome mirrorcovers, the chrome doorhandles, and then the refract rails aswell which looks really sharpwith the metallic red exterior. againthis one is a
2010 it's chevrolet equinoxfront wheel drive 2lt four cylinder with 78,000miles on it. we've got it right now onsiddillon.com for $15,495. all right this whole shows beenabout some really awesome usedvehicle. we're going to finish the show up with this reallygreat deal on a 2015 gmc sierra. i've actuallygot a few of these left. therepart of the august gmc summer sell downas part of gmc's special that theirrunning and we're going to saveyou some big
money on this vehicle if you'rein the market for a new truck.this particular one is a 2015 slt package that's veryvery well equipped. as you cansee it's got the great 20 inch wheels, those areawesome looking. light steelgray, chrome mirror caps, chrome running boards.it's an slt it's got nice blackleather interior. heated memory seats.this one has navigation system. huge backup camera.five passenger. bluetooth for your phone, adjustablepower pedals. sound like i'mrambling i'm trying to get this done quickly and uhbut it's very very wellequipped. original msrp on this one is$50,880
part of that gmc summer selldown is 20% off of msrp do the math there it'sabout $10,400 off of sticker price. i'm going to save youeven more money on that if thisthings still around this weekend while yourwatching the show we've got acouple extra ones i'll save you over $12,000 offof sticker price. so you're buying a very well equippedvehicle for almost for what you could buy a lesser equippedvehicle for. so you're buyingan slt for an sle price. gmc summersell down going on through theend of the month you only got a couple moredays. get out here right nowtake advantage of it
$12,000 off of sticker price. thanks for watching this week'sedition of nebraska's best car& truck show. tune in next weekto see what else we have linedup for you. stop on out to sid dillon buick gmccadillac in fremont nebraskawhere we have a car for everybody. if you didn'tsee what you like on our showtoday go to siddillonbuickgmc.com andyou're sure to find it there.thanks for watching we'll see you next week on nebraska'sbest car & truck show. if you missed any part ofnebraska's best car & truck show today go on-line tosiddillonbuickgmc.com
and check out the great dealsyou can get at sid dillon buickgmc cadillac in fremont nebraska. so stop on out to to the cars and trucks i took a deep breath rightafter danny said really i was like ready? oh wait howmuch is this one? do you know? so it's got a lotof options it's a really cool (bluetruck!)
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