alright, today we're working on a 1997 nissan maxima uh... we are going to be replacing therear valve cover gasket on the car which is uh... kind ofdifficult the intake manifold has to come off uh... so were gonna to show you how to take the intake manifold off and replacethe rear valve cover gasket so we're gonna get started the firstthing we've already disconnected the negative battery terminal
uh... anytime you're working on a majorjob under the hood you just wanna do that so we'll go ahead and get started alright the first thing i'm going to do is to remove all the uh... ducting from the airfilter assembly this uh... duct piece is actually missing its little clip that you'd normally have uh... you'd normally have some pushpins that hold this piece in but they'remissing so we dont need to worry about that this just pulls up then we disconnect
uh... let's see. i'll just go ahead and undo it all okay now thats out of our way uh... i'm going to try uh... i'm not sure what success we'll have but i'm going to try to take the intake off yet leave the throttle body on the car and again i don't know how well this is going to work so we're just going to trial and error it
i'm going ahead and get everything off the throttle body andun-bolt it from the intake manifold all right so i should be able to just leave the throttle body off to the side like this that just saves us from having to disconnect the coolant hoses and hoses off the base of it what i'm gonna do now is go around andjust disconnect all the electrical plugs
then i'm gonna pull the throttle cables out of my way, just kind of open up everything get it all out of ourway okay i'm working on for lucius one um... theater i have to take off stuff so annoyed thing which has to promote your not so
morning evaluation core lawful take this off and get to that continue taking more things apart personnel we've got just about everything under uh... whoever worked on this car lastthere's one bracket on the back of his aides really hard hit hitting the you can only get you back toyou lynn come so i think you at both out
is i've seen in the past so who work for us so dot or dot that butif you find that the intake welcome off fuel on the back and see if there's any any bolts back there there uh... it's holding everything still in place so um... we do you have is that you are to because on the backas nowhere
show you because it's again it's all byfeel you both on the you know if you don'tget a new once i get the intake manifold off avillage show you uh... the ones i ended but whose gonna go ahead and do that now their property built on that and premierand your team ball goes well now and should be able toyou purely a world where could as should beable to take up before intake bolts
and then hopefully it'll with uh... but i'veprobably missed something will find out them minute here here and take out in support or might lucked out and here's one thing i need todisconnect is that you do your uh... pcv valve the valve cover there
in here and listen up at this point hopefully that'll they have one has i mean i don't know if you notice one rubber hose right at the basementauto body which i think that it is are not the throttle bodies at the basethe intake behind by the body
now i get in there antitumor all right so while we're away i want hadn't auditors took some paper towels and plugged up each of the uh... six intakeports here let's just to keep anything from fallingdown in their laughing you wanted like blues notable on down there uh... mystery region that way
and so what will be now it's use in this uh... crossing over to you and there are now abort all we're on the entry parents arenot cover they were here and take off okay so got on the bolts out of thevalve cover got a bottle of court already read it and
prior up on it try to slip them upon it first if it doesn't do that then you have topry elected but as i mentioned except that one corner because i missed the boat ickes one mobile course targets thanks nissan
there yet so military operas and you can see here this uh... it protrude leaking repair what we're gonna do we got our our inside of our mouth leaner cleaned up someone still not perfect but
little busloads off middle east next what we're gonna do is take off theto take out the three uh... spark plug to seals and you'll see one of the body missing reason for that it's actually still on me oldham sparkling tube
so it has pulled out from there as for the other two just cried right out of the whole sewers who go or i am out we got the complete now cover set whichcomes with new spark plugs heels full gromit
actually that you know now cover saturday open it up frequent recognized wheelbarrow coveredestates uh... we got this from eight pty dot com so we got our new about cover gasketc_u_c_ indicate also has a avenue washers with the robert grommets on there as well as the new spark plug tubes hillside
so for straight ahead and install these into are top cover the way you want us to gil you'll see bylooking at it one-sided steeper decide as a taper on it the reason for that is when you go toput the valve cover on it'll slide smoothly onto the sparkling teams answer you want the the cheaper
piecing and you can usually just pushing them by hand to begin with and then well this market in and many here trying to take a little hammer what happens then required not be zen either
takes a little bit of course uh... are no internet centric circling upbeat display popped into the spark plug touse so that when these side on there though for peace in the solution cars got a lot of sludge in the insideof the engine here
our next order here which valve cover gasket kit is onthe stock cover and might actually wrote the same sort just grab one and uh... does not line up florence plans are a separate
two hundred years i'm gonna go back tome to go in and stick just a little bit of who who were stealing in here just kinda hold this gaskin in place notactually make the ceo but uh... holders of the fallout we goto install it review that report are intended to put a couple of absolutebus silicone little spots around the valve cover again this is not to make the ceo thisis just to help hold the gasket
when i go to install it saves headache he began to get from falling out right now you know this let me ask it up lynn person place or well that's trying which we don't have any other silicon onthe right on the
asked surface cholesterol ng or swap out the grumman's for the valve cover are so what we need to do is we're gonnareplace sees them cover brought watchers but as proud as off one of the time you'll see that's that's what it lookslike
let's let's hear a recession part of the rock parts that once we get our valve coverin place we'll take our new grommets missy they just sit there is that these actually help make theseal because the river river marines helps hold the valve cover and placed infighting the ball down the ballpoint pens so far
and the squishing yes so we're looking for helped push the valve cover down will so those emplacements to get thevelcro lined up our next step is going to be this is a very important step uh... won't when i was on my break icleaned up the surface all around here at issue some uh...generic parts cleaner
you clean it all up the corners over here and dirt there the corners where this which starts togo up here and down here at the base are very important that you put a silicone sealant party needs to do it in this corner
and to put a good generous amount ontheir uh... matt is where if you could have a leak that's really uh... won a big glob of so sealant on that area uh... and then we'll put our valve coveron lecture again the metro queen and it's a real clean
and dry you want to uh... issue until the stick to it mature and stick a glob of uh... did silicon our tv on there and excessive and to put a big clobberthem discussing it around my finger the second year when they're and then one up in this corner now let's get a and spread it around the world
you shoud paint and results and i would put the gasket on theirwithout cover on a real solution on industry but it's got plenty there too into shape we want to do this pretty quick afterbut not a silicone on there who do not want that to dry before you cd gaskin place
lineup are valve cover we'll carefully see enough to guess getout of place signed up to this kind of push it and it all uh... fallen took place onthe spark plug tears she s family guy heading valve cover both from its on here and lastly where to go ahead and it all of our boats
just by hand right at this point to go ahead and goaround and snuggle mall downer criss cross pattern i'm i'm not good for crumb disgusts them all down and i'm a background in tightening downthat's the way went ahead and stand down all of the valve cover bolts no one background
uh... now they don't want to be overlytight they only go so tight that thattightness of them will not make a difference on whether the valve coverleaks are not he saw it they had a a spacer onnum and i guess explain in that that squishyhas about washers actual holds that i'll protect anyway once you tightening down to snugin the mets at philadelphia about info grounds now a we are ready to go ahead and putthe intake back on
uh... just looking again we got our both state here then stick and now i'm just going to go backthrough and put the intake on beautiful these guys out trickiest part will be getting thesehouses on unity that first link in the bolts articulated yard to um... if your car so i think bolts just try toput them back and and they are kind of
important they will be in taking placesome so whoever workings lasso left us nooption to they did not leave the bolts in there right we're going to start on that right before i don't write everythingdown time to get my do both but you are well started it's again it's going to go feels likeit will show you what i'm doing world
suffered at much let's get the pcl ontheir team one thing i wanted to mention if you plan on doing a tune up at the same time uh... when you're doing this job is theperfect time to go ahead and give it to you know because you've already got the ignitioncoils off uh... mall yet to do is down in a sparkplug images take out the sparklers basically
unite indeed adam on-the-job today from their cecilia regular content uh... to summer one dimension okay i've got for the most parteverything hooked up uh... probably stick in the vacuum lines or deb both at the throttle body we had an uh... put our wiring back on
just uh... big check on do in the wiringinsist you'll see that every connector kind offalse in the general area where it should be now you can actually connector one thing so that's not going to be pro-china connected to the area to run connector methodically walk-through
he walked it doing connect one plug in a time yemeni brackets on them put 'em back together as you go or it will be the same thing just one of the time reconnected to have someone to go democratically and start connecting
he might be like england down further going down below c one minute seem to have a home but it's got tosomewhere paring back here so i brought a body are electrical connectors are allconnected uh... we're gonna go and put ourroleplay will back on
that's that took it apart all you have to do contracts sct and anywhere place c work instantly right last time going to
so our just like everything out aline everything up sled things on the map is carson what i consider excessive them to use them it's going to make sure you know more louise slaughter
air filter other inman worked worked complaints water filter and he's got a bolt are bracket back onhere that we took off originally you know we try to find some push pinsthe hold that in will do that you have a minute that is and she complete our double and a newnow is
just look over everything and i will start up and make sureeverything's plate not weaken and we will do it at a later time done the front valve cover um... but the procedure on that is pretty muchidentical to do in the rear one just so you don't take off the intake manifoldor if it is they thought this cover and then uh... do in the uh... rear valve cover onceyou get the intake off the stake out the bolts laid-off cleanit
cagey asking you yet this car looks like so many change thefont one in the past uh... so the problem that we can onlythe rear with lincoln really bad knowing that you really know that said hewlett again we're disconnect partnering interning for nothing non-starter up mister studio parceria proceed to watch and um...roberto so on face book expert dot com
slash p p v t y uh... also subscribers here on youtube innkeeper keith and i will keep making new videosfor you
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