(intense driving music) [red ranger] get 'em, doc! (device beeps and whirs) activating eaglezord. activating lion hauler. activating bear crawler. (engines revving) (all yell) [all] we're in!
(yellow ranger grunts) yeah! (tires squealing) (guns firing) (buildings exploding) attack formation delta. (blue ranger grunts) [yellow ranger] whoa (grunts). [red ranger] i'm on point.
[yellow ranger] watchthose blasters, red. [red ranger] increasingfront deflectors, whoa! whoa, going airborne. (metal clanking)(electricity crackling) blue, clear up after yellow. (grunts) right, i'm on it. (yellow ranger gasps) we're still gonna find thatit's coming in from the north. not for long.
[red ranger] enemy banditsretreating on all fronts. oh, this ain't over yet. rangers, form high octane megazord. (device beeping) vector scope online. (brakes screeching) (black machine growls) [yellow ranger] attack sequence mustang. roger that.
[yellow ranger] ready, go. let's finish it. okay, i'm right with you, blue. (laughs) yay yay! (device clinks) [red, blue, and yellowrangers] super saber! here we go people, let's bring the pain. punch it. (gasps)
(blue ranger gasps)(yellow ranger exclaims) (black machine exploding) calling zords. [red, blue, and yellowrangers] we're in. (vehicles whirring) [red ranger] fire uphigh octane megazord. [yellow ranger] he's firing. [red ranger] deflect. (snake monster cackles)
look out. (rangers cry out) come on, hurry. (snake monster growling) [yellow ranger] hold on. [blue ranger] we can't. (yells) [yellow ranger] he's way too big. i've got an idea.
i've got him. initiate weapon. (machine whirs) [red, blue, and yellowrangers] super saber. (snake monster yells) this is it. [blue ranger] right.[yellow ranger] let's go. (snake monster groans) (snake monster explodes)
[red ranger] enemyis down, down and out. (device beeping and whirring) plug it in (grunts). [red, blue, and yellowrangers] high octane megazord. [red ranger] got it in my sight. (monster growls)weapons online. [green and black rangers]when do i get one of those? [red ranger] engage front deflectors. [yellow ranger] hang tight, everyone.
[red ranger] firing thrusters. (monster growls) [all rangers] high octanemegazord, full power. let's do it. [blue ranger] right.[yellow ranger] right. (monster exploding) [red ranger] go for megazord. [yellow and blue rangers] yeah right! [green and black rangers] here we go.
(red ranger grunts) [blue ranger] we're taking hits. [yellow ranger] iblocked lateral controls. [black ranger] oh boy (grunts) brace for impact. (blue ranger groans) (yellow ranger groans) (green and black rangers grunting) [green and black rangers] we're in.
yeah. [green ranger] whoa,how do i drive this thing? series black and seriesgreen zords, they're activated. [green and black rangers]sky bandits, 3 o'clock. (both exclaim) [green ranger] where are the brakes? (yells) i'm in a tailspin! [black ranger] let's seewhat this thing can do. they're straight ahead.
i see 'em. (monster growling) lateral controls restored. arming weapon. [red, blue, and yellowrangers] power rangers rpm. super saber. high octane megazord. [blue ranger] super saber. (metal clanging)
[yellow ranger] damage report. our targeting andguidance systems are out. (rangers gasp) whoa, it's black and green. make room for papa. [red ranger] roger that. welcome aboard, green. hey, you look good on us. uh, it throws the wholeprimary color balance off.
now it's my turn. now is it just me, or do i rock? (electricity crackling) (monster explodes) (devices whirring) [red ranger] we're on the scene. (all gasping) guys, venjix drones at 3 o'clock. [blue ranger] 3 o'clock?
that's past our bedtime. all right, all go![yellow ranger] yeah! let's finish this (grunts). initiate transformation. [green and blackrangers] valvemax megazord. [red ranger] look at that. [yellow ranger] yeah, they did it. fire. tailspin, go.
[green and blackrangers] power rangers rpm. (electricity crackling)(monster groans) (fire crackling) [yellow ranger] zords go. (all grunting) [red ranger] plug it in. (monster groaning) yes. ready weapon number two.
roger, deploying super saber. [red ranger] initiate deflectors. (all exclaiming) [green ranger] oh no. [black ranger] come on,ziggy, let's get in the game. (grunts) [red ranger] look out! (gun firing) [yellow ranger] look,its shields are weakening.
i'm on it. initiating hyper combination. target locked. [red, blue, and yellow rangers] fire. (guns firing)(monster groaning) [yellow ranger] venjix'sattack bot is down. threat is neutralized. (groaning) [green and blackrangers] valvemax megazord,
charging up. (triumphant music) (monster yells) [red ranger] initiate super saber. (rangers grunting) [red ranger] we're going down. [blue ranger] down but not out. initiating super saber. power rangers rpm, super saber.
we have a visual on thatnew venjix attack bot. power rangers, prepfor megazord sequencing. oh right, i guess that explains why we have our own blasterpointed at us right now. (rangers exclaiming) valvemax megazord is down. [yellow ranger] i don'tsee how that's possible. (monster laughs) well, did you see that?
heads up, i think i know what's coming. (grunts) hitting a manwith his own super saber, now that's low. (rangers grunt) [yellow ranger] we're on it. [red ranger] we havevenjix's bandits dead ahead. (rangers gasping) [blue ranger] we're losing power. i don't think she cantake much more than this.
(yellow ranger grunting) all right, punch it. (monster grunting) [doctor k] repeat, go for new megazord. [green ranger] nowthat's what i like to hear. [black ranger] right behind ya. ready guys? [all rangers] zenith megazord. [blue ranger] let's go for a ride.
all right. [red ranger] we're in. [yellow ranger] this is sweet. [green ranger] nice ride.[black ranger] check it out. [yellow ranger] pretty good, huh? [red ranger] roomy.[blue ranger] very nice. (metal clinking) rangers, energy levelsare go for wheel blaster. [red ranger] all right, let's do this.
plugging in. (lighthearted classical music) [blue ranger] engine cell activate. [all rangers] wheel blaster ready. [red ranger] target locked. [all rangers] fire. (monster growling)(electricity crackling) well, let's see howhe likes playing tag. [black ranger] fire.
[all rangers] wheel blaster. [blue ranger] engine cells activate. (all grunt) [red ranger] let's do it. [doctor k] got morphing zords. [all rangers] zenith megazord online. [all rangers] engage wheel blaster. [red ranger] engine cell activate. [red ranger] all right,everyone, remember,
one configuration and that's it. [yellow ranger] here he comes. i can hear you, little rangers. [red ranger] go to motor zords. (venjix grunts) [venjix] what? [red ranger] going airborne. [green ranger] wait,wait, slow down a bit, i'm getting dizzy!
[blue ranger] hey, need a boost? [red ranger] fire. (venjix growling) (material exploding) (flying machines whirring) [all rangers] no way.(yellow ranger exclaims) i am venjix. you seem to be forgetting that. (blades vibrating)
[red ranger] what?[blue ranger] huh? who are these insolent intruders? this day really can't get any weirder. whoo, fire at will! [yellow ranger] i will. [green ranger] then fire. get them. [blue ranger] evasive action. what, that's impossible (grunts)!
[gold ranger] haha, that got him. you hungry? [silver ranger] starving. mm, me too. let's bug out. (guns firing)(material exploding) (rangers cheering) [yellow ranger] timefor some spring cleaning. finish it, rangers.
zord time (grunts). [all rangers] combine. (devices beeping and whirring) [red ranger] super saber. you're going down. [red ranger] take this. [gold and silver rangers] locked in. going in. right behind you.
let's combine. do it. [all rangers] you are toasted. (grunting) let's zord up. [gold and silver rangers] call in zords. (laughs) we're going in. hey gemma, beta maneuver. keep it busy. engine cell activate.
activating 10 second attack burst configuration. begin activation ofwhale-based dna code sequence. [gold ranger] consider it activated. [gold ranger] now let's show this thing. [silver ranger]something it's never seen. [gold and silver rangers]hello to mach megazord. look, it has no idea. what to make of us.
[gold ranger] ready, aim. [silver ranger] fire. hey gem, wanna know what i'm thinking we should do with this thing next? since when do i notthink what you think? doctor k, care to bringthis to a rousing finale? affirmative. stand by for energy power bow download. (machine beeping and whirring)
[gold ranger] yeah. [silver ranger] just likeold times, eh, doctor k? [all rangers] high octane megazord. valvemax megazord. right, so it looks likethe carnival's in town. oh no, not again. uh oh (grunts). black and green, i'll take the lead. fall back into alpha formation.
(ranger cheers) [silver ranger] come on, get some. [gold ranger] let's. [silver ranger] take half the trash. (balloons popping) [gold and silver rangers]pop goes the weasel. gem, gemma, wait! [gold ranger] but waiting. [silver ranger] is no fun.
(electricity crackling)(material exploding) [silver ranger] ithink we need something. [gold ranger] with a little more kick. [gold and silver rangers] calling zords. ha! mach megazord activated. [gold ranger] we're.[silver ranger] hit. (both screaming) (material whipping)
oh no, all systems failing. i think we need. [silver ranger] some backup. (both exclaiming) [gold ranger] whoa! sorry we're late. did you miss us? we couldn't let you have all the fun. what is that thing?
need a hand? (exclaims) i think we made him mad. yeah, and our power levels are critical. [gold ranger] woohoo! coming. [silver ranger] through. we need to combine into skyrev. it's the only way wecan blow this sucker up. then follow my lead this time.
channel the biofielddirectly into the main frame on my mark. [silver ranger] got it. ready for biofield manipulation. woohoo, we're gonna send this puppy back to the garment district. just be careful. if we're off by just a hair, then we'll blow ourselvesback to the garment district.
three. two, one, initiate biofield sequence. [gold ranger] activated (grunts). [all rangers] power rangers rpm. woohoo! we did it! (doctor k exhales) all systems go. [red ranger] skyrev megazord.
[blue ranger] hey, where'dthose buttons come from? [silver ranger] explosive. [green ranger] yeah, baby. all right, let's finish this. [all rangers] go. (engine accelerates) plug it in. find weapons. [silver ranger] locked.
[gold ranger] and loaded. [blue ranger] steady. [venjix] you're mine. (venjix yelling) (venjix exploding) [all rangers] rpm, in gear. skyrev megazord. (venjix growls) (electricity crackling)(rangers yelling)
[red ranger] we're no match. doctor k, we need more torque. ready for riser engine afterburners. activate. (venjix grunting) shields up, let's move in. that's right where i want it. weapons at max. [all rangers but red] max.
[silver ranger] whoa. [gold ranger] maxpower, now we're talking. [red ranger] lock on target. (venjix beeping) (guns firing)(venjix groaning) (rangers yelling) [all rangers] call for megazord. is that a knife? oh, we're hit.(rangers exclaiming)
easier said than done, doc. (metal scraping and clanging) rangers, disengage. the bot is charging up for-- [blue ranger] too late. doc, can you tap into ourauxiliary power reserves? negative, the charge has short-circuited the megazord power grid. stand by while i bypass the grid
to access the bioenergy fields directly. (metal thudding)(rangers yelling) [red ranger] valvemax megazord down. i need more time. just a simple mechanic, eh? take a look at this. gold and black, holdstill and thank me later. what is he-- i'm afraid to ask.
it's an engine cell i rewired to charge the zord's combustion system. think of it as wireless jumper cables. ranger blue, hold your fire. that device is unsanctioned and most likely incompatiblewith my operating system. ah, for the love of (mumbles), have a little faith, will ya? negative.
if the electrical currentinterchanges polarities, it will resolve. [black ranger] doc,systems have lost power. (systems groaning) complete system failure. no, i don't get it, it shoulda worked. doc, it worked, we're back online, yeah! thanks, doctor k. now let's give this nighta reason to be blue.
(blue ranger sighs) [red ranger] let'sshow him some firepower! (blades whirring) he deflected it, watch out! right back at ya! [blue ranger] somebodycall for a mechanic. [red ranger] flinn! and gemma, we're cleared to go megazord. (material exploding)(metal clanging)
[doctor k] rangers, downloading skyrev megazord configuration. (vehicles whirring and clanking) [all rangers] power rangers, rpm. ranger blue, you're go toredeploy your road attack zord. but we need a new engine cell. lucky a good mechanic nevertravels without his tools. (rangers laugh) engine cell activate (grunts).
(device whirring and clanking) [red ranger] oh, flinn, that's amazing! (rangers cheering)brilliant! (peaceful music) [blue ranger] i'd say it's about time we're finished and log off. [gold ranger] attack formation quick. evasive maneuvers. over here.
tailspin (grunts). they never get enough, do they? (engine revving) this is how we do it glasgow style. (metal clanking) [black and green rangers]prepare for vital strike. time for the big stuff. (device whirring) we need more power.
initiating road attack zord. (gemstone hissing) [green ranger] do it. skid mode. say goodbye. [all rangers] burnout. [red ranger] what the what? everybody hold on. what is that?
(horn honking) look at that thing. [gold ranger] megazordpractice, gotta love it. [silver ranger] you guys ready? [green ranger] yeah, readyto teach you a thing or two. [yellow ranger] this could get. [blue ranger] ugly. whoo, gotcha! you say something?
yeah, yeah, very funny. okay, we give up. [gold ranger] not (grunts)-- hey, enough is enough. [blue and yellow rangers] calling zords. open wide, drill man. come on. (grunting and yelling) whoa, this is amazing.
(device clanking and whirring) paleomax megazord. full power. (metal thudding) ha, let's see what thisbaby can do (grunts). power rangers rpm. (mumbles) go major. skyrev megazord online. temperature rising.
(metal crackling) we're gonna need some backup. doc, upload the paleo zord. let's see him melt this. deep freeze go. paleomax megazord activate. back to the ice age. uh yeah, beat your chest all you want. you don't scare me.
activate paleomax. paleomax megazord, let'ssee what this guy's made of. how's your first taste of paleo power? (metal whirring) (ribbons whipping) uh, what, hey, hey, ow! we can't hold him. we have to. [gold and silver rangers] mach megazord.
whoo, let's blow something up. better not hit the paleomax. scott wouldn't be happy. (both yelling) uplinking to city broadcasting network. initiating control code, gem. hey, something's happening. come on, scott. we're back in the game.
[red ranger] activate eagle zord. (grunting)(vehicle whirring) [red ranger] you take that bot. we'll handle the paleomax. [green ranger] roger that. [black ranger] oh yeah. (metal exploding) (metal shattering) [black ranger] oh, what's happening?
[green ranger] it worked, fantastic! astonishing, it's like discovering the theory of relativity. what's so amazing, doc? if this data is correct, you should be able tocombine all 12 zords. downloading combo matrix to the biofield's synergy drives. do you think it will work?
all 12? that sounds a little crazy. i think it's about to be-- ultra boom time. let's just do it. my energy levels arethrough the ceiling. well, we got nothing to lose. activate ultrazord. all right, i've got the codes, doc.
[all rangers] rmp ultrazord. (vehicles clanking and whirring) what, they've stolen my coding, but how? [red ranger] all systems go, doc. [yellow ranger] energylevels reaching peak. i've got a feeling we'reabout to redefine peak energy. (material exploding and crackling) [all rangers] activate weapons. oh yes!
(red ranger groans)[blue ranger] what is it? [yellow ranger] hey,are you okay, scott? [red ranger] i'm fine,let's bust this guy. [all rangers] ultrazord high kick. road attack. [all rangers] road attack burnout. (tire screeching) [gold and silver rangers]engage wheel blasters. combine weapons.
[silver ranger] locked.[gold ranger] and loaded. (zord whirs slowly) i've got its coordinates. locking on target. i'm heading in. i'm showing all weaponrysystems go for deployment. i'm going for liftoff. i guess i'll take a turn. clear out, i've got a shot.
locked on target. let's put 'em together, guys. [all rangers] rpm ultrazord. [gold ranger] powersupply full, we're in go. [silver ranger] claw hatchets. [gold ranger] activate. [blue ranger] ready, fire. (wheels squealing) (monster groans)
[red ranger] go road attack (grunts). (wheels screeching) [gold and silverrangers] all systems go. initiate paleomax. (vehicle whirring and clanking) (red ranger groaning) [black ranger] i'm hit. [blue and yellow rangers] super saber. [black and gold rangers] fire.
you missed (growls). up here, buddy. just in time, huh? (gun firing)(electricity crackling) (rangers groaning) uh, you guys laying down on the job? oh ziggy. let's show 'em somereal firepower (grunts). road attack zord.
delta formation. [monster] what? (material exploding)(monster groaning) ha, nice try. rpm ultrazord. burnout. [red, blue, and yellowrangers] wheel blasters. [gold and silverrangers] combine weapons. [monster] no, no! (yells)
this isn't over yet,do you hear me (yells)? mach megazord. [red ranger] you're going down. [all rangers] yes! [red ranger] let'sget back in it (grunts). follow me. isn't that what i always do? tailspin. [red ranger] it's ziggy and dillon.
[black ranger] valvemax megazord. i've reconfigured your weapons array. prepare to download. [green ranger] got it, doc. (both grunt) [green and black rangers] swallow this. paleomax online. [gold and silver rangers]mach megazord, activate. [blue and yellow rangers]high octane megazord.
i'm movin' in. (metal clanging)(electricity crackling) i'll take a turn. (zords gurgling) i'm losing traction. me too, hold on. the weapons are all down! [gold ranger] careful,this guy's got some moves. [silver ranger] wishi had all those weapons.
[red ranger] i owe you one, guys. my weapons are back up. hold him still. [blue and yellow rangers]locking onto target. [gold ranger] so long.[silver ranger] attack bot.
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