crossover suv best used


hello my name is john kelly and this isthe weberauto youtube channel today we're going to talk about how tocheck fluid level on toyota automatic transmissions thatdo not have a dipstick now every one of my students that i evenbring this topic up with roll their eyes and think oh my gosheverybody knows how to check transmission fluid you don't need to tell me how to do thatwell, come to find out the very few people actually know how tocheck the fluid level on a toyota transmission without adipstick

and there are other vehicle manufacturesthe don't have a dip stick or a dipstick tube just like the toyotas, the the aisinautomatic transmissions, and so i want to show you the propermethod of checking the fluid level, it's veryinvolved there's a twelve-page document just to do it out of toyota service information forseveral of their automatic transmissions, and so what ihave here is the oil pan from an aisin u660e

or u760e or f transmission. this is thesix-speed automatic transmission that comes just about every front wheel drive toyota mid-size,full-size, car it has no dipstick tube, no dipstick, instead, what it has is this little straw and one drain plug in the bottom pan now this drain plug is

is both a drain plug to get fluid out ofthe transaxle its also a plug that we use to check thefluid level and so we'll take a, just give you a quick demonstrationin the parts, you will need a a 6 millimeter hex drive to remove the the drain plug and when you get that plug out there isstill this red straw sticking upso let me zoom in so you can see real close what i'm talking about here

this straw, that sets the fluidlevel, at the top of that straw and so if youpull the drain plug out, take the drain plug out, and fluid comes out of that straw you might think that "oh, was overfull" and you're supposed to let it but continuedraining until it reaches a slow drip and then put theplug back in and "shazam" you are all done

a lot of my students and otherpeople that i talk to think that that's all there is to it but, there's a big problem with that in this this transaxle is very picky aboutits fluid level being correct it'll make all kinds a noise thatactually sounds like a power steering pump hydraulic power steering pump althoughthis has electric power steering it is that's the kinda whining cavitation type of noise that you wouldhear

wel,l the as it turns out the fluid that is used in toyota transmissions the world standard, the ws fluid here,like almost any other transmission fluidexpands when he gets hot and if you actually went into toyota'sservice information and printed the instructions on how tocheck this fluid level "you need instructions check fluidlevel everybody knows ever do that" if you actually checked the theinstructions it would tell you that this is onlygoing to be accurate

between 104 degrees in 113 degrees of automatic transmission fluid temperature now what temperature is fluid normally? lets say a customer has been outdriving around and they decide "oh hey, i need to get my oil changed and i'll pull it into some oil change place,or even the toyota dealer or any other repair shop to get myoil changed, and have them check all my other fluids too" if somebody even attempts to check

this fluid level chances are they'regoing to let too much fluid out because they're checking it whenthe fluid temperature is too hot this fluid expands, all transmission fluidsexpand, but if you check this fluid when thetemperature the fluid is above 113 degrees fahrenheit the fluid has expanded, the volume isphysically increased from expansion and if you pull that, this plug, out of thebottom of the transaxle and wait for the fluid to finish draining,you have just effectively drained fluid out of a transaxle that was probably filled

correctly out of the the 2007 and above front wheel drive toyota vehicles thatuse this transaxle the only way you can accurately checkthis on the customer whose transmission fluid temperature was abovea 113 fahrenheit was to make him leave the car, and if the the transaxle was all the way up tonormal operating temperature or at least 185 degrees

to his as high as maybe 220, 230 degreesfahrenheit it is way to hot to check, so you may evenhave to keep the vehicle vehicle overnight just to let the fluidcool down and you can not, as part of a lube oil and filter, tell somebody thatyou checked the fluid level if you didn't check it, or if you didn'tcheck it accurately, you need to do it the right way, now this has caused a lot of theseautomatic transmissions to be under filled

and when they're under filled they starvefor fluid, clutches can slip from lack of fluidpressure, and burn the transmissions up, transaxles up. so toyota last year, within the last year, year and a half orso, came up with a new procedure to adjust this fluid level, and so the printed service information that they have online is the information on how to checkthis fluid level when it's between 104 and 113 degrees; it stillworks great and

you don't need any special tools tocheck that if you have a vehicle that is at thattemperature, and of course how do you check the fluid level? you have got to have a scan tool the pluginto the data link connector and pull up the transaxletransmission fluid temperature sensor well unfortunately or fortunately mostvehicles when they come into shop are going to be warmed up more than 113degrees so toyota has released a technical servicebulletin talking about, and telling you about,

some new tools that are available toallow you to check this transmission fluid level at a hotter temperature and i want toshow you these these tools so just to check transmission fluidlevel on a on a toyota camry highlander venza, sienna

just about any front wheel drivesix-speed automatic transmission you're going to need this big pumpassembly back here full of world standard fluid and this pump just has a quick connectfitting here that allows you to connect right to the fill plug, the fill port, onthe automatic transmission and pump fluid right into it, and i will show that on the car then you are also going to need this vacuum tank or some other typevacuum

system to put a vacuum on thetransaxle so that when you pull this plug right here when you take this plug outif you reply to vacuum to the transaxle fluid will not come out, you won't loseyour fluid so you put a vacuum on the fill plug up the transactional with this the air powered vacuum here and then there's this kit right here, so we need these three piecesto check fluid level,

this kit has a vacuum regulator to makesure we got enough vacuum to pull the plug we have an adapter to connect to thetransaxle, and then we have very interesting little tool right herethat i want to show you on the oil pan, so obviously i have told you that the transmission fluid level increases as it gets hot, the volume, the fluidexpands, the volume increases, and so what

toyota has done, has come up with a, they've come up with the tool that when we take this drain plug out at the bottom of the transaxle,which by the way you it won't drain the fluid out, it is just to check the fluidlevel, if you want to take the fluid out you've got to take the straw out and ituses the same 6mm head driver and you you just run it to all the waythrough the bottom

the transaxle and take it out and now you can drain the fluid outof the transaxle, but we need this in there to check the fluid level at 104 degrees, 104 to 113 that's the only reason that piece is there.alright so let me screw up back in, alright what this tool does from this kit, is it gives us an adjustable height

straw, so this red straw only comes inone height this has a tube that good can go up and down, so let me zoom in on the toolhere so you'll notice that it has somegraduations in millimeters, every, well it has one millimeter markings; we start at 0 and it goes as high as 150 millimeters here, and in the technical service bulletin youhave to look up your year, make, model, and drive of vehicle andit will tell you how many millimeters

to stick this to up. now this venza we'regoing to work on is 71 millimeters so here's the seventy right here there'sthe 71 there's little thumb screw on the back right here, i am just going to lock that in place and that will, when we put this tool in our drain plug hole and stick it in, and we just tightening up by hand, notice now... get it to focus, there we go, that tube as part of the tool sticks up higher andthat is because this tools designed to

check the fluid when it's at 185 degrees or higher and so i'm sure there's a maximum temperaturethat it's rated for but if i loosen this thumb screwdown below i can shorten the height that straw i can lengthen the height that straw,that allows us to compensate for the fluid expansion in this transaxle, so we are going togo over to the vehicle

and actually do this entire procedureand check the transaxle fluid level on this the 2009 toyota venza that has this the transaxle in that i just happenhave in the shop today as part of mytransmission class so let's go over to the vehicle and i'llshow you how all this works and check the fluid. okay we are over to thevehicle in like i said we have got a 2009 toyotavenza all-wheel-drive vehicle on the hoist

and first thing i want to show you isthe scan tool so lets zoom in and take a look at somedata values that we need for this exercise the first thing we need is ourtransmission fluid temperature so our automatic transmission temperature, oil temperature, as you can see there is 186 degrees so 185 is the minimum that the technical service bulletin tells usso 185

to 194 is the preferred temperature. i've let thisthing run for hours and hours and hours and itnever exceeds 194 at an idle so in your shop just sitting there idling once it gets up property temperature hereyou should be fine the other piece of data that we need isright here, that's our engine speed 670-680 690, so less than 700 rpm so we're looking at transmission fluidtemperature

and engine rpm on the data list for the automatictransmission alright, the next thing i want to show youis right here in the left front wheelwell if we zoom in behind the tire and we had to take a little plasticpanel off right there that plug with the letters ws whichstands for world standard that plug is the transaxle oil fillplug

that's where we're going to put in fluid as we check the automatictransmission fluid level and so we need to take that plug out and we will install an adapter from the fluid level checking kit so let me get that adapter and whoop will get that installed so theadapter calls for is this one with the green 15

and i've already loose another or oilfill plug so i'm just going to reach up in thereits pretty hot engine at normal operatingtemperature i'm going to take that fill plug outwithout burning myself and i will screw in this green adapter in its place and you justscrewed in by hand just hang tight as little ring the doesthe ceiling love the mom entrance to the them

to the transactional so now we've got that perhaps adapterthe connected museum in just a little bit singh see it little better so now i'vegot the adapter the green 13 of hooked on the adapter comes down and has a quick connect fitting justlike an air hose right here that we will connect to a vacuum regulator and a vacuum pomp not palm but a a vacuum through with anair powered vacuum to all

so museum out soooo i can show you the the tools right here i've got the vacuum regulator we're just gonna hook this up underneaththe bottom of the vehicle connect this clear hose to that vacuumfitting thats um we've already installed on the inlet the fill plug to the transmission that the vacuumregulator i'm just going to

book it here under needwood the vehiclesomewhere when a good place to to hook it right there and i'm just going toconnect the vacuum regulator to that pipe thatwe have connected to the inlet to i'll the automatic transmission trenton so now you can see have got theregulator and has a gauge on it means you can seethe the gauge this just this gates justmajors inches of mercury vacuum

in this press week asian specificationwe're going to be looking for is between to and five inches love mercury so here's the fivemark right there and zero so somewhere inthis range when we get our vacuum the tank hookedup okay let me get the vacuum tank this is the vacuum tank grey here and it it has a flexible hose that is going to connect to the bottomup ovr

vacuum regulator your some is going toconnect to that up right there it has on offer well righthere where i can turn the vacuum on or turn it back off and of course there'sno vacuum on it yet because on this tank there's and quick connect air for a team for ourshop air supply and it should not be anyhigher than 100 psi so we're gonna okay compressed airto hear you know flow crossing offers create a vacuum in this tank the report a vacuum on theentire

transact so inside so let me get the heroes now now have our our shop air i'm just going to connectthat to a vacuum tank years and there's aboutright here on the top and we're just going to turn that on ash k know i know thats noisy may have a hardtime hearing me while much money so let's take a look at the gage now sure if

which again we're looking for cash who sure-fire refuges the mercury fewlooks like word about two-and-a-half three fuses amo three sure we're right within thespecification when or where we should be kroll we've we broke up the vacuum tank we'veapplied a vacuum to the transactional itself and the fourth bathis going to allow us to do you bring the camera and even closer now okay every position the camera we've gotour

and 225 inches of mercury on our vacuumgauge if you put a vacuum on the transactional and what that is going to allow us to donow his command right here on the drain plug and remove it and that'll allow us toremove it with al losing any fluid normal if you followthis blog out we're gonna lose fluid worth them my pre lucinda for this demonstration love you can we get it out for us to the way

as long as we've got a vacuum on therewe should be ok and not have any fluid murder about and if we did uploadr about its it's at ahundred maybe under 90 degrees and they would burnish 31 were probably worse blows but notice not drawfor food comes out now for turner vacuum of localdefinitely you come out so we do not want to dothat also thought of to the side here for the next thing we're going to do isget that adjustable straw but i showed you

with the graduated markings in millimeters on theside the instructions tell us to install this to all with the straw all the way down so right here are millimeter markings i haven't retractedall the way i'm going to screw that and it's all the way in them in the server same

information the service morton it we have to look up the year makemodel this vehicle this particular one tells us that feefor engine autos between seven for 600 and 700 rpm the charges less than 700 we have justthis to the seventy one millimeter mark her seventy right here so everyone's upa little higher so we're just gonna let this author to new server the 71 and right thumb screw now we have a little holes here

the fluid world-renowned old a if its overall but now we'vecompensated 4 the hot temperature have the fluid now for sony the drain pan a to capturethe the fluid let me grab that report if itis overfilled it fluid will come out in there so wewant to make sure that we've got something to capture that fluid alright i've got a in the brain

bucket below here so here's our holes let me zoom and know but on the wholeswedish watch it if the fluid was too high too much fluid in when we turn of thevacuum sure does amanda shut it off cut it off on the offer vile can turn it off on thelower valve here comes some fluid so notice it's not a lot of fluid but we have some fluid coming out thereknow what that tells us is that it was not tool all because ifit was too low we wouldn't have any

fluid coming out there at all if it were too high a we would have aconstant stream upload coming out and so what we're looking for is pretty muchexactly this include is just barely coming out thekind of a slow drip here then we know that for this transmissionfluid temperature that the um fluid level is correct nowlet me show you what would happen here we had didn't have this tool and we relied on the um

the height about red straw inside a the transmission no oil pan so that i'm going to let this level down to these a lower level notice now we have fluid just drain you know they're like crazythem and we're just gonna sit there and rainand rain and rain fluid and this is where the technician wouldthink they're doing a good job may we think all those the transmissionfluid levels to fall

what's not to fall it's just your checkin at at a hundred maybe six degrees rather than 900 for 213 so we drain fluid outta there thequestion now is how do we add it to so let's compensate for the increasedflow temperature will take this back up to the ones for the seventy one millimeter markroommate their k notice now i'm that when we are low onfluid

we're just barely gettin any drip out on their own all resume andjust a little bit see if we get a better year ago knows it it's not driven out like it was before so if you see this then you know thatthe fluid level is too low and now i need to add fluid so to addfluid we need the third piece but the specialtool kit the fluid pomp though showed your on thetable earlier slim is amounts you can see this

the football okay this fluid pomp tank here infillfollowed the proper fluid has a palm panel right near the palms asyou push down and full backup and it has a flexible holeswith the quick connect fitting and we're going to connect that pompright here to the same line that we have to backimpromptu before and we're gonna pump fluid into the transactional in the same holethat we apply to vacuum so let me disconnect bat and connect upor

holes there we go okay about the pomp connected to the in what did up the transmission and now let's watch this this hose again and we will pomp fluid into thetransmission until we see fluid come out over this holes here so i'm going to start poppin putting transmission fluid back in poemslowly

as i can from more and here we go so seenow the flutist starting to come out too much fluid i'veadded but it's better to have too much thantoo little because we can just simply let it drain here until the fluid level is where it should be so will just letit sit here let it get down to earth just barely aslow drip getting closer and closer so obviously this is a fluid level checkthe you're not going to be able to do in

20 minutes even five minutes this is not a quick simple easy the service and i recommand that you if you have a customer wants atransmission fluid level checked or pc lee can you suspect that it itneeds to be checked that you charge appropriately this is abig job it used to be done correctly you need to have proper major much needa proper scan tool to read the the transmission temperature anothervehicle manufactures are very similar i in their fluid level checkingprocedure

for transmissions that do not have adipstick moratorium is the only one that has thisadjustable straw that i'm aware although ford has onethat you put a vacuum on a.m. put fluid and then undo the vacuumin as a straw inside the pan that allows the fluid to come out untilreaches a certain level but all these are temperaturedependent right if we look at this drain holes now you can see that we're back to the slow drip off

that's what we're looking for is just aslow drip right there now if we make the mistake just simply were unscrewing this just will straw i'll to bottom thetransactional all the fluids just gonna come out so we have to put a vacuum back on thetransactional to get it out so i'm going to thisconnector pom-pom line here get it out of the way we're going toreconnect our vacuum it's worse

turn back on the vacuum sure and when i turn the vacuum i want you towatch what happens to those dripping fluid here usage trippin becomes the vacuum right there soon as i hit the vacuum it stopseuropean you for the vacuum on the transactional now now we can unscrew the store you will becaught so be careful notice we're not losing any fluid its

at all even though we've added fluid and now i need to get the heart for thethe drain plug minute ago move with that mackey am k here's a torque specification i thinkit's 36 foot-pounds feel on this blog and there's approach first vacation onthe fill plug also now i can turn off its at the turn of the vacuum so we've got alever

right here you will ever down on a the vacuum tank itself alright wealth obviously now we just take offthe the adapters and put the fill plug backin that is the did most involve transmission fluid levelchecking procedure ever seen it involves probably hundreds of dollarsworth of tools when the common questions my studentsask me is how much those tools cost no i really don't know i'm sure it'sseveral hundred dollars

to get them all the and they say all ourshop i'll never buy those well what's the alternative how else areyou gonna check this fluid in am fluid level and get it at the rightlevel unless you've got a system something like this the like isaid before these transactions are very picky about their um fluid level what do you burn alltransaction your private wrong and somebody who doesn't even realizethat they're doing it wrong drains fluid out so it becomes too low and how much does atransactional cost while i guarantee

across a lot more most tools so do yourself a favor get the righttools for the job or don't do it at all norma toyota on other toyota vehicles and lexus vehiclesthey still have the littles the not the red straw but they've got amedal to in their pants they don't have thistemperature compensating tool for those and so those like on the toyota tundrathe and it any other vehicle that does nothave a a dipstick it is temperature sensitive n you needto be aware you need to be checking also

blue levels at the proper temperature or you can cause low fluid level andtransmission damage without even realizing that you did well this has been a demonstration ofchecking the fluid lorna that toyota transaction without adipstick the three are you sick sixty eu 760 eand f these two wheel drive s 4-wheel drivemmm have a good day

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