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faced with, rubber all over the world, runninghigh and low? [2:09:22 pm] what can we expect.>> there's a reason why they call this track the monster. it's a tough track. can you runthe top, run the bottom. if one little thing goes wrong, it bites you and ends your dayvery, very easily. >> the monster, she bites. i'll say this,first time guys have had a lot of work h thirteen drivers in this race have gotten first careervictim richlt that's a major statement when you talk about the difficulties of dover.>> i remember i have one here at xfinity series. i remember thinking what a challenge thistrack is. the first time i went here, you
can really feel the speed of this track.>> let's go to the track and get fire engine dover.>> motorsports, heather hit, event specialist for ollie's bargain outlet 200.>> drivers, start your engines! >>> we know when the lights go on brad keselowskiis ready. is the xfinity series ready for dover? we'll see when we come back on fox. [2:13:09 pm] >>> dover speedway, one of the most uniqueplaces on the schedule. it's really important this morning as our restart, start the race,everybody trying to get position out there. walk out, intros, watching for last minutethings. race for a win, $100,000. see what
we can get.>> the clouds have rolled in at dover. no rain yet. we're ready to get it going in heatone. let's go from the driver's seat. brian reed, this is brad keselowski in the sportsbooth. do you copy? >> yeah.>> great to see you today. everybody at home knows you have four starts here, best finish11. what's it going to take to finish today? >> i guess you know, either slick right now.hopefully we have tight race car, so hopefully some better turn in it. i think the guys havedone a great job on the diabetes association ford, stay on top of the track, if we needa change, if it gets built up. guys here to make adjustments during the pit stop. i knowi'm looking forward to having some fun.
>> hey, ryan, you're starting on the you like that? do you think you can make ground up there?>> absolutely. i was watching the camping world truck series that you were announcinglast night. the outside definitely seemed like the group. the restart, hopefully thiswill help us here. we can get going and have a good start.>> have a good heat. we're going to check in with you after this race. go get 'em, bud.>> thanks. >> that's from the driver's seat. everythingyou need to know in 40 seconds. pit headlines with the fox downstairs. we start with jamielittle. hello, jamie. [2:15:10 pm]
>> hello. came in with high expectations,this is his favorite racetrack. three laps into practice friday the monster bit him.back-up car 8, focus on getting up front. something he's done many times. matt yocum.>> jamie, you can feel the sense of urgency throughout the field. not because of the weatherthat could be rolling in but lock himself into the chase. he's already locked in withbristol win. add another trophy to his resume. great start and pit stall on pit road.>> joey logano trying to find the first win in 2016. now he's at a racetrack where theodds are in his favor. he's got four wins. he knows track position is so important. joeyhas one goal, win the heat. >> if you're keeping score at home, it's likeeverything you need to know, pit headlines
in 50 seconds. they just missed out on theshot clock there. >> what i want you to know is the expressionalex bowman will have in the heat race. two heats, main 120 laps, pit road, 120, cloudsare coming. that could be an increasing -- that could be more speedy.>> here is the other thing we've got to keep in mind. the fact we haven't had any rainhere since yesterday afternoon. you talk about all the rubber in the racetrack going to continueto mount up as this race continues. facing the feemd today, the 2016 toyota camry sxeleading around the 20 driversãhpw that make up heat one. erik jones the outside car. fastestin qualifying early today. highlighted in red. when you see the starting lineup comein, it will be the drivers that hold down
transfer spots as far as being eligible fordash for cash in the main. >> i think the biggest thing i've learnedin these dash for cash heat races is, you have to be up front. [2:17:13 pm] >> be aggressive, get in position.>> get all you can in the first stop, try to be one of the top two, the hunt in thedash for cash. >> that's a few of the things i've seen sofar as a driver trying to get ready for these heat races.>> they know, brad, while they are bunched up, that's a chance to make a move, get aspot, alex bowman on the second row he needs
to pass one of those in front of him if hewants to be dash for cash eligible. controversy on the restart for the truck series last coupleof weeks, you clearly understand what your responsibility is as the second place guyin this race what kind of respect you have to give to that leader.>> i don't know about clear understanding, what we see is a great restart here. whati'm saying erik jones, adam restart on the outside instead of the traditional inside.we've seen that be a huge advantage on the restart. keep in mind, restarts are much,much earlier on the racetracks than the initial start. the advantage there should be a keystart to what you see early in the race. >> erik jones, justin allgaier, alex bowmanstarting third in heat one of.
>> a driver not been in a car since novemberbut carrying a lot of confidence. first of nine races for junior motorsports. the teamhas won three times as an organization, twice with 88 going to victory lane including ourlast dash for cash race with the bossman, dale jr. behind the wheel. forty laps at dover,heat one, monster mile. that laser start you see just now, able to hold. this could bea key part of the race, even inch forward. >> great job allgaier on the bottom. an advantage.he's going to grab the lead. >> michael, restart, different advantageson the start inside usually have an advantage. also -->> i was waiting for jones to have that momentum off turn two.
[2:19:14 pm] leads the opening lap. jones trying to stepit up. >> cars together in the back. that looks likemaybe the 48 of poole -- no, that was bubba wallace for poole.>> paul menard looking at inside of alex bowman 2.2 of joey logano. your teammate won fourtimes. joey loves the track. one of the keys to get around here. what it takes to be successful,you've got to love the challenge. do back and look at teammates. roush fenway got together,nearly passed the 16 of ryan reed. >> he was battling.>> bubba wallace still playing hard, 88 and 2. joey has a front row seat on board withthe 22 here. joey has to be careful he knows
that car of paul menard can get look on thebottom. he wants to give him enough room where if that does happen, he's got somewhere togo. the man leading right now, justin allgaier, great start for him.>> great start knowing erik jones would take the outside. justin felt from watching thetruck series the outside would be better on the start and restart. now he feels like thatoutside is lost a little bit from practice. >> menard, another look to thence.>> there he is. >> that's going to break joey logano, menarda little faster, holding this group up just a touch. this place is all about momentum,right, brad? >> yes, 88 a little tight, killing his momentum,off the corners.
[2:21:15 pm] >> allow four to slip in.>> paul menard lost a little ground at the start. chris.>> lost a little ground because he tried to gain a little ground. back-up car yesterday.the first practice got into the wall hard. said right front tire got into the ball jointsuspension and cut the tire. that's what put him in the car. he said the back-up car doesn'thave all the updates the other cars have but obviously this car is doing pretty well today.>> but that team this year has been great. doesn't matter if it's menard or austin dillonbehind the wheel, top eight in first nine races of the year. here is that tight racingwe saw a moment ago. leave a mark right behind
the left front tire. what happens there, guys,the cars just run together as the track narrows up on exit. when you lose a little bit ofthat air on the right side door of your car it climbs the hill faster than what you wantit to if you're paul menard and you run out of room.>> the center trying to take advantage, the car snapped away from him. now that's allowedjoey logano to start pursuit. bowman doing a great job. bounced off of, heat all over,holding the third spot. >> about a fourth of the way through, openingheat race at dover. justin allgaier, erik jones, the top five. a bigger network for$65 a month after $5 auto pay credit, and monthly taxes and fees are always included.looks like t-mobile's not all it's cracked
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these cars carrying so much speed in the corner.these good year tires take that beating the teams put on them. look at allgaier, his carhanging out in the back, left front on the apron so his car will handle better, quarterbetter, puts a lot of pressure on right front tire.>> no track like dover to go sit down in the corner and watch the cars because it's almosta two-story drop into the corners. think of the load i puts on the tires, guys. you'repulling over 2gs, the load on the tire is amazing. it's a great job to get a tire thatcan survive that challenge. >> guenette in the 97, erik jones not lettingallgaier get away. >> starting to mess around with his line.we talkedã± about the high side. jones wasn't
making any ground on allgaier in the bottom.the last time he was a tenth better than our leader justin allgaier.>> looks like it's definitely working for him especially on one and two. he's goingto catch him. >> looks to me like allgaier is loose. thatcar sinking low and turning to the center. look, as soon as he sees him going, wheredoes he go, up in the lane. good news, justin. >> this is what i love about race car drivers.that's working? you're catching me? i'll block that.>> that's what a heat is back, go outdoor r&d, put yourself from a knowledge standpointfrom that 120 lap main. jones really working him over good now.>> that was a great move by allgaier to do
what brad said, run where johnny was runningand try to take that line away. he's not as fast up there but blocked the advance, interestingto see what he decides for two and three. to the bottom he goes.>> every lap is a decision for allgaier, do i block high, run on the bottom. what's goingto work for me here. he's trying to think of that, i'm sure and watch every straightaway.>> low again. >> traffic in front, this will definitelychange the game. [2:27:23 pm] >> there goes erik jones around the outside.started on the pole, lost the lead at the start when he selected the outside lane. butjust past halfway first heat race of the afternoon
put the 20 car on point.>> while these cars mixed it up for the lead, that's where you want to be for first andsecond, that means dash for cash eligible. all the other guys racing football part ofdash for cash they were liking, leaders mix k it up, closing ground on them.>> i'm sure allgaier doesn't want to give up the heat but still in the dash for cash.that's how we keep track of drivers currently in the transfer positions. when you talk aboutthose eligible for dash for cash. at richmond, brendan poole a part of the mix.>> the heartbreak, he thought he had it won, would have been a first career win. he handledit with class. as far as today he's slipped back two positions, loose on initial throttle,both ends of the spectrum.
>> that's what i love bows these heat battles.not only can you learn what your car is like, the groove your car to run in is, but youcan also tell your crew chief what your car is doing. when they change tires, make adjustmentto the car. that means faster and handle better for the main event meaning we could see betterracing because of those adjustments. >> haven't talked a whole lot about joey logano.worked his way up in photographic there. settled in behind alex bowman. bowman running third,3.6 seconds behind race leader jones. another half second behind him is logano. logano onthe move as we come off turn four. 14 laps to go in heat one. [2:29:28 pm]
>> logano likes, will move up the track. seein joey's windshieldmp right there. can't seem to close the last ten car lengths orso. >> speed right here, to make it.>> he can handle it right on the bottom. >> that's the word from alex bowman, a couplespots behind, darrell wallace junior. he's really done a nice job early going when youfactor in they are in a back-up car and didn't get as much practice yesterday.>> can move him up to third pretty easily here. we'll see if he continue to gain. he'sbeen gaining on the cars in front of him the last two laps.>> jason allgaier to the top of the racetrack. he caught our leader. watch how high, makingit work up there.
>> a lot of experimenting.>> when he gets that far sideways, that means you're committed to the top. give credit,he's driving his guts out right here. >> the other thing, you don't really needto worry about taking care of your tires. it's only 40 laps. let it all hang out, right?>> that's a great point. when you run the high sidish it's a little lighter in color,darker color where the rubber is on the track. that lighter color has just a little bit moregrip but a lot harder on the tires. that can cause an issue if you have long runs. only40 laps. he'll be able to get away with that. >> look at that momentum, turn four. whati like, brad, he is challenging that car. he's sideways, running it hard, adam. thatmeans he's going to get a good check of his
tires. he'll be able to see what he has after40 laps and know exactly how hard on the main. >> a good run right here this. time erik jonesget a little room. that's a gentleman move. >> erik jones probably wants to learn fromjustin allgaier how did you do that? i caught you when you were up there. now passed meback. [2:31:28 pm] going higher yet. i think that's the highestwe've seen anyone running. >> justin allgaier coming off his best runof the season. a runner up to his teammate sadler at talladega, eight straight holesfor the organization. we said it in qualifying. this time junior motorsports they closed thegap to the joe gibbs cars. in race conditions
we call dale jr. in richmond, driving aroundfast. >> toyota, isn't over, fighting back on theinside. >> where justin has really got an advantagelower traffic running the bottom, justin get that advantage the speed at the top, the cleanedge. that's a huge double advantage. the winner of this heat locks himself in to afront row starting position in the main. forego conclusion right now when you look at therunning order that these two will move on and run for $100,000, via the dash for cash.but they both would like to be on the front row for that 120 lap main track position.huge at this point. >> you say forego conclusion. adam, i've racedhere before. i never take for granted i have
another lap in me, especially when you'redriving as hard as allgaier. it's slipping sideways. get away in a hurry.>> no forego conclusions in the monster. there's four laps to go and anything can still happenhere you guys are helping me out, you know that.>> i get nervous when i start to assume things are going to happen a certain way at the monsterbecause she will get you. or is it a he. >> next guy in line when you talk about eligibilityin the dash for cash, alex bowman, third, you see at the top of the screen, 3.7 secondsback. what he's hoping those two will race, get into each other and he'll put himselfin a great position in the dash for cash. [2:33:31 pm]
joey logano, menard, darrell wallace jr.,sixth, brennan poole, jj yeley and blake koch with top three laps to go.>> bowman, a miss is as good as a mile. an inch is as good a a mile. he's not going toget to go for the $100,000. he's got a great car, doesn't get to race too obvious. butthese two don't have an issue. >> i think erik jones a little better thanallgaier, a little more pace in his car. he found that groove a little sooner.>> that kid is special. he's proven to us behind the wheel he is the real deal. he'slearning right now. rye, brad? he's feeling out what his car will do different spots onthe track. this will help him in the main later.>> absolutely. if you're watching this race
now, in that second, you think you go to thetop, i bet. >> erik jones batting 1,000 when you talkabout heat events and dash for cash races. won his heat in bristol and richmond. it appearshe'll come up short heat one dover. justin allgaier into turn three with the top spot.running different lines, they exchange the top spot on more than one occasion. with checkeredflag in the air justin allgaier in the opening heat.>> look inside, no idea. >> a lot of credit, he found a groove thatworked for his car. maybe didn't have the fastest car but he drove his guts out andthat's how he won. >> he won complete at dover speedway, justinallgaier, erik jones, they will move on and
run for the cash later this afternoon. butthere's more to me than that. at my office, they call me boss man. i scout the talent,close the deals, do it all with a firm handshake. (loud clap noise) gentlemen. [2:35:31 pm] (loud clap noise) to others, i'm water coolerdale. so i got this new chair, had it for a couple of weeks. somebody keeps loweringit. ah, dang it! i mean i reset it to where i want it and i go back to my office, andi sit down and it's lower. do you have a warranty on the chair? no! someone is lowering it!(dale) for protecting my small business and more... announcing pizza hut's new applewoodsmoked bacon and melty cheese in the crust
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>>> welcome back to dover international speedway.danielle trotta, heat one is in the books. the two dash for cash races we've seen thusfar at dover, larry, did you like the passing? >> we have the pass twice.>> two drivers one step closer to $100,000, justin allgaier and erik jones.>> all of our sprint cup series regulars, they were in this race, none in heat two.>> joey logano in fourth, let's send it down. >> justin allgaier able to move around, uphigh, down low, good battle. what did you learn there you will carry to the big event.>> the big thing change a lot as you go. the track moved around a lot. obviously goingto more. everybody, the engines are great. did an awesome job all weekend. we struggleda little at the start, not where we wanted
to be there but a great job, where we wantedto be at. now we have to do it for 120 laps. not quite so easy this next race. it was afun race. showed me the top a little bit. was able to move up and make our car a littlebetter. now for this, search around and lot and have fun.>> starting on the front row and eligible for $100,000 dash for cash.>> dash for cash already across the windshield of erik jones. started first, finished secondbut you seemed concerned. [2:39:46 pm] >> missing a little bit something in the racebut we'll see if we can fix the feature there. i don't know. we're just way off, i think,on balance. we'll see what it does to the
feature. we'll do what we can and try to getmake feedback. >> adam.>> erik jones has already won $100,000. is today justin allgaier's day. much more action.heat two coming up next. [2:43:13 pm] .>> justin allgaier, erik jones won heat number one. is it me or is junior motorsports chippingaway at the dominance? >> right on the heels qualifying. this bangsthe gauntlet here in the heat race. >> up with the pole today, motorsports wonlast two races. heat number two from dover is next. man. woman. or where you're country. we're just everyday people
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>> suarez, finished four times in truck, twicexfinity series. something, i've got to win something. it's time.>> this is too easy. the veteran elliot sadler. last time checkered flag, do it again.>> please welcome xfinity customer joey reese. >> drivers, start your engines.>> the engines fired on heat two. [2:47:15 pm] forty laps of the monster mile. we continuelive from dover next on ] [ rock music throughout ][ engine starting ] [ tire screech ][ car engines roar ] [ pit crew audio ] when you're a fan it'snot just one thing, it's everything. introducing
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with sirloin steak. the sizzling sound offresh florida vegetables mingling together; sautã© zucchini, squash, bell peppers, andtomatoes in golden olive oil. garnish with fresh parsley andserve with juicy sirloinsteak. that's how easily pan roasted florida vegetables complete a delicious meal. for more great recipes. and remember, delicious is always served freshfrom florida. [2:50:11 pm] >>> back live at dover international speedwayset for heat two ollie's bargain outlet 200. let's get a word from pit reporters beforewe go live. jamie, what's happening. >> racing first time ever, he told me that'san advantage for him. he was able to listen
to his teammates, see what his car was doing.that's good news. his car where it needs to be. with the second group opposing up, that'sexactly where the 62 wants to run. chris. >> might be cloudy but everything sunny forelliot sadler coming off that win from talladega. now second best starting position since 2015.elliot sadler looking to bring one home to dale jr.>> qualifying set the tone for the day. stellar run earlier, great starting spot on the grid,great spot on pit road. punch his ticket, huge in another way, never won, twice finishedsecond this season at xfinity. he would love to score a w. he would love to score thisplace, it's fun. >> looks good yesterday nearly getting firstwin camping world truck series, runner up
to crafton. talking about daniel suarez. alsopacing the field. leading the field of green starting fourth position matt tifft.>> matt, remember, this is about the main, so obviously starting fourth you can be aggressiveand try to do everything you caning to one of the spots here.>> that's a young man that's learning fast, too, adam. remember he started on the poleat richmond because inclement weather and then earned the pole at talladega. he's beenpretty impressive when he gets behind the wheel of the 18 18.>>> ollie's bargain outlet 200 race analysis when we finish up heat two. [2:52:16 pm]
probably not applicable in the heat but ifwe make green flag pit stops in the main, you guys know how difficult it is to comeoff that banking three and fourth and hit that 35 miles per hour on pit row. probablythe toughest pit row. a lot of experienced drivers. i would say in the race a major factor.>> a lot of speed. this race is short. our main is only 120 laps. you make a mistakeon pit road, i don't think you'll win this race. they have to be perfect. it's the toughestpit road to be perfect on. >> talk about speeding penalties, last twospring races at dover, nine speeding penalties in 2014. eleven of them a year ago. the mostthroughout the entire season. it was a game changer. daniel suarez who earned the polefor heat two got caught twice teammate leading,
70 laps, also nabbed for speeding, took himout of the game. that's going to be critical once we get to the main later on.>> brad, interesting, suarez on the outside. we just watched his teammate lose the leadby having that outside position. elliot sadler on the bottom. who do you think will manageinto one. >> lean towards first, i think inside lanehas a huge advantage on initial start but not restart.>> we'll have to see. >> a lot of series regulars starting in thetop ten, all thinking one thing, finish in the top two, make yourself eligible for thedash for cash. forty laps at dover, heat two under way. green flag is in the air. ty dillonwith an aggressive move so that at richmond
where he jumped out of line and got the lead.can't do it here. all over elliot sadler in the back straight rp.>> he wants that spot, wants to be dash for cash eligible.>> what a shot in turn three, makes it work. >> very aggressive. you know, what you'vegot to have guts to win and he's got it. >> he's proven that especially over the lastcouple of races, adam. [2:54:19 pm] he's been impressive. we saw him run up andknock dale jr. out of the way at richmond for the win over there. here he is again makingan amazing move in the corner. >> we received word from nascar, the startis under review. let's go back and take a
look. a real talking point. saw it play outin the camping world truck race. they are doing to get elliot sadler, michael.>> looks like elliot rolled before suarez did. the guy on the inside's responsibilityto make sure he doesn't fire his car off before the leader of the race does. that's what elliotdid. >> we can look at it again. i also think elliot,who was not the control car beat suarez to the finish off the start. they do officiatethe opening lap of the heat just like you do the opening lap of the race. he would haveto make it past the penalty. >> that's it. can you watch him role here.he takes off right there and gets a little momentum on suarez. suarez rolls after that.sadler --
>> the three was pushing me. tell them toreview. he was pushing me, knocking the hell out medvedev.>> that is what i was trying to circle. he pushed and moved him up. in nascar, i don'tknow if they will see that or not. hit spotter, gingrich played such a big role when he wonat talladega. >> think about the roller coaster ride. lasttime news he won talladega today black flag. >> definitely a push from the 3 car. he rollsa little early on the 19. >> they say in the meeting can't push a controlcar, it's black and white. >> it looks like elliot checked up a littlebit because 3 car did push him. [2:56:22 pm]
that's a tough one to be in if you're nascar.sadler is going to get the bad end of it. sometimes it works.>> knocking the crap out of me. >> here is the good news for elliot sadler.he's going to lose a lap here. once we start the main, everybody is level playing's not as if he's going to start the main one lap down. if we can get a caution, freepass, have opportunity to make up ground. >> through the second heat elliot sadler behindthe 8 ball. suarez on the pole, outside lane is the leader. ty dillon second, the two driversas of now that will move on on and be eligible dash for cash. ty dillon, matt tifft, ryansieg. >> we've got passes for lead black flag underreview the start, there's a lot going on.
>> one thing suarez doesn't like going onany battle for the lead. wow, has he driven off. that car is fast. could today be theday for that young man. >> 13 drivers have gotten their first careerwin at this track, including michael waltrip, daniel suarez could perhaps do it later on,he believes, lap complete.w you doin'? well today's gonna be pretty easy. i want eachof you to grab a 2x8 and cut it. you'll have 2 saws to choose from. a power saw, or a which saw did you use? power saw. power saw. power saw. you all chose the most powerfultool. wouldn't it make sense to make the same choice, when it comes to your truck? absolutely.this is the 2016 chevy silverado. it offers the most powerful engine in its class.(whistle) awesome. i'd say it's the best tool
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colonel quality, guaranteed.>>> fifteen laps complete of 40 making up heat two xfinity series. suarez leads, tydillon second. but he's got company from the third of our joe gibbs car, number 18 tryingto plouffe into the runner up position. a lot of conversation about elliot sadler, qualifiedup front, three laps down had to pass through because of the violation at the start. withspeeding on his passthrough penalty, right now sadler in the 17th position. [3:00:24 pm] what did you see there at the start, larrymcreynolds? >> what i want to try to do is clear thisup. the initial start of the race and any
restart, they are different. the start/finishline is exactly what it is. it starts the race and it finishes the race. that's thetwo significant moments that that line right there at the flag stays in placement on anyrestart, you go back to the restart box coming off turn four. once you enter the restartbox, the leader any time in that box starts the race. whoever is second cannot beat theleader outside to the outer line of the restart box. what you saw right there regardless ofwhat happened in the restart box, who was pushing who, the pole man is supposed to leadthe race at the start finish line at the wave of the initial green flag.>> basically the flagman controls the start of the race. the race leader, the controlcar, controls the restarts. that's why we
have the restart zone. that's why quite honestlyas larry said it's okay on a restart for the guy running second to be able to beat theleader start finish line based on the restart. >> as long as he doesn't beat him in the restartbox. yes, always at the start/finish line. what gets really tough, i saw the 19 car didslip up a little bit when he went to launch on his start. maybe the 1 car in front ormaybe they went early, very tough to tell. the rule is simple you can't beat him to theline. if you push, the guy spins his tires, doesn't matter.>> a lot of talk about rules on the restart. watching at home thinking why do they haveto be so complicated, it's because the competitors are that tough. they try to get any advantagethey possibly can. you've got to control these
starts. that's what nascar does and do a greatjob of policing it. >> halfway home heat two, so far so good formatt tifft. >> third weekend in the 18 car. he's had twogood runs in it, right at the front, 21 laps at talladega but didn't get the results hewanted. [3:02:30 pm] hoping to change that. third week in the xfinityseries at dover of the biggest challenge of the race is start and restart, get the confidenceas he runs off into turn one. >> he watched as he made erik jones take thelead going up high, watched him off ty dillon on the bottom of the racetrack, now tryingto bury his line and make the move around
him.>> this heat, cars running a lot lower on the racetrack. maybe the top line doesn'thave as much feel, haven't picked it up yet, hard to say.>> i'll say this, too. this is what's great about this format. one, it gives you 40 laps,at least when you look at how it's set today based on the rules. 40 laps to go out, findout where your vehicle is so you know what kind of adjustments for the main. as a driver,as i said in heat one, you really find the balance of your options on track, so you knowwhat your approach needs to be once we go green in make main.>> it's impressive to see young racers take to this big monster like they do. daniel suarezhas limited nascar experience out there leading
ty dillon second. this guy ryan sieg continuesto impressive. in the fourth position, family-owned team. they do such a great job. i'm so impressedwith this young man and the way he's able to wield the car at dover.>> one slip for dylon, ryan sieg could put himself in cash for dash position. what would$100,000 mean for that team. >> i started out with a family race team.i know that feeling with every dollar counts. believe me, they put every dollar in the racecar. that means more competitive in future weeks. that's a huge thing. that's all theywant to do, run up front and who knows catch a break and win one day.>> a crash on the straightaway. justin marks. first time this season we've seen a cautionin one of our heats.
[3:04:34 pm] he was running in the sixth spot.>> you can hear it up here. >> you can hear he's out of breath after thathuge crash on the front straightaway. >> remind everyone, you crash in your heat,you cannot do to a back-up car. >> it looks like he got a little high on theracetrack and it snapped on him, michael. >> sideways.>> watch it, hits that inside wall hard. >> a little like jeff burton yesterday intraffic. >> safe goodness we have safer barriers downthere. >> just can't appreciate how hard a hit thatis.
>> there's no barrier there after he tangleswith that outside wall. that's hard. he hit the inside wall faster at an angle. wasn'ttorn up until it hit the outside ball with the barrier. that's a difference it makes.thankfully he hit the safer barrier on the driver side and hit the hard wall more withthe front end of the car. >> this styrofoam can you gos the proceed.that wall moves back and takes all the energy away from the driver and absorbs it into thestyrofoam there. when he hit that concrete on the outside it went right to him.>> thirteen laps to go. schwarz, dillon and matt tifft are under caution at dover.high-strengthmilitary-grade, aluminum-alloy body bolted to a high-strength steel frame. and guesswhat? this is the safest f-150 ever built.
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>>> another caution at dover. not sure ifyou caught it there. that was justin marks climbing into the ambulance. took him timeto get out of the car because it was pinned to the inside wall. he'll take the mandatorywall to the inside care center. let's go back and see what exactly brought out the yellowflag. >> gets loose off turn four. is that whatyou see? >> loose, inside wall, probably loses controlof the ã±wcar's steering and brakes. hits the outside wall harder.>> watch the impact. get torn to pieces. >> hit it hard enough the splitter tore offon the wall. they are working on the racetrack right now.>> took a little bit of time but they were
finally able to create some space betweenthe wall and the car to allow justin to climb out. [3:09:31 pm] he was running six before the incident onturn four. >> you saw the back end jump out from underneathhim. that's whaley what he's been struggling with from the drop of the green. so loosethe entire 27 laps he ran out there. his first xfinity start here, he struggled the entiretime. finally got away from him. >> look at the damage to that 42 car. thatteam cannot go to a back-up car. what other rules are different in the dash for cash races.>> time to explain them, first time caution
during a heat race. let's talk about the driverson the racetrack right now with this caution out. they could pit and make adjustments butyou cannot put and change tires. have you to start the heat and finish the heat on thesame tires. but as far as like mike and the crew chief of that 42 car, i don't think thatcar is fixable. let's say say they wanted to fix it. your point, michael, they cannotgo to a back-up car. they almost treat the heat and main like one race. they can workon the car until the checkered flag of the heat. then it's like we go into red flag position.not until driver start your enginlg feature, join it at 50, 100, join it with five lapsto go. really they try to treat the heat and feature as one continuous race.>> we stayed under caution, no red flag yet.
no overtime, nine lap to the checkers andbeing done with heat two.t it's like to deal with high... and low blood sugar. januvia(sitagliptin) is a once-daily pill that, . along with diet and exercise, helps lower bloodsugar. januvia works when your blood sugar is high and works less when your blood sugaris low, because it works by enhancing your body's own ability to lower blood sugar. plusjanuvia, by itself, is not likely to cause weight gain or low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). [3:11:31 pm] januvia should not be used in patients withtype 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. tell your doctor if you have a history ofpancreatitis. serious side effects can happen,
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>> thing about crazy cut the splitter outthe of the wall, back to green with four or five laps left. that's good.>> let's go. >> we always love having you up here withus. what's going on with the foundation. >> we're glad to be here. i really enjoy beingin the booth with these races. enjoy foundation, we do a lot with veterans,great grants, new proposals coming up, ready to announcement very, very excited about andappreciate all the support from the community and fan and fox watching at home.>> man, i love your appreciation for the military, how you carry that american flag when youwin races and what all you do for veterans. thank you for all you do.>> a shoot-out here. this is big. got the
restart box. the control car, which is suarezhas to go first, ty dillon has to be careful you didn't violate that.>> you know who i'm watching, that guy right here, talk about under-of- underdog story,39 car is in a great place to get that dash for cash.>> daniel suarez the control car, here we go.>> i don't know if they will look at it but heck of a chunk by ty dillon.>> time might get him. >> cleared him.>> here comes tv stow on the outside eagle doing to try to step on $100,000.>> got up to third. [3:15:51 pm]
>> four laps to go and they come back around.ty dillon trying to win the heat, advance on and win the $100,000. we understand thisrestart once again under review. penalized to start this heat. let's look at it. whatdo you guys think? >> they are all under review, adam. we haveto watch them all because the drivers want it so bad.>> it's really close here. i don't know if you can tell.>> it's tough to tell. we have the tough series, we had in-car audio we could see who did what.we'll have to study this video. i know if he does get penalized ryan sieg will stepinto the position to run for $100,000. >> don't forget daniel suarez pass and back.he's right there.
>> loose, too, did you see him wiggle in turnthree. >> starting to move up the track.>> ty dillon obviously beat daniel suarez to the start/finish line. as we talked aboutearlier, in the race there's no rule against number two starting car beating the race leaderor the control car to the start/finish line. it all is determined based on the penaltyin the restart line. >> the leader has to break first. that's simplythe rule. after that leader can spin tires, a guy can get the push and get to the linefirst. there's only one rule, the leader has to start first. nascar must have deemed thathappen. we haven't heard any more about the review. they are still trying to gather audioand video information to make a deciding.
right now looks like ty dillon is going towin the second heat. >> white flag last time. turn four to thecheckers. ty dillon, daniel suarez won, too. as they cross start/finish line, confirmationfrom nascar. the restart was good. those two drivers dash for cash eligible joining justinallgaier and erik jones one, two in our opening heat of the day.>> another second place finish for daniel suarez. [3:17:55 pm] that's eating him up. if he keeps runninglike he has, he'll get that win. >> there they are, the drivers that will runfor the cash later today at dover. justin
allgaier, erik jones, ty dillon, both alreadywon $100,000 this season and daniel suarez is looking to pad his pockets as well.t'smy daughter, my son, and that's my... hey, kool-aid man! ...husband. oh yeah!!![ crashing ] [ electricity crackles ] hey at least yougot your homeowners insurance through progressive. by bundling it with your car insurance yousaved a ton! yeah. do you want to see the rest of the house?-i can actually see a lot of it. -oh.[heavy sigh] real meal for five bucks. real meal for five bucks. real meal for five bucks.real meal for five bucks. real meal for five bucks.[deep breath] finger lickin', finger lickin',
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versus joe gibbs. erik jones dominated alongsidejustin allgaier. they trade the lead back and forth. in the end allgaier holds out.he's eligible in dash for car. heat number two, daniel suarez. then larry, we had a caution.we'll show you here the 42 of justin marks thrown out the firstica caution in dash forcash heat race, "it was a bad one. >> goes to the bottom, hits the inside walland comes up and hits the outside wall very hard. [3:21:58 pm] >> luckily justin marks was okay. when wewent back, here is the final restart, 40 laps, restart zone, control cars daniel suarez onthe outside.
>> it was about as close as you could callit. look at the on board, that tells the tale. riding with daniel suarez on the the restart box. it was so close but ty dillon nascar deemed it was a good restartand ty dillon ran the last six laps to win the race.>> daniel suarez was so close to winning camping world truck series last night, also had tosettle for s.e.c. but we still have the main event. standing by with justin marks.>> that was a big hit, the second much bigger. glad you're okay. what exactly happened there.>> really, really loose in that heat. i was trying to hang onto it, wait until you putsome adjustments on it for the main. so kind of couldn't hang onto it for the whole was a pretty big hit. i hate we came all
this way and don't get to race today. i wasthinking the whole time i didn't know what the rule was, didn't know if we could loadthe back up, sounds like we're done for the day. it's a shame. i hate it for the guys.thanks for their effort. too bad. >> we'll see justin back in the car in a monthat michigan. >> all right, jamie. thanks so much. justinmarks never raced at dover in nascar xfinity series. glad he's okay. set you up for themain event next. [3:24:34 pm] at longhorn, if you want steak... lucky you.if you don't want steak... lucky you. its longhorn favorites. the outlaw ribeye. thelonghorn salmon. and the parmesan crusted
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>> i feel good. i feel like we didn't firethat great in the heat race, started running back down for the caution. we have a goodlong run car it showed there. the chevy has been driving good. pick your poison, goodon the long run or the short run. i think we know what we need to do to make sure wecan be good on a short run if we need to but going with long run strategy and locked intothe dash for cash. it's so much fun to do these heat races. i love them. i see themas opportunities to get in good start position to win $100 grand. today lock our selves intothe chase, too. it's doing to take a win. [3:30:57 pm] been good. we have the chevy to do it.>> dillon, looking for that s.e.c. big check.
>> daniel suarez grabbed last dash for cash.what happened on the restart. >> slippery for me. i'm not sure why. i didn'tdo a good job cleaning off my tires or something, because i feel like pretty much forever, untilthe 39 today to me. i was pushed, that got me to keep up with the 3. before that i wasjust losing ground a lot. for some reason the first lap after restart i didn't haveany at all. i don't know. maybe i have to do a better job cleaning my tires and movefrom there. >> danielle.>> all right, matt. thanks so much. justin allgaier, ty dillon, erik jones, daniel suarez.who are you putting your money on? one of those four gentlemen will walk away with acool $100 grand. ♪♪ kyle busch, the 2015
champion! ♪♪ toyota. let's go places.doesn't it seem like the wireless world today could use a smile? at cricket wireless, wethink so. that's why, prices for plans are all in, taxes and fees included. [3:33:03 pm] and we've got more 4g lte coverage nationwidethan t-mobile or sprint. that's a whote lotta network for not a lot a dough. it's what makescricket the happiest place in the whole wireless world.>> we all know at dover the monster mile. if you can compare this track to any othermonster there is, how about "incredible hulk." >> big, mean.>> isn't that most like miles of monster,
smack you if you miss behave a little bit.>> nowhere to go run and hide at this racetrack. if he gets his hands on you, you're in trouble.>> the monster mile. this weekend living up to its reputation and nickname. two 40-lapheats are complete. it's time for the 120 lap main. four drivers going for $100,000.justin allgaier, ty dillon, erik jones and daniel suarez. [3:35:03 pm] for; ty dillon, if he gets the cash, he'llput himself in the chase. it's about to go down. let's go trackside and get the commandto fire engines here at dover international speedway.>> now for those most famous words in motorsports,
please welcome vice president of marketingand advertising for ollie's bargain outlet 200 mr. dan haynes. >>w ivers, start yourengine. >> it's round three in the dash 4 cash, nascarxfinity series. happy to have you along on cloudy sunday afternoon dover internationalspeedway. i'm adam alexander . 120 lamps in ollie's bargain outlet 200. provided by goodyear superior performing tires, challenging conditions on the track and road, good year,the official tire of nascar. a lot of conversation today. some penalties issued when you talkabout the restarts and starts of these events. you get a penalty here in the main, not muchtime to make up the ground. let's go from the driver's seat. ryan reed going to haveto make up ground as we get the green flag
today. michael.>> it's michael in the fox sports booth again. got a little ground, can you charge from thefront to the middle of the pack? >> yeah, i'm hoping to. we were really looseto start the heat race there. gave me some more turn in the center, a few, try to dialmore back into it. we'll see. the guys have been working hard. i'm really looking forwardto getting going here. the track will probably pick up a little grip. [3:37:06 pm] hopefully we can go out there and have somefun. >> ryan, what do you think starting the 15in the main and got adjustments in the car.
are you doing to run the top, the bottom?how are you going to pass those cars to get to the front?>> after watching the heat race and guys making it work all the way to the top, seems likeyou've got to pick one or the other. the middle not working so great. i tried that, i didn'tlike it. right along the bottom or all the way at the top with my right side. seems likethere was some grip up there. i really like the top, so i'll probably get up there andtry it. hopefully there's some speed up there. >> all right, bud. thanks. have a good race.we'll check in with you later to see how you're doing.>> thanks, guys. >> we said it ryan reed in our main at dover.let's hear from the crew chiefs down on the
grids. some strategy could play out in this120 lapper. what's going on jamie little. >> jason burnett is the crew chief for justinallgaier, very fast moving around, best car out there. starting on the front row. we dohave some weather coming up. how do you juggle all this with 120-lap strategy.>> i think the win will be about the last 30 to 40, make it from there. so you'll seeeverybody race to that point, keeping an eye on the weather, seeing how all that playsout. but hopefully we get a yellow around last 40 or 50. everybody gets hit and we'llrace to the end. >> the win, great to get the $100,000, matt.>> a lot, you heard him talk about his concern about the pack package, radio communication,also the weather. what do you focus on what
you've got most important on your plate?>> we've got a few challenges here with the toyota camry. the guys are doing a good job.worked on the radio a little bit. got a plan for that. worked on the car a little bimt.we got the best driver for the job. thanks xfinity for dash 4 cash. [3:39:10 pm] >> till not on the pit box, still not here.the team forget to put fuel in the car. he's been lobbying with nascar to try to get fuelin the car before they rolled. however, they were not allowed to do that. already behindthe eight ball. >> wow, that could be a huge story. justinallgaier will col car. because of two drivers
qualified he gets lane selection.>> doesn't have fuel, fresh tires koorks fire off and go to town. guys, we heard talk aboutthe weather. if you watched sprint cap race with weather in the area, everybody racingevery lap like the last lap. this race is short. these guys will have a serious desiretoting to the front in a hurry not knowing when the weather will come. this could beintense. >> rain and anticipation of it paces up therace and makes the drivers push a little bit harder a little earlier in the race. it alreadya short race, only 120 laps in this main xfinity series. we're going to have a little morepressure now. now forward performance track backs with joey logano looking for his fifthwin at dover. five season sweeps in the last
six years. two of those by mr. logano. nineof the last 15 races here won from the front row. chris mentioned it. all right adversityfor one of those guys up front. >> just to clarify the rules, all of the workafter the heat race, changing the tires, making the adjustment, fueling the car has to bedone in the garage area. if they pitted right here the fuel he'd have to be back at theback of the line. right now based on the laps he ran in that heat race and qualifying, i'mgoing to say at best about lap 45 is what he's got in that car as far as fuel.>> you heard jason burdette on heat road saying they are hoping for a caution around 45 orso. that would be ideal for these teams to get to pit road and make pit stops. he needsit worst than the rest.
[3:41:11 pm] >> time to go green on 120 lap main. toyotaxse leading us around one-mile oval at dover, delaware.>> erik jones won first dash 4 cash event last month. picked up checkered flag and tygot the money at richmond. who will do it today? perhaps justin allgaier will get itdone. >> this is what we came here for. appreciatethe hard work this weekend. let's go get our selves another one at this main.>> i like the position, especially with that car on the outside that's in need of fuel.brad, if you're ty dillon, what are you thinking? would you tell your team let's pit now andget gas?
>> i'm here to win the dash 4 cash, not goingto win the dash 4 cash going to the back. not going to win the race that way. he's goingfor the win. he'll have an advantage, a lighter car with brand-new tires. he might be ableto take the lead right away and get a yellow early and make up for it.>> the car with new tires on it and not a lot of gas in it, that's an advantage becausewhen you fill up the gas it weighs more obviously and makes it handle a little worse. it willbe interesting to watch the race with those factors.>> the scary part if you're the three team, these cars in the xfinity series if they runout of fuel they are difficult to refire. they don't know for certain how much fuelthey have in it. they have had heat races,
qualifying, very tough to calculate how muchfuel you burn. very easy to run out. if you do it's going to be a huge penalty.>> team said we're going for it, roll the dice. hopefully get a caution at the righttime. that's how we get to victory line. >> keep an eye on eric sadler, 32 position,he's got a long way to go for the front. [3:43:12 pm] justin allgaier, ty dillon, other driversbehind him looking for that $100,000 prize. erik jones, daniel suarez. 120 laps underway at dover. power move outside lane for ty dillon getting the leave.>> look at allgaier up the hill. that opens the door for erik jones and daniel suarezon the bottom of the track.
>> that's the start he was hoping for, hopingto clear and get the lead right away. erik jones came through, on board with daniel suarez.second year driver out of mexico, slides into third. allgaier from the lead to fourth onthe start here in our main. on board with logano, in front of him the the other driverdoing double duty. paul menard. seventh and eighth on track, 2 and 22 respectively. ithought paul menard had a lot of speed. had that contact in the race that held him back.i think he's got a really good car here. >> i'm wondering about youryi teammate inthe sprint cup series joey logano, what he can do. he had tremendous long run speed andpractice yesterday. can he rally and get towards the front.>> won a lot of races, haven't seen it today,
driving through the field to get to the lead.from the driver's seat with ryan reed, started 15th. that's where he is right now. a frontrow seat for a great battle in front of him. brennan poole inside brendan gaughan.>> turn one, brendan gaughan sort out this battle with brennan poole. [3:45:20 pm] we know how hard to make a pass and he's tryingto pull it off. >> how stressful to be side by side of the most stressful places to be side by side, dover, the way the cars come in thecorner, narrow track, wide-out, loose on entry, slide up on exit and run into each other.this is one of the toughest tracks to run
side by side at. 13th on the line here. brendangaughan in front of brennan poole black and yellow chevrolet from richard childers racing,on the spot, poole settles in behind him ryan reed there an jj yeley in that black and green44 for tri-star motorsports trying to get involved.>> joey logano just got around ryan sieg in three and four, opened the door on the 18.bubba wallace in that six car to try to take that position away. looks like sieg beginningto fade a bit early in the going here. a lot of fast cars getting by him.>> he had a great heat race mike. just a matter of time, these are cup funded cars and teams.either so hard to fight those guys off. >> if i'm doing to sponsor smsh, i want tosponsor sieg. he has so much potential, better
engineering support, he's proven he can drivethat car awesome. he just needs some more support.>> absolutely. >> tifft looks good early going. scored eight,12th yesterday in the camping world truck series race. mentioned elliot sadler started32nd, up 12 positions in eight laps. 20th right now behind ross chastain. he's in thered 4, that's drew herring in the pack and yellow 24.>> looks like sadler going to get to the inside of chastain. elliot has had a really fastcar all throughout practice and in that heat he was solid. he should be able to march throughthe field. [3:47:20 pm]
i know he's at a disadvantage, we talked aboutthis at the beginning. what does he do, drop back. elliot sadler started at the back. canhe rally to the front. what will happen to stillon when his tank runs dry. i know whatwill happen, he'll run out of gas. will the caution fall before that happens.>> what a lead. >> he said his car wasn't any good, he wasn'tshy about teg it. what a strong move. >> he passed two cars.>> speaking of passes erik jones for the race lead inside of ty dillon 20 on point at dover.ty dillon has lost the lead. what's the story on their fuel situation, chris?>> well, adam, finally ty dillon, said during that intermission period so much congestionback in the garage, they were the 3 car nascar
pulled forward to get the cars from heat oneon pit lane. when ty pulled forward to pit lane, he said you can no longer fuel the car.they did get some fuel in the car, pretty close to fuel. if anything might be abouta gallon short. obviously they are not half a tank short but still a gallon short couldplay into this race. >> that's certainly good news for that team.i got a text just a bit ago from mike dillon, ty's dad. we'll definitely be okay, make itinto the fuel window, which is the most important thing here today.>> battling for four. look at this. look how high allgaier goes.>> the 7, red 88. >> was able to take the lead against erikjones. obviously he thinks that is working
for him, wants to keep working it.>> i watched during xfinity practice, 88 car, 10 or 15 laps, alex bowman comes to town.that car really starts to pick up speed. you can see he's trying to pass his teammate andget that spot away. [3:49:21 pm] do it from down at the bottom now.>> first of nine starts he'll make this year in that 88 machine for dale earnhardt jr.talented race car driver out of arizona. last couple of years in the sprip cup series.>> there he goes. he makes that pass. great move by bowman.>> the key to making that pass on the bottom, got to be able to get up on the straightaway,clear him before the straightaway to harness
that big run he's going to have. jason allgaierhot going to have it, come on the in. >> menard wants a piece of the action.>> last car there, 25, hindered bowman's ability to slide through the corner like he wantedto. now he's got it straight. he's going to pull away from the battle.>> you saw from that point justin was not able to clear him before the exit straightawayand that gives a huge run. >> battle for second, black and red 3 of tydillon. orange 19 of daniel suarez. >> flat to run.>> right side looks good of left side looks good.>> it's a handful. >> be smart with it. i can see it. just besmart with it.
>> we thought fuel was his problem. he's gotproblems worse than that. if he thinks he's got a flat tire that's not going to get just going to get worse and worse. what happened here off turn two.>> jones, 33 in the left direction, tire up, left front.>> these are teammate here. >> equities loose and i bet he flies up into,yes, put brendon jones into the wall. that rubbed significant. he'll have to pit.>> had problems early yesterday running the truck race, talking about the rookie out ofatlanta, georgia, brandon jones. unscheduled pit stop 20 laps into the main. now joe gibbsracing has the lead, the runner up spot. daniel suarez able to get around ty dillon.
[3:51:22 pm] here comes alex bowman trying to get in thetop three. ty thought he had a flat tire but i can't tell right now if autoes got a nattire or his car is just really loose. >> bowman running 11th. a great move on thebottom of the track, grabs that third spot away. that car is hooked up. so brandon jonesmaking his pit stop, 11 when the problem happened on track, contact with ryan reed. you saidit, michael, around ty dillon and axe bowman appears to be faster right now than danielsuarez. he may be hunting the lead before too long.>> imimpressed. a kid that doesn't get to race, hans into dale jr.'s car. he's takingthe lead like dale jr. did. taking it to the
front.>> got to be tough. haven't driven a car in a while, xfinity, coming to a track and competinglike he is, very impressive for alex bowman. >> when you have an opportunity you have tocapitalize. >> when we interviewed him before qualifying,before the race got started today, he said the word "thankful" about four times. he justloves the fact he gets tore drive car, a quality car like one from junior motorsports and he'staking advantage of that opportunity for sure. >> nearly one driving for dale jr. in phoenixa couple years ago. that's where the relationship began, charlotte and phoenix end of 2014.>> that 88 car had two wins. chase elliot daytona, junior at richmond. that's a fastride. taking advantage of that.
>> that would make you feel good elliot, bowman.>> if you're the crew chief, i can win with any driver, my setup, also great driving aswell. >> crew chiefs say that one might be nervouson the pit box now. [3:53:23 pm] things getting tight in that runner up positionas both suarez and bowman close in on traffic. behind them the battle for fifth. paul menard,justin allgaier. >> that's what's great about the track. it'sa monster, widens out and goes up the hill. you can seaside to side battles all over thetrack. that's what we're having with menard and allgaier on the left of the screen andbowman trying to figure how to get up on suarez
on the right.>> all this racing opening the door for erik jones to distance him, his advantage oversecond place, 3.3 seconds. what's going on with justin allgaier at this stage, matt.>> left side of the screen, driver of the 7 car, spotter, talking like several otherdrivers have, his car on the tight side. the track is really starting to take rubber. you'restarting to see different drivers move around to try to help the balance of their race car.>> starting to think about adjustments, what we do wen we come to pit road. i think we'llget four tires on this initial stop, brad. two tires on the truck series yesterday, fora while faded at the end. maybe some strategy. does anybody take two to get up front?>> one guy i'm looking at darrell wallace,
he doesn't want anything. he's driving andcatching a lot of cars. he's the second fastest car on the track. i think he would have thesenext three cars. he's got something for erik jones.>> fourth to seventh. ty dillon, justin allgaier underneath him, paul menard in line and rightbehind them darryl wallace, jr. outstanding things from him in a back-up car.>> absolutely. this weekend couldn't good gone worse starting out on friday. but hesaid i think we're in great shape. started out minor but the car held on longer. [3:55:25 pm] that's exactly what you're seeing here. we'vegained four positions going forward.
>> remember how the weekend started in daytona, five minutes intopractice he crashes, takes his back-up car and ballotses for a win, good solid top tenfinish. same story seems to be developing in delaware.>> that's not how you want to get in, back-up five minutes before practice. darrell wallaceable to battle through tough times at the monster mile. looks good. with a track quitehonestly he's been at his best, world truck and xfinity series competition. that is thekey part to being a great driver, to be able to overcome adverse i. that's what it takesto make it to the next level of sprint cap of that's what owners are looking at, canyou overcome adversity. >> just like this guy, three laps down aftera couple issues start at 32nd. here he is
starting to get in the top ten. elliot sadler.>> talked about, michael, what teams try different strategies, i wouldn't be surprised to seeelliot sadler and his team make up strategy for the race.>> you're going to have a couple of opportunities for a differing strategy, maybe two at thefirst stop or four later. there's going to be an opportunity it did something differentthan the leaders. when you give up as much as elliot sadler did that's what it's goingto take to get all the way to the front. obviously a fast car.>> erik jones. his advantage over second place alex, suarez five seconds behind, justin allgeyer and paul menard. all four drivers running dash 4 cash inside top seven. worst of thosety dillon, suarez and allgaier third and fourth
and erik jones out front and taking care ofbusiness. [3:57:29 pm] 86 miles to go at the monster mile reachedthe stage if we get a caution drivers would be in the pit and get it done. we have seena lot of green flags in recent years. >> suarez beginning to fade, bowman aroundhim. >> interesting justin's car did not take offwell at the start of the race but he's rallied. over the last 10 or 15 laps, looks like allgaier'scar came to life. what do you think about all this strategy brad and i are discussing.>> i have been listening intently. i just think it would be a short-term gain. elliotsadler, that would be something they would
be lured spoke doing because trying to makeup track position. i just think because of this race has that long green flag look, ithink if you come to pit road, whether a caution now or especially if we go to a green flagstop, you're going to have to get four good year tires.>> i guess my question, brad, for you would be this. we're seeing these drivers, appearthey are set up for the long hall. how much set up for the machine ver the way he wasdriving it to manage over the run. >> that's a great question, adam. it's a littledifferent week to week. a look at some tracks like dover where the driver doesn't have asmuch control over long run speed, tracks where they have a lot of control over long run,richmond or those tracks where you have to
be easy with the breaks, take care of reartires, acceleration zone. dover this weekend mostly on the crew chief to have that.>> today might be the day for daniel suarez. right now back in the sixth position and laptimes aren't where they need to be. >> seen him by a couple of times on boardwith suarez a couple laps. you've seen him move around his line. he was right down atthe very bottom, then moved up to the middle. his car, like his heat race has swung to thefree side and getting worse trying to move around to see if he can improve it any way. [3:59:34 pm] >> that car looks like it really moves. drivershave different driving styles but that's a
lot more input than we generally out of gaughan.>> the crew chief has to have set up at dover. speeds are so high a driver can only makeup for so much. what's interesting, guys, are the cars that are fading. we're seeingguys start in the back charge toward the front. this is a great part of the race to see whoselong run speed can get them in position to win this race.>> i saw wallace and jamie little said it, long run speed, how much you lose over thecourse of a run, sometimes have to start higher to make up with the bounce of the car. whatdoes that money? you need a little less dprep at the start of the run, slide the nose, astires wear down, get a little hotter, the car catches up to a neutral balance and thenyou'll have that speed over the long run.
>> erik jones leads the race. he's going tohave company by 0.2, erik bowman the fastest guy in town. he's coming.>> at one point the advantage for jones 3.5 seconds. now 2 second for alex bowman, closingon halfway at the main here at the monster form is growing at an alarming rate.growing fast, you say? we can't contain it any long... oh! you know, that reminds meof how geico's been the fastest-growing auto insurer for over 10 years straight. over tenyears? mhm, geico's the company your friends and neighbors trust. and deservedly so. indeed.geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. viagra single packs... so guys withed can... take viagra when they need it. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enoughfor sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates
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[4:03:40 pm] >> definitely can lose the race on pit road.makes it very important, everybody has to be on their ps and qs when it comes to pitroad time. >> one year ago in this race, 11 pit row speedingpenalties. you capital have a middle error and have success at dover. too difficult toovercome. look at alex bowman, two seconds behind erik jones and in six laps put himselfto the top of the scoring pylon. erik jones struggling with lap traffic. alex bowman usedthat to his advantage, called up to him. >> we interviewed jones after his heat wherehe was really competitive really fast. he said our balance is simply terrible. we don'thave a chance if we can't do something about
the balance. hope make changes to get it better.obviously that balance reared its ugly head. can't go anywhere in traffic. what a run byalex bowman. >> bowman not pulling away now that he's gotthe race lead. the advantage right around half a second teetering there 0.4, .6 eachlap. keep an eye on erik jones. meanwhile what a story for alex bowman to come and win.>> bowman getting an opportunity, trying to make the most of it, to solidify yourselfwith this team or another team for the future. right now the car a little on the tight side.he's loving it. he's guarding the competition right now.>> i go back to 2009 when that 88 car won here. the guy driving for brad jr. named bradkeselowski.
>> that was a heck of a day. to win at doveryou feel like you've tackled a monster. she'll bite you, you want to bite her back.>> i do back to dinner last night dale jr. said we've got some good cars. we're goingto be strong tomorrow. alex bow man is a talented young racer, people are going to hear a lotout of them. [4:05:42 pm] that certainly seems to be the case.>> what's the deal with erik jones 54 laps in. ? i said bowman wasn't pulling away. he'sstarting to put some distance between himself and erik jones. the advantage 1.2 seconds.>> i think what we saw in a heat race and what we saw at the start of this race wasthat alex bowman didn't have a lot of speed
for 10 to 15 laps and his car has taken off.he has a lot of long rueed. going back to the crew speed, tremendous38j j run speed,not long run speed. their car is the opposite. what's really going to dictate the outcomeof this race, do we see a long run or short run. if it's long run in good shape. shortrun, watch out, sadler will be back. >> he's cracked the top ten, driving aroundjoey logano, working around lap car of chastain up ahead. that one main car for elliot sadlerreally starting to pick up the pace. >> michael, you said it. around joey logano,a guy that's won four times now ninth, chris. >> so much success for and not having theday he was hoping. crew chief bullish about the weekend, back to texas and some of thethings they learned that weekend hoping to
bring it here mechanically, hoping the carwould get much better balance. joey logano way too nervous as he enters the corner, tooloose off the corner, looking to make big adjustments on the first stop.>> long green flag run to start this 120 lap main. only 13 cars remain on the lead lap.couple laps away from the halfway point. look at elliot sadler. michael talks pout his runfrom 32nd to eight. justin allgaier is third, in the race lead, junior motorsports won lasttwo races, three of the nine this season. [4:07:42 pm] they are strong. meanwhile ryan reed fromthe driver's seat two laps down, trying to find his way entered the weekend plus 35,over the because the line tenth in our chase
standings.>> definitely need to get inside top 12, put our self in position whether we have a chaseor not. american diabetes as partners, goal week in and week out not only to go out andrace but try and make a difference in the diabetes world and continue to chase my dreamsand show people they can by working with their doctors go out there and chase their dreams.>> talk about a driver that has a true connection with their sponsor, ryan reed diagnosed withtype 1 diabetes, told he would never race again. he refused to believe that. came back,competing high level at nascar, season opener. today not going as he would have hoped butcertainly great to see him out competing here in the xfinity series.>> you saw that contact earlier in the race.
it's definitely torn up the right rear quarterpanel. it's like a il in the wind, holds the car on the track and where itzb wants to beso get speed. when that panel is challenged bad news.>> what about forecast in paul menard camp. he's fourth.>> thirty minutes you think? thank you. >> i like live weather report. the crew isconfident in 30ments we're going to have some rain. that means paul menard has all the allhe can out of that 2 car. i'm telling you that pit stop could be key. we talked abouthow difficult this pit road is. we know how important a fast crew is. [4:09:45 pm]
we can see the complexion of this whole racechange over the next 20 minutes and rain still 30 out.>> you want to be the guest meteorologist? we going to get this wrapped up before therain hits. >> he keeps telling me about the vortex, buyinga little time. >> if we say green we'll be fine based onthe 30 minute estimate. a caution along cleanup where things could become a big-time questionmark. the last thing alex bowman wants to see is a caution. great on the long run. onesecond advantage over second place erik jones. it won't be long before these guys are goingto have to make a pit stop. >> remember a while since bowman has beenin a race car. talked about how tough this
is. going to victory lane. any mistake enteringor exiting, could mean no victory for that team.>> a lot of pressure. having been in the car a number of weeks, green flag pit stop atthe hardest track in that car doing a green flag pit stop.>> imagine how confident that young man is. he's driven through the field past the best,gibbs car dominant in 2016. he took his car around those toyotas. now that chevy out front.great job by jr. motorsports and that young man behind the wheel.>> look at this, about to lapse. ty dillon, started front row, early laps. race can change,long run to short run, how the car is handling. >> that could be the start of regularly scheduledpit stops. a little early for ross chastain
and he brings his watermelon car to the pitto get tires and gas. >> talk about making green flag pit stops,not easy to manage lap traffic either. brad you talked about it. ty dillon. drivers racehim hard to stay on the lead lap. 12th, 11th place, almost top ten. [4:11:46 pm] >> by the way ty dillon you won $100 grandat richmond. e-going to lap you. you better throw it in gear and get out of there. thatkid is on a mission. >> you never know who will step up. 50 lapsto go. caution is out. that gives us an opportunity to remind you tomorrow 11:30 a.m. easterntime fs1, nascar xfinity series. 400 laps
here at the monster mile. debris on trackbrings out our first caution. >> like a part of a tire. that might be -- mabea brake -- what do you see, brad? >> could be either one of those somewhat onthe racetrack. good news for them, one lap down. jj yeley would get the free pass.>> called 14 car of grown, kentucky native, maybe those two are related. this the moneystop. we know we've only got lev@pã± than 50 laps to go. these guys probably come topit row again. it's do-or-die here. >> keep an eye on this team. elliot sadler,30 seconds. you bunch up the field. they get a good pit stop here, pick up a couple spots.they are right back in the game from the stretch run.>> another solid run from jj yeley in the
34 car. he's going to get the free pass. backon the lead lap, lead position, a good job by that team.>> good thing ty dillon didn't give up on the race car. if he did he'd be out now. becauseof that he's still in the race. >> just tip allgaier, menard, darrell wallacejr., the top five. >> could be the only pit stop of the they are, chris. >> maybe back-up car with new updates fromrichard childers racing. paul menard a great run in the 2 car. [4:13:49 pm] good early on a little too free on entry.a stop for fresh tires. matt.
>> at the beginning of the run, justin allgaiercar on the tight side. swung big time to the free side. air pressure choã±blc& that race.meanwhile 8, alex bowman, the car started out tight three in, a little tight center,extremely drivable. he loves it. meanwhile erik jones his car really on the free side.couple extra, close to the wall. he's away. >> tight race off pit road. let's see whogot it. 88 team hold serve, erik jones comes off second, then it's paul menard pickingup a spot. justin allgaier lost one 48 laps to go at dover. restart on the way. [4:16:05 pm] is all it takes.>>> another caution at dover speedway. superior
tires face challenging positions on the road.good year the official tire of nascar. 71 laps green, a caution for debris, restart,about 40 to go. this is going to be fun. huh, fellas?>> the veterans, look at paul menard, justin allgaier, jones, a winner, they can make it.allgaier on a wing and race, doesn't get to race very often. made the right calls, holdsthem off. >> what i'm looking at the key to this placeerik jones tremendous short run speed, alex tremendous long run speed. neither of themhave the one, took 45 for alex bowman the last run and that's about exactly how manylaps we have last of left. [4:18:14 pm]
>> i love this place, multiple grooves, theway the track flattens out, all the places they can search for grip. it's going to befun the last 40 laps. >> we heard erik jones free, the adjustmenthe makes on the restart. tonight before epic title weight fight ufs starts on fs1. takingon challenger matt brown, renaldo squares off against madderas, 7:00 p.m. eastern onfox sports 1. alex bowman won the race off pit row chooses the outside lane.>> 45 laps to go to get the greenspan. >> do with the thing.>> the kid is motivated. >> this is awesome. i live it, kids in position,do this thing. a great restart, pass the test of getting in and out of pit road with thelead. can he hold it on the restart.
>> elliot sadler picked up spots on pit road,restart 6 after starting 32nd. >> fires off. a great start for the youngman. >> that's exactly what he needed. get thelead, let the car take him the distance. >> three wide almost into turn west nile.>> joey logano, exit turn two. fourth position. >> erik jones says not so fast. i'm comingback at you. >> eric sadler three of the top four fromjr mr. battle for the lead is on. >> so critical, holds decent track position.knows it's going to take a few laps for his car to get going. have to be close enoughto erik jones to win. >> i've always been curious, what do you thinkthe key to long run car and short run more
about the driver and the way he drives thecar. >> this track what we've been talking aboutspecifically you have a loose car that erik jones had, very, very fast at the start ofthe run, start to fall, late in the run, rubber on the track. [4:20:20 pm] looks like alex bowman had a tighter setupin his race car. he was able to clear erik jones formerly one and two, erik jones ableto make the pack. >> that's why it's important to be patient.if that car is tight he can easily overdrive it and get that right front tire heated upand the car won't come around for him. he's
got to be patient run the second position,run some laps until he thinks he can get in position to make the charge.>> talking about the guys at the front. nobody has passed as many cars as that guy elliotsadler, 32nd to fourth. >> amazing run by sadler. amazing run. lastin the top four. guys, we have a really good car. the4z tight. no major adjustments onthat last top. >> this team has been the model of consistencyin 2016. only one finish outside the top 10 in nine races. couple weeks ago got the bigwin at talladega snapping 65 race winless streak. joey logano top five around menardcould have made judgment 22 during that cycle of stops bringing another ford with him wallacehaving a nice afternoon now 6 as he gets around
menard.>> he needed a nice afternoon. you have an accident.>> smokin'. >> smokin' here.>> what's up there, chris? just about a lap ago paul menard said over the radio, i thinka shock broke. the car bouncing around. now looks like a tire down.>> great run by that team and everything going wrong here at lap 82.>> remember, this is a back-up car because his primary car had something fail on suspensionand they got in a wreck early. >> this is a team that has not finished outsidetop 10 all year long. [4:22:20 pm]
worst run 8, like it will come to an end.daniel suarez making a late race rally. top four kent, worst of the drivers eligible fordash 4 cash. >> over the last five or six laps, a tenthof a second each lap jones has beaten bowman. it will be interesting to see when that stabilizesand if bowman can start cutting back into that lead as the tires get hotter and moreand more like he did earlier. >> there you see the drivers eligible fordash 4 cash. erik jones out front. picked up the bonus at bristol. last month justinall geyer, ty dillon in 8th after nearly going a lap down on the last run. back behind himthe battle for the ninth stop. brennan poole has it. daniel suarez.>> recovering from the end of the last pit
cycle. that's a pretty good start.>> suarez was 6th prior to the pit stops, caught speeding like he was last year in thisrace. that one was under green. compounded the speeding penalty by doing his passthroughand getting caught again. much better opportunity for a good result today.>> talk about rallying. we saw sadler do it and that's what suarez is trying to do. hewas actually 20th in line on the racetrack when they threw the green due to lap carsthat were ahead of him after he served his penalty. now he's up battling for that ninthspot. looks like he's going to grab it. >> to get the penalty you don't line up onthe back of the lead lap cars but the lap down cars. that's what makes it so impressiveto drive up to tenth this early in the run
and right by brennan poole. a lot of turnsin the corner, use that to get to the rear bumper and put some pressure on brennon.>> you talked about it, brad. if a car is loose it will turn good and run good on tires.he got loose as the run went on and faded late. that's exactly what we haven't seenout of elliot sadler. [4:24:21 pm] his car fast on the long run. he's tryingto grab that third spot away from his teammate. >> i think elliot, the key is can he got bythe car and be in position. >> think about elliot sadler if you weren'twith us earlier, got penalized for jumping the start in his heat. when he made his passthrough penalty, three laps down, had to start
32nd for the main. green flag run not recipefor success that deep in the field, into the top ten, eighth at the caution restarted sixthand now a chance to be on the podium with 30 laps to go.>> that's a team effort. elliot did his part getting them back in contention and team jumpedup two spots on the restart, got him outside and able to drive around, guys, to get intocontention. >> motorsports holds out second through fourthplace, really stepped it up in the series. >> we talked about how joe gibbs racing dominantearly. i know joe gibbs racing is leading now. you can see how much this team, thisgroup of cars and drivers have closed the gap on those begins cars.>> allgaier, sadler third and fourth. teammate
alex bowman in front of them in runner-upposition. 1.7 seconds behind erik jones. erik may be conservative here, just taking careof his equipment but bowman not really letting him get away. he lost make dproupd here withthe lap vehicle, but we know bowman is better over the long hall. i think he's still gotplenty of time to get up there and make it interesting.>> 30 laps at dover is a long time. keep in mind when he took the lead the last run heran down 3 second gap in six laps. >> put that in perspective, it can happenquickly. >> that thing changed and headed ena new directionin a hurry. that could be lying ahead for bowman. that car getting better and better.last time buy a little bit of traffic but
bowman beat erik jones by .3. [4:26:24 pm] he has that power to hang on all throughouta run. >> darrell wallace jr. hanging with but can'tget arch joey logano. now back to the battle for third. sadler has nose inside his teammatejustin allgaier. >> look at him power through the center, makesthe run, backs out of the gas on exit just to keep it low and completes the pass.>> that's a key pass for elliot. i think that will give him a shot.>> we need to find out from our resident crew chief in about five laps what are we goingto do? are we going to take a chance and get
some tires or stay out here and ride it out.>> only 12 cars on the lead lap. you'd certainly have something to think about here. makesme nervous. i love all this stuff. this is fun. daniel suarez rallying after car wentaway on the first run. ty dillon you talked about it, he fought to be where he's at.>> 24 to go, your observations as we get set to finish up.>> i was already thinking about the question michael was answering. your point with 12drivers on the lead lap, if we get the caution now or 10 or 15 laps from now, if your joeylogano on back you come and get four tires. where it's going to be a chess match, erikjones alex bowman elliot sadler. i think if we get down to less than 15 to go, those guysare forced to stay out even if caution comes
out.>> really difficult, three of our top five rookie crew chiefs. you've got chris callingthe shot for erik jones, kevin for elliot sadler who is third and brian wilson atoppit boss for joey logano. >> that's what i like about xfinity series,not only a great mix of veterans and rookies on the racetrack but same in pit box, guyslearning the craft of crew chief in xfinity series and someday looking up to sprint cupseries to be crew chiefs there. [4:28:33 pm] >> mark wheeler, hamlin's crew chief. manyexamples of that. >> crew chief was in the xfinity series along time.
>> so many great stories like that in thesprint cup series thanks to this proving ground, this tough xfinity series.>> suarez really fast since the restart. what his day has looked like, started in the topfive. fell back. trying to rally again. the speeding penalty lap 72, too fast under cautionwhen they made that pit stop. twenty laps to go. erik jones moved his advantage to nearlythree seconds over second place alex bowman and some lap traffic here going around theother rookie named jones. that's brandon jones, had a tough go of it. he's 20 seconds now,three laps down. >> tough weekend of it. fast driver normally,got in a crash yesterday. just got into the wall off turn two in this event. no luck indover for the young man from georgia.
>> eric jonze out front, let's take this opportunityto say hello to his father dave balancinging cancer back here in michigan. dave, we'reall thinking about you, i know the spire garage has you in their thoughts. we do at fox'd love to see eric pull into victory lane one more time.>> so proud of that young man. not only extreme talent behind the wheel but a good kid. appreciatethis opportunity, respects the sport and what it's all about. obviously knows how to callfor the right adjustment. he didn't like the balance of his car and it showed during thatfirst run but, man, picking them up and putting them down now.>> doing a great job behind the wheel, calling adjustments in the race car, a limit weekin and week out. he's one of the best in the
series if not the best.>> here is his 19-year-old teammate matt tifft wheeling the 18 car this weekend. ty dillonleft caution right behind him in the eight spot. daniel suarez how kick he is since thegreen flag went back in the air. [4:30:37 pm] trying to pick up a few more positions with16 to go here at the monster mile. >> that's a really scrum there. those carsbattling for that spot. >> seventh, up high last lap, takes it tothe bottom. >> if erik jones could see this, he wouldsay, come on, teammates, don't rake the caution i've got the lead with 15 remaining.>> it looks like erik jones and his team have
done a great job with the adjustments on thecar. speed holding on a little bit better this run..2g his last lap was .2 slower thanbowman when he was in traffic. last time in traffic lose half a second to a second. adjustmentskicking in, a little more long run speed. really hard for bowman to get to him.>> with that kind of advantage is he pacing himself.>> from the last run, absolutely. whether that's driving the car or adjustments, that'shard to say but he's definitely holding on a little bit better.>> we knew he had the short run. no matter keeping it long enough.>> every now and then kids come along that are special. as soon as you see him, he'sgoing tough racing someday. erik jones a great
example of that. 2006 family car, brad keselowskirun around top of the speedway as fast as the leader. i passed someone and said whoeverhe is, he's really good. >> sprint cup champion, that's the credentialsthis kid has, that's what he brings to the game. i believe he's a future champion inthe sprint cup series. >> erik jones kyle busch snowball derby. kylesaid, i'm pretty talented. that means he's pretty good, tapped him on the shoulder, comedrive truck series. youngest ever a few years ago.>> a lot of respect for toyota -- [4:32:39 pm] >> a caution.>> jones didn't want to see that. eleven to
go. caution is out for brendon gaughan running11. >>lked to mcreynolds, who will pit and stay on. as loose as brendan, fighting tires,once they get laps on them, stock them up and restart them on older tires. could getinteresting. >> well, crew chief, it's all on your shoulders.>> it's days like this, i'm glad i'm in the hollywood hotel. twelve drivers on the leadlap. we're probably going to go back racing with six or seven to go. i think jones, bowman,sadler, allgaier, they have to stay out. i think somewhere there about logano in fifth,wallace jr. in sixth, they have four brand-new good year tires in the pit, what do you haveto lose. come get them if you're about fifth on back.>> sometimes if the leader stays out, everybody
him ducks in. okay. you've got control ofthe race. we're going to take our chances by coming to pit road. interesting to seewhat happens. >> a lot of lap callers. second place bowman.they will know exactly what he's doing. huge advantage.>> absolutely. >> these spotters are all over the radio tellingeverybody who is doing what. >> to that point, because all those lap carsare there, he can come down pit road, get his service, number one pit stall, past qualifierand should be able to win the battle onoff pit road easily sunk nobody behind.>> should is the key point here. of course we see dover there's a lot of pit road, nevertake a pit stop for granted.
>> eleven cars on the lead lap. pit road wasclosed by the way. >> can't take any laps for granted either.>> learned that the hard way from a couple of guys that won here. [4:34:42 pm] in the meet forego conclusion five to go,who is going to advance in the dash 4 cash. the guy pointed out there are no forego conclusionswhen you're dealing with monster mile. >> look what happened. erik jones thoughthe was cruising to another victory, $100,000 bonus. brendan gaughan had to get away fromhim in turns one and two. now i don't think there's any decisions for the 20 team, i thinkthey stay out. i believe everybody behind
them might need to think about pitting.>> what do you think, brad? >> i don't want to be in the 20 car. if i'meverybody else i'm watching what he does and i'm going to do the exact opposite.>> you guys, you and your crew chief paul wolfe like to roll the dice, mix it up quitea lot. we'll see if any of these guys have the same attitude as[ you have.>> 11 cars on the lead lap. if four and five come from behind, you're looking at five lapsto go or so on the restart. i think he can drive right through the field. here they come.>> stayed out and everybody else is coming. there you go.>> that's exactly how it goes every time. >> i shouldn't say that. justin allgaier,logano.
>> wallace, jr. here they come, chris.>> surprising he's coming into pit lane, going to take two tires there, no major adjustments.matt tifft in pit lane. going to be a track on the car, elliot sadler's car right now.a lot of action down here in pit lane, matt. the 88 of bowman, right side tires callingthe audible going for four because so many cars hit pit road. meanwhile erik jones hewas told on the backstretch, just stay out. enough cars may have stayed out, could begood plokers. >> yeah, i think there's a nice buffer there.when you look at the lap count, as long as we don't get overtime, and we have in thelast two races in the xfinity series, i think he's going to be good. four cars stayed out.>> a full row behind him of cars that stayed
[4:36:43 pm] one of those guys is joey logano. we knowhis experience and how he can get it done in a hurry. this could till get very interesting.>> seven cars came down got tires. going to be hungry on the restart.>> bubba wallace, he put himself in a per share after racking his car right off thebat in practice yesterday now he finds himself ready to race for the win.>> six laps to go, a shoot-out in dover. what a day it's been for the monster mile.>> i think we've got a good race, good solid day here.>> inside, inside, there you go. hold onto it.>> rough, pretty bad.
>> a price for an air conditioner.>> never know what you might hear on the radio here at dover international speedway.>> air conditioner in the booth working great. nice up here.>> in support of mental health month fox sports proud to team up with not me, national alignon mental illness and their commitment to improving families and those affected by mentalhealth conditions. learn more about how to be stigma free and visit fox sports with just under 15 to go. an example of how challenging this racetrack can be.we saw plenty of issues yesterday in practice. >> you're going to have to be friend withthe monster if you're going to win today. this is not the track you want to be friendswith. it will jump up and bite you. see these
from xfinity practice, another one from xfinitypractice. i'll tell you, this is going through everyone's mind right now in late race restart,half the field new tires, half old tires. a wreck from the second heat with justin marks,glad he's okay. [4:38:44 pm] i have a feeling the monster isn't done eating.>> we could see a couple more bites. this lineup is going to be scrambled up. we'renot at a mile and a half where you've got four or five wide lanes getting into turnrun but you've got the same drivers behind the wheel going to make it three and fourwide and that's when the monster can take a chunk out of your car.>> going to get a restart with five to go.
alex bowman going to roll from the sixth position.he's led 33 laps today. >> three wide through one and two.>> sure you can. >> you know what you can do with that thing.>> i love that mentality. he knows that's his shot. how about the race leader.>> chris told him make sure you clean your tires well. get your mind right. can you stilldo this. >> another guy that needs to get his mindright justin allgaier, he has to lead with erik jones if he's going to win. that's abattle for not only a win but $100,000 bonus in the xfinity series. top four on old tires.elliot sadler the one in row three the first one to come down pit road and get fresh ones.restart, five laps to go. who is going to
tame the monster mile.>> look at bubba wallace. he pushes the 20 car erik jones.>> that's doing to help move forward alex bowman. already up. bowman boxed in. erikjones able to pull away. >> 88 in fourth, 4 1/2 laps to make somethingof it. >> right behind teammate allgaier, justinup second four to go this time. >> the fact bowman's car isn't fast but tiresare brand-new is hurting hip because it allows justin allgaier drop down in front of himand slow bowman's momentum. side by side for six. [4:40:45 pm]
logano, elliot, sadler. give it to one. threelaps to go now. bowman to the inside. working over justin allgaier for third. he makes racingthere, give it to the 88. does he have time. 2 1/2 laps remaining at dover. erik jonesnearly a full second in front of darrell wallace jr. a second and a half back alex bowman comingoff turn four. whoa, three wide in turn four. is that doing to work? saw that on the topof the screen, sorted it out. almost pulled them up.>> a caution now with equal overtime. erik jones does not want to see that. wants tosee the white flag. he'll get it this time. one mile to the second victory of the year.whooil white flag sponsored by credit one bank. erik jones trying to get his secondvictory and for the second time with $100,000.
>> darrell wallace jr. from the back-up car.he's running second right now but that's what the story is all about.>> win number two in 2016 erik jones. >> erik jones, all we had to do was come andwe did it. thank you very much, gentlemen. >> darrell wallace jr. in a back-up car comesback to get his best career finish and alex bowman does the same, third in his debut inthat 88 this season. >> couple of things i'll take away from thisrace, the talent of that 20 car driver, the way the team makes adjustments. i want tosee him race more. that was fun seeing him battle to the front.>> didn't work out but erik jones, man, this is what you're going to have to do.
[4:42:47 pm] have you to win big races. dash 4 cash isbig. he's in victory lane at dover. he deserves every bit of it.>> we came into 2016, a lot of people dubbed this guy the favorite to win the championship.jones answering the bell, second victory, ten times in a year checkered flag in thexfinity series. >> how do you like your doughnuts, adam.>> smoky. >> that's how we're getting them today.>> joe gibbs racing. pretty good when it comes to dover international speedway.>> 2016. they have been here the most. >> not much better feeling than that. lookat the fans p fans walk down to the fence
to celebrate and salute young erik jones.he's going to hop out and grab him a checkered flag.>> you see all those fans. you get energy from that. snapchat, instagram. it's a newage, new day and erik johnny is part of it. >> joe gibb racing, most forever any time,four kyle busch, two for erik jones and 10 victories at the monster mile. coaches kidsknow how to deliver when it comes to this place. erik jones led the most laps. 76 upfront including the last one. here is what the dash 4 cash guys finish today, another$100,000 for 19-year-old out of michigan. ♪♪ i'm savin' you five hundred ♪♪ comingsoon from progressive, it's "savin' u," the new hit single from the dizzcounts.
[4:45:13 pm] ♪♪ cash money♪♪ the biggest discount and understand... ♪♪ the dizzcounts. safe driver, paperless,paid-in-full, multi-car and joey fatone. ♪♪ savin' you five hundred♪♪ i'm savin' you five hundred ♪♪ we have auto-tune, right? oh, yeah. that's ahit! all: yeah! the bud light party believes inchange. that's why bud light has a new look... and we want to share it with everyone... jackpot!still the same refreshing bud light. with a new look. [4:47:22 pm]
>>> it's all at dover national speedway. erikjones second of the year ollie's bargain outlet 200. let's go to victory lane and joins mattyocum. >> a dominant day, $100,000. that will buya lot of quarter midget tires. go back to the final caution, erik, the 88, the 7, allhitting pit road. you stayed out. what went through your mind.>> well, at first i couldn't see how many came to pit road, so i wasn't too sure. iwas a little anxious to see how many came and how many stayed out. fortunately stayedout to make it viable to get the win. thanks to 6 darrell wallace, big key to getting usout front. awesome day. i wasn't too hur after the heat race but turned out to be all right.thanks to everybody, thanks to game stop,
interstate batteries, toyota, engines, xfinity,nascar, i couldn't be here without all them. it's a really cool day to get a win here atdover. >> fun place to race. at the end of your heat,you said you had a lot of concerns about this package for today. did chris keep you focusedin the game on the final restart knowing what you were up against with the pressure tire? [4:49:28 pm] >> he did. he kept me focused and in the gameall day, i would say, even after the heat race. i was not so sure about it and he feltpretty confident about it. we weren't -- we were pretty good there on the short run butnot long run. ended up came down to the short
run, had to hold them out.>> dash 4 cash victory for erik jones. chris. >> a tough challenge, had to go to back-upcar but did it turn into good things on saturday. after the checkered flag, listening to youon the radio sounds like you won the race. >> yeah, forget the 20. restart, we got areally good start, ford mustang hooked up. man, i knew the start, started at the bottom,catbird seat, hard to mess up in those cars. we're working. this is a rough weekend forus starting out back-up car, that just goes to the credit of all my guys here to get ourloudmouth mustang. >> in the two spot good day.>> congrats to my girlfriend amanda, she graduated today.>> getting his best finish of the year.
>> justin allgaier wins his heat, brings ithome. what do you think of this format. >> heat races are awesome. what they do forthe sport. dash 4 cash, i'd like to be where erik is at celebrating, but we had a greatheat race, made some adjustments there. unfortunately just a little bit off in the main. felt likewe were able to maintain a little by weren't unfortunately able to make the pass we neededto. all in all solid day, top five finish, great for points. come back next week andtry again. >> great day for jr. motorsports overall.>> alex bowman hadn't raced since november of last year, haven't missed a beat, alexcoming into the weekend, did you think a top three was possible?
[4:51:34 pm] >> i think -- i knew if i did my job it was.race cars proven they run like that. everybody at motorsports doing a good job, dave andall the guys on this car, they worked really, really hard. it was awesome. first long runwe were killing them at the end. i was really excited about that. i wish it had gone green,the cup series the last couple of years that would have played into my hand a little bit.we didn't have short run speed we needed. put on four tires there at the end. tryingto win the thing instead of settling for second and came up a little bit short. just feelblessed to be here and so thankful for the opportunity. everybody hyatt home watchingon xfinity go app, it's been a lot of fun
this weekend. glad to get back and ready forpocono. >> congratulations. alex bowman comes homethird. >> solid car brings it home, a little bitof drama to start the race. how did you put the fuel thing aside and fog us on the taskat hand. >> tough. so good. man, it was frustrating,a car felt like we could have won this race and really showed something. but i don't knowif we had something with a tire or what came apart internally but totally different racecar, put another set on it, back come too where we were. don't know whether to adjustaround that or not, frustrating. get so far back. i love these heat races. it's fun andyou can be aggressive and get up there and
be successful but makes our future nothing.don't have any time to recover. i'd like to add some laps. maybe we would have a betterfinish but it's frustrating fifth but it's a fifth place finish. we'll go on. we're readyto win. things aren't falling together for us yet but we'll get one soon.>> jamie, third top five of the year for ty dillon, the second in the last three racesfor the driver from richard childers racing. [4:53:35 pm] erik jones in victory lane here at dover.>> there are certain trophies you just want on your shelf. erik jones now has one of themaamost coveted. miles monster hoisted high, erik the victor for the second time this seasondelivering at dover international speedway.
[4:55:37 pm] but it wasn't easy on erik or his crew chief,guys. >> you have to appreciate the job the teamdid. he talked so disappointed. we're junk, do not have any balance. they put it all together.when it counted fast race on those tires. that's impressive.>> so easy for drivers to get rattled in late race situations. if you don't have tires,of course a little push, a little help from his buddy darrell wallace to help him clearthe restart. but still so easy to get rattled and make a mistake. erik jones no mistakes.great having you hear, enjoyed it in 2016. best of luck tomorrow. danielle, looking forwardto another exciting afternoon at the monster
mile.>> thank you so much. winner erik jones, $200,000 in dash 4 cash money just two weeks shy ofhis 20th birthday. >> think about a year ago, led 70 laps, bustedfor speeding on pit row late in the race. >> strategy all over the board from stayingout the top two, bowman taking four. allgaier also staying out. ty dillon taking two.>> we knew that. when you go back racing that late in the game with cars, you know you'regoing to have strategy all over the place. >> houdini and doyle next on fox. sprint coveragefrom dover at 1:30 on fs1. we're back in two weeks with xfinity series coverage from charlottemotor speedway. thanks again for watching from dover, delaware. we're right back heretomorrow.
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it is day five of not talking about the peoplewe're not talking about, but we've already talked too much about them, so let's moveon. because we have a great show today. it's friday the 13th. which meet explain the bloodbathof tv show cancellations. while we're talking about friday the 13th, it was michael strahan'slast day on "kelly & michael." they both wore black. take a look.>> don't take this as a bad sign, it's friday the 13th. you said 13 is a lucky number.>> 13 is a lucky number. >> kelly's so happy.>> a little over the top with hey, buddy, pal, let me put my arm around you.>> hey, big guy, sure gonna miss you, not. >> but that's kelly in the first place. youever watch the show, she is like that.
>> don't understand what the hell happened,why she's even mad. >> if all a sudden, i just go, by the way,monday's my last day, i'm going to do something else, you're like, uh, you could have mentionedit. >> they're going to have a calm time keepingme calm because i'll be like, ooh, yeah! ooh ooh!>> he's over there dancing and cheering. >> like, calm down, calm down. i wouldn'tbe upset. >> come on.>> i think maybe at the beginning she might have been a little upset. i think she's upsetabout the whole situation, about how abc handled it and everything like that.>> or you're mad we're like, you couldn't
tell me, you can't trust me?>> he wasn't under contract and couldn't say anything.>> i can whisper something in his ear. >> if you whisper in my ear you're going tobe leaving. i'll do a high kick and -- god, somebody's getting away from here, please.>> moving on, julia roberts, supposedly she went nude cannes. is she at cancun or canor cannes? how do you say that? >> she was nude at cannes?>> walking the red carpet barefooted. [5:02:37 pm] her feet are kind of -->> don't say anything about julia robert's feet.>> some people are saying that she went barefoot
because last year they said you can't wearflats anymore, so she kind of -- like you have to wear heel also to the event. she said,screw you guys, i'm going barefoot. >> by the way, i'm julia roberts. she canget away with that. i couldn't go to cannes and say, i'm going barefoot, i'd be kickedout. >> is she protesting? justin bieber is barefootand people say, he's losing his mind. >> he's barefooted and walking around in thegrass. >> julia roberts is going crazy in cannes.>> this, i barely go barefoot in my own house. i'm just not a big barefoot girl. if i stepon a crack or crumb or something, i hate like -- my house is clean but -->> how about you stop eating crackers? ever
thought about that?>> we made it through the bloodbath. >> yeah, of what?>> of tv cancellations. it was a bloodbath. i guess in preparation for next week's tvup-fronts, they announced a lot of cancellations. there were 12 so far and they're saying inthe next couple days there's even more. apparently abc had the highest death toll after fourseasons and decent ratings, i've never seen one episode but i heard it was good, "nashville's"done. a fan? >> i'm surprised it's over.>> hayden panettiere was in that, right? >> she did just announce she's going backto rehab for her postpartum depression. she was there and now she's going back again iguess. i think she's really been struggling.
>> wow, i thought postpartum was like rightafter. >> oh, it can linger for a long time.>> your mom still has it. >> i wish you were canceled.>> after all the drama of "castle" with news of stana katic leaving the show due to tensionwith nathan fillion, turns out, doesn't matter, because it's canceled.>> the biggest surprise for me is "csi" series is over with. they spread it across four differentshows. "csi cyber" canceled. [5:04:39 pm] no no more "csi.">> fox had a long list of cancellations. >> hollywood today live.>> no.
>> no?>> i'm so pissed off about the marshmallow thing. i think it was rigged.>> we're going to have another battle. >> all right, all right, you guys are survivingtoo.
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