crossover suv best ride


honorable father though you are imprisoned among the stars i bring you news that was set free your soul i your humble daughter karai discovered the layer of your most hated enemies and led a phone for attack force against them utterly defeated all the way to us glee

no and the rat we left destroyed the bottom of the river michelangelo try to burrow his way to safety he could not dig deep enough to escape my wrath and rafael was blown to smithereens in the turtles only battle shell all that remains is leonardo father and

once i find him then you will truly and forever be avenged 30 reaction has a ladder watch always had the wiseguys i am too there's no one there blackout for shredder 123

wow been gone so long i actually miss these old sewers huh no the lair no what happened here you dare come into my home and do that ok the foot my family where are they you'll get nothing from me i need some answers

but one to base we have activity at turtle site5 get a clear scanner that kids face see if we have a file on her on it yeah miss miss i got your pizza you ordered pizza what angel yeah that's my name don't wear it out now you want this pie or not layer is destroyed have you heard from

the others i ordered a pizza but this isn't it this is the third time this month you guys have delivered the wrong pizza i'm writing a note to your boss and i want you to take it to him this is an outrage and outrage whatever lady took one to base it's just a pizza delivery kid she's

clean roger that foot one stay alert leo i'm so sorry i'm not sure what to say the others are karai said she got them all she left this she said you're next please be careful no it can't be karai is lying there alive

i know it mr. i we've just received a report the shred not united states and the turtles lair with destroyed leonato deploy all available foot ninja search the city destroy him this night might be loved' father will truly be avenged that was definitely the remains of the

shell sub down there and dance dolphin scuba tank is nearly empty alright so much has happened i have all the pieces i just need to put them together like the ancient one taught me relax my mind allow thought to flow within and without mr. i donatello and the rat have been

destroyed excellent native surface right about here and then headed towards the pier looking for shelter honey it's me leo your back master splinter i knew it i knew you were both alive don't worry sensei everything's gonna be

okay i promise oh man it's good to see you bro we have to get both of you out of here before any more foot show up we need to find a safe place for you to rest and recuperate someplace far from the old lair this oughta 24 now this must be one of the earlier pumping stations for the

reservoir i think i've seen it on some of the old city planning very nice leonardo now that donatello and i are safe i'm already on it master splinter i'll find them wow time sure took a beating but these prints our way back here

several yards from the wreckage well what do you know hang on michelangelo was finished hey clung we own that you i had the strangest dream you were there and the 10-man and the cowardly lion and the grouchy graph of the west

it's gonna be okay mikey looks like the battle shell took a missile these could be shell cycle tracks that is definitely rough helmet mistress karai the one called rapid al has been terminated the d-train coney island sure hope rap is in better shape than his helmet

i thought i'd find you here leo leo am i glad to see you leo they found the lid they got to us the others i don't know what happened to them i it's okay raph they're all fine i found them everyone is ok i'm glad you're back come on let's get back to the others everyone i found him he's okay

hey why aren't you guys were having a party from il you made it yeah yeah whatever i can't believe the foot did this to us i can't believe they took our home her listen raf nothing is permanent we have to flow with change perhaps leonardo has learned a thing or two from the ancient one

yes i can see it in your eyes i have my son back and i can see something else in your eyes you must be careful my son she will be well guarded and her skills are much improved so remind sensei i'll be fine promise now get some rest

i'm gonna go get some food and supplies i'll be back a leo bring back some sodas or something and some pizza and chinese food dancing kids hello karai got your message i am impressed security here is very tight and yet here you are undetected so you are the new shredder and i am

your you have gone too far this time karai not far enough not until you like better than broken at my feet only then will my father truly be avenged make no mistake leonardo son of splinter hated enemy of my father your path ends

here i remember when we first met her i we fought side by side and i said you are nothing like your father i thought you understood honor but i was wrong you are exactly like him you understand nothing ok you

your own anger defeat you karai you remind me of a turtle i used to know security to the life go ahead do it finish me know i'm granting you one last chance to do the right thing karai don't waste it and try stay away from my family fiscal i is everything alright did someone mention food chinese food

for breakfast works for me i've checked it out and this seems like a safe place master splinter we could stay here maybe even fix it up a bit it is as the great sage shinto sakamoto said home is where you hang your head this walking stick is said to have come from a very ancient mystic tree

i got it with the ancient one i've carried it all this way for you haha very gracious gift thank you leonardo welcome home for too long our world our history has been influenced by extraterrestrial threats i know this all too well gah my purpose has always been clear

defend against the threat rebuild humanity to resist invasion it hasn't always been easy there are tough choices that need to be made someone has to stop this alien plague it was about i made long ago then i intend to keep it 30 the matter

watch your head always have this guy county there's no one that i doubt for shredder you're a work of art agent vision a work of unrivaled the scientific genius my genius well done dr. stockman yes i know and

none too soon by the look of it you're nearing the end stage your current bodies breakdown rate is increasing exponentially a flaw i've eliminated in your new body of course not only that but i've increased your strength speed and longevity as well this may not be your first clone body

but it will certainly be your best let's hope so dr. stockman this transfer is successful then we'll be one step closer to creating a race of super soldiers impervious to alien attack and you're one step closer to a new body of your own sounds good to me now here we go and by the way this will hurt

not make a little noise why don't you i don't think they can hear you in jersey do you want to get in here and find me a salvageable transmitter please be my guest oh someone's cranky cranky do you know how much work i put into the old lair i know how it feels on i lost my entire comic book collection comic

books i had specimens schematics all my notes all the theories april and i were working on disappear next time i'll take lookout duty great more christ foot nature we should be out hunting them not the other way around we'll handle karai raf but on our terms not hurt will handle whatever comes our way

company's coming let's keep moving i'm telling you i've been hearing things and it's safe to go ahead laugh you big baby are you serious i'm just saying the night shift creeps me out harry was out the other night he said he saw something i'll betty harry would see sunshine crocodile order them giant

turtles down there forget him the night off i'm not making this up there's all kinds of weird stories floating around there's things down there man you watch too many monster movies don't worry about it i'll go chicken quack quack quack and dan grads are at it again carl you

down you bring your splicing kit we're gonna be here all night what this really stinks on ice that's my room i had just write functions weight and everything is my stuff i miss my video games i miss my blankie don't worry mikey the new layer will be great central park turtle pond

change is good oh is that official ancient one wisdom hey i need to make one more stop see what our favorite junk yard has to offer simply amazing doctor i feel like a new man you should because you quite literally are your unique genetic structure made it stunningly easy to transfer your consciousness there are no

signs of rejection now as we've agreed i can finally begin construction on my own body dr. stockman there's been another report from new york uh um maybe now isn't the best time tell me doctor what does he mean by another report yet as well while you were how shall we say under the weather

minor reports started coming in from new york i didn't want to bother you with minor reports show me this was caught near a sewer run off train near the lower east side a photo was sent into the media they're currently investigating possible toxic waste disposal in the area chinatown and insurance investigator

took the picture and posted it on a website look at the eyes dr. do you have a theory on this there could be any number of explanations really give me your favorite well when you staged your alien invasion of new york brilliantly done might i add the genetically modified alien clones

and counted more vigorous resistance than planned the genetic accelerant i used to stabilize and increase the speed of mutation on the clones was more open than i thought after the cleanup remnant genetic material made its way into the sewers and based on the evidence that came into contact with animal life the alien dna combined with the

accelerant and modifications i made that you asked me to make is interacting with whatever host creature encounters mutating it spreading like a virus it it was impossible to anticipate dr. my life's work is to defend humanity from extraterrestrial threat and now you're telling me that i've unleashed this this plague

this is unacceptable dr. this cannot happen this outbreak must be neutralized before it spreads before anyone realizes its true nature and tracks it back to my work let me know how that goes i'll be working on my new body your entire focus is now on containing and eliminating this outbreak

then and only then will your new body be forthcoming pack your equipment you're going to new york i'm just saying i don't think we should be so hasty with the room assignments because you got the smallest one some people don't like too much room come on leo trade with me how much space do you really need to meditate and be

boring wow haha you know i hate it not just scream again wait is just your nightmare or mine definitely mind its bugs i hate box there there tix sort of well leo you're all enlightened now what's the plan

simple and uncomplicated brad have you won screeches 17 achieve their aims are tracking station to do track over has 13 encountered teachers everywhere scrambling t19 to your location 13 standby update sir for your orders we have decontamination squads at all target sites waiting for your word patch me through to dr. stockman

dr. stockman we've got one ok it's not a big one is it move it keep it contained yes a good idea wait not all of you will protect me you have your orders dr. contain and eliminate there can be no evidence burn it all understood begin decontamination protocol alpha remember my welfare is your primary

concern i'm too important to be eaten think we lost them were perfectly safe why did it have to be fun i hate flight and i hate those bishops aliens were bad enough and now we get this at least certain just got a little more meat or look at these tendrils it's amazing gross but amazing hmm some kind of

mutation whoa hold it where the mutants in this town we don't need these plugs only stepping on our rep that i gotta tell you i've seen a lot of monster movies and this kind of thing it's never good slicing change bring your splicing can you please tell me that thing didn't

just talk its intelligence mikey talks we don't call him intelligent wrap watch out mikey know we should try to talk to it it's a vicious mutant cockroach with a human sticking out of it what you want to talk about turn of events it's just incredible we've made contact we've encountered

hundreds of carriers multiple species the mutagenic accelerate seems to be moving up the food chain it's as if the dna itself is intelligent doctor is this containable well i need to study one of the creatures to find out how it's spreading and is this containable well i the truth is i have no idea

hey i said that's right you better run you okay bro thanks john wrap watch out leg you okay yeah just a nick think again who's forgetting the shell out of here we got to go after that whatever it is that the poor thing go we need to regroup and figure out what's

going on somehow i don't think we've seen the last of these things hey don why don't you take it easy it's been a long night i'll rest easier with the security systems finished whatever those things are i sure don't want him in here good my analysis is finished i got a

sample from one of the tix raft took out something about the news was familiar i compared it to data i had collected on my pda a while back and i was right right about what your theory bishop dna from bishops aliens has mixed with these creatures and it looks like it's somehow spreading if that's the case it's only going to get worse a lot worse

service teams two and three just reported all mutated creatures in those sectors have been destroyed the genetic material incinerated teams 18 through 20 or clear team six through nine or reporting in dr. report this was something we haven't seen before it came out of the sub servers we're preparing to subdue it now but i think i found a

sample worth study here birdie here birdie

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