this one books out at $57,000, certified preowend, we'll see what is goes for. let's look up this one. very good condition, this one books out at $152,000. certified preowend, this one blue books at $130,000. in this video, we're going to learn how to take this 2015 bmw suv with 7,000 miles on it with the certified preowend inspection already performed on the new car dealer's preowend lot we're going to put this on your driveway or in your garage, for thousands less let's take a look at some of the miles, real quick. 2012 49,000 miles, this one is almost out of warranty 2014 37,000 miles 2012 28,000 miles
2012 27,000 miles 4 years / 50,000 miles on the bumper to bumper on these luxury vehicles again, we wanna take one of these, and a lot of them have already been through the certified preowend at the new car dealer's lot, and we wanna put this thing into your garage, save you thousands, and, are you ready for the best part? preserve the bumper to bumper warrany how do we do this, is it even possible? yes! ask anybody who has worked at a new car lot. what they will do, the day before a big auction like this one here, today, is they will parade 5, 10, 15 of
their highline vehicles, again, vehicles that have already gone through the cpo inspection they will parade them down to the auction and they will liquidate them! we just want to grab one for thousands less and put it into your garage, like i said so, this is your opportunity, this is my opportunity, and what you really want with these vehicles, look, the mechanical aspect of it, you don't have to worry about frame damage or any of that stuff, because we're going to do a post sale inspection, your primary concern is the cosmetic condition of these vehicles and what price you get them for, and that's what you're hiring me for i'm gonna take a good look at the wheels and tires, go around the body with a paint meter make sure none of the steel or aluminum panels have been hit, the plastic ones, my paint meter doesn't
measure, so you're going to have to rely on my expertise and visual inspection of the vehicle for the plastic panels i look at the interior components, make sure everything works, even theough it's still under the factory bumper to bumper warranty, and you're gonna get a post sale inspection done here at the auction for, i don't know one hundred or one hundred and fifty dollars, somewhere around there, depending on the auction you want t make sure you get the manual, both keys, and again, a lot of these vehicles, look, they're either off-lease, these are factory sales, the absolute best source for these vehicles on a lot of these vehicles, the only flaws you'll see are a couple of dings because they're one or two years old, you know, it's a leased vehicle, it's not gonna be perfect but it's gonna be pretty darn flawless, and a lot of those little dings can be removed
let's take a look at some of these mini coopers, 2012 28,000 miles, ok, now look, here again bmw financial services, 2013 31,000 miles 2012, 22,000 miles okay, again, these vehicles are in primo condition there are a lot of repossessions from financial institutions i'm in las vegas, it's a worldwide vacation destination, so there will be a lot of rental vehicles here the rental agencies will bring their late model vehicles here to sell the nice part there is that they're fleet maintained, everything is done on time and again, your primary concern is cosmetic
okay, s the color is something you definitely want to consider, you want to keep your options open on that you want to go with light, medium or dark colors, keep it open like that, and then i will go ahead and send you via a short video, lika 15 to 30 second video of each of the prospects, the actual colors, so you can so you can get a good look at it, and as far as the options go, again, you know, we're looking at these bmw's if you insist on an m package on one of these, it's going to eliminate 90% of the inventory here. it's not going to be worth it, i'm just going to tell you, look, if you want the m package, go to a car dealer and pay the extra $10,000, honestly, that's what i'm going to say because you're going to eliminate 90% of these vehicles maybe even more, depending on what kind of a package you insist on with a vehicle that's rare to begin with so keep that in mind, now, if we're looking for a mainstream vehicle, like a toyota, ford or a chevy
or a honda, keep in mind that a lot of these vehicles are off-lease vehicles, a lot of those off-lease vehicles will have been purchased from a new car dealer under a lease special, now, let's think about this a lease special, what is a lease special, usually? it's usually the base trim to mid trim level there are some absolutely loaded with options leases out there, but that's the exception rather than the rule the rule is that it's gonna be a base model to a mid trim level lease special, and it will end up here to be sold by the factory or leasing company, so keep that in mind. if we're looking at a mainstream vehicle, it's probably not going to have collision avoidance on it, it's not going to have side view or rear view cameras, it might not have navigation, depending on the year, it might not have lane change warning features, if we're looking at a mustang or a camaro, there will be a lot less 8 cylinder ones than 6 cylinder ones
there will be plenty of 8, but for the most part, they will be 6, and they will be automatic, they won't be manual again, you have to think in terms of what are lease specials over at the new car dealerships? and these rental companies know that they won't have a lot of customers who, when renting a car, here in town, want collision avoidance, or a side view camera, they buy the base models to the mid level trim with the luxury vehicles, the bmw, mercedes, audi, porsche, they come with what would be considered over the top options on a mainstream vehicles, they're already equipped with them with the luxury brands, you know what the extras consist of, like here's one with the m package the first one i've seen, so far, although i'm not paying close attention, so you don't want to limit your universe of vehicles from which you can choose. i've had people think that they can only afford a honda accord
only to find out that these prices are so cheap that they can afford a 3 series bmw instead of an accord, and still have it under warranty. you could even buy a preowend vehicle here that's new enough to where you could easily shop for and obtain an aftermarket service contract so that while you're making payments, on that late model 3 series or 5 series, it will still be under warranty by the aftermarket service contract even thought it might have 55,000 miles on it and be beyond the factory coverage so you can always acquire an aftermarket service contract, and i'll be happy to share information with you as far as that goes. let's take a look at some of those porsches and mercedes over there now, you might be asking yourself, what do icharge for my services, ok, look, the value of the vehicle that you want is no secret. all ihave to do; ido what you do, i just look up your vehicle on the biggest newspaper in
your town's online classifieds, all of the big players, the big car dealers in your town advertise their vehicles in the biggest newspaper in your town, so ilook to see what your other options are, i'll look up your zip code on, on, i'll look for carmax dealers around your town, or individual new car dealers like the land rover web site, by the way, 2014 12,000 miles on this one, so i'll go to the land rover web site in your town and see what that range rover is selling for, believe me, i'm gonna know what your vehicle is worth i'm gonna know what all of your other options are, here's an amg package, so it's no secret how much money i'm saving you, what iend up charging you totally depends on what your other options are in your town so if iend up saving you $10,000 on this bentley over here, versus what you would've paid at a new car dealership, what is my service worth? it's worth $10,000, but i'll negotiate with you on a case by case basis
so just send me a text or send me an email, tell me what it is that you're looking for, if you just pick 1 or 2 types of cars in like a 2 year range, i'm not even going to bother with it, i'm going to be honest with you it's going to be a colossal waste of your time and mine, but if you have 3 or 4 different options in 3 or 4 different years, fantastic! there is a high probability that we can find that vehicle for you now, iwant you to think about one more thing before you decide whether this is for you or not, if you're interested in a luxury vehicle, fantastic! like that bentley over there, ican save you an absolute fortune! it's here on the west coast, that bentley hasn't been through several east coast winters, and since i'll save you thousands of dollars on that vehicle, it's going to be worth the shipping expense for you to ship it out there just not having gone through 2 or 3 winters on the east coast is going to make it worth the shipping expense
so if it's a high end luxury vehicle, and you can't find it on the east coast, this makes perfect sense for you but if you're looking for a mainstream vehicle such as a toyota or a honda, and ican only save you $1500 on the vehicle, it's going to cost you more to ship it there than the savings, in that case, it's not going to be practical i'm not going to be the guy for you, you're going to want to buy it from someone else, but if you're here on the on the west coast and you're looking for a mainstream vehicle, and ican save you $1500, fantastic! if you're on the east coast and you want a mainstream vehicle, like chevy, ford, toyota, hyundai, kia, or this dodge if you want mainstream vehicles on the east coast and you're willing to come out here, bring your family you could check out hoover dam, or some of the casino attractions for the kids, the grand canyon is near by there are so many things to do, california, some of the most beautiful beaches, laguna beach, newport beach,
all of that is near here, hollywood, some of the best breathtaking views you'll ever see are right here in nevada or southern california, so you can bring the whole family out here, have a fantastic time, pick up your vehicle and drive it back home, like this bmw suv here, or if you want to come out here with your buddies and you want to drive back home in this porsche, while stopping off in a new other states to have a good time and share some memories that'll last a lifetime, ican do that for you here, ican pick up your vehicle, especially if it's a mainstream one, even though ijust gave you some luxury examples, it it's a mainstream vehicle, if you come out here yourself, pick it up and drive it back home, it makes financial sense, if you could save $1500 to $2,000, it makes sense that way because it will pay for your vacation, you're going to drive it home while having a fantastic time with your friends, significant other, or family members, so keep that option in mind, as well.
alright now, let's be realistic here, folks. no businessman in his right mind is going to drop $30,000 or $40,000 on a vehicle to purchase for someone who has contacted him through the internet from one of his videos, purchase it on his account, hoping that he gets paid. let me give you an example let's say i commit to purchase this 2012 porsche with 28,000 miles on it for you, right off the bat, not only do i have to come up with all the money that it takes to purchase this vehicle, but i'm also going to pay what's called a buyer's fee, and it's going to be at least another $500, maybe more on a vehicle like this not only will i incur that buyer's fee, but iwill have to pay for that vehicle in full with my credit line every time iuse my credit line, iautomatically incur $120 what amounts to a loan origination fee of sorts this is a 2012 with 12,000 miles, this maserati.. in addition to that $120 administrative fee...
i'm going to incur interest until that vehicle is paid off in full and i get the title, the interest will be prime plus 8% that's a pretty radical interest rate there that they charge for these floor plans, so iwill incur that expense, as well.. so if you end up having a change of heart or you renege on me for one reason or another, that's fine now ihave to bring that vehicle back over here to the auction and liquidate it, and i'd incur a seller's fee but that's not even the worst of it, the worst part is the market price risk... will i get the same price that i paid for the vehicle, will i get more? how do you like this one, huh? ... or am i going to get a little bit less? this is a 2014 with 2900 miles on it .... fantastic! i can't stop looking at this thing... so what i'm going to end up with is market risk exposure... i might take a loss, i might make a little money, or i might get exactly what i paid for this vehicle here...
so there's a lot of risk when i purchase on of these vehicles for you, and in order to cover that risk ... what i'm going to need from you is the greater of either $1,000 or 10% of the market price of your vehicle... this way, i know that if you renege on me and i have to bring the vehicle back here to the auction, i am covered... if you renege on me, for my legwork, i charge $300, and in addition to it, all of the factors that we just went over... i will net out all of the expenses from your 10% deposit and return the balance... if you go through with your purchase, which is an overwhelming majority of the time, i will apply 100% of deposit, which is the greater of $1,000 or 10% of the vehicle's value towards the purchase price of your vehicle... everything is in writing, and the agreements can be modified to serve your specific needs, there are a lot of different ways that we can go about doing this, and i can modify the agreement
the first step is to make sure that the vehicle is even available to you, so shoot me an email, let me know what you're looking for, keeping your options open as much as you can, and if you have any questions or comments go ahead and post them down below, by the way, in the description below this video, there are direct links to videos 1-8 of this 8 part series on how to purchase a used vehicle. i highly recommend that you take a look at those and you'll see the process that igo through when i try to decide on purchasing a vehicle for you or me and it wouldn't be an auction related video without talking about financing. if you have financing, bring it! if you have good credit and a good relationship with your bank, nobody will beat your rate... but... if you have bumps on your credit, ihave the best lending source, especially you folks living here in nevada i work with a fantastic lending source for people who have bumps on their credit, a credit situation!
let me give you an example, i recently had a gentleman who purchased an acura tl from me, and he lives with his parents, never financed so much as a toaster, making about $1200 a month, not at his job for very long, and they ended up financing him with 5% down and he paid about 17% in interest, we got the deal done! then there was another buyer who wanted a mercedes ml class from me, he insisted on going to his own credit union for the financing. he ended up not getting the loan because he didn't use my source... had he gone through my source, he would've gotten that loan, beyond a shadow of a doubt... i'm showing you high end stuff because it's eye candy... these could easily be chevy, ford, dodge,, kia, hyundai, fiat, nissan, honda, toyota, but i'm showing you the eye candy because it's a little bit more entertaining ... they're all here, they all have factory sales right here on the west coast, just let me know what you're looking for
in the meantime, before ilet you go iwant to give you another example... about a week or two ago, i saw a vehicle from one of the dealerships i used to work for run through here... it was a vehicle that was on sale on their lot for $36,000, plus the doc and prep fees which amount to $1800, it was a certified preowend, i took the vin and made sure it was the same vehicle, they had it advertised on their for $36,000 to $37,000, and they brought it down here and sold it for $31,000, and out of that $31,000, they're going to pay around a $500 auction sell fee. there's another real life example... we're not speaking we're not speaking hypothetically here, we're doing this on a daily basis... i'm going to leave you with this thought... there are several hundred mercedes, bmw... you saw several porsches down there, some rare vehicles as well, although i can't guarantee finding you
one of those... hey, do you know of a preowend lot in your town that has hundreds of late model mercedes, bmw, toyota, kia, ford or chevy trucks from which to choose... most of them still under the factory warranty? no!... take a look around this place, do you know one car lot that has these many mercedes or bmw's? no! this is going to be your very best option! thank you very much for your time. don't forget to like, share... don't forget to subscribe... and check out our business facebook site and friend us on facebook... i go to auctions and sometimes post videos of what vehicles go for to give you an idea of what kind of savings you can expect and the kind of quality that rolls through the auction blocks here in vegas and in so cal ... if you have any questions or comments, please post them down below, iwill answer them as soon as i can to the best of my abilities, and until the next video, this is bob assadi, deals on wheels, we'll see you next time! :)
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