hey guys, today we're going to be talkingabout the kia sorrento also known as the kia sedona and mitsubishi also uses this samemotor as well. its the 3.5 mitusibishi engine that they put in this 03 kia sorrento or sedona,they're all the same. anyway, so what happened is that the crank sensor went bad in thisbut, of course in order to change the crank sensor you have to take the timing belt offso i'm basically going to touch base and teach you a few things about how this actually works.so, the first thing that i would suggest if you're going to do this, the first thing you'regoing to want to do is to take off this shroud right here. it takes about 3 seconds. thenext thing you want to do is take the battery out and the battery tray, just everythingwith it, go ahead and get it out of your way
and i'll explain it in a second, but it needsto be gone. the next thing i did if you'll take a look right here, i took the fan outbecause you just take two bolts right here, you see them right there? you just take thatout and it slides, your little connection right here has two connections, you just snapthem off and get this stuff out of the way. the next thing i suggest doing in this particularsequence is you see this tray right here? it covers the bottom and there is this twopiece part..go ahead and take it off. these are your simple, basic things. take your enginecover off and thats the shroud i was just telling you about. now, the next thing you'regoing to have to do is learn how to take the drive belts off. come on over to the benchhere. if i can find one, i'll show you how
they work and these are very simple. you'llfind that there are 3 of them and you'll have to disengage all three belts. this particularone is to the alternator. you'll notice that i put everyone where its at and i mark thetop. that way, you never get confused and i know you're probably smarter than me butthats just for us stupid people. alright, you basically are just going to loosen thisfront bolt on all of the pullys, and then, how this operates is this right here justturns and of course, the more you turn it the looser it gets. this particlar one onthe alternator had 4 mounting bolts. ok, so you want to take that and you want to getall of the drive belts off. now, the next thing you're going to have to do after youget the drive belts off is you're going to
have to come over here, back to the engineagain. we're going to talk about this right here, of course is your power steering. yousee i've just got it loose and sitting to the side, you don't need to disconnect it,its too expensive. as you're coming up through the top here you're going to notice a littlebracket right here and you can see what i have loose because both of the timing coversare definitely coming off. you're also going to need to need drain the radiator becauseif not, you're going to have an ocean of radiator fluid hit you so drain the radiator and goahead and avoid that. go ahead and replace the thermostat like i did on this one justbecause why bother having to come back to it later? you'll need to remove this hose,simple but definitely mark what side goes
to the radiator just for your people out therethat have a hard time remembering stuff like me. so now, this is a big problem that alotof people are having. this is why i said remove the battery tray. you see its completely gone?if you look down here this bracket right here has to come loose to take the front mounting,the aluminum big face off of it so what i did was real simple. by removing this, i hadaccess to this bolt here and there are a couple more on the bottom side but first, by removingthe battery tray i was able to access the actual mounting bolts that actually mount,i don't know if you can actually see them from right here but the actual air conditionerhas four that go sideways, you take those four off and then see, the ac will just floataround, you can do whatever you want with
it. this particular case i pushed it forwardso i can get to these bracket bolts right here. now, one thing about the bracket bolts,they're not all the same. the bottom forward one is actually different than the other threeso guys definitely mark that in your catalog or notes. i just left the ac bolts that mountthe ac actually in it because they are kind of a pain if you're trying to take them outand put them back in so it doesn't hurt anything just to keep them there, you don't move theac much anyway but the ac is loose. the alternator comes off very easy as well. some people disconnectthem and all that, thats probably the smart thing to do. you notice i put it in a plasticbag because i knew that i was going to be dealing with coolant and to save myself timeon the redo when putting it back together,
i went ahead and just bagged it. ok, so nowthe next thing that comes into play, come on over here again and lets talk about someof these. this right here is your water pump pulley. you see it comes together, its alsomounted but this goes over it and its got four little nuts. undo these nuts ahead oftime before you take your drive belts off. it just makes it easier with that little bitof tension, it doesn't have much pressure on it at all. the alternator pulley just likethis one, no big deal. now, the harmonic balancer, this seems to be a toughy. if you have theblack one or the gold one, this is the bolt that goes in here is bad. if you have a silverone, i'll show you real quick and i'll also show you how you take this off with no problem.you simply get a 22 shorty like this one right
here, put it over it like that and what idid is, come over here, i'll just show you. let me get my light again.show them the, yousee the bolt? i used the bolt to be able to do the timing which i'll get to in just asecond but i wanna show you how this is done because alot of people are really messed upover this, they don't quite get it. i'm going to get this little contraption going. herewe go, this is kind of how it would look. the ac of course,would be out of the way and i want you to show them this right here my buddy. you seethat cross rail right there? alright, so i take a bar, you see how this goes guys? thebar is right here, you lay this on it like this because remember its lefty loosey, rightytighty on this particular one thank god. so
you basically just put that on there, hitthe key once or twice, don't start it, just bump it and basically it works like an impactwrench and it'll bust itself loose in just a second then you can just take it off. now,the harmonic balancer itself, or the dampener pulley or whatever you want to call it willjust slide off. this particular one just came off with no grief whatsoever. if you do needa little bit of help just take a little hammer and just kind of tap it just a hair. now,lets talk about the water pump real quick. the water pump is real easy. in my haynesbook, it doesn't say what kind of torque it takes to put it back on, it just says informationnot available. isn't that nice? so, i googled it and one guy said 16lbs but when i tookit off it didn't feel like that so i went
with the book, try about 8 to 10lbs, thatshould do it. theres no way to verify that but i'm telling you that if you do anymorethan that they're to strip out so thats somewhere around the threshold of what they're ableto take so i just went with a safe number. do what you want to do, its all on you playa.lets talk about the timing for a second. what you're probably wondering is how the tensionerworks which is mounted right here but i've got them on my bench over there so we're gonnago back and we're gonna go on that but let me show you where the timing marks are becausethis is pretty simple stuff. if you look, you notice a little indentation right here.you see that? theres just a little v cut indentation and then you see a flat line right here. you'llnotice your crank sensor goes right into these
two mounts which is what i had to replaceand why you have to replace those is because they get hot over time and then they startmalfunctioning. its just a magnet and thats just how it works. while you're at this, doyou see this little cam sensor? thats the twin to it and thats where it goes so thatseasily replaced if you are here at the same time anyway and you've got a few extra dollars,i'd just go ahead and do it. now, the timing is going to replace this pulley and of coursethe tensioner pulley as well as the belt. meanwhile, before you take the timing beltoff it is very imperative that you do this. all these stock from the factory, you'll noticethese flat fins right here and then right here they've got a little indentation. now,some people say oh my god, how are you going
to do that? you can see, if you put this rightin the groove, it should end up right even with that, you see what i'm saying? boom,there she sits and you notice you can do it with all of them, well this lock might bea little bit in the way but thats kind of an idea. now, before you take this freakingtiming belt off line these up ok? you can't really see but they have two, if they're comingfrom the factory it has these two right here that go with this and then the factory isreally nice because they, see if you can see this green dot. those green dots align upas well so that will give you an idea. now these are two different types of cam locksand the reason i've got two different ones on there is because i only had one of eachbut this right here is really cool, its really
fast and its really easy. i love these ando'reillys rents these. over there, you have the lock thats real simple to do too and theywork perfect and they have no variation, all you do is just hand tighten them right thereand then get you like a 14 or 15 mm wrench, maybe an eighth of a turn and that joker isn'tgoing anywhere. do that before you ever take the timing belt off guys because its a painif you take the timing belt off without having them locked but if you have to, it can bedone after the timing belt is off. ok, lets go over here to the timing belt tensionersand pulleys and show you how to do all of this. alright, one thing you'll notice isthis right here just floats, no problem, it just floats like that and people don't knowhow to do this. i kind of made my own little
tool for it. they make a little tool thatcomes with some little things on it but its hard to put any torque on it, it only requiresabout 5lbs, the timing belts on, you just turn it like that and thats going to takeup the tension of the belt, snug this in, this bolt right here is whats important soyou're gonna really if you had two people it would be great. one person to hold a littletension it and another person to tighten this down right here. now all this is well andgood but this little joker right here is a self contained hydraulic press or pump. howthis sits, is like this, so while its in the car, you see this flat spot right here? itsgoing to kind of sit like this and that little sucker is going to pop out and let me tellyou what brothers and sisters, you are not
going to be able to push that down with yourhand. so take it out and you can use either like a little allen wrench to fit throughthere, put it in a vice, run it down and slip that in there. now, this right here has tobe tightened to down to where the belts kind of hold it in place just a little bit becauseonce you pull this, you will not be able to reset it. you're going to have to redo thewhole thing again if you don't pull this out to hold this or you do something out of sequence.just wanna throw that out there. crank sensor is kind of a big deal. this is what goes bad.you see the heat right here? its got a little heat on it, looks like its been getting alittle hot. see right here in the back, getting a little warm? also its just faded out overtime, also this is a little dry rotted. you
never know, on electric stuff where the problemis at, i mean there are ways to just test it all the way down to the one little spotin the wire but basically over time they just go bad. ok, the lock that i was talking aboutis right here so you can definitely get one of those. if there is an o'reillys near you,and you want the other one thats how that is done. you can just write that down andthats with o'reillys. here is a cut out of the water pump, heres your bleed valve righthere or the weeping hole. over time if this is leaking right here this is where it shouldbe coming from. very simple, no problem and of course, there is more components to thisthat you can take off that i didn't bother with because they're basically good for thelife of the car. we've discussed the harmonic
balancer, how to do the tensioner, how todo the water pump. yes, the timing cover, thats a trick. you notice you have an upper,we'll go over to the bench and i'll show you how these go. the lower timing cover is reallywhat you're after. i needed the crank sensor in my particular case. when i got to the cranksensor, i figured out that you can't access one of the bolts without removing the timingbelt so there is no way around it. you're going to have to take everything off so alright,it kind of goes like this and you will have to take these top ones off in order to accessthe bottom ones but it doesn't matter because the timing belt is coming off anyway, justwanted to show you that so you see where all the bolts are at that go to it. i think they'reall 10mm if i remember correctly. the last
thing i want to discuss is the aluminum bracketthat holds everything together. sorry, a little upside down. as you notice right here, youhave the before top dead center right here thats got a little tag on it so you'll beable to quickly identify where everything is at but this is why you have to take offthe air conditioner, the alternator, the power steering, the water pump because you can'ttake this off to get to the covers which sit underneath it. thats how hyundai did it, ihyundai because its a hyundai engine. thats how they did it in order to be able to mounteverything. its actually not a bad job, its not terribly impossible, it is a little timeconsuming however this is about the sum of all the parts it takes. i wish anyone thebest of luck on this. definitely take time
to check your timing marks, definitely donot attempt this without the locks on the cams because you can screw that engine up,its an interference engine, it will pop and you will be doing a head job on it. so, longstory short, if i were you, just take it easy, be patient with it and it will happen andthere was something else i was going to say but, oh subscribe to my channel, thats whatyou need to do. i need people to subscribe. apparently, if i get 10,000, i can make like10 cents or i don't know what it is but i only have like 50 or 60 right now so i'm thinkingi need some more subscriptions to get to the 10,000 so anway, lots of laughs. i hope everythingworks out for you. oh and when you get done with this, before you move anywhere else onthe timing, take that, you notice i put the
bolt back in in order to make sure the timingwas perfect. take your socket, do it by hand a couple of times, i'd actually do it like3 or 4 times to make sure theres no, nothing hitting because if anything is hitting itsgoing to smoke the engine so just do it by hand and do it nice and slow and once you'revery comfortable that nothing is hitting and your timing marks keep lining up and they'revery simple, i mean even i can line them up so its not a problem. alright, well good luckman, peace out man, subscribe to my channel. i have all kinds of crazy stuff i'm alwaysdoing so i'm going to start posting it up. peace out man!!
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