crossover suv prices


hi there this is the bmw x6 m in fact this is the second generationbmw x6 and which means the first one was so successful they built another one andnow it has five hundred and sixty-seven horsepower every time somebody says thatthing doesn't make any sense there's some mad men bavaria who performed aporsche 911 this is the mercedes amg gele 63 coupe and it has five hundredand seventy-seven horsepower to quote woody allen the original don't feel butif you do steal from the best now with one of these two is in fact the bestthat we're going to find out on this hunchback the nurburgring episode ofhead to head

yes i'm interrupting my own video butthere's a very good reason why we are launching something very cool thisrivalry bmw vs mercedes-benz has been going on a long time in fact a muchthinner jessica me so once in a head-to-head on the origin of it it wasthe e30 m3 vs the mercedes 190 2.3 16 with this rivalry is still going ontoday on racetracks but what if you want to watch it meet motor trend on demand think of itas netflix for corn nuts in fact if you go there right now you can watchmercedes battling it out with bmw in series such as the pirelli worldchallenge in dtm but of course please

finish watching head-to-head first iknow what you're thinking this thing but but international fee and then removedall the utility wrong this car is a flaming middle finger my problem with itis that bmw been laid it on fire then go far enough five seats 4 doors know this should be asingle seater with senator steering and the set of doors is to be a roof hatchand instead of this grouping tailgate well that shut what's the difference asfar as wide receivers decided to break out the tracing paper and so slavishlycopy the x6 i can give you 1.5 billion reasons why specifically you look at thebase price of a mean wx six it's about

$6,000 higher than the x5 this sold twohundred and fifty thousand of the first generation x 60 x 1.5 billion dollars inprofit from a car that rolls off the same assembly line as the x5 overseaswould be crazy not to try to get in that game now is a time in fifty determineits one of these two is better 63 when you get right down to it gigli 63 is all about the engine andwhat's an engine and 157 5.5 litres two turbos five hundred and seventy-sevenhorsepower and it's terrific in fact advantage of this car has over the xexam is the engine no

what's in that how you want your attacker why not the neighbors yes please breaking thedead yet plans a hundred miles an hour never found if there's a real weak spot and i don'tmean it's like an achilles heel but something i wish they could improve transmission which works pretty goodright now but for instance if you're on the freeway cruising and eighty miles anhour because of the carrying 2,400 rpm which is really getting into the meat ofthe torque curve this thing is straining

against its rains and just notcomfortable cruising vehicle should because you have this wonderfulluxurious interior great mercedes-benz on center steering feel but it's kind ofa ride where is the x 60 with its eight-speed zf transmission oreighty miles an hour engines barely 2,000 rpm and it's agreat long distance machine looks go there is no polite way to putthis but they're both kind of terrible looking to get a prius and like you knowstarted showing steroid down his throat and then pumping it up with a bikepromises big kind of good test

hatchbacks although the x6 m and maybeit's just that paint long beach group but looking at it there's a certainangle not so bad but the jialing its kinda bad from every single angle and bykind of bad i mean it's bad every angle you got relatively small rear viewmirrors got this loping c&d pillar where you can't see anything my rear glass isthis big a part these things right so here we are in a parking lotand we are going to see which one of these two has a superior backup camerasystem starting off in the amg and as you can see it's got a cool surroundview cameras actually one of the better ones just the definition of a can seethe cracks in the asphalt is incredible

i can change all this and go from the360 degree view that improving in two hundred eighty-degree view which is akind of a wide angle backing up i think i know what i'm going to do is to usethe 360 degree view like that better and let's see how this thing parks i meanit's so simple and this is what's great about modern parking systems like thiseven if you have this car which is effectively a bunker with almost no rearvisibility look at this can still put the car exactly where i wanted man iwould call this a picture-perfect amg parking job i mean look at that playing a room on either side notbothering anybody will now have you see

how the bmw does yeah oh hi sorry ok and now we're in the x6and we're going to see how this thing deals with backing up and parking andlike the energy you a couple different ways you can do it one quick differencebetween the two is that this is a much wider screen equally high def you cansee more information on the bmw screen that on the mercedes right now i've gotthe rearview camera on but on a little side window i have the school kind ofdigital parking sensors english tells me how close i am to various objects whichis great if i leave in this mode to get tracer lines and show me where i'm goingand i get something they call obstacle

marking which like there's an infinityto my left behind me and i see little yellow box lets me know that you knowdon't hit that if i get closer to reality and read it's pretty coolanyways i'm gonna leave in this mode back this thing up ok my boxes turn red but i didn't knowhe'd infinity these tracer lines are very very helpful that in fact i would call this thedictionary definition of a picture-perfect bmw parking job and nowlet's get back to the road a little bit smaller and smaller morecompact vehicle it's not but it feels

that way it's noisy in here and right now i'mjust kind of running around in normal mode but i said this button the m onebut no distress it twice to confirm the car up in the psychomotor get this greatplay oh dude how does it again absolutely saying this is one of themost demanding ever built you gotta admire bmw's cojones becauseyou know they they really with a straight face will say things like theymust protect the integrity of the seven enjoy the next 6 i mean it's simplycrazy

just like you're selling this to people ismiraculous four point four leaders two turbos 567 horsepower yeah it's lessthan mercedes-benz also lugging around 200 less pounds this is this transition that all sortsof other vehicles used to show perfectly here townships doesn't matter rapid-fire perfect you would not believehow this thing drives i don't believe others think i'm driving it

yes yes it doesn't sound as good as themercedes nor is it is solid there's a lot more squeaks and creeks and soundinsulation but fun factor the smile factor the reasonis the reason why you would buy a car like this in the x6 m gee makes 10 morehorsepower than the bmw v eight and it takes about 25 more pound-feet of torquebut she really is about 200 pounds heavier than the x6 m i wonder whichones actually faster and a drag reads and i wonder how they would do againstthe regular sports car so for the sake of entertainment andnothing else left in these two randy post and see how they do in our racetrack

the brand new mercedes-benz amg jailing63 ass very high performance right away theimpressions on killing her soft plus a good time and location shares her trip mercedes have had somereally good sporting transmissions but its snapping off those shifts we got afair amount of understeer see the wheels i can turn it into thereturns in pretty well and then goes into a strong understeer there's a lot of emotion and the amgmost body roll who stopped

squad under acceleration i can actually feel the car sit back onits haunches when i get into that power power break-ups kind of soft lot of travel andas i drive i'm sensing a little fade the big cars powerful that's actuallyenjoyable on the downside the stability controls even though wehave everything turned off i lost a thriving weight loss of braking and theseat belt tightening up on the whole system went into sensing a crash

there's no race mode and i have to say that in someways that make sense but it is so frustrating on the race track we swapped over to the bmx x6m what good v8 sounds wow this is just right from the git go it's a tighter package if feels more likea sports cars or sports sedan right off the back i don't see a huge difference in the power both are bloody powerful the bmw has a much sportier feel than the amg

this x6m is wow it feels like a sports sedan i gotta saylittle tall but under steers way less way less body roll imperceptible break dive no squad on power a much sportier package and you don't need to be me andbe able to tell that it's just obvious breaks are far more comfortable on therace track where the amg have a soft pedal in afair amount of trouble bmw for short travel pedal

quick response really loving about thex6m just hit me no stability control intervention i'm actually driving thiscar bmw is actually letting me drive the car i'm really quite shocked at thecornering speeds scarce not only on the straights but in corners it's ahammer fastening and see what the lap timeslike lets get these big powerful super suvs onthe watch and find out look i really dig that amg it's awesome but it's kinda like a grizzly bear you know what i mean you know what i mean yes it's the most powerful thing in the forest and smash you head off with it's paw

but in reality it would sit around like a pot of hunny all day and hibernate it's just the x6m is simply bad it defies all sense logic convention look and for that reason and the size of the grin on my face the winner of this head 2 head is the bmw x6 m it's insane oh my god i love this car

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