hello, my name is john kelly, and this isthe weberauto youtube channel. today i'm going to show you the new nvh appvibration analyzer in action, i'm actually going to use it to go on a roadtest and detect a vibration in my van that i drive, and to begin with wewill start the app by clicking on the nvh icon, the first screen that comes upis a safety warning that remind you that you should not drive distracted andyou're probably better off to have somebody else drive the vehicle whileyou use the app, although you can use the app without somebody else as long as youset it up before you start driving and then don't touch it again until you'redone driving. so we will click agree,
there are four icons on the screen andthe one we are going to go with initially in this video is "pick yourvehicle", so we have to tell the app what vehicle you are driving, so this vehicleis a toyota, so i will scroll down in the vehicle list to toyota, and then it is a2010, and it is a sienna van, and it's a front wheel drive with a 3.5 literengine. that information tells the app that it's a six-cylinder engine and whatthe front front final drive gear ratio is, what transmission it has, what thetransmission gear ratios are, and when does this transmission normally shiftunder a light throttle. the only thing the app does not know is what size tires doyou currently have on the vehicle. so
down towards the bottom of the screenhere it wants to know your tire size, so you punch in your tire size; mine is a215 for the width 65, 16. if you are not sure how to find your tire size or what yourtire size is there is a link right here at the bottomof the screen that you can click on, there's a help file within a couple ofexamples of tire sizes, and then a photograph and information of where youcan find what size tire your vehicle should have, and so you should be able tofigure things out from there, so we will click done, and we are ready to start. soin the upper right-hand corner of the screen is the word start, we will clickon that, and right now we are ready to go
on a road test. there's a few things on this screen thati'd like to show you. first you're looking at the top view of a vehicleoutline, and you'll notice there's four tires, there is the engine there is atransaxle, there is half shafts, and on the right hand side of the vehicle we havethe front and rear tire sizes, on the left hand side of the vehicle we havethe front and rear tire speeds, and we show front and rear because somevehicles have different size tires front verses rear, and they would turn a differentspeed, we have vehicle speed in the middle of the screen, the vehicle speedis picked up off of your phone or tablet's
gps system, and as far as tablets areconcerned, the ipad and whatever other tablet you may have; android basedversion when the android version of this app comes out later this summer, thattablet has to have a built-in gps receiver. now just the plane wifi onlytablets do not have a gps receiver in them, at least the apple ones. so the onlyway that you can use the apple ipad with this app is if you have the ipad thatnot only has wireless, but it has cellular connectivity capabilities, youdon't have to have a cellular package, it's just that the ipads with wifi and cellularcapabilities are the only ones they have
a gps chip in them. okay, now at the top of the screen we haveengine rpm, and you'll notice right now it shows the engine rpm around 650, 670 rpm, and the words engine speedare in blue, and that's because i am connected to an optional bluetooth datalink connector connection that communicates with the engine controlmodule gives me an actual engine rpm, but if we go to the settings icon on thebottom right hand corner of the screen and turn off bluetooth data link, and hit done, then we have estimated engine rpm and we've been very careful estimating theengine rpm as you drive based on how
fast you're going, what gear you would bein for how fast you're going, and it's it's remarkably accurate, about the onlyvehicles that it has a little bit of a problem with, especially if you don'thold a real steady speed as you drive are vehicles with continuously variabletransmissions, cvts, so if you have a cvt, and you think you have an enginespeed related vibration, there's an optional bluetooth data link connectorfrom gopoint technology, that is certified for apple products and androidproducts, i think it's the only one out there is a certified for apple products,i might be wrong, but the last time i looked, it was the only bluetooth no oneat work with apple. alright, so, by default
it assumes you do not have thatbluetooth adapter and we are ready to go on the road test, so in the upperright-hand corner are the words "start recording", so we hit"start recording" and now all we do is just said this on the dash and go forour drive. so here we go. the vibration that i have, this van has acouple of vibrations, it has a vibration at idle, in gear, and has a vibration atfreeway speeds; 65, 70, miles per hour in that range. now this van driving is awheelchair accessible van, it has a ramp that comes out the passenger sidesliding door, and this van has been
modified to where the floor has beenlowered, i think is 11 inches, to make room for a wheelchair without scrapingyour head on the ceiling, and by lowering the floor 11 inches, they had to raisethe suspension also, and to raise the suspension, it caused half shaft constantvelocity joint angles to change from their normal, it caused engine exhaustsystem routing issues, and a few other changes to the physical bodyof the the van itself, and so because of that the constant velocity joints on thefront cv axles, the halfshafts, the inner ones, which are the tripod or tripotdesign, they can under certain conditions have an excessive angle which wouldcause three shakes per revolution of the
tire, so i have got a little bit of that goingon, i believe, at freeway speeds, i have also added a wheel weight to the right fronttire that should cause a tire speed related vibration, and thevibration that i have an idle, i believe is the exhaust system, and i will explainto you how to identify all of those, but where they had to move theexhaust system, the exhaust mounts, the mounting, the rubber mounting of theexhaust system, is designed to dampen out the normal engine vibrations that youwould normally see, and by moving and modifying that exhaust system, it allowsfor some of the engine vibrations to be transferred into the passengercompartment. now in looking at the screen
here of the app, any time that app detects avibration of one of the rotating parts on the vehicle, it will cause thatcomponent to turn red and be flashing red on the screen. so, if you have somebody else is drivingthe vehicle and you're watching the app, then the tires would start glowing redif they were the source of the vibration, the engine would glow red if it was thesource, if it was a rear-wheel drive or four-wheel-drive vehicle, and had a driveshaft, or a driveline, it would glow red if there was the source of the vibrationas well. so none of the vibrations show up
at the speed at which i'm driving at themoment. so the engine speed vibration shows up when we're stopped. we are juststopped at the stop sign or stoplight in gear engine idling, and it's made evenworse by having air conditioning on. the other vibrations are at freeway speeds which,i'm heading to the freeway right now, now you will notice there's a semi-truck, a bigclass 8 truck in front of us, this app supports not only passenger cars andlight-duty trucks like that ford pickup truck up ahead here, but class 4 through8 medium-duty and heavy-duty trucks. those great big trucks still have tiresthat rotate, they still have driveshafts,
transmissions, and engines, they have allthe same parts that smaller vehicles do but they are just larger and might turnat a slower speed, but the principles of vibration diagnostics are the same, andso this app, and the bluetooth datalink connection works just fine on those heavy duty and medium-duty trucksas well. now i have not talked about the placement of the ipad or iphone. the ipador the phone need to be placed on a hard solid surface as you drive, so you'llnotice that i've got the ipad or the iphone just sitting on the the dash atthe moment, it could be held against a window, it could be on anything solidinside the vehicle, the front of the
vehicle, the rear of the vehicle, it does notmatter, you can place it on in one of the four corners of the vehicle to try toisolate which corner of the vehicle has the vibration, but the thing you need torealize you cannot put it on a soft padded seat or on carpet and expect the resultsto be good, so he needs to be on a hard surface, also for best results you needto be driving a steady speed, you should not be driving up a hill, or down a hill, try tofind a place where you can road test vehicle where it's nice and flat, you'vegot a nice flat area to drive, and i recommend if the vehicle has cruisecontrol, that you turn on the cruise control and just find the point where,find the vehicle speed where it is
vibrating, and just kind of hang out inthat speed for several minutes to allow the nvh app to acquire data that it willused to analyze what is the source of the vibration on the vehicle. now we'reheading out to the the freeway here, let's just do a quick review aboutcustomer complaints related to vibrations. tires will spin the samespeed driving down the road whether their cause a vibration or not,your engine will turn the same rpm whether it's vibrating or not, your driveshaft, drivelines, halfshafts, all your transmission parts, transfer case parts,and so on, they all spend the same speed and itdoes not matter if they're vibrating or
not, so that tells us that the rotationalspeed, which basically is the frequency of the vibration, is really not what thecustomers is complaining of, they are complaining of something called theamplitude, and everybody is familiar with amplitude if you've ever used a radio,when you turn the volume knob you have a high amplitude sound coming out of thespeakers, when you turn the volume down you have a low amplitude sound, so yourjob with the nvh app, or any vibration analyzer, is to go out on the road test,like i am doing now, and find out not only what is the frequency of the vibration,which tells you which part on the car is responsible for the vibration, but theamplitude level of the vibration, and
this app will tell us all of that, itsaves at all, as long as you told it to start recording as you drive, and thenyou can review that you can email it there's all kinds of things you can dowith it, you can export it to a csv file and open it in microsoft excel, but theapp knows what the amplitude level is ,so it will record what the amplitude levelwas before you fix the vehicle, and then you go out on the road test again afteryou fix the vehiclem and it will record the amplitude level again, and of coursethe amplitude level had better be lower, which you will be able to tell if thevibration is repaired because the vehicle won't be shaking any
more, or it won't shake as badly, and soyour job is to basically turn down the vibration leve,l turned down the theamplitude level, to turn the volume down as as with a radio volume, and if you dothat ,even if you cannot totally eliminate the vibration, if you just turnit down, sometimes customers will be so happy with you that you'll be their hero,and they will bring all their business to you now have all their neighbors come seein and everything else. okay, i am just about to get on the freeway, i'm going to put apaper napkin over the phone to keep this direct sunlight from beatingdown on it, and here we go. so the vibration as i told you shows uparound 70 miles an hour
here we are at 70 the steering wheel is shaking pretty bad, idon't know if you can see that in the video, the app should be detecting, yes, it is a vibration. i'm going to turn on my cruise control and just hold it at this speedfor a moment. my engine rpm on the tachometer is 2000, my engine rpm on the app is 2000. my vehicle speed on the instrument panel is 70 and looks like 69.5 on the app, so we are holding a steady speed, driving on a nice flatsurface, a little bit of a incline and uphill right here, but, that is all you do, you bring thevehicle up to the speed where it vibrates,
let the app takes some readings, and then turn around go back to yourshop, so we will take the next exit turnaround and go back. on the way back as i mentioned, i will enable bluetoothdatalink connection for exact engine rpm rather than estimated engine rpm, but asyou can see here at freeway speeds the engine rpm is exact anyway. by the waythe cord i have connected to my phone is not needed for using the app,that just allows me to record the screen here on my laptop computer, but you couldcertainly have your phone plugged in to keep it charged as you drive. this app bydefault will prevent your phone from
going to sleep, at least on the ios systems, will see ifthe android systems let us do that, but it will prevent it from going to sleepwe don't want the phone to go to sleep while it's recording or it'll stop therecording, which we don't want to do, but the flip side of that is if you don'tlet your phone go to sleep then it runs your battery down more quickly. so it'sit's a good idea to keep a charger plugged in and take it with you on your on your road test anyway. i am going to pulloff the side of the road here and enable the bluetooth adapter. so we will enable that by clicking on the gear icon, click
on bluetooth datalink, we will hit done. notice the words engine speed have turned into, the color is turned blue, so we will set that down. by turning blue that indicates it has got a bluetoothdatalink connection, and now its drive back. now once again, that bluetooth connectionis optional, you do not need it unless you, for sure think you have an enginespeed related vibration, and even then i will show you another way that you candiagnose that without having to buy this adapter, however, if i was a full-timetechnician diagnosing vibrations, or a
field service engineer, or a fieldtechnical specialist, or some sort of diagnostician, i would buy that bluetoothadapter because it does make things a little bit more quick for vibrationdiagnosis because you just never know is it goingto be an engine speed related vibration or not. typically it's it's not, enginespeed vibrations are actually pretty rare, tire speed and driveshafts speed are far more common vibrations. so notice now, with the enginebluetooth connection, we are picking up not not only a tire speed vibration, but anoccasional engine speed, let me slowed back down to the 70 range,
so there's our tires, tire speed, it doesnot mean it is the tires. and occasionally there was a engine inthere. alright, we will get off the freeway righthere and review the results. so notice sitting here at idle we have got theengine glowing red, so it will be interesting to see what whichtype of engine vibration it is detecting, and as i said i have always had thisvibration at idle because of this modified van. i'm justgoing to pull over here and we will review the results. okay, we will take the app, and in the upperright-hand corner we will hit "stop recording"
at this point it is going toask us for a name of the recording, i am just going to call it "my van" and hit save.if you don't give it a name, and you just hit save anyway, it will save it by theday and time of the day, so the date and time, it'll just give it that as the name.now the dark screenn and the swirling icon in the middle of the screen, indicatesthat the app is reviewing and analyzing the data from the road test. and noticehere that we have the diagnostic results the automatic diagnostics, and it tellsus that "the diagnosis shown below is the primary vibration detected repair thisvibration first and then retest for additional vibrations if needed" and ittells us in red text right there in the
middle of screen that we have a "firstorder tire speed related vibration" now if you don't know what that means or howto fix it then there's a button right here at the bottom of the screen, we willclick on "how do i fix this vibration" and it tells us exactly what a first-ordertire speed vibration is, and the eight different things that you can check thatcan cause of first-order tire speed related vibration. each one of these hasdetailed step-by-step instructions, some of them have videos, some of themare, all of them have detailed diagnostic photographs, specifications, instructions on what todo, and it's a process of elimination.
you check the first things first and ifit is ok then you move on to the second thing, and there are, as you can see onthe list, there are eight different things that can cause this, and and each one ofthese clear down to the least likely cause, is something that can cause thetires to have a first order vibration. first-order just means it's shaking onetime per revolution. alright, also while we are here, at the top of the screenthere are three buttons, there is the auto button that it defaults to, there is thetotals button, let's look at totals, the totals button breaks down the thedifferent types of vibrations that are typical on a vehicle like this, and howmany times they were detected, so notice
under tire speed related vibrations,first-order tire speed related vibrations were detected our road test618 times with an average amplitude level of 0.04, the second order were only detected 22 times, and there were some third-ordervibrations detected quite a number of times, 284, but by far the third-ordervibration; the first-order vibration was worse. notice that there were engine speedvibrations detected, but not very often, first-order 27 times second order 37, and third-order 18. if weclick on first-order tire just for
example, it breaks it down in 5 mileper hour increments, and lets you know what speeds did it detect thesevibrations, and so notice, in 5 mile-an-hour increments from5 to 9 it was detected 4 times, and then nothing again until 45 miles an hourwere detected 8 times and then 6, and 12, then 373 times between 65 and 69 miles an hour, an additional 205 from 70 to 74 miles an hour and only 10 times 75 to 79. sothat's some interesting stuff. you can use this to verify that the app'sanalysis is what it should be, and i helped design this app, i was not theprogrammer for it, but this app gives you
the results that i would give you withmy 22 years experience in vibration diagnosis. iit also has a graph that willgraph the amplitude level in the y axis in the up and down, versus time goingright and left, and their color coded by the frequencies, and so everything in redis a tire speed related vibration, and then you can see engine could be greenor pink and so on. alright if we click done, then we arejust back to the vehicle view screen. now while we are here we can, if you look atthe bottom of the screen, notice there's a "view recordings" buttonso if we click on "view recordings" if we scroll down to the bottom
here's my recording i just did, and wecan review the entire road test right here on the screen, so it says tapanywhere to control playback, it tells us that at the bottom of the screen, so i willtap, notice it brings up a "play" button and now it will just step through, andreplay, the entire road test procedure. there is a forward arrow button that willbring us ahead one second and a time there is a double arrow button it bringsus five seconds ahead at a time, and there's a "view analysis" to look at thereport again, or we can export it, we can email it, wecan email a csv file for microsoft excel, it lets his email any of these road tests.now if we go back to the list of recordings
i have got a number of recordings i have donehere. if you push and hold on one of those recordings it brings up the optionto delete the file, rename the file, email the file, or view the automatic analysisone more time, and of course cancel. so that is the road test procedure. that isis pretty quick. just a quick summary, wrap-up, of what theroad test is: you enter the vehicle information, tell it what year make model tire sizeand so on, and then you tell it to start recording, you set the appt on your dashin and drive, and it will record while you're driving.
bring the vehicle up to the speed where it isvibrating and then go back to your shop. hit stopped recording and review theanalysis and see what needs to be done and not only that, but follow thestep-by-step instructions in the help file that will guide you through thediagnostics here. so that is the nvh app oh, there was one other thing. you mayhave noticed that i sat the the phone in direct sunlight, it is a pretty hot daytoday, the direct sunlight on the phone got so hot that the phone gave us awarning of it was too hot and to cool it down. and so i cooled it down, and then i put anapkin, a paper napkin, over the screen to keep the sun from bearing down on itand overheating it. if you are in a hot
climate, i can see that that may be anissue and the you may just need to put a piece of paper over it to cover it upwhile you drive to prevent it from overheating. alright, thanks for watching.
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