crossover o suv


this is the bentley bentayga thefastest suv ever it's also the quickest suv we've ever tested at motor trend doing 0to 60 in a ridiculous three and a half seconds that's a brand new record that'sgonna stand for about the next 42 seconds this interesting looking purple thing behind me is the bentley bentaygabentley says it is the fastest most powerful most luxurious mostexclusive suv ever it has a six liter w12 engine which means that has two 3liter vr6 has joined the crank each with its own twin-scroll turbocharger itmakes 600 horsepower and six hundred and sixty-four pound-feet of torque hey jason i was thinking themost powerful suv in the world's actually

the mercedes amg g65 which makes 621horsepower and 738 pound-feet of torque so maybe bentley meant the bentayga isthe most powerful crossover in the world the tesla model x on the other hand itdoesn't even have an engine but it does have a battery pack big enough to keepyour iphone charged for 36 years of course it can release all of that energyat once but it can release five hundred and thirty-two horsepower worth of itand its motors make seven hundred and thirteen pound-feet of torque with aclaimed hundred and eighty seven mile an hour top speed the bentayga is thefastest suv world but i have a hunch that the teslamodel access actually quicker

acceleration to find out we brought themboth to a drag strip the bentley's turbo lag isn't a factor here because we breaktorqued it on launch still is no match for the tesla which pose a significantlead from the get-go the model x beats the bentayga a sixty miles an hour 3.2 seconds to 3.5 and continues to pullfurther ahead until eighty miles an hour where its lead peaks at 0.5 seconds it's only then that the electric motors output starts to wane relative tothe twin-turbo w12 and the bentley starts to catch up in an all-out race bentayga would win its top speed is 32 miles an hour higher but when these twocars fly through the quarter mile the

bentleys just 0.2 secondsbehind the model x ladies and gentlemen to mommy mobiles that easily andrepeatedly poll elevens in the quarter mile told you as quick you just watchthe world's fastest suv get its ass handed to it by an electric car and wecan tell people until we're blue in the face just how otherworldly fast theseteslas are and they don't seem to believe us they get in the passenger seat and gofull tourette's on us i think i've finally come up with a way todemonstrate just how quickly these cars are to do that i'm gonna bring in a minengine carbon top italian superstar your saying things is a super car yeah the alfa 4c is a supercar and it does here to 60 in 4.2

seconds which means it would embarrass alamborghini diablo in a straight line up that is a really good point its also louder than a diablo lot louder ok so there you have it a alfa 4c spider racing a alfa 4c spider thats strapped onto a trailer being towedby a model x this wasn't a scientific race we used not testing equipmentbecause frankly this was really stupid but the point here is that the alfa 4cis a really really fast car and the model x is so much faster that you haveto put a 4,000 pound trailer on it to make it only as fast as a really fastcar please don't try this at home we tried it because we're not at home andwe're professionals professional idiots

but professionals non the less idiots well you'realive and i did not think you would be when you told me like hey he's going toput a race car on a trailer and tow it behind a tesla and do a full launch i was like he'sgoing to die he's going to jack knife he's going die and find another co-host well i'm glad you didn't yeah that was nuts i really thought the back half of the tesla was gonna rip off every singletime we launched it i think its just insane ludicrous actually one step pass insane no but you don't look in anyother company that is a seriously quick suv and potentially the fastest suv in the world butthese two trucks it happened at the same time which i find really interestingthat is only tiny british luxury with wood and leather and it couldn't be anymore different than this which is new

silicon valley drives itself electrictechnology showcase computer on wheels i think it's really interesting thatthey're happening at the same time that said this is a strange head-to-headbecause that car costs almost twice what this car costs and in that sense they'renot direct competitors that sounds like something that tesla and bentley marketingdepartment would say i would say if your a rich person and you're in the market for the latestgreatest craziest suv you're gonna take a long hard look at both of these yesand maybe have to pick one which is why we have to pick one which is why we'renot going to go on the road and drive these things to figure out which one isthe better suv

alright bentayga pretty quite goes down the road with authority very fast suv worlds fastest suv as they claim this one is on 21's right that does bring up one thing about this ride quality impact is a little bit harsh justbecause you don't have a lot of sidewall and then everything else is sort of like suitably bentley wallow soyou get this sort of impression that you're driving an audi q7 with like blown shocks but it's like bang is that in bentley mode or comfort mode in comfort mode you have likecompletely blown shocks totally in bentley mode it rides well but i i wish the impact was damped alittle bit it's kinda all about sport mode this is an impressive mode for this car this is the one where it starts uses that 48 volt electrical systemjust moved sway bars around right the way this one works there's a step-uptransformer up to 48 and that powers supercapacitors that are on the rollbars so turn into a corner there's like

no roll like this flat i rolled my fat rolled well we need better seat beats it stays very flat on corners the interesting thing though is it stays perfectly flat thru the cornerand then it's got huge break dive and acceleration squad i mean you floor it at night you blind allthe drivers in front of you i think sports mode really does solve a lot of that however like all bentley's i like driving in bentley mode but is this thing bentley enough if mulsanne on which is areal six and three quarter liter v8 rear wheel drive thats a bentley if this is a mulsanne over here and this is a cadillac cimarron in termsof badge engineering meaning a luxury brand on a car that's not a luxury car ok too farthat direction for me the audi q7 which is based on is afantastic fantastic vehicle really good luxury kind of aesthetically

challenged though it shares that with this how doeshe even take it differ from accused not enough the steering wheel and thecontrols are all very clearly outing we drive all his car so we recognize thisand that and the potential owners of this car might not recognize that but abadge job is just a badge job the engine is unique so let's talk about that saidbrand new six liter w12 same basic displacement as the old engines still two vr6 rightbut it got direct injection and more importantly the ability to disable onebank of cylinders so while you're cruising this can be a 3 liter vr6 and fueleconomy gains are huge i mean i've seen sort 16 and a half miles per gallon

driving like a jerk and that's six liter12 cylinder that does 0 to 60 in 3 seconds 3.7 seconds is a massiveachievement and more importantly the w12 sort of took any vibration thatthe vr6 multiplied by twenty this one is genuinely v12 smooth and it sounds goodit does sound good yeah that's hard to do with a w anything hats off to bentley for finally perfecting that w12sounds good great gas mileage turbo lag is a fractionof what it was before this is now a modern engine i like that a lot bentley says this thing will do a hundred andeighty seven miles an hour i don't think

too many customers to try that but theywant to be able to say i know 187 i can go off-road if i need to and that's whatwe're paying the money and it was for you know thirty seconds until we testedthe tesla the quickest and fastest suv we've ever tested ever and now it's just the fastest i mean poorthings going to have to cry itself to sleep at night probably why look at itself in themirror but look at this together with the tesla see if we can figure out exactlywhat the designers were thinking the design for thinking now not lookingeither boy i seen these cars for years and years and years and they are notgetting better with age

beauty is in the eyes of the beholder imean these both of these cars are sold out clearly there are people who are notnearly as offended by the way they look as we are one thing that i find veryinteresting is this is an exercise in opposites nice he told him that has tolook ahead later nice shape the merchandise put the proportions areawful the bentley is kind of the other way around the proportions are justconventional suv that was a missed opportunity for bentley and it's onlybeen leonid details but the details that that is a lot i'll give you one thingthat he drove me nuts this test if you look at it from the side or from theback would you really know we've got a

copy the 5 series of all time that's our new suv and then this weekkilled me about then take is those body colored caps on the secondary lightsit's bad sorry migrants bentley has to nip this in the bud the horrible detailin the further we get from the car disappointing in different directionsand suddenly the car looks cross boob job look again there's a lot of peoplewaiting in line to buy this car but it strikes me as a german caricature ofwhat a british luxury car could be sold to chinese audience and it will by thetime this car is meant to do at least it doesn't look like it's going bald withthat giant piece of glass looks like we

see great house forehead so which isprettier let's just go on that thing yeah the drive car because there areother cars out there new e-class which has similarcapabilities but it's only about 80 percent as good as this it shows youwhat it seems that you are so coveted judges of blind here's what i see hereis where the car is in the line look here comes a bicycle here comes asemi-truck it actually control the different but i can send you can justlet go of the wheel and actually trusted even on a curvy road yeah no way humanbeings are you get a text message you're

gonna look at it that where you're notgoing to check any million and and so that's dangerous right and so what doyou do to prison for doing it for you develop technology where people aregonna be behaved and they're not gonna die the bentley as you know all the worldlytime he'd luxury in the sense of leather everywhere inside of a human or are youknow what's really luxurious to meet the fact that i can relax for a second andread a quick text message that's a luxury the the ability to notnecessarily give a hundred percent of my attention the whole time driving andthen not sacrifice anything that safety

is a true new luxury it's a missedopportunity for the dentate absolutely that has linked you persist but itspogo's back and forth until it basically bounces off a peasant innovation theseguys are bringing to the market is incredible look you accompany the lead have aninternal combustion engine all-electric autopilot this amazing giant touchscreenthis is an arson 2012 every touch screen has come since not as good yeah however if you had a squiggle haveto check my medical records that i eaten squiggle

around they made us wear bagel andthere's a lot of innovation in this car which reminds me of a squiggleinnovation for the sake of innovation like this work we did the sun visor wellthat's because they reinvented the windshield yeah it doesn't matter whenshowed where there's no cover here so desert so it is going to be beating downmy head i mean look i'm have to wear a hat today delicate flower really there's no way toever shape this the multiple seats what do those do again and this timewindows are one step away from a white square wheels yet mister must i saidsquare with most of the stuff in the car

works but had they not wasted all thoseseats the doors discarded on sale 18 months ago and the model three rightwhich is the car that i really care about that the mass market $40,000 you must is not and i appreciate thatbecause he's tightening of the automotive industry by that i meanpeople who have pushed through their vision and refused to accept compromiseand it starts you know with a tory bugatti every 43 ford he act right theseare the guys that were uncompromising and maybe we look at some of thesethings like the glass and the shock endorsing the season think they wereunnecessary but at the same time he'll

on push through autopilot this screenand let's not forget electric vehicles and there's one thing i love about estatu is a google we're gonna make it it's going to be the they ever made is just so named becausewe hate cars but is gonna drive itself through texts like parker dress herselfby the way it's quicker than almost every super occur on the planet in astraight line and it seats seven and got seven seat heaters you know i love thatabout bad things it doesn't quite right asnicely as the deadly but the funny thing is when we talk about these cars wenever mentioned ride handling their

steering or breaks caused it all works ilove the engineers at 10 right out of the gate model s is great to drive thisis like a model s and 700 extra pounds essentially it's a little heavier but itdrives about as good or better handling of course if you are there were stealingcars i cannot get enough of his door that is so cool i walk away and itcloses you are easily amused by this direction opened a little bit opens more it's agimmick it is not it is a germaphobe sweat dream which is really repulsive toreturn to use their hands anyway it is a gimmick but you like it i like it andmore importantly when i started driving

a bentley regularly i miss it so it canyou get used to which will turn into something they don't touch my god oh myclothes are you ok let's get this thing charge and get sleep doesn't followorders i guess ok there's parking thank you i'm going to use technology to fixmy parking job huh parking charging yeah i love the frontdoors i could live without the rivers in the fucking dorsey overly complicatedsuper gimmick the delayed the launch of this vehicle by 18 months that nearlysank the stock price of tesla need bad looking ahead to develop new technologywhich i think is interesting ultrasonic sensors that see through theskin

circle things actually sees rightthrough to at least it's a questionable decision on whether they should havedone it but they didn't like it at all it's like going to the moon to developthe electric drill yes i don't have a problem with that adrug test was saying that this thing can open up if there's an optical within 11images just pull the door of her go get them leaving go on with this massivewith the door until it gets pretty shy boy don't hit the bed laying look at that you know me and many mencould do the same thing but yeah you know the one thing i will say about thistechnology doesn't the fact that i can

pull my iphone and things will drive outof the parking spots render them yes let's get coffee before i pass outpretty cool though their genius genius so in conclusion i don't like either bylater no get back here who am i gonna fight with about the decision you don'thave to like it we have to judge them objectively based on their targetaudience and their intended purpose target audiences funny bring that up sohere's laughing a real bentley there is a whimsical is to it there's anemotional part to it that is lacking from this car this thing is veryintellectual into very german take on a bentley yes the letters all here but itdoesn't feel british two hundred and

eighty thousand dollars i'd argue thereis a british car you could get in fact you could buy two range roverautobiography supercharged every available option and did might have wonthis anyway but yeah if you want something electric you don't have achoice but to go with the test that there is no electric vehicle yeah ithink that guys came out the winner of the said not pretty though fullyunderstand you get an enemy artists he said listen to music at the defeat ofwhat wheels however i don't think it's possible to have a more obnoxious suvthen a three turn purple bentley i just don't think you could have one now

no way i'm drawing blanks yeah we know you don't have time to wait forthe next episode of head-to-head that's why you need to head to motor trend that's where the latest episode always lives on the other side ett was always tryingto be the car to bridge that gap this is the new ttx the fast and unlike any tvfor it it has one perfect direct competitor alfa romeo 4c watch thelatest episode of head to head right now on motor trend on the man i cannot getenough of these doors that is so cool i'm used by these closer taste when youget back in the car back it up with no i

won't because i'm gonna show vindication that's ever happened

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