hello friends iâ´m sergio oliveira. eduardo vargas. how are you lalo? sergio, just another video letâ´s go. what is promised is due, so we said we would do one for mazda with our super expert here, so go ahead sergio, mazda car by car, and the question which iâ´ll make right now so i donâ´t interupt you, why does the legend say that that mazda is going to become something like light premium, i donâ´t think that really exists but okay, which is something i read on the internet. weâ´ll talk in a momment. first lets give a little bit of bacground on what mazda is mazda, up until 2010 more or less was associated with ford; ford had 33% of their stock, and obviously when you have
lets say your mazda and you have an assosiate as rich and powerful as ford you use the strengths of your assosiate to save money and look for other things, just as if we were partners with bbc in london, we wouldnâ´t use this studio, we would use the bbc studio because its there, and we can use it, and its our partners so we would just use it. so mazda use ford platforms, motors, transmisions, suppliers, ect. so mazdas were fords with some adjustments to transform them or rather give them the mazda flavor, and it did have its exceptions the biggest exception was always the miata or the mx-5, that car was always just mazda
it was mazdas own design that used very little from ford, but in 2010 ford sells their stock in mazda to mazda and today ford has less than 3% so its not enough to justify sharing platforms, ect. so mazda now needed to develop their own platforms to do something all their own, and look for their independence in the future to become a unique brand that offers different things so mazda in the time of ford, especially in the last few years with ford started going towards a slogan that a pubilicity agency made for them, and started to define the brand, which was zoom-zoom, mazda is
mazda is sporty, and pleasant to drive and that really is true all mazda you drive them and in comparison to their rivals with maybe the exception of the mazda 6 but practically all the rest you drove them and compared them to their rivals and mazda was always more fun, they are more precise cars so you would get to a curve and it would just feel great you had to thats how the cars were, and that lasted somehow and when the brand starts to make its strategic change in 2010, it keeps the slogan because you deal with one thing at a time you canâ´t change 100% all at once, so once that change happens
they make a new platform with a technology named skyactive what is skyactive? lots of people just say oh it has a skyactive motor. and the motor is part of the concept, but since mazda didnâ´t have money and does not have enough money to to develop electric and hybrid motors which is where the world is currently headed towards mazda didnâ´t have enoug money to devlop either or those so they said, lets go ahead and find our own way and our way is to optimize gasoline motors to the max
the level of efficiency of a gasoline motor is about 30%, and what does that mean? only 30% of the energy that a gasoline motor generates is used, and the other 70% is lost through heat, poor combustion, ect. so mazda said i want to further develop that, and look for a more efficient way to reduce fuel consumption, increase performance,ect. so that implies making lighter cars with a different weight/power ratio so all of that combined is the skyactive philosophy which first came to the market with the mazda cx-5 in 2012, its the first vehicle with the new platform
and that was a vehicle that was 100% new, when you go to a car presentation lots of people almost all the brands say that its completely new car but it almost never is, it might be the exterior design or interior design, or motor, or suspension, from other vehicles but not the cx-5, it was 100% new when it came out it had a new platform, box, suspension, breaks, motor, new everything literally everything and from there on the vehicles that started to come out they used that platform from the cx-5 with the mazda 3, mazda 6, ect.
just as the mx-5 and the last one missing is the cx-9 that just came out this year, but next year the second generation of the mazda cx-5 since the start of the skyactive philosophy there has only been one generation, the second, i donâ´t know if it will be within the second generation of skyactive but at least it will be the second generaton of a vehicle born as skyactive and will be presented in november of this year in los angels and will be launched in mexico in may, lets go to a cut and ill keep explaining when we get back perfect. weâ´re going on a short break donâ´t leave. hey boys, follow us on twitter. hello friends if you want to buy a used or semi new car
i recommend the page tixuz.com tixuz with a z, the biggest advantage there is that unlike most oter pages tixuz is still an operation without cost for you come on in, youâ´ll quickly find the car your looking for or also sell your own car much faster than you thought, tixuz.com, remember, tixuz with a z. hello friends iâ´m sergio oliveira, i wanted to invite you to look for our youtube channel tixuz, you will like it. hey cuties subscribe to our channel. weâ´re back boys.very well friends we are back, and continue talking about mazda, which is getting to that new generation of
vehicles in skyactive and they decide to maintaing the philosophy of sports cars for youths, is not the best strategy for them because other brands with more money are building smaller turbo motors than what they have that give that give better performance and that made things a little complicated so what do they do? they decide to go another route. what is that alternate route? to distinguish themselves by luxury, but not at premium levels, they are not competing with mercedes benz its not quite like that, but to go above the brands that are around the same price as them
so their idea is that somewhere around 5 years from now you will know that whatever mazda you buy will have a superior level of finishes and equipment than the rest of the cars for the same price that is absolutely the case when you look at the cx-9 in finishes, performance, including in design in my opinion, apears to me, to be far better than its rivals, the only ones that come close are the pilot and the highlander, but almost all of the rest are far lower than mazda in many aspects including in terms of finishes, mazda cx-9 seams superioir to even the infiniti or even the acura when those are luxury brands and mazda is not, so that is
mazdas intention, to get to those levels of finishes, ect. what do you- did that more or less answer your question? yes but i have a bunch more, and i imagine our friends do to what do you think? will they do well getting out of the path that people likes to have amazing handling with their cars and go to that level of finishes and luxury, what do you think? i think they are going to do well because its not that kind of change apart from also being fun they are going to be semi-premium and doesnâ´t this skyactive philosophy impact the level of
handling and fun? its actually backwards, it helps. serriously? yes, its better i think it was colin chapman that said instead of giving me one horse, take away one kilogram. so a lighter car is better than a more powerful one its much easier to control a vehicle with low weight than a heavy one with alot of power for example, my favorite of the muscle cars is the challenger, which you know especially the hellcat which has 707 horsepower, but weighs more than 2 tons but which one did i give a 10 to? the mustang, its lighter even though is has much less power compared to the hellcat, the gt 350 it has 526 horsepower
against 707 even so its a car that has very good dinamic performance and is superior to the hellcat because its lighter. another question, mazda and when i bought mine, what really motivated me where the prices because if it happens that at the time of making better finishes and becoming this premium light and very pretty, you get to the agency and ask how much and they say 800, and you just turn around and walk away look, if they do that then they will fail. because then you would go to mercedes or somewhere else. of course.
they canâ´t do that, and they didnâ´t do that with the cx-9 the price of the cx-9 is within the price of the rest. but better. so lets take a look at future vehicles, the next one we will see is the cx-5 which we will see in los angels and will come into the market in may, so i believe that they will do well, but they need to understand how to make it all work, now what bad things does mazda have? iâ´ve said that all brands have good and bad and up until now iâ´ve only said good things about them what seems bad to me is that not all of their products have good safety
in mexico 2 mazda products are produced well 3, but only 2 are sold under the mazda name, the mazda 2 and the mazda 3 2 liter and those two specific products only have 2 airbags which is too few, the mazda 2 apears to be a car lets say from a lower segment and in order to make money with it mazda needs to sell them at a higher price so they give priority to exporting them so the market for the mazda 2 pretty much stoped in mexico because of the price increase there is a mazda 2 that is costs above 270,000 pesos - thats just theft- with 2 airbags the intention of the brand is to tell you not to buy them, they donâ´t want
mexico to buy mazda 2 even though they are made here. why donâ´t they want this? because they make more money selling it elsewhere, that simple but i believe that their philosophy of maintaining that version with only 2 airbags hurts their plans to become semi-premium because you either are or your not and right now you could ask them how they plan on doing that if they only offer 2 airbags they might say thatâ´s different, and its a part of the brand mazda and must be heald to the same standards so take away its logo and sell it as something else, do something meanwhile its sold as mazda i think it hurts their philosophy and i told that to miguel barbeyto
the general director of mazda in mexico, which obviously he defended himself i have a very good relationship with miguel, but that is my opinion i donâ´t recommend the mazda 2 to anyone, and the other product that mazda has in mexico its a mazda 2 sedan but they donâ´t sell it as mazda, toyoto put the front on it and they sell it as a yaris-r which only has 2 airbags as well thats the part i donâ´t like about mazda, and then there is the mazda cx-5 2 liter which apears to have a poor performance, which it used to be alone in its segment, it was the one with poor performance, but hyundai and kia somehow
saved it by putting out motors with poor performance in the hyundai tucson and the basic kia sportage, so there you have a segment for people who are never in a hurry and would hate for it to be better in any way, in the 2 liter truck segment, but outside of that mazda from 2012 onwards are very good and mazda from before 2012 those were not because those were not mazda they were ford, and as a ford you know that durability is not the strength of any american brand and that includes ford, so someone would ask me if i recommended they buy a mazda 3 2010? no. 2013? yes.
why if they are both mazda 3? because they were bad, and they became good with time and the new generation, before the mazda 3 2010 for example you had electricity problems, transmission, lots of noises, ect. things which you didnâ´t have with yours. right. 2 questions, they say that the mazda 6 is a little slow yes its not a particularly fast car, it seems to me that the best from that segment are the ones without turbo because of driving sensations not because of power. okay so we cleared that up, and something that is becoming very famous here in the show, which people are asking for is scoring them. okay car by car. mazda 2 i would give a 5 for its lack of power
it clearly does not have enough horsepower and also because of the airbags and again because of the price, having a better motor say one with 130 horsepower or somehwere around there, for example like the honda fit which has 130 with a minimum of 4 airbags and its most expensive version being no more than 240,000 that car would go to an 8 on the scale because it also lacks in trunk space, mazda 3 the 2 liter 5 again for the same reasons its expensive, not enough airbags, but according to mazda the facelift they are giving it that will come to the market between october and november of this year will have 6 airbags, and all of them will have a 2.5 motor, so the 2 liter
is going to be more for fleets or also for exporting and apart from that a facelift? yes, a very light one. you would almost not notice it, its a very small facelift, cx-3 i would give it a the mazda 3 2.5 i would rate at 9 the 2 liter would get a 5, i would give the cx-3 a 7, it has very good handling very good finishes, but its short and i donâ´t see any reason to buy a crossover if its short, you want a crossover for exactly that higher driving position,but logically with it being shorter it improves its handling it has very little rear and trunk space because it uses the mazda 2 platform
and before there was only the more equipped version with 6 airbags now the basic version only has 2 airbags, which doesnâ´t seem right to me thats why im only giving it a 7. the cx-5 2 liter i give it a 7, the 2.5 gets a 9, the mazda 6 i would give an 8, its a very good car but its missing some power but in any case there will come a version turbo in 2018 or 2019 and that one will get a facelift in september but moreso for the interior than the exterior, only 2 or 3 details to make it more sophisticated and then they will put a turbo version of the cx-9 motor in the mazda 6, and the cx- 9 i would give that one a 9.5 and the half point it is missing
is becaue of the smaller avaliable space in the 3rd row only, everything else is magnificent. 9.5, wow and what about the convertible? the mx-5 10, if i could give it a 12 i would. its the best right? its an amazing car, good price, finishes, handling, yes 155 horsepower is not very much but at 40km/h your already having fun, it really does not need any more than it has. well one day when there is one to buy one lets do so. becaue there arenâ´t many currently well tank you sergio, we will see you in another video. goodbye. greetings to my argentine friends. if you enjoyed the video give it a like if you want to see more videos, click here.
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