hi, i'm qdc. what we're going to build today is dragon eight ton half-track.have track the reason why i bought this kit wasbecause it is artwork. it was an attractive artwork so i bought it. this kit is known as a "smart kit." when they say "smart kit" they mean its an advance kit. let's go ahead and start building this kit. let's take a look inside this box. we have the;
instruction sheet; magic tracks; tires; figures; sides of the vehicle; wheels; hood; seats; and the engine.
okay so there are fifteen steps in this instruction sheet and from my own experiences, dragon's instruction sheet can be sometimes misleading. so, i'm going to follow each step one step at a time and see where it leads me. i want to talk to you about a problem with the instruction sheet. the instructions told me to
glue these two wheels together and then put them onto the suspension system. but there's a problem. i'm supposed to put in another wheel in between these wheels right around there and i can't do that because i already glued on these wheels righthere.
i'm going to have to somehow put these wheels on each axle without breaking the wheels over here. i found a solution to my problem. i was fortunate not to glue the axle onto suspension system
i'm able to basically install the two halves of the wheels on to the two other halfs that i already glued together. and then put them onto suspension system. there you have it. i've just finished
constructing the suspension system and i want to let you know what i think about it so far. dragon has created a beautiful suspension system and it looks very realistic on the top and even on the bottom. looks very realistic and it looks like the real vehicle itself. i like the winch. it's a small touch.
and you see the drive shaft that powers the winch. and the gas tank and transmission. that being said this kit instruction sheet is awful. there is a major mistake and it caused me a lot of grief. i would not recommend this kit for the beginner because there is a huge mistake and instruction sheet.
but for those of you who are intermediate or the advance modeler this is not a huge problem. i would avoid step 5 that tells you that you should pre-assemble the wheels first and then put them onto the modelafterwards. i highly recomend that you assemble the wheels when it's time for you to put the wheelson to the chassis.
i'm amount to do the magic tracks and i won't tell you that thisparticular magic track that i'm working with is unusual compared to the magic tracks that iworked with into other dragon kits. in other dragon kits i usually have to put all the tracks is the one straight line glue them together
have the glue set and a then put the tracks carefully onto the wheels. in this case it's different. you notice that this track has a hinge. i'm supposed to put on another track onto the hinged
of this track and then i'm opposed to put on a third piece that holds the axle in place. and what it does is it makes the tracksflexible. this is different for me. this is the completed magic tracks all done.
beautiful details and the best part about is that it'sflexible. take a look at this it's beautiful. i like it! right now you looking at the engine compartment. as you can well see there is no engine. the kit does include an engine
but i'm not going to put one on and the reason why is because when i put on the hood you can't see the engine at all. i'm not going to make an engine that no one can see. what you're looking at right now are all the sprues i used to make this model kit. as you can see i used most of the parts. when dragon boast about how much parts they have in their kits
let's let's say for example they would say over six hundred parts only a portion of those parts are used to actually make the model. in this particular case it's a differentstory. dragon said there are over 540 parts and i used about all of them...
so this is a very detailed kit. all right so i just finished building the kit before painting. i just want to tell you what i think it was so farbefore going to the painting process. this is the completed model kit before painting that looks very nice. what i like about the model the best are the wheels. the wheels of very very detailed
and magic tracks gives the half-track a realistic look. the photoetched parts are nice and everything else about the half-track looks very realistic to me. i also like the figures too. there are six figures and all of them are in natural poses and they look
pretty realistic. for example they guy is sleeping on the job taking a nap. this guy is talking to this guy and is looking out admiring the scenery. over here you see extra bags... box and everything else and this is not part of the kit.
there are spare parts from my spare parts box. this is a very good model. i like it a lot. i just installed my homemade hood. if you plan to use enamel spray paints like i do, then it's always a good idea to use a hood so you can vent all the vapors out. my first step in painting is to paint my entire model with
a coat of primer. i want to give my model shadows so i'm going to paint my model black. i removed my hood because from here on out i'm going to use acrylic spray paints. i want to give my model chip effects so in order for me to do that i'm going to spray my entire model with a coat of hairspray. i'm gonna use my air brush and i'mgoing to paint the entire model
with the main color of field gray. it's time for me to make chip effects. what i have in my hand is an old stiff brush dipped in water and to make chip effects i will scrub in areas i think there's going to be chips and keep scrubbing until i get the desired effect. i'm going to protect my entire model.
i'm going to use a floor wax called future floor wax under the name-brand pledge. i'm going to give the entire model wash. what you see right here is a dilution of black artist oil paint and mineral spirits. and what i'm going to do is is that i'mgoing to apply it all over the model. i'm going to do some drybrushing. what you see here is a lighter color
of the main color and drybrushing is basically taking some of the lighter color and putting on to the brush then take most of it out and then lightly brush it on to the model to give highlights.
i'm going to add mud effects. what i'm stirring is a dilution of yellow glue and water and right behind it is a cup tile grout. what i'm going to do is i i'm going to spread the glue on places where i think there's going to mud
sprinkle on the tile grout. i want to give more dust effects here on the onthe under carriage so i'm going to use my airbrush and paint the area with a tint of dark brown. i've finished painting one of figures that's included in the kit.
dragon has include six figures and they are very high quality stuff. very good facial expression and the uniform are very detailed. okay so i just finished the model kit and now it's time for me to tell you andshow you what i think about this model kit
that i've done from the beginning to the end. take a look! this is the completed model kit from start to finish and i like it. this kit is probably the best kit i built so far. the detailed are exquisite especially the suspension system and the wheels. the magic tracks are just awesome extremely extremelyrealistic looking! uh... and
the wheels are perfect. they look like real thing. i also like interior details very nice detailing the grill has the emblem of the manufacturer which is really cool.
you can't wrong with this kit. the rails on the storage racks arebeautiful too. and the rear looks pretty nice. the added bonus are the figures. the figures are beautiful. each one has individual characteristic all looks relaxed.
and the way i painted it looks very verynice too. i highly recommended this kit only to the intermediate and the advanced model kit builder only. for those of you who are beginners uh... it's quite obvious that this is this kit is not good for the beginner. there are so many parts to it and also there's a huge mistake and instructionsheet.
i can't honestly believe a beginner can build this and be happy building it because you're going to run into a lot of frustrations. this kit is very good. that completes this model kit. as i was saying throughout the entire video this kit is very good and i like a lot but i don't think it's really ment forthe beginner.
if you are beginner of when steer away from this. you should build this kit. but for those of you who areintermediate advance model kit builder this is really good kit for you to goout for you to buy. even though that there is a mistake in the instruction sheet,in destruction this kit is still worth the money. i like a lot! this is probably of the best model kit i built from dragon so far because it's so detailed.
what you are about to see next is a video slideshow of my finished kitof my entire model kit but before i go; as always; just because i put this video here on youtube, it doesn't make me an expert. i am not an expert. i'm just an average person just like you. i hope this video encourages you to build a model kit of your own. whether it's a model tank, a model plane, amodel train or even an automobile. it doesn't matter.
in the end, it's all about having fun. i'm qdc. thanks for watching and please have a great day!
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