best affordable suvs used


warning, the video you are about to watchcontains foul language and boldly harm, and things much much worse. if you’re prepared keep watching. number 15. “shamu attacks”: ken peters trains killerwhales at the seaworld attraction in san diego, california. in july of 2012 he is putting on a performancewith one of several whales they use to portray the famous seaworld mascot, shamu. even though 30-year-old whale has been raisedin captivity her whole life, she is still

5-thousand pounds and also a dominant female. in other words, she has the mentality of apack leader and can become dangerous at any time – as ken was going to quickly learn. if the stunt had gone as planned, the whalewould have launched ken high in the air and let him land safely back into the water. instead, shamu decides to grab his foot andpull him under. for more than a minute, she does barrel rollswith him and basically treats him like a ragdoll as she races across the tank with his footstill in her jaws. her great strength easily breaks the bonesin ken’s foot as he is dragged along.

she lets ken up for a quick breath of air,but it’s not over yet. she then pulls him down again for even longerthis time. when she lets him up for breath a third time,ken makes soft cooing noises at her and uses training gestures in hopes of regaining control. the other nearby trainers know not to jumpin and save him because it will just excite the 2-ton sea beast even more. instead, ken comforts her and pats her onthe back while his coworkers watch alongside with the rest of the tense crowd. finally, shamu lets go and ken makes a breakfor it.

his broken ankle crumples and he falls intoa heap after a few steps, but he’s now safe. killer whales are extremely intelligent, soshamu knew exactly what she was doing. not only was she asserting her dominance overken and reminding him who’s boss, but she was also using him to entertain herself – notthe other way around as was normal. what could have easily ended ken’s lifewas to her little more than just a fun game. number 14. “gone with the wind”: james stimpson wasdriving home from work one day in layton, utah , when he noticed the rain and windswere picking up. suddenly, dark grey clouds rolled in and thewind picked up even more.

james began recording just as the tornadocame ripping through. to his left, the entire roof of a buildingis ripped off and goes sailing into the air while lightning streaks the sky. chunks of paneling rip across the street ata high rate of speed and pummel his windshield. up ahead, james said that he could see youngchildren pressed up against an suv with a crossing guard trying their best to stay safe. number 13. “the shaky russian bridge”: while minnesotamotorists are busy flying into the air, russian drivers were in for a bumpy ride themselvesafter powerful gusts of wind began to violently

shake a new bridge in the southern russiancity of volgograd. the strong winds literally threw cars intothe air and into other lanes. many people thought it was an earthquake,though experts find this theory unlikely. the 40 mile per hour winds on that day ismuch more convincing, they say. the 4.5-mile bridge took 13 years to build,yet it could have easily been gone in a single day as it bounced up and down more than 3feet. the screeching that bridge made was deafening[“deaf-fen-ning”]. the russian president called for an investigationto figure out what’s wrong and how to fix it.

two years later in 2012, the bridge was fixedwith 12 dampers that weighed over 1-thousand pounds each, making it too heavy to shake. during those two years, however, crossingover on a windy day was a bit of russian roulette [“rule-let”]. number 12. “just like mama used to break”: homemadewaterslides seem like a recipe for disaster. case-in-point, this viral video from a texasman named david salmon. in july of this year, david and his friendswere taking turns riding down a backyard waterslide in austin.

that is, until a disaster strikes. david whips down the waterslide at full speed. he is going too fast and tries to slow himselfdown with his arm, but it’s to no avail. he goes over the edge of the slide and flyingoff. it’s a 15-foot drop straight down a rockycliff. the harsh landing leaves him with fracturedribs, a broken arm and a body full of cuts and bruises. to make matters worse, paramedics had a hardtime getting to him because of the rural location of the slide as well as all of the rocks.

number 11. “don’t do fake drugs”: four unnamedteenagers are smoking a synthetic [“sin-thet-tick”] drug called “spice”. as you probably already know, this productwas often sold in gas stations as incense [“in-sense”]. the leaves are sprayed with chemicals andcan be smoked for a cheap and legal high. as one unlucky teenager was about to findout though, a spice high can have horrible effects. the young man lets out a big cloud of smokeand starts to look off in the distance.

his friends are laughing at his confused facialexpression – that is, until he projectile vomits, falls backwards off of the bench andbegins convulsing [“con-vull-sing”] in the grass. his friends are too high themselves to help. instead they question out loud what it mustfeel like as he vomits over high over his head and starts gurgling. his identity and fate have never been revealed. number 10. “minnesota [“mini-soda”] belt buckles[“buck-kuls”]”: intense heat warped

a patch of busy highway over this summer inlittle canada, minnesota and transformed it into a terrifying ramp. the road buckle in the westbound lane wassmall enough to be hidden from sight, but large enough to send drivers flying high intothe air at high speeds once they hit it. a nearby traffic camera was able to catchall of the chaos on tape. plenty of cars went flying, but luckily noone hits the bump while on a motorcycle. somehow, a serious pileup was avoided longenough for the department of transportation to close the area off and start fixing it. until then, dozens of cars hit the speed bumpwhile traveling at highway speeds, giving

a whole new meaning to “jump scares”. number 9. “russian bonfire”: an suv full of scaredrussian men are trying desperately to navigate their way through a raging forest fire. the entire landscape is a hazy bright orangethat makes it difficult for them to see their surroundings – only the brightest and mostintense of flame patches can be seen through the choking smoke. happy pop music plays on the radio as theytry not to burn alive. the group remains remarkably calm for themost of the video, occasionally cursing under

their breath in a flat voice. there are two moments in particular, however,where sheer panic does seem to creep into their hurried dialogues. the first moment is when the driver gets lostoff-road and needs to drive in reverse, and the other is when one of them foolishly decidesto open the window and accidentally lets in some toxic air. after what surely feels to them to be an eternity,they spot the red headlights of a car up farther ahead that guides them to safety. the orange haze parts and is replaced witha blue sky – it’s finally over.

this video is from the summer of 2010 whenhundreds of separate wildfires just like this one consumed nearly 700 square miles of russiansoil in only one day. number 8. “shark bait”: in southwestern australian,a herd of pregnant sperm whales accidentally strand themselves on the beach. a crew of researchers approaches the sceneon boat, but they aren’t the only ones attracted to the whales. the researchers are immediately surroundedby 30 frenzied great white sharks. blood from the whales has turned the waterscompletely red and the sharks are ready to

feast. within three minutes of arriving, one of thefilmmakers, a man named dan riggs, notices that one of the sharks appears to be lookingat them. its massive head is literally above the wateras it regards them. one of the crew dips a pole-mounted cameraunder the water for a better shot and the shark lunges at it. after circling around them for three or fourtimes, the great white did the unthinkable. the gigantic predator swam to the very bottomof the 20-foot waters and then came charging straight up.

it slammed into the bottom of the boat. dan riggs and his crew held onto the sidesas it tried to flip them into the water, where dozens of other sharks were waiting. the great white repeated this no less thanthree times until they managed to beat it back with their ores. what they caught on tape was truly terrifying. number 7. “the blinking saint”: according to thelegend of saint innocence, a young roman girl is banned by her father from practicing catholicism300 years ago.

she defies him by befriending a nun and joiningthe catholic church. her father stabs her to death for this religiousbetrayal. her remains were taken to the cathedral ofguadalajara [“gwad-da-la-harr-rah”] in mexico, where they are considered an ancientrelic. she is made a saint. her corpse is dipped in wax and dressed ina white gown to symbolize purity. it has since become a major tourist attraction,especially when it blinked on camera. number 6. “stalked and abducted”: this harrowing[“hair-row-wing”] footage shows just how

easy it is to get taken in a public place. a los angeles man has been stalking a womanthat he has found attractive for quite some time now. finally, his impulses take over and he literallymakes a grab for her while at the convenience store she works at. she desperately pleads with him to stop ashe takes her by both of her wrists and walks backwards with her out of the door. you would think that an attack in a publicarea would be quickly stopped, but not on that day.

a mailman steps right over her and does absolutelynothing to try and help. later he would confess that he wasn’t sureif they were a couple in an argument or even if they were just kidding around. apparently she did not call for help. she tripped the alarm, but she’s draggedoff camera and left to fight on her own before police can arrive. next, a street camera catches the stalkeras he stuffs his victim headfirst into the backseat of his red honda civic. the inside door handle had been removed.

he drives her to a nearby cemetery. he has a hammer, a knife and multiple screwdrivers. he said that he was going to bury her alive. she escaped only by jumping out the windowand rushing to a group of nearby mourners. the police caught him hours later. the man’s name is jose caro [“ho-say”“car-ro”]. he is 28-years-old and had been stalking hispoor victim for quite some time. at first he tried to intimidate her into havinga relationship with her by threatening her family.

after he couldn’t figure out where she lived,he decided to snatch her at her place of work instead. this all happened just last month in september. number 5. “under siege”: this footage captures thehorrifying moment an isis terrorist detonates a suicide bomb vest inside of their parisapartment after being cornered by police. after receiving convincing information ofa terrorist cell armed with assault rifles and explosive belts, french authorities raideda number of hotels and houses in saint-denis [“san” “de-knee” (french accent)].

these were the same terrorists responsiblefor the multiple paris attacks in 2015. one apartment was held under siege for onehour, starting at 4:30 in the morning. here, police fired almost 5 thousand bulletsand threw multiple grenades as they made their way through the building. they reach the apartment number where theythink one of the terrorist masterminds is staying and bang on the door. his cousin, a 26-year-old woman named hasnaait boulahcen [“has-nah” “ate” “bowl-lah-sen”], argues with them on the other side of thedoor. what they don’t know is that she is wearinga suicide bomber’s vest.

after a short exchange of words, she detonatesthe vest. a neighbor in an adjacent [“ad-jay-cent”]catches the huge fireball as hasna flies out of the window. her head and spine hit the road below. an investigation reveals that she tried tobecome a police officer years ago but was denied. this was most likely so she could performa massive terrorist operation while wearing a uniform. aside from the terrifying video, her lastconversation on this earth before the explosion

was also recorded by police. number 4. “the wedding crashers”: the versailles[“ver-sal-lees”] wedding hall in jerusalem [“jah-roo-sah-lem”] became the site ofa national disaster on may 24, 2001, when keren [“karen”] and asaf dror [“ah-sahf”“drawer”] were getting married. as about 700 of their friends and family aredancing and celebrating the momentous [“moe-men-tuss”] occasion when the entire floor buckles andgives way. the music cuts abruptly and about 380 guestsall fall down a newly-created black hole – many of them women and children.

among the bodies are the bride and groom,who are both injured still alive. hundreds of screams fill the air along withchoking dust and debris [“de-bree”]. terror grips the surviving guests as theysearch for their loved ones and see who is still alive. by the end of the terrible ordeal [“ore-deal”],23 people are killed and hundreds more are injured. a police investigation revealed that the tragedyoccurred after the owners had decided to add a third floor when the design was only equippedto safely handle two stories. this, combined with the removal of a supportbeam during a later renovation, is what created

this horrific disaster. even the prime minister of israel himselftook notice and gave him condolences [“con-dole-lance-sez”]. in 2005, two of the owners were sentencedto two-and-a-half years in prison each, and the third one was sentenced to four monthsof community service. the video itself is nothing short of horrifying. even if you don’t understand their words,the language of grief is universal. number 3. “chaos at the stadium”: a famous soccerstadium called valley parade became the site of the one of the worst fires in modern history.

on may 11, 1985, more than 11 thousand fanswere crammed into the stadium to watched the final division three game of the season whenit caught on fire, killing 56 fans. thousands of bodies began pouring over therafters in order to get away, some smoking and some still on fire. witnesses ran away in horror as flaming chunksof debris fell on them. nobody was safe from the trampling mob. families are split up and desperately lookfor each other, some even desperately heading back into the wreckage to find the ones theylove. the fire is believed to have been accidentallycaused by an australian man named eric bennett,

who, according to one witness, did not properlyextinguish his cigarette butt. eric’s nephew has since come forward tosay that there was no possible way this was true. however, the detectives who recreated thescene say that two australian men had tickets for seats that were extremely close to wherethe blaze began. number 2. “the tsunami [“sue-nah-me”]”: in 2011,a massive earthquake rocked northeastern japan. the earthquake was so large that it was feltaround the entire world. tokyo [“toke-yo”] had less than one minuteto react.

it wasn’t much time, but in those 60-seconds,an emergency service automatically stopped high-speed trains and factory assembly lives,saving countless lives. just when shocked japanese citizens thoughtthe worst was over, a giant tsunami devastated the country further. the natural disaster caused over $500 billiondollars in damages. more than one million 200 thousand buildingswere damaged, and almost 20 thousand people were tragically killed with yet another 27thousand injured. this horrifying footage catches the terribleover-flooding that devastated entire cities. you can see the waterline start to move backwardsat first, which is what always happens before

a tsunami strikes. once the tsunami is finished sucking up thewater, massive waves then crash over the barrier. the rushing water carries boats and beepingcars deeper into the city. by the end of the video, entire buildingsare underwater. number 1. “the great white”: the great white isthe name of a hair metal band that was semi-famous during the 1980s. they would become famous again in 2003, butthis time for an entirely different reason. they would accidentally start the worst nightclubfire in united states history.

the great white was having a reunion showat a gig called the station in rhode island [“road” “island”]. when they went on at 11 o’clock that night,a white-hot shower of pyrotechnics [“pie-row-tech-nicks”] went off behind them. what the stage technicians didn’t intendwas for the ceiling to instantly catch fire. the crowd begins filing out in a neat rowat first, but the orderly exit soon gives way to chaos. the nightclub is way over packed and peoplecan’t get out of the small doorway fast enough.

when the fire alarm goes off and smoke fillsthe room, the scene becomes more urgent. “where’s my husband”, one woman asksin a panic. those who are farthest from the exit havethe least chance of surviving. most of them lie down to avoid the chokingsmoke, only to be slowly cooked alive as the flames grow taller. their screams add to the panic as people realizethere is nowhere to go. people are spilling out of windows and backalleys while on fire. the main doors are clogged by crushed bodieswith nowhere to go. as one survivor later puts it, people werebleeding and their skin was melting off, just

dangling off their body. you could smell the burning flesh. the cameraman, brian butler, catches it allon tape. in a horrible and ironic twist, filming theconcert was the idea of dan biechele [“beach-chill-lee”], the stage technician who was ultimately responsiblefor the fire. if it wasn’t for his idea to film, noneof this would have been captured forever. overall, there were more than 350 people inattendance – 100 more than what was legally allowed under the fire code. aside from knowingly overcrowding the nightclub,the owners also did not have enough sprinklers.

the station also had a long history of firecode violations that they never bothered to fix. one hundred lives were lost. three years later, the station’s two ownersaccept a plea deal and don’t have to face trial. jeffrey derderian [“der-dare-ree-an”]was sentenced to three years of probation and 500 hours of community service. his brother, michael, was sentenced to fouryears in a minimum-security prison along with three years’ probation upon release.

he served 27 months before being released. dan biechele 16 months of his four-year sentencefor his role in the accidental deaths. many of the victims or their surviving familymembers weren’t satisfied with this ruling and chose to further pursue the matter incivil court. in the summer of 2008, after almost five yearsof reviewing more than 700 pieces of evidence, a judge awarded a settlement of over 176 milliondollars to be distributed among the defendants.

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