hello friends iâ´m sergio oliveira. eduardo vargas. how are you lalo? sergio, just another video. that you have questions for us? friends, we do read all the questions but we donâ´t answer them manually, apart from the fact that there are a damn ton, and there are alot of repeats. -10 pesos in because of damn- its not that were lazy about answering them, we just compile them and answer them here on the video, because sergio is not always avaliable; he travels around the world well, ready? ready. well they are asking us now that the tsuru is disappearing, what car would be good for a taxi? thatâ´s interesting. the versa even though it wonâ´t cost the same. who said that? right now it does not cost the same but when nissan came out with the tsuru it didnâ´t cost that either. do you think the price will go down?
they have to put something in its place right? they have to take something out, what happened with the tsuru the tsuru became an unsafe car when they started taking thing out of it, stabalizing bars, lateral protection bars right side visor, right side mirror, they took alot of things off to lower the price and they transformed it into a viable taxi vehicle, and the same could be done with the versa shave things off. they have a very interesting utility margin with the versa, the versa platform was designed to be much more efficient than precious platforms, thats why it is used so much in many of its products, the note, march, ect. and now the kicks which is getting here in september, also has the versa platform, that platform has 20% less parts than a conventional one
so its lighter and cheaper to make. platform, for those of us who donâ´t know anything about cars means like the old chassis? more or less. then what is it? cars are produced on a production line, now what is that? literally its where they have car parts in a line, and they build it as it moves along so the worker is always in the same place and is responsible to place the frontal suspension he puts it on the car, it leaves, another one comes in, and same thing and that is a production line. un order for the car to stay there, it needs to be fixed on 4 points those 4 points are the floor to which the roof and laterals will be welded onto, which froms a shell, those things together
the floor, the base, ect. thats the platform, and more the floor than anthing else the laterals, roof, and all of that can change but that floor, as you said, as the chassis is the definition of a platform, so basically what goes into those 4 points, but there are platforms which are flexible you can make them longer or shorten, or even widen them for example, the golf has one of those platforms, so its possible that they make a cheaper versa, or it is also possbile for them to take a platform from, say a datsun, thats sells as a datsun in other markets, which also has a cheap platform, and put it here and call it the tsuru 3, tsuru 2, or tsuru 2019, tsuru 2020 one thing that is certain is that they have to change it, and above all change the motor
there are many people that think that the tsuru will change in 2020 when legislation is going to force them to have abs breaks, and airbags, but no, the tsuru must die in 2017 because of emissions, the tsurus motor apart from being in theory fuel efficient, its very bad in emissions its a very old motor. yes. its from a time when emissions didnâ´t mater as much as now and even within the city of mexico they are not as demanding as say california the strictness on emissions will kill the tsuru in 2017, in chile for example its not sold because of emissions, not because of security. lets go to a cut and weâ´ll be - still on the first question-
were going to a small break, donâ´t leave. hello friends, if you want to buy a used or semi-new car i recommend the page tixuz.com tixuz with a z, the biggest advantage there is that unlike most other pages, tixuz.com is still an operation without cost for you come on in, youâ´ll quickly be able to find the car your looking for or also sell your own much faster than you expected. tixuz.com, remember tixuz with a z. weâ´re back boys. well friends we are back. they are asking how is the nissan kicks? in your opinion. look, we have to drive it before we put our opinion out but
frankly i donâ´t think it will be among the best, 118 horsepower, the base only has 2 airbags, thats what i think before getting on it, and driving it, but we will find out in september i skipped some questions, someone names carlos dominguez asks its more of a comment than question, i think anyone who buys mini suvâ´s are dumb with a p, because they pay alot of money for something that is just a sub-compact streched upwards because its still just a sub-compact which wonâ´t offer much comfort and space at a similar price to that of a compact just because its a "truck" how dumb with a p. if i had 280,000 i would rather buy a compact hatch
which offers more things, and does not pretend to be something it isnâ´t like mini-suvs that want to be trucks but only decieve people, and that is why they are successful and i kept thinking, is that true or not? so iâ´ll just ask sergio. no, irs really not. nothing to do with it? i think the dummy wit a p is someone else. yeah? yes. its as simple as a question of design. do you remember the atos? yes. you got in and said that small piece of crap and you got in it and it felt big, and you never knew why. you never knew why but its actually quite simple to explain, in a car with the size of the atos but with the base lower, your knees point upwards
and that is very tiring it gives you the sensation of not having much space, to see , if your sitting like this. you will get tired much faster than if you sit like this. here or here is much more comfortable here is where a sports car is, and here is where a taller car would be. and here is where a compact would be, im generalizing, im not saying all of them are this way. without getting to that level, even being here is much more tiring than being here. so having a taller car implies more comfort, and it also implies especially if the suspension is higher than the floor, it implies you will have less problems with bumbs, potholes, and carrying more people
so there is without a doubt a big advantage with mini suvs does this mean i prefer them? no, iâ´m like you in that sense, i would rather buy a golf, but that isnâ´t a subcompact, its a hatchback. between a mini suv and a subcompact, the mini is much more comfortable and easier to maintain in term of portholes, bumbs, and other things like that. and that is why i criticize the small ones, like the x3, or the mercedes gla why is this? because they sell them as small trucks but they really arenâ´t, they are just small hatchbacks they take away comfort just the same as a small hatchback would. well that was answered, roman basquez, sergio what are your thoughts on the following models: suzuki s cross, mitsubishi asx,
subaru xv, and fiat 500x. he chose 4 cars that are not exactly good, suzuki s cross is a piece of crap, slow, noisy, it does not take curves well, its just bad. fiat 500x, its a very small car, it doesnt have much space, its not as fast as it should be, the platform ???????????????????its a car that drives very nicely, which are the other ones? subaru xv. subaru xv, its not a bad car but its a little expensive, subaru is a brand that has had problem in mexico, and now they are aparently going to
change their importer, the importers were in monterey and that wasnâ´t great for them, or maybe they didnâ´t have the financial stability to maintain it well, but as a result it is now going to another importer in mexico city, and that will generally produce alot of uncertainty, with services, resell value, parts, so in mexico, subaru is a complicated brand, is the product bad? no, its a very good product, whats the last one? mitsubishi asx its not a bad product, i like the design its almost like the last mitsubishi whose design i like, its good in some aspects but i think it has a bad value/cost ratio in mexico, in other markets im not sure, i would have to study them case by case monetization, prices, competitions prices, ect. but for now i would not buy it in mexico,
instead of an asx i would buy a ( ). were going to go a little faster, jorge ramirez asks what happened to baic in mexico? i have no idea, its a distributo in mexico who imports. i donâ´t really know how they drive or look, ect. emiliano chavez, exuse me can you make a video for medium and big pick-ups? we from the north would be really interested in it, we promise to make one right? yes, we will try, i have been asking for pick-ups from our friends above all from general motors and they donâ´t have them. max asks, sergio, what is the relation weight/horsepower ratio that a vehicle should ideally have? that seems interesting. there is no ideal that a car should really have it all depends on what the cars wants to be, for example, a versa
has a relation that each horse carries 9.7kg more or less a tida, apart from it being more powerful,125 hp from the tido vs the 106 versa because it is heavier each horse carries more than 10kg in a sports car your talking 5 or 6 kg is considered good, but there is also a koenigsegg that has 1hp/kg so that car would be it would be a car that would be superior to the rest. katalina samson, between the sandero, kia rio, and the mazda 2 which would you choose? kia rio because or safety. what do you think of the kia swift?
its a good car, although old, suzuki has taken too long in renewing that car. its a good car with good handling, although the basic versions only have 2 airbags and the one that has 6 is expensive, the sport is also expensive, the design of the car leaves the trunk to be far too small, not that we always need to carry alot of things but eventually you need to go to the supermarket and it doesnâ´t have trunk space. this question, i donâ´t know if you know claudio javier from chile asks, gasolines with lower octanes is 93 and the premium is 97 why do they vary so much by country? they vary alot in countries because of the quiality of the from where they import it, to where its going, the aquisitive ability for the people, its not only
its not just the octane that is important, moreso than that is the cleanliness, the quantity of sulfur more or less determines the quality of the gasoline for example in europe you can have gasolines up to 98 octanes with less than 20 parts per million of sulfur. in mexico the gasoline has more than 300 parts per million, so its really dirty gasoline, and the topic of octanes is determined by measurement for example here in mexico we use aki, the most common types are aki and ron, aki is used in mexico so magna gasoline has 87 octanes and the premium being 91 octane aki
if it was ron then it would be more, its almost backwards, 91 octane ron is equivalent to 87 aki and 95 ron is equivalent to 91 octane aki more or less, so again, it depends on cleanliness and what standard of measurement every contry uses. rogelio sousa will toyota c-hr come to mexico? yes. do you know when? between the end of this year and the beginings of next year. santiago hernandez can you explain to me why you say the class a mercedes is a bad car? drive it. thats a great answer. do you think kia will lower their safety standards now that they will be produced in mexico?
will they drop to 2 airbags, or keep their 6 initial airbags? i fear that they could drop. i hope not, but iâ´m pretty sure they will, infact there is already a version of the forte, designed for fleets with only 2 airbags, which obviously dealers will take advantage telling their clients they have cheaper ones but it only has 2 airbags and they wont tell you about that. lets see if they donâ´t shoot themselves in the foot whatcar does sergio have? peugeot 3008 what would you recommend sergio, iâ´m about to buy a polo gti 2017. its a great car. yeah? yes. i would buy it. the same question 2 times, just someone else iâ´ve been driving the kia 2016 automatic and its really economic. which kia? and you said it doesnâ´t mater that it uses alot of gas.
it consumes more than other similar vehicles, the urban consumption of the rio, i havenâ´t had one, but most people have reported 10km/liter which actually seems really good but a manual versa could give you 12 or 13. one question, does the tata nano have a possibility of coming to mexico? iâ´ve spoken about tata so many times and iâ´m really not sure, and i donâ´t think it would sell well if they came. i would like to know your opinions about the yaris 2017. the 2017 change is only asthetic, the car, platform, motor, trany, safety, is all the same as the previous one, which had an old platform its heavy, consumes a bit of gas, its not a bad car in terms of durability.
but its not a modern car, its not economic, i would not buy it. hey guys from tixuz whats the name of the book with prices and where do you get it? its the autometric guide which you can get at newspaper stands, is it true that the chevrolet prisman will come to mexico instead of the chevrolet aveo? i donâ´t know, i had not heard about that and i donâ´t know if that would be a good idea. why in do they have volkswagen passat or mazda 6 with manual transmissions in spain and here in mexico its not even an option. because manual cars arenâ´t well sold in mexico. all of the brands who have tried to sell them have put them there for a while to see if people will like them and it turns out that less than 6% of the market wants manual transmissions. especially in the higher segments. in the basic ones people will accept it because in theory it is cheaper,
but above 250,000 pesos no one wants manual transmisions, thats why they donâ´t sell them. the market does not want them. okay. whats up sergio, what car would you recommend, its between a mazda 3 2015 and an acura ilx 2014, they are almost the same price mazda 3. okay, how reliable is it to buy a palio adventure? its a good truck, good, durable, finishes are bad, fiat generally has bad finishes, but its a good truck. they ask if the renault megane is coming to mexico. i donâ´t think so, that name is... and if it did it would come here with a different name, what should come here is the new fluence, the fluence is the megane but made in korea with small differences
equipment and design, but its the same car, the koleos for example that will be comming to mexico soon is made in korea as well, they are made in the south of south korea, the last one is interesting, will the kia proâ´ceed come to mexico? i donâ´t think the ceed will come to mexico having another option is never a bad thing but i really donâ´t think it will come. we are out of time again, we didnâ´t get to answer alot but we will make another show. thank you lalo. thank you sergio, goodbye. hello friends, iâ´m sergio oliveira, i wanted to invite you to look for our youtube channel tixuz you will like it.
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