crossover suv bmw


jeep! "ses off." amazing translation into turkish! what else? "take your foot off the pedal brake." "no saved messages" - this one is good. "lane sense inactive" - ok. "press ok to reset."- this is good, too. this is exactly like the...

...modern turkish language. half turkish, half english. jeep renegade... ...1.4 140 bhpfront-wheel drive... ...automatic, in limited trim. and, guys, both sinan and doganare out of the city..., you are stuck with me! i'll start with the... ...roominess!

it's been a while sincei've driven a car... ...that feels much biggerand roomier than its looks. when you get into the car... really feels like a "jeep!" all the modern crossovers are... ...basically hatchbacks withhigher ground clearance. they lift up the basic hatchbacks... ...soup them up withbumper add-ons... ...and come up with vehiclesthat are, so to speak, suvs...

...with a 10 to 15 grandpremium to pay. but this car feelsjust like an suv... ...and there are two reasons why.first is the bonnet, it iscompletely flat... ...and i can see it almostcompletely right in front of me. everytime you glance at the bonnetand everytime you climb inside... feel like you're drivinga modest little hummer! it does have the americanoff-roader feeling. second reason is the pillarsand their "uprightness." normally the sunshade must havebeen around here somewhere...

...but it's over there insteadand i have to reach for it! i can only barely reach thewindscreen if i do this... everything is far from me... ...and the windscreens, for instance... ...are designed as horizontal aspossible for aerodynamic purposes... ...but in this car it's quite straight and thatcreates an atmosphere of a true off-roader. all the spaces betweenme and the windows... ...are wider than anythingin this segment. the cabin is extremely spacious.

everytime you step inside you feelsurprised because of the space you have. it feels much like an suvrahter than a crossover. materials inside arenot bad either. upper dash is soft-ish... ...doorcards and lower partsare cheaper as usual. other than that... ...the cubby here underthe armrest... ...i found it a bit sloppy. i'm talking about the bad stufffirst, don't know why tho.

the armrest, even though it'sadjustable and covered in leather... ...but the cubby underneath does nothave sufficient amount of space... ...and there are noconnectivity options there. it feels much like a lower-classhatchback down there. the stalks behind the wheelare a complete disaster! you deeply regret iteverytime you use them! it may be a defectin manufacturing... just cannot roll out ofthe production like this. they flex a lot, they makeweird noises...

by the way the car has20.500 km on its clock... ...and it is exactly one year old. normally we don't reviewcars as old as this one... ...but we were getting too many requestsfrom you, so here you have it. there isn't anything elsethat is bad, actually. the car has lots of tinymake-you-feel-special details. it's brother 500x also had them,but this one is different. it has around 10-12 tiny jeepfigures scattered all over the car... ...that classic 7-slot grille is everywhere.

there are maps drawnon a couple of areas... ...i don't know what part ofthe world that map is... ...and i'm sure you well-educatedfollowers will tell us what they are. there's one inside thearmrest i just humiliated. those maps, logos and figures... ...or it says "since 1941" here... ...or it says "to new adventures"around the starter button... ...the redline area on the rev counter... covered in mud!

the car has lots of these little detailsand i think they are amazing touches. you're basically buying a jeep... ...which is a brand withserious heritage. and when a brand-new car is dressed up... ...with all these detailsmimicking its past... ...makes you feel you'redriving something special. there's thislarge handlebar... keep the passengersafely in the seat. it looks a bitunnecessary at first...

...but you do need thaton some occasions. equipment-wise... has a lane assist systemwhich i keep turned off. it steps in, which is good... ...but it steps ina bit too much. let's try it. yeah, i'm dead. let's have another go... it should'vesensed the lanes...

it saw the lines andsteered the car itself. now it tells me tohold the wheel. i keep it off becauseit's too interfering. the car is equipped with thepanoramic glass roof. it is huge, it slides back... ...and it is quite expensiveat a cost of 6000 liras. surprisingly there are no rattlescoming from the mechanism. the car, though, hassome rattles inside... ...especially off the road orrough pavement.

they come from the doorbins... ...and i think it has somethingto do with the car's age. the roof is good, rattles there. the displays in the dash... one of them is great... i should be looking at theother one when saying "great"... this display comes as standard... ...but i don't knowwhy they've put... ...something like this in a carthat costs around 100 grand!

i know this isthe basic offer... ...but still it should've beena much better one. it is a touchscreen... ...but requires a bitof a pressure. it is rather easy to use... ...but in this time and age it musthave been a better one. also it is a colour screen... ...but all the graphics areeither black, white or grey! and their different shades.

actually grey is a mixof black and white. anyway. there is a packagein the options list... ...which includes alarger display... ...and a bettersound system... ...which the cardefinitely needs. it is avery mediocresound system... may need theoptional beats audio. but before that thecar definitely needs... ...a better displayon the dash.

that multimedia packagealso includes a navi, too. but the display hereis something else... i love it. this may just be the bestinstrument panel display... this price point. it's like the onein the audis... ...they've used the completeshape as a display. this is normally a difficult thingto do with digital displays... ...but they've done it and itis completely customisable.

you can putdifferent informations... on all of the cornersand lines on offer. menu changes and usabilityare also flawless. it also has avery high resolution. the gauges themselvesare also very good... ...again, they have all of thosejeep-specific details. and this is the... ...rather noisy horn. storage spaces...

door pockets are quitenarrow to start with... ...nothing belowthe light switch... sunglassholder up top... ...there are two cup holders with anice ambient lighting around them. they look nice at night. there's a storage area here... ...and that tiny cubbyunder the armrest. it could be much better... ...considering the segmentof the car.

it is a weak pointin the cabin. the glovebox... also on thesmaller side... ...with no padding inside. rear cabin isquite spacious... terms of bothhead and leg space. there is a 230v socketin the centre... ...which we don't come;across on many cars. but there's nothingelse other than that... cubbies, ashtraysor air vents. it has a boot space ofaround 350 litres... is small, consideringthe spacious interior. but the boot floor, guys... we've mentioned itin the corolla review... ...that car had the thinnestpossible boot floor... in this one, though... ...that false floor may be thethickest one used in an automobile! it may be one of thesmallest details...

...but it looks to be over-engineered! it is thick, sturdy and feelsjust right considering... ...the rest of the car. you'll go "wow"when you see it! it seems like it can take tonsof stuff without even flexing. isolation... because of its design... ...the car starts to take in windnoises at around 100-110kph. i'm doing 100 and i canhear the wind now.

noise starts at around100-110kph and... ...its volume increases gradually. it has a lot to do withthe shape of the car... ...and also the sidemirrors are huge! you can see every behind youto the every last detail. but their size combinedwith the boxy shape... ...causes some wind noise. one last detail,the turning radius. it is bad.

you usually needextra maneouvres... ...even in seeminglylarge areas. comfort... it is... ...ok. not the best... the feeling youget usually is... like i said atthe beginning... ...the car feels just like aheavy, modern and rafined suv.

the sister car 500x,for instance... ...which shares no resemblencewith this one in terms of driving... ...feels lots more agile. it feels a bit more sporty. this car does nothave that sportiness. this car, even though it is 1395kg,feels much like at least 1500kg. which is, actually,a good thing... ...because you do expectit to feel like that... ...when you look at the car.

it is not very pleasantover sharp bumps... ...other than thatthe car feels like... ...a much heavier suv overalmost any other surface. it usuallt irons out almostany kind of bumps. it is also quite pleasantif you're slow enough. i can say it is acomfortable ride... ...but it is more of an oldschooloff-roader comfort... ...with a touch of tightness. the engine...

i liked it. a turbocharged 1.4 petrol delivering 140bhp... i'm on a slight downhill but... ...i think i shouldstart braking. no need forunnecessary thrills. the engine has a greatrevving character. it is a forced inductionmotor, ok... ...but it never sounds like avacuum cleaner like, say, a tsi 140. it has a more urging tone.

it goes well... has the snappiness that you'dexpect from a 1400-kg-car. what i like the mostabout the engine is...'s consumption is usuallyaround 8.5 litres. let's check it... it says 7.1l/100km andconsider that... ...i just stepped on itfor a short while. this is after a verycalm driving... ...and i've been cruising aroundwith a 7.1 average...

...from the beginningof the video. a realistic figurewould be 8.5 litres... ...or 9 litres if you'rea bit more impatient. turbocharged carsnever have... ...realistic claimsfrom the factory... ...but i can say the renegadeis quite frugal... ...considering its performance and its bulk. i'm stepping on itfrom 1500 revs... nothing's going on...

still nothing around1600-1700... nothing at 1750 revs... 1800 and still nothing... 2000... ...and now it starts topull at 2000rpm. i was doing around80kph on 5th gear... this means it is notreally a flexible engine. stepping on it again... when you're cruising at70kph and 1750 revs... have to wait until2000rpm for a pull. it is not a flexible motor. the gearbox... i'd wish that the car hadthe famous 9 speed zf... ...but you can only get thatif you buy the car in 4x4 form. this one has a 6 speeddouble clutch 'box... ...called ddct. it's ok. it feels more like atorque converter at first...

...since it doesn't feel likea double clutch unit. it works more like a sharply-settorque converter unit. it works smoothmost of the time... ...but the shifts arenot the fastest. by the way the plus and minusare at the right places. i'm stepping onit on 2nd gear... nice. not too fast,but it's nice. there is a slight delay.

it does not shift all the waydown to the first. you do not drive itin manual, though. it does everythingyou want in auto... ...but unfortunately it does nothave a sport mode. so if you decide to bea bit enthusiastic... actually you never decideto do such things! it does not havea sport mode... ...but it usually picksthe right gear. for example, it nevershakes and rattles...

...when driving calmlike a dsg does. that's why i say it feels morelike a torque converter. it has its flaws but it isa good unit all in all. it is slower than a dsg... ...but it never feels fragile. feelings are subjective... ...but objectively speaking... ...we've done lots of silly stuffon and off the road... for example the tuscon alsohad a dual clutch 'box...

...that car cried off in no time... ...saying "check transmission"after a very short while. this one took all the abuseand more with no hesitation. it stood up to any abusement with adurable torque converter attitude. it stayed put no matterwhat we've thrown at it. what's more aboutthe gearbox... 6 cogs are a bit insufficient... an era where everyonehas 7 or even 8 of them. so you're cruising at only100kph with 2000 revs.

no flappy paddles, neither. there are some thingsin place of the paddles... ...but they just turn upor down the volume. i loved the steering wheel, by the way. it is covered in a thickand sturdy leather... ...and feels just like a jeepwheel in your hand. it feels like nothing wouldever happen to it... ...even if you hold itwith muddy hands... ...or even try to scratchit with your keys.

the wheel feelsamazingly sturdy. the consumption is7.5 by the way. now, the handling... the car has two characterswhen it comes to handling. all the cars we've driven... ...including the crossovers... ...had only one character... ...which is how it feels when you aredriving on roads like this. with the renegade, you also getan off-road aspect of handling.

this is a front-driven carwith road tyres... ...still, the car has a trueoff-road capability! on the road... usually feels safe. you don't get too muchinfo from the wheel... ...but it does inspire confidence. it constantly stayson its line. but the tyres feela bit unsafe... ...because they start tosqueal too early.

but when you stepon the car more... do understand the caris not really sliding anywhere. the car has one featureboth on and off the road... ..which is verysurprising to me. when you're taking a corner... ...and decide to get the carin an understeering situation. then you put your foot down. right when you think it willstart to understeer... changes its mind and startsto pull its nose inside the bend!

i'll try it... it just pulls in! it's such a weird behaviourfor a car like this! you keep your foot inand it keeps pulling in! you cannot turn theesp completely off... can only turn off the tc... ...but even if the tc was still onwhen you put your foot in... ...and right when you thinkit will understeer... ...the tc does its magic somehow...

...and pulls the cartowards the apex... ...with some very clevertorque distribution. that's an amazing feeling! that's something only veryadvanced... ...differential systems could do... ...electronically inserious hot hatches. i loved the fact that... ...this is actually an off-roaderwith that hot-hatch behaviour. it can do the same off the road, too.

i loved its off-roadtalent even more... ...because even thoughit has road tyres and it is a fwd... is a serious off-roader. i don't know how butit is a serious off-roader. the second you climb inside... want to driveit off the road. and when you actuallydrive it off the road... matter what surfaceor slopes you throw at it... just goes and goes!

and it is very pleasantdoing all that... are comfy inside,you can trust the car... ...only downside is therattles you get inside. other than that the carnever disturbs you. i think there's no obstacle... ...a 4wd renegadewith all terrain tyres... ...cannot drive over. actually this combinationwith all terrain tyres... ...could do lots more than this.

conclusion... still cruising with anaverage of 7.5 litres. "ses off" the car costs105000 liras... ...with the glass roof. first of all... i never thought this car wascheaper than 100 grand... ...anytime - except for the momentsi had to use the stalks here! i always thoughtit cost at least 100.000.

quite interesting that... ...none of the b-segment crossoversfeel like suv when you drive them. this one, even though it is fwd,feels just like an suv. it feels like thatwith its maturity... it's not comfy goingover those bumps... ...but it irons them outjust like an old cherokee! that is a great feeling. if you're after animble lightweight car... ...this is not for you, and you wouldn'tbe looking at this car anyway.

but it feels just likewhat your impression was... ...when you first saw it. it feels like avaluable object. the glass roof isan expensive extra... ...and if you get onewithout that roof... would costjust shy of 100 grand. the engine-gearboxcombination is great. i'd get it in this combinationif i was going to buy one. guys, click like ifyou liked the video...

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