japanese hybrid suvs


pro tips from barry's auto body. 4301 amboy road, staten island new york's only eco-friendly, full service, auto body and mechanical repairfacility. we accept all insurance companies. how you doing? i'm barry from barry's autobody and today we're doing a video to show you how to check a car out if you're buyinga used car. from the... basically from a body shop perspective. we also do mechanical hereso it will be a little bit of mechanical also. and this is what to look for... basicallythings you want to stay away from. i'll point out on the car... this side onething i was noticing on the car is this side the line seems pretty good. it is a littlebit open up there but that is not out of the ordinary. some cars, especially an americancar the lines will be a little bit more open.

on a japanese and european car they will bea little bit tighter but if it's a hair off that's not something to look for but on theother side of the car i will show you what is. see how that side was? now you go to thisside of the car where the problem is. you see how basically it's kind of making a vthis line coming up? if you looked at an angle, you could actually see that this door is stickingout a little bit more than the other door, which shows me that there's a problem. also,down here i'm seeing that the line is off down here. this line is a little bit biggerthan it should be and most importantly it's crooked which means that the door has a space.which is gonna cause... first off that's telling

me that the car was hit or the hinges on thedoor are out of alignment which is going to cause wind noises. now after looking at that, upon further inspectioni'm starting to see something that i don't like over here which is basically the paintitself is starting to dull out. now it's one thing for paint to dull out but this... ifthe camera gets a little close, you can actually see a little bit of a grainy feel to it andthis is not from what i'm looking at... this is not from the paint dulling out, this isactually from improper repair, there's a difference. paint that dulls out we're able to actuallycompound it you can bring it back to life. there's a lot of things that we can do tobring it back to life but when you start to

get that grainy look in the paint, what thatbasically is, is called dye back. the paint itself is basically sucking into the primersand what that ends up happening it's because the primers themselves were not dry when theyactually painted the car so that turns into be a problem and it's not something that canbe fixed. it's also a tell-tale sign of an improper repair. now upon further inspection, when we lookon the other side. we'll bring the camera around and if we see on the inside of thewindow, you can actually see the marks from bad body work on the inside of the window.if a quarter panel was cut off a car and changed, this is usually where the seam would be. you'llsee the seam sealer is all broken up over

there and there will be a couple imperfectionsover there. i'm also noticing...we'll pull the camera back here and i'm seeing very importantlythe truck itself is out of alignment here. now if we pull the camera here i can evensee that the quarter panel sits further out than the trunk. because that line is definitely...that's causing me to look over here even more. once i see that, that's telling me the backof the car is not safe. now upon further inspection, i'm seeing overhere the inside of this quarter was actually hit by the trunk which tells me that the carwas hit on that side and that the trunk actually pushed into the quarter and destroyed thepaint over here. which means that it wasn't a small hit. you know if the paint on thisside of the car was hit and i don't really

see any problems with this quarter any paintissues, i don't see any grainy looks over here, it's not like the paint is dying back.the paint is a little dull just because it's a little older but there is a difference becauseit doesn't have a... the best way i could explain what dye back looks like is kind oflike a sandpaper kind of feel. you'll actually feel it...this would be nice and shiny andthen if you go to the side that has the dye back on it you actually feel the paint hassomewhat like a real fine grade sandpaper kind of feel to it. i'm going to pop the trunk real quick becausei want to see what is going on back there. when i was noticing those small little imperfectionson the outside, now we have this, this is

a tell-tale sign. now we have a really bigimperfection. this seam sealer...this is actually not even a bad job... this is a horrible job.if you see seam sealer on a car like this you know that there is a problem underneath.it's not a car...i wouldn't even think about buying this car. that just tells me basicallythat i have to start getting a little bit more inside. and this is exactly... i tookit apart further, you could actually see that the car is starting to rust. the inside ofthis quarter is still bent. it was never pulled right. so this is... this is really...theonly reason why i'm even looking here is because i... usually when somebody work like thatto the inside there is going to be some kind signs on the outside that they didn't do itright.

now i'm going to go around the rest of thecar. based on the bumper, i mean the bumper looks fairly good for the year of the car.this is a 2007 so you can't expect a brand new car. these little chips, i mean one thingthat you do have to know in order to do them right, you have to paint the whole bumperbut it's kind of normal on a 2007 car to have that. one thing you want to look at is thelights. are the lights clear? or do they any kind of yellow tint? these have very smallspots in them. they aren't that noticeable so it's not really that big of a deal andthey do look like they are on the outside. if it's on the outside we could dry sand itdown and we could redo the lens and kind of clean the light. so that's not really a problem.

looking around the car you can see the dent.right next to the bird poop over there. but there's a dent right there. now one of theeasiest ways, if you want to check a car for dents... one of the easiest ways is actuallyvery simple: any kind of rag, you know a clean rag obviously... you basically put the ragon your hand and when you feel the car, if you're going to start feeling for dents aroundthe car to see if there are any dents or imperfections try to keep your hand nice and flat. don'topen your hand, don't sit there and keep it curved because you won't be able to feel itright. and bascially just go over the part with a rag and as you do that, you're actuallygonna feel all the imperfections. as you go over that you're going to feel any imperfectionsthat you have in the car. you would go over

each panel. seeing a couple paint issues overhere and this is something that i would feel too. if you go over it you can see that it'snot just a paint issue because now i'm going over it with my hands and a rag and it's alot easier to feel that it also has a dent in it too. so there may be a paint issue therebut once you get rid of that paint issue you have a dent there also. now being that we're over here, i'm gonnaalso check the wheels. these wheels have a little bit of minor damage here which nowyou can see it's got yellow in it, that's from hitting a yellow curb parking. obviouslythe tire does have a little bit of a dig in the tire so that tire's no good and on theside walls the tire would have to be changed.

you can repair a tire when it's here but anythingon the side of the tire you cannot repair. so that would have to be a new tire. theywould have to change the tire on this car. that's something you have to know when you'relooking at it. you see the rocker moving down here... youwanna check the lines here and you also want to check the lines from the door to the fender.if it's lining up right, you want to make sure that nothing is hitting there. as we'regoing around the car i could also even see this headlight. this headlight is actuallystarting to turn yellow. you can even see all the fog right along the headlight youcan see all the fog around it. this particular headlight though, is not really a problem.the difference is, is that if the headlight

has a leak if there is any kind of rubberseal that wasn't put on the back of the headlight to hold these bulbs in, what ends up happeningover time is that sometimes you'll get moisture on the inside of the light which cannot befixed, cannot be cleaned, nothing... there's nothing you can do about it. on the outsideof the light though is not really a big deal. there's actually a process that we do at barry'sauto body... what they do, they would da the whole headlight and basically bring it backto life. they would shoot it-- we have a specific cleaner that's actually designed for headlights. now i'm going over the car also i want tocheck the front of the car. see how these lines are nice and tight? i don't see anygaps in these lines. they're nice and symmetrical,

they go all the way across. very good. goingto check the bumper line here also. this side is down a little bit but it is a rubber bumperso on a 2007 that's not really that much out of the ordinary. kind of normal. i mean thisside is the way that it should be, it's probably hard to see with the camera because they almostlook identical. they are a little bit off but that's not really anything to be concernedabout. i'm not really seeing any dye back in the paint, i don't see the grainy. i seethat the paint on a 2007 is getting a bit on the duller side but it doesn't have thatgrainy look to it. the wheel alignment sheet on the car. nowit's very important before you buy a car, you really should... first off you shouldget it checked by a mechanic but i'm just

going over the thing you can see on your ownbefore you do so you can see if it's even worth taking it to a mechanic to get it checkedout. now the wheel alignment, once we did a wheel alignment... and i'll show you ina second why we did the wheel alignment. we're seeing that the wheel alignment is off. we'reshowing that the front wheel alignment basically is off on both sides but that's not reallyan issue, that can be corrected if it's slightly off and that's just the normal wheel alignment.the issue that we're having though is back here on the rear. i'm showing that the rearright... basically the rear right and then the rear left are actually a lot further offand it's... it has... it's showing me something in the rear when both sides are off this farthat there may be a problem back here and

it's something we have to check out. now we also have another sheet, which is thenada. the car value which the retail value... clean retail which i wouldn't consider thiscar a clean retail, clean trade-in if you were going to trade the car into a dealerand this is the price just so you know on nada... which nada as far as we're concernedwould be the most accurate value. i wouldn't recommend any other books when you're buyinga car a lot of times they have different blue books or red books out there, i would stayaway from those and nada would be the most accurate value for what the car actually goesfor and even if it's a little bit on the... nada if anything would probably be, if notmuch, it's the closest one but they're usually

a little bit on the higher side. now you havetrade-in to trade in to a dealer, average trade-in which this car would probably be...i would consider this car probably average or rough. probably rough. and then rough tradein. so these are the different values. each one of these values you have to add tax toalso. whatever your local sales tax is that has to be added on to the values and you wantto make sure you have the car's mileage you have to go over the car's options also...leather seats... and nada will run down, if you go online... nada.com and if you go onlineyou can look up the value and it will have everything there. another thing that i'm noticing here is basically...i'm noticing a lot of excess... excess wear.

now it's one thing the other side had normalcurb rash, this side tells me, especially when you have these big digs over here...what this is telling me is that this person hit the curb a lot. you know the way thatthey're driving, when they're parking the car, they're hitting the curb so much thatthey may be doing damage to the suspension of it. and i would definitely on somethinglike this if we put it on the lift we would want to check the ball joints, we would wantto make sure that there's no tire rods that are loose that the ball joints themselvesthat the rubber didn't wear away because that is one thing that will happen after excessive...it'sone thing i mean all cars people park sometimes they hit the curb a little bit but when yousee that much curb rash, that's a problem.

that's just telling me that they hit the curba little bit more than normal. some other lines that we do like to checkwould be the lines over here which these actually seem pretty good but if you do see that ifthere's any kind of crookedness or if the fender is sticking out a little bit... youwant to check all the body lines. body lines are very important. all right now basicallythat wheel alignment sheet was showing that the rear of the car... that the wheels areoff a little bit on both sides and if we look at the wheel... one thing that we could do...i'll show you a little trick when you're checking and this is just for a general rule of thumbof looking at it. you stick your hand into here and basically you see my full hand fitsin there no problem and this wheel... by eye

this wheel actually looks a little bit backto me and if i go to the back of the car too... and if we look at the car straight on... it'stough to see with the camera but basically what i'm gonna do i'm gonna see if the wheelitself is sitting too far in and the wheels do sit in a little bit but i'm going to checkthis side, i'm gonna check how far this sits in. i'm gonna also just take a visual lookit's not an exact science when it comes to that you're just seeing if you should lookfurther into it. i definitely recommend you should get a wheel alignment. this is justwhen you're going to first check the car out and you want to see if it's something youshould bring to a mechanic and have it looked at or bring to a body shop and have it lookedat. but if you're seeing that one wheel is

sitting in further than the other wheel thenthat's a problem. if both of them are the same then usually, not always but usuallythat'll be a good sign that they're both at the same angle. now we're going to look over here and i cansee because the bumper itself is one thing i'm noticing also... and this is what i wastalking about before about the car seemed like it swayed over this way. you want tolook at the bumper lines too. is the bumper lining up the way that it should? this oneis not. you can actually see them and if you feel... i can see and i can feel that youdo have a dent over here and also the bumper itself is not lining up because the car itselfunderneath, i put this on the lift and i know

that the car itself it going to be pushedover a little bit. the car was never pulled right. so now you have frame damage on thiscar that was never pulled right. when i go over here you could actually see, you canfeel the dent over here. i go a little bit further down, i feel a dent over there. someof them that you can see but whatever you can't see you definitely can feel. it's alot easier to feel it than to see it sometimes. especially on the small ones. see this dentis a little bit harder to see but as i'm going around this is one of the small ones thatyou'd be able to feel. especially on a silver car. black cars a dent will stick out a littlebit more if it was a silver car, a white car a lot of times the dents... it doesn't showas much by eye but you could feel it a lot

easier. now we're going to go on the inside of thecar. see the seats themselves... if this doesn't bother you that's fine. there's nothing that'sgonna fix these. if this doesn't bother you it won't be a problem it's more of a cosmeticthing but there is nothing that will fix these. you would have to redo the entire seat. ona leather seat to fix this hole, you would actually have to at least cut the patch outand it's not easy to do. sometimes you'd end up just buying a used seat, for this you woulddefinitely buy a used seat for it. it wouldn't be worth it to fix it. one other that thingyou really want to check is the car's... basically does the car have any lights on. now if wego into here... if there's any... if you see

any check engine light, anything like that, any airbag light... you know you have a problem because those don't come on for smallproblems they only come on when there's an issue. one thing on the inside of the carthat i would check also is basically the headliner because these are very tough to clean anda lot of times this is also a tell-tale sign of how the person was with their car. if yousee that the headliner itself has cigarette burns and things like that you can normally...you know a good rule of thumb, i mean the person wasn't really that careful with theircar if they are getting cigarette burns all over the interior. all right so basically we're gonna go andwe'll open the hood now. one thing i'm noticing...

the hood itself, the shocks... this hood shouldstay open. this is not... this has shocks on the hood so it doesn't have one of therods that hold it open so those shocks themselves they can't be fixed. so i'm noticing thoseshocks are no good. the engine itself looks pretty clean. i would recommend check allthe fluids. i'm not gonna go into the fluids today because we actually on barrysautobody.comand our you tube channel we actually have another video that shows checking all thefluids on the car. you can refer to that if you like. now what i'm gonna do...i'm going to liftthe car up and i'm gonna show you especially the rear of the car where we could tell itwas hit. we're gonna check the car out a little

bit further underneath. all right. now we'reactually gonna go underneath the car and i'm noticing... look at this... underneath thecar and this is where i was talking about before on the rear of the car. look at this.the bumper itself and this splash shield is hanging down. that exhaust is tight. that'sgood. the exhaust is not a problem. they never fastened the bottom of the bumper in and ican actually see if you look at the bracket here... the floor is even a little bit benthere incorrectly also. and these are all things that when you look at the outside of the caryou could realize. now how we were talking about how that wheel alignment sheet showedthat the suspension was off? if we pull the camera right here, this whole sub-frame which...this sub-frame roughly installed is probably

around 1200 dollars for a new sub-frame ona car. so i don't think you'd wanna buy a 10,000 dollar car when you have to put allthis money in, it'd be crazy. but you can see the sub-frame itself and it looks likethey even have a mark there like they knew it was damaged and the shop just didn't changeit. there's actually a mark. it looks like it was wiped off somewhat but i know whatthat is because that's from one of those...from a paint marker. so they must have known itwas damaged and they just didn't change it. so i could see the sub-frame which is actually...the sub-frame holds the entire suspension on the car and if that is bent... it's notan easy fix. you can't even straighten these. the only thing you can do with those is cosmeticpaint or change it. so any time it's bent

like that it would have to be changed. that'sa very expensive repair and it's not safe to drive. something like that if you're drivinga car... it's a very unsafe car to drive. any time any kind of suspension part is bent.the rest of the suspension doesn't look too bad. now the normal rusting like this isn'treally that big of a deal. i even see underneath here another one of those marks from whatevermarker they used they must have marked this up too. what ever shop did the work. so theyjust never changed the part. they just knew it was damaged and whether it got passed qualitycontrol or they intentionally didn't change it... but they're letting a customer drivearound with a bent sub-frame. it's totally damaged. so it's not a car i would want tobuy.

now we're going to take a look at underneaththe front of the car and i'm actually noticing some issues on the front of the car also.if you want to pull the camera right here we're seeing all the fluids that are leakingwhich that tells you right there that this is engine oil because this actually the drainfor the engine oil. so you do have a leak there and it's not just there. it's splashingall over the bottom of the car. so this thing has an engine leak. i can actually see uphere that it looks like it's been there for a while. i'm also noticing this flex pipe...the flex pipe is not that big of a deal, this could be changed and it's on the outside cushionbut i'm noticing that this is actually starting to break off. from bottoming out i'm noticingthat the sub-frame on the front of the car...

i mean this is normal on this year of a carbut you would... now one thing i would want to check is to make sure there are no bendson it but this is all scraped up from the car bottoming out. on the sub-frame this iswhat i was saying on this particular side this is the side where it seems like the customerhit the wheel a lot more which the passenger side of the car it's more common to hit curbsand things like that because it actually is on the other side of the car and it's harderto park. i'm just noticing a few things on this side. i'm even noticing this front sub-frameon this side has a bunch of scratches, a little bit of a dent here. so that's all... i meanthis from normal bottoming out... there's not leaks here so i wouldn't really worryabout that. i'm not even as worried about

the sub-frame as i am just checking it outand knowing that i have to check this sub-frame out on an alignment sheet and just make surethat it's actually... that it measures right. the one thing that does get me concerned isit has an oil leak because if it has an oil leak and we don't know where the oil leaksit can be very expensive to fix. if there's any kind of... one recommendation if you havea car that you are checking out, let it run for a little while because if there is anoil leak... let it run for a while and you'll be able to see right on the floor if thereis a leak. if you see water on the floor that's kind of normal. that a lot of times the airconditioner would leave that. that comes from the a.c. condenser just getting wet and fromwater dripping down but if you're seeing any

kind of engine oil, transmission fluid, antifreeze...you know you have a leak. if you let it run, me personally i would letthe car run at least an hour and even better than that i would actually like to take iton a test drive first and then bring it back and let it run for an hour this way the engine'sgoing for a while. basically one thing that you do want to check when you have an oilleak like this... well you really should check it every time. when you pull the dipstickout just pull the oil dipstick and you should check the transmission dipstick also and justsee if you see any kind of crud any kind of iron filings... anything at all that doesn'tlook like a normal clean oil then it's something that you have to worry about. if you see anykind of metal residue even a small amount

that's a problem. that tells you that youhave basically gears inside are grinding down and that's the metal from the gears insidethat are actually grinding down and it's only a matter of time before you need either theengine or the transmission. so you should check that. that's it for our video today. i wanna saythank you. i'm barry at barry's auto body located at 4301 amboy road staten island,ny 10312. our slogan which some people that drive by see it outside "if by accident weshould meet". i want to thank you for watching our video.thank you very much.

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