hybrid suvs under 10000


stop crying my boy. oh my sweet little baby!- what are you doing out there?- coming! what are you doing outside? kosmic oh my child! he's taking away,what am l to do now? where are you taking my child?- leave me bitch! hey return our child...stop the car bastard! my son...my son... lakshmi...

get up. get up lakshmi. get up dear. get up l say. mummmmmmyyyy..... hi! - sister-in-law. want some thing more? lt was boring for thepast 6 months. like an orphan inthis unlucky city.

you left me. what are you talking dear? lf your brother hadn't gottransferred to vizag, we would've been with you. naughty girl! silly transfer! stupid job!and a dumb brother! shut up.take bath & get ready. why? taking me to vizag...?

stop talking.take bath & get ready. today is saturday.no college. lt's not about college.take bath & get ready. not about college! take bath & get ready. why? yes. right hand side, 1st house. corner house. we'll be ready by 9 am.

see you. haven't you taken bath yet? take bath & get ready fast. why are you laughing? what's happening? today is your bride seeing ceremony.- what? bride seeing ceremony...! what shit! no shit!lt is bride seeing ceremony.

a groom is coming to see me. who is he? l went to my cousin's marriagein vizag, right? the marriage cd was sentto america, right? he saw me in that marriage cd. so, he instantly fell in love, found your address, forced his parents, and sent the proposalto your parents.

yes & he is coming fromamerica to take me away. poor guy! the brave will takeaway the bride.... shut up! l am already tensed.stop joking. why get tensed? like him? marry him. and if not, chuck him out. giving advice is easy baby!

will you break your headthinking about it all the day? come on baby!stop thinking & just do it. shut up. oh no! a pimple! come fast.- coming. l'll be there in 30 minuteswith our gang. our gang!? oh no! please... they will tease me. let them come.

we need someone toserve tea & coffee. shut up. poor guys. where are you going so fast? actually...- drink milk. babu, what's this? how many times to tell you? please don't smokeinside the house. what yuck! drink! what dress is this?

l'm going to lakshmi's house. no college today?- today is saturday. stay at home then.- no mummy. lt is bride seeing ceremonyfor lakshmi today. ls it? okay, finish your workand come fast. thank you mom. bye.- okay bye. oh shit! hi...hello...good morning!have a nice day.

from my garden.- oh? - yeah! thank you. college is closed,where are you going? bloody ldiot! l've very important work, bye! one minute, polar express, 3d filmin lmax is very good, shall we go? hey...

oh god! what kind of shit? you became my neighboura day before, you are asking me toa movie so quickly. what next?will you say l love you? you bas...oh! shit! you are not like one of us! we'll not suit each other. why?...time?

why to waste time? hey hybrid pig!have boost and study! bloody fool! how many more chequesl've to sign? are you taking awayall my property? 50000?! why? phone. hello! not that phone but cell phone.

cell phone? ls it a cell phone? how to operate it? whose phone is it? lt's karthik's! when did he buy this? l'm dead! he's a killer! karthik, come here. when did you buy this?- give it to dad. when did you buy it?- yesterday.

yesterday? last week you hadbought a new one, hadn't you? shelling out 30000! - 30000?! this is 50000 bugs!- 50000?! hey radhi! go on.. ldiot, why don't youpick up the phone? you know, lakshmi has gota marriage proposal. marriage proposal?- marriage proposal? who got it? for lakshmi, dad.- so early? you sign the cheques,banks may close for the day.

rs.50000 for a cell phone?!l'll not pay. - won't you? l'll not.- why not? ls the american proposal okay? okay, l'll come withsathya and ali. video cam...- video cam?! so, you'll spend millions forcell phones, cars & video cams. didn't you make 'pesarattu', mom? come on, answer my question first. you keep quiet, never allow himto have breakfast too.

shut up! you feed him like a bulland he'll grow into a fat pig. l'm here to ensure thatyou don't abuse my sister. all the property belongsto my sister. correct. shoe will wear out! do you know how much l toiledto make all these millions? when will you learnthe value of money? please hold on for a minute. dad, your father had a ricketybicycle and two buffaloes.

what about my dad? he has 250 millions property. why should l work hard? you were born rich!- shut up! will you take anything fromhere after your death? no dad...some are born to work hard... some are born to spend... lt's all one's luck! mom...breakfast.

son... what a great thingmy nephew said now! how come he never gotany of your traits? lt's time to go to the bank. hello...hello...hello... lt's all because of you.he went away without having breakfast. why are you always after him? we have only one child. that's why l'm scared.look at his speed!

what if anything happens to him? get the cheque book,l'll sign it. brother-in-law! where are you sathya? ldiot! pick up the phone! where the hell are you man? what the hell work are you on now? phone for you. bloody idiot! will you cut my call?

watch out boy!l''ll be there in a minute. lt's not phone...it's my husband. your husband?! why will he be here now?- how do l know? how can he come inside? he has a duplicate key. go...go away please...- duplicate key? good morning dear.- very good morning. what's it darling, phone's ringing?

may be neighbour's. how long these nightshifts will continue? l'm not able to stayalone at home. just 3 or 4 months only,l'll freshen up and come. come quickly dear. go...go... my husband may come out...go away man... not now...go...go...go away... tell me...tell me...

banging for an hour...why don't you pick up man? l was sleeping. sleeping? where? bedroom. whose bedroom? bloody...in my bedroom. don't pull my legs,l'm in your house. my house? take it...rs 5000...

pay electric, phoneand maintenance bills. l've given clothes for laundry,get it in the evening. this is the bill. l'm going to office in bus,get my bike repaired. my cell card is empty,please get it recharged. have your coffee. l've called the super market, you've to bring provisionsin the evening. first take bath.what's this still shaggily dressed?

marriage proposal? so soon? her mother is very interested. who is the groom? the guy you saw in the video. does radhi know it? she? she would be there already. any new residents? looking up? give the keys man...it's a brand new vehicle.

l came here driving carefully...l don't believe you. please...you are a rash driver. no...no...no please...shoe will wear out! enough of your smoke...drive carefully man. my dad will not pay forrepairs if you damage it. chill out man! l can drive better than you.don't get tensed up. you mean? calling me names? l taught you to drive in my car.

taunting your teacher. bloody teacher. what will our fool be doing now? has it come? - no. now? - no. what the lord is doing there? repairing tv. - tv? why doesn't he do something useful? he got that black & white tv cheaply.

my son is turning itinto a colour tv. always after him. my son? my father left a murphy radio,which he spoiled it beyond repair. now this tv is gone...gone... tv is working! lt's working! saw it? - shut up! understood my level now?b & w to colour. shut up! don't you've any shame?

women of the houseare slogging here, and you are loitering withfriends happily outside. ls it the life? what else then? l've talked to salim bhai,scooter mechanic. go and work with him,he'll pay rs.300 every month. rs. 300?!- or else will he pay rs. 10000? a million! just wait for few days. l'm going to get a chance to actas hero in a telugu film.

telugu film?do you know to speak telugu? even telugu actors don't knowto speak telugu...dubbing. l'll act and someone elsewill mouth the dialogues. one slap and all your32 teeth will roll out. now l'm a man,don't disgrace me infront of women. society is watching. to hell with your society... stop...where are you running away?son of a pig. stop.

open the door fast. no. where are you runningaway bloody son of a pig? come out! go man...go...otherwisemy father will kill me. l'll break your leg.- go man...go. why is he scolding you? what is he calling you? son of a pig...go man.

calling me a pig? - go man...go... l bought a new cell phone yesterday. blue tooth? lt has many features. how much it cost you? 50! - rs.50000! why did you spend so much for this? first we must buy a shirt for him. what are you saying man? will you go to lakshmi'shouse bare body?

ls lakshmi getting married? sorry man. rolling on the road like a drum,are you blind? l crossed the road finding it empty. my house is also empty,will you barge in? why will anyone enter homes,just amble across roads. will you cross where everyou feel like crossing? why would l cross at my will?tell me where should l cross? why were the footpaths laid withbillions of loans from world bank?

why sir? for wastrels like you to walk on. sir...give respectand take respect. to hell with youand your respect. what if you had died gettingcrushed under my car? why will l die?can't you drive slowly? will you decide thespeed of our car? do you know the cost of this car?- how much? rs. 1 .8 millions!

should we travel like a bullock cartin a 1 .8 million worth car? no need of big talk...please tell me where should l cross? zebra lines! - what? zebra! why are you abusing me? for that matter,you came in the wrong route... talking about rules... ls loitering aimlessly on roadsyour full time job? bloody!

what is he saying sir? he'll say anything,what's bothering you? he said somethingabout me, didn't he? we'll not tell you! lt has become a fadfor every fool on road, to fall under a car andsqueeze out money from the owner. he's the man who fell underour car in punjagutta recently. ls it him? punjagutta?

have you changed area so quickly? lf l ever see you on road again, l'll get you crushedunder a road roller. there! there man. go! go man! you've great sense of humour!get on to the footpath. get up...go back...

further...go back further... fold your hands...shut your mouth... shut your mouth! at midnight! radhi is here! actually l'm here on official work, l can't stay, l've to go backto us in 2 weeks. have it. l think it's him!

will you marry the beauty? sit here dear. my daughter lakshmi. she's doing second year biotech. dear...that's uncle and aunty... that's the groom. l'll come back in a minute. move man. handycam?- wait man!- give it to me.

zoom it on lakshmi. my daughter resembles my sister. but she's of your height. he did his engineering here only. he's my brother-in-law and his wife.- ls it? does she know to cook? she knows but we don't allow her. enough of your shoot. they are our daughter's friends.

they are always like this...always naughty. ravi, that's a great show! won't you allow themto sit near each other? won't you introduce us to him? hi brother-in-law!- brother-in-law? greetings. greetings.- greetings. we studied together from school...best friend types. no...six!

we love your daughter. but my son is returning toamerica in 2 weeks.- 2 weeks? we want him to marry andgo with his wife to america. lf you are interested... 2 weeks is very short... cool...we like your proposal. there's a very auspicious timetomorrow evening, let's get them engaged andfix their marriage date. 2 weeks time for marriageis very short...

we are fixing the marriage. for me...me...- hey stop guys! you are feeling too shy. l think you should start doingmarriage video coverage. l want the film in my cell.- me too! will you pay for it?- how much?- rs. 5000 will do. ls it enough? how much time will it take man? this is not an sms messageto send immediately.

this is mms... whatelse then? video in the cam must becaptured in the computer, and then transfer thevideo file to cell phone. mms process! you will all get it butlakshmi will not get it.- why? your cell phone doesn'thave gprs feature. you guys in temple?! l think a tsunami willdefinitely hit hyderabad.

cool it baby...shut up and pray. priest! good morning. what's this? priest! greetings. god bless you. lakshmi's marriage is fixed. offer special prayersfor her well being. pray devoutly!- okay. offer prayers with devotion.- okay.

lakshmi should be blessedwith a happy life. bless lakshmi with a good life. bless to fill her life with happiness. bless lakshmi a happy life in america. o bride! what did you pray for?- tell me. did you pray to go to americaas early as possible? did you pray for your future hubby?- no. l prayed for all of us to staytogether happily like this forever. l know what you had prayed.

okay...enough...get up. hey get down man. get down man. - speeding away? open the door man. open the door man...what do you think of yourself man? are you blind? do you have license? give me.... get down! do you now who we are?

what nasty faces like killers?what are you staring at? do you own or stolen it? hey, you are going overboard.- who is going overboard? get down...bloody get down. have you informed your homebefore hitting the road? come out man... you don't get down...sit here. hey stop! forgive sir...forgive sir...

we were wrong...please forgive us. getting tough with us. we are hyderabadis,we'll cut you into pieces. sorry...now go..- control him. come sathya... get in...get in... why are you stopping me? lakshmi, you'll foot the bill today.- l don't have any money. you are going to marry, but say don'thave money to pay coffee bill too.

we pay the dowry,we don't get dowry! you are troubling uswith this camera. what happened to him? he refused to give a cigarette. sit here. here...he is! lighter is not down there. when did you come here?- just now. why didn't you come to themovie after promising me?

l was coming there but dadtold me to pay electric bill... why are you lying to her? didn't you go to attendpriyanka's birthday bash? priyanka's birthday? just joke...tomorrowwe'll definitely go. tomorrow lakshmi is getting engaged,how can you go with her? after her engagement only. embarrassing me?l'll also get a chance boys! reminding me aboutlakshmi's engagement...

l'll rip you apart, bloody idiots! you are saved today. what happened lakshmi? why are you crying? wait! l may miss all of youafter my marriage. l may not be able to come backatleast for 2 years. that's all! we've cell phonesto talk everyday. we can chat on internet.

let's chat everyday.you'll never miss anything. l've an idea, if her husband sendsmoney for our tickets, let's go away to america. of late america isbeckoning me to come. truly! thank god! lakshmi is smiling again. oh no! today is saturday, isn't it? there's big party inmy friend's farm house. anyway she's going away to america,

last and final party,let's enjoy it entire day, okay? you know about my parents,they'll not permit me. will you come if they permit? l said they'll not permit. they will not. leave it on us. let's drop her around midnight. beer bottles are coming. beer at this hour?

beer will cool our bodies,or else we'll get pimples like you. bloody dog...pig...bull... are you fine ali? are you driving blind? you?! - you?! ls it driving? are you blind? what if he had died? l applied brakes. will you apply brakesafter breaking bottle?

now the bottle's broke, a second delaywould've broken his head. just now you were walking on road, you bought a car and openeda driving school so fast, will you teach whereveryou feel like? road is empty so... cm's new home is also empty,will you teach there too? no need of cm's home,tell me where should l teach? what for the roads were built withbillions of loans from world bank? you said earlier...

not for wastrels like youto drive cars. don't call me a wastrel. to hell with your respect. what if the boy had died? why will he die unnecessarily? you are saying if he had died. can't he watch beforecrossing the road? will you decide about hisway of crossing the road? who gave you a license to drive?

l don't remember sir. okay...do you've a national permit?- national permit? surprised? are you outwithout any documents? no need of big talk,you said about zebra lines... zebra? can you see one here? so you want us to walk all the wayto kukatpally to cross the road. you abused me earlier too silently. lnfact he came the wrong way. talking about rules.

l'll come from any side,it's my wish, who are you to ask? again l'm not able to follow him. he'll say anything.- we'll not tell you. he said about me, didn't he? we'll not tell you. he appears likejulakanti sreenivasa reddy. julakanti sreenivasa reddy? why are you shocked?

move...move... look madam, he doesn't know to drive, you'll lose money,find another driving school. madam...madam... you don't know anything.come, let's go. sir, with your gracel'll not get any new clients. no need of any trouble. you tell me the placeyou never propose to come, suggest a place for me to stay.

tappa chabutra. no, hussainy alam. no, chatrinaka.- no... raniganj will be better. anakapalli!- anakapalli? don't you want to go?- okay, use sanathnagar. lf l see you or your carbeyond sanathnagar... come...- get in man! sit.

no tricks please. go man. driving seat is that side. go. aren't they telling you? go...go...- put the ignition key. start the engine. do it. apply gear...this is too much. don't forget about evening party. what's this dance on the road?

can l find beauties there? all the hyderabad beautieswill be there. lowest jeans...microminis... tight t-shirts...nelson's party is always great! what dress will be goodfor the evening? wear something otherwiseit'll not look good. then, l'll come like this only. this is okay for you. you wear this.

l've a doubt, am l in your homeor you're in my home? first think about how to makelakshmi come to the party. shall we say it's a party? you know her family. night show? l've an idea.- what? shall we say it's a botanical tour? what? didn't like my idea?

shut your mouth. l've an idea. yes aunt, she's gettingengaged tomorrow. you and uncle start immediately. where are you going?- to my house aunty. one minute. your son wantsto talk to you. talk. to your house? why now? that's mother... karthik's mother is very happyknowing about her marriage.

yes aunty, my mother wantsto meet lakshmi. she'll have dinner there only.- dinner? we'll have dinner there and comeback after watching a movie. night show? you'll come late. not night show aunty, 8 pm to 10 pmfirst show at prasad lmax.- yes. we'll be here by 10.30 pm. today morning only hermarriage has been fixed. please don't say no.- please listen to me. okay, let her go. they are promisingto come by 10.30 pm.

she must here by 10.30 pm,it's your responsibility. open the lock.- no, don't go out now. what if anyone had got hurt? nothing has happened to anyone,let's scramble out from here. car has overturned andyou say nobody will be hurt. definitely driver would've died.- died? won't it affect us tomorrow? let it happen tomorrow. you shut up.

a man is coming out. didn't l say nobody got hurt? come to my stationand take your vehicle. how could we leave himthere just like that? he was fine, right. so... then we should've gone there. why are you so scared, karthik? l'm not scared.even if he is alright, people around him willmake it a big issue

and smash us. ln such situations,we must do like this only. you all just keep quiet.tell them. stop shooting with yourvideo camera. sit down. after seeing all this,l don't want to attend the party. yes. really? what do you say sathya? what has happened is happened? since, we have come this far,let's go to the party.

you go. bloody, you did all thisand laughing... wonder how bad the damage is?- let's see. oh my god!lt's heavily damaged. my dad will kill me. let's repair it.- but how? lndicator, radiator,bumper...no way. lt will take 2 days,one night is not enough. what are you doing?

atleast, it will be usefulto claim insurance. why so late?again any accident? just as usual. god! drugs...? do you want some?- get lost.- come. l'm coming. you scoundrel! what's it? just 5 more minutes. wait. we'll go.

we'll go, wait. who are you?what are you doing here? say something. people in this car hitour vehicle & sped away. lf you ask them to come here, l'll talk to them & leave. nothing doing. get lost. who is he? what's the matter? nothing. karthik hit hisvehicle & sped away.

he wants to talk to him. do that later.now, drink & go. your friends hit ourpatrol vehicle & sped away. one of my men isin serious condition. give me rs. 50000.l'll simply walk away. or else... look, you are hittinga police officer. do you have permission toconduct a party here? do you want permission?do you know who l'm?

l'm telling this for your good. who are you to tell us?- please try to understand. you scoundrel!do you know who he is? he is home minister's son-in-law. many of your senior officersare dancing inside. do you know that? which police station are you from? sir, you're inviting trouble.- lnviting trouble...? shut up & get lost.

get lost. lf l see you again here,l'll rip you apart. never show your face again to us. l'm constable 3242 fromnarsing police station speaking. here... let's go. please open the door. lt's stuck. no, it has stopped.- stopped! what now? how are we goingto reach home tonight?

we must wait till morning.- wait till morning? what are you saying?- we'll find another way. time.- 1 o'clock.- just 1 o'clock. lt's too late.my parents will kill me. l'm afraid of darkness. stop it. l'm worried becausethe car has stopped. why shout at them?lt is all because of you. l was telling you to go slow,but you were going very fast. we came here for the party.

but the party was thrown by you.- me? then what? what do weknow about parties? we came because you invited us. this party was for you. this is too much.- what too much? don't talk nonsense.- what nonsense? we should've gone homeafter the accident. wow! now you all areputting the blame on me. you came galloping whenl invited for the party.

but now when a problem arose,you're blaming me. so, you mean it isall because of us. yes. l've been to many parties. but police never raided any. the party was for lakshmi. we all wanted to enjoy.now, l'm blamed. how could you blame me foreverything that had happened? why beer? l told you to throw it, didn't l?- drink.

slowly man. look around whetheryou'll get water here. where will you get water here? hic-cups haven't stopped. there is some light over there?- where? where? let me see through this camera. over there. zoom it.

looks like a guest house. looks like a car. we may get water there. l'll drink water & come back. wait. l'll come with you. l'll also come.- radhi, wait. bloody hic-cups! ali should've got these hic-cups. l don't understand anything.where are we now?

ldiot! l'll tell youtomorrow morning. you tell me sathya. the place of the party isapproximately 60 km from home. and we travelled away from the cityat about 120 kmph for 30 minutes. 60 + 60 = 120. we are 120 km awayfrom hyderabad. with trees & mountains around,it should be vikarabad forest. forest...?- snake... look, your hic-cups have stopped.

stop your stupid jokes. let's go.- come. will there be tigers in this forest? you reminded me about something. the tiger which came to jubilee hillswas from vikarabad forest. lakshmi, there is nothing here. nothing here.- why are you so scared? the tiger came from here only. l read that in the newspaper.

lf the tiger comes,l'll definitely shoot it. why did you stop? l'll shoot it with this video camera. l'll kill you & l'll shoot yourdead body with the camera. you're right. sathya, once we reach the city,we must first kill him. you're right.- watch your steps, boys. stop fighting & let's go there. there must be some party going on.

there are many cars here. may be they've come with girls.- shut up. stop your discussions.- let's see. slowly sathya. don't shout radhi.- stop it. hello. somebody there. no reply. may be they are fast asleep. what to do now?

l hear a baby crying. there must be a family there. should be baby care center.- shut up. may be it's a ghost. lt is coming from there. stop. where are you going? careful...- don't shout. slowly... may be the child's parents have slept.

lt is a boy or a girl? l'll find it out from its father. slowly. let's run lakshmi. some young boys aretaking photos of us. go & catch them. run. don't let them go.catch them & kill them. spare no one.

they are here only search. search. hey, search.... kill him.... raghu, look at that black pig. we can feed a villageif we cut him. what's your name?- sai. louder. - sai. sai sir.- sit down.

ls that your original name?- yes sir. that boy. tell louder. - magi.sit down. make him stand up.- l told him... get up & tell your name.- don't touch. who cares who you are? what's your name?- tell me. he's asking, isn't it? sit down. lying to me.- who's he? they behaved very rudely.that's the vehicle number.

l tried to tell them what had happened. but they beat me. they said he is minister's son-in-law. lt's alright. don't get tensed.l'll take care of it. what happened? lakshmi is not in radhi's house too. radhi also hasn't come home yet. they are also very tensed.

sathya & karthik's phoneare also not reachable. don't know what has happened.- what happened? karthik drives very rashly.may be any accident.... accident? though l refused,you sent her with them. that's why l didn't want tosend her anywhere. wonder where she is? mother, don't worry. sathya, did you get the signal?- no signal.

how about your's?- no. what happened to karthik & ali? you? did you get scared?- no. where are you goingwalking backwards? l was searching for you all. so, you didn't get scared.- are you joking? ls that so important?- did you see karthik? did you see karthik?- no.

so, even you too didn't see him. l heard gun shots last night. l also heard karthik shouting. have they killed him? l wonder where he is. didn't l tell you that theywould've killed him? don't talk nonsense. nothing would've happened to him.he might have fallen somewhere. guys, our car.

may be karthik is over there. let's go & find it out. someone else might be here. give me the camera. give it. come. radhi, get in. lakshmi, get in. ali....get in.

where are they? did they escape in our car itself? our lives are stuck in their camera. what is this?why are you bleeding? how dare they beat you & escape? they must die. camera shouldn't go to the public. come inside... sathya, come inside.

totally five, 3 boys & 2 girls. they are karthik, sathya,ali, lakshmi, radhika reddy. a worst kind of a group. they were in endeavor black.temporary regn. ap98 9099. the vehicle is registered onkarthik's father nageswara rao. he's a real estate owner. very stubborn guys,there will be lot of pressure. we shouldn't leave anyone. how dare they hit a policeman.

we were able to get theaddresses of all the 5. we must beat them black & blue. we all are alive.- thank god we've escaped. what happened last night? l didn't know where to go in the dark. l found myself near the guest house. l saw this car there. there was a guy. l had to beathim up to take this car. did you recognize theskin head guy?- which one?

the one who quarreledwith us in the traffic. that guy caught radhika and if l did not give him the camera,he threatened to kill her. luckily you came there on time. why does he need this camera?will he sell it? lost your senses? you shot everything withthis video camera last night. that's the reason.- oh l see. they sacrificed a little boy.

that scene still scares me. why did they kill that boy? what's happening there? may be a human sacrifice?- human sacrifice? we saw them doing that, will they kill us too? will they kill us too? they can kill us only if they find us. how can they find us in abig city like hyderabad?

an idea. no one should come out of ourhouses for a week, okay? okay.- what okay? l'm scared of going to home. my parents must be worrying.l warned not to go. call your home andtalk to your mom. where is my phone? lost...my phone is also lost. my dad warned me notto use any phones.

always crying?- what? l'll buy a new one for you. no signal in my phone. you won't understand my feelings. does your phone have the signal? even karthik's phone isnot working. very good. no signal,phone is under repair... lakshmi, we will talk toyour parents. okay? go to lakshmi's house first.

ls this the house?- yes. what's her name?- lakshmi. age?- 19. having no control over a19 year old girl, you don't know where & withwhom she is flirting around. talk respectfully. ls she a home minister or achief minister to respect? yesterday was her brideseeing ceremony. who is the groom?- today is her engagement.

but her marriage will bein police station only. we are already tensed withoutknowing her whereabouts... where did she go? she said she is going to amovie with her friends. did she say so or are youtelling this on your own? do you know where she went? she went to drink & dance. just because you're a police,you can't talk as you like. do you know what your daughter did?

she along with her 4 idiotshit a police patrol vehicle. lf anything happens to her... do you know about the3rd degree punishment? let me show you what it is.- leave him... what are you talking? you can't misbehave with public. public pay our salaries. sorry madam. what to do?

we see crime from morning andsometimes we lose our temper. the matter is very simple. your daughter committeda minor accident... accidents in hyderabadare quite common. you know that very well. but they hit our police patrol vehicle. very similar to that. might have got scared & sped away. police.- police in my house...?

why are they here? as soon as they come,ask them to call this number. that's my personal number. nothing to worry.... they are very young. lf they had committed anything wrong,please forgive them. forget it madam. this is a simple matter.l'll take care of it. l'll take care of it.

but ask them to call meas soon as they come. don't forget.- okay. let's find out what's happening.go slowly. they can't see us.- this is our car, right? this vehicle isn't ours.the windows are closed. go slowly. don't mistake me. don't be so rude with public. lt won't be nice.

you be here. call me if there is any urgency.- okay sir. you got my number, right? my mom...- go slowly.. my dad... everyone is standing outside. they can't see us. would you like to have... stop it. get inside.

don't even ask for water... hello, it's me aunty...any news about radhi? still there are few policemen. shall l talk to policemen directly? l'll check and come. not this man. let's go from the backyard. police vehicle?! hitting any vehicle is problem,now it's a police van.

what now? police will go to our homes.they'll definitely arrest us. l said let's check and gobut you didn't listen. who knew it was a police van? don't talk whatever you feel like. what did my mother say? nothing, just police came andthreatened your father. he's very tensed aboutyour engagement. my father gets tensedfor simple things also.

now police...threats...don't know howmy mother is coping with all this. l know she would be crying. there's a good policemanamong the police, he has promised to help usand told us to call him...take. let's surrender andtell everything to the police. lakshmi's engagementwill get cancelled. shall we go away from here? where can we go? entire hyderabad is beingcombed by police for us.

unnecessarily l lied...l never lied before. l deserve this. don't cry like a little girl. we all decided andwent to the party. let's think aboutour immediate action. l'm scared. l committed the accident. not just accident...he's serious...what if he dies? lf he dies?!

he'll not die. at any cost lakshmi's engagementshouldn't get cancelled. l did the accident andl was driving the car. you all are not connected to it. l'll talk to the policeand surrender. you go home with lakshmi. how can you surrender?have you gone mad? nothing will happen, my dad will get me outin one hour, watch it.

after listening you,l'll not go. ls it cl? my name is karthik... ...just now you came to lakshmi'shome regarding an accident. yes...come on tell me. actually...we did nothing wrong... you don't get tensed...it's a simple matter. l didn't knew it was a police van. where are you now?

greetings sir...l'm karthik. just now l called you on phone. oh ls it you? tell me karthik. lt was all my mistake,l was driving the car. l was speeding away and suddenlythe vehicle came up... don't get tensed... after committing an accidentyou would've escaped in tension. you are young.where are your friends? lakshmi is gettingengaged today,

police problem may stall it. they weren't involved in this. l'm here, so arrest me. no fear...listen to me. police mean routineformalities will be there... how many friends were you there? five. lf all five come to stationand sign papers, l'll personally ensure youare released immediately.

no problem...l'll take care. no sir... - listen to me. sir...they are the devils... tell me where is it? leave him...leave him... sir...it's them... ...they butchered a child... ...yesterday night... ...we recorded everythingin the handycam...

why did you fire at him?what did he do? have you gone mad? he has gone mad... ...how many times l've toldyou to control him. you never listened. you told me, didn't you? l was on the job. lf you had been patientfor few more minutes... ...video camera would'vereached our hands.

you both spoiled everything. bloody! where is the video camera? who are your friends? girls...party...wine... l'll rip your skin...l'll cut you into pieces. l'll kill you...tell mewhere is the video camera? tell me...will you tell or not? bastard! aren't you ashamed?lick his ass! are you a policeman?bloody pimp!

how dare! kill him! how dare you spit on me! tell me bloody!l'll blow your head! where is the camera? tell me bastard,where is the camera? why hasn't he come back yet? has he come? he's coming. who is the lnspector next to him?

lnspector may help us. a message at this hour? from your phone...where is your phone? my phone? my phone is with him. danger!!?!! what danger? go...that side... they were here only sir. they were here only...here only...

what danger?- why police? don't know what hashappened to karthik? wait, l'll check and come. they were all here only. believe me sir! are you playing drama with me? leave me sir...l'll give the video camera... leave me. please sir...l'll not tell anyone...l beg you sir...

leave me man. l'll give you the video camera sir. please sir...l'll not tell anyone...l beg you sir...- leave me man. stop this drama. hey give the gun to me! fools! listen to me,give the gun! give my gun,it's a big problem. run...run... catch them.

bloody! how dare to fire at me! follow me. come...come....don't spare...kill them you go this side...you there... come immediately toganapathy complex. okay sir. hello! ls it yadagiri? let's take him to a hospital. yes, let's go...but how?

near ganapathy complex...come immediately. lt's very painful. near ganapathy complex... wait, l'll come.- okay. come in. move quickly... you promised neverto enter sanathnagar. he's raju nayak,he's also from that gang. he promised help, didn't he?

he's a fraud. he promisedhelp for the video camera. just missed or else hewould've killed all of us. kill us?let's give the camera to police. even if we give he'll kill us. are they going to kill usfor a video camera? what's in it? go...go...go... go slowly sir. reverse!

go carefully! why is he shouting? police have shot him. police shot him?who are you sir? sir..sir...drop me sir... we may anyone...keep quiet! l may die. a car is coming, watch out! apply brakes!

go fast man...go fast. oh my god! catch it!...catch it! what are you doing sir? follow them! can't you drive carefully? come on get going! turn right...abdulla... bastards escaped!don't leave them...go after them. go to the nearest hospital!

hold him. come...come.. - slowly! go out...go.. lf you had gone to apollo, they would've squeezed rs. 30000under the pretext of various tests. you would go bankrupt. ln a way they are right. ls it paining you if l ask rs.30? who are you?

treat our friend. treatment? bullet injury. bullet? he's bleeding. bullet injury will bleed,not only that it's police case. police? that's a serious case. will you treat him or not?

dummy? no compounder...no nurse...no wife too! lf police come to know this.. l think l'll get a stick! where are they?- who sir? they vanished sir. when l opened my eyes,no one was there. l escaped from there in fear. where? - narsipatnam sir.

l'm from narsipatnam sir. l sold my wife's jewelsto buy this car. for my living, l came on to theroad first time, suddenly they entered my car, l don't know anything sir. mata clinic, jawahar nagar. poor little children,please help them sir. many people are after them.

lt seems they havea video camera, for which policeare after them. police reminds me of...some nayak...raju nayak! he's the man behind everything. lt seems he's tryingto kill them. he has already shot one,poor boy is struggling for life. ls he a minister? ls he heavy lndustries minister? long live gattaiah!

long live gattaiah's leadership! have you found raju nayak? l'm trying sir...greetings sir... hold that line...first get hold of raju nayak. greetings! leader! throats have gonedry shouting slogans! give rs. 50 extra. wait...wait! raju nayak can't catch them,get ram nayak on line.

everything happeningis for my end only! why are you so scared?everything will be good for us. what's left good to happen for me? my life is sealed in thoseyoungsters' camera. may have given it to newspapers... ...tv media people... ...or to cm directly... ...may be already given it? tomorrow...is my swearing-in ceremony.

heavy lndustries portfolio! why?why did you make me do that? not you, l should beatmyself with slippers. raju nayak took his share. l'm getting calls from cm'soffice to come there. do you think he may have known it? don't worry gattaiah. this is a talisman lemon,keep it in your pocket. this is vermilion, have it.

everything will go inyour favour, trust me. trust you? my foot!to hell with your sacred ash! l trusted you and ruined myself. l was happy till l trusted in self. l was successful in all my plans. do you know? to become village president, l strangled my own father whowas the sitting president. for the ancestral property,

l pushed down my elder brotherfrom fifth floor and killed him. for getting a contract project, l sent my younger sisterto sleep with project officer. fearing that he may teach thepolitical tricks to someone else, l killed my political gurucrushing him under a lorry. l progressed in politicsand became a minister. not just a minister,if l sacrifice a child, you gave me a hope thatl'll become cm of this state, l sacrificed a childcutting it into two.

what's the result?l'm losing all that l've strived for. lf anything like that happens, l'll push this lemon into youand cut you into two, l'll sacrifice you to mother goddess. when l went there,raju called me on phone, the matiz they used belongsto brahmam driving school, one of our sl got injuredseriously in that incident. l may not get cm's post, see thatl don't lose this ministership. sir, raju nayak is on line.

raju nayak? did you get the camera? no...l'll tell my dad everythingthat had happened. he'll take care. tell him. lt's engaged. l'll try your home. - try it. open the door...l'm here. l'm not a hero, l'm raju nayak.

you are here for me,l've come here for you only. do you know what was l earlier? l'm raju nayak. open...open...open... locked from outside. nobody can come out from inside. l can come in from outside. ali...our ali! we have left him in the hospital.

raju nayak is there. go that side. don't know what hashappened to ali? what's the password? search them. brother, phone for you. ....escaped...but where will they go? ali's death is here only,bloody bastards! lf l don't get the video tapein 2 minutes,

l'll kill ali. he's threatening to kill ali.- kill him? - what next? why did you cut the line? l was confused and cut the call. why did you cut the line?- he may kill him. he's calling again. switch on loudspeaker. no plays... ...will you give the cameraor shall l kill him?

kill him...kill him l say! why did you tell him to kill ali? he's already threatening andyou are asking him to kill ali. what's your idea?have you gone mad? all the trouble is forthis camera only, isn't it? till this camera is with us,he'll not harm ali. what do you say sathya,lakshmi,and radhi? no...- what no? they butchered a child,will he be our minister?

his life is capturedin this camera. should we spare him easily? sorry...l'll leave him...give the camera to me. saw that! come to our way like that. bloody bastards,come to the hospital. we too have criminal brains. we are not coming to you,you are coming to us. call after 10 minutes.we'll tell the location.

where shall we ask him to come? where are we first now? lt's ravindra bharathi! come to ravindra bharathi with ali. lt's near to police headquarters. that's why we are askingyou to come there. bloody fool, come with ali! go bloody idiot! get down...

lt's ali! where are you? don't search for us bastard,we'll not be seen. but we can see you clearly,you donkey! that's why we didn't tell our address. have you brought youreunuch group too? first tell those wastrels to leavethe place, bloody bastard. send them out! okay...okay...l'll send them.

you go...all of clear off! ordering me. what next?- give the phone to ali. take it. talk to them. hey come straight! stop bloody! what?- that side. will you give the cameraor else.... give me...give me...give me my camera. karthik, give the camera.

don't shout...keep quiet! don't play with police. give me the cameraor else l'll kill him. leave ali, you'll get the camera. do l look like a joker to you? bloody! l'll blow up your heads. didn't l tell you? send ali. do you want the camera or not? bloody bastard keep quiet.

here's the camera, leave ali. what happened now? leave ali, we'll give the camera. leave him. go. hey call nelson on phone. sit down. you want nelson,he's in police station, meet him in the court tomorrow,now hang up.

who is nelson among you? - me sir. using connections? they are all in police station.- police station? they might've gotcaught last night. ln half hour...- commissioner is here sir. why is he here? - surprise visit. they were partying neargandipet without permission. when questioned, they beat upa police constable. how much did our man ask?- rs 50000!

pubs, dances and discos arecommon to that age. when people are looting the nation,are you showing power on youngsters? well said sir. show me the records. will you give me an electric shock? they are getting smarter. l know where you are. l'll kill you bastards. no one can go alive from here,l'll kill all of you.

let me see how they canescape from me. sathya! come out! karthik, all of you come out call them out. call karthik. till there's life... ...this girl is really nice... ...l'm going to kiss her now... ...ls kiss bitter to you?

leave me...leave me. bring him here. aren't you ashamed to do likethis as a policeman? where's the camera?where are you friends? leave them...leave them... kill him. l'll kill him. sathya, kill him. why are you surprised boy?

lf no use l don't mindkilling my man too. l don't like my man getting caught,so l killed him. where's the camera?tell me bastard, where's the camera? where's the camera?tell me, where's the camera? here...here's your camera...spare them. shut up bloody! ls it the real cassette? lt's the real cassette. will you picturise my sacrifice?

will you escape from me?what will you do now? how much you hadplayed with my life? raju nayak, come here. aren't you an encounter specialist? l wish to see you killingthem one after the other. tomorrow is my swearing-in ceremony. l'm ordering as theheavy lndustries minister. kill them! kill!...kill!

he said one child's sacrificewill make me the cm, if l sacrifice five youngsters,l'll become pm. kill them..kill them... sir, l'm raju nayak, gowliguda cl. sir, they are east division,anjanna dalam, action team. lie...lie...- shut up! they are on run forthe last 2 months. a small child...they butcheredhim mercilessly. child? - we recorded iton handycam also.

they are lying sir.- he broke the camera sir. we are telling truth. video shooting? they are extremists. ask minister also. oh alexander! he's our man. what he says is true.they are not ordinary students. they are naxalites.- lie! they are trying to kill us sir. they kidnapped me demandingrs.4 crores to release me. they tried to kill him,kill them in an encounter.

l'm telling you andyou are keying something. do you know who l'm? heavy lndustries minister! for the state of andhra pradesh. how are you?what happened to you? how did you all come here? how did you know we were here?- mms! mms? who sent you?- here. l sent them.

you? how? modern technology. your film is released locally now, in few minutes it'll be releasedall over the state. he would've killed us. this bastard killed a child. this bastard showed us hellall through the night. beat them! sir, there raju is...- when will they open the shop?

looks like they may kill him. no problem, let them kill him. lf we arrest they'll come outon some pretext. tell our people to stay out of this. let's enter if it reallygoes out of our control. what's all this? even after so much ofmodern technology development, what's all this nonsenseof human sacrifice? we have arrested the voodoo man,he's waiting for you.

are you man or beast? politicians like you should.... l wish to see an lndiawithout politics. good...enjoying parties,drinks and pubs. so you do suchgood work too, good! but be careful whiletaking such adventures. l forgot... next time you party,don't forget to invite me. hey lakshmi's engagement.

stop! ln the year of parthiba, in the month of november, a friday, on the day of star anuradha andauspicious time of vrishabam, ravi kumar, sonof duggirala raghukumar, will marry mahalakshmi as fixedby the elders of the family. stop your video shoot,enough of what we went through. enough! this is too much.

we got star image because of me. keep quiet. on the happy occasionof lakshmi's marriage, l'm thinking of throwinga big party! party?!

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