hybrid suvs 2010


(rock music) - all right team, charge. ♪ take me out on the water - [both together] we fishing. ♪ way out in the woods (gun firing) ♪ where the breathing is easy ♪ the living is good ♪ out in the great outdoors

- [larry] welcome tolarry smith outdoors. we're sponsored by the badger sportsman magazine, bartlein barrels, warrior boats, lynch of mukwonago, big snow resort, hard and soft fishing, suzuki,

wings over wisconsin, dick smith's bait & tackle, kmiec law firm, komelon measuring tools, vexilar, deep freeze, cold snap, norm's ag, and jiffy.

and remember, it's agreat day to be alive. ♪ outdoors - [man] holy moly. (country music) - cody, what do you got there? - oh, it's food. you can't have any though. - [larry] but what do you mean? i'm protecting you.

that's why i have the firearm. - [boy] no, it's mine. - i tell you what, these kids nowadays, they don't make 'emlike they used to and they're crabbyin the morning. that's the other parti don't understand. how you can you be crabbyon such a beautiful day like today?

hey, good morning and welcometo larry smith outdoors. hey this morning whatwe're gonna be doing is we're gonna be doingsome goose hunting and hopefully maybe a fewducks will come into the field. we're hunting oversome cut corn. hey, we're huntingwith out good buddy, shotgun shaffer andhis friend mark, and of course, cody. and i can't believe, cody,

you're up thisearly this morning. he's a littlecranky this morning so you kinda bearwith him a little bit. but, hey you guys tell us what are we doinghere this morning. - we're on a the farmer just cut solid. there's corn layingall over the field. and we got a northwest wind

and our field issetup north to south so i'm kinda, i got some decoyssetup to the left. i got 'em all farther. and i got my decoyssetup closer. we got a pocket of about40 yards in between. - okay. - so, i'm gonna put mydecoys closer to the corn. the other decoysout a little farther

so when they comein on a cross wind, you want yourscloser to suck 'em in to get in themiddle of that pocket. and then we're standing, full corn hasn't been cut yet, and we're gonna shoot'em when they come in. - you know steve, you know i'm not, and i admit it,

i'm not that goodat setting up decoys and i've hunted with you before, and it's amazing how muchof a difference it makes to have the right patternwhen have set your decoys up. and boy, i'll tell ya, when it comes to fishingcomes to hunting, you are always learning. and you were saying yesterday with the drizzle and therain that we're getting here,

that it's really key to wipe the decoys offthemselves too, huh. why is that? - i switched acouple of years ago. i used to have a flocked(inaudible), the plastic bodies. - yeah. - the moisture gets on them. and the geese come over the top. you guys think they're stupid,

they live in parks. but they see that and theysee that glare on that body, they're outta here. so i carry towels. i used to carry a torchwhen we went to canada. we'd warm 'en up, wipe 'em down. i just buy fully flocked now. so now when they come in, they see the decoys.

they don't see the flareor the shine on the decoys and then they comeinto out decoys better. it's just things i learn. i mean i'll ask you for fishing but come to this stuff, this is what i live for. i live for goose hunt andduck hunt everyday now. this is my time of year. - you know and a big thing too,

is in wisconsin here you know years ago, steve,and you know this. as a kid, you never sawa goose all summer long. - nope. - they just now we'vegot all these geese that are staying here and it's really kind ofan overpopulation of them. so, i mean it's a bigthing to try to harvest some of these birds andkeep the numbers down.

so, and they're prettygood darn eating. - especially theway you cook them. - i got 'em outtathere today for snacks. but, yeah, i used to get a tag, one tag for horicon. - that's what we got, too. - you go there and shootone tag and that was it. now, from september1st to the 15th, they're letting youshoot five a day.

- yup. - then after that'cause they know the migrators are comingdown a little bit. - max, don't eat that food. - we're back to two a day. - right. - yeah, we'll show you howwe set these decoys up. i got little stakes. they're all flocked,they turn, they wiggle.

you want the wind to make'em move a little and pivot and hopeful they'll come in. - and what's, hey what's that other decoythat we used the other day. - the wing waver. - what do you call it? - wing weaver. - it's called the general. it's scary how good it works.

when you flap themwings a couple of times, we'll show you on camera. we'll flop them and itjust brings them geese in. - hey, and if there'sanybody out there that has one of these and that wants to get rid of it, we're looking for another one. so, just so lateron when we show it, make sure that if anybody'sgot one in their garage,

in their basement andthey want to get rid of. max stay away from that food. (laughing) make sure you give us a call. hey, stay tuned and let'ssee what happens this morning here on larry smith outdoors. doing a little bit of goose,duck and goose hunting. - [spokesperson] thewarrior story continues with the best tracking,driest ride in the industry.

designed with a high degreeof dead-rise and bow flare to push water out and down for a smooth, dry,comfortable ride. the smart trollingkeel limits bow drift for enhanced boatcontrol in the wind and with a lifetimehull warranty, warrior boats are built to last. a legend reborn. - woo ha!

- [spokesperson] badgersportsman magazine, wisconsin's premiereoutdoor magazine. fishing and huntingin wisconsin, written by outdoorenthusiasts from wisconsin. each issue features timelyfishing and hunting articles from experts across the state. badger sportsmanmagazine will help you make the most out ofyour time in the woods or on the water.

subscribe to badgersportsman magazine today. - [spokesperson] kalin'shas been catching multi-species fishfor over 30 years. from our crappie grubs, to our seismic series ofhybrid swim baits and grubs, to our jerk minnows. - you can't see thatjerk minnow can you? - no he ate it. - [spokesperson] to ourgarlic and salt impregnated

wac-o-worm. - that's a kaylin's wac-o. - [spokesperson] our premiumline of kaylin jigheads. oh, and our originalkaylin's grubs still does a prettygood job, too. - just look at that kaylin'sin her mouth right there. (exploding) - [spokesperson]wings over wisconsin, a non-profitorganization dedicated to

natural resourcerestoration, preservation, and education with youthand community involvement. through cooperation withprivate land owners, state and federal agencies, wings over wisconsinhas been a leader in the preservation of ournatural wildlife habitat with donated dollars stayingin wisconsin for wisconsin. for information abouthow you can join this great organization,

or how to start a new chapter, please visitwingsoverwisconsin.org. - hey larry, i remember i told you thelast time we were out, this is called the looker. it's usually the momor dad in the family. - [larry] yeah, that'sinteresting, steve. okay. - i always want,

i was taught a long time ago, people you alwayswant the mom or dad, their hind end into thewind 'cause the birds have to fly into the wind. so i put the looker withit's back to the wind and all the feeders,juvies, in front of feeding. so that's the way i wastaught and it seems to work. i mean i've killeda few geese, so. - yeah, you have.

you know and that'sa funny thing. when you ever watch geeseand they're anywhere, even in a park orout in a field, there's always a certainpercentage of them are always not feeding andthey're always watching. they're actually apretty smart bird as far as i'm concerned. - feel that fabric on her? that way there's nomoisture on there.

- [larry] okay, nowif they were plastic-- - it'd shine instantly. - it would. - and inside hereif you can see that, there's a hole in there. this stake goes in there so you always take that pin, put it against the wind. - [larry] against the wind.

- so this fits in here. there's also a locking pitterif you want to lock them but i always make'em float around. so that sits in thereand there's a groove that that pin rotatesback and forth. so allows the birdto move a little bit. - look more lifelike. - bobs a little bitlike they're feeding. - you know it's amazing steve,

as a kid growing up i stillhave a bunch of my decoys the older ones. and you wouldn't even thinkabout using them decoys. they just, they just don't work, you know? i mean these birds areso used to seeing decoys and now with these new decoys, the look so lifelike, i mean it's just the way to go.

- yeah, rule of thumb is when i'm hunting withkids and everybody, if they're flying over and you can see whiteof their cheeks, they're coming over, they're low enough to kill. - oh, that's how you judge that because you know a lot ofpeople have a problem with that depth perception you know.

so, and that's a goodrule of thumb huh. - yeah, cause a lot of times they don't always land. they could come over, you could see thewhite of their cheeks, you know they'rewithin 25 yards. you see the whites, shoot 'em. - take 'em, huh? - and they fly a lot fasterthan you think they are.

like when they'recoming sideways on you, i lead 'em by six, eight feet. - oh that's-- - and when you'rehuntin' waterfowl, you pull up on it causeyou're done ready, hit their chest, go up to their headand don't stop. keep swinging it past their head then pull the trigger.

- and pull you're sayingon a day like today with a light wind like that, you're leading 'emat five to six feet? - easy, easy. - holy cats. you know it's hardto really you know but if you thinkabout long it takes for that shot to getout to that point when that bird ismoving that fast.

- yeah, we only have what it, i think these shells, thesestill shot like 50, 60 yards. and then after that they justdrop right out of the sky. it's made so that way the lead, it would carry fora hundred yards. now you can hunt in spotswhere the shot only goes off 50, 60 yards it just drops. as soon as it getspast this zone, it just falls out of the sky.

- hey steve, you know what? when i go to fleet farm or goup to midwest shooter's supply and i'm lookingfor shotgun shells, and of course youknow, waterfowl, it's all steel shot. there's so many differentbrands, and types, and speeds. when you're huntinggeese, ducks and geese in a field situation like this, what do you thinkthe best shot is?

do you use two shot,bbts, you know fours. i mean three inch,three and a half inch, two and three quarter, what do you use? - today, i'm usingthe winchester xperts. they're 1550 feet per second, that's the fps says on it. - [larry] yup. - it's 12 shot number threeinch, one and a half ounce,

that's the shot in there, and it's bb. i mean, there's nofat on 'em right now. the geese come inand there's no fat. - now this is aninteresting thing. i never thought aboutyou talked about this when i hunted with youa couple weeks ago. i never thought about that, early in the seasonlike this the birds

don't have any fat on 'em. where later in the season, sometimes i mean thembirds are 20 yards and your puttingthe hurt on them and they just keepgoing, and keep going so. - i've cleaned them ready where you clean themand underneath the skin, there's bbs that didn'tgo through the fat and never hit the meat.

- [larry] wow. - and that's how much fat, when the come fromcanada come down, that's how you know it'sgonna be a bad winter. whenever the fat isthat bad on them, we're gonna be a cold winter like right nowthere's no fat on 'em. - [larry] okay. - so, i'm just using bb.

sometimes even if we hunt close, where we get the birds in close, i use twos and fours,three inch twos and fours. that's enough to knock'em out of the sky. but today, we're using bbs and they make triple bs, theymake three and a half inch. and when three and a half inch, boy you can reachout and touch some. it hurts when you shoot, so.

- so, are you telling me, i hope you're notsaying this to me. - [steve] i'mtrusting you today. - you're not telling me we'regonna have a warm winter. i sure hope not. - uh, i don't know. right now-- - cause i'm an ice fisherman and last year i gotcut short big time.

- this is the new hot item, man. the guys at work arenailing me for this. it's my venison meatball. i made these onesitalian inside. put a strip of onionaround, vidalia onion, and wrapped in bacon. - so that's how youget away with sleeping in your machine? because you're feedingthe boss and stuff?

- just cause i'm anoperator and stuff. - oh my gosh. are you kidding me? - huh, worked that quick. - cody, you don'twant any of these. - here, i'll leave 'emall for you, larry. i already ate. - check out theinside of that, guys. when it comes tomigration of birds,

you know we go out tonorth dakota all the time. and i tell you something, the last three, four years, we always go thelast week of october, we've been missingthe migration. and it seems that we've bemissing it by two or three days. and you were tellingme a little bit about how actually aduck and how geese how when they migratehow far they travel

and then they rest upfor a certain time frame. - yeah, the guywith that ultralight was following them one time. they did a show onnational geographic, cody and i were watching. and they were doing, the geese would feed forfive or six days, seven days, even ducks, same thing. they'd get on it and they'd fly.

and they go aboutthree to 500 miles, and they'd stop. and when they'd stop, they'd feed for five to six,four to five, six, seven days to fatten themselvesback up again. and then they'd takeoff and fly again. - so, go from canada to texas where they always go, is what, 3,000, 2,500 miles?

so you figure theygotta stop at least five times if you do the math, you know drop and feed. so they have to fatten back up and that's why theygot the fat on them, for the migrationto travel like that. so, that's what i was told. so if you see birds lands we got also so migrators come in,

it's like okay, you got at least aweek to hunt them. - four days to a week. - i'm glad i'm nottraveling with them birds i tell you what because i'd be stoppingabout every 10 miles. - at that rate. (soft guitar music) (shell clicking)

ready to go. hey steve! - [larry] is therean app for the geese so you know when they'recoming off the lakes? - i'm checking mother natureto see what's going on. - [larry] great. - [spokesperson] patrick,what are you doing out here? - mark, i'm goingfishing this weekend but with this massiveselection of trucks,

i can't figure outwhich one to take. - [spokesperson] the brandnew lynch mukwonago store has a massive selectionof brand new chevrolet, chrysler, dodge, jeep, and ramtrucks, cars, vans, and suvs. make you're next stop atthe all new state-of-the-art lynch mukwonagodealerships today. ♪ nobody sells forless than lynch - from the equipment we use to the clothing we wear,

the developments of modernice fishing technology only serves to make thetime we spend on ice with out friends andfamily more enjoyable. and there's one product thathas stood the test of time for over 30 years, and that's vexilar. the most trusted name in sonar. three generations of ice anglers have been usingvexilar technology.

and vexilar continuesto earn the respect of anglers allacross the ice fell. time to createyour own memories. visit vexilar.com - at jiffy, we prideourselves at being number one in developing the bestpropane drills on the ice. it's why our engineershave worked side by side with anglers for65 years running. (motor whirring)

all built and tested righthere in the u.s of a. (growling) patented proven performanceis jiffy's vision for the future. and from where we stand, the future looks (alarm buzzing) pretty darn sweet. jiffy,

we put the world on ice. - [spokesperson] the newbeaver dam titanium tip stick is first ice rod witha built-in extendable titanium spring bobber, making it the mostversatile ice rod ever. extend the bobber for ultralight pan fish jigging or retract it for game fishor when it's time for travel. it even has a built in rattlinghandle to attract fish. it took a while to comeup with an ice rod worthy

of the beaver dam name. but when we did, (sword slicing) boy, we nailed it. (ice crackling) (horn squawking) - [steve] that'sa decoy too guys right in the decoy. - [larry] that isabsolutely crazy.

- see when they're up above you and when you're callingat them it echoes. you'll hear it. like if you're overthere where my truck is, you'll hear an echo and a bird doesn'techo when it talks when it honks at you. so, if they're comingfrom my right shoulder, i turn to my left

(goose call squawking) and cluck at 'em. it's bringing 'em in. and then when i let them go by, when they get over my decoys, i let 'em go by, i taught this from my cousin, he's a pretty good caller. you let 'em go by get abouta hundred yards away from you

and then you turnyourself the other way and you throw out the hail call and that's whereyou guys going call. and instantly if you saw onewhen we were filming before, hurry up cody, here they come. peter down guys, get ready. you're ready, you'reready, you're ready. take 'em, take 'em, take'em. buck, good boy.

right here, buddy. - [larry] nice job, that was cool. - hey maxy. - [larry] hey, i tell you what, that was the first niceflock that came in. we got a couple otherbird singles come by but we seen that big flockcoming from the back there. so we let the singles go by.

and i'll tell ya, that flock there was abouta dozen birds in there boy and that was some funshooting right there. that was absolutely awesome. it's well worth, dan, gettingup at 3:30 in the morning. hey dan, we're gonna home in timeto go to church today. - [dan] you are. - excellent.

(slapping) (squawking) - [steve] there's three, three. you're done, we're done,we're done, we're done, there's three. - i told you we were gonnamake it to church today and that's awesome. - and that wasalmost a free dog. some guy gave it tome for a sandwich.

- [larry] what, a sandwich? - yeah, i made hima goose sandwich, he gave me a dog. - are you kidding me? - [steve] that's howgood on a shotgun, dude. - i got a dog, you got a goose sandwich? i got three dogs. you hunt a lot of differentfarms and i'll tell ya

that over the years it's amazing the amount of farmers that don'twant hunters on their land. and a lot of it'ssimply a simple thing of not picking up theirstuff that they bring in. it's not differentthan fishing, too. is that a few years agoyou could pretty much hunt anywhere,and fish anywhere. people would letyou on their land but it's a wholedifferent deal now.

what do you do differentso when you come on. - well the guys ihunt with i take out even if i'm bymyself or whatever, when we're done we makesure we stay in one area, we pick out all the houses. see where we got the empties? - which are allthe empties, yep. make sure that's all picked up. - pick them up.

whatever you do,whatever you do, round your soda cans,pick everything up, and when you're done alwaysstop by the farmer's house and say thank you. like when i get my goosedone prepped with sausage, i stop by their houseor drop off beer, all that stuff justto make 'em happy. 'cause there's nottoo many farmers that let us hunt anymore.

- [larry] right. - and if you get afarmers that's mad, he's not gonna let you hunt. then guess what? - he's gonna ruin itfor everybody, too. so that's that is a huge thing. simply comes downto this, steve, have a respect for theland owner's property. very simple.

- shaking their handwhen you're done. seriously, a handshake goes a long ways. like you say, you make them mad andwe're not coming back and i like hunting. this is what i live for. that's why my nickname'sthe shotgun chef. - right, and youknow realistically, the farmers are happy thatyou can hunt these birds

and harvest them 'cause of the damage they do. - they tear upeverything they got. so, year, we make them happy and they say, wego over and say hi. like i say, this guyher we're hunting, he has my cell phone. he doesn't likewhat we're doing, he's gonna call us andsay get off the field.

but, i call him priorand say i'm coming on it with this many people. can i drive in your field? and if he says no,we don't drive on it, we carried on like we did. i mean we carried'em in 150 yards. - right, which isn't too bad. - which takes acouple more minutes. - hey, so you know what?

we got our limit. we could still make it to church but i think we stillhave enough time, steve. you got anythingcooking at your house? - god yeah. i got some recipes, i got some stuff at home. - we'll let's pickup these decoys and let's get over there.

- all right, larry,welcome home my friend. - oh man. cody, you betterget in here cody. - here's what we got. got some nice hoagies. - [larry] oh, i love hoagies. is that an egg in there? - [steve] yeah, green bakery. eggs, just scrambled eggs,

caramelized onion. now this is on the recipe look on larry smith outdoors, i have breakfast sausage. it's our recipe, this is venison. but in here, i put a littlechorizo the mexican ah--. - [larry] oh, i love chorizo. - so i got chorizo,a little wedge,

- [larry] yep. - [steve] squeeze together on the bottom of belowthat orange queso cheese you buy in the cans. i just happened to haveone made for myself ready. - oh, is that good, steve. shotgun chef, youdefinitely got it dialed in. you know what? we got about 15 minutesbefore we got to leave

and get to church so. - pardon me. - place was good that's all i got to say. - what's this green thing? - hey. - no more sundrop. - [steve] i hear ya. - we're done.

- [steve] no more sundrop. - we're getting a divorce. - [cameraman] probablybe an ugly one. - gonna be very ugly. i might be a little crabbygoing down the road folks but we're done with sundrop. you got anymore foron the way to church? - yeah, i got somethingon the stove for dan. i know what he likes so.

he likes the wife's specialmarina, marinara sauce. follow me daniel. stay right there, stay rightthere, stay right there, stay right there. come on over. what i had here isanother hoagie bun. - [larry] what? - [steve] a little bit ofmozzarella on the bottom. - [dan] oh, man.

- take my venison meatballs, like a chainsaw eating. there's stuff flying everywhere. - i gotta hurry up. i got to make it to church. - here's mary's, i can't give therecipe for that guys, but my meatballsare on the website. we just had out inthe blind today,

the stuffed meatballs. - [larry] oh, that was awesome. - [steve] with onions and bacon. - [larry] i think it reallymade me shoot better. - i know it that i saw it. i was really impressed. i think that shootingwith sporting clay today helped you out, too. so folks,

this is another one here. there's mozzarellaon the bottom, little bit of onion mixedin, the wife's marinara sauce for those people thataren't married to my wife, gotta go to the store and buyyou're own marinara sauce. dan, i'll take thecamera and you can enjoy. - are we good? - [steve] yeah,you're own caveman. i know how much you like mary.

- dive into that. - lunch time here now. - the caveman finallygets to eat some. - [steve] come one, put your elbows out danny boy. - oh, look at the saucecoming out of that thing. man. - [steve] he can't even speak. - that's so good, man.

that is so good. - [steve] he's goingdown for seconds. - there won't be stopping, no stopping i'll tellya on the way to church. - [steve] you guys are hungry. - good hunting, great food. - life doesn't get any better. - nope, life is great. - [steve] let'ssee your face, dan,

bring it in. - i got messy face. you know i'm the editor, i might not put this in. - [spokesperson] subscribenow to never miss an issue of the badgersportsman magazine. this issue features greenbay packer, jeff janis. along with greatcelebrity profiles, you'll find everything youneed to know to have fun

and be successfuloutdoors in wisconsin. for availability in your area, and subscription information, check outbadgersportsman.com today. (intense music) - [spokesperson] with icefishing just around the corner, it's time to gear up. check out the new proskimmer by deep freeze offered in six inch, eightinch, and 10 inch models.

the fastest iceskimmer on the market. and once you're readyfor those tip ups, don't forget about blue tipz, the first tip up alert system sent straight toyour smart phone. free app availableon android and ios. check out theseand other products at deepfreezefishing.com or any of yourfavorite retailers.

(majestic music) - you know what, yesterday we had such a greatshoot on the goose hunting and today we're gonnafinish up our show by doing some walleyeand white bass fishing. the white bass have beencoming up the rivers because the amountof current we've had. so, it should be aninteresting morning. we're gonna start here inwinneconne and see what happens

so stayed tuned andlet's see what happens to part number two onlarry smith outdoors. so basically whati'm doing here is i'm pulling upstreammost of the time. and i'm going up there we go. i'm going justabout a mile an hour and i'm tacking you knowi'm going up the river and i'm tacking back and forthlike this most of the time. back and forth likeacross the river.

and it seems to workout a lot better and i'm just pumping that fly. letting it go backand almost every time that sinker is hittingthe bottom right there. i'm not dragging thesinker on the bottom but it's hitting the bottom. dale, you got onethere too, huh? and, bill. everybody's loaded up again.

yeah. - [dan] not that bad, huh? - [larry] oh, you did get two. i was just kidding. now all you gottado is lift right up. let's see if you canget three next time. ah, he did get three! grab the line, bill. grab the line.

whew, that pepper'sa little hot, danny. - [danny] yeah, it's biting now. - the reaper pepper. i didn't think the first piece i was like ah, this is nothing. but (sniffs) my nose is running. boy, i don't knowwhat i got here.

this is a couple white bass. no look. what is that back there? oh my. see what i'm saying about flies? look at the size of that pike that just hit that fly. - [dan] head first. - [larry] oh, lift up.

got get him. - [dan] gotta get him in there! - [larry] nice pike. good job dale. holy man. that is absolutelya beautiful fish. that is a nice fish. - on those itty bitty flies. - on them ittybitty flies, yeah.

i've caught sturgeonon these flies. i've caught pike before. you know, catfish. there's nothing thatdoesn't hit them flies. that's a beautifulfish right there. look at the girthon that thing, too. nice fish. there he goes. all right.

- [dan] you want somemore reaper pepper? - keep that reaper pepper. dale, bill, thanks for helping usfinish out our show here. let's take dannyback up to shore here and we're gonna helpup into the wolf and do some jigging, vertical jiggingfor some walleyes. you know what?

like i always say, what a great day to be alive. - shotgun! - yeah, hold on. filming a show. i'll be right there. hey, i'm sure thatnobody will mind but you know what? secret recipe,

i think we'll analyze it.

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