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what a sexy view! i'm not talking about myself,but about this. check it up. beautiful! come here.let's do intro here. here?- yes. and action! hi, friends.i'm vicky chatwal. i'm the director of the moviewhich we're going to make.

this is our first attemptat movie making. - fail! has someone died? - isn't this is how intro is given?- shut up! say something nice. you're the director.say something interesting. hi, friends. i'm vicky chatwal. the movie which we're goingto make, i'm it's... director. well this is our first attemptat movie making. so we're very,very, very excited. right, guys?aren't we excited?

bingo! in a few days our collegewill be over. after that we all will bebusy with our lives. i just wish even after collegewe could stay together. be together to do what... ...for which, i think everyoneof us is born. and that is, to make full lengthfeature film. so guys! who knows.may be very soon... ...you guys may justsee that board...

..."coming soon to a theatrenear you. " he's getting sentimental.. guy, why're you so emotional?- this is how i'm! this is the last trip. hi, my name is manavi... .. and i'm co-directing thefilm with the, vicky. okay. on a more serious note. all the events and incidentsshown in this film... ...are purely coincidentaland intentional.

and that resembles to someperson living or dead. all right, you could have saidthe same standing there, you know. i want sexy but you don'thave to come that close. ready?- yes, it was good. it's okay. is it looking okay?- yes very fine. okay, keep it now.- okay. do something, lift the oneat the back. hey, don't joke. you didn't even let mepump the body.

no, you look fine. hi, i am cj, and i ammain lead of this film. and if i may say,i am the hero of this film. vicky and manavi came to me. they told me that they'remaking this movie... ...and they want to cast meas hero. by the way i'm quite busy,because you know... ...i got some projects andassignment going on. but the main reasoni am doing this movie...

...because... - because nobodyelse would cast you. you fool! i am kiran.first let me tell you one thing. i am playing the lead characterin this film... ...and not cj. we had decided to have lotsof fun on this trip. we're really enjoying ourselves. vicky is getting sentimentalas usual. varun's as usual standingholding his.

hey!- hey, sorry. he's holding his camera. and cj and akki.. as usual they're takingeach other's case. hi, i'm simran andi'm manavi's friend. i am an actor in this project. and i'm...- that's it? - yeah. say something else. okay. which mouse walks ontwo legs?

think. which mouse walks on two legs... mickey mouse.yeah, isn't it? which duck walks ontwo legs? donald duck.- no... wrong. all ducks walk on two legs. stop it. what're you doing? i am just asking questions.- shut up! do you know she's doing usa big favor?

she's acting in this film. she is my best friend.- thank you, baby. thank you for coming. you should also thank her. hi! this is akki. i'm very thankful tomr. vicky chatwal. because in his important film.. .. he gave me the role of blind,deaf, dumb and impotent man. as per the sources,we've learnt..

.. because of some insecure actorslike cj and kiran.. .. my impotent role has beenedited. scoundrels!i'll see you. hi, i'm varun.and i'm the dop of this movie. cameraman!- i'll hit you. not cameraman, but dop.director of photography. my work is to make theseugly actors.. .. look beautiful on the screen. i do this work very well.

with this very camerai'll bring for you.. .. this movie's behindthe scene footage. every fight, abuses, romances andevery baseless conversations. everything. no hold barred.only for you guys. to put it in short.. .. as long as i'm breathing.. .. this camera will keep rolling. excuse me! what're you up to?keep your legs on your side or... hey, can't you see.

you know, i am stuck here. my father is chatwal not ambani.got it? our new friend who is ourcompanion in this journey.. we don't know much about her.. .. but we do know that she'swe fled from her home. don't make me feel guilty, man. it's just that.. .. i've my family that onlygirls are going for this trip. only girls!- hey..

this bungalow actuallybelongs to my uncle. last time i came here withmy entire family. there was a party.we halted somewhere else. then we partied hereat daytime and left. in fact, even then there wassome work going on here. so right now i don't knowwhat conveniences.. .. are available for us. wow! very nice.look at them.

behold! four youngstersof our nation.. .. are urinating in the forest! very good boys!keep it up. coming for a frontal shot.- shut up! i'm coming.seriously. i'm gonna come. hey, whoever you may be. you yak.love you. hey, you wash your hands!akki!

smile! hey, you too come! -great! yes, you too come!- why don't you come? hey, come on, man.- just a minute. this is good.- hey, my skirt.. the group doesn't looknice incomplete. come here for a minute. can you click our photo? click its photo. zoom it.

click a photo of this.smell it. we'll at least you can do something.- we'll get it printed everywhere.. .. so that his brothersand sisters.. .. get a message from me thatyou cannot come a bite me. got it?damn mosquito! if you don't become dop,you'll become mosquito hunter! what's your name? jaisilan. jaisilan?

what do you do?what's your profession? do you know suicide point? what?- suicide point. what a man! you work at suicide point!do you sell snacks there? people come to jump fromsuicide point. you push them.. if they've family problems,they commit suicide from there. i bring their bodies.

oh, so you recover bodies.- yes. i do that. how much do you charge? around 20-30 thousand. twenty thousand? first die then pay him30 thousand. i go down and bringthe body from gorge. come on, varun, you can jump.i'll pay the money for you. he has the full power man!you've full power? not full power, but fullpower tight position!

has tight position! full power, tight position. tell me something aboutmy character. did you see raaz? yes, this is today's raaz. hey guys, don't be mean. first time he's asked someproper question. answer him. that's the problem.they're not used to it. hey, friend! chill.- cj, i'll tell you.

basically in the filmwhat happens is.. .. you are... your character ismarried to simran's character. your first marriage was tokiran's character... but she dies. they go on honeymoon and... .. everything there is very niceand romantic and all that. but after some time.. ...kiran's ghost starts comingand haunting you guys. and then some scaryincidents happen.

that's it.. basically a horrorkind of thing. right, vicky?- yes. go on. i like the honeymoon part of it. pay for what? for the food you've eaten. who will pay?- i didn't eat anything. look. seriously..- you've licked the platter. get the luggage out fromthe car. come on. i'll pay 1 rupee for halfpopadum i ate.

come on, get the luggage. guys stop! these guys are disgusting. come out when you're donewashing dishes. have you decide what you'ddo after college? yes. vicky!- yes. our bangkok tickets have arrived. what are you saying, dude!bravo! yeah, do you realize this ourlast year in college.

and i think we've to startthinking about these things. no, no. you're mistaken. results are not yet out, ma'am. i hope i was not in same school. same school?- same school. which one? i found about new york filmacademy. nyfa. and they have this one yearfilm making course.. .. which is really tough andi wanna do that.

but it's very expensive.- yes. i know, that's the only problem. i'll work for few years. whatever,i'll get some finances ready. whatever.. after that, once i'm out of nyfa.. there they've all these big,production houses from hollywood. they come an recruit you.and your job is guaranteed. then i'll pay the loan off. i mean, i know it's a big riski am taking but..

buddy, she's totally sorted, man. how sorted, i know man.she has planned out. i say.. i think we should seriously thinkinstead of going to bangkok. i'm scared a bit. honestly. manavi!- yeah. jokes apart. we seriously appreciate whateveryou thought for yourself. what has she thought? any help. anything you needfrom us let us know.

do we tango?yeah? thanks.- great. i don’t know what but it’s good yes. so talking of bangkok.. our tickets have arrived. we've to go straight from here. and then there is a valley.we've to go from there. and..

we've reached! dude, wow!- oh my god! is this it? where are you going?- finally, man. finally.- how far is it from here? how far from the road?- we'll reach in an hour. what? look at this.- both sides are forest. there are wild animals too.- look at that tree. that's scary.look at that!

dracula's shooting..- vicky! vicky! hey, pull over.- what happened? i'm going on top. where?- on the carrier. help me, cj. what happened?- the shot will be better. there are only forestson both the sides. vicky!- yeah, i'm fine. it's very deep.

i can see the house. this is an awesome shot!- and this is cj's entry. but it's so far from here. let me close it. good, we won't get anytraffic noise. nothing. this approach roadlooks so great! dream, anaconda. is this the room? are you scared?

"present becomes past.. " sexier, man! is this outhouse? what is this? how much do you want to pee?- it opened. turn to the right side.- let's enter. this is our entry! girl's room!yoo-hoo! yoo-hoo! just a minute!why is it girl's room?

girl's room!- why is it a girl's room? this is ours..- no, this is our room. our room must be very special.- open it! there is no bed. the last man who used itdidn't flush. it stinks. there is no shower.-no shower? since 1995 i didn't bathewithout shower. then don't bathe for 4 days. wow..

what is it? hey, this is the scary room. right?- no, i'm not coming. come. he's talking on the phone. there is no network here?- listen, guys. these two doors don't open.they're shut! it has tools used for houserepair. so please.. as it is we don't needthese rooms.

the door won't open.call daya. but what's the need ofthat room? so this is the house.- do you like the house? it's first class.too good. very nice.- perfect location. santa was feeling happy. after ten minutes happyslapped him. make us laugh. sorry...

you tell your own stories takingsanta and banta's name. i've researched and found out.. in fact, why only my research? there is an institute by thename of metaphysics institute. on such para-normal activities..- i haven't had drink, let me. where does a soul go aftera person's death? heaven..- hell. very good.the matter is finished. no. when a person dies..

.. then his soul wandersin the world. now, generally there isa spirit guide. there is something calledas spirit guide. which takes it to itsfinal destination. which the spiritual world. now if through the journey.. .. the connection between thespirit guide and spirit breaks.. .. then the spirit wanders around. in some cases it wandersfor thousands of years.

the more it wanders.. .. the more its powers increase. its spiritual knowledgeincreases accordingly. but at the same time,it gets more urge.. .. to exert it's influenceon the living world. because it's wandering hereamongst us. when a spirit wanders here.. .. among humans, so thattoo has human emotions. and it wants to exert it.right?

so, emotions like greed,power.. .. control. it wants to exert that on theliving world around it. that's another logicalexplanation to it. metaphysics.which says.. .. there is no one to guide it.to control it. to punish it. so whatever it does.. .. whatever it can possibly do.. .. and what it wants,it does it.

but just because we are notaware of those things.. .. or we don't things are rightor because they are bizarre.. .. it's and evil spirit. vicky, do you remembervineeta? yeah, your maid? i was pretty young. she used to tell me lotsof ghost stories. ok, okay. shh... i've even experienced it.- cj had told me.

oh dear.. it is a serious story. i narrated to him. my uncle works in constructionfield. once during some excavation.. .. there they found an idol oflord hanuman. the workers said to builda temple at that place. uncle being modern, saidno nothing will happen. god's idol?- lord hanuman's idol.

i didn't hear that.sorry, i skipped that. so.. it wasn't about cj. no, seriously.- he didn't believe it. ok? then after some weeks.. .. his daughter.. my cousin.. .. was playing in a playground. she saw a very blackand weird crow. that crow was looking at her.

after that.. the crow usedto follow her everywhere. i mean.. .. in playground, in school.. if she's studying,he'd peep through the window. once we were sittingin her house. and suddenly we heard.. god! we all went running upstairs.. .. to her room.

what we see.. .. that she was hanging inmid air like this in her room. your cousin?- yes. oh, my god! after that.. after that,thank god it was 'interval'. and i came out ofthe picture hall. hey, shut up. wow, simple, dude!

don't do that.- it's not funny. come on!- crow, flying in mid air. what a man! -stop it. you're more flop thanram gopal verma. thank you.- sure. the limit was thathe made a remake. no, i haven't seen. i'll take my money back. dance.. -no.

you first return theliquor money to me. hi-fi, girlfriend.- yeah. and anthara gardenerwas very good. hey, be careful.it's wired world. no, no.no ghost story stuff. why are you laughing?- drunkard! how much did you drink today? half bottle. varun, stop it..

it's in the train.to stop the train.. serious. the station is here.- station master. station master vicky chatwalis working hard. sanjay leela bansali.- ok. hey, let me work work..kaam, kaam, kaam. kaamasutra. i have found a prey. prey!

special take. strip tease scene one. take one.action! take one. have you seen holowman?it's the same situation. but only khali, the wrestler,isn't under the blanket. he's our mister hero. now i'll kiss him. akki, don't annoy me.please. let me sleep.- let him sleep.

my name is ratan noora.. .. and i finish the work i start. rape scene, take one! varun, take him away.- akki, stop it. i'll thrash you black and blue. if he gets up, he'll whack you. he's our angry long man i'm warning you, akki. this is sheela's youth.

this.. is his trouser.. and this... it pans from here.. you'll get beating. it pans.. his trouser..- you.. akki! hit him! hit him! hit him more come here.

you rogue.. come here. come. hey! hit! hit the rascal! cj, hit him! now who'll save you? hit him! give him more. give him some puncheson my behalf too. hit him.

what was that sound?- shhh... let's go in. go in. do you see anything? nothing can you see anything? vicky, listen. let's go see outside.- take the bat. let's go out and see. cj come with me.- yes.

vicky, let's go.. it's pitch dark. here.. the sound came from the gate. careful. the tree must've fallen.- it's a tree. it's a tree. but where did it come here? i don't know.the tree wasn't here.

just a second.- be careful. akki, stop. it's such a big tree. how did it get here? i don't understand. if it broke,from where did it break. there is nothing here. how did this big branchcome here? i don't know. from where did it fall?

damn! it's very heavy.- forget it. hey, you just hold the camera. come push from here.- but it couldn't have been.. one! two!- you all stay back. - yeah.three.. four! oh, god!- come on! come on! entire tree fell down!- push it. -let go! damn! push that aside.- push this side.

which way? push it to that side. come on. pull! from where did fall.it's such a big one. one, two, three! bravo!- just a minute. move from there. are you okay? -move.- wait a minute. it's wasn't there in the morning.

i think you should just leave itnow. it's away from the gate yes it is.- guys let's go back. we'll see tomorrow.come now. varun, what are you doing? buddy, it's okay.- just come and shut the gate day one is over. it was a very eventful day. it was a very long drive. the noodle was very bad.

it was an amazing camp fire. we drank a lot. cj and akki fought a lot. we enjoyed watching it. that fallen tree scaredus to death. we were scared.but now it's okay. we've not shot even a singlescene of our short film. tomorrow vicky is goingtake us to task. so before he yells at me,i'm going to sleep.

i promise, this camera willnever stop rolling. but now i'm sleepy so i've toturn the camera off. good night. sleep tight.good night. the tree is still there. isn't it strange?how can it come there by itself? i don't understand. let it be, vicky. let's go. we've to shoot. listen. -it's no use pondering.we've lots of work.

i think we should shootin the forest. we'll go straight fromhere and take a look. let's go for recce.- let's get ready for some action. akki, get up! good morning. seriously. why are you here? this is all for the camera. i never saw you exercising.

so, why don't you go? my! okay, do it once.show it. - you've to go. hey, do it once.- go out! oh god! i'm doomed! do it once.come on. do it once.whoop! you can actually reach it?- yes. hey, man! hey, i hat it.

i don't know the way too,so please stick together. you didn't tell me. i'm not ready.i didn't put my makeup on. move forward.- we'll shoot here.. manavi, you did take thescript, right? varun. -yes.- i'm marking it. yeah, you mark it. make it dark or it won'tbe visible. this sound seems dangerous. it's very loud.

careful. careful. there are too many insects.- where are you going? i am too tired. i can't see a proper roadgoing anywhere. oh, damn!wow! oh, damn. it seems the doll committedsuicide. it broke its leg. hey, but it's quiet scaryon this doll. - yeah, man. shut up! from which angledoes it look scary?

in this jungle we havefound a doll. even the interpol is lookingfor this doll. but we've found it. we'll perform its last rites. stop it! now bury it.- very good. get aside.- yes. let's go. - rest in peace.- is your time pass over? rest in peace. put a flag on it.

wait.- here. here.. big flag.- no, like this. oh, yes.- the leg is left. it's such a fat leg.why didn't you cut it? i've a prayer for it. okay. - two minute's silence.please. - okay. everybody stand.- may it rest in peace. are we really doing this scene? now sleep. -you know, you don'thave to. it's stupidity.

yeah. -just to rest in peace.- one minute silence. neha! cut! good shot! how much more?- two hours. in two hours? hey, crime master gogo. now i'll make a fool out of you. don't do this. please. varun, let's drink rum.

sure. but first let mewin. i'm losing now. let's play something else. here play and win...- come here. take 100 rupees and bring rum. darkroom game! are you sure.. shall we play dark room? i work for darkroom. i second that.- go there and play.

ok.. -wow, simran! now.. -today manavi isn'tfeeling well. i'm feeling giddy. what has happened? hey, what's all this guys? i am so sorry. very bad, manavi.very bad. shut up, akki. guys, there is no option now.let's play darkroom.

it's my turn in dark room! these fools don't know thatmy camera has night mode. in night mode we can seeeverything even in dark. i'll find them in two minutes. first out. hey, friend. just now.. i just gave the den.. you're drinking inside. hey, please.- i'll drink, but you're out.

ok, let's make a deal. tell me where everyone is hiding. then i won't get you out first. i don't know about others.. .. but i know where cjand kiran are hiding. keep your voice down. are you sure they're here? it seems to be shut. i can't see anything.

just a minute.give me the camera. -why? just give it to me. nothing. god knows where they're. look.. let's go closer. you are out!we caught you. keep quiet! nothing. we were just watching..

it's nothing. what are you doing?- nothing. what's going on here?- nothing. just chill! you were recording?- no. give me the camera. you were recording all this? nothing has been recorded. acting smart? nothing was seen!- you think i'm stupid.

nothing was seen.don't get mad! scum!- just chill! no one has the right to record.the rascals... nothing is recorded.this camera is.. tell me, what happened? hey, relax. why are you shouting?- nothing happened, man. what happened?- camera was on.. scum! i'll slap you!

what did you do? i'll give you a slapand you'd know. hey, what you did? how’d i know you weremaking out inside? hey, why are you.. you fool! come here. come here.. i won't spare you.. come here!

akki, are you mad?- come here! just apologize to him. i'll teach you a lesson. what will you do? go inside, akki. are you mad? i'm talking to him. go out and wait. ain't i am talking to him?

hold on. what's this stupidity!- it's nothing. we were just trying tosee who is inside. we didn't know about him. what happened?- just listen to me. where is akki?- where is simran? she is outside.she's crying. why crying? simran!

nothing happened. nothing. i swear, nothing was visible! nothing was visible! really, i swear.listen simran... i promise. nothing..believe me, nothing was shot. nothing we could see.i swear. listen, i am very sorry.please. i'm coming. just a minute. listen, please!

simran, please stop crying.please. please, i am very sorry. come fast. -wait. simran!- simran! come on, pick her up. cj, come here.just a minute. simran, relax. just relax. listen.keep the camera on.

maybe what we can't see willbe visible on the camera. the camera is on but ican't see anything. i’m feeling scared here..let's leave. let me just see once if anythingis visible or not. did you see anything? you guys saw anything?- nothing. how's she feeling? simran? - yes. you're okay?

listen, don't worry. we've checked outside.nothing is there. i think we should leavethis place. look, vicky.. .. i don't know what it was. but after whatever we saw,we shouldn't stay here. i think we should leavetomorrow morning itself. cj.. relax.

i can understand whatyou want to say. but i have experienced all thiswith my family. .. the way there is positivein the world.. .. there is negative too. the way there is goodin the world.. .. similarly there is evil too. tell me, do you believe in god? you do. same way there are spiritstoo in this world.

are you trying to scareall of us? he's right, manavi. we're not trying to scare you. these spirits havetheir own world. usually they don't comein front of humans. but sometimes accidentallywe cross each other's path. and that is when they try toexert their force. take our examples. we came here. we createddin! we played music!

by accident and unknowingly.. .. the peace and the calmof this place.. we've disturbed it. and we should just respectthe fact that.. .. such things happen and youshould be sorry what we've done. we accept that whateveryou're saying is true. but if it's true, let's leave.why are we still here? we should leave this place.it's most safe, vicky. yes, vicky. he's right.

okay. if you still feel thatwe should leave.. .. then we'll finish our rest ofthe work tomorrow and leave. as it is we're going to leavein a couple of days. we might as well wrap up ourshoot by tomorrow and leave. is that fine? that makes sense.- yeah? let's sleep now.let her also rest. anyway, you can't do anythingright now. right?

simran, you wanna sleep? guys.. let's all sleep in one room. please, i am very scared. ok? we'll bring extra bed alsoand let's all adjust here. ok. -let's bring the mattress.come. suman! okay. 2 cj, i am sorry, buddy.

good night.we'll talk tomorrow. varun, have you kept thecamera on? camera? everything's off. listen.turn off the light too. please why is your face having sucha blank expression? it looks like karan's acting. get up now. what's the time?- it's 12 o'clock.

kiran! wake up! kiran, get up.- it's 12. simran, simran.. oh, damn! she's okay?- are you okay? how're you feeling? -feel likesleeping for some more time. what's wrong?- she's got temperature. ok, go to sleep.do you want a medicine? i think you have fever.

how're you feeling? she's very warm. fine. we'll shoot cj andkiran's scene. let us..- we let her sleep. ok. vicky! did you get the tripod? put it there on the left side. hey, akki!

what happened to you? what nothing? it's visible onyour face. what happened? here.. nothing seems fine here. specially after last night. leave it, man. we'll shoot two shots and leave. why are you being so sad? yes, finish it quickly. let's leave from here.

ok, listen.do you want to play cricket? ok, give me a smile. wait, i'm coming to join you. look.. give a smile. yeah?- varun, come here. what happened.- one sec. what happened?manavi, what happened? just come. is she okay?

look at this. gosh! when did you see this? this morning. it wasn't there last night. does she feel the pain? she's sleeping since morning.- damn! varun, what is this? listen..

you just be with her, okay?i'll be back in a minute. vicky, please.come here for a minute. varun just a moment,let me explain the scene. vicky, please.just come here for a minute. light will fade.give me one minute. vicky, i'm trying to tell yousomething. please come here. relax, buddy. with full passion.. what happened?- i'm calling him, man.

what happened?- i just saw simran. how is she?- she’s seriously ill. why? what happened?- but.. .. there is something moreimportant than that. on her hands there aretwo identical marks.. .. as if someone had grabbed her. we were taking her last night.. none of us had heldher like that. are you sure, i mean..- i'm telling you..

this is because of whathappened last night. you mean, the camera..- yes. i don't know what it is.but it's because of that. this weird, man. it's nothing else butthe same. but how..- i don't know.. kiran! kiran! kiran, are you okay?kiran! kiran! kiran! get her out!

kiran! kiran! you're okay?you okay? it's okay. what happened, kiran?it's okay. what happened?- nothing. go and pack your bags fast.we're leaving right now. let her sit here. cj, pack the bags, just. akki, pack your bags. fast.

we've to leave now.we've have to leave. hurry up! varun.i'm doing you go. hold on! simran.. akki, pack the bags. get the car's key. yes,start it fast. - let's go. akki did you see the keys? i'm telling you,the keys are inside. let's go inside. come, let's go inside.- found the key?

no. what are you doing withthe camera, varun? i'm checking the footageto find the keys. why don't you come and checkhere? we don't have much time. i kept the keys here. so where it's gone? i don't know, cj.keys were here. nobody else touched the keys. let's check upstairs.

because of you, we're stuck here. don't shout at me! i'm seeingthat you're shouting at me! i didn't misplace thekeys on purpose! don't point fingers at me.- you lower your voice. can't you take care of the keys? lower your voice.i'm warning you. hey.. please.. i am telling you not to touch me.- guys, get back! tell him to..- varun stop!

don't act like kids! we've to find the keys andget out. it's simple. forget it please,just find the keys? please! did you find it?- no. ir's limit! what the hell!damn! vicky!i'm leaving this house right now. i don't want to stay hereeven for a second.

did you see what happenedto simran? did you? have you seen simran's state? she's not well. she can't move. where can we take her now? i don't care. i'm not staying.i'm leaving! look, cj! we all came here together. and we shall leave together.

nobody will go alone. got it? until simran doesn't recover,nobody will leave. ok! die here then! happy! whether the key is found or not.. .. whether anyone of youcomes with me or not.. .. i'm not going to stayhere even for a moment. it's enough! do what you like.you all go to hell.

leave me.varun, listen. no, vicky..- please listen to me. did you see how he's behaving? why are you behaving like this? everyone has gone mad.okay? no, at least you're practical. we've to just find the keysand leave. we'll find the keys.- do you see what we're doing? it has to be here.where else will it go?

i'm sorry; i can't be part of this. varun, don't act like this.please! we've have to stick togetherat such time. manavi! manavi! oh, hell!what it is? oh, hell! this is the same doll! how did it come here? you can't go in.

let's go inside, akki. kiran, go inside. vicky, how did this happen? come inside. how it came here.i don't know. can't find the network here. come back. come back when you're okay.you'll be strong. vicky, i don't think they'redoing the right thing.

we tried. they weren't going to stayotherwise too. what's the need to takekiran along? look at the road and the time! you saw how she was behaving. least you can hope is.. .. that they get help as soonas possible and come. what happened?- what happened? why are you standing here?

simran, what happened? water... water.. hey, i'd kept water there.. her temperature isreally high. she didn't eat anything.she vomited whatever she ate. go get some water. you will be fine. here. baby, wake up. you want more?

go keep it. ok, sit properly. are you feeling cold also? simran, why're your pants wet? involuntary? i know. i don't know how. it's ok, don't cry. i'll take care.- ok, yeah.

she's in a very bad state. very bad.. i'll charge the battery. see it may help.. manavi! she's okay?hey! just say what happened? what happened? come on she'll be okay.

she's seriously ill. she has fever. she'll be fine.don't worry. she didn't tell her parents.her dad is very strict. we shouldn't think aboutthat right now. everything will be fine.please. what do you know! she is everyone's responsibility.we are here, aren't we? you didn't see her condition. please, we're here.

you know we all there. you can't breakup like this,manavi. please, hold on. nothing will happen, manavi. it's not much far.they'll reach there soon. everything will be fine. they'll be here with the help. cj and kiran will get help. we'll leave.

who is it? open! akki! akki! oh, please! akki, what happened? what happened?- who is there? akki, where is cj and kiran? cj... where is he?cj, they..

they were taken.- who took him? akki, where are they? cj.. where is cj?where is kiran? akki.. they must be somewherearound. kiran.. akki, tell us where they're.please. they were snatched! hey, what happened?

hey, what's it?is it a joke? akki!- you're on you our nerves! you're making us nuts! akki, have you gone mad? they're all around.. what are you doing? what are you saying? look! simran is alone in the room.

look. what is that? simran. simran.. what happened to her?akki! akki! kiran!hey, kiran has been hurt. kiran, nothing will happen to cj.. trust me.. nothing..

we've to! get cj. manavi!why is the door locked? why is the door closed? i'm not feeling well, manavi.open the door. vicky!open the door, vicky. why don't you answer? open the door. is the some kind of joke? i've a terrible headache!

manavi, please open the door. manavi, don't! she's not simran.she's not simran. she's not simran. oh, manavi!open the door, please. open the door, manavi! open the door.please open the door. she isn't simran.she's not simran. vicky, open the door please.

i've a terrible headache. don't go ahead. vicky, please open the door. vicky, open the door! open the door! open the door, i say! open the door!open the door! you open it, vicky! what are you doing?close the door.

akki, close the door!what are you doing? akki! yes! yes! akki, where are you going?- please come back. akki, where are you going? akki, come back! akki, please come back!- where're you going, akki? akki, please come back! akki, don't go further! akki, stop!

hey, vicky!come on! come on! vicky!hell with the door! what's happening?what's all this? my god, vicky!my god! everything happenedbecause of me. it's all because of me. cj said we should leave. don't say that, vicky.

akki too said we should leave. but i didn't listen. i made everyone stay back. i had no right to play withsomeone's life like this. just for a film i tookthree lives. no..- akki, cj, kiran and now simran. don't be just.. i can never forgive myself. no, it's not fare.vicky, please.

vicky. oh damn! what's it. hey, vicky! are you damn... are you bloody mad? why the hell are you.. it's all right. oh, god! no. damn you!

manavi? i don't know if i'd be ableto see you again or not. i'm very scared. i shouted at you a lot. ready! we're ready. ready? yes, very good. how is it?- it's very good.

even the background..very good. click now.my smile is fading. it'd come out very nice. is it good?- yes, it's very good. fine. -press the button!-does he know what to do? it's there at the back.- yeah, just.. how much time will he take? go and check.he has put on video mode! yes, it's coming.it's looking very nice.

hey, at least press the button.you've have to press it. very good! very good,but what's it? take it.ready, it's very nice. now sit down. sit down.go and check it. tell me, what's very nice? it's on video recording. pose was wasted..- he put it on video mode.

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