hybrid suvs that seat 7


jurassic world - the game dinosaurs ludia episode 67 hd - wd toys wow guys it's great to see you again welcome back to jurassic world the gameepisode 67 and gonna have some awesome battles here and here off of going aheadand continuing the story line so the odd tournament is over so i'll be providingour generation through this entire video so we're going to have a lot of fun andhere right away we start with awesome battle the pteranodon first the super ripped wrists this guywho's cool look at me take a look at his dad

i mean that guy oh wow so i'm gonna have to bring in mystegosaurus here definitely which i'm kind of surprised ok i've got to i'vegot to our pterosaurs that's why did you bring him in here way okay and the next one dimorphodon sohe's almost too long okay not quite but he is pretty strong it just took me out my our level 30trended on he took me on dude it's so yeah it is pretty strong ok now i'm bringing in my stegosaurus

but even with the stegosaurus in there imean look at that guy stat his attack is still 300 walk okay we got the prior throw done that wow guys like way up there ok so i just went ahead and took himdown i promise do some awesome fights andhere we are man this dimorphodon is awesome - level 40time or foot on i mean he just took me out in two hits -okay so my stegosaurus is coming on

board in the sea look i see he was doing five blocks that's the thing a lot of times whenthey are attacked you like that they'll put the rest into blocks so be carefuldon't just attack right back or you will get block ok still here i just went all-out attackthem six and walked one i want tomorrow you guys got anyquestions or need any help make sure you leave me comments okay then oh i got the mall thesauruscard awesome

and there we go is a super work rare aquatic so let's go ahead and hatchthat guy as you can see i had to t-rex's inthey're hatching oh while gonna have some good ones tobattle here my tia steak averse the monologue sorosok i thought that guy was more powerful yeah it's not to bed ok so shootingsoros face so he hit me pretty bad walk he's play up ok what are bringing myspinosaurus guys enjoyed the spinosaurus after the next episode he is gonebecause i used him with the user raptor to create the spine or after which yeahit's adam of the spider raptor looks a

little bit like kermit the frog so it's not not really happy with how iwalk well i definitely needed somebody a lotmore powerful spinosaurus ok so the model of the saurus just tookout my spinosaurus my sexiest a good just came back the tack for you can't block any sabbamhe's out so they've got one more carnivore and ithink it's my private road on next so i got another powerful and vivian seeyou all friday superior rihanna sukis ok so i just went ahead and wipe them outof some i think that was a third battle

there too so i should get up not i guessnot ok that was part of the storyline so nowthe model of the soros is a is available for purchase i actually won one of those guys i believe in a cart back like way backmaybe episode between like six and ten so i mean i want a lot of battles withthat guy because he is really powerful back edge ok so here we've got the moses orezthought this guy's not too powerful at a level slept a lot of all seven

my sticks asaurus is way stronger but mystick source is a level 10 so if he took case - 10 probably prettysimilar ok so here i bring in one of my shellguys because he's got the advantage here wipe out there moses horas going towatch the aquatic battles guys you've got the same advantage systems if you doin our regular battles so you know like a carnivore like verbalwar or before being a pterosaur or terrace or beets and vivian gotta watchthe class systems in here too and for those are you are who are justmaybe just coming on board ah maybe you guys haven't played this oryou just started playing it watch the

class systems that's the first thing you've got tolearn i mean carnivore if you come in with the urban waragainst the carnivore he's gonna destroy you so watch the class systems and i have set in while blah collect your free packs guys you get afree pack every six hours so you could all login select your free pack everysix hours get dna get different dinosaurs money

cat i mean cash cash coins for meat so you know it's it's a good thing tohave it will help you progress lot faster ok so here i've got my septa durba soonce again shell is really strong against the water creature so i went ahead and just put off lunchand to reserve these battles at the beginning you want to build up yourreserve your reserve is what wins most to your battles so the sec i've built itup my god attack of seven he blocked one so i will wipe 882 andhe's out

awesome victory and he's celebrating andwe want a super rare pair cool i like the dna the post suit guestsbut i don't need me or cash actually do need cash it don't needcoins coins or i've got my dinosaurs generate plenty of coins ah you see in a episode it's going to be a little bit fartherthan this actually which is feeding my mom's asaurus they're awesome ah i rearranged my park so i is mucheasier to see you want to place lots of decorations here

i do get a lot of decoration to getaround like dinosaurs that you want to do that to raise . ok so here are i'm actually working ongetting my t-rex up to all level 30 so i need to collect both of those feed thoseguys and then i'm going to have to get them up to level 20 and then twotwenties put together going to make a 30 so if you haven't played the game yet you need a eight dinosaurs to max outone of your dinosaurs so you need to get eight of them just keep feeding them so that you needto tends to make a 20

you need two twenties to make a 30 thento thirties to make a 40 so total of eight dinosaurs regardless ok so here my dunkley is bs against them&i this guy's cool and check out the stripes that is awesome look i in tax do but isgod i showed you guys this one because he's our he's a new aquatic creature i'mbattling and he's super strong saw they're letting you bring three againstone so he just went ahead and block me so he's gonna probably decimate here

oh really ok surprised ok i got eight and reserve some bring itin the sticks the source because he's a lot stronger gets this guy here is will they get up that might get up maybe not maybe not he is prettypowerful let's see our thousand 46 he's got ahundred fifty two left so he's going to decimate me here or thelike la ok he did it ok i'm surprised i'm reallysurprised there so i'll bring in my donkey because he's not helping me muchagainst here because he is cave once

again class systems cape against cave so he just wiped me out but he's gotnothing left so at this point i could just i've gotseven so i just attacked them all out and he will be gone sorry guys i'm a little stuffy today okso i just wiped out the ammonite there and i'm celebrating its victory time okay so they're just dna i'm fighting bra card packs right now so here are i've got him up to level 11so i'm going to go ahead and raise this

guy up to level 20 so to level twenties will make a 30 sohere i'm gonna go ahead and drop them in the tank and leave them there because ittakes a while and it will probably fail a few times a while check this guy out a desk to us wow look at those teeth it looks like the joker that is freakylook so this is another are very strongaquatic creature ok so build up my reserve there i'llhave my reserve up to eight i just tried to attack him for the heckof it i could up just blocked but your

wife be out here sit to hit them o allah me out ok that's kind of weird so here i'mgonna bring in one of my show guys my kronosaurus because he's got theadvantage seven against be blocked one this shouldwipe them all he's strong but that's a devastatingattack you get in a stack of six yep 3852 and he threw out one attack in he'sdown yeah victory is ours celebrate little chrono ok so we won thesuper rare pack there

so coin dna geyser and the roger sore islike the coins in the rajah soros i mean that dna but the rest is kind of incident ok so here we got some coolones are you gotta level 34 circus circus oh they just brought in there are level32 february 1976 so he has a carnivore so i'm going tobring in my in fib ian my mistake ax which is like way underneath him but with the class why even with theclass advantage take that take a look at that he was his attacks with way higherthan mine but i went ahead and attack

them all off and get block anything what the mall they got a gorgeous horas1613 so he took me out to heads which is pretty powerful for a carnival long ok so i against this guy shouldprobably bring in my circus circus there so once again the class system andphibian worst carnival or so i should be dwight this guy out no problem ok so my six usually want to get it upto six i will attack all of the block once he's gone 5468 damage and herethey're bringing in their circus circus

which is the level off 34 compared to mylove 30 he took me out to hit but i've got mylevel 30 training on board so i should be able to take this guy out no problemi'll do my usual move to reserve to block that's what i really like usingbecause it were the majority of the time so here i got him up to 60 what do i dowhen i get six i attack yeah families out 3926 damagehe is he is a call ok so i got 130 dna there so i'mfighting for quite a few card packs there and then ah ok so i've got my earwaxball here we're going to go ahead and

take him out of the tank and feed thisguy get him off - 11:30 he's gonna have quite a strong attackthere 1130 three so cool right now i'm actually at level58 and i've got our for t-rex is cooking in the tank because they take like threedays of peace so i'll have my t-rex up to all level 40and i've already got my velociraptor off the level 40 so i could grate andominous well i don't really want to do thatuntil i got enough dna to get him up to level 20 because a level 10 in dominance is ithink only about 1,200 attack

so he's actually weaker he's probably about the same strength asa level 32 t-rex so that's not too great and i believehe's above almost 30,000 dna to get a second one swords super high price so i here we go my ex's data againstthis sick sick is on the soros is pretty strong but i got the advantage here andphibian kids carnivore so i got all three amphibiansagainst three carnivores so is good these guys probably are goingto lose

ok let's see what's going on here ok i got my reserve up to eight at thispoint i should usually i will attack all ok he blocked - so take one of theseguys off at this point once you wipe out one guy the next guys gonna wipe you all butwhatever he has left he will always put it into the lock sohe hit me with two there he's got a block of six so you do not want to attack here i domy usual move to reserve two blocks he had six block there he would haveblocked anything eat you adam

so here i'm off to six so i will just goahead and attack all out actually i did not apologize i amrecording about a week after sounds like a weekafter recorded the video guys this is bringing us to the end of the episode i i had a great time making these foryou guys and if you guys could click likeillegally comments it really helps me and erases the videos off in the ratingsystem and it helps me so i could make better videos for you guys so if youenjoy it make sure you click like i reallyappreciate it and i mean i had a great

time making this from you guys andthere's also men card at the end of the video which points to the next video the previous video and the walk morevideos i've made i've got over our 800 videos guys most of them are on boy and rocking inparody videos but some of them are i got probably close to 80 likevideogame videos well i will see you soon

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