a day race. the first one at richmond since1997. they want more families and young kids to come out to the race. let's head trackside for opening ceremonies. >> ladies and gentlemen, please rise and removeyour hats as the color guard from fort lee non-commissioned officers academy presentsour nation's colors. remain standing as senior pastor of city park church, pastor joe ellisonjunior, offers today's invocation. >> eternal father, we thank you today, wethank you for the sport that we love so much, nascar. lord, today we thank you for the beautifulweather that you have given us today. we thank you for each and every driver. lord, we askyou to cover and protect them. thank you for their families. thank you for all personnel.lord, we thank you for our military personnel
around the world. bless the men and womenin god that serve our country. father, we give you all the praise, we give you all glory.and we thank you for what you are doing today. we give you all the credit, we give you allthe praise. in jesus name we pray, amen. >> here to honor america, please welcome 2016"american idol" and big machine recording artist trent harmon as he performs our nationalanthem. ♪♪ o say, can you see by the dawn's earlylight ♪♪ ♪♪ what so proudly we hailed at the twilight'slast gleaming? ♪♪ ♪♪ whose broad stripes and bright starsthrough the perilous fight ♪♪ ♪♪ o'er the ramparts we watched were sogallantly streaming? ♪♪
♪♪ and the rockets' red glare the bombsbursting in air ♪♪ ♪♪ gave proof through the night that ourflag was still there ♪♪ ♪♪ oh, say, does that star-spangled banneryet wave ♪♪ ♪♪ o'er the land of the free ♪♪♪♪ and the home of the brave? [1:03:20 pm] >> 120th richmond sprint cup race. the lastthree have been dominated by one driver. which driver will it be today? [1:06:54 pm] >>> welcome to richmond and the toyota owners400. for the fourth year, we are proud to
bring you great racing action at this historictrack. the message from our team members and our dealers to our owners is simple, thankyou for being part of our family and supporting our first decade in the sprint cup series.we couldn't have the success on or off the track without our owners and fans like you.we hope you enjoy the race. >> ed, good to see you. coverage providedby goodyear, superior performing tires to face challenging conditions on the track andon the road. goodyear, the official tire of nascar. 400 laps. 300 miles. carl edwardswon last week in a toyota. he has won back to back five times in his career. we willbe watching him closely. jimmie johnson, a two-time win they are year, hasn't led a lapin the last three races. he was fastest in
final practice. he has won here before atrichmond. kevin harvick has won three times. more top ten finishes here for him than atany other track. harvick is on the pole. will a favorite win today or a long shot or tonystewart in his first race back of this season in his swan song season? interesting commentsas he said he wouldn't change his temperament, his comments. he will not change his drivingstyle. let's head back down to the track for the command.>> race fans, it's time for the most famous words in motorsports. here to give the commandfor today's toyota owners 400, welcome loyal toyota owner and vip customer, robert dalewilson. >> drivers, start your engines!>> let's head upstairs to jeff gordon, darrell
waltrip and mike joy. [1:08:57 pm] gentlemen?>> thank you. robert wilson gave the command. he is as excited as we are to have racingback on sunday the traditional race day here in richmond for the first time since 1997.last year's race was run on sunday because it rained out saturday night. jeff, how willtoday be different? >> there's a different aero package and adifferent tire. we saw yesterday, the drivers were taking cars all the way to the wall.the tire lays down a lot of rubber. grip goes away fast. we will see drivers managing thegrip level today.
>> a lot of unknowns. the driver's mindset,when you know you will be slip sliding all day?>> nobody's car will handle great. you hope yours is better than anybody else's. the letterof all evils. unknowns are something we will have to keep an eye on. the tire goes up fastbut gives up a lot. cars will be all over the track. that will will be fun.>> as good as bristol was, is this race going to be that much better than last year's richmond?>> i think it will be an exciting race. there's a lot of cars that got a lot of practice.we didn't qualify. that makes the cars better for the race.>> a lot of unknowns. a lot of excitement ahead. 14 drivers entered here have won butonly three of them have won in the daytime.
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the rest of the starting grid. we get on thedial-a-phone. >> let's dial up jamie mcmurray. this is jeffgordon in the fox sports booth. you got me? >> yeah. loud and clear, jeff.>> yesterday at practice, we saw this track really widen out. a lot of rubber laying down.you start 27th. you will need a lot of multiple lanes there. what's your plan?>> well, i think the bottom is the preferred groove. the fact the track is getting wideror it was wider in practice will give me options. i expect the leader to be on the bottom. yeah,it's definitely got wide in practice. have to use every single one of the lanes.>> well, it certainly was exciting yesterday. we hope to see more of that today. good luckcoming up through there. have a good one.
>> thanks, jeff.>> thanks, jeff. larry mcreynolds has today's toyota racing development race analysis.>> it's one of the days where you better have speed for short runs and long runs. we absolutelywill have both. now for our race analysis. 400 laps around this three-quarter mile track.pit road speed, 40 miles per hour. our track grip level from one to five, grip level three,probably going today as the day goes on. clint bowyer had to change a transmission. he goesto the rear of the field. >> larry, when you look at tony stewart, hespent a lot of time listening to the team radio. he has learned about mike bugarewicz'scommunication skills and management style. he asked for a few tweaks to bug's style onthe radio. just how much information he passes
along and what tony really wants to know. [1:15:06 pm] today is the big test. jamie little?>> one week ago, carl edwards and dave rogers won their first cup race together. how willthat help them moving forward knowing they are locked into the chase? dave told me it'sabout pit road. he can take more risk and that freedodo so starts today.>> kurt busch dominated this race a year ago. a lot has changed. a new tire and aero package.kurt tried three setups this weekend. wouldn't you know, they came right back to the racewinning setup from last aril. same setup, they hope the same results.>> going to add one lap and then we are ready
to go. it's a cloud-free beautiful day inrichmond. it's like the bristol weather moved right on over here. a little cooler here,66 degrees. track temperature, all asphalt, 116 degrees. pit boxes are concrete. lookat the curving pit road that they will have to deal with. look at those white lines onthe track. not so much in turns one and two, but in three and four, they were way up abovethe second white dotted line in practice. leading the field, the 2016 toyota camry hybridse is today's pace car. nascar goes green. we're ready to race.>> how you feeling? excited? >> i'm extremely excited. we got tony stewartin the field. a day race. this place falls off. i can't wait to see multiple groove racetrack.>> how high will they go? we are about to
find out.>> yes, sir. the green flag. the green flag is in the air, boogity, boogity, boogity,let's go racing boys and danica! [1:17:15 pm] >> harvick will lead the first lap from jimmiejohnson. joey logano, doing a little slipping and sliding.>> logano got a terrible start. fighting back on outside.>> harvick had a great jump. when he went into turn one, he dove in there. it just didn'tstick. >> trying to make up for what he lost.>> single file the first eight back through kyle busch. then austin dillon with kaseykahne side by side. double wide from there
on.>> jimmie johnson, i have never heard -- it has been a while since i heard him that happyabout his race car and the setup. already in second place. i'm looking forward to seewhat he can do here with kevin harvick. >> he said, are you sure we're at richmond?>> matt kenseth right behind them in 11th. then a.j. allmendinger on the outside. kylelarson with him. >> we saw multiple lanes in practice yesterday.sometimes that happens in practice, they are laying rubber down and we won't see as muchin the race. we saw it in the xfinity race, it widened up. these cars as they run moreand more, you will start to see them search around.>> i think you will. right now, it's kind
of like you want to get yourself in a zone.you kind of want to see what the car is going to do. they may have made changes overnight.feel the car out before i get aggressive. >> this group was three wide before thingssorted out just a bit. >> the other thing, because the way the tiresare falling off -- when we say fall off, we say the speed goes away. you want to conserveand not use it up on the drop of the green. >> carl edwards up to fifth. now that carlhas a win in his pocket, can he just go for broke?>> i hear that every week once you win a race. i heard it from denny hamlin and others. idon't like that strategy. you win every week. go with what got you here. that experimentingaround, i just -- i don't like to get too
far off what got me here. [1:19:19 pm] >> riding with chase elliott.>> i did a little taste test. sorry, chase, the one time i'm not on your side. i likethe blast. i like what he is doing on the outside. nobody is working the outside betterthan chase elliott from what i have seen. he started deep in the field. he is doingan excellent job getting a big run up off the corner.>> i think he is one of those guys that gets in the car, he gets to going and he gets alittle faster. i think he gets confidence. car is good. i'm good, here we go.>> seventh place, brad keselowski, kyle busch,
a couple fellows who know how to win here.pre-race got a glimpse of a prince sticker on kyle busch's car. we remember the purpleone. great innovator. great music. now we're back in 25th place, jamie mcmurray battlingpaul menard. >> because qualifying rained out and we wentoff practice speed, some teams chose to do more race runs than qualifying runs. it shuffledthem up. that's why we are starting to see some come forward around this 25th place.>> here comes carl. >> i tell you, watching carl edwards, he isbetter than denny hamlin. they are teammates. i don't think denny will put up too tougha fight. there's nothing more important and better than the momentum that carl bringsin here from the win last week.
>> what you were talking about about strategy,dave rogers told me, every week i bring the best setup, something capable of winning.we don't hav experiment. that's why he mentioned pilot pit road. he can be more aggressive.>> i'm great with that. if you want do something like that. keep the car under me. don't getmy car messed up and get me where i can't get back. [1:21:20 pm] >> in second place, jimmie johnson has beenhunting for grip. this time he exits turn four on the yellow line. last lap, he wasway up there on the outside of the dotted line.>> we saw that 48 in practice. he was one
of the guys that was really -- right out nextto the wall running his practice laps. >> we have not run a lot of laps -- 12 laps.we have seen over a second falloff in lap times from lap one or the fastest lap to lapsnow. i think jimmie was feeling the grip level falling off. he said, maybe this is a goodtime to move up top and see if i can't make gains.>> a little brotherly love here. >> vince?>> it's interesting as you talk about the grip drop-off, kurt busch told me he reallynoticed it most significantly on lap 25. he said then you get another drop-off 30 andthen 40 they are gone. you are noticing it right away. he said they really will noticeit at 25. keep an eye on that ten laps from
now.>> he ran by far the most laps in practice. >> he had three setups they wanted to try.they had three different setups. i don't know which one they ended up with. but that waswhy they ran so many practice laps. >> look where jimmie johnson and joey loganoand brad keselowski are. they are way upstairs in turns three and four.>> maybe the bottom in one and two, top in three and four seems to be the preferred linethat some of the drivers are trying. matt, you have something?>> when you look at jimmie johnson, three wins here on his resume here. they have beenwinless the last 14. you are heard his optimism how good the car is. chad told me, jimmiecould drive through it, whether it was tight
or loose. they feel confident about the entire400 laps here today. >> now he tries the high line in turn two.here is what they are talking about on channel 48.>> really just like to drive off from the in and wide open. [1:23:21 pm] >> don't be afraid.>> started a half down. i have come down. >> the last time i saw somebody here thatfar up the racetrack, they were in the wall. >> keep watching.>> it's early. >> 17 laps complete. kevin harvick has ledthem all so far. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ kyle
busch, the 2015 champion! ♪♪ toyota. let'sgo places. hey, track bar's broken. she keeps jumpin' out of gear. whadya wanna do?♪♪ ♪♪ can you feel it? can you feel it? ♪♪♪♪ oh, coca-cola. ♪♪ ♪♪ can you feel it? can you feel it? ♪♪♪♪ oh, coca-cola. ♪♪ eh, i should probably go.♪♪ can you feel it? can you feel it? ♪♪ with sprint's unlimited plan, you don't have toworry about your data running out. so you can do more ofthe things you love. switchto sprint today... and get four lines of unlimited high-speed data, talk and text for only $37.50per line per month. so laugh more. play more. be prepared to be blown away. because thetruth is, the sprint network really is faster,
plus it's more reliable with better coveragethan ever. and now buy one samsung galaxy s7 orgalaxy s7 edge and get one free. [1:25:21 pm] try us out for 30 days. if you're not satisfied,we'll refund your money. so switch today. people know me as dale earnhardt jr., racecardriver. but there's more to me than that. at my office, they call me boss man. i scoutthe talent, close the deals, do it all with a firm handshake.(loud clap noise) gentlemen. (loud clap noise) to others, i'm water coolerdale. so i got this new chair, had it for a couple of weeks. somebody keeps loweringit. ah, dang it! i mean i reset it to where
i want it and i go back to my office, andi sit down and it's lower. do you have a warranty on the chair? no! someone is lowering it!(dale) for protecting my small business and more...>>> jimmie johnson giving a new meaning to high, wide and handsome. here at richmondhe has the lead from kevin harvick. dale earnhardt junior came up on a.j. allmendinger. that'sthe 88 behind him. >> not everybody's car is handling real good.some are a little lose. they get loose when you get a tap like that.>> junior got loose getting into the corner. but allmendinger decided to what we call diamondthe racetrack. in the middle of the corner, he decided to turn down to get a straightshot off.
[1:27:21 pm] unfortunately, dale junior's front bumperwas in the way. >> a.j. made a questionable decision rightthere. >> yes, he did.>> we listen to jimmie johnson and chad talking about the driver track bar adjustment.>> let's use our ford cutaway car to explain what they were talking about there. this righthere, that's the driver adjustable track bar button. he can press that button and raceit up. he can lower it. let's go to the rear of our cutaway car. this is actually the automaticadjustor. that's the motor that's turning it. that's where he is going to be adjustingthe track bar. you can move it up to help
the car rotate. or you can lower it to tightenthe car up. sounds like they will play with that track bar a lot today, guys.>> absolutely, larry. the balance changes so much during a run because of how much falloffin speed and the tires aren't actually wearing that much. they just lay a lot of rubber downand give up speed. the track bar adjustor, it's a great tool to have.>> you know what i love about the 48 car? that's how he practiced yesterday. he is oneof the few that ran up by the wall. look where he is today. he is utilizing what he learnedin practice. >> now a lot of drivers are trying that highgroove. we ride along with denny hamlin. matt? >> mike, dw touched on it, a pair of thirdsand a win at daytona, they have been struggling.
they have been trying different things. expectationshigh coming back here because he runs so well. right now though, the car is just way toofree through the center of the corner, which is opposite of what he dealt with in practice.>> you know, matt, i just think that his crew chief -- they call him wheels. i think heneeds to let him get his legs under him, get his wheels under him and not be experimenting.they won daytona. [1:29:22 pm] but let's win -- richmond is my home track.let's go there and win this race. >> i know. but they have a win. they havean opportunity to risk it and learn something. they want to win a championship, not justthe next race.
>> can't get that out in left field?>> everybody is hunting for grip. watch jeffrey earnhardt. he is 38th. he has gone way uphigh in three and four and one and two. just trying to find the best grip and give hima consistent ride through this green flag run that's gone the first 33 laps of thisrace. >> it appeared when i was watching the frontof his car just doesn't want to turn. he goes into the corner and he is almost locking thebrakes up trying to slow the car down to get the front tires to cut and turn.>> right now, jeff, we're right at a 24-second lap around here. that's 2.5 seconds off thefast lap earlier today. >> what i'm anxious to see is whether thetop groove is going to maintain. usually as
you lay rubber, you get the cleaner racetrack,as you lay rubber, now you have the same grip level but a longer lap and they start to gravitateback towards the middle. that hasn't happened so far.>> now, all the top ten drivers except hamlin, kurt busch and keselowski are way up in thathigh groove. this is fun to watch. >> you are watching fox nascar. called "squamousnon-small cell", previously treated with platinum-based chemotherapy, it's not every day somethingthis big comes along. a chance to live longer with... opdivo, nivolumab. opdivo is the firstand only immunotherapy fda approved based on a clinical trial demonstrating longer life......for these patients. in fact, opdivo significantly increased the chance of living longer versuschemotherapy. opdivo is different. it works
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lost a little air. maybe got to the gas alittle early. brushed the wall. >> the right side pretty good.>> there's a little bit of debris, tire debris or dust out there. so he found the grip limit,which was right there coming off of turn four. >> i'm watching him. it hasn't hurt the car.he is running good lap times. i think he just kind of -- you hear the scrape. i don't thinkhe bent anything up that badly. >> i agree.>> i'm curious what's wrong with joey logano for 15 laps that car was fast and then thefalloff began. he has fallen from the outside pole to tenth.>> we have been seeing that this year. last year the 2 and 22 they raced really well.they were fast. this year, they have lost
something. i'm not sure what it is. but theyjust haven't got the race speed they have had in the past.>> carl edwards has come to second passing kevin harvick.>> kevin led the first lap. in fact led the first 21. he has led laps in every race exceptthe daytona 500. the car got too loose on entry and exit. reminding him to work thetrack bar inside. he doesn't have the handle on the car right now.>> tony stewart started 18th. ran right around 18th. currently, he is 21st. [1:35:31 pm] how is it going his first race back?>> trying to drop the exit right now. doesn't
seem to be doing a lot.>> for whatever it is worth, i'm having a lot of fun.>> that's what we wanted to hear. >> i love it.>> fantastic. >> tony is -- i tell you, he is so much fun.>> getting back to this track bar, you have to be careful. you get loose in, you get loseloose off, you turning the center is so critical to your drive off here and the speed thatyou need to run. getting lap times. if you get the track bar down too much -->> tony got squeezed. he was the hot dog in the bun between allmendinger and who was that,chase elliott? >> yeah.>> wow.
>> welcome back.>> that was the rock between two hard places. >> it was.>> i think he was having more fun right there than he has already the whole race. he lovesthat. >> he saved it.>> we talked about joey logano. he is now under fire from dale earnhardt junior andmay lose tenth spot. kevin harvick, kyle busch for third place there. let's get an updateon logano. >> you noted he fired off well. the crew chefsaid, we set our car up for the short run as compared to the long run, which you hearthroughout the garage. he said, we believe you have to really fire off good and thenhave enough in the long run to hang on. he
said, we find it's more important over thecourse of the race and to win the race if you have a short run car. he said, if it goeslong run, we're going to pay for it with spots. you are seeing that now.>> right now, he is a half lap down. 52 laps, he is a half lap down.>> kyle busch on the bottom. josh wise just ahead. harvick challenging.>> this is a great battle for third right here curve harvick and busch. [1:37:32 pm] the racing is amazing. this is the best racingi have seen at richmond in years. they are all over this racetrack.>> usually at this racetrack, historically,
when you hear three wide, the next thing youhear is caution is out. >> look at this.>> carl edwards hunting the lead from jimmie johnson. who leads on a short track for thefirst time since two years ago at martinsville. >> now we're starting to see carl search aroundsome different lines. he has been running sort of right through the middle towards thebottom. jimmie has really been working the high lane. as we saw the last time throughthree and four, carl edwards moved up high as well.>> jeff, i like that 19 car. i tell you why. jimmie seems to be committed to the top. that'swhere he has been. that 19 seems to be able go where he wants to. go high, go low. gota really good car, compared to everybody else.
>> he can go anywhere he wants. that's a goodsign. >> regan smith -->> right through the middle he goes. good acceleration off the corner.>> you can see right there though, there was wheel spin. he got in the gas. he got a littlebit -- he anticipated a little bit too much. back of the car came around.>> i love that. i love overhead. it shows you so much, the car, where they are on thetrack. you can see so much more when you are looking down on them like that.>> side by side for the lead. we listened in on the 19.>> let's settle in. >> a little bit loose in. a lot of rear brake.stay start and you will run him down.
>> now, traffic. we have never had a thlaneracetrack at richmond. do the lap cars go on the bottom, run up top? we have some ofeach. [1:39:32 pm] >> when you are lapping someone, you hopethhold their line. you go where they are not. >> you are looking out ahead of you. you aretrying to anticipate when you get to that car where they are going to be and where youcan make your move. look where their weaknesses are. you see jimmie johnson, he knew the 21car was going to go the high side. he went to the middle.>> big pack of traffic ahead. reed sorensen on the inside, the 55. chris buescher ahead.jeffrey earnhardt up on the top of the racetrack.
>> last week you talked about pick and roll.carl edwards is trying to do that with ryan blaney using him as a lap car to get insidethe jimmie johnson. >> jimmie got in there nice, made a nice move.>> landon cassill in the middle of that. >> put distance between he and carl edwards.>> in fourth, hamlin against harvick. >> 11 car is looking pretty racy today, boys.>> 59 caution free laps complete at richmond. jimmie johnson, carl edwards.ly the engineerswho designed the ford f-150 have been burning the candle at all ends. cuz' check out theirlatest brainstorm: pro trailer backup assist. just turn this little knob on the dash andit helps steer your trailer exactly where you want it to go. it's just one more bitof brilliance you can't get on any other truck.
freakish. this is the ford f-150. and everyother truck is history the folks at marketing want you to know a few things about the kfczinger sandwich: [1:41:35 pm] 1. it is a hand-prepared sandwich. 2. it isavailable as a $5 fill up. 3. this amazing price is only for a limited time. 4. it isfinger lickin' good. kfc, it's finger lickin' good! the folks at marketing want you to knowa few things about the kfc zinger sandwich: good!>>> carl edwards worked, worked, worked jimmie johnson, got alongside, dropped in line andtwo laps ago, this happened. >> jimmie gets a little loose.>> a little sideways. kept putting the pressure
on him, hanging in there. got him. [1:43:35 pm] >> really cool on tv. really cool.>> jamie? ed to dave rogers. he didn't think they were going to be as good as last week.he expected carl to be barking early in the race, he wouldn't be happy with the race car.all carl has said is it's a little loose. you heard, he is having fun. i think theyare better than they anticipated. >> leading is always fun. he led four laps.jimmie 43. harvick 21. we talked about another battle today. that's dew-cision 2016. >>lejunior is the undecided delegate. cast your vote for your driver's flavor and help dalejunior decide which flavor stays on your supermarket
shelf.>> i like my flavor. not only the way it tastes, but i like where he is run, sixth place.>> pitch black, i like the name. >> joey logano, with that short run car, aswe were told earlier, is now the third to last car on the lead lap in 25th place, justahead of casey mears and paul menard. that close to going a lap down.>> this is the longest that they have run since we have been here. we have seen some25, 30-lap runs in practice but never have we gone this far. i think the grip has justgone away a lot further off for the 22. >> if you remember i talked about the importanceof a long-run and a short-run. we have both. because when i look at the last ten springraces here, our longest green flag run is
an average of 103 laps. we have both normallyin this race. >> good point. seventh place, how about rickystenhouse? [1:45:37 pm] one of the fastest among the top ten the lastten laps or so. definitely, to larry's point, a long-run car.>> yeah. definitely a long-run car. plus, he loves to work the high line. he is a greatrace car driver when it comes to car slide, especially sliding the car around when it'sloose. this is definitely falling into his wheelhouse.>> the roush cars are better than they have been. trevor bayne is running 14th after agreat run at bristol last week. now here is
the 17 car moving forward.>> biffle 13trevor bayne 14th. there is matt dibenedetto. says guido above the door. that'shis middle name. they have him inventing names for his group of fans. do you call diben-doughnuts.>> as long as you are talking about him. he said this week has been magical. probablythe coolest thing to him that happened was dale earnhardt junior tweeting about him andthe kind of guy he is and congratulating him. he said it has been magical, feels like theywon the race. he told me he felt like they had a top 15 car for today.>> great guy. he invested a lot in the sport. i'm glad to see ron and that team good a goodrun like that. >> ron is from northern virginia. this isa home race. matt is from california. his
family, they moved the whole family to hickory,north carolina, to further his racing career. >> i love what ron and those guys are doingthere. that's david ragan, in the top 20th. still on lead lap, showing really good long-runspeed in the 23 car. these are some of the cars they bought from michael waltrip racingat the end of last year. [1:47:37 pm] toyota is helping them with wind tunnel support.things are going well for this organization. they put a lot into it.>> i agree. ron is a great guy. >> second place, kyle busch putting on thedog. he chases down jimmie johnson. >> i think right now the only thing carl mightbe getting nervous about is who is getting
ready to move into second.>> i think it's going to be a great day for 18 car. he didn't race yesterday. he is restedup. he is raring to go. >> i have seen him run the xfinity races andnot hold back at all on sunday. >> you know something else i didn't know abouthim? he has 32 wins at gibbs and a championship. tony stewart has 33 wins and two championships.he wants to be best that has ever been at gibbs racing.>> 80 laps complete next time by. carl edwards and kyle busch out front. fans enjoying therace on a beautiful sunny day at richmond. ♪♪♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪♪♪ ♪♪
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chicken the hard way. so i came back, to makesure everything is still finger lickin' good. give our chicken another chance. one freshness,under american farms, daily hand-prepared, so help us sanders. chicken... ...colonelquality guaranteed. >> 87 laps complete for carl edwards leadingteammate kyle busch. [1:51:42 pm] joe gibbs racing has won half the short trackraces since 2009. for a limited time, switch to sprint and save 50%. sprint, better forless. rylaney has made a pit stop. brad keselowski has been here. here is martin truex and aricalmirola along with chris buescher. >> they ought to be happy. they have beenwanting tires that fall off. they have fallen
almost three seconds.>> now they are happy if you are on pit road, they want new tires. they want to get backthe grip they had. >> kevin harvick will be the first of thelead group to make a spot. along with kurt busch. a longing pit road. takes a long timeunder green flag conditions. the premium spots down toward turn one. carl edwards comingas well. tony stewart is in. there is david ragan and more. vince?>> the 41 of kurt busch, kurt just looking for a little bit more drive off. he wantsto roll the center better also. the 4 of kevin harvick, four tires, a chassis adjustment.he got into the wall. he needs help on the repair.>> carl edwards said he was a little bit loose
all ir%und. four-tire stop, air pressure andwedge for carl edwards. >> dale earnhardt junior not too happy withtrevor bayne's speed. he pushed him to get to his box.>> the first sections, it's on an arc. you can increase because you won't break the limit.it looked like he wasn't pushing as far as junior.>> a chassis adjustment, you can see the wrench for kyle busch. the only complaint he had,he had a vibration. he turned on the brake fan. that went away. the 48 guys are up onwall waiting for jimmie to hit his box. [1:53:48 pm] jimmie coming in. two of his three wins camewhen the race was run during the daytime.
chassis adjustment completed on both sides.jimmie was saying the biggest thing that he needs to fix is drive off. the car way toofree. >> matt kenseth assumes the lead. when hecomes to pit road, that will be all the lead lap cars having been to the pis. .>> i don't know how fast the 19's pit stop was. they are right here in front of me. itwas lightning fast. uarantee, it couldn't have been over 11 seconds.>> how many lug nuts do you think? >> four on, four off. start a new company.>> the only driver who has not pitted is ryan ellis, driving the bk racing number 93 and makinghis second cup start. he is toward the tail end of the lead lap. the young driver fromashburn, virginia. we watch the battle among
hendrick chevy teammates.>> just before the pit stop, we really saw kasey kahne starting to reel in jimmie johnson.jimmie was starting to fade. now here they are battling it out on new tires.>> this is all happening 8 1/2 seconds behind carl edwards, who has retaken the lead.>> jimmie has to decide whether or not he wants to push really hard at the beginningof the run. he obviously has a good car for 60, 70 lapse. we saw after that, that's whenhe started to fall off. we saw kasey kahne had a good long-run car. you have to be carefulhow much you battle and fight one another for this position. also track position aswe all know is always important. >> one thing that happened on the cycle ofgreen flag stops, i thought this was going
to go on. keselowski was the first driverkind of up toward the front to hit pit road and look where he is running now. [1:55:53 pm] he is running third. doesn't sound like abig gain. but he gained 2.5 seconds on the additional lap when he came on pit road earlier.>> good point. >> go ahead.>> you talked about the speed of the 19 team. carl had a one second lead when that pit cyclebegan. his lead doubled with that stop. >> he got in the pits great. great stop.>> the opposite of that is kenseth. he waited to come down pit road. now he lost a lot oftrack position.
>> carl edwards leads kyle busch. coming upon 100 laps.you work on race cars, or your own car. you know what it's like to work hardwith your hands there's satisfaction in getting the job done. but when you get the job doneright, that's when you earn it. that's when a busch beer never tasted better. rewardinghard work, since 1955. here's to earning it. my mom loves giving me advice. she even givesme advice... ...about my toothpaste and mouthwash. but she's a dentist so...i kind of have tolisten. she said "jen, go pro with crest pro-health advanced." advance to healthier gums... ...andstronger teeth from day one. using crest toothpaste and mouthwash makes my... ...whole mouth feelawesome. and my teeth are stronger too. crest-pro health advanced... ...is superior to colgatetotal... ...in these 5 areas dentists check.
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we still have 21 cars on the lead lap, thelast of which is danica patrick. let's go to 13th place and get a nationwide dale juniorperformance report from matt. >> speaking to greg ives, he felt like itwas a good opportunity to score a win. three times they have finished second. junior'scar so good on long runs. he is trying to save the tires. the car is just way too freeon entry. looser off. significant adjustment, chassis and air pressure to try to fix itafter the first stop. [2:00:07 pm] >> the cars look like somebody on the beachwith a metal detector. all over the place, can't find anything.>> wondering where you were going.
>> he is low. he is up high.>> you are good today. we are going out for dinner on friday night more often.>> a lot of things with a race like this and different pit strategies, if you come in alap or two before another car, you will fall off sooner as well. then those tires thatcame on later like matt kenseth, they start coming on. you will see a maneuvering, differentpassing and strategies playing out better at different times.>> danica one lap down. that makes tony stewart the last car on the lead lap in 20th.>> you notice who is first, second and third? >> no surprise.>> the gibbs toyotas. some of that is in the pits.>> i was going to say, i think they're winning
on the track and in the pits. seems to bea trend for them this year. there are teams that know they have catching up to do.>> there are the toyota top performers. >> think about it. if everybody got the samecar and everybody has the same great driver, you can't do much on the track. where do youwork next? in the pits. >> those top three, it wasn't like they pittedearly. they pitted late in the cycle between laps 90 and 91, talking about the top threeright now. >> i really thought the way jimmie johnsonfired off and started off this race, he was really going to make them work for it. butever since they got by him, he really hasn't been able to make up that ground.>> in the last 47 richmond races -- that's
23 1/2 years -- this is only the fourth timethere has not been a caution in the first 100 laps of the race.>> we saw this yesterday in the xfinity race where it went long green flag runs. [2:02:12 pm] great racing. i mean, there's passing, multiplelanes all the way up to the wall and the bottom. like we are seeing here. then there was thelate caution. boy, it got wild and crazy. hold on tight. this thing -- there's a lotleft. >> martin truex was one of the first to pitin the cycle. he battles dale junior for 12th place. junior was in three laps after truex.so he has three laps fresher tires. they are
pulling down on matt kenseth who was one ofthe last -- he was the last of the leaders to pit.>> junior has finished better than he started i think just about every race this year. theydon't always have the best practice and the best qualifying. but, man on sunday they getthat thing dialed in. last week, two laps down when the race started. came home second.>> we hear him complain through practice and talk about the different adjustments and details.but then when it comes time to move forward in the race, they seem to find a way. i thinkthey're a great team. he is driving with confidence. they have good race cars.>> i said, i got the old broom out in case you want to use it.>> that was great to see him win that race
yesterday. what a great job he did.>> i didn't realize until late in the race when we heard it's the first time that d earnhardtjunior won an xfinity race in a car prepared by junior motorsports.>> when he won at daytona, that was a childress car.>> jeff, you were asking me during commercial what did we know about adjusts? everythingwas putting wedge in. trying to help that forward bite off the corner.>> yeah. absolutely. looks like that's what they are fighting, larry, is drive off. that'swhat that wedge will do for it and allow the left rear tire will work better as you feedthe throttle. won't cause as much wheel spin. might get them a little extra momentum offthe corner.
>> we don't have a lot of tools. [2:04:14 pm] there's not a lot of things the r can do.>> since pit stops, kyle busch has cut carl edwards' lead almost in half. i pledge allegianceto the flag uniting all kentucky fed chicken restaurants. and to the colonel, for whichhe sanders. which means hand breadin' and freshly preparin' chicken the hard way. soi came back, to make sure everything is still finger lickin' good. give our chicken anotherchance. one freshness, under american farms, daily hand-prepared, so help us sanders. chicken......colonel quality guaranteed. thanks for coming today. how you doin'? well today'sgonna be pretty easy. i want each of you to
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for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension,as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effectsmay include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-terminjury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. ifyou have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergicreaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialisand a $200 savings card people know me as dale earnhardt jr., racecar driver. but there'smore to me than that. at my office, they call me boss man. [2:06:15 pm]
i scout the talent, close the deals, do itall with a firm handshake. (loud clap noise) gentlemen.(loud clap noise) to others, i'm water cooler dale. so i got this new chair, had it fora couple of weeks. somebody keeps lowering it. ah, dang it! i mean i reset it to wherei want it and i go back to my office, and i sit down and it's lower. do you have a warrantyon the chair? no! someone is lowering it! (dale) for protecting my small business andmore... one, two, three, four, five, six ♪♪ roadrunner, roadrunner...♪♪ going faster miles an hour. ♪♪ ♪♪ gonna ride by the stop-n-shop... ♪♪ finallap. ♪♪ with the radio on. ♪♪♪♪ ow!♪♪
♪♪ with the radio on. ♪♪♪♪ got the fm... ♪♪ ♪♪ radio on. ♪♪♪♪ got the power, got the magic. ♪♪ ♪♪ radio on. ♪♪ whoo-hoo!>>> fox nascar is sponsored by -- >> 126 laps complete. chevy silverado is builtwith high strength steel. silverado, an official vehicle of nascar. 126 caution free laps inthe books. carl edwards, kyle busch, denny hamlin, kevin harvick and brad keselowski.a little high/low here for fourth place. >> the 2 car is starting to pay the pricefor pitting a little early. he has done -- he has done a great job of hanging in there.he is in sixth place. they made a nice move on the pit stop.>> yeah. that short pitting has its benefits.
right now, it's when they need the cautionto come out for the 2. >> that's right. they are really tight. [2:08:16 pm] the two-third mark of exit. they're not gettingoff the corner the way they wanted. he said it's loose to the middle and wayght to thetwo-third mark. >> he pitted six laps before jimmie johnson.gone from ninth to third in this sickle. >> they know the risk. they know what's happening.they saw the lap times falling off. they said, let's come in to get newer tires and get aheadof the cycle. let's make up time that way. and then maybe hopefully the caution fallsright for us. if it doesn't, then they will
short pit again. they will keep on the cycleuntil it works in their favor. >> trevor bayne, ryan newman battling for15th here. >> close company right there in turn two.that seems to be the choke point of this racetrack. exiting turn two. just ahead of them in 14th,martin truex. >> it's not something we have seen much thisyear, but the 78 doesn't have much speed. i talked to the team. he hasn't said if heis loose, if he is tight. the adjustments aren't helping. one thing that's differentthis week, after having two loose wheels last week at bristol, they have changed in thefront. the new front tire changer is now chris taylor. that last stop was great. they madeup spots. because they don't have speed, he
is falling back.>> this is such a tough racetrack to adjust to. if you try to fix the center of the cornerwhere the car is tight, we heard keselowski talk about how tight he was at the two-thirdmark to get it rotated. now you are super loose in and super loose off. you don't findthe overall gain in speed for the lap. >> running that track bar down, it's goingto help you one plaurt you one place. then you are too tight getting off. you are constantlyworking. >> i saw somebody that wasn't tight off. thatwas the 44, brian scott. working the bottom line in three and four in front of carl edwards. [2:10:18 pm]
doesn't want to go a lap down. boy, did thatcar get sideways. >> you used that track bar thing. it doesn'tinstantly go up or down. it moves slow. >> yeah. it doesn't work in the corners underload. the motor is not strong enough to do that. you can go a few tenths of an inch downeach straightaway. >> carl edwards closing in on tony stewarttrying to put the 14 a lap down. stewart holding on to that lead lap spot in his first startof the year. a lot has changes since he was in a cup car last november.>> tony stewart told me the biggest change was the new digital dash and learning it.mike bugarewicz took pictures of the screen pages from other teammates to get a page thatstewart liked. you can see, there's several
areas that stewart could not see because thesteering wheel. this morning, they had to move the data on the page over more on theright side of the screen so that way he could see. right now, he is just trying to holdon until the next stop. he is trying to save tires. he felt like he used them too earlyon the first run. >> this is one of the issues i have with thedigital dash. it can be moved to the left or to the right. but that's it. when we usedto have the analog gauges, you could move them just about anywhere you want to get itperfect for the way you sit and look throughout steering wheel.>> the analog gauges didn't weigh over four pounds. that's the weight of the dash. nascarmandates its location.
>> i would like them to give a couple moreinches. >> sixth place, kasey kahne, bred keselowski,137 laps, all green. here comes jamie mcmurray, 23rd.>> you can see down there the digital dash the way he has it laid out. he wants to bringthe analog gauge into the digital world. [2:12:21 pm] also, he wants the digital numbers that arethere as well to go off of. >> you can choose an analog gauge displaylike that. you can choose a bar graph. you can have the numbers. you can have a successionof lights. there are different ways to do it.>> give me numbers.
>> i'm sure that was a big learning curvefor him as well as you have to flip to a different page when you come down pit road. it filtersit and analyzes what you are doing on pit road. then you have to flip back to your normalgauge. >> one thing about a faster car today, justever new car has a screen like that. you have to flip to get your radio. there are severalpages in our street cars today. >> i've been watching ricky stenhouse. poisedfor a top five finish today. that car has looked smooth. everybody he catches, he passes.>> he is a heck of a driver. >> here is a car that dominated this racelast year, kurt busch. ricky stenhouse junior went by him on the outside and is ready toget brad keselowski coming off of this corner.
>> stenhouse, a lot of the drive as he movesin on keselowski for seventh. >> we are two seconds exactly off of whatthe fast lap was. that time by 2426. >> that's why you are seeing cars all overthis racetrack. when the pace starts to drop and you have a track laying rubber like wedo here at richmond today, you will see the cars fan everywhere.>> that's what i like about a day race like this. the track, the weather, those are -- that'snot actor. >> sunday is fun day at richmond, especiallyfor carl edwards. [2:14:22 pm] he leads kyle busch by 1.3 seconds. so youcan do more ofthe things you love. switch
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he was rolling the bottom better than carlwhile we were on break. got ahead of him off of turn two. in three and four, tony is struggling.>> the last car on the lead lap, another of the bk cars, david ragan.>> a lot of credit to that team and to michael waltrip racing. these cars came out of thatstable. it has really picked up their performance. >> he said they're learning the cars. theyare different than what they had. they are going to the wind tunnel. getting some testingtime. they are getting their hands around the whole program.>> i think they learned what they had was not good enough.>> they knew that. credit to michael, he went over and helped them a lot. they really turnedthe program around.
>> watch for a battle between aric almirolaand david ragan if ragan can get to almirola. [2:18:27 pm] they fight to stay on lead lap. the last twocars, 17th and 18th now. trevor bayne is right in the midst of that. all three of them. battlingto stay on the lead lap. if you are a lap car, you want to get three wide and blockall options for that leader. >> there you go.>> anything to hold him back. >> that's a break for kyle busch. seeing thedouble wide in front of the leader allows him to close right up to his teammate.>> mike, not very far behind him is the 11 car. he is catching both of them as well.those first three gibbs cars, toyotas, are
looking racy today.>> behind denny hamlin, first chevrolet is the number 4 of pole sitter kevin harvickin fourth. vince? >> harvick is much better this run than heended up being at the tail end of that initial run before the pit stop. he was on the splitterpretty hard at the beginning of the run. he said once the pressures have come up has gottenbetter and stayed better. good news for harvick still starting to move forward a little bit.>> thanks. we're at 156 laps. all of them under green. the leaders pitted -- cautionis out for debris. ends my question to larry when will the next pit stop come. how aboutnow? >> fill her up with fuel, four tires.>> somewhere near smithfield sign on the back
straightaway there's a piece of debris.>> i believe david ragan had just gone a lap down. if i had to guess, he is our free passcar. >> we will verify that with scoring. dependson the moment of caution. it is david ragan. first yellow all day long. 157 laps.>> that's a great job by david ragan to stay in that position and get that lap back. [2:20:29 pm] nice job.>> pit road is open this time. carl edwards will lead them down. longest green flag runto start the race since 1979. jamie? >> carl edwards said that wedge adjustmenton the last stop hurt him a bit. through the
center mostly. the drive off was better. airpressure adjustment, four-tire stop. >> denny hamlin in. you can see the wrenchin the back window. a chassis adjustment. his car needs to turn better earlier in therun through the center. meanwhile, his teammate kyle busch in the bottom of the screen, thecar is loose in, loose off. he felt like they were ing gains. chassis adjustment on the18. >> we told you the 4 car lasted a lot betteron that run. they will take a quarter round out of the right rear. four tires for kevinharvick. >> kyle busch wins the advanced auto partsrace off pit road. denny hamlin came out third but had a little drama on his stop right there.>> that thing must be hot.ice to meet you!
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[2:22:30 pm] and now for a limited time, switch to cricketand get a $50 bill credit. cricket wireless. something to smile about.>>> the toyota owners 400 on fox is sponsored by -->> first caution of the day for debris in the back straightaway. we have a full roundof pit stops. carl edwards, the leader at the time with denny hamlin's stop on the top.tire rolls away. [2:24:31 pm] has to chase it and get into position to finishup. what it looked like was a difference of 1.2 seconds between the pit stops. here ischannel 19.
>> i'm sorry. just one of those racing deals.we will get it back next time. >> i'm not worried about it. no big deal.i might have had the wheel turned a little bit. let me know.>> he says it's my fault. the setup, not the driver. the boys are rough on me. don't cutme no slack. >> they are having so much fun.>> they are having fun. he is feeling good. he brought up a good point. hold the wheelperfectly straight for the tires to come off. we saw right there, you have to do everythingjust right or you could possibly miss that fire coming around the corner and ruin thewhole thing. >> tuesday, mlb is back with a game you canonly see on fs1. the cards take on the diamondbacks.
9:00 p.m. eastern on fs1. watch live on foxsports go. a couple of issues on pit road this time. the right rear air gun broke onkurt busch's pit stop. they were a little slower. and two penalties. hamlin and chrisbuescher having tires get away from the crew on the way back to the wall.>> real quick, we put a piece of tape on our steering wheel. you see it on most of thecars. they have orange tape on the steering wheel to tell you that you have your wheelstraight. that's really useful when you come down pit road and get in the pit box.>> the driver plays a significant role in the pit stops. everything he does, the pitcrew does, all those are crucial. >> coming green this time. to begin lap 165of 400. carl edwards spins the tires.
[2:26:31 pm] kyle busch gets away.>> carl didn't go. >> kyle did.>> kyle got away just fine. >> i remember one time when carl went tooquick. cost him. >> that was ugly.>> no worries. nice and smooth. he will come back to you.>> that was carl. three wide. >> i think these guys all know the urgency.there's an urgency of passing. you are on pretty good tires. you got them in front ofyou. they are going to get strung out and it will be harder.>> saw dale earnhardt junior getting in the
back of ricky stenhouse junior. i want throughhere. >> junior -- that's chase.>> three wide. >> that's not going to work.>> my gosh. >> i have never seen toothpaste squeezed backin the tube before. >> that was close.>> you love the action here right after restarts. >> we saw this with chase elliott at the beginningof the race. his car works good on the outside. good short-run speed but fell off. he closedthe door on the 3 of austin dillon. >> knock the hinges off.>> his car is really taking off on the restarts. >> i think he is trying to make up for thetime he lost.
>> carl is back.>> kyle says, i'm not going to fight you for it, not yet. maybe.>> good battle for fifth, kurt busch, kasey kahne.>> those pit -- when you get a chance to pit like we just did, you can get a lot done toyour car and make it better. >> trying to get a really good momentum buildingrun for kasey kahne. his best finish a tenth at las vegas. [2:28:34 pm] his car has been good. slight adjustmentswith the track bar inside the car to help the drive off. it started hurting rollingthrough center. the last run, just a wedge
adjustment. the car too loose into turn three.>> ever since he scraped the wall, i don't know what it did but that thing took off.>> truex took tenth there from ricky stenhouse who we have noted has a long-run car, notso much a short-run one. >> a lot of times you scrape the wall andit will adjust the tow. maybe it had a little too much or it didn't have enough.>> maybe it flattened the right side of the car.>> never happen. >> not here.>> all i know, if you plan that, you better -- you are a better driver than i was.>> really good. >> 172 complete. back under green. what doyou say we take a nationwide inside ride with
dale junior? ryan blaney has been hard atwork here. one lap down, 25th. >> he is making some amazing moves. i sawhim come off four a couple laps ago, he was on the top side, three wide, cut across, passedanother car as they went into turn one. [2:30:35 pm] >> there's a few things a driver can do. buthe can't do half of what they can do in the pits. take a car that's junk, get her tightenedup and you can go somewhere. >> you know, under caution, you can maybetake a split second longer to make some of those adjustments. when you are coming inunder green, it's really difficult to ask that out of the pit crew. one mistake undergreen costs you a lap possibly. costs you
a lot more track position when the cars areat speed. >> landon cassill working on joey logano.so is ryan blaney. they are in a three pack -- make it a four pack with casey mears inturn four. tough day for joey. >> that's an understatement. started second.he is a lap down and has been a lap down. dropped like a rock. he said he could hangon for 15 or 20 laps and then the car is just gone. they took a big swing at it at thispit stop. he has a deep hole to dig out of. >> logano has a four race streak of top tenfinishes. longest in the league. fifth place, kasey kahne around the outside of kurt busch.matt kenseth looking in from seventh. remember, denny hamlin has had to overcome that pitroad penalty. he is 17th.
>> mike, his day may have taken a turn forthe worst. denny reported two laps ago he was low on volts. mike wheeler told him tostart shutting off fans and blowers. that did not help. he switched to the backup battery.still not much better. the crew guys are getting their helmets on waiting to see if denny hasto hit pit road. problems on the 11. >> he had to restart -- when you serve thepenalty, you restart at the tail end of the longest line when that happens under caution.even though hamlin restarted in 17th place, he was 38th in line when they dropped thegreen flag for the second time today. [2:32:36 pm] >> he is right at the half -- a little morethan half a lap behind the leader right now.
>> when i would go to nashville or martinsvilleor bristol or where i knew i could win and i had a car that wasnable of winning, thatwas some of the most miserable days you could have. denny hamlin is at his home track andyou have a car or day like this. it is miserable. >> ninth place, martin truex trying to takeit away from brad keselowski with ricky stenhouse right behind them. moving into the picture.>> yeah. here is that time in the run where stenhouse's car comes to life. he has to survivethe restarts if we have many restarts because his car is not that good on the short runs.right here, he starts clicking them off. >> jamie?>> talked to his crew chief this morning. he said we felt good after bristol. it showedwe are improving as a group, roush-fenway.
they struggled a couple of weeks ago at martinsville.coming into this race, they thought, we might be a top 15 car. they have certainly beenrunning better than that. ricky now saying he is a little loose in and loose off. butoverall, the speed is pretty good. >> fifth at bristol last week. roush has hadtop tens in consecutive races only once in the last year and a quarter. maybe again today.>> what i liked about what i heard there, he didn't say i'm loose in, tight in the middle,loose off. he is only loose in, loose off. that's why his car is good.>> he likes it that way. carl edwards, one second ahead of his toyota teammate kyle busch.been burning the candle at all ends. cuz' check out their latest brainstorm: pro trailerbackup assist. just turn this little knob
on the dash and it helps steer your trailerexactly where you want it to go. [2:34:41 pm] it's just one more bit of brilliance you can'tget on any other truck. freakish. this is the ford f-150. and every other truck is history [2:37:14 pm] >>> earlier richard petty and aric almirolastopped by the smithfield display and a replica of the king's car that won 27 races that year.to celebrate the 50th anniversary of that, smithfield has a supermarket sweep. fans canwin a trip to the daytona 500. someone will win that car. what race weekend would be completewithout the smithfield whole hog challenge,
bacon eating challenge. how did we miss that?>> how did we miss that? >> i would like to have that car. that's acool car. >> it was built at the petty shops by someof the -- it was lettered by the same fellow that lettered the car in '67. it's a sharppiece. >> hand painted and hand lettered.>> it has a hemi in it. >> you can buy one on a showroom floor justlike it. >> yeah.>> well, sort of. >> we started with a showroom car. richardpetty's 43 has won 38 races in the state of virginia.>> seven in a row here at this little track.
>> second most is 17 by dw.>> caution out for debris. >> caution is out. reed sorensen had cut downa tire eight laps ago. made his way to pit road. they are going to now go and pick upthe debris that that tire left along the way. officially, the caution is out for debris.on the last restart, well, first restart of the season for tony stewart, and here washis reaction. >> what the 24 did on that restart was sexy.that was pretty cool. >> i was busy looking at the one in frontof you. it was pretty good. here is what tony was talking about. you are riding with chaseelliott. >> wow.>> three wide.
[2:39:14 pm] still three wide. still three. still three.four now. >> that is worthy of admiration by tony stewart.that was an aggressive move. there's something you didn't see out of the 24 car last year.>> when you were in it. >> would you have done that?>> no. >> that's not a piece of tire. that's a brakeduct. that's a caution. >> but i would have like -- my team wouldhave liked me to have done that. that was amazing. that was very aggressive. that'swhat rookies bring. that's what young, talented drivers bring. they are willing to take thatbig risk. he is strong on the restart.
>> they were battling so hard because theywere trying to get to a position to be the first car one lap down when this, the nextcaution, came out. there was quite a battle there between chase elliott and kyle larson.larson gets the free pass. >> you want to know motivation why you wantto be aggressive to the restarts and get up to the car you are trying to pass?>> allen may have lit a fire under him. >> carl edwards says he was looser in andlooser off. they are putting the wedge adjustment back in that they made on the first stop.air pressure adjustment and a four-tire stop for the 19.>> jimmie johnson telling chad knaus, the more laps on the tires, the better his carmoves around. he was moving around trying
to find more grip. loose in, loose off. the18 of kyle busch, his brake shake is not worse. the chattering in the tires, better this run.>> the car of kevin harvick is pretty solid. he said, i could use more drive off. slightair pressure adjustment from crew chief rodney childress.>> carl edwards holds the lead in the advanced auto parts race off pit road. trouble formatt kenseth. a very, very long stop for the 20. we will update that when we come back.these little guys? they represent blood cells. and if you have afib - an irregular heartbeatthat may put you at five times greater risk of stroke - they can pool together in theheart, forming a clot that can break free, and travel upstream to the brain where itcan block blood flow and cause a stroke.
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adjourned! colonel quality, guaranteed. [2:43:25 pm] (loud clap noise) to others, i'm water coolerdale. man we got those tiny trash cans in our offices. somebody keeps putting theirlunch in mine. (all) what? everyday. smells like mac n' cheese.ew. (dale) lobster mac n' cheese, maybe? so weird...so weird. have any of y'all seen who it is? no.(dale) for protecting my small business and more...>>> coverage on provided by goodyear. official tire of nascar. that's the toyota camry sehybrid leading the field. cars taking the
wave around, nine of them working around thepace car, to the tail end of the field. we mentioned matt kenseth had a long pit stop.stayed on the lead lap. what were they doing? >> he has been keeping an eye on the vaultmeter. it started flashing on lap 169. he was losing volts. swapping back and forthbetween batteries. they swapped out both batteries. fresh batteries in the 20 to see if he canmake it to the finish. >> do you think they are having some kindof an alternator issue that's not charging the battery?>> the good thing, it made it to halfway. if they change both the batteries out, theyshould be able to make it to the end. maybe shut a few things off. mainly driver comfort.>> don't do that to me.
>> denny hamlin reported what sounded likea battery issue. they thought about pitting. they did not for that issue. getting readyfor restart. carl edwards got a great restart that time.>> yes, he did. he is the leader. he can do that.>> almirola on the bottom. four wide. >> oh, baby.>> good grief. [2:45:28 pm] >> look at that.>> four wide at richmond? are you dding me? that's not richmond. that's i-95 right there.five wide? look at -- >> i don't know about this one, boys.>> six cars under a blanket.
>> chase elliott and tony stewart -->> they lit a fire under that 24. >> middle of three even with you. still outthere. >> this is amazing.>> see what tony says about this restart. he was impressed with the last one. hamlinjust gave trevor bayne a big shot. it cost hamlin. denny got a run on the 6. he hit himin the back end. it broke his momentum. he got swarmed when he did.>> chase elliott to his outside. austin dillon right behind. this is for 14th. everybodyahead of them is single file. >> these two are battling for position, 14th.you have chase elliott and tony stewart being to stay one lap down in case the caution comesout.
>> elliott got a great drive to pass hamlinand go after trevor bayne. >> elliott is the first car one lap down.carl edwards, one and a half seconds up on kevin half vehicle. how about a fox nascarsunday richmond crank it up? >> to xfinity and beyond. [2:47:49 pm] >> clear, clear. clear, clear.>> still clear. all clear. >> still there. just out there. just out therestill. still out there. he is there. outside, bottom is clear. still out there. 14 righton your door. [2:50:27 pm]
>> 3 on the bottom. clear. clear high andlow. all clear. >> a ig thanks to our fax nascar emmy awardningaudio. >> that's an orchestra.>> what great battles. you had stewart and logano fighting for 22nd and more. our foxnascar mid race report on the way. the gillette mach 3 turbo still feels better after 10 shavesthan a disposable on it's first. mach 3 blades have twice the coatings. for a closer shavewith zero redness. get an incredible experience shave after shave after shave. gillette. thebest a man can get. let's do this. ohhh! toyota let's go places. [2:52:50 pm]
>> time for the fox nascar mid race report.first half has been like the toyota drivers 200, as in dominating the laps. carl edwards,nearly 225 laps in, he has led the most. kyle busch, denny hamlin have been up front. tonystewart, as high as 15th. he said on the radio for what it's worth, i'm having fun. we havehad the same number of lead changes in the first half of this race that we had for theentire race last year. what's caught your attention?>> well, carl edwards has everyone's attention out there. the last three races, he has ledmore laps than he led in all of '14 and '15. [2:54:51 pm] this guy is rolling. not just here today buthe is on a heck of a roll.
>> jeff, kasey kahne has had a rough startto 2016. it has been 13 races since he had a top five at kansas last october. a top fivemay not be a win, but i bet it would be a win for him. we're down to maybe one to twomore stops. >> kyle busch has had two wins a wreck inhis last three starts. he will get this race done today. the crew will make the right adjustments.the pit stop could be the crucial move that puts kyle busch out front at the end.>> my man is running second. but nfl, not for long.>> keep an eye on the 48 of jimmie johnson chasing the third win in the season. he hasn'twon in a short track in three years. he felt like he o abused the tires early on.>> dale earnhardt junior is a three-time richmond
winner. he has three career weekend sweeps.he will sweep or finish third. >> the lead is heating up. let's check realquick. it's harvick and edwards going back and forth. harvick, your pole sitter. a touchon jimmie johnson, he had not led a lap in the last three races until today. harvickdoes take the lead. 44 laps led for jimmie johnson. who will cool off the toyotas ofjoy gibbs? they have won four of eight races. main it's harvick? maybe it's jimmie johnson.stay tuned. nascar on fox live from richmond. (loud clap noise) to others, i'm water coolerdale. steve still hasn't accepted my friend request. he has really high standards. andhe doesn't check it that often. i'm friends with everyone but him in the office. it'sso steve. don't worry about it. are you guys
friends with him?(both) oh no, we're friends with him. i'm friends with him. oh.(dale) for protecting my small business and more... [2:56:54 pm] i solemnly swear that my kfc $20 fill up willfill your family of four up, with eight pieces of delicious original recipe chicken and sides.it's a meal that's freshly prepared every day. court adjourned! colonel quality, guaranteed.with sprint's unlimited plan, you don't have to worry about your data running out. so youcan do more ofthe things you love. switch ok, so the government crashed-tested the f-150.the one with the high-strength military-grade,
[2:58:58 pm] >>> fox nascar is sponsored by -->> 237 of 400 laps complete in richmond. here is today's ford performance track fact. hallof famers who have won cup races at richmond in a ford. eight drivers have won here drivingfor the blue oval on this track that began in the early 1950s and continues as one ofthe most exciting in all of nascar. highest running ford at the moment is aric almirolain ninth and ricky stenhouse 12th. >> aric almirola having a nice run here. theyhaven't had a lot to celebrate this year. best finish, 12th at daytona. you talked tothe crew chief. he said with this package, they have struggled to get a hold on it. thedriver has not been comfortable. this weekend
it's the best they have felt. aric almirolasaying this is the best my car has felt all race.>> ryan newman went around i'll almirola. newman is a former winner here. they weregood in practice. he is showing it here in race conditions.>> eighth place, eight seconds off the lead for ryan newman. kevin harvick, who startedthe race from the pole because he had the fastest lap in pre-qualifying practice, qualifyingwas rained out, he has seven wins with stewart-haas but no checkered flag on a short track sincejoining this team. two second place finishes, however.>> this is just a little bit smaller than phoenix. we know what he does at phoenix.he dominates there. maybe they have that phoenix
setup in the car today.>> yeah. [3:00:59 pm] but you know, they were out front and theythey lost the lead. i didn't think he was going to be able to get it back. the numberone pit stall is a big advantage. he did it on the track. i'm wondering. we heard jamietalk about the adjustment carl edwards made and going back and forth. i'm wondering ifthis adjustment is not working for him. >> vince?>> they have made that car better for kevin harvick. there's no question about it. hewasn't very good that first run. rodney tweaked it. he said, this is one of the hardest tracksfor him as a crew chief. it nev seems like
there's one thing wrong. there's four thingswrong to make better. that hasn't been the case here. they have been fighting a littlebit loose in. >> carl edwards has led the most laps in therace. but he is seeing the lead get away. harvick first and now kyle busch has passedhis teammate for second place. listen in on carl and company.>> i'm in center. >> a little snug in the center. i have thetrack bar down. >> i'm watching the clock. that's what youdo in the pits as a crew chief or a spotter. right now, kevin harvick has everybody coveredsignificantly. 23.8 for harvick. 24.2 on both of the 18 and 19 and the 48. he has a couplein the bank and pulling away.
>> the three faster cars on the track areall chevrolets, harvick, johnson and kurt busch. ride along with jamie mcmurray.>> i love this camera shot. it's a 360 cam. we can pan around and look inside. see howhe is working the steering wheel. listen to him working the throttle. look at the digitaldash. look out the side window if we want. [3:02:59 pm] >> you know what i like? this aero packageand these tires and the way these cars are right now, we saw last week, everybody complainedabout the cars running up next to the wall. you can run the cars anywhere you want to.i think with this aero package, the car is happier up high running up to the wall.>> they are three wide in front of mcmurray.
he is underneath regan smith. just ahead ofthem, greg biffle battling david ragan. >> i was happy to hear rodney talk abohowtough this track is as a crew chief. i feel the same way as a driver. there's three, fourthings going on that you are trying to fix as a driver, trying to fix as a crew. it'sone of the toughest to set up for and drive to really get a hold of.>> i think running at night covers up a lot of things. the grip on the track improves.i don't remember seeing these guys run up next to the wall at nighttime.>> this is a heck of a battle. this is for 15th. biffle, dillon and ragan.>> see the smoke on right rear of ragan on the 23. that could be a problem.>> a little rub a little bit.
>> left front rub.>> left front. you can see the left front fender was knocked in and left rear.>> caution, caution. >> yellow is out again for debris. this timein turn number two. what a break that is for david ragan who is one of the 19 drivers onthe lead lap. >> see the right side of the 23 is caved infront and rear. see what happens here. austin dillon on the outside. herecomes biffle, bam.>> the 23 of ragan was going to get underneath the car in front of him. i think biffle justassumed he would go all way up to the wall. yeah, the 3 of austin dillon, the 23 had arun as going inside of him. [3:05:01 pm]
biffle thought he had room to go out to the23. he was going to be up next to the wall. the 23 turned down. just a racing incident.>> this is all battling for position and battling to stay on the lead lap. a lot at stake betweenthe three cars. >> lucky break for -- i don't know about lucky.this guy will luck out. he has been fighting, we have seen on restarts. he has been aggressive.chase elliott i think gets the free pass. >> he does.>> i can't wait to watch him on the restart now that it's for position.>> he will be more careful now. >> for the second time, who does that leaveas next car one lap down? tony stewart. kasey kahne currently sixth. chase elliott 20th.have you made your decision? have you voted?
dale earnhardt junior right now is undeclared.you will decide who he votes for. the pit crews will shine again at lap 253. they havebeen out there for 56 laps on these tires. here is jamie?>> carl edwards' pit crew is ready to shine again. they have been going back and forthon the wedge adjustment. a four-tire stop, air pressure and tape on the grill.>> johnson rolling in the center good. then he started to go free. he adjusted the trackbar. they are trying to tighten him up. kyle busch, trying to improve his entry in turnone. >> a little drive off for kevin harvick. thenumber one pit stall helps him just fine. he is the first one off.>> a lengthy stop for matt kenseth. will come
out toward the tail end.>> that number one pit stall, that's a gold mine.>> yes, it is. >> gold down there. [3:07:01 pm] >> 147 laps to go in the commonwealth of virginia.hello! nice to meet you! welcome, welcome! today i'm going to show you the all-new 2016chevy cruze and ask you what you think. but here's the catch. you can only answer in emojis.what emoji would you use to describe the design? (sfx: message sent) i think it's sexy. mm-mm-mm!...it has available built-in 4g lte wifi (sfx: message sent) rock on. that's excellent.we got wifi. this car gets an epa estimated
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he is your leader. kyle busch in second, kurtbusch, carl edwards, kasey kahne, dale junior, denny hamlin, jimmie johnson. toyota camryhybrid se leads the field around. it will make the dive on to pit road. here we go.>> watch that 18 car, kyle busch is amazing on restarts.>> so the 41 of kurt busch. he thought about it. probably thought second about it beinghis teammate. >> three wide mid pack. things not quite sortedout at the front. harvick alone. kurt and kyle, the busch brothers battle for second.>> remember last year, that 41 car dominated this race. it was a day race. i know theyhave worked on the car. he practiced a lot. not surprising to see them get the car betterlater in the race.
>> denny said, hello.>> how rude. >> i just wonder also on the 41 of kurt busch,did they learn from something the 4 car did on previous stop on an adjustment that theydecided to implement into the 41 car and make his car better?>> i wonder that, too. i wonder what happened to the 19? as dominant as he was, i'm notsure what's going on with the 19. >> well, in regards to the 41, as you weretalking about, they went back to the setup that they had last year when they dominatedthis race. they tried those in practice. that's what they settled on. in relation to the changesthe 4 has made, they have been very similar throughout the course of this race. air pressureadjustments for the 4 and 41. you see harvick
holding on to the lead. [3:11:39 pm] >> i wasn't sure if he was going to hold onto it. you saw him get loose in turn one. the back of the car wiggled allowing kylebusch to get inside of him again. >> i think kyle likes that inside.>> outside seems to prevail here off of turn four. kyle gets loose off of four. watch downhere in one and two. >> i want to you watch that 4 car right inthe middle of the corner, how he shoots out just a little bit.>> rolls so good through the center there. seems like the 4 car needs a few laps forthe air pressure to come up before the balance
and speed -->> trouble for ricky stenhouse. he lost about five spots the last lap. now he has lost fivemore. is headed for pit road. >> coming to pit road.>> tough break for stenhouse. eighth place, hamlin and keselowski. stenhouse gets fourtires. he will lose i believe two laps and stalls it.>> they have a problem on pit road, too. >> they let him go.>> one of the hardest things to do is -- you have to put a whole race together. run goodon the track. be smart in the pits. driver has to make good decisions. put it all together.he goes two laps down. >> ricky stenhouse told his team he had abad vibration. they are checking all the wheels
right now to see if it was a loose wheel.tough luck. he was running top ten, having a good run today.>> we haven't talked a lot about lug nuts today like we have been talking in so manyother races. a lot of loose wheels so far this year. that seems to be our first oneof the day. [3:13:44 pm] >> matt kenseth trying to work his way backto the front here in 12th place. 5 1/2 seconds off the lead. stenhouse has brand-new tires.but is two laps down. while we were gone, martin truex came back in and made an extrastop. jamie? >> well, we haven't talked a lot about lugnuts. it bit the 78 again. right wheel -- we
have trouble on the track. tony stewart.>> caution is out for a flat. limp it in. >> they were saying that he had a tire rub.that tire went away. >> you can see back here on the left -- theleft rear quarter panel where that's been pushed in. that knot is kind of what got thattire. >> we have seen cars really bumping and bangingon restarts. jockeying for position. unfortunately, that contact that was made with the 14 isgoing to cost him. >> stewart was 21st, one lap down.>> he did a great job staying out of the wall when the tire does go down.>> here is the restart. >> logano behind tony.>> oh, man.
>> boy, don't let -- don't give logano aninch. he took advantage of that. tony was blocking the outside to prevent what happenedwith chase elliott. logano went straight up the middle, made contact. that's all it takes.a slight amount of contact, that fender bent in like that. cuts the tire in a hurry.>> joey shot the gap. guess who benefits? logano gets the free pass. that's what theywere fighting for. >> things like this can fire tony stewartup in a hurry. i do think it was a racing incident.>> it looked that way. i don't know how tony feels about that. but it looked that way.>> guys, we have only run ten laps. i think they will come. the pace had slowed down becausewhat you are doing is now you are looking
out there the end of the race. [3:15:49 pm] you have to make another stop. you can splitthe two runs up a little bit here. i think you will see them come.>> jamie? >> follow the leader for the 19. he was goingto do whatever they did. he is saying he needs some real grip. the car definitely not theway it was the first half of the race. a four-tire stop for carl edwards.>> kyle busch said the takeoff was excellent but then he over abused the tires. talkingin code about what adjustments he wants. >> kurt busch says it's pretty good. harvicksays once the pressures come up, it's real
good. they are not going to make any changeson the 4. just four tires. >> what of brad keselowski? he chose not topit. he is the race leader. >> you know who is not happy about that? probablythe 17 car. he can't take the wave around because all the lead lap cars did not pit.there will be no wave around. 130 laps to go in richmond. after 51 days of the pursuitof four bandits who chose a prius as their getaway car, a new development: prius ownersfrom all over america have descended on the chase - hi! to play what appears to be anautomotive shell game with authorities. it's total confusion down here. the prius 4 haveliterally vanished. they're just gone. [laughing] i don't think anyone could havepredicted this. toyota. let's go places. i've
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logano on the lead lap. caution for tony stewartwho continues one lap down getting ready. [3:19:52 pm] green flag. brad keselowski, kevin harvick,fighting for the lead. kurt busch and carl edwards in hot pursuit.>> that was a nice start. they came across the line together.>> that did. with the 2 car on the older tires, they were very even there. here comes the41 on fresher tires. a little contact there. between kurt busch and brad keselowski. tome, brad had nothing to lose. he has a win in the bag already. so why not risk it? theircar hasn't been strong enough to lead or get up front. didn't have a lot of laps on thetires.
>> they have been using pit strategy. he hasbeen short pitting. that got him in the race sort of. now this call is another gamble.it may pay off. >> every driver in this top ten has at leastone win at richmond. >> that 4 car gets a run off turn two overthere. a little better than anybody. >> carl edwards got a run to his rear bumper.>> i've been curious about the 41 car all day long. he hasn't shown a lot of strength.but as good as he was here last year, it just made me wonder if they were going to get himdialed in. i think they have. >> saw a trend similar to this -- kyle buschto the outside of brad keselowski. takes over second. the 18 car had good pace at the beginning.we saw him take the lead away from carl edwards
earlier. curious to see if they adjusted whereit stays on the long run. >> that's the first lap that kurt busch hasled today. these brothers running one two, they battle each other hard.>> you think there's no brotherly love there? [3:21:54 pm] i think maybe.>> i'm guessing it's a competition between them is what's gotten them to this level.>> i think you are right. >> last year here, kurt led 291 laps of thisrace. >> i know you say that. they are brothers.but there was always somebody that made you go a little harder, try a little harder, drivea little harder. maybe it was earnhardt or
maybe it was rusty. i don't know. whoeverit might be, they always made you be better than you thought could you be.>> can you imagine being kurt busch and your little brother is pushing you to the limitand one of the best drivers we have seen and two of the best drivers we have seen, to havethose two to battle it out with? that's going to make you a better race car driver.>> kurt busch out front. paul menard doing a nice job of being the first car one lapdown in case the cautions breed cautions. jamie mcmurray right behind him. back to theleader and vince. >> it's interesting, you mention that kurtbusch dominated this race a year ago. they told me before the race today that they thoughtthey had a fifth to tenth place car that day
a year ago. the race started and the car justcame alive. it's no question or surprise that they went back toward that setup here forthis weekend. they have worked on the car each stop except for the last one. no changesthe last time. >> seen a lot of great battles out there onthe track. racing has been fantastic today. a lot of passing. i have never seen this manypasses at richmond. >> aric almirola is having a good day. hehas been in the top ten the last little bit. >> 11th take on the right.>> the tires are taking its toll on the 2 car. he wanted to go ten laps. [3:23:58 pm]
now he needs a caution badly. it will payoff for him if he can. >> here we go.>> for the lead. >> one high, one low. which way are you goingto go? >> you can kurt say, you want the outside,go for it? i like the bottom right now. kyle says, okay, i think i will take that.>> you go wherever you want to. this is where i'm going.>> rarely seen the outside pay off here. carry the speed into turn one.>> 18 gets a nice run off of two. so does the 41. their cars are fairly equal.>> you know, there's no give up in these two boys.>> oh, no. they are going to make you go hard.
>> like you said, there's a lot of motivation.>> kyle busch back to the front. he has led 13 laps so far. the free pass position haschanged. jamie mcmurray is up to 21. >> at the beginning of the race, i thought,wow, kevin harvick is so strong. jimmie johnson will dominate this race today. carl edwardshas this one won. it continues to change constantly as who is dominating this race at differentstages. >> let's step back to seventh.>> a lot more still left to do as the 88 will go to victory lane here today. the car justtoo free on exit for junior. utilizes the bottom most of the race.>> looking for sixth place. running about four and a half seconds off the lead.
[3:26:03 pm] >> there is your buddy there. dale juniorand jimmie johnson have a nice battle. >> those two chevys look very even.>> they do. one on the bottom, one on top. >> i noticed earlier, dale junior rolls throughthe center of the corner. he is loose off. his car rolls nice. it has good short-runspeed. it seems like as loose as this car is, it goes away on the longer runs. not exactlysure what's happened to jimmie johnson. he was so dominant early in the race. he fatedon long run. has never shown that pace and speed since.>> jeff, i think what he did is he tried to run lower. it didn't work. now he is backup in the high groove where he was when he
led the race earlier. dale junior drove by.matt kenseth is right behind him. >> from ninth on back, hamlin, then newmanand keselowski has dropped nine spots. remember, he did not pit at last 270 along with therest of the leaders. now he falls to almirola. >> look who is coming now as well. chase elliott,what a great rebound. he was a lap down. struggling earlier in the race. now look at him. he isgoing into 12th position here. >> he got the free pass.>> you got one -- all four gibbs cars in the top ten. then you got three hendrick carsin the top ten right now. >> i don't think it's long before we -->> he will be the -- the 24 will be there shortly.>> chase elliott ran 158 laps one lap down
to get into the position to fight his wayback. jamie? >> the 24 of chase elliott, he felt like hehad a good car. they started off a little off. chase said, if i can get on lead lap,i feel like we have a top ten car. he has been aggressive today. they have made greatchanges. [3:28:03 pm] he is the best he has been.>> so is greg biffle right behind him. >> i was going to say. don't look now, herecomes the biff. >> battling greg biffle. kyle busch aheadof his brother now by a half a second with carl edwards third, kevin harvick, kasey kahnethe top five. ok, so the government crashed-tested
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>>> 97 laps to go at richmond. here is thecoca-cola family racing update. nice to see tony stewart's face on that chart. great tohave him back starting his first race of the season. after an off season sand rail accidentout in the dunes. doctors on wednesday pronounced him fit for duty. stewart currently 22nd,one lap down. austin dillon was a lead lap car until just now.>> a brand-new race car this weekend. for the first time he said he had a vibration.slugger asked his guys. they said they got them all tight. not sure what the vibrationis. they will check the vibrations coming off and put four fresh on.>> he was 14th when he made the pit stop. he has gone one lap down. how about dale earnhardtjunior?
>> got a vibration. it has been the wholerun. >> all the lug nuts look good.>> they say all the lug nuts look good. they go back and watch video from the tire changesto make sure that it looks like they hit them all. [3:32:30 pm] they talk to the tire changers. it's importantto have all that communication to make sure they make the proper decisions whether theyneed to come back down. >> what a battle here. trevor bayne, bradkeselowski and david ragan fighting for 16th place. tony stewart a lap down digging inthere with him.
>> you talk about the tire changers. i don'tknow if every one has -- they have a gauge or they have a way of measuring a sensor totell you if you got the spikes, if you got all the lug nights tight. they have some informationwhen they go to look at it. >> the pressure sensor on the line. as youhit it, they know if they got the lug nut tight. i heard it's not working accuratelyfor them. >> one other thing that's not working well,jimmie hnson's race car. >> he could not run on the bottom becausethe car was just way too free. free up top but not as fast.>> the track bar is down so i can drive off. i'm starting to get tight everywhere else.>> we're trying. i promise you, we're not
intentionally trying to[ bleep ] you. >> i know that.>> you know what? they ran this high line in practice. i never saw him run the bottom.i thought that was a good idea because i thought they know the car will worth down low butthey are not sure up high. he has been hung up here on the top and can't use the bottomtoday. >> a couple of hendrick chevys battle forfifth. kasey kahne, dale earnhardt junior. >> you can sort of tell there from chad knaus'svoice, they came into the race with a lot of confidence. jimmie loved the way the carwas driving. as you get to this point, you see it is starting to slip away from you.you have been ying.
>> they are not terrible. they are runningseventh. [3:34:32 pm] maybe they get a caution and do somethingto the car. they are not out of it. the car is not as good as they thought it was goingto be. they looked great when the race started. >> larry, just under 90 laps to go. they werelast on pit road at lap 270. if we stay green, when do you want tires?>> well, i think we're going to see something interesting. there is the caution.>> larry -- >> they will get tires.>> brilliant. absolutely brilliant. >> love it when a plan comes together.>> lap 312. was that jacques or pierre debris
this time?>> one of them. >> jamie mcmurray did a great job of stayingin the free pass position. he will be on the lead lap.>> you know how i know when a caution is going to come out? you propose a question to meabout tires. >> goodness.>> we're yellow right now. we will go back to green. nascar's green program is somethingthat takes place each and every weekend on the racetrack. in 2011, the sport made a significantchange to unleaded fuel in its race cars, turning to the greener higher performanceoption of sunoco green i-15. nascar green, a nation committed to making a difference.>> gotta get it right this time. gotta hit
the stop and make the right adjustments.>> this could be the last one. >> carl edwards says the difference betweenhim and the front runners is he loses grip. they have been using wedge adjustment. itis once again for the 19, a four-tire stop. >> kyle busch says the car is very close.no chassis adjustment. he needs to make an adjustment, he will do it with track bar orthe brake adjustor. >> kurt busch pits from second place. he saysit's a tick free but good. [3:36:33 pm] they are not going to touch it. four tires.kevin harvick will get air pressure with four tires. he needs a little help on exit.>> nice race off pit road. kurt busch beats
brother kyle. moving on up. carl edwards,that's close right there. thank you for dining with us. hope to see you again soon. whoa,whoa, i got this. just gotta get the check. almost there. i can't reach it. if you havealligator arms, you avoid picking up the check. what? it's what you do. i got this. thanks,dennis! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico.growwwlph. it's what you do. oh that is good crispy duck. thanks for coming today. howyou doin'? well today's gonna be pretty easy. i want each of you to grab a 2x8 and cut it.you'll have 2 saws to choose from. a power saw, or a handsaw. so which saw did you use?power saw. power saw. power saw. you all chose the most powerful tool. wouldn't it make senseto make the same choice, when it comes to
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here is a look at pit performance sponsoredby advand auto parts. >> let's look at carlce edwards' pit stops.this stop, he didn't gain anything. but that was below 11.5 seconds. they are getting itdone for carl edwards. >> danica patrick takes the wave around with44 laps on her tires. austin dillon was just in ten laps ago. he also takes the wave around.we will restart with 22 lead lap cars, 83 laps to go. the busch brothers, harvick, edwards,earnhardt, kahne, johnson, hamlin. >> that 41 car shot out of there. he was longgone. >> look at the three wide from tenth on back.oh, my goodness. >> that's tight. that's really tight. yikes.>> that was ryan newman in the middle and
going back.>> does he have a problem? >> he has a -- around he goes.>> just that amount of contact through one and two.>> flat left rear. >> how about those wave arounds? that willhelp several people. >> danica patrick and austin dillon on thelead lap. [3:40:47 pm] we will wait and see who the free pass caris. >> that is why you take the risk to do thewave around. >> see if there was any contact with ryannewman with all that.
>> i bet you.>> that would cause that tire to go down. left rear.>> a lot of these teams do run the air pressure really, really low on left rear. if i hadto guess, i think it's contact. >> back here. back here. let's see if we cansee -- >> at the bottom of the screen.>> he is three wide. >> i know what it was. it's the tailpipe onthe right side of the 42 got into that left rear. that will just cut it immediately.>> that's what happened. >> around he goes.>> it's kind of a double edged sword. get hit by a car and the tailpipe -- tire pressureis really low. you can see the tailpipes at
the bottom -->> right in there. they are flush with the side of the car. they stick out just a bit.that's where the damage was. >> it caught the side skirt it looked like.>> newman pitted, changed the tire and did not lose a lap.>> he did a great job of getting it back together. brought out the caution. he goes around.>> ricky stenhouse, they rolled a tire into the middle of pit road.>> come on, guys. >> great day gone -->> you get a good break here and kind of put the -->> goes to show you the amount of pressure on the pit crews. you would think in thatinstance, let's have a solid one.
[3:42:47 pm] they have to push, try to get the spots onpit road. >> clint bowyer is racing brian scott forposition and gave him a punt coming off pit road. four drivers have led over 40 laps today.they are upper left of your screen. for a limited time, switch to sprint, save 50% onmost verizon, at&t or t-mobile rates. sprint, better for less.>> with bowyer, he has pent up aggression. i will hit you.>> paul menard gets the free pass on this the sixth caution flag of the day. here isthe race summary. kurt busch, no relation, is your race leader. 22 lead lap cars, includingdillon and patrick, who had taken the wave
around in the prior caution. 19 lead changes,six cautions for 34 laps. let's get a recap on the day's action from chris myers.>> the return of tony stewart, his first race of this season. said everything was perfect,the weather, racing during the day. when they got to racing, carl edwards has led 149 laps.tire problems for denny hamlin. >> wheel gets away on the pit. it bouncesaway again. sent him to the rear of the field. >> tony stewart after a little scrape hasa tire that goes down. has to go out of the race.>> he and ogano were battling. logano madggressive move.>> it's kurt and kyle busch with 77 laps to go.>> kyle busch just gets better and better.
i have seen that all year with this team.they are good communicators. they improve the car every time they come to pit road.he has it set up right now. >> 19 lead changes in this race already morethan the entire race of last year. let's head back to jeff, darrell and mike.>> chris, it has been a very competitive, exciting race so far.>> in recognition of earth day, fox sports supports is d to team up with the surf riderfoundation in celebration of this month's every day is earth day. [3:44:58 pm] make a big impact on our environment. go tofoxsportssupports.com. learn about what you
can do to be part of the solution. gettingready for restart. let's listen in on fifth place dale earnhardt junior.>> loose in. i would like to get my brakes where i got more rear brake to help the middle.i can't because of the free in. maybe that -- i don't know. i was thinking about that.don't believe in it but don't put more fuel in it. i will be able to more rear brake.it will help turn the car. >> like that. that's him thinking and talkingto greg about what he is thinking. i like that.>> no matter what, they shouldn't have to put fuel in them anymore. probably tires ifwe get a caution but no fuel. >> austin dillon's team over the wall toosoon. ricky stenhouse, tire violation. three
wide and spinning goes the 93. we're rightback to caution. i believe that will benefit -->> newman maybe. >> ryan blaney. or newman.>> one or the other. some guy named ryan. that's all i know.>> ellis making his second sprint cup start. >> being lose like he had a little help frombehind. >> a little help from his friends.>> that's landon cassill. >> looked like a bobble. i don't know if hemissed a shift or something or spun the tires in front of him. he checks up. ellis did. [3:46:59 pm]
then the 38 gets in the back of him and spinshim out. >> pit road is closed while nascar strivesto get the restart order correct. newman can't be the free pass because he was on the leadlap. he made a tire change. did not lose a lap. so we're looking between ryan blaneyand tony stewart perhaps to see who the free pass car will be.>> there you go. >> there will be no wave around because thelead lap cars are not pitting. >> i heard ryan. which ryan are they talkingabout? coverage provided by goodyear. superior performing tires to face challenging conditionson the track. goodyear, the official tire of nascar. having a look at richmond internationalraceway. this kind of concludes our short
track swing. we're going all the way to theother extreme next sunday. >> it has been a crazy season so far withsix different winners punching their ticket into the chase. next week, we head to alabama,home of talladega super speedway and tg one. you don't want to miss any of the action.continuing at 12:30 eastern on fox. >> high speeds, high drama, talladega. thenkansas and then dover. a lot of country hopping -- time-zone hopping back and forth.>> the first thing when i think about talladega, that amazing finish we had at daytona. i'mexcited about next week to see if we can't create another one like that. [3:49:02 pm]
i like this guy. he has an awesome shirt on.thank you. >> good taste.>> cool. >> a bunch of jeff gordon fans there.>> i appreciate it. >> i never told you this, but i have a jeffgordon t-shirt. >> thank you, dw. we're having a lot of funup here. aren't we? >> we are.>> i really mean it. i am. i love it up here. been having a blast all year long.>> a guy named tony gets the free pass. >> they have to review the scoring tape tosee at the moment of caution loop data, the last scoring loop crossed and determine whosellable for the free pass. it is going to
be tony stewart.>> stewart feeling good. he is voting every race at richmond becomes a day rice. we talkedabout the fine. he felt like he needed to pay that himself. instead, he will take that$35,000 from the driver council and donate it to the drive for autism, the services theyproud provide. it is autism awareness month. >> nice gesture.>> that's fantastic. >> i know tony, he can be a curmudgeon andcranky sometimes. but you gotta love the guy. gotta love his heart, his passion. he justdoes stuff like that. >> you said it, dw. a lot of passion and alot of heart this guy and a lot of talent. i know i spoke to tony yesterday. he was soblown away that the drivers wanted to pitch
in and do that. was that the right thing forthe driver council to do? that's up for debate. the fact that they wanted to do it for himmeant the world to him. when you are coming back from all that he has been through andinjury, getting back to the racetrack, you know, that only adds to his decision to comeback here at richmond this weekend. [3:51:07 pm] >> let's go back to the decision on the freepass. it was between the 21 of ryan blaney and the 14 of tony stewart. nascar judgedthat the 21 was lined up improperly on the last restart. that's why the 14 is the freepass car. >> very interesting.>> a guy named ryan, must have been in the
wrong spot.>> i tell you, when the lanes -- lane chase is critical as it is here on restarts, sometimesyou will try to take advantage of that and think, nascar is not really watching me. i'ma lap down. they are paying more attention to the lead lap cars. you might try to takeadvantage of that situation. good for them for finding that, searching that out and gettingthis right. >> you know, as you look at the rundown, youhave two stewart-haas cars in the top ten. all five -- you have the hendrick cars allthree of those with the 24 12th, that's the teams dominating.>> now for something you will really like. how about a little radio remix?>> nice.
>> not doing anything different. 155-pointdeficit. need a win. that's the guy in the seat to do it.>> green, green, green. >> smart and focused. they will race you reallyhard. >> i made it interesting for him for about15 laps. >> one to go.>> he was talking about carl. he made it interesting for carl to get around him.>> he is having a blast out there. we are excited to have you back, tony. thank youfor bringing all that interesting commentary and driving. going to be a lot of fun.>> he is not tired. you can hear it in his voice. his voice is strong. it's going well.>> the busch brothers will battle from the
front row on this restart. if i was that pacecar, i would get out of the way in a hurry. >> amen, brother. [3:53:11 pm] >> the inside lane s>> theeems to have a real advantage. maybe it's the leader being able to control therestart. curious to see what kurt busch can do on the outside. if he can hold to the outside,he might be able to get by. >> it's not a big advantage like it used tobe. when montoya lost a race because they miscounted cars and he ended up in the wronglane, i don't see either lane has an advantage. >> i wonder if it's the aero package and thetires and the day race.
>> be ready because the 41 took off last time.>> 67 to go. in the restart zone. they are off.>> pretty good start that time. >> look at the swarm behind them.>> going into turn one, it's a big sucker hole. it's like a funnel. you got a lot ofrun getting down there but it tightens up when you get there.>> draws you in. you think you can get down there three wide.>> sometimes you make it. kurt wins that battle. >> isn't that amazing? dale junior has workedhis way into the top five. >> for the moment, the busch brothers pullingaway. is earnhardt and johnson side by side. >> he went around dale junior on the outside.nice pass.
>> looked like junior got a little loose.we heard him talking about being loose. he got a little loose on the inside of johnsonthere. see the hendrick cars racing each other pretty hard. here comes chase closing up fromthe back. >> he has been so good on the outside on therestarts all day long. [3:55:12 pm] now he has good track position. make somethingout of it. >> elliott to ninth. that is the most ordinarilyrestart we have seen all day. don't know why. >> not a lot of contact. i think people gottired of cutting tires down. >> just saw denny lose a spot to chase elliott.elliott was on outside. here comes truex junior
on the inside.>> they have done a nice job of getting truex's car better as the day has gone on. that'sthe first time i think we have seen him in the top -- what is he?>> 11th. >> seventh place going after kasey kahne.kahne has run more laps in the top five today than in the entire season coming into richmond.>> kasey has had a solid car and day. >> it took a little for them to get comfortablewith each other. maybe get the communication down. they are starting to see good results.>> on the right, carl edwards going after kevin harvick. third place.>> i'm a little surprised there kevin didn't fight him harder for that. i don't know ifkevin feels like, i know we have 59, 60 laps
to go here, and we need to make the tireslast all the way to the end or maybe there's something else. vince?>> you know, jeff, they just don't have the drive off. the car has been pretty good throughoutmost of the day today. in the last couple of runs, kevin has really said it's missingthe drive off. that's where he is getting beat.>> we heard rodney -- we didn't heard but he -- my gosh. [3:57:16 pm] >> tony stewart on the inside. the reasonhe is way back there, he is on the lead lap. because he had the cut tire, he pitted beforepit road was open. he had to restart tail
end of the longest line. look where it puthim. >> he is coming up through there. he is aggressive.>> making bold moves. i know he is having fun right now.>> those are all lapped cars that he is dicing with. all 40 cars are still running. thatstarted this race. tail end of the longest line is a long way back there.>> jimmie johnson, he and chad knaus have made some adjustments. this car is lookingmuch stronger. >> really is.>> i'm not so sure the track hasn't gone through a transition here. i'm thinking the tempshave fallen a little bit. that's changed where you can run on the track right now.>> almirola, the 43, is the first ford in
the race ahead of logano and keselowski from13th on back, five fords in a row. 55 laps to go in richmond. don't move. with sprint'sunlimited plan, you don't have to worry about your data running out. so you can do moreofthe things you love. switch to sprint today... and get four lines of unlimited high-speeddata, talk and text for only $37.50 per line per month. so laugh more. play more. be preparedto be blown away. because the truth is, the sprint network really is faster, plus it'smore reliable with better coverage than ever. and now buy one samsung galaxy s7 orgalaxys7 edge and get one free. try us out for 30 days. if you're not satisfied, we'll refundyour money. so switch today. [3:59:57 pm]
♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ kyle busch, the 2015champion! ♪♪ toyota. let's go places. >>> the joe gibbs toyotas have dominated onthe short tracks of nascar winning half the races on short tracks since 2009. perhapsnot today. kurt busch in the stewart-haas chevrolet is the class of the field wi48 lapsto go. here is what his younger brother has to say about that.>> no way whatsoever. i'm sideways everywhere. >> do what you can. we have another chanceto work on it. >> he holds second place one second off thelead. let's go back to the battle for sixth watching from earnhardt's car and kasey kahne.second place teammates kyle busch and carl edwards moves back up into contention nowin second.
>> of course, teammates scan each other'sradio. just before we aired that radio, dave rogers let carl edwards know what was happening.there's nothing like that. it's like smelling blood in the water. he is struggling. go gethim. that's what carl did. >> get an advantage anyway you can. [4:01:58 pm] if you have information like that, use it.they used that for carl edwards' advantage. >> seventh place and matt kenseth who replaceda battery early on a pit stop but did not lose a lap doing it is right back in it here.>> i'm not so sure that the track conditions -- i know it's sunny out. but i'm not surethey're changing the track slightly. the sun
is starting to set. the track temp might becooling changing the balance. >> i see more cars on the bottom than earlierin the day. that tells me there's more grip down there. that could be just basically fromthe track temp. there goes the 20 car. been watching kenseth making a march toward thefront. got a good car. don't know if he has time to get to the lead.>> chevys are first, fourth and fifth. toyota, second, third and sevens. the first of thefords is keselowski in 12th. here is the running order for joe gibbs racing. 43 laps to go.>> when i look at the lap times, last time by, kurt busch is running 23.7. edwards secondwith a 23.57. that's a little bit quicker on edwards at this point.>> he seems to be a tenth quicker each lap
than the leader.>> watch the distance behind the leader. see if carl can close that up.>> spin turn four. brian scott. >> just looped it around. it puts us undercaution. for the eighth time today. at lap 359.>> i believe this changes everything. what do you think?>> it's the eighth caution. brian scott and a. allmendinger will get the free pass.>> no question, four tires and maybe like dale earnhardt junior said, don't worry aboutfuel. just get me out of here. >> you didn't get me a chance to ask you thistime. [4:04:00 pm]
>> the caution is already out now.>> fair enough. >> we saw a little bit of damage on the 44as if maybe he got into the wall with the right rear. we got that. here they come down.>> did kurt busch want to see this caution? >> i don't think so.>> he was very comfortable where he was. carl edwards and maybe the 4 car of harvick did.>> carl said he was a little better that run. still loose in and off. they will take fourtires here and take just enough fool to make it to the end.>> entry and exit, look to the big swing this past run. you heard kyle busch talk aboutit. adam will try to fix it with a chassis adjustment.>> kevin harvick says he is too loose. he
has to have help if he is going to content.kurt busch is fine. there's not going to be any changes on the 41. four tires. they bothneed clean pit stops if they are to contend for the win. the 41 is off. not a good stop.>> kyle busch picks up two spots. tough spot for austin dillon. he slid through his pitbox entering and had to back up. lost a bunch of positions. 40 laps to go. don't go way.we won't either. you are watching fox nascar. more...♪♪ can you feel it? ♪♪ ♪♪ the taste of coca-cola. ♪♪ [4:06:03 pm] crowd: surprise! can you feel it? can youfeel it?
♪♪ life flavors the bolder. ♪♪ lifeflavors the bolder. ahhhh ♪♪ life flavors the bolder. ♪♪ i'mnot retired yet, you knuckleheads. ♪♪ champion! ♪♪ this is the all-new2016 chevy malibu. wow, it's nice. let's check it out. do any of you have kids? i do yes.this car has a feature built in called teen driver technology, which lets parent's seehow their teens are driving. oh, that's smart. it even mutes the radio until the seat beltis fastened. will it keep track of how many boys get it in the car?(laughter) cause that could be useful. this is ahead of what my audi has for sure. wishmy beamer had that. i didn't even know that technology existed. i'm not in the marketfor a car but now i may be.
>>> who is going to win the toyota owners400? we are 37 laps from finding out. that caution flag pit stop was something kurt buschdid not want to see. he came in first. came out fifth. you see 1.4 seconds slower thanthe 10.5 second stop for his younger brother kyle.>> wow. thimpressive stop. [4:08:04 pm] >> that was my point. i felt like pit stopswould make a huge difference. >> 12 drivers put the wave around. that willput seven on the lead lap. kyle busch, carl edwards, teammates, fighting for the win.>> kurt busch dives to the inside. >> that was tight.>> that was so close.
>> the battle is for fifth. kurt busch andon the outside kasey kahne. >> busch, a big slide.>> you don't think he has a problem? >> i'm wondering, did they make an air pressureadjustment or do anything to free the car up for the short run?>> something is wrong. >> here is what they said after the stop onthe 41. >> how many gibbs cars passed us?>> we just had a bad one right there. >> sorry. we're all in this together. whoknows how many lug nuts they have tight. >> we'll be fine.>> kurt busch now eighth, ninth, tenth. >> something bad is happening to that 41 car.>> his car is not handling well. he is all
over the place. they were three wide. nowthree wide again off of four. >> vince?>> i confirmed with the crew, no changes. no air pressure changes or changes of anysort on that 41 last stop. >> wow. came in first. came out fifth. heis now tenth. >> something has changed.>> look at that. he can't keep it on the yellow line. they are eating him up.>> jeff, mike, that's the car that was leading the race when the caution came out.>> you called it. that changed everything. >> yeah. i don't know what -- they say theydidn't do anything. [4:10:05 pm]
but something happened.>> it changed a lot for who is leading out there, too. kyle busch is pulling away. agreat battle for fifth place. >> hamlin and harvick.>> that was -- you think about kyle busch, he was complaining his car was loose. no grip.no bite. >> 22 almost turned the 20 right there asthey went into one. we did hear that harvick made a slight air pressure adjustment becausethere were only 35 or six laps to go to get his car to have more front end speed.>> he just is not real good for ten or 15 laps. then he takes off. what about the 22?where did he come from? here he is running eighth place. we haven't talked about himall day long except how bad he was.
>> he was way behind at the beginning of therace on the first run. remember how far back he fell?>> yeah. >> a lap down.>> martin truex right there battling with the 22 of logano. logano battling.>> you see it wiggle. saw the 2 car wiggle. they are driving aggressively. they know.>> got to. >> time is running out.>> got to go. >> inside 30 laps to go. kyle busch, 1.5 secondsto the good. on carl edwards. >> right now, running best lap times, 22.76to 22.8. >> amazing how he does that when it comesdown to the end.
>> particularly this year and recently, hereally is good at the end of the day getting the most out of the car.>> it took that fantastic pit stop to get him to the front. we watch the battle foreighth, logano and truex. >> earlier, they had a loose right rear. oneof the lug nuts got stuck in the brakes. he fought his way back. they have been havingradio issues. the team cannot hear martin. on the last stop, all they could hear wasthe motor running when he used it. [4:12:05 pm] >> wow.>> truex was tenth when they had the problem with the lug nut.>> we have seen a lot of great comebacks from
several different teams. talked about logano,matt kenseth and the 78 of truex. they have had their problems today as well. now lookingfor a battle in eighth place. >> how about denny hamlin rebounding fromthat uncontrolled tire back at lap 158? it dropped him from third to 17th. here is hamlinup to sixth. >> of course, we remember right behind himmatt kenseth had the battery issue. they had to change batteries. these guys have donea great job of battling back and getting themselves in the top ten.>> 24 laps to go. >> one trend has been every time i have spokethere's been a caution. but my trend over last ten spring races here, average of thelast caution, 25 to go, six times in last
15 laps, and two times we went to overtime.>> i think they get so aggressive that something is bound to happen.>> especially as time is winding down. you can just tell the aggressiveness of the passes,everybody is fighting for position, whether you are trying to protect the position ortake the position. >> with that last caution, 12 cars takingthe wave around, there are 32 cars on head lap as we get in the closing stages here.>> wow. a little nudge there. >> the 2 gave dale junior a little shot. alittle wake-up call there. [4:14:14 pm] >> chase elliott with a front row spot forthis battle.
>> the 2 and 88 are pretty equal. 88 getsup off the corner a little bit better. 2 comes back getting in a little bit. there's chasewatching as the two battle it out. >> we have seen the 2 and now we're seeingthe 22 as well where they have good short run speed. this is a shorter run. they mightbe able to hang on here and make some positions up. you see the 2 roll through the centerof the corner there. we saw chase gave up the entry. the 2 rolled through the middlebut chase had a big run on the exit of the corner. two different styles and ways andsetups in how they pay off. >> sixth place, hamlin and kenseth, teammates.tony stewart trying aric almirola and austin dillon. that's a battle for position at 20th.behind them, danica patrick and david ragan
trying to trade a little sheet metal now thata.j. allmendinger cleared them. smoke trying to move into the top 20th.>> that's where he has been all day. i'm proud of him. running whole race. going to get apretty good finish here. >> 18 laps to go. number 18 out front. onlyby half a second. carl edwards is eating into kyle's lead.>> we saw this last week. lap traffic was crucial how you work the lap traffic. we haveseen carl edwards as kyle busch has gotten into lap traffic do a better job. look athim closing in. >> i think -- i don't think kyle's car isgreat. he got out front and he has been able to get a little bit of a gap between he andthe 19. the 19 is coming in a hurry. it's
going to be close.>> two lapped cars separate them. moving around mcdowel and now headed for clint bowyer isedwards. [4:16:19 pm] bowyer goes way high.>> kyle got through that traffic pretty good. i tell you, that 19 is breathing down hiscollar. he is coming, guys. >> kyle busch has four victories at richmond.they have all come in the spring race. and all at night. excuse me. yes, all at night.>> 19 just took a big -- carl has moved to the top of the track. he did that in one andtwo. he did it in three and four. he took a big chunk out of the lead.>> 14 to go. going to be a while before they
catch the next lapped cars of brian scottand casey mears trying to hang on to the tail end of the lead lap.>> watch the 19 close. he gets up high. gets that nice run off the corner and he does closeup on 18 of kyle busch off turn four here. >> there's blood in the water.>> he is coming. he has plenty of time to get there.>> i know what will happen here is kyle busch, he will start looking in his mirror. he knowshe is a little faster than him. he might start taking his line away and searching aroundhimself. >> when carl moved up, he moved up next tothe wall like we see now. that really helped him. he really started to pick up speed.>> these guys are both driving really, really
hard. you could see him really slides thecars around. you see carl edwards wiggle there a little bit. they know every single momenton this racetrack and what they do when they get back to the throttle, how they get throughlap traffic is crucial. >> that was wild. kyle went under the 13 andcarl took the long way around. 11 laps to go.>> this is where that outside really pays off. he gets a big straight run off there.really closes going into three. >> going to try to get on -->> the 93 will hold him up. [4:18:20 pm] >> this is going to be one of those things,when gets there, i'm not sure what he is going
to do, how he will get by if he does catchkyle. >> now you can see him move low. he has beenmoving higher. kyle has been moving up. >> they are pretty equal off the corner. theis getting into the corner better. >> a little hot there.chasing a mailman.>> see kyle's wife there. it's like she's in there driving the car with him.>> carl is looking. he has the nose down there. he is looking.>> no doubt, he is a little bit better. he has kyle searching around, watching his mirrora little bit. can he get by him? >> i need more time. eight.>> there's nobody harder to pass, outrun than that 18 car.>> the two cars ahead of them are on the lead
lap fighting for position. cassill and blaneyare trading paint. are they going to clog up both lanes?>> slow up top. >> cassill makes that pass. here comes blaneyback. they are going to be a factor. >> they will be in the way. beautiful jobby blaney. he saw him coming and dropped to the inside. a great job by him.>> that's your move. >> gentleman.>> smart. >> hopefully, that gets repaid in kind. whenthey come to the stripe this time, it will be just six laps to go.>> carl is so close. so close. that little gap, he can't quite close that last littlebit.
>> maybe now without traffic he might be ableto. there he is. >> going to close up.>> he got loose off the corner. when he goes low, he gets loose.>> carl's best bet is to -- >> slow up top.>> look at carl. off the back end. [4:20:22 pm] >> has he got his elbows up? i guarantee hedoes. >> at the top.>> this is like cat and mouse. i go low, go high.>> carl lost phoenix by one 100th of a second. truex lost by one 100th of a second. carldog tracks it off turn four.
>> remember when we saw the battle at thebeginning and we felt like jimmie johnson has control? he got loose off turn two. carlwent by him. that's all it could take for kyle busch to lose this race.>> great corner that time by the 18 car. he opened that gap up on carl. carl is drivingso hard, he is getting loose. >> stay bottom.>> josh wise ahead on the bottom and ricky stenhouse, the last car on the lead lap.>> here he comes on the bottom. he tries to get off the corner. he can't accelerate outthe hole to get to the back bumper. >> carl, his car rolls through the centerbut it doesn't seem to have as good a drive off.>> i think kyle has got this. he is good enough
that he can't -- carl can't get to him.>> two more laps. >> i know carl edwards. he would like to bitethat steering wheel. >> give us the lane. 55 bottom.>> and here we go, boys. >> that's where the spotters start runningto the other spotters saying, we got one lap to go.>> white flag. one lap to go. sponsored by credit one. here it is. here is the move.>> look at this. did they make contact? >> no, no. it was close. this is going tobe a drag race. >> last lap. traffic ahead. kyle busch theleader. carl edwards right there. >> look at this.>> wow. to win it carl edwards bumping, dump
and run. [4:22:22 pm] >> how did he pull that off?>> that's a teammate. yikes. >> 27 victories.>> you are the man, i don't know what happened. but that was cool.>> two in a row for carl edwards. sixth time in his career he goes back to back. that isthe first last lappas in the history of richmond international raceway.>> they don't know what happened. i know what is going to happen.>> how did he gain on kyle in the final lap? >> all in turn one. he drove that into turnone like kansas. it stuck. he was able to
close that gap.>> i'm thinking of benny parsons. he said big mo, momentum. two in a row.>> we get to see now, the back flip. >> that's how kyle feels. he has that -->> he drove a great race. >> he did.>> amazing race. he worked traffic perfectly. he was looking in his mirror. he was doingeverything he needed to do. >> not sure he expected that either.>> taking home the checkered flag, today's sunoco fuelling victory for carl edwards.didn't expect it. >> i will bet kyle didn't.>> no. >> let's have a look at the last lap one moretime. i thought perhaps lap traffic would
be a factor. not so much.>> right here, going into turn one, watch carl. he drives it all the way down in there.he got the nose up. i thought they made contact but they didn't.>> just looked like kyle was super conservative right there. now carl does it again. realaggressive. look how kyle's car just drifted up the racetrack and allowed carl to get tohim. >> jamie little is with kyle busch.>> we are watching the replay. [4:24:23 pm] jeff said you were conservative maybe at theend. what's your take on the way that carl won?>> it's racing, i guess. we had a great car.
it was really good today. we were fast. maybenot a good as carl on long runs. we did everything right. we put ourselves in the right position.adam made awesome adjustments. we were fading a little bit. they got me track position.got us out front. we had a shot to win. >> led today. brings it home second.>> so close. one corner away from victory for kyle busch. carl edwards wins. if niceguy carl edwards treated his fans like greasy fast food treats your body... he wouldn'tbe the fan favorite that he is. so say no to greasy fast food... and treat your body...to tender, all-white meat chicken raised without antibiotics... with the new rotisserie-stylechicken sandwich. try it carl's way with spinach. the subway sandwich shop. fresh is what wedo. with sprint's unlimited plan, you don't
have to worry about your data running out.so you can do more ofthe things you love. switch to sprint today... and get four linesof unlimited high-speed data, talk and text for only $37.50 per line per month. so laughmore. play more. be prepared to be blown away. because the truth is, the sprint network reallyis faster, plus it's more reliable with better coverage than ever. and now buy one samsunggalaxy s7 orgalaxy s7 edge and get one free. [4:26:27 pm] i think we should've taken a left at the river.tarzan know where tarzan go! tarzan does not know where tarzan go. hey, excuse me, do youknow where the waterfall is? waterfall? no, me tarzan, king of jungle. why don't you wantto just ask somebody? if you're a couple,
you fight over directions. it's what you do.if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. ohohhhhh it's what you do. ohhhhhh! do you have to do that right in my ear?>>> live here at richmond where carl edwards goes back to back. that deserves a back flip.he tries in phoenix but couldn't catch kevin harvick there. kyle busch, he caught him herewith a dramatic finish to put him in victory lane.>> an emotional win for carl edwards. back to back in the first ever last lap pass towin at richmond. was there any question at all that you would bump and run to win?>> yeah. it's a huge question. kyle is an amazing teammate. he got really slow at theend. something happened the last lap. rear
tires went off or something. he went intoone. i got to him. i thought, i got something here. he went to get down the bottom and parkit. [4:28:30 pm] i had decided to go down there. i thought,i'm going to give him a nudge. we arecing for fun. i hope folks are watching with x1.kyle was so good for a -- i was doing everything i could. i never spun his tires. if dave hadn'tscreamed at me open the radio to get him the last lap, i don't know if i would have dovein there that hard. it's a great day for toyota. they have done so much for me. comcast, xfinity,all these guys, all the fans. it's an afternoon race which made it a lot of fun to drive.a bunch of families here. very cool. subway,
too. big win for us.>> well done. >> thank you.>> carl edwards, the winner at richmond. >> jimmie johnson a strong top five finishtoday. they were having fun, but yet it was difficult and a challenge to connect the corner.>> it was. i think this tire was perfect for what we have been asking for. we were ableto have multiple lanes. it laid the rubber in the track and we didn't have marbles inthe outside where it limited your opportunity up high. it was fun. slipping and sliding.ton of falloff. i enjoyed the long runs. at the end, we had short runs. thankfully, wegot our lo's vrolet tuned in. we got in the top three.>> third just like he was here a year ago.
>> kasey kahne brings it home fourth today.his first top five of the season. it seemed like a solid day all along. is this a signof things to come, perhaps? >> it definitely is. the mountain dew chevroletwas great. pit stops were awesome. communication was key from the team all weekend long, sameas last week and before in texas. [4:30:31 pm] it has been solid. we're heading in the rightdirection. it has been really nice. we got a good restart at the end. i had good startsall day. screwed one up. other than that, good restarts. feels good. pitch black isreally good right now. refreshing. >> you finished ahead of chase. you get thepoints today.
>> let's hope dale votes that way. yeah.>> thanks. >> the toyota owners 400, carl edwards withthis move on kyle busch. joe gibbs toyotas, four of the top seven, including carl edwards,again. with the win. we will have a look in a moment. the folks at marketing want youtoto know a few things about the kfc zinger sandwich: 1. it is a hand-prepared sandwich.2. it is available as a $5 fill up. 3. this amazing price is only for a limited time.4. it is finger lickin' good. kfc, it's finger lickin' good! [4:32:49 pm] the folks at marketing want you to know afew things about the kfc zinger sandwich:
good!>>> carl edwards led 151 laps today. the last three races he has over 550 races. wins fourthstraight for joe gibbs toyota. he improves his position in the chase. it keeps it atsix drivers who have wins this year. already three multiple winners.>> joey logano, kurt busch, he could taste this win late in the going. that last pitstop put him behind. they know time is ticking. >> kevin harvick led 63 laps, third best.not good enough. jamie is with kevin. >> kevin harvick brings it home fifth today.led 63 lap. how was your car? >> well, everybody did a good job. we startedreally loose to start the race and got into the wall. we had to make more adjustmentsafter i self-adjusted it. then we had a couple
of really good runs in the middle of the race.as we started adjusting, we never could get the rear drive to go with the -- it's a balanceof where the turn is good enough and you can manage the drive. everybody tried everythingwe could. we threw a lot at it and never could find that magic balance for the car that wehad in the middle of the race. >> thanks, kevin.>> kevin's stewart-haas teammate, tony stewart back. lost a lap and then wound up in thetop 20. >> that's a great sign for tony stewart fans.he battled all day long. had to go to pit road. he was in the top 20 most of the day. [4:34:53 pm]
that means he can win. you get your legs underyou. it was a hot, sunny day today. he performed well. he will be tough this well.>> he was in good spirit before the race. after the race, caught up with matt.>> a very solid effort by tony stewart today coming home 19th. when you go back and look,what took place from the 400 laps, what's going to stand out about your comeback race?>> how much fun i had in it. this place is so cool. it's always been my favorite racetrack.like we predicted, a day race we would be all over the track. that's what made it fun.the drivers got to dictate it today as far as you weren't just stuck in one line. youhad the ability to move around and change lines. we got in a spot with a group of fiveracing for position. the five of us totally
ran the track totally different. it made ita lot of fun. we got the laps down there. i got a lap down and almost drove back byand got my lap back. carl was strong. i knew i wasn't going to be able to hang on long.hold on as long as we could. seemed like we would get close to getting the lucky dog spotand something would happen. we would miss it by one. magic cautions coming out wrongtypes for us. i had a good time. looking forward to running the rest of the year.>> a great comeback race for tony stewstewart. >> kyle busch, five times he has lost thecup race on a last lap pass, twice to teammates. >> that's tough. both those drivers drovea brilliant race. the last run was amazing. i didn't think anybody was going to touchkyle busch. he was out there sailing. he wasn't
spinning the tires. then on that last lap,his car just went away. he had to be a little more conservative. carl edwards' aggression,took advantage of it. what a great finish battle, especially in the last corner to getthe great finish. >> carl wanted it. [4:36:53 pm] he wanted it. when that white flag came out,i thought his throttle stuck. there they went racing down the back. i got to think kylebusch didn't think about him -- they are teammates. >> bumped him out of the way.>> they both have a win and they can be aggressive. >> a wild finish.>> thank you very much. let's look at the
last lap. what else could kyle busch havedone here? >> he could have considered that carl edwardswas going to be ovggressive when he got in the corner. kyle busch went into defensivemode. i have the lead. i will hold my line. carl won't be able to do anything with me.carl had a different plan. watch him run into turn three. eases into the back of kyle, giveshim a bump. we know how the tires slide. it's more bump that kyle could handle.>> it was a dramatic finish. thanks to carl and kyle busch and kurt busch declined post-raceinterview. he lost space earlier on the last caution. we will have more from richmond ina moment. i've been blind since birth. i go through periods where it's hard to sleep atnight, and stay awake during the day. learn
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>>> carl edwards making a statement as onlyhe can do, going back to back. the closest he has come to a championship, 2011. remember,tony stewart and him had to race to the end. maybe this is his championship season. nowwe go to talladega where he has never won but he has flipped back.>> back to back back flips. he was close to winning at talladega. brad keselowski andhim got together causing a major crash for carl. when we left bristol i thought carledwards is the guy to beat for the championship. he is solid. his team is right there on pitroad. he proved today they will be testify everywhere we go.>> a quarter mark of the season, nine races in. still drivers like joey logano hasn'twon. kenseth, dale earnhardt junior.
>> logano did a great job of rallying back.we haven't seen the performance of the penske fords we are used to.>> next sunday on fox, talladega and then to kansas and dover. [4:40:55 pm] coming up tonight on fox, check out "bordertown," "family guy" and this may be the last celebration in virginia for a while. overon fs9:00 pacific, we will spend more time with carl edwards. talking about winning.the geico 500 from talladega, 12:30 on the prerace, coverage at 10:30 eastern on fs1with "raceday." carl edwards who led the most laps had to fight off his teammate. had tomake a dramatic move at the end. joe gibbs
toyotas dominate. it was edwards, kyle busch,jimmie johnson, kasey kahne and kevin harvick. for our entire crew on a terrific weatherday here in virginia, we thank you for watching nascar on fox. have a great week. we are!
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