hey hey everybody, brock frady here helpingyou enjoy your ride. in this video, we're going to look at a 2017lexus lx570. this is an incredible luxury suv from lexusand i really love this thing. this is going to be a great video. the lx570 comes standard with a ton of equipmentthat, obviously, is going to be luxury and safety and technology and all those thingsthat you would expect from a vehicle at this price point and, basically, of this caliber. however, it does have some optional equipmenton it that takes it up to the $98,125 mark. and that's as follows: cool box $170.00.
21" alloy wheels $745.00. headsup display $900.00. luxury package $1190.00. mark levinson audio system $2350.00. dual screen dvd rear entertainment system$2005.00 and the cargo mat/cargo net/wheel locks and key gloves. that's $260.00. cool box. you obviously can see that you can press thatbutton and it will cut that on and off.
but this is actually cold. it feels like a refridgerator cold. it's not just routing it from the a/c becausethe a/c right now is set to 72. and it is called a cool box. it is not a refridgerator because it doescut off when the car cuts off. so, do not put perishable items in the coolbox. the wheel base is 112.2 inches, the overalllength is 200 inches even. the overall width is 78 inches. overall height is 75.2 inches.
the ground clearance is 8.9 inches. raise the hood. you're going to feel for a little latch that'sjust to the right of the lexus emblem. and just raise it and it'll stay up for youbecause its on shocks. and this is a 5.7 liter v8 dual overhead cam32 valve with variable valve timing with intelligence. it has 383 horsepower at 5600 rpm and 403pound foot of torque at 3600 rpms. you can see your break fluid resevoir is there. it does take fully synthetic oil. windshield washer fluid.
the battery is under that cover. there's your air box. check out the voice commands here. "please say a category name" it's too hot. cooler. and you see where it says low right there. it just lowered the temperature by 4 degrees. automatically with my voice. please say a category name.
i'm hungry. find dining. please say the list number. number three. is this correct? yes. all i did was press the voice commands buttonon the steering wheel. i said i was hungry. i picked a number and then i said yes.
starting at the top you have lock, unlock,hold, and hold again for the panic alarm. you can press lock once and that will lockall the doors. you can press unlock once, it unlocks thedriver's door or press it twice and it unlocks all four doors plus the rear hatch. and then you can press and hold the next buttondown and that's for the rear tailgate.and then i just pressed and held it down againand that closed it up for us. and then i can press and hold the panic alarmbutton there, and that's the one on the bottom, and that will set off the panic alarm. and all i did to deactivate that was pressunlock.
really interesting looking taillights. and those are led. and take a look at that silver garnish rightthere at the very top. and its kind of interesting to see how therear taillight sticks out from the body. you see how that kind of juts out there. see the little dots on the bumper and that'spark assist. that's the sensor that beeps if you get tooclose to something at parking lot speeds. one of the coolest features of the lx is thefact that it has a full air suspension. let's take a look at how that works rightnow.
and what i did there to make it go up anddown is i flipped a switch that's in the center console. move that up and down. that will adjust the height of the lx up anddown. and that's mainly for adjusting for ride terrainbut its also for adjusting load leveling. in the event that you have items that youneed to store or to put in the back. it allows the vehicle to be dropped much furtherdown , allowing you easier access into the back. you can see that you have a seat that's foldedagainst the wall and then one that's in the
down position. and the way you control those seats is righthere. along this little bank of buttons. and that's for the right side. that's for the left side. and so what you're going to do is you're goingto start on this side. if the seat is in the up position againstthe wall, you're going to start in this furthest left position and you're going to hold it. and that will drop the seat down.
and that'll bring, i'm pushing it right tobring the seat back up. okay. so, that's for down, that's for up. once its in the down position and locked intothe floor, you can pull this tab and it will allow it to come up into place and now you'vegot part of a third row. in order to put it back in the up positionagainst the wall, push that forward. then you can take this button, the far rightone and you can press that down. that's going to fold it and then you're goingto press this tab on the right side of that toggle.
and once it does the double beep, that indicatesthat it's securely against the wall. take a look at this incredibly luxurious backseat. climate control, heated and ventilated seats. everything about this is just luxury to themax. and then you have your dvd players right there. and then you can actually take this screenand tilt it way out. extremely nice. you also have inputs down here in this panel. you can see there in that panel, you havehdmi input, you have an auxiliary port for
power and then you have volume control foryour headrest. those are 21 inch wheels. and these are sitting on dunlop 275/50- 21. those are big wheels and those are an optionbut i can't imagine an lx without that wheel. to start it up you just have the key on yourperson, put your foot on the brake and tap the button. what a gorgeous vehicle. you've got your 12.3 inch navigation screen. that display is absolutely incredible.
the analog clock and that is gps enabled. in other words, if you cross a time zone,it can reset automatically. and you have your climate vents right thereto the left or right of the clock. and then you've got this center portion forradio and climate controls. and you also have leather that is stitchedleather that is right here on either side of that. just take a look at the panels that are alongthe left and the right side of that climate control system. this is the power button for your stereo.
cd player. you actually have a disc, a place where youput a cd right here. and this is for playing or pause the cd. tune and scroll and so what you're going todo is just tune the radio station there for fm, xm. the difference between radio and media. radio goes am, fm, and xm. media is everything else. usb, ipod, bluetooth, auxiliary.
all the things like that. auto allows you to set the climate systemat a certain temperature. and it says low right here. you can see its the same on the other side. and so whenever you press auto, its goingto automatically, see auto is off right now. and so i'm going to increase the temperaturehere. let's set it to 72. and i'm going to press auto. and right now, since auto is on, the vehicleis automatically maintain the cabin temperature
at 72 degrees. it works just like the central air in yourhouse. this is your automatic parking brake. when that light is on, that means it willautomatically engage and disengage the parking brake whenever you take it in and out of driveor park. so now, with my foot on the brake and i putit in reverse, you see the light went out. it automatically disengaged the parking brake. and then i place it back it park, it engagesit and you see the light come on. and you can manually do that.so i just pushedit forward and the light went off and then
i pulled it back and the light comes backon. so for your transmission with your shifter,you have park, reverse, neutral, drive, and s. and that is manual shift. so there's reverse, neutral, drive, and atany speed i can shift it to the left and gear up and down manually. i push it forward to upshift, pull it backto downshift. and it is an 8 speed sequential shift transmission. sequential simply meaning what i was justdoing, shifting it like that. let's take a look at this whole remote touchcontroller system.
and what this allows me to do is to use allof the functions on the navigation screen. and climate, audio, navigation. to change around all of my settings. basically, anything that i can want to doin the car. i've got an enter button here on the leftside. there's also an enter button on the rightside for the passenger. if the passenger wanted to use some of thesefunctions while you are riding down the road. so, starting from the top on the left, i havemap, i have up and down, back arrow, and menu. this is the remote touch controller itself.
and you can see the arm or the rest, likefor your wrist, is right there. and that basically just allows you to putyour wrist on it so you can use it. so i'm going to be using these buttons herebut i'm going to show you what pops up on the screen. so on the screen right now, i just pressedenter. and starting form the left, i have destination,radio, media, phone, lexus app suite, info., climate, and setup. these are the main functions of everythingthat i'm going to be able to do in the vehicle right from the menu button.
on the far right side, i have a quick accessmenu. and that is navigation, music, phone, fuelsettings, climate. i can change the display. and that right there indicates that thereis no phone hooked up via bluetooth. so to display, i can cut the screen off. i can change the brightness and the contrastof the screen itself while i'm looking at it or the camera. so let's go to general and i can up the brightnessif i want to. i can change the contrast.
and then i don't have to hit save or anything. all right, so destination, this is how , obviously,i find a destination. by address, point of interest, web searchis in gray. that's because i don't have a phone hookedup with the lexus enform app suite so that's not going to be highlighted. destination assist. previous. address book, emergency, intersection, mapand coordinates. for the most part, you're going to use address,the ones that are one page 1 right here.
you see that, these first few. so address is how i find a destination ifi already know the address.point of interest is places i know the name, phone number, categoryor edestination. name is like walmart, bank of america, thattype of thing. category is coffee shop, restaurant, hotel,bank. phone number, its obvious what that is. and edestination is a service that you useon lexusdrivers.com that allows you to input say an itinerary of addresses and then i canbuild that itinerary, hit enter and send it to the car.
and then when i come out, i can hit edestinationand download. and that will download my itinerary. pretty nifty. destination assist is live help from lexus. it's dedicated lexus support. when you hit that, they'll say "welcome todestination assist. where would you like to go?" you don't have to tell them where you are,who you are, or what you're driving or anything. you can actually just say, let's say we'rein atlanta and i want to go to an antique
store. i can hit it and actually just say, "findthe nearest antique store." and then they'll find it and they'll sendit to the car and the car takes over. obvious what that is, previous destinations. presets. i can hit go home and i can enter my homenow. now what i recommend doing, if you actuallyput your home address in there, do not put your actual physical address. if you're address is 123 main street, do notput 123 main street as your home address.
put like an intersection near your house ora store right by your house. because if someone is actually able to stealyour vehicle and take your key and take your car, they can hit go home and go right toyour house. you can go 1,2,3,4,5 and these are quick accesspoints. places that you go most often. that's destination. and then you have radio. and that's where you're going to memorizeyour radio stations. i'm going to go to source and then i'm goingto hit fm.
let's make sure it doesn't blast us out ofhere. okay, so inside the mixed presets right hereon the radio. what that will allow me to do is to mix mypresets and what i mean by mix, i mean mix the sources. so i can combine am, fm, and xm all on onepage. and i have 6 pages of 6 presets. this is page 1. and then i can go to page 2, there's another6. page 3, there's another 6.
so i can go to 36 if i want to. you can see you have fm right here and sonow i can go to fm and listen to this radio station if i want to. if i get tired of that, i can switch overto am. if i get tired of that i can switch over toxm. so i can combine my different presets or ican mix presets so that i don't have to jump back and forth between sources. i can have them all right here combined. that's really what i recommend doing.
that's excellent. okay, this is the center console of the lx570and there are several switches that are going on here. starting with your heated seats. you have an automatic setting right here sowhenever that is on, whenever auto is on, it's going to automatically keep the temperatureadjusted to coordinate with the climate control temperature in the car. and it will do it accordingly. so if its really cold and you've got the temperatureset at like 85, that's going to really increase
the temperature of the driver's seat. and the opposite, so if its hot and you havethe temperature set at 65, its going to adjust the temperature here. the fan in the ventilated seat but you canactually override that just by pressing one of the two. that's the highest level, next lowest, lowest,off. heated steering wheel. and right here, this is called turn assistfunction. what this essentially does is, whenever you'reusing crawl control, crawl control is a feature
that you're going to use in the event thatyou're in a really nasty, rocky, off road situation. and essentially you activate crawl controland the vehicle will take over. it will use sensors in the drive system, theall wheel drive system, and traction control and brake assist, all those safety featuresand it will basically crawl over any nasty rocks and things. it's an incredible system as far as off roadcapability. crawl, this allows you to crawl up a nastyhill. and also down.
traction control is here and whenever youpress that you see track off in your tachometer. this is your locking center differential. essentially what that does is it puts an equalamount of power to all four wheels. ect 2nd is electronically controlled transmission. that's 2nd start. so when you press that and you put it in drive,it changes the transmission ratios so that whenever you start in bad weather, its goingto reduce the likelihood of wheel slippage because it turns the wheels more slowly. selectable drive mode.
i can turn it to comfort and i can also turnit again for eco. and you see these come up on the nav displaysystem. and what that's going to do is it's goingto control the throttle mapping to make it drive more fuel efficiently. but its also going to work with the climatecontrol system to make it, to make it pull back power from the climate control systemso that it makes it more fuel efficient. i can turn it to sport and i see sport popup on there on the navigation system. that's the opposite of comfort. it changes throttle mapping to make it havemore torque on take off.
and then i can turn it again and that's sportplus. and what that does is it works with the transmissionas well and also steering to make the steering a little tighter. and turning it over here makes it a littleless fuel efficient but it makes it a little more fun to drive. i can also press down and that makes it normalor i can press down for customize so that i can customize the settings here so i canmake it like maybe a little more comfort plus sport. and if i change those settings around andi press it for customize, it makes it go to
my own setting. hi. low. this is 4 wheel drive so 4 wheel drive hiis where you're going to have it predominantly. but if you need it, 4low. this has a 7,000 pound tow capacity. so you would actually use low4 if you're pulingsomething like a boat out of water or in just a tough situation and you need a little bitextra pulling power. this is selectable height.
so you can actually press down on that andit will raise and lower the entire vehicle or i can press it up and its going to raisethe entire vehicle. the default whenever you reach a certain speed,it is going to go to neutral. so when i press high, its going to go to highand then i can also flip that switch down to low but by default at a certain speed,it is going to actually be in neutral for driving speeds.and this deactivates that featureto where it just is in a fixed neutral position. you have a camera right there that is underthe lexus emblem. and that's part of the whole camera systemand i'll show you all about that. and now this is what is seen out of the cameraon the front of the grill.
and you see auto is engaged. and auto means it automatically comes on atlow, low speeds. so basically at parking lot speeds, this isgoing to be on in the event that i need to park in close quarters or if i am pullingout of an area where my view is blocked on the left or the right by bushes or some otherobject. i can use this to see a little more effectivelyto the far left or far right. and i still have my camera here that is lookingfrom above down onto the vehicle to basically help guide me into parking spaces or intotight areas using those yellow lines on the right.
so when i turn my steering wheel, you cansee that the grids begin to turn. the one on the left side, on the screen onthe left, is showing the grid moving to the left. so that if i begin to move, i can see thatthat is where the vehicle is going to end up. you see that, its curved. so if i keep my steering wheel at the anglethat i have it right now, that's where i'm going to end up. and then i'm going to turn it and line itup with the blue lines and so that's where
i'm going to end up. i'm just going to end up going straight back. so what you're going to want to do is, whenyou're parking, if you're pulling into a space backwards, in reverse, you're going to wantto line those grids up with the white lines on the parking lot. and that is going to make sure that you getit right in the space. and there's a blue little square in frontof the vehicle and then this yellow square and the yellow square in the back turns butyou also notice that you see a yellow mark right here that comes out.
this is where the corner of the lx is going,that's the pathway, the trajectory that the front corner is going to take. if i turn the wheel and i go backwards likethat. you see that? and then this area represents kind of likean area for tolerance. so i don't want to get any closer to an objectthan inside that grid. i want to keep everything outside that tostay safe from the possibility of running into something. and now i can take the remote touch controllerbeside the gear shifter and i'm going to move
it to the right and that's going to allowme to change the grid design. the grid pattern of what pops up here. i'm going to press down and now that is anx right there. and this is actually good for backing usinga trailer. and these tell me where the trailer is goingto end up. and that tells me my mid-point, the centerpoint. i'm going to press it again and your're goingto see a red line only. red line, then the grid is going to come back. and then i just moved it to the left and youcan see that i'm going to be able to change
the angle or the view of the camera rightnow. so it's more of a fisheye. i have a bigger field of view. you can see that's the one that is highlighted. press it again. now that's the one that is highlighted. its a smaller field of view. you have led triple beam headlights and thatis a headlight that is going to give you a much cleaner view of the road ahead at nightand much brighter.
and you have your led daytime running lights. and those have actually really become synonymouswith lexus as well. then you have your led lights down here andthese are led fog lights. and those actually have accent lights thatgo underneath all the way down there inside of that casing. in order to use automatic high beams, youhave to press this and then i can push the stalk forward and that is going to activateyour high beams so that when you're around other cars at night, the lx can sense thatand they will dim automatically so as not to blind other people.
hud is heads up display. you see the display right there. and you can see a compass on the left. on the right is the speed limit. below the speed limit it says p because weare in park. to the left of that it says eco off. and then it looks like there are two linesthat are pointing toward the front of the car. heads up display is in full color so it willshow different colors on the screen.
this is the first time, well 2016 was thefirst time we ever offered a full color heads up display. that icon is your front headlight washers. that little panel right there, that's yourfront headlight washer. you can actually wash off your headlight ifyou get debris or dirt or mud on it. looking at the headlight stalk, you can seeall along the left side there are icons. this is the icon to cut the lights on manually. parking lights, automatic, daytime runninglights off. the inside is your fog lights.
when the headlights are in automatic and theycut on automatically when the sun is going down, if this is in that position, the foglights on, your fog lights will come on every time. when they are in automatic, as i said, theywill come on automatically as the sun is going down based on a sensor on the dash and thatis actually something you can customize. you can customize the sensitivity of the sensor. steering wheel audio controls. so there's volume up and down, preset stationscan. so you can scroll through memorized stationsthere.
mode allows you to change audio mode. so am, fm, xm, cd, things like that. and then you also have a multi-directionalkey pad and this displays vital information that is going to pop up on the little screen. there you see it says 82 degrees. so that's the screen that is going to displaywhat pops up using the multi-directional key pad and the dot allows you to make the selection. you press that dot, it makes the selectionand that is displayed on the screen. and i'll show you what i mean.
i'm going to be pressing left and right. and when i press left and right you see upin the top of that it says i, i is highlighted along the very top and then you've got a pictureof what looks like a vehicle to the right. and then navigation and then music. okay so i'm pressing right, right now. so inside of information and now i'm goingto press down. and then its going to start with fuel economyinformation. andall i'm doing is pressing
downright now. and then i'm going to press right and that'sthe all wheel drive information. four wheel drive information. right again, navigation information. if i have a navigation point that is enteredinto the nav. system, that's going to show me my next directional command that i needto execute to stay on track. so, its going to say turn left in 50 miles. it's going to show me different navigationalthings. audio.
so when i cut the radio on, i'll see my memorizedstations and everything. and you see where at the bottom there itssays press the dot for source. and that dot is in the center. and so when i press the dot to change thesource, i can see that its going to bring up a whole list of the available sources. and some of them are highlighted in whiteand some of them are gray. see where it says disc, disc is actually grayand it'll skip right over to the next available one. bluetooth, auxiliary.
so you can see all the different sources ofaudio. and then i can press in, press the littledot down and it'll take you to that source. and i'm going to press right again. that is radar cruise control and lane departurealert. and those are going to be here. so i can press, i'm going to press this buttonhere and i'll see lane departure alert pop unavailable below 32 miles per hour. cruise control icon or stalk. i'm going to press that in and that cuts oncruise control.
it is not actually engaged right now but itsready okay. and i can see the cruise control icon on thedash that is right there. that's the radar cruise icon and so now thatsays to me, the radar is ready. so if i got up to speed, say 65, and i wantedto activate the cruise control. all i'm going to do is press down, press thatto set it and then the car basically takes over using the radar cruise control. now if i want to change the level of cruisecontrol or the sensitivity, you know, the distance that its going to maintain betweenthe lx and the car in front of me, i'm going to press this.
so watch what happens when i press that. you see the three blue blocks right therein front of the vehicle. that is the furthest distance or the mostsensitive that i have. so that's going to keep me the greatest distancefrom the vehicle in front of me. i'm going to press it again. that's the second most sensitive so its goingto be little closer now. and that's the most or the least sensitivei should say. now that is the closest that its going tomaintain between the front of the lx and the vehicle in front of me.
you can change that on the fly. you don't have to stop or anything. you can adjust that sensitivity right therein real time. now you have a pages icon here and that takesme to, like the homescreen of the informational screens. so i just press that and i was in the radarcruise screen but now i'm in the information that just kind of takes you back to whereyou were. you can see on the right side is your speedometerand it is an analog speedometer. and then you have your volt meter, fuel, tachometer,engine temperature, and oil temperature.
take a look at the wood on the steering wheel. that is all real wood by the way. and the grain in that, look at that, the detailthere. it's actually kind of like a matte finishand it is so, really cool feeling in your hands. it feels almost like its an antique. but i'm pointing that out just because theattention to detail. look at the stitching right there on the steeringwheel. and that satin finish on that trim.
and i love how lexus combines elements inthat this what i mean when i say the fit and finish of a car. lexus just does this better than anyone.alrightlets take a look at the buttons down here. and this is going to be on the driver's sidedoor. and you see where it says auto on the veryfront. and its lit up. well that means that its going to automaticallyfold the mirrors in when i lock the doors. so when i get out of it and i lock the doors,the side mirrors right there are going to fold in automatically for me.
i can deactivate that by pressing auto again. now that light is off and i can also manuallyfold them. i going to hit that button in the top rightcorner and now they manually fold. this is a good time to point out that my turnsignal here and you see the little led light there on the corner of the mirror. it's kind of hard to see but its blinking. and you have those on both mirrors. and then the controls on your mirrors, you'vegot a little key pad right here and that's left, right, up, and down.
and when i press l, it lights up and thatgives me the control to control the settings for the mirror. up, down, left, right. and so i'm going to get that set in placeand i'm going to change the right side. get that all set in place. and then i'm going to get my seat all setthe way i want to. and then i'm going to set the steering wheelposition. you see here. so i can down and up and i can go in and out.
and then once i have my seat and my steeringwheel and my mirrors all set exactly the way i want, i'm going to press set there and theni'm going to pick a number. let's say number 1 and that just memorizedmy seat, my steering wheel, and my mirrors. and i can do that for three people. your sunroof control is here on the right. and on the rightside you press that to open it and it is one touch. and then you have a sos button and that isfor safety connect. up and down, that tilts the back of the sunroof.
and these are touch sensitive led lights. sunglasses. the mirror has homelink in it. you can see little buttons here at the bottom. that's where you can memorize your garagedoor opener. and that green button there cuts on and offthe automatic dimming feature of the mirror.
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