hybrid suv suburban


hey everybody john here again. alright so we are at the point where we will install the gps tracker but i want to go over some of the options it has they are cool little ideas. i don't know that people with regular cars really need them, unless you want to track your kids when they take the car out and there's a lot of little things you can do with this. you can set a speed limit on it so that when the vehicle goes over a certain speed whether it is 100 kms or 60 mph or something like that.

it will send you a text message it can also have a geo fence which means the car is allowed to travelin a certain area and if it goes outside that area it will send you a text message there is also other things like a low fuel warning if the alarm is sounded it will send you a text message. if thepower is cut to the don't forget this has a battery back up. it will still send a text massage.

so there is a few good things that it will do besides track your vehicle. now one of the reason i was really interested in getting this was because you couldactually kill the ignition on your vehicle if it does get stolen. now i did mention that the wasthat safety feature not sure if it's twenty kilometers ortwenty miles an hour but regardless you would have to begoing alot slower than highway speeds for the unit to shut the vehicle off.

o'clock consuming you know matching canyou feel imagine getting your vehicle shut off at a 100 kms or 60 mph so we i want to go over this. so as i started ripping the dash apart because i'm gonna sure the installationbut i figured there is no sense in going into how to take the panel off because your car is not going to be like my ford van. you might have something different like a honda..etc... or a chrysler product. it's just not going to be the same as this. so i would just be wasting my time your time foryou to watch that. i did want

to take this moment to tell you. you will want to watch to the very end because there is one thing you have tobe very careful with when installing this unit and i'm going to tell you aboutit the end. alright so without further ado let'stake a look at the installation, and i did find something quite surprising youlike that do okay so this is the underneath my dash and i found some wires here, right here that i didn't know what they were for, and then i also found

this under there and that end had also these wires tied to it as you can see there like antennaclip-on wires. so i said "mmmm" this looks very interesting now ofcourse i came to the firm conclusion that there was a gps unit already installedhere and when i further investigated it now you have to excuse the dust cause i'mnot one of those people that

washes my dash of every two days i'mgonna show you this up alright so i pulled that panel off because i figured this would be a goodplace to put the antennas and lookie what i found. i found the gsm antenna right here and what is this but a gpsantenna ha! so it looks like a one time thisvehicle was equipped with one now unfortunately those ends on thoseantennas

for the antenna leads down here at thebottom / underneath the dash i meant to say. they don't fit the unit so i'm not the run my own wires through.so this should fare to be extremely interesting i'll probably have to pullthe from the dash off and everything everything but it's to be expected that ihave to do this but that was a bit of a surprise. okay so let's go on with theinstallation. so some of the tools you are going to need for this

she's been shaken schools and holdingthe please excuse the shakiness. i am holding the camera your going to need a 12 volt probe you need a wire stripper. nowthese are handy because you can actually put thembetween the wire, just open it and twist your wireonto without cutting the wire which is very handy andof course you will need wire cutters and others things you may needare heat shrink tubing electrical tape i do have some electrical tape, nowi'm not a big proponent on

using electrical tape especially whenworking on a your electrical system in your car but, since this is a dry environment i'm i see that and all too the reason why we willneed soldered i like to dielectric grease. we might even get away withjust using electrical tape on connections like that where we are just going to spreadthe wire we can just place electrical tape on there. connected it back together. now while we are under here. i also want to show you that these are theignition wires

leading to the steering column and youcan see the bigger ones well those are the ones that it would beuse for a to use for your cutting your ignition while the cars driving and it looks likethey've already been cut into a one point or another a at least the red one and the green with a black stripe. i'llinvestigate that further. and see what we need to do for that. firstoff. for the unit you need to find yourself

a good ground point. for your tester or probe. another thing i wanted to show you for thatdoor thing here will have to take that out anyways we will take this panel off and we will get inthere. these things sometimes run positive ornegative and the unit is a equipment both sensorsfor both positive and negative so we can we have the option for either one so first thing on look for.

is a continual / constant positive power now in this line here the red wire here as you can see your that is positive all time then you will need a positive only when the ignition isset to accessory so that's another thing you want to lookat you can just open the wires like that. first you want to use your probe punch through the wire's insulation to the wire with the point of the probe.

i have these guys do the work for me i am actually very fortunate so i havemy accessory here. i have my a continualpositive here, and i have my ground here. so actually todo the installation i just need to install those three wiresonto the wiring harness of my gps unit, this unit here. we just have to connect to the red and black there just to showyou those two wires there

are there. they are both at one end so there easy to get to see them one on top of the other. now to install this unit that is all youneed to install. find a place to tie down your unit anywheres under the dash will do. it is small enough to fit just about anyplace. i won't tape the placement of the unit. i will come back when it is done. i will take the easy route and connect to the existing wires left from the old unit. uhm what else do i want to do?

oh ya with the door alert. for the door sensor. and then there is also the other options like the sensor for the fuel a gauge um what else was there. i should go lookat the manual to find all the different things but for the door button where the two things i wanted toinstall today. and a i'm gonna talk to you about those ignition wires very important sostay tuned

okay let me get this installed in allshe would have done so as you can see i've started tapping up the wires start from the wiring harness heredown to the fuse and then from there you wanna separateyour wires. so for today's insulation we're going tobe using the red the black the white and theblues so we continue on with those then we come to the blue is separated. if you lookinstruction manual your wiring diagram to show you the blueis for the negative door trigger

now you wanna figure that out firstbefore you start picking the wires so for mine it's the blue for yours itmight be maybe green i have to look again so i have continue on and i've tapped thethree wires together now we are at the point where we have some loose wire at the end. now we will wires these up to the three wires under the dash. and we're good to go for that part. i found out where my blue wire will go. i'll show you.

o.k. so i've found out that mine has two wires for the door plunger. well for the door switcher. a redand a black. so the red is continual positive i think that's the way i worked it. no! it's negativesorry. these are both negative wires one wire sends negative power and the other returns it back to the computer. in the old days they would just ground it out on the body and in the plunger just push themunderground on of the

the plunger it's self. so now we have two wires so you have to figure out which one sends thenegative ground back to the center that chimes the door andeverything so for that we take your tester, and first you try them on negative. so we'll ground this out on negative. let get out of here...? everything is in the way! great now i have a wasp in here..buzzzzz.... you can see i have my

camera problems... alright so.....lets see where we go. so you can see i'm not getting any power here alright. the light is not coming ontouch the other wire and there's nothing. right so we knowthat these are negative wires because thelight didn't light up so what we're gonna do is we're going to find a positive wire here and touch it to a ground. you can see that it's working so

we have good contact and now you're gonnago you test your wires again they shouldboth light up your tester you see the tester lights up, the other wire lights upthe tester perfect now we want to do is press your plunger in and test you wiresagain of course i'm holding the camera withone hand so this is gonna be fun there we go! alright so here

sorry for the mess of wires i'll just put them up here for a moment. so test here. does the light come on? no i'll push the plunger in and i'll test the wires again now this one the red one is not givingme power and i let go of the plunger on the door door switch and the light comes on i'll just hold my finger to it here.

see push the door plunger in the light comes onwe go to the other wire and we push the plunger in, let go push it in and let go. now you noticed thatthe light never goes out. so what that tells us is that the black one is a constant ground and the red one is what continues the loop after theswitch so that's going to be the wire gonna wanna connect out blue wire tobecause our car works on a negative so it'll send anegative

or it will actually groundout that to that sensorwire what i want to do is show you quickly there we go so you can look at thatfollow it and see what what what wires go whereand you will see what i am talking about you can pause the video there if you need more time to see. so now that we have taped up our wire you can understand why left the blue one out a little more so that we can wire you around otherplaces

we've already stripped i've already stripped my wires off here as youcan see for the installation of thepositive the ground here and and the accessory be careful! because red one is hot or live how ever you want to call it. now my antenna wires i was lucky enough to be able to run them through to the same place the old ones were. as i'll the old ones were

so all i had to do was tapethem to the to the wires and then fish them out from up under there. i think you can probably see a little light form the top of the dash. a where had fish the wires upthrough it can be a bit of a pain they don't have to there but they do need to have a clear view to the sky. but obviously the best place for the antenna wires is closer windshieldspecially for the gps one alright so let me it is wires connectedget the unit placed and we'll get right back

alright once you have the unit installedwith the wires hooked up two or three wires we haven't done the door plunger wire yet.you can see the light blinking it is still looking for gpssignal which it probably won't find because the gps antenna is still sitting in the cupholder i haven't pulledthe wires up inside yet so we have a cellphone signal so you can aqualy still communicatewith the gps unit i could see were i've installed it

so if i do have to access it my fuse close by. here which i'll put up in here. so everything is going to be up behind the panel no it's not a big secret place anybody canget to it if there going to steal the car but if they're gonna go this muchtrouble still my truck oh well i have insurance let's face it there if they reallywanted it then there is nothing that will stop them let me finish up with the door jam wire

and ...oh it does have a gps lock! and the antenna is sittingin the cup holder on my dash so you know they can go from inside thetruck so i let me finish up and then we'lldiscuss a little further alright so we got everything hooked up thisis the yellow wire that i will address with you very important green live gps lock flashing red means we have lsn lock

or gsm i should have said time to discuss this yellow one because it was connected to this relayhere. now it says it is a 40 amp but i'm a little worried that this wire the red wire is not quite as big asthat pink wire and that pink wire is probably the size that i am going to need and i've been looking around and thatcould take up to 60amps that wire so this really won't be ableto handle it

i don't want to take the chance since i don't have a meter to check current draw i'm not gonna play with that until your proper i relay but there are things you can do with the relay um in the event to yourvehicle stolen you could the you could hook it up to blue flashing lights in the grille or you'reback up lights or in your back window or flash yourheadlights on and off or something something that'll distinguish yourvehicle from the rest in traffic so that police couldfind it easily

follow it easily so that's one thing youcould do i'm so that's about it i want to makesure that you knew about the relay don't use it way to get something biggeralright so job well done everything is installed works fine. you saw how it went init's a fairly easy job. it took me longer besidethe pull the other stuff out you're looking at about an hour to an hour and a half. take your time there is no rush make sure you have run your wiresgood wire tie them out of the way protect them from making contact withmetal

check your connections before you put everything away make sure thatwhen you put your paneling back in that you are not pinching any wires and the like you like this video please subscribe! click like at the bottom and if you have acomment i would like to hear it. anyways thanks for watching. for

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