crossover suv in uk


hi guys, this is going to be the tutorialthat's going to show you how to do the interweave cable stitch and this stitch can be difficult if you haven't mastered the triple crochet or the front post and back post crochet so if you're good at those things, then you should be able to do this stitch with no problem i wouldn't say that this is really a stitch for beginners but more for intermediate crocheters that have mastered the front and back post crochet so ah, this is a afghan i'm making. its not

it's not quite done. i've got quite a bit of it done though. i still need a good, chuck left to do, and its coming out a little bit smaller than i wanted, so i think i am going to put a border around it when i'm done and this stitch, the way you're going to work it is back and forth as you can see the back, looks like this. lines going through it, and it covers the holes some i've tried to do on the back, is slip stitch, but all it left was leave on the back side, you can see the holes. so for so for this reason, it's important that you use single crochets

because it will help cover those holes a little bit and of course you'll understand more later for this afghan i chained 162 but and this is made for twin size it didn't really come out so wide, where it would hang off the sides of the bed as much as i'd like. so i think if i added a border around it, the it will probably be okay. so if you wanted to make a twin size, then i would say you can do 162 or add in multiples of 4

until you get the size that you want. and then once you've got it, then you can chain 2 and begin. and i will show you how to begin this yarn i'm using, encase your wondering. is alize 100 grams or 3.53 ounces. 383 yards. so just one skein is 383 yards and so far it's taken me over 10 skeins. so if you're going to make a blanket like this one in size. i would definitely get like 15 or 20 skeins just to be on the safe size. i plan on making a border so i got 20 skeins if i have any left i will try and put some up on the shop so far i've been buying every skein of it she's got she calls when she gets more

and i go buy all she has, just to finish this afghan this so also worsted weight yarn. but you can use for this stitch with any size yarn and any size hook for that yarn for instance if you want to use cotton yarn use the appropriate hook size for that go ahead and get whatever hook size i'm going to be using a 5 mm hook or h hook for the us just because i am using 4 ply for the us and 10 ply for au so go ahead and grab those things and lets get started

okay, to begin chain in multiples of 4 until you get the size that you want. i'm going to be making a small swatch for the demo so i'm not going to go to far.just going to chain 4 then then i chained another 4, 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 , 1 2 3 4, so i'm going to do 20 stitches then i'll chain 2. so once you have it the size that you want in multiples of 4, then chain 2 when your ready, when it's the size you want then i'm going to skip down to the third stitch from the hook so you've got , 1 2 and 3, and in this third stitch you'll want to do a double crochet.

and you want to double crochet in each stitch down your chain so continue to do that. double crochet down your chain and i'll see you back here in a moment okay so when you get done with your double crochets sorry if you can hear all that construction outside. it's going to be like that for a year. they are building a building beside me so anyway when you get to the end. you want to chain 2 actually you want to chain 1. so chain one and turn. and the reason you're chaining one is because the very first two stitches you will be doing a half double crochet

so you'll yarn over once. go into that very first stitch. pull up a loop. yarn over and pull through all three loops. and you'll do this in the second stitch as well so stitches 1 and 2 are half double crochets stitch 3 and 4 you want to skip so skip two stitches and then in stitches 5 and 6 you want to be using the post

of these two stitches to start making your stitch and we'll be working with triple crochets so you're going to skip two stitches here and then now in the post of the fifth stitch yarn over twice, pick up the post and do a triple crochet again, yarn over twice go into the next post and do a triple crochet. so we should have 2 half double crochets two skipped stitches here and then two triple crochets

now this is the tricky part to create the weave on this particular row, because it will chainge there's basically two rows of this weave so this is going to be the first one. again you'll yarn over twice, because you're going to be doing a triple crochet and this time you want to go behind these triple crochets. so basically you're going to be putting your hook behind them and grabbing onto the post. the first post that you skipped. which would be stitch number 3

grab it with your hook and pull it up, to the back and i'll show you that again and get a little closer. some people say if i get to close it's hard to see. so i was trying to stay back. but i'm going to try again here. you yarn over twice you're going to be going behind these two stiches and you're going to be pulling up the post, which is the post of the third stitch. stitch number 3 and you're going to be pulling it up then you'll do a triple crochet onto the post you'll do that again, yarn over twice, then you'll be

grabbing stitch number 4. the post grab it with your hook and pull it up and do a triple crochet and now you have those two crossed and again you'll be skipping the next two post, and triple crochet onto the next two. so skip two and grab that third post and do a triple crochet, and again the one beside it triple crochet

then again, yarn over go behind, and grab up that first post that you skipped and pull it up pull it up behind the triple crochets that you did and again go behind your stitches, grab that post with your hook and pull it up and then do a triple crochet

you do it again. after you do a cross like that, you'll always want to skip two stiches because these will be the two stitches that you'll be backing up into and you'll work your next triple crochet in the next post then in the next post another triple crochet then now a triple crochet on the first stitch that you skipped get that on the post and pull it up behind. by pulling it up it makes it so much easier to work on so get behind there, grab your stitch and pull it up so that you can work on it

and you keep it going, you'll only do double crochets this first row of double crochets when you started that'll be the only row that you do like that unless you want to make your final row of your afghan like that too, if your making an afghan. you can use this stitch to make almost anything, this is showing you how to do this stitch back and forth. i'll also have a video to show you show you how to do this stitch in the round so again you go behind grab that first skipped stitch

triple crochets are just like double crochets, except you just yarn over one more time and you'll be counting, you'll be going through 3 times so that's 1 2 and 3 okay so you do that until your at the last two stitches and you do the same thing that you did for your first two stitches you'll put a half double crochet. so yarn over once and go into the first stitch and half double crochet. yarn over and go into the very last stitch and half double crochet. now you've completed your first row

so again you want to chain 1 and turn now for these rows, to get back to the other side i'm going to be putting just one single crochet in each stitch i'm just putting one single crochet. when you get back up to the end i'll show you how to start the second row okay, again when you get to the end of your single crochet row you'll chain 1 and turn, and again

your going to be working half double crochets last row you did two half double crochets, then you did your stitch. now this row because there will be two rows of the interweave cable part. so i'm not counting the single crochet row that you will be doing this time at the end of the interweave part, there will be two different kinds of rows one you'll always be doing two half double crochets then starting, then the next one you'll yarn over and go into the first 4 stitches so 1 2 and then now you have this

this part really close up here. so it can't really be worked with very easily, so you'll be putting a half double crochet in both those stitches too. so now you have four half double crochets and now you want to skip two and you want to be working in this first...what i mean by skip two is each of them have an x each of these have a criss cross one going this way and one going this way, which at the present time is behind it, as you can see on your own work. you have one like this going behind it

well these parts behind it here. here you go this is the stitches you will be working with this round going on this part, these two stitches that are that are going to this direction , you will be working on these first, then you're going to come back and you're going to be grabbing up the stitches that are behind on this side, so you;ll be getting this stitch and this stitch, the ones that are facing this direction behind this one. so you're going to be grabbing those two stitches so first off you'll do a triple crochet here and a triple crochet here and then you'll back up and grab this one and do a triple crochet

and this one and do a triple crochet so i wanted to show you that before i start getting all the yarn in the way yarn over twice now grab the triple crochets running this way and this one do a triple crochet now you have this one long triple crochet piece, but see you don't want this to be showing, because this is like one long stitch you want it to be weaved over this round, so

to get it to show going the other direction, you're going to be using this stitches like i told you. the ones from one row below. you're going to grab this one pull it up and do a triple crochet and this one, and pull it up. this round is so much easier to do then you do a triple crochet going that way, and now you can see it's crossed i'll show you again

you'll skip these first two stitches. you'll be using them again in a moment and go right on to these, the one going this direction pull it up and do a triple crochet and then on the next one as well and then you want go in front of the stitch this time, not behind it under the stitch, you can use your fingers to push them forward like this so i can grab it and do my triple crochet then my triple crochet just like that and again you want to skip these two, you;kk be working on them in a minute

do your two triple crochets just like that, and then we'll go in front of them again, and i'm using my fingers to help push up this stitch here when we went behind last time these are the stitches we created from behind and now we are pulling them forward to use for this round then when you get to the last 4 stitches here you'll have one going this directions, that we were using to finish our stitch

and one going this direction. and you don't really have anything to hook on to so just like you did at the beginning of this row. you did four half double crochets you'll do the same on this one. so those two back stitches you were using to finish the stitch on this round you'll be going into the top which is actually a single crochet now but on the top of those two stitches, then of course in the places where you did your half double crochets so this is what it should look like now some running this way and some running this way, and now for the next row of the interweave cable we'll be going this direction again. but since this is going back and forth, you're going to chain

chain 1 and turn and again, in the stitches on this row you'll always be doing a single crochet row. so you want to single crochet in each stitch around. and i'll see you back here in a moment okay then you want to chain one and turn and at the end of this video i'm going to be showing you slow motion on how to do each of the rows the one going this way. that i am about to show you now go behind the stitch, then the next row when you pull up those stitches. i know some people don't like slow motion so i'm not going to do it

in this beginning part, but just stay tuned if you're having difficulty and at the end of this video, after i show you this next row i'll show you how to do that in slow motion and hopefully that will help you so now you're ready to start the next row at the beginning of this row you'll start with two half double crochets and then we have our two half double crochets here, then we have our back stitches coming underneath, coming from this direction

so we're mostly going to be working with the underneath ones to pull them up so that it has the weaving. so just always keep in mind that you'll be working with both this one and the one underneath every round so we have our 4 half double crochets. we're going to be skipping the first two, well not skipping, cause see

we already did our two half double crochets. so we're going to skip the next two and go right into this the stitch that's going this way and do a triple crochet so we're going to be pulling that up and do our triple crochets worked in these stitches behind, going this direction. pulling them up and doing our triple crochets on them, now again we're going to be going behind, and we're going to be using these two skipped half double crochet stitches, so we're not going to use the single crochets from last round, we're going to just go down another row and grab those half double crochets that we did, pull them up and work

our triple crochets on them and that's how you'll be starting your row and at the end here, you will also be using these last two half double crochets and half double crocheting into the last two stitches so now we'll skip these two stitches, the ones that are going in this direction and we're going to start into the ones that are behind this stitch, going this direction so going to do a triple crochet and we're going to grab up that post back here

do a triple crochet, then we're going to be grabbing up the next post and doing a triple crochet. i know it's kinda hard to maneuver. takes some time to get used to. then again you'll go behind your stitches and you'll be grabbing grabbing up, the one that you skipped a second ago, that going in that direction pull it up, and work your triple crochet then again pull it up and then you'll skip two stitches

and then you'll go right into these ones that are behind in each of those, then you'll go back behind and grab up the post's of the two you just skipped okay i want to take a moment and show on this last one, how to do it in slow motion for those who many be having difficulty. just remember that we're going to be working right now, into these last half double crochets there you go., and in your last two stitches will be 1 half double crochet and 1 half double crochet.

chain 1 and then you'll want to turn and do your single crochet row again. so go ahead and turn and start your single crochet row and when i get to the next row, i'll remind you how to begin your row, and then i'll show you how to do your next row in slow motion okay let me just back out a bit. now again since these two are our fourth stitch from the beginning 1 2 3 4 so you only have 2 stitches at the beginning. every time that happens you know you need to half double crochet in your first 4 stitches this row

so half double crochet, in the first four stitches then you'll start again, using these ones going this way first then using these ones going this way, that's behind this one so i'm going to be showing you how to do this in slow motion for those of you that may be having trouble and again you did 4 at the beginning so you'll want to do 4 at the end 4 half double crochets so just keep in mind, whatever stitches you do at the beginning

we'll be doing at the end as well and every time you do 4 at the beginning, you know the next row, there will only be two and then you'll start working by skipping the next two, then start working into your next stitch, which would be the next one underneath here it'll help you find the stitches if you just keep in mind that you should only be skipping one set, so if you see these stitches that are facing this way can't really be used yet and you'll be confused so these are the ones that are actually facing to where you can use you'll be grabbing up the post of this one then this one. it takes some time to get used to

but i hope that its something you can figure out and i hope that this yarn was one that you could see. i know it was difficult to see the stitches some times. so let let know what you think. i hope you liked the video, this is just to show you how to do it back and forth so you can make a blanket or something like that. i have used i tried to use double crochets and slip stitches in the back just to try and make these holes smaller, well it doesn't work the double crochets still have to much of a hole here. so i would not this for a baby blanket unless you're planning on making some kind of backing

and like i said i tried to use slip stitches back here and it didn't work so much, because it did make the holes more noticible at least with the single crochets it covers it up some and makes it a bit fuller so i recommend staying with the single crochets and the triple crochet i wouldn't change. so that is it that is how you make the interweave cable stitch and i hope this tutorial has been helpful, and if it has or hasn't, please leave a comment below and let me know what you think of the video and what needs to be improved on maybe i can redo it or something. i can't edit or do anything to this video once it's published

but maybe i can add another video that can show you something else that you might have needed a little more teaching on. so that's it, please check the description box below i may have a pattern later on , on the afghan or maybe another beginner video to help you with this one so that's it, please don't forget to like and share this video. and subscribe. thanks for watching!

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