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>>> welcome back to fox sports coverage ofthe xfinity series race from phoenix. it is time to meet today's guest driver analyst,joey logano. he has always dreamed of becoming a race car driver and today stands as oneof the greats. xfinity rookie of the year. youngest ever to win a cup race and becomea daytona 500 champion. hanging with letterman, leno and celebrities alike. two wins hereat phoenix, joey logano now to call today's coverage. look at those guys. so handsome.joey, you clean up so nice. >> i can't believe i cleaned up so quick.we changed and got up here really quick. i am ready to watch a great race. beautifulday. >> you have had letterman and leno and todayyou get waltrip and alexander. kyle busch

has won here eight times. what makes him sogood at phoenix? >> he is good everywhere. is there a placehe isn't fast? all of the jgr cars very fast. he is just good at this racetrack. he knowswhat he needs to have and how to communicate to his crew chief. the aggressive ones togo and win it. >> i love that there are rookies and kidswho will challenge kyle busch to that. i heard that kyle is go to win. there are a coupleof jones that can take him down and a suarez and chase elliott. i like his chances. i likean upset. i think that we are going to see one today.>> what is the biggest challenge that these guys are go to face?>> one of the biggest challenges is that it

is flat on the corner entry. this could benew for a lot of the rookies out there. we have seen cars crashing in qualifying andin the cup and in the xfinity series. i look for cars going into the corner sidewaysand bumping into each other. >> that will happen over 150 miles per hour.>> we started at daytona. last couple of weeks, today it is like a short track. it will getphysical in the desert. we get the green flag in a moment. now time for the command to fireengines. >>> and now for the most famous words in motorsportsplease welcome the president of north america exhalta -->> drivers, start your engines. >> the engines have fired. you can feel theenergy here in phoenix. we are going from

the driver's seat, daniel suarez joins usnext on fox. >> 20 miles west of phoenix, phoenix internationalraceway. it is round four for the nascar xfinity series. and after three races it is danielsuarez, a 24-year-old out of monterey, mexico leading our chase grid. the first foreign-born driver to sit atopthe points in the nascar xfinity series and he starts second today. let's go from thedriver seat. >> do you copy?>> i copy. mike and joey. >> you are going to have a great day today.i am going on a limb saying you were going to upset kyle busch today. how do do you that?>> running good so far this weekend. you know

to beat kyle busch would be a really gooddeal for me or for everyone. we know he is super fast here. hopefully we can get it done.>> hey daniel, it is joey logano up here in the booth. i noticed the improvement overthe last year for sure and this is one of the best shots to get your first win different is it from last year to this? how much has your confident grown?>> definitely. you are a driver you have a lot of experience. a lot of this is aboutconfidence. i really think that my confidence is getting better and better. the whole teamis doing an amazing job. we have a really fast race car. right now we just need to bepatient and keep working hard to get the first victory and hopefully it can be today.>> sure seems like it is right around the

corner?>> daniel does have a win here? nascar mexico series. aerial coverage provided by, the official tire of nascar. before we go green let's hear from our pitreporters one last time. >> adam, it was interesting to see kyle busch'screw chief picking a middle pit stop. it is more difficult for the crew coming off ofthe wall as kyle busch is coming down pit lane. half a second could be the differencein keeping the streak alive. >> chase elliott drives in the xfinity seriesfor dale earnhardt jr. that can't get much better for a 20-year-old. but if he is goingto win the race today he and his crew chief need to find a way to make the car better.they made big changes. we will see how it

plays out.>> phoenix international raceway is a special place for erik jones. he got his first truckseries victory in 2013. as far as today he has a car he thinks is capable of beatinghis teammate, kyle busch. if he beats kyle today, that will be a day he never forgets.>> erik jones delivering here in the xfinity series as well. top five in two runs herea season ago. numbers for today, 66 degrees and track temperature closing at 100.>> 200 laps. fuel around 80 to 85 laps. we talked about how fast the race goes by. justa couple of trips to pit row so you better make them count.>> a speeding penalty here or any pit road penalty is huge. there is not much time tomake it up.

>> we looked at that fuel window. you wouldthink it would never come in to play. we had an 80-lap green flag run. we can go a longway under green. >> it acts like a mile and a half in a waybut it is only a mile. there is bumping and banging but you are goingreally fast. >> you took the 22 a year ago to victory laneand your teammate, brad keselowksi, starting seventh today.>> work our way up and keep building. >> appreciate the work. we will see what happenstoday. >> i would say they are motivated.>> i know they changed just about everything in that race car. they have changed know they are trying something different.

>> i know as a teammate and team penske driveryou are hoping to see the performance. you are go to get behind the wheel of it.>> for sure. they will. the 22 team has been so strong for the last two years. brian wilsonon the box they are go to figure it out. >> the last three years in the nascar xfinityseries. time to get down business. on the front row erik jones. kyle busch sitting besideaustin dillon. chase elliott and austin dillon. couple of cup regulars. green flag in theair. underway at the desert mile. kyle busch wasting no time going from third to around suarez on the restart. >> couple of restarts last week for danielwere not that great. he will have to improve that.>> car on the wall up in turn four.

>> the 44 up there. won here in the truckseries. joey, you talked about how loose the carsget. that is why the starts and restarts are so exciting. they are literally fighting forcontrol of these cars. >> especially low pressure. they could besitting down going into the corner, the first time they have been in the pack. you knowthey will be a little edgy. >> up on the high side.>> the 07 got in there and got free and couldn't turn the steering wheel. looked like it wasthe lesser of the two evils for him. not so much for the 44.>> i think maybe black heard the 93 was coming from a spotter, moved up and bounced in tostarr.

>> ray black jr. already in a backup car.close call there. opening lap and caution already out here at phoenix. >>> hey, what's going on, guys. brandon jones.>> daniel suarez. starting in the second position. >> about to get started in about 20 minutes.stay tuned. >> tight turnaround today from qualifyingto the green flag. we appreciate it as we get set for a restart here. had a cautionon lap one. david starr had issues. erik jones started on the pole and jumped out front.daniel suarez go to restart third. >> i think the restart might be differentfor erik. i think the inside to outside lane choiceis fairly equal.

>> look at the restart zone. always big, especiallycoming to a place like phoenix. in to the zone now and erik jones makes it happen.>> look who is hanging tough on the outside. kyle busch is making the outside work. danielsuarez started in that third spot but lost the position to austin dillon. if he is goingto get up there and beat kyle busch he has to be ready to go when they throw the green.>> it could be car set up. there you see kyle get that momentum off of turn four.>> three-wide behind them. look at that battle. >> still inside.>> joey meyer talking to his driver, brad keselowksi, outside of darrell wallace jr.and in front of him the 88 of chase elliott. side by side behind them for position.>> see daniel, he is up to third. but these

two have not settled that battle yet. andthat is tough sledding down there where the 7 car is.>> all of these drivers know right now is the time to go and get it.>> it will be harder and harder. the opportunity to get position is right now. that is whereyou see the 7. the 2 as much as he can. the 2 trying to cross it over, does not make ithappen. >> we talked to the crew chief earlier aboutthe performance of that car and they are optimistic about the long-run speed it has. >> see brad keselowksi there riding comfortablyin the fifth position. chase elliott right behind him. what a mess this is. sadler there.>> gets free there in that corner, no banking

and you fall down into the corner and thatis what happens. in turns three and four you can run down into the apron, off of the roadbut that does not work in one and two. >> brandon jones running in the 11th position.that is jeff burton right behind. >> lucky they did not get wrecked there. theyare going so fast. >> looks like blake was aware that elliotwas coming up as well. >> allgaier continuing his climb inside ofdarrell wallace jr. i saw cooper lose five or six positions because of all of the momentumthat went see. >> allgaier started tenth and he is seventhright now. he is fast. >> as you said they rolled off of the trailer reallyclose this weekend.

you don't have to go searching through the first couple of practices.they were able to fine tune it and they do have a fine race car today.>> back-to-back weeks they finished inside the top ten and trying to make it happen againhere this afternoon. allgaier is seventh right now.>> strong move by the 22. picked off austin dillon entering turn one. brad is just asfast as our trio of gibbs cars up front. >> that is a good sign. i like seeing that.>> now he will have to be faster. they have about a straightaway lead on him.>> yeah. it is amaze to watch the three gibbs cars. they are so far ahead of everybody andthe 22 half a straightaway behind. let's see if he starts making up time.>> how are they feeling about it in the 22

camp?>> looks like a much different weekend this weekend than last. i talked to ryan wilsonyesterday. he said we got lost in las vegas. we hit the reset button yesterday going backto stuff that was working in 2015 and obviously working today.>> cars have been turning good all weekend long. brad keselowksi is up to the fourthposition behind the trio of drivers from joe gibbs racing. kyle busch has the lead. erikjones is second. here comes daniel suarez. knocking on the door.>> i really think that daniel suarez has the fastest of the three cars. do you remember,he did not have that great restart and he has run all of them back down.>> joey, it makes it harder to run fast laps

when you are tucked right under another car.>> it shows how good that car is for sure. you can see how the 20 covers that yellowline and does not allow daniel to get much air on the front of his car. it makes it hardfor him to get to that back bumper and loosen up and get by him. >> not only have the gibbs cars been fastall season long each have a great history in phoenix. nothing about what we are seeinghere is surprising. >> i think that lap traffic will come in toplay. how they catch the cars and get by them. >> you see the lap car they are passing thereand that gives suarez the opportunity he was looking for. he looks to the outside of jonesentering one.

>> the 20 ran it up the racetrack and gotunderneath him. now back to the flat. >> kept it on the road.>> suarez started on the outside of row one and fell back to third. starting to make hispresence felt again. inside and around erik jones, the 19 in the runner-up position. 20of 200 laps complete at phoenix. kyle busch, daniel suarez, erik jones, brad keselowksi,chase elliott the top five. you are watching nascar on fox. >>> 26 laps in at the phoenix internationalraceway. team penske won 2 of the last 3 races here, including joey logano a season ago.when you look at the all-time leader. >> all right. 10-4.

>> all good news.>> it could be good news or bad news. sometimes when your car is driving really good and youare not fast enough, how can you make it better? brad is typically a long run race car driver.but the fact he can't find any speed, chase elliott comes under him and justin allgaieras well. two fast chevys that have run down brad's ford.>> i think chase, the one thing they had on their mind is to be good over the long haul.>> that is what we heard from the allgaier camp. it is beginning to show.>> those junior motorsport teammates on the move.>> chase elliott, not that the car has been bad but when you compare it to the jgr cars,it is pretty humbling. they knew they had

to get better. the crew chief made big changesto it and it looks like they have gone the right direction. 88 pretty stout here earlyon. >> justin allgaier drives around the outsideof brad keselowksi. you don't see that often. >> that means he is really good. he definitelyhas got speed. you see allgaier moving forward. he hasn't stopped yet.>> it is the joe gibbs and the junior motorsports show all driving for the coach, one, two andthree. and chase elliott, justin allgaier, fourth and fifth. the other injury for dalejr., elliot sadler. >> he is coming as well, adam. i watched himworking his way around ryan reed and starting to gain ground on the cars ahead of him. closingin quickly on that.

>> darrell wallace jr. doing positive thingsthis weekend after a couple of weeks of disappointment. crashing the last couple of weeks. one onpit road. the other trying to avoid an accident that already happened in las vegas. but theyhave had a nice weekend here in phoenix. >> joey, how hard is that to overcome?>> eventually it does hurt your confidence. watching him in qualifying and in practicehe has had a fast race car. he has been caught up in crashes and unfortunate situations thateventually it does affect you. but it does not seem like it affects him much. i knowhe has a lot of confidence. it does not seem to be hurting him at all.>> ninth so far today, vince. >> i think we don't have to worry about bubbawallace's confidence. what he really needs

to drive off. we hear that a lot. but theyare not far off. but he could use more drive off to be better.>> great battle going on behind darrell wallace jr. gaughan is there, brandon jones and elliotsadler. a really good group. >> you see some lap traffic that will comein to play. tires are wearing out. cars are not handling the way you want them to. youare starting to see this back and forth action. >> elliot sadler makes the move on brandonjones. that is when you get the doors opening, guys get his momentum caught up and you canmake those moves. >> you have to find somewhere to get see the cars in three and four going below that line, trying to get clean air and makethose passes.

>> lap traffic hoping the door for driversto make the pass. pick up a position. back to the front. the advantage for kyle busch,nearly a full second over second place daniel suarez, chris. >> right now trying to just maintain thatlead. he said it was about two-thirds of the way through last season that we hit on theset up and we had that dominance since and we know that this run is not go to last is just like that. >> you know what it is? making the other teamssick. they can't seem to catch the gibbs cars. but there are fast cars coming from behind.i like the way that chase elliott's car looks right now.>> great rookie class in 2016 in the nascar

xfinity series. >>> nascar xfinity racing on fox is sponsoredby -- >> i wish i knew what was going on with the18 and how to beat kyle busch. >> he is fast.>> not much of an argument. kyle busch is probably one of the best.>> if you can beat him it is quite the accomplishment. >> i think there are definitely times a fewof us wish he could cut us some slack. >> 78 career wins, over 16,000 laps led. iunderstand why everyone wants to beat up on kyle busch but it does not happen too often.>> he is not cutting them any slack. it is game on. kyle says i am go to take you threewide and ross says i am going to take advantage

of this.>> by kyle making that move, that tells me he is feeling the pressure from that 19 carthat he is faster than him. it is all about how you work this traffic.>> speaking of suarez, let's go on board with him.>> outside. outside. still there. still there. >> i think that kyle busch's right side tireswere six or seven feet below the yellow line. >> i love that some guy designed the cracksaid nobody will ever go over there. >> they will find it. a lot of talk todayabout kyle busch. but what about the guy running second right now?>> he did not have much to say on the radio for the first 30 laps but recently startedto talk saying he is loose. but the longer

he runs the better he feels on the long runand he is definitely closing on his teammate. >> the one thing i will say about daniel suarez,great attitude and mindset. he is hungry. you can see it in his approach to practice,qualifying and certainly the race. >> brandon up into the top ten. there is brendan gaughan. another xfinityracer wanting to hunt down that top ten finish. >> lap traffic will come in to play here.>> the 70, it has been a rough ride out west for him. patched the car in las vegas andgot enough performance to be in here at phoenix. >> said he wanted to get through today andget to california next week and reset. couple of weeks off after that.>> they gave them a good battle there.

>> darrell wallace jr. sliding back to 12th.brad keselowksi, worked his way to fourth. now seventh on the board.>> he said the car is now like a dump truck. one thing that was interesting listening tohim, front to here, a few minutes ago he said he was adjusting right to left, trying tomake it handle better. >> obviously these cars have two brake systems.but what a lot of teams are doing, they adjust the left and the right. if you put more tothe left it will help the car to turn and pull to the left. if you are loose gettingin the corner you can put it to the right and it will tighten it up.>> i am not sure it is working too well. but it is definitely an option for a lot of theguys. that front rear, always seems like the

basics.>> you know we are over halfway through. that means it won't be long before we see pit stops,kyle busch out front led 48 of the 53 laps. >> a problem for jeremy clements who was running22nd. >> i think he just got outside the groove.maybe a tire issue. i don't know. what do i see joey?>> looks like he was up high, yes. he was moving along. looks like it took a hard right.late in the run like this, i can see that it is go to blow out.>> here come the leaders down pit road. let's start the coverage.>> chase elliott who won earlier at daytona. the car started off free but got better ashe went.

>> kyle busch saying his car looked greatearly in the run. edgy down in one and two. going to go two or four tires on this stop.>> daniel suarez said he is loose off. they will adjust for air pressure. four tire stopand kyle busch. >> greatest place to pass on phoenix. allgaierpicked up a couple of spots. erik jones lost one. kyle busch holds serve. we are goingback green after a break. >>> back live at phoenix international raceway.second caution of the day. 62 of 200 laps complete for these xfinity cars. erik jonescame down pit road running third and left fourth. let's see what happened.>> looks like he might have stopped a little

bit past his mark and that caused the jackman a slight delay. >> this is their cup team from the 20 car.they are obviously really good. right there you see him stall which cost him a spot.>> isn't that crazy? three or four things come together and you lose a spot or two.>> that is the only way to get better, you got to limit the mistakes today. that is challenging. sometimes the fundamental is not the easiestthing. >> brendan gaughan go to restart in the 12thposition. interesting conversation on their radio.>> no. i think that he is or can you tell that he is?>> i know a lot of leaders are.

>> okay, joey. you have some explaining todo. they are running in third gear out there. >> i do think so. i think only underneathcars. when you are bogged down underneath in one and two, it is something that i havedone in the past in the xfinity and the sprint cup car. they changed the rules so you can'tshift anymore. but these cars, there is no third gear rule that keeps them from beingtoo close. they are trying to get the momentum up out of the high school. .>> that changes the way the car comes off of the turn.>> sometimes it is really high in the rpm. if your car is tight and you lost a lot ofspeed on older tires, start shifting. try something.>> you are going to want me to shift as a

crew chief. now you want me to change my brakesfrom left to right. i just want to drive but i got a lot of work to do in there.>> should be the best in the world. should be able to do that.>> showed you the problems for erik jones on pit road. chase elliott went from fourthto seventh. >> these guys are such athletes. i love watchingthis poetry in motion. >> problems with the jack here.>> looks like he missed that jack stop. it is so small. they are trying to do the pitstops in 11 seconds. those mistakes will happen just like on the track.>> the driver, it is over so quickly. there is not time to get a drink or think aboutanything.

you have to do your job even on pit row.>> going to get the restart. kyle busch this time choosing the outside lane to his left.daniel suarez. justin allgaier, austin dillon, ty completing the first three rows. good jumpfor erik jones in that outside lane. that 20 is strong.>> suarez has such a fast car. he has to get better on the restarts.>> austin dillon looking good on the restart as well.>> almost leans on younger brother, ty. what a battle.>> dillon brothers racing for the fifth position. jones. brad keselowksi is there. darrell wallacejr. 16 going to the apron. ryan reaves making it three wide.>> i am glad that ryan boxed out. he had a

bad angle. could have caused an issue.>> way under there trying to get under the 33 car and lets darrell get to the outsideof him there. >> we will start to find out how good that20 car is. man he looks strong. >> brad keselowksi talked earlier about howhis car was really good and was handling perfectly but as the tires got older he fell back. nowhe is making progress forward again. >> they change a lot. you know you can havetake off speed and then have a car that falls off. you try to say okay, we are good on theshort run. you have to make all of the time that you can knowing your car will fall offon the back side. knowing what your car is very important.>> how much input do you have on the changes

during a pit stop? do they say i need sometire pressure or say what the car is doing and let the crew decide?>> every driver does it different as we watch this awesome race with brad and bubba wallace.they are doing it differently. new on top of the 22 box. brad worked with him. you know,they may have more back and forthright now talking about the changes. brad usually isthe guy that will say maybe a round or two. he seems to say more than others just all depends on the relationship that you have with the crew chief.>> did you know who was behind brad keselowksi, chase elliott? fourth from seventh, seventhto tenth on the restart. the 88 going in the wrong direction.>> that could be an adjustment gone wrong.

>> darrell wallace jr. down low. what a moveby the double deuce. >> that was awesome.>> when search close, you have to go. >> michael, do they see the rookie stripeon the 33 saying let's take advantage of him go to four?>> i think brad said they look like they are go to lose their momentum. i am go to showthem how much i got. >> wow!>> three wide. three wide. clear. >> wow. brandon jones is not comfortable aboutthat. you saw brad go up to get it high and bubba got in the back of jones and the 33and loosened them up and that is what created the whole thing.

>> i am noticing that they are making moves.generally the passes all have been on the bottom. but that might mean the high groovecan open up later in the race. >> i think the tire is rubbering up the racetrackgood. that is what we want. we want to see the track widen up so that moves like thatcan happen. >> what do you see here out of brad? how hardis he working 75 laps in? >> it looks like he is free under the cornerand trying to pass the lap car. it looks like it is handling fairly well. you don't seehim turning it to the right so much. >> i mentioned that move. the 48 of poole.>> we talked to poole before the is under the weather. congested and doesn't feel great.but out there in the heat of the battle, you

forget about all of that.>> elliot sadler working through the field again. he started the race and worked up insidethe top ten and yo-yo back and having to do it one more time.>> right behind these guys. jeff burton is joining that battle in the 43 car. 18 carson the lead lap. everybody chasing kyle busch who has led 71 laps today.>> let us know if it gets any worse. >> michael and i were talking about how healways has higher vibrations. he talked a lot about vibrations and how sensitive thathe is or has vibrations all the time. it is interesting how that is.>> with the vibration driving off with the lead you have more tolerance with that vibration,i believe.

>> by the way, with the vibration he is stillpulling away from second place erik big weekend for fox sports. right now nascarlive in phoenix. next, college basketball live at madison square garden. who will itbe winning the big east in 2016? top-seeded villanova or the upset minded seton hall pirates.coverage begins live from msg next and streams it live on foxsportsgo. our coverage sponsoredby jeep. so far in phoenix it has been all about kyle busch. he has led 80 of 85 lapthis is afternoon. joe gibbs racing, one, two and three. they have been that in therunning order today for all but one of our green flag laps. picking up where they leftoff a week ago. >> you are not kidding.>> right now they are out of order. 18, 20,

19. got to get that straight.>> don't be greedy. >> who would have thought that kyle wouldbe the senior of the group. he has the two kids chasing. i am sure they are learning a lot watchingkyle get around this track. >> justin allgaier and ty dillon. larry, whatare you seeing with the racing groove? >> this is on the pace lap. all of the carsbunched up. side by side down in to turn one. then we are go to look at the first lap ofthe actual race here once they get started. you will see a lot more heat in the tires.the race and the surface really is heating up. now this is lap 75. you just have thatone groove they are running in. look at the

race car. everyone's exhaust runs out thesame location and that is the biggest amount of heat i am seeing out of the right sideof the exhaust. that is the kfc heat cam. >> that is hot and crispy and fun.>> you did not even have a card to tell us all of that.>> i don't have to have a card to tell you that thlead is growing. allgaier keeps makingmore and more progress. erik jones is trying to run down his teammate.>> kind of loose, i don't know. sometimes just loose in back out of three and four randomly.i still feel like i am tight. i don't know. it is just kind of confusing.>> when i did say that he says i can't fix junk. you have to say what your car is doing.sometimes it is hard. there is no banking.

that is where his car is inconsistent. it is hard to fix an inconsistent car.>> erik jones finished third in the last two weeks and he sounds frustrated.>> he is a little frustrated. his crew chief told him they made a track bar and air pressureadjustment and he said it took grip out of the rear end. but he likes the air pressurein the front. they want to go more in that direction. crew chief said whatever you needme to beat that 18. that is all that matters. >> you know the reason why it is so valuableto erik jones is that kyle busch is one of the best drivers in the history of the xfinityseries. he won more races than everyone. if he wasn't out there in that 18 car outrunningerik jones, erik would think everything is

fine in the world. he has the car on the edgeof control. the reason he has to do that is because he is chasing the best in the series.>> he is a very competitive person. he is not happy unless he is leading. that is agood quality. >> brad keselowksi, nearly ten second in arrearsof the race leader, chris. >> adam, about halfway through the run andbrad keselowksi saying he is losing the nose of that car. and another issue saying thetemps are starting to go up. joey, you were saying earlier about the amount of rubberon the racetrack. the team said the nose is clear.>> running ninth is chase elliott. he came into the pit stop in fourth position and theyhad a 17-second pit stop. as we will take

a look, the problem was with the jack. thejab did not sit under the left side of the car when chase came in to make that pit they had to actually lift the car up. we will take a look at it here. watch the jackman as he comes around. he inserts it under the post. finally got it up and under there. that cost him serious time. they have anotherjack. we are go to try this. we have a yellow on the track.>> five laps shy of the halfway point. >> you know we talked about chase elliottand his pit stops, you know, they have the front tire jack. but that is something thepit crew has to do when they get in the track, practice and make sure that it is set in theright spot.

>> we heard erik jones breaking down the 20car and all the things he would need to catch kyle busch. the teams have to sort throughthe information and make that adjustment here so jones can get there. i love the pressurethat kyle busch puts on the field. puts the pressure on the kids. let's see how good youare. outrun me and we will talk about it. >> free pass under our third caution of theday goes to the 93. >> last year it was joey logano doing thatto those kids. >> yeah. i still planning on racing at somepoint in the year. >> are you sure you don't want to join uphere? we love having you. >> last time they were on pit row lap you come down the pit lane here

and everybody is right in front of you, vince.>> justin allgaier said i don't need anything major. i do want more rear grip. just an airpressure adjustment and four tires for allgaier. >> we heard kyle busch talking about thatvibration. but he said this is the best balance to the tires i had.>> daniel suarez putting that air pressure back. saying he can't be aggressive. we haveseen that on the restart. erik jones, needs some lateral grip as welland better in three and four. erik jones finishes his pit stop.>> a number of drivers here taking two tires. a little bit of gambling going on. third cautionof the day. j.j. yeley got into the wall. >> welcome back to phoenix international the exact halfway point of the race. 100

laps in. 100 laps to go. under caution. strategyhere being played on pit road. >> on lap 57 you had to change four tires.but after 30 laps we see the competitors know the only way they may beat the joe gibbs competitorsis two tires. justin allgaier, two right side tires and austin dillon in that two rightside tires. they know they are going to have to get off sequence with the gibbs driversto beat them today. >> strategy played here. the leaders camein and all of the jgr cars took over. >> kyle busch restarting in the sixth to him erik jones restarting in the seventh spot. green flag back in the air as we completelap 101. keep your eye on that 18 as we go green.>> he picked the bottom.

>> kyle, crossover move three-wide acrossthe dogleg. >> bringing his buddy with him too. erik jonesand daniel suarez shooting up the bottom as well.>> reminds me of the cup race last week on the restart going from sixth to the lead.making some magical moves again. ty dillon and justin allgaier trying to hang in withthe two tires. >> bubba wallace all the way down to the bottomto pick up a couple of spots. >> they are three or four wide and it opensup through that dogleg. another good run. >> these two have been around each other alot today. the ford is connected at the hip. brad keselowski and bubba wallace.>> erik jones trying to make a move inside

of chase elliott. that would put him behindhis teammate, kyle busch, who has yet to run down the top two but might not stay that wayfor a long time. justin allgaier. >> this is not go to take long for kyle. justinis getting looser. >> i guarantee you they are looking in themirror saying oh, boy. >> what is the urgency for kyle on the restart,knowing he needs to get away from erik jones. >> jones got a good run. he is going to tryto get him right here. possibly get the clean air. maybe it will be hard for kyle to getit back. >> pulled down there but couldn't make itstick, michael. let's go back now to the restart. kyle feeling quite confident on the four freshtires.

>> splits the traffic and dives off of the road.>> that is cool. >> when he gets back it is hard to hold theinside line. >> your angle is awful.>> a do you know buggy in the sand this week talking about kyle busch. got second awayfrom justin allgaier. >> you can see how much less allgaier foughtjones. that is over now. >> kyle back up to second, chris.>> kyle busch did have a loose wheel on that last stop. he said we did have a right rearthat was loose. all of these teams getting four lug nuts on the wheels. will you seemore frequency of vibration? >> when they give you that opportunity, youknow, it is going to happen. you are going

to have loose wheels. so important for the tire changes is thatyou have to hit all of them. that is the way that kyle will be beat today if it does happe.>> he has a really strong car. he took advantage of track position and showed how good the car is. there are not many laps to have to go and get the guys on the restart. we have to keep talking about that. when theother cars have two tires on them others they know they are on defense. they are just tryingto maintain what they got to have an overall game.>> i have been watching a heck of a battle between brendan gaughan and ryan reed. watchthese guys mixing it up.

>> good stuff for us. not necessarily goodfor them. >> brendan says i am going to need to comeover to the right a little bit. >> 13th and 14th right now.>> at the front of the field it is kyle busch. erik jones, justin allgaier, brad keselowksithe top five. you are watching nascar on fox. >>> nascar on fox, sponsored by toyota. let'sgo places. 81 laps to go, phoenix international raceway. kyle busch is the race leader. joiningus in the booth today, joey logano. when you guys come up here, you donate your time tous and we give back to your foundation. what is going on with your group?>> we are coming up on the third year with the joey logano foundation, reaching our $1million goal. it has been so much fun. it

is all about getting second chances. i feellike i got a second chance when i started driving for team penske. sometimes you needfour tires to win the race. illnesses that come across and need help paying the bills.that is what it has been about. the most rewarding thing that i can ever do. a lot of the timewe talk about being a champion and being a champion in life. being a champion as a racecar driver is one thing but as a champion in life it has been the most rewarding thingin my life as well here in the last two years. >> great having you with us up here. i knowyou have been in the studio. fun to see you on the other side and we hope you will beback soon. >> i have had a blast here. erik jones runningsecond now to kyle busch. what are they saying?

>> saying the car is tight meaning it is notturning like they want it to. they made adjustments. they made more adjustments on the last stopand now that hurt the car and it is doing the opposite. it is getting looser and looser.i wonder for a young experienced guy adjusting for right now as versus 50 to 100 laps later.>> certainly plenty of challenges for this young driver. erik jones is in second placeand he might have a chance to get his first win of the year. >> we got one more week left to go to california.>> year two of nascar goes west. part two today. phoenix international raceway. nextweekend off to southern california as you heard brendan gaughan talking about. kylebusch leads the race. erik jones, ty dillon,

justin allgaier and daniel suarez the topfive. let's hear from the leaders. >> it is kind of greasy.>> that is a title. i don't know. >> you have a great relationship with yourcrew chief. all about understanding exactly where your driver is coming from. once youhave that relationship with your crew chief you understand that.>> scott graves calling the shots for daniel suarez who has worked his way back into thetop five. >> working really well down low and he isable to get that turn to the inside. that is a key.>> that is a sign of a great race car driver. >> you know that was a very fast race car.>> daniel suarez came in to the day as the

points leader. first time a foreign-born driverhad led the race in the xfinity series. out of monterey, mexico. rookie of the year lastseason. he adapted well this season and looks all smooth behind the wheel there.>> look at allgaier working that car sideways, trying to put away ty dillon. and behind himbehind a couple of tenths daniel suarez is coming. >> brandon jones there racing for tenth.>> i would not think bubba will let him go either.>> brandon jones, what is so impressive about him, every week we show up at the track, alot of places he hasn't been to and gets better and better to the checkered flag on saturdayafternoon. that kid really understands the

pacing of a weekend in the xfinity series.>> that is the thing of being ray rookie. you don't know what you don't know. you don'teven know what to start or what you need in the race car, what will happen during therace or how to pass cars. he is just learning. and it is fun to watch the rookies know over and over again as they come back to the racetrack.>> last pit, 97. just short of halfway. how are we managing the rest of the race fromthe pit box? >> the strategy could be interesting. onetire on the car to start the race and three on the pit. whether you change two or fouryou really only have one set left. 63 laps to go. everyone will have to come to pit rowone more time for fuel but the timing and

the caution if they get one, strategy couldbe put out there. >> we are certainly in that window now. thekyle busch show here in phoenix international raceway. >>> it is a fox nascar double dip this weekendin phoenix international raceway. tomorrow, nascar's top shelf doing battle 3:00 p.m.eastern time. we are streaming it live at fox sports go. in the ninth position. it shouldbe an entertaining afternoon here in the desert. >> i think i have a fast race car. watchingthis race i am noticing how the track is getting wider in three and in four. a lane and a halfand maybe two lanes with the sprint cup cars more. i look for a great race tomorrow.>> that will be fun seeing these guys going

two and three wide. this track has a lot ofmomentum on the high side. trying to take advantage of that tomorrow.>> taking advantage of the field right now. justin allgaier took two tires in lap 97.he has managed it well since then it. does not matter where he catches the lap vehicle.he goes outside, inside and behind him. >> two tires are hanging better than i thoughtthey would. that is something a lot of the crew chiefs are walking around taking notes,how they are both hanging up there and daniel suarez just now is getting to them to makethe move to regain what he has lost by taking four tires.>> i think we hear from erik jones, he might have liked his description of the car andthe adjustments they have made. he is running

lap times that are equivalent now with kylebusch. >> brandon jones running tenth right now.just like this guy, poole. 12th right now. had an issue in practice. he did a nice jobbouncing back. running in front of guys like brendan gaughan and ryan reed and blake cookinside the top 15. first time ever in qualifying, moved to the third round and he is payingit off in the race. >> look at the guys behind him. there area lot of good stories throughout the top 20. >> go to split that ride with kyle larsonwho'll be driving it next week in california. we know how capable they are. right here inphoenix back in 2004 when jamie mcmurray got the checkered flag.>> i sense some huge improvements. that car

has been fast. even at daytona when i gotto race there he has been in contention and he has had fast race cars.>> they are trying to go from being a lap down. the adjustments are working. he is comingquickly. >>> erik jones trying to do the same. lapstrsk something that can be a huge factor. >> lap traffic in an xfinity race changeseverything and right here you see kyle getting caught up behind the black and white car,you know. that is at least a second and a half of lap time that he has lost.>> now two laps down. there are 17 cars on the lead lap and things are heating up. >>> 43 laps to go live at phoenix internationalraceway. kyle busch led 142 of 158 laps today

but he has got company.>> that lap traffic is just enough. i think if erik gets the lead i am not sure if kylegets it back at this point in the run. >> you see the separation there from firstto second. justin allgaier, five back. ty dillon completing the top five. there willbe pit stops before the end. >>> closing on the finish at phoenix internationalraceway. justin allgaier and daniel suarez and chase elliott the top five. austin dillon,brad keselowksi, elliot sadler, brandon jones and austin dillon our top ten. we know everybodywill have to pit one more time. >> i am go to say somewhere between lap 170to 175 we will see green flag stops. if i am erik jones' crew chief i want to make surethat i pit before kyle busch. i want to take

advantage of those tires and come out of thestop with the lead. if i am daniel suarez, only need about a canof fuel. i may do right side tires only. you might have to do something off of the courseof the 18 car if you want to beat them. >> you take tires here. you are only go tohave 20 laps to go. >> if i am not up front i am go to take twoto see if i can make something happen. we have seen justin allgaier put up really competitivelap times. >> you don't have that much fuel to get tothe end, you might as well go to it. >> they have three cars in the top seven.sadler has been a little bit too tight. he needs help but he has been strong.>> gets to the point where brad keselowksi

starts to lose ground to the cars around himand that is exactly what is happening. car is sliding around way too much.>> the 88 of chase elliott is in. the car is too loose even though he has made his wayup into the top five. three in the left rear and four tires for the 88 of chase elliott.>> this would be a scheduled green flag pit stop.>> here is justin allgaier. >> another one of those junior motorsportcars. it is going to be a four-tire stop. >> the 1 is in as well. it is an air pressure adjustment and fourtires. >> dylan said the biggest college is figuringout strategy, when to take two and when to

take four. it is going to be a four tire stop.>> look at this to the left of your screen. kyle busch the advantage but not much. erikjones trying to challenge for the race lead. >> wallace' tire has been stout at times has been very competitive this week for bubba wallace.>> i thought jones was go to get him there, guys.>> these guys are pitting before kyle busch and erik jones meaning they are going to beon fresh tires. we do see this strategy playing out.>> a lot of the same issues he had at las vegas last week.>> jones doing a nice job in his debut. this time they will take four. they are stickingtogether with their strategy.

>> around 30 laps to go. brendan gaughan thenext one on the pit lane. >> solid day for gaughan. i think they willbe pleased with the type of performance they have had. right side only.>> good call from the veteran crew chief. 62 trying to play the track position game.>> they have to take four this time. i think that is going to come in to play down theend. i like brendan gaughan's strategy to try to gain spots here.>> i like to talk about how talented erik jones is. 78 wins. only two for jones.>> erik jones, top eight cars yet to make a pit stop. everybody else has been down pitroad.

>> did you see that?>> they were off the tracks. >> my goodness. they are way down there tryingto do anything they can. he is trying to get that clean air before he makes the stop.>> they were not even on the road and they are racing for the lead.>> suarez fourth coming down pit road with 24 laps to go. there he is jamie.>> they want to free up daniel suarez. . >> kyle busch having problems with his righttire. this could be a two tire stop for that 18 car. kyle busch doing the best he can tokeep that streak of ws. >> you saw the adjustment there for kyle busch.both he and erik jones getting right side tires and then coming down pit lane puts bradkeselowksi in the race lead. he hasn't pitted.

poole in the 48. let's watch these guys asthey came to pit row. >> i think possibly the 42 pitting made theleaders say we better stay out on this lap because they were really low.>> that was interesting. i don't know what to think of that.>> i know the next lap, i did not know if they were pitting or racing. you can't tell with those two.>> give the advantage to kyle busch. they gained an advantage over jones.>> great execution for kyle and that 18 team. his advantage now almost two seconds overerik jones. they were nose to tail when they pitted.>> brad keselowksi is praying for a caution.

and he knows he does not have the winningcar today. he needs the caution for multiple reasons right now.>> don't you love that? you are here to win. >> all right. now only six cars being scoredhere on the lead lap as we get through the cycle of stops. he has already made his stop.the last time that brad keselowksi pitted was lap 97. they have to be coming in thenext couple of laps. poole now has his scheduled service at phoenix. >>> brad keselowksi stayed out in the racelead as long as he could but now he is coming down pit road.>> he is way too tight and they tried to stretch it out. fuel only, no tires.>> i like that call too. hopefully he can

catch a caution and come in and get freshtires. >> that will make up a little bit of the timehe lost by staying out there. he is probably not the fastest out there but they are justtrying to cut their losses at this point. >> now 12 cycled back on to the lead lap andeverybody following kyle busch giving kyle an advantage over three seconds in front oferik jones. >> they are trying to follow kyle busch butit is not working out. right before they pitted jones was faster than kyle.>> this is the biggest lead we have seen kyle busch have the whole race. the other gibbscars were within a second or two and now you see him pulling out.>> i think it defines why kyle is so good

on saturday and sunday. something as simpleas a green flag pit stop, the way that he executes it and adds it to his advantage.looking in now on erik jones team. >> some of it could be putting two tires onthe car for the first time. that definitely changes your balance around a lot. if youhave not done two yet, you don't know what it will do.>> they couldn't wait on fuel. he has a lighter load on the car and they did not make anychanges. definitely feeling different than at the end of the last run.>> last couple of weeks the team faced penalties, they have come back and they managed todaypretty well. talked about lap terrific. that was erik jones just to the outside.>> that is tough when you are racing and you

are so much faster than the other cars andyou don't know where they are going to go. you want to make that aggressive move butyou are coming so quick that things happen so quick. you don't know where to go. sometimesthings like that happen. >> erik jones, we love the caution but hesaid don't make me a part of it with eight laps remaining. >> you see darrell wallace there going down.jones, i know he is one person that is saying please, caution.>> i am not going to be it. he thinks he can run with kyle busch he can get caught up.>> three seconds behind. like 3.2 seconds after the stop. had it down below three erik jones trailing kyle busch by 3.6.

daniel suarez worked his way up to third.he managed the afternoon well to get to third. justin allgaier in the top five all day long.he is fourth right now. when you look at the average running position for justin allgaier,4.7. that is really solid for him. chase elliott completes the top five. ty dillon is sixth.brad keselowksi won here in the fall of 2014, seventh right now.>> he is just hanging on. you can see that is austin dillon trying to get the seven spotaway. joey, that tells me a lot about these goodyear tires. brad has been able to stayout there on those older tires. you definitely have durability. just having a little newertires than at least on the right side for both of these guys. brad is go to race themknowing there are only five laps to go.

>> that is a big move for elliot sadler. anyposition that he can get is a point. that is a guy that is going to be in this championshipbattle. >> tried to finish inside the top ten forthe fourth consecutive week to start the season. four laps to go now for kyle busch. came acrossthe start/finish line with an advantage of 3.1 over erik jones. >> advantage is shrinking but there is notenough time to get a caution late. >> kyle going for his third consecutive winin the series. crossed vegas off the list last week. trying to finish it off there comeaugust. today trying for his ninth checkered flag at phoenix international raceway.>> that is amazing with the dominance that

he has showed.>> i guess they are pretty good. >> yeah. a potent combination.>> you may say that he is way out there and you know the fact that i enjoy watching that.the hard work he put into it. >> white flag is out. one lap to go sponsoredby credit one bank. >> kevin: entering today kyle busch led 87%of the laps in the last two events. 175 of 200 today here in phoenix. no real drama forthe driver out of las vegas, nevada. get out the checkered flag and display it. he is awinner today at phoenix international raceway. >> enjoy yourself but don't blow off the quarterpanels. >> that takes the fun out of it.>> second straight week a 1, 2, 3 finish for

joe gibbs racing.>> they definitely got a hold of the field right now.>> the fifth time in his career kyle has won three straight races.>>> looks like he has done this before. >> we talked about the toughness of the goodyeartires. how much can he take? >> look at that rubber behind the car. howcool was that? >> need to get our kfc cam on those tires,see how hot and crispy they are. >> since coming back from those injuries sufferedlast year in the season opener, kyle busch won in 9 of his 17 starts in the xfinity series.jump started when he returned at michigan in the second half of june.>> brent: look at the rubber.

>> that is some tough goodyear tires rightthere. >> putting the winner stickers on the door. >>> we have to play along.>> you had all of the winners pictures on it.>> the finish today all about kyle busch. but what about a couple of rookies that weredoing battle. we talked about poole not feeling well today. how about giving it all that yougot until the checkered. takes that top ten away.>> it would have been his third top ten this season. instead poole gets his in his secondstart here at phoenix international speedway. erik jones a runner-up.>> a 1, 2, 3 finish. any difference other

than the fact that kyle busch andure are arookie in the series in regards to how it could have come out differently?>> yeah. i don't think there was more than that. he was really fast and we had a shoton that long run. it would have stayed green, i think we could have got him. but unfortunatelyon the pit stop we lost a lot of ground and he ran away. did not break even with him untila little less than ten to go. overall a good day and a solid finish. we are getting closer.we have a really fast camry and it shows every week with a couple of 1, 2, 3 finishes.>> erik jones, plenty of days in victory lane, just not today. top five for erik jones. histhird in a row at phoenix. for kyle busch, win number nine in the desert.

>>> it is all over at phoenix international the books, kyle busch again in victory lane, jamie.>> it is a water bath. now the confetti. three wins in a row. ninth here at phoenix. kyle,no matter what crew chief you have or car you are driving, you still dominate at thisplace. what is it about this place that leads toso much success? >> i don't know. we have been off on the cupside of it for years but this year a lot better. last year we improved a lot. in the xfinityprogram it is always good. i can't say enough about everyone at joe gibbs racing. chrisdid a great job for me getting everything

prepared for today's race. they made me runhard all day long. instead of going back to the shop and freshen it up, they are goingto have to go back. the xfinity, you know, it is fun to come here and participate. ilearn a lot and do that for a reason to try to make myself better on sundays and hopefullyit helps. >> you mentioned that point in the pre-race.what did you take away from the race today that could help you tomorrow?>> yeah. the tire is a lot different than last year's tire. there are a lot of characteristicsand things that are happening throughout the run. to toss this car around and run it hashard, that will be interesting for tomorrow. it will be a fun day, you know. it will bea lot of fun. trying to figure out what groove

to work in and try to find some speed. wewere able to do that today. lap cars were interesting and we were able to make it allwork. i can't say enough about nos energy drink and all of these guys.>> kyle busch 3 for 3 and he has three more races coming up.>> daniel suarez with second in las vegas, third here at phoenix. about halfway throughthe race you bounced the right side of the car off of the wall in turn four. did thataffect the handling? >> a little bit. i am not sure if we did notmake the right adjustment in that run. hit a wall but that is part of racing. i feelwe had a really fast race car the first two runs. i feel like we missed a little bit andthen i touched the wall and that did not help.

but that is a part of it. you know the carwas fast. we will try again next week. >> he is still learning but he maintainedthe points lead. >> yes.>> junior motorsports with three cars in the top eight led by justin allgaier. how do youguys evaluate what you had today? >> definitely a good day for us. we wouldlove to finish higher. the chevy was really good. made good adjustments throughout therace to really help us. we took two tires on the first stop. it kind of hurt us whenwe had to take the green flag pit stop. huge thanks to everybody. great race. a fun day,you know. obviously any time that you come to phoenix and have a solid day, it is good.looking forward to next week. hopefully we

can catch momentum going into the break.>> justin allgaier. >> chase elliott gets another top five. thejoe gibbs cars just so fast. do you feel like you are making any ground up on them?>> maybe a little bit. everybody is working really hard. it is not for a lack of effort.they are doing a good job at the shop trying to make gains. they have their stuff goingon right now. we will go back and do homework. i appreciate everybody letting me drive. igot a couple more of these left. we will try to enjoy it.>> kevin harvick will be in the car next weekend. >> vince talked about the strength of juniormotorsports today. all three of their cars inside the top eight. a nice start to 2016for chase elliott. three starts. one at daytona.

fourth last week in las vegas. another top five here today for that 88. >>> that's it. work our way up. run out andkeep building. >> inside a little bit.>> down perfect to here. >> that will be better.>> three wide stop. three wide stop. clear. >> it is a little bit heavy through one andtwo. >> no better time than here. no better placethan now. >> get out the checkered flag. >> enjoy yourself, have fun but don't blowthem off.

>> from the sounds on the radio to the gorgeoussights here in phoenix. goodyear, the official tire of nascar. kyle busch wore out all fourtires in victory lane, a celebration burnout. three consecutive. he is rewriting the historybooks, adam. career win 779. he did not even race at daytona.>> kyle busch never won four in a row in his career but something has to give next week.>> you have to love these cars at auto club speedway. that is the fastest straightawayspeeds we will see. it will be interest to watch the other guys in their hot pursuit.>> go to autoclub speedway. five lanes wide. run up in the wall and you get the big draftdown the straightaway. always makes for a great race.>> tomorrow, the cup race will be out of control.

these tires that goodyear provide, the grooveis widening. these crazy guys will be three and four-wide because of all of the grip androom they have to race. >> you are starting ninth.>> i definitely have a fast race car. we did not qualify where we felt we should have.i am looking forward to it. i think it will be a lot of fun. like kyle said more horsepower,more fun. >> last year you were on track leading 176of 200 laps. >> i had a blast. thank you so much for havingme up here. >> adam, great to see joey logano there inthe booth. let's go back to the on the track dominance we saw from kyle busch today andwhat it does to the series regulars that are

trying to lock themselves into the chase. >> justin allgaier was happy i think withthat top five. his first of the year. but kyle's teammates, erik jones and daniel suarezare tired of good, solid points. they want to go to victory line like kyle busch.>> they want to break through to victory lane. certainly knocking on the door. daniel suarezleading your points standings. more from phoenix afterthe break. >>> looking forward to fontana next saturdayas nascar wraps up their west coast tour. now looking forward to the big east championshipgame. let's extend out to rob stone and steve lavin.

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