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that is the best way to attract. win racesand get in the xfinity drivers to wxfinity. i will go with ty dillon. i think here theseguys are focused. i watched him in practice. tenth. can another xfinity series regularjoin suarez and jones and sadler in the chase or will kyle or brad taste victory again?the coverage is about to begin. rick and jeff and steve take over. we will see you afterthe race. >> new hampshire motor speedway located just80 miles from boston. this is where the future stars of nascar look to make their names inthe xfinity series. today, they have to follow pole sitter kyle busch. he is a nine-timewinner across the nascar three series. he is looking for his sixth xfinity series winof 2016. the other story is alex bowman. i

knew he would be competing in today's race.earlier this week, he was notified he would fill in for dale jr. how will that new affecthis focus for today? hello. along steve letarte, steve burton, i'm jeff allen. the two havecombined to win six of the last seven races here at louden.>> steve: without a doubt. i am watching them. penske racing has not won much this year.running in the front. they have not been themselves. this is the chance to get the ship righted. >> jeff: ten xfinity wins already this season.they are looking for a win. >> we spr brad and kyle before the race start.we look at the chase grid. who from this list could challenge both brad and kyle for thewin today?

>> steve: you know someone i heard about inthe garage on long runs. elliott sadler's car good on long runs. this hasn't been agood race car for him. >> it is not about the race winner, look at 11th or 12th, ryan reed and koch. a win would be great, but a great run is whatthey need. get to the finish line. continue to accumulate points.>> rick: how about young alex bowman who has to do double duty.>> steve: being able to drive the xfinity car is a distraction from the pressure andall the things that are going on with the cup car. i like the fact he is running therace. >> jeff: hopefully it goes good for alex.>> rick: let's go track side for the pre-race

ceremonies beginning with a moment of silencefor those in france. >> at this time, we ask you enjoy the nascarcommunity in observing a moment of silence as we pay respects to those affected by thetragedy in nice, france. ladies and gentlemen at this time, we ask that you rise and removeyour hearts as the east hartford fire department presents our nation's colors. please remainstanding as pastor mike mavety from the grace baptist church offers our invocation.>> let us pray. lorjesus, we thank you for loud race cars and loud race fans. we thank you for hot summer days and thankyou for the hot asphalt of the motor speedway. father, as we are here to enjoy the race,father, i pray for all races, red, yellow,

black and white to come together for unityand peace. i pray for the fans and drivers and all those here and we know the awesomepower of the cars combined. they don't match the power of your holy spirit. in jesus name,amen. >> here to perform the national anthem. joecantone. >> it's time for the drivers to strap in aswe get ready for 200 laps in new england.we hto pay morthe same stuff. at? yeah. cars...what? dry cleaning... what? shampoo. what? you pay more but get paid less? that is doublewrong. i'm calling everyone i know and i'm telling them about this. this has got to stop!bud light proudly supports equal pay, that's why bud light costs the same no matter ifyou're a dude or a lady. yeah mom you have

to pay more for a car than dad. no one treatsmy mom like this! >> rick: kyle busch, the winningest driverin xfinity series history will win at kentucky. >> can anybody slow down kyle busch?>> daniel suarez wins for the first time in the xfinity fast car series.>> you beat kyle busch, man. >> rick: welcome back to new hampshire motorspeedway. great afternoon for racing. let's go track side back to pit road for kelli.>> what a day it has been for him to fill in for dale jr. alex said this is not oneof his better tracks. it could pay dividends. what a tribute to get his boss here to wintoday. alex bowman starts in the 88th. parker. >> parker: he said they are the best teamto go after the trio. he said this race and

the races after this through july and august,how they get to those cleanly to decide if they can get the cars for the choice. dave.>> dave: parker, he is a 19-year-old rookie from atlanta. he knows it will be hot in thecar today. he stuffed a whole bag of ice in the fire suit.>> erik jones will tell you after struggling friday with a car that was quote broken, severaltimes, they put up kyle busch's time. he said the car was so much better. he said it israceable. he has a chance to keep up. today, that may mean a win. rick.>> rick: marty, he will start on the front row next to kyle busch. track position iskey. >> jeff: going into the race without runningthat set up, it will do a long run and short

run.>> steve: restarts are key. not just track positions on the crazy restarts, but on turnsone and two. >> rick: 200 laps. a flat race track. beforewe get the green flag, let's fire the engines. let's go track side for the command.>> and now here to give the command to start engines. welcome your grand marshall. co-founderand chief executive officer for auto lotto. >> hello, new hampshire. auto lotto is proudto sponsor today's race and bubba wallace in the number 6 car. now, i need you to dome a favor and take out your phones and go to and download the app. youcan play the powerball from your phone and your first ticket is absolutely free. do itnow because tickets are going fast. and now,

drivers, start your engines!>> rick: 40 cars fired up and the big question is can anyone get past kyle and brad? a lotof xfinity regulars want to do it today. >> rick: nascar on nbcsn is brought to youby credit one bank. the official credit card of nascar. and by toyota. let's go places.gorgeous louden, new hampshire. as we get ready for 200 laps around the one-mile track.take a look at the starting grid. kyle busch and erik jones making up row one.>> steve: row two, brad keselowski next to daniel suarez. >> jeff: alex bowman next to elliott sadler.>> rick: and ty dillon. >> steve: five is brendan poole and ty dillon.>> jeff: koch.

>> rick: two drivers making the first start.>> steve: row eight is wallace and ryan reed. >> jeff: back in row ten, armstrong and lajoy.his father won the race 20 years ago. >> rick: let's see if we can chat with oneof the drivers. elliott sadler. jeff, see if you can dial him up.>> jeff: elliott, it's jeff in the booth. >> i got you.>> jeff: i hear your car is good on long runs. >> i think it is good. you know, jeff, itis all about get are your car center and being good. we worked all day yesterday. the prideof everybody bringing this fast race car. we have a lot of people here today. i appreciatetheir support. you know about the race. it is all about track position. we will try tokeep it all day.

>> jeff: bud, i appreciate you letting uscome on-board. >> you could give me some secrets, jeff, whileyou're on here. >> jeff: i'm too old for that. it's up toyou. >> have a good day in the booth.>> rick: we are riding along with a few different drivers. one is ty dillon. he will start tenthtoday. just was riding along with elliott sadler. he has the chevy on-board camera. he startssixth. daniel suarez in the number 19 with the goodyear in-car camera. he will startfourth today. and starting in row two with the ford on-board camera is the 22 of bradkeselowski. a lot of good vantage points we

will be able to enjoy the race from. one beingthe aerial shots. aerial coverage provided by our partners at smithfield foods. let'sgo to marty. >> marty: rick, i want to say thanks to nateryan. he is sent me a note. last week, martin truex in the sprint race sent kevin harvickto the left of pit road. today, drivers were reminded passing only to the right on pitroad and only when the driver commits to his pit stall. a point of emphasis in the driversmeeting this morning for >> rick: thank you, marty. of course, it'sgoing to be interesting not only at the start, but every restart that takes place at thetrack. we look at the race analysis. 211.6 miles. steve, fuel window is 80 to 85 laps.>> steve: the fuel window can be stretched

to 90 laps if that helps you get track positionat the end. >> rick: jeff, a very flat track. 2 to 7 degreesin the turns of banking. we are about to see who managing the best. green flag in the air.we are racing in new england. a great start by kyle busch. jumped out in front. 19 of daniel suarez working to the outsideof erik jones trying to take the second position away. side by side through three and four.>> steve: the very bottom of the race track. actually a groove up. most race tracks, especiallyshort tracks, you want the bottom here. the groove is faster.>> rick: suarez takes second away from erik jones. elliott sadler running fourth. bradkeselowski is fifth. here comes elliott sadler

looking at the inside now. elliott sadlerin the 1 main financial number 1. trying to get by the 20. almost into the side of erikjones. >> steve: everybody is battling to be in themiddle. in the second line. you can see the 20 got loose off four.>> rick: erik jones is loose, loose, loose. we have seen from the start of this race.elliott sadler has made his way up to third now. in practice and qualifying, kyle buschwas dominant. everyone said that is the car to beat as we see a very tight race is here.the 7 of justin allgeiger. getting in the back of erik jones.>> steve: this is one of the hardest tracks to get into a rhythm. so slick on new tiresand restarts. he tried to hold the track position

in front of the 7.>> rick:able to get back out. we saw the glimpse of 22, brad keselowski. he has third now infront of elliott sadler. you see ty dillon in the 3. moving inside of alex bowman. bowmanmakes the pass on the outside. bowman outside of dillon. outside of ty is brother austinin the 2. >> steve: moving in the corner as quicklyas he could. he tried to move on the outside of him, but he cannot hold it. there is lessbanking in the bottom lane. if you are going to pass, you have to go where they're not.>> rick: alex bowman in the 88. he will run a handful of xfinity races. the big news thisweekend is subbing for dale jr. concussion-like symptoms kept him out of the car this weekend.alex bowman is the relief driver for dale

earnhardt jr. erik jones gets by the 1 ofelliott sadler. again, alex bowman subbing for the cup race for dale jr. tomorrow.>> steve: erik jones was disappointed with his car. he took a few laps for him to comein. the rear tires could not get heated or gripped. he has confidence for the set upand the track, he is quickly moving through the field.>> jeff: it is so difficult when you put your teammate set up in the car. drivers don'tdrive the same. cars, as hard as the teams try, the cars are not always the same. smalldifferences. he will have a problem that his teammate is not having. they have to tuneon the car throughout the race. it is hard when you put the set up in. right out thegate and it is perfect?

>> marty: we told you a moment ago, they struggledon friday. he did have a few laps in qualifying. he said i immediately knew the car was moreraceable today. to your point, that is difficult to hop in someone's set up. you had five orsix laps at all the entire weekend. that is difficult for the entire race.>> jeff: very difficult. again, if kyle busch unloaded with the set-up, they have the tuneon it as well. it is why you have teammates to help each other and lean on each other. you can't put exactly what is in the car andthink it will drive exactly the same. >> rick: how long will the tires last, steve?will we see more tire wear than fuel? >> steve: it is a track where newer tiresare faster than older tires. they are not

fast enough to get through the field. theywill stretch fuel tanks to e. >> jeff: this is a different tire. goodyearhas tried to build softer tires. everybody is watching the race to learn how the tiresfall off. they run a long time historically. this tire may have more fall-off.>> rick: guys fighting for points. seig. then wallace jr. goes way down the low part ofthe track trying to make this pass work in three and four.>> steve: does he want to contest this? these guys are racing for points. brad keselowskihas run daniel suarez down for second. he easily takes the spot from the 19.>> rick: brad keselowski moved up to second. daniel suarez back to third. here comes erikjones. looks like he has gotten more comfortable

with the 20 car. he dropped back at the beginningof the race after starting on the front row. now fighting for the third spot. trying tieit away from daniel suarez. erik jones moves up to third. kyle busch, brad keselowski,daniel suarez. erik jones up to third. elliott sadler rounding out the top five.e p fivehis.ohhh! >> rick: watch every xfinity race with thenbc sports app and get closer with the camera angles. it is available on mobile, tabletand connected tvs. go to welcome back to the xfinity series. auto lotto200. kyle busch has a lead over the driver in second place. erik jones made his way backup to second. he was able goat by the 22 of brad keselowski. take a look at this pass.>> steve: finally got a good run off turn

two. brad said no sense going into turn threeside by side. smartly gave him the spot. >> jeff: ever since he got in front of bradkeselowski, they cut the lead down. up around a second. now down close to one second.>> rick: this is a sprint. only 200 laps on a mile race track. this seems like a veryfast race. already the pace that kyle set. we have 31 cars on the lead lap. that is howquickly kyle puts cars down. let's go to the pits.>> pat: brad keselowski's crew chief said this car was building freer and freer throughthe practice run. we may crutch it or fix it overnight. brad said it is all i can doto drive this car in off the corner it is so loose. marty.>> marty: daniel suarez from second to fourth.

he said the car is loose. you see him passinglapped cars. i talked to him yesterday about the track. he said he loves this place. it reminds himof a old track he used to run in mexico city. a flat one-mile track. they are not the sametrack, but he feels comfortable here. parker. >> parker: he came on the radio and said i'mvery tight in the center. why? modify rubber. before this race each year. it really effectsthe cars. i can tell you in talking to justin, it can exaggerate what is going wrong. expectthe 17 to make a big change. kelli. >> kelli: the part of alex's weekend is overwhelmingwith the running around, he has had to check off the list is getting his cup license renewed.this is the first cup start of the year. he

has fallen back a couple races, but he isfinding his rhythm. >> rick: kelli, a lot to focus on. welcomeparker to the broadcast team. obviously wish him the best. he is a full-time camping worldtruck series driver. a good battle building up with daniel suarez in the 19 and the onewith elliott sadler. we saw elliott sadler with the left side tires all the way belowthe yellow line. >> steve: he is quicker than suarez. whenyou are a bit quicker, it is hard to get it done. you see elliott with the track. allfour tires on the lower banking trying to get a run on the 19. this is why it is sodifficult. watch elliott sadler in turn three. he turns earlier than the 19. left side. nobanking. you lose the bottom. you turn left.

you have less banking. in order to make thatpass, you have to put your car in a place where the track doesn't want you to be. youhave to go there. >> rick: alex bowman with a taste of racinga cup driver in the 2 of austin dillon in the xfinity race. dillon filling in for dalejr. tomorrow. austin dillon right on his back bumper. those two fighting for the seventhspot. dillon trying to take it away. the gap with kyle busch and erik jones has not changed.1.5 seconds approximately. once erik was able to get by brad keselowski, that was the gapthat separated the two. it remains the same as elliott sadler continuing to try to getby daniel suarez. closing the gap this time. looking to the inside.>> steve: it is hard to maintain as elliott

sadler is working on daniel suarez. behindhim is allgeiger. as much as you want to remain patient, someone is behind you. the 19 isright there trying to close the door. the one got a good run off the bottom of the corner.>> rick: a picking set here. koch in the 70. he is taking away. elliott sadler does rightby. >> jeff: had he not done that, he would havelost three or four spots. >> rick: sadler moves up to fourth. suarezback to fifth. austin dillon and ty dillon. nose-to-tail as they work through three andfour. interestingly enough, the 1 of elliott sadler, his best finish at the race trackfourth back in 2005. elliott sadler, a veteran, ran cup seriesraces and xfinity races. won in the truck

series. elliott sadler, a veteran of the to get back in the 19. out in front is kyle busch. he has led all 29 laps that wecompleted. >> rick: nascar race view gives you accessto features that let's you follow your drivers. you can visit and get live stats and teamcommunications and more on all devices. available for an all new low price at busch still out front. now there are only 23 on the lead lap. when he gets by davidstarr, there will be 22 cars on the lead lap. he has a 1.2 second lead over second placeerik jones. .20 of a second taken away from the lead that kyle busch put on him. let'sgo through the field. brought to you by credit one. marty.>> marty: rick, erik jones is trimming into

the lead of kyle busch. here is what he saidon the radio. >> everything's fine. one-two. that's tight.three-four is pretty tight. exits are really good. just killing these guys.>> marty: very happy for erik jones. kelli. >> kelli: last week the finish stands outnot because it was his best finish. he said it was a really good weekend because theywere not good at the start of the race. he kept making the car better and did not giveup on it. a great restart puts them in ninth. they have to go to work on this race car.brendan saying he is lacking rear grip. the team says entry looks good. work on the exit.parker. >> pat: ryan runs in 11th. after making thefinal round of qualifying, he told us after

that it was like a win for the team. rightnow, he has come on to his second race of the day. he finished sixth in modified. this is theplace he made his start in 2013. he had his best finish in 2014. he loves this track.he is doing it in front of a home crowd. dave. >> dave: parker, yeley passed 17 cars beginssince the drop of the green flag. he said it is not bad at all.>> rick: trying to be aggressive. one driver trying to be too aggressive is the 48 of brennanpoole. he was having an issue with the brakes a while ago.>> brake by and help him early. >> i have a bit of glow already.>> i'll stay quiet.

>> we have something in qualifying.>> rick: already a little bit of glow? >> jeff: that sounds like the conversationwith the crew chief. maybe put front brake in it. and when asked up on top of the roof,the spotter for the 48 mentioned to the crew chief, i already have a bit of glow. colorin the front rotors. >> rick: marty.>> marty: an impact on the sprint cup series. brennan poole said it had an impact. he saidas young drivers, we have a tendency when we get injured, to hop in the car. we don'tworry about it. dale jr. says my health comes first. if i didn't feel good enough to bein the car, that sends a message to say it is okay for you trying to establish yourselfand get good finishes and trying to be on

the track every week to say my health comesfirst. dale jr.'s message was felt through the racingworld. >> steve: rick, not just in racing, but allof sports. alex bowman will take over the cup car for dale jr. tomorrow. every youngman and woman across the country or playing any sport knows now that they are not feelingit, speak up and say something. i commend dale jr. for raising his hand and going tothe doctor. >> steve: the realization we are learningabout concussions in other sports. you cannot put your head in the sand and say it can'thappen to me. i admire dale for having the courage for putting himself in the position.he went to the doctor and said i need to figure

out what's going on. that took a lot of courageto put yourself in a position to take yourself out of the car. remember, he's in a battlefor the chase. he still has his health come first.>> rick: i have to applaud nascar. they are letting him continue to take care of his health.if they are not feeling well or sick or injured, they don't have to get behind the wheel.>> steve: i know nascar is not like every other sport. that's what we like about the same time, if a linebacker gets hurt, another linebacker can come in. the wholeteam has a chance to succeed and win. in racing, the way it is in the past, when the drivergoes out, that effects the chance for the team. i like this rule of the medical gives the driver to step back. especially

in the case like this with the potential concussionsymptoms to step back and do the right thing. >> rick: kyle busch has done the right thingevery lap of the race. erik jones is the closest to him trying to make a name here in the xfinityseries. >> rick: nascar drive is's raceday companion. driver stats and lap by lap commentary in real time. you won't miss alap with we are under our first caution of the day. there is debris on thefront stretch. so that will bunch everyone back up. kyle busch out in front. erik jones.51 laps complete. everyone will be making their way to pit road. lead lap cars willtake place first. there are 18 cars currently on the lead lap. take a look at the pass thatwas made. elliott sadler was holding on to

fourth. lost it to daniel suarez.>> steve: in turn three. got hung up. daniel suarez saw an opportunity. where is elliottgoing to go? daniel hung a left and got by. >> rick: taking advantage of the great opportunity.daniel suarez took fourth away from elliott sadler. and pit road is open. kyle busch witherik jones and elliott sadler all the way down pit road. dave.>> dave: brad keselowski is coming in. crew chief has a tough job. brad says i'm at mylimit at entry and exit for loose. let's see what they do. marty.>> marty: daniel suarez said the loose end got worse as the run went on. he put numbersto that. it will be right side tire change

for daniel suarez. erik jones, will be fourtire changes for him. suarez with the four tires. four tires for erik jones. 13.00 onthe stop for him. loose on the exit. kyle busch, two tires only for those guys tight.>> rick: kyle busch did not want to lose the track position. he stays out front. out fnt >> rick: welcome back to new hampshire. takea look at today's toyota driver update. kyle busch still out front. erik jones is second.daniel suarez in the top five. listen in to erik jones and maybe a little strategy forwhat they are planning on restarts. >> hopefully i don't get beat up. i got abite on the initial start. hat that is for. >> that will be fine. get your stuff cleanedup.

>> rick: marty.>> marty: that was your plan all along to take two tires.>> i think it is easier for other guys to make a decision based on what we do. wheneverwe take two, they take four. it will be fine in the long run to even everybody out.>> marty: the other teams taking four tires. he said to me it wasn't worth losing the lead.guys. >> steve: it is right. it is easier to notbe the leader and now kyle busch starts on the outside. it is interesting. i almost expectthe two tires to restart a little better. get through one and two with the hot leftside tires. have more grip. my concern is four or five lap into the run, will he stayin the 20? he will fall back in traffic and

it is hard to survive.>> jeff: the big issue is for me is how can he accelerate? he is the leader. once he ison the restart zone, he sets the pace. with older tires, sometimes it is hard to get thereal tires to hook up. jones could have the advantage in turn one.>> rick: let's see how they do in the go-fast restart zone. we're back to racing. how doeserik jones do this time? the initial start he dropped out of the top five. now clawedback up to second. now kyle busch with the great restart. elliott sadler in the 1 hasmade the pass on erik jones. he takes second away. austin dillon lookingto get by the 20 of erik jones. brad keselowski in the 22. and that quickly erik jones hasfallen all the way back to fifth again.

>> steve: tight battle here. right at thestart of the race, we saw erik. he just could not run. he already lost a lot of spots.>> rick: you mentioned at the beginning of the race. the preferred line at the tracksis the bottom of the track. this one it is maybe a groove up. kyle busch choosing outsideline on the start pinches erik jones down a bit on the track.>> jeff: no worse place to be, to be stuck on the track. you cannot get your car intothe corner. it seems like the 20 is starting to equal out now he has heat in the tires.he is now attacking austin dillon. >> rick: brad keselowski running third. elliottsadler just in front of him. alex bowman in the 88. daniel suarez in the 17. the 7, allgaier.>> jeff: below the yellow line is the apron.

that's fair game here in new hampshire.>> rick: the race track has 2 to 7 degrees of banking from the yellow line up. on theleft side of the yellow line is 0 degrees of banking. it's flat.>> jeff: i would love to find the 7 degrees. i have never seen the 7 degrees. a good battlehere with bubba wallace and brennan poole in the 48.>> rick: wallace jr. able to get by the 48. here is blake koch. >> steve: having a good run.>> rick: good run by the 42 of justin marks. >> jeff: drive off in the corner. keep the11th out of the groove. the 11 gets through three and four in the middle groove.>> rick: the 42 out of rockland, california.

the battle for second. elliott sadler losesthe position to the 22 of brad keselowski. and look who is coming in. the 20 of erikjones. this is going to be a long day if he continues to lose spots on restart. he isnow banking on a long run. >> steve: you see the 7. what is so difficult?we talked about it. the bottom has the banking. you want to be up a little bit. as the raceprogresses and especially on restarts. the car on the bottom gets up the race track.he starts to push up the out side on the track. he has the preferred line. that is when wesee caution. right now, everybody is playing nicely. as it moves on, it will get more aggressive.>> rick: justin marks is able to get by the 11 of blake koch. kyle busch, las vegas, nevada,native. how dominant is kyle busch? he is

the winningest driver ever in the xfinityseries by 32 races by mark martin. elliott sadler, running in the third spot. just lostthe second spot to brad keselowski. parker. >> parker: rick, he was fighting the looseon entry. when i talked to elliott yesterday, i said what will it take to be successful?how will you beat the joe gibbs racing cars? he said a couple of us are passionate now.if we play the strategies now and we get good restarts, we may find ourselves in positionin track positions. i think there's a caution.>> rick: sure enough. on the back stretch is the 24, i believe. sure enough. lajoie.he was runnith at the time. >> jeff: a smaller team. you see running upin the top ten. disappointing finish.

>> rick: coming out of turn two. let's seehow it happened. >> jeff: you heard him say it sounded likesomething broke. i don't know if he was out of the groove. close. justin marks, aboutas close as it can get. see how loose he is there. that is why he is out of the groove.>> steve: i don't know if it went flat with contact with the wall or before.>> rick: it brings out the second caution. still out front is kyle busch. he is the onlyone out front. corey lajoie. >> rick: today's aerial coverage is employedby our partners at smithfield foods. still under caution for corey lajoie coming outof the turn two and into the wall. welcome back to the xfinity series auto lotto.

we'll take a quick commercial and be back. >> rick: at the top of the show, we mentionedbrad keselowski and kyle busch may be hard to pass. they are in front row as we get readyfor the restart. up through the gears. another great restart by kyle busch.>> steve: rick, it is interesting to see the 20 of erik jones. you see brad keselowskireally tight. this is his first opportunity to restart on warm tires. see if the 20 reactsbetter. >> rick: and on the outside.>> jeff: the 22 is not giving him as much room.>> rick: another wiggle out of the 20 of erik jones. he still cannot clear brad keselowski.he does have second, but by half a car length.

now erik jones clears him and takes second.tries to reel in kyle busch which no one has been able to do today.>> jeff: didn't go three wide. now as the 22 moves up, the 1 will have a shot at him.>> rick: on the 19 on the outside. all four cars fighting for the third spot.>> steve: he put his left front right on his door. he said you are not coming up here.>> rick: brad keselowski, falls back to third. daniel suarez and elliott sadler in the topfive. austin dillon and allgaier. take another look.>> steve: he got in the corner. had to go low. got loose. got inside of the 20. thatis new hampshire. we will see that on restarts all day.>> rick: contact there. what about the fear

of cutting the left side tire when there iscontacts like that? >> jeff: it's high. you just hope it's okay.normally you see it with no inner liners in the tires. if you have a flat tire, it goesdown almost immediately. >> steve: elliott's in trouble. his car doesn'tlook good before it did before the caution. >> jeff: we have seen drivers with an issueall weekend. they will take a straightaway to clean the tires off. the difference betweenpractice and the race. there is no straightaway to clean the tires off. you make a mistake,the tire behind you is attacking you. you have no time to get back in rhythm.>> rick: every driver pouncing on the opportunity. ty dillon tries to get by alex bowman in the88. bowman's going to try to make a pass on

the outside of ty dillon as they cross thestart/finish line and head into one. >> steve: just continue off the middle. awiggle of the 88. >> jeff: the 88 gave the 3 a lot of room.>> rick: around goes the 3. the 88 of alex bowman got into the right rear corner panel.>> stay out here. >> rick: 3 goes into the wall nose first.>> steve: i'm not sure if the 3 thought he was clear and the 88 was there or the 88 cameacross the bumper of the 3. >> jeff: that is a lot of damage.>> steve: bowman in the corner gave him a lot of room. more than he should have givenhim. >> rick: that was down the back stretch afterthey had come out of the turn.

>> steve: turn one. the 88 gave him a lotof room. >> outside corner. hang on to her. hang on to her.>> steve: from that angle, it looked like the 88 at the outside retaining wall. let'stry to understand how much room the 88 has. he was outside the 3 by a little.>> rick: the best vantage point was from up above. listen to the radio of the 88.>> i was so tight. he drove me all the way to the wall. when it hooked, it went left.i got it turned left and he drove me all the way to the fence. i didn't have any room.>> steve: he got on the gas and the car pushes up to the wall. the question as he comes tothe wall. here is the shot. he has the ability

to run the lane. now you see why the 3 isdisappointed. the 88 comes back off the wall. the 3 thought he left the 88 a lane. you heard alex bowman. the car was tight. the car wants to go straight. you said hewas out of the gas, jeff, maybe he gets the throttle and the tires gained grip and thecar took a left-hand turn. without a doubt. that accident is the fault of the 88. anothergreat view. you see the 88 cut off the wall and turn left and catch the right rear cornerof the 3. >> rick: the most damage to the 3 of ty dillon.they are working on that car and alex bowman. third caution of the day. >> rick: welcome back. the 2 of austin dillonhad this to say.

>> i would say that the car would not be oneto do that to. >> i'm saying the same thing. it was definitelyintentional. >> he turned left. hooked him down the straightaway.>> jeff: i understand why you are looking at it, you think it is intentional. the wholething unfolds. i don't believe bowman intentionally wrecked dillon. i don't think that was intentional.>> rick: interesting. kyle busch chose the inside line. erik jones starts on the outsidefor the restart zone. maybe some teammates working together here? erik knowing he hasa better chance restarting on the outside better. it works out for him. kyle busch getsthe lead. erik jones holds on to second. three wide behind.>> steve: austin dillon on the flat part of

the track.>> rick: and daniel suarez on the outside of austin dillon. he will clear him. danielsuarez in the blue and orange number 19. in front of the 2 of austin dillon on the radio.that was driver/spotter we were hearing about what took place on the track with the 3 andthe 88. wallace jr. in the 6. brad keselowski running third. daniel suarez is fourth. austindillon is fifth. >> steve: you can see why we talk so muchabout restarts. how many spots you can gain and lose on restarts. drive away. you seeelliott sadler. he is all the way back to eighth. because of restarts, he worked backto eighth. >> rick: single file all the way back to elliottsadler. he is running eighth. ryan running

in the ninth position from connecticut. a25-year-old doing double duty today. ran the modified race. running ninth behind elliottsadler. ryan just in front of the 48 of brennan poole. another one of the young drivers. just25 years old from texas. track side to kelli. >> kelli: they thought the accident was intentional,but he has come over the radio apologizing saying he simply could not get the steeringwill to turn. it is something he complained about before he got into the side of austindillon. them came down pit road and made a track bar adjustment to ose even it up. theyused bond to patch up the hole. now he has four fresh tires and full tank of fuel. marty.>> marty: on the flip side, they lost five laps. he is in 35th position. they had toput a bunch of packers in the right front

of the car. they were going to send him outon the track. they figured that out and fixed it. he radioed in, it is still all messedup. you see the right front wiggling there. anotherbattle on the track as well. so struggling with the car. mike, go behind the wall.>> rick: unfortunate for ty dillon. elliott sadler got by wallace jr.>> steve: watch the 88 here. he is up the track. he has the wheel turned. it catchesand turns left. i will tell you from my experience here off turn two. i have done that many times.i never got into the side of somebody. alex bowman, it is his responsibility to not letthat happen. he got up by the wall. the back ends comes around. boom. that happened. tightoff turn two. it's his fault, but it wasn't

on purpose.>> rick: ryan reed chasing after justin marks. ryan reed out of bakersfield, california.>> steve: mostly on the road courses. running more ovals in the 42 car. showing some improvement.>> jeff: starting to run better each week. moving in the right direction on the flattracks. much like his teammate brennan poole. jeff, we talked at the beginning of the day.last year he was in and out of the car some. it is hard for the young gentlemen to getin here and get a rhythm over the course of the weekend.>> jeff: no question. you see timing matter. you work with the same team every week goingto different tracks, it makes you a better driver. the first time we have seen today.somebody putting pressure on kyle busch.

>> rick: kyle busch has lost the big gap hehad over erik jones. ty dillon went behind the wall into the garage area. kyle busch coming back to erik jones or iserik jones reeling in kyle busch? >> steve: i think a bit of both. rememberkyle busch only changed left side tires. this is the first time erik jones has had a goodshot at kyle busch. he is starting to see him and understand why the 18 is better thanhim. >> rick: on lap 52. both drivers came on topit road. kyle busch just took right side tires and erik jones took four tires. so,two fresher tires on the 20 for erik jones. on the radio moments ago, this is what the18 team had to say.

>> the left rear a bit.>> we're just looking at tires. it took this long to show up.>> i would give you a head's up. we are starting to see it for later.>> rick: here goes the battle for the lead. erik jones takes it away from kyle busch asthey go into three. a little bit of tire wear effecting 18. erik jones leads in loudon.yellow describe on the back bumper signaling a rookie status as the caution comes out.that is for debris on the race track. >> steve: good news for kyle busch. he hasan opportunity to come in and get fresh tires on the 18 car.>> rick: it will once again put a lot of pressure on the pit crews.>> jeff: you know, i think you do four. that

allows you to do two later in the race. ifyou are the crew chief. >> steve: he held on to two tires there. ittook almost 50 laps for erik jones to run by him. if i'm erik jones or daniel suarez, i wouldput on two tires here. that traps kyle busch in the field. sometimes you have to do a pitcall on the offensive. i would do right here is take two and try to get kyle busch backin traffic. he proved on clean air he is the class of the field. now evens up with him,i'm not sure erik jones can stay with him. >> rick: we have to remember that they won'tbe able to go all the way to the end of the race without coming back to pit road. therewill have to be a splash and go. sometimes

that will give them an opportunity to do atwo-tire stop if they need the track position. >> jeff: the aggressive call is left sidetires. we take two. they can be right or left. we will have to see what the 18 does.>> rick: dave. >> dave: brad keselowski cannot get furtherforward than third. the car has been chattering in the right rear. he says he has zero drive.more fuel and goodyear tires. >> danny: pretty good in three and four. comingto him in the end of the run for his teammate erik jones, the entry was good. the centerwas on the verge of loose. he was happy with it. kyle busch said his car was losing therear end all day long. rick. >> rick: two tires for erik jones. kyle busch,also a two-tire stop.

kelli: we are in the xfinity series garage.trying to make repairs for ty dillon. you saw the replay of the accident during commercialbreak. >> it is obvious. first of all, i want tothank westco for the sponsor of the race. it is probably my fault for being back there.i'm very frustrated. he is down the corner and straightaway and just turned left. hefeels like he is lucky. he is on the track and not in the garage like me. it is not howyou race. yeah, you don't turn people on the straightaway. i don't know what to say. idon't have anything good to say. i'm glad he's not around.>> he said you had such a tight race car that he could not get the wheel to turn.>> it seemed like it turned left down the

straightaway when i was past him. he needsto figure out what loose and tight means. maybe i can explain it to him.>> kelli: rick. >> jeff: i understand why he is mad. theyhadn't gotten together early in the race. what is the intent? just for fun? people messup. stuff happens in racing. i understand why. i understand all that. where is the intention?>> rick: there may have been contact going through one and two, but not enough. we'reseeing that on everybody as they come up to the restart zone. guys saying out. the 88,42 and 11 did not pit. alex bowman out in the field. the 11, blake koch. here comesthe 18 of kyle busch. kyle busch so good on the restarts. he will take second away fromblake koch as they go into turn three.

side by side for third. alex bowman tryingto hold off the 18 of kyle busch and erik jones in the 20 getting back up to speed.takes longer for the 20 to get in a rhythm and find the grip. we saw cars go all theway down to the apron again. >> jeff: the 2 car with all four tires onthe apron trying to make something happen. there he goes again.>> rick: the 2 using that apron. alex bowman came on pit road at lap 77. a little differentstrategy for the 88 as well as the 33. blake koch at lap 79.>> steve: we expect him to take over with the fresher tires. remember, in that accidentwe saw as kyle busch turned to the bottom under the 88. you know, there's a limitedamount of tires in the series. really to get

back on par with the leaders, they had tostay another race track here. their goal is to run 25 to 40 laps. the caution will comeout and they can equal up with the field. >> rick: gain a lot of track position becauseof the fact that right now he's running second if he can hang on.>> jeff: or just not lose any. if you fall back to eighth or tenth.>> rick: kyle busch out front again. two lead changes. kyle busch, alex bowman, erik jones,justin allgaier and austin dillon in the top five. dillon in the 2 behind justin allgaierin the 7. listen to the two radios. >> the 18 and 20 are not taking fuel.>> it doesn't fricking matter. save fuel.>> calm down. i'm just letting you know they

aren't. calm down there, big boy.>> i'm calming down. >> rick: that's the crew chief for austindillon. those two have had incredible success. they won in the truck series together. inthe xfinity series winning a championship. it is great comradery and the voice you hearwhen you hear him say calming down. the two already playing the fuel strategy.>> jeff: every race has a fuel race in it. you don't know where the cautions will fall.he is taking advantage of every opportunity. he will save fuel.>> rick: and the 20 of erik jones is able to get by the 88 of alex bowman. erik jonesback up to second. a little over a second behind kyle busch. alex bowman austin dillonis fourth. we are hearing they are thinking

about saving fuel. we200 scheduled laps. windowfalls somewhere between 80 and 85 laps. if they can do on fuel unless saving >> jeff: the other advantage co is n always about stretch fuel. >> rick: welcome back to the nascar xfinityseries auto lotto 200 from new hampshire. the 11, blake koch, having to take the carbehind the wall. they have to do extra work on the car. kelli.>> kelli: he was reporting a vibration. it is something they cannot do anything about.obviously problems progressing and headed back to the garage to get answers.>> rick: thanks. kyle busch has a 2.5 second lead over erik jones.>> jeff: the 11 of koch, he is 12 in points.

ross chastain. that is a big mechanical problem.>> rick: the caution comes out. nine cars on the lead lap. ryan seig was in position.debris is the reason for the caution. now there will be ten cars on the lead lap. alexbowman, who is a lap down, his strategy will he stay out?>> jeff: the problem is he lines up at the bottom of the field on older tires. this willnot help his race. >> jeff: he will most likely come out in tenthposition. he will have to go to the tail end of the field. he will get back on the leadlap. he needs a set of cautions to pull back up to the lead lap cars. not all is can see the danger when you don't pit under caution and when other people do. ifthe cautions don't fall right. gambling sometimes

works and doesn't.>> rick: wallace jr. was the last leader on the lead lap. ryan seig is the recipient ofthe free pass. now when pit road opens, you expect to see kyle busch and daniel suarezand everyone on the lead lap making their way to pit road. now what is the strategy on pit road, steve?>> steve: you have a long run on the car. all the tires are worn out. with only 33 lapsto go, if you are kyle busch or the crew chief for kyle busch, you assume everyone will dofour. a handful of cars. do you have enough time to get to the front? chris gale saidhe would do right side tires most of the day. they only need 33 laps of fuel. a very aggressivecall if you think the 20 takes four. with

ten cars on the lead lap, i have to put fourtires on my car. >> rick: pit road is open. here they come.marty. oh, parker. >> parker: i have austin dillon on the leftside of the screen. he has been loose and fighting side and drive off. danny said wewill take four tires. two cans of fuel and adjustments. they hope to maktighter. dave.>> dave: brad keselowski is okay with tires and losing track position. he will take twoand go for it. >> marty: he said i needs more on exit. andin our tires. kyle busch gone quickly. 6.2 on the stop. right side only for kyle busch.rick. >> rick: the race off pit road. kyle busch,brad keselowski and daniel suarez. two tires

only. >> rick: tomorrow, the cup series takes tothe magic mile. that coverage beginning at 1:00. kyle busch led 163 of the 267 laps towin last year. he is dominating this one. nascar america on weekdays at 6:00. givingyou all insight of the teams and what is taking place in nascar. a special 90-minute editionon monday. that will begin at 5:00 p.m. kelli. >> kelli: with blake koch here in the garage,that is where you don't want to be when you are 12 on the grid. blake, what do you knowabout the 11? >> we had a good run going. solid 11th placerun. we got in good position. unfortunately, it will be a bad points stay. our team isstrong. we will rebound. we learned a lot.

the transmission just sheared off. the shifterended up underneath my dashboard. keep watching. >> kelli: thank you. rick.>> rick: they will tack on to the back of the lead lap. that puts them at 11th and 12th.take a look. moments ago. the 3 pulling upside the 88. and we're hearing they will add alap. we'll go around one more time before the green flag comes out. that will make it28 laps to go. >> jeff: rick, the story is pit strategy.we have the front row of kyle busch and brad keselowski on right side tires. erik joneson four tires outside row two. we saw the 18 of kyle busch, the left rear tire wouldwear out. it would lose drive off, marty. i expected this 20 to have a great shot ofbeating the 18 of the final run to the finish.

>> marty: you have to give credit to the crewchief. this is his only shot to beat kyle busch. he wanted to be on the outside linefor the restart. i knew taking four would put me in the position. in his mind, a win-win.>> jeff: it is critical. the car he has to beat is the 18. if the 18 gets the normalgood start, now the lane is open for the 20 to take advantage and get by the 22 off turntwo. >> rick: we saw the 20 not good on new tires.was that the bottom lane or does the car not like new tires? we're about to find out asthey come back to the restart zone with 27 laps to go. green flag back in the air. agreat restart. this time for erik jones. >> jeff: not what kyle busch wanted to see.>> rick: three wide behind him fighting for

the third spot. and around goes the 6. wallacejr. spins. contact made behind him. cars sliding to try to avoid. not able to do it. also involved,you see the 4 of ross chastain. jumped outside the top 12 to get enough points to get inthe top 12. >> jeff: we said as the race moved on, wegot the restart. expect it to cause chaos. it takes aggressive driving. you see wallacejr. everybody going for position. three wide in front of him. he makes a move. three wide.not enough room for all three cars. everybody's trying to protect and hold position.>> rick: ryan preece right along with him and caught up in it. >> steve: quick decision to miss this accident.>> three wide in the middle. he's down low.

clear low. clear low. how bad did you getit? >> bad.>> rick: you hear him say bad. right front of the 1. so a little bit of contact. it'swallace jr. the most, ryan preece and also ross chastain. laps winding down in loudon.feels tpet off most national carrier rates too. >> rick: clean up continuing from new hampshiremotor speedway as darrell wallace jr.'s car is on the wrecker. they will tow that in behindthe wall. couple cars involved. including ryan preece and ross chastain. take loot lookhere. >> jeff: everybody going for the same spot.we always see this. you have to be aggressive.

you have to push the issue. contact righthere. >> rick: he tries to get inside brennan poole.darrell wallace jr. does. he cannot get right. >> jeff: you see he gets loose here. he correctsand gets in the left rear corner of bubba wallace. the 2 is the cause of the accidentbecause of the contact, but not on purpose. the 2 is trying to find traction on the lowerlane. he has no choice. he has to counter steer to the right.>> rick: the six cars involved in this wreck on lap 174.>> steve: ryan preece was having a good run. >> jeff: he was having a good run. smallerteam. running so well. he run so many races in this area. all sorts of race cars here.>> rick: ross chastain on the hook as well.

coming up, join us for the post-race showfor the recap of the xfinity race and the look ahead to the sprint cup series race tomorrow.that is with krista, kyle and d.j. all right. we saw on the restart, kyle busch with a greatrestart. so did erik jones. now things will change because erik jones will not have thepreferred line unless kyle busch gives it to him. >> steve: you saw how difficult it is to starton the inside of the row. brad keselowski could not accelerate. now they have to timethat with the tires. you see the 88 on pit road.>> kelli: they will go to work on the damage on the right front that he sustained in thecontact with the 3. he said he got through

the last mess, but they will work on tires for the 88. parker. >> parker: he has a little damage here onthe front and right front. they are using that bond to help it out. it is not rubbingbad. they were talking about coming in. they decided to come in because there are two orthree cars on the lead lap. they hope to make up positions on the restart.>> rick: a lot of sheet metal damage to a few cars today from loudon, new hampshireas we recap. early on, corey lajoie hit the outside wall. right rear tire was down forcorey. >> jeff: 88 gets out of the groove. overcorrects.wrecks the 3 car. take a second look at it there. heavy damage for the 3. and under yellow,he pulls up to the 88 and shows his displeasure.

>> rick: erik jones is the only one to challengekyle busch today under green conditions. kyle has been dominant. we will try to tune inwith kyle busch before the green flag comes out.>> jeff: kyle, it is jeff up in the booth. >> yeah.>> jeff: thank you for taking time to talk to us. what do you have to do to hold off on fourtires? >> i don't know. it will be hard to do. erikis pretty good. he has been following off a lot today. he has four goodies. we havetwo. we will see what happens here. track positions means enough hopefully we can holdhim off.

>> jeff: thanks for letting us come on board.good luck. >> all right.>> rick: we would expect kyle to choose the outside line. that is the preferred for thestart. that would pin erik jones on the bottom of the track where he has not had a lot ofsuccess on restarts. >> jeff: and pinned down is the plan. kylebusch wants to beat him out of the restart zone. if they go side by side, that 18 hasto hold. that is a problem. these are not new tires. there is debris on the tires. asthe 18 tries to hold the 20 of jones. the 20 gets into the side of 18. we saw the wreckslike before. >> rick: let's not forget about daniel suarezbehind kyle busch.

>> head's up on the last restart. hopefullyit will be the last. things will be crazy. short-term racing. head's up. you never knowwhat will happen in front of you. we're still in this.>> steve: you have joe gibbs with the 3 car. >> jeff: one might be happy.>> rick: erik jones on the inside. kyle busch, the control car, lead car, on the outsideof row one. they get ready to enter the wicked fast restart zone. back up through the gearsthey go. racing to turn number one. another good restart by erik jones.>> jeff: really good restart by erik jones. timed it well. the 18 in the corner. he isgiving himself a chance. >> rick: a lot of damage to ryan preece.

the caution is out again.>> jeff: i don't think erik jones wanted that caution. he got everything he needed fromthe restart. he cleared keselowski and suarez was in the position to try to make the movewith the four tires on kyle busch. he will have to try to get a restart like that again.he did that one about as well as you could do.>> rick: ryan preece was involved with the last with darrell wallace jr. this was comingto turn number one. a lot of sparks on the right side of the car. he was trying to turnleft, but couldn't do it. parker. >> parker: they were doing after the wreckif the right front was rubbing too much. they decided not to pull out all the way. sureenough, it was rubbing too much.

>> rick: so far, because of the tire down,they could not get the jack underneath it. >> jeff: this car is on the lead lap. he'sin 13th, but he's in the lead lap. he had a lot of damage. they were able to get thecar back on the race track. they had a great day. they want to come out with as good aday as possible. >> rick: dave, brad keselowski running third.>> dave: you talked about the inside line that erik jones was forced into. brad hadto start there all day long. you saw him on the last restarts. when he was in second placeand restarted on the inside, he told his team i don't know why. the inside line looks likethe outside line. it just doesn't go. he was talking about the pavement. jeff.>> jeff: it is interesting. again, the outside

line allows to you have more momentum andlet the car kind of set it so to speak. when you are on the bottom, you have to turn thecar more. you have the throttle up and it is easy for the back tires not to hook up.the outside line allows the car just to go around the corner with a little less effortfrom the driver. >> rick: the last restart, erik jones hada great restart. he was able to stay with kyle busch. this is what the team had to say.>> get ready for a good restart there. show them what the next generation is all about.>> 10-4. >> rick: it's where names are made in thexfinity series. can he get by the defending champion kyle busch?

>> rick: welcome back to loudon, new hampshire.the new hampshire motor speedway is getting down to the final laps of the xfinity seriesrace. ryan preece brought the caution on the restart. here is why. the right front tiregoes down as he passes the start/finish line. there are the sparks from under the car. allthe way up into the wall. ryan preece. they came back on pit road and changed the rightside tire. did more work to the fender. >> jeff: you see how the drivers are weavingback and forth. they know how important it is to get the debris off their tires. thecleaner your tires and hotter entering into turn one, even the 18 car.>> rick: see how it goes. kyle busch on the outside. erik jones on the inside. 14 lapsto go. green flag back in the air. great restart

for erik jones. can he keep it beside the18? kyle busch able to get just around him on the back stretch. keselowski fighting forthe third spot. daniel suarez has taken it away from him. here he comes back on the inside.the fight for third continues. keselowski on the inside. suarez on the outside. keselowskitakes third away. suarez trying the crossover move after keselowski moved by. austin dillonin the 2. inside of brennan poole. now here comes poole for the crossover move.he'll make it work. suarez looking all the way back to brennan poole as they go threewide. poole goes way high and austin dillon takes advantage of that as does justin allgaier.11 laps to go now. when they cross the start/finish line. kyle busch just in front of erik jonesby .20 of a second.

>> jeff: erik jones looked faster. you seethe contact with the 2 and 48. guys getting slow in the corner.>> steve: a little slower. he got in the back of him.>> rick: alex bowman trying to get by the 7 of justin allgaier. and bowman running inthe top ten. fighting for the seventh spot now. two car lengths separating the top two.will the four pressure tires work for erik jones?>> jeff: i can see the difference. the 18 car is a little higher on the track. the carmoves up and they both enter the same place. watch 18 move up just a touch. a very littlebit that helped him off the corner. the 18 on two tires is doing a really good job aheadof the 20.

>> rick: a great story between the top two.kyle busch out ahead of erik jones. the reason erik jones is behind the wheel of a stockcar is because of the driver in front of him. kyle busch was beat by erik jones by the snowballderby and kyle was so impressed out of erik jones, he said to joe gibbs racing, this guyhas talent. we have to sign him. we have to get him to be part of our team. that's why erik jones is out here now. nowhe's trying to beat his mentor. >> jeff: little quicker that lap, kyle busch.>> settle in. you're going to get him. >> rick: there's the confidence. you're goingto get him. >> jeff: easier said than done. you see thelead and you know there are eight laps to

go. you are pushing it to the limits. youdon't want to push it too hard. that is where he has an advantage in the middle of the corner.that is where he is quicker than kyle. >> jeff: that's a decent drive off the corner.rolling that 20 really gains on kyle busch. >> steve: kyle left the track a little bitmore. it helped him on the corner exit. kyle is as fast. just a little bit, but that launchoff the corner seemed to help kyle. >> rick: closes the gap through the centerof the turn. kyle able to put four car lengths between he and erik jones down the straightaway.under six laps to go. now a lap car coming into play. ryan preece stays out of the way.tries to stay clear. erik jones will get by. >> jeff: stay out of the way of the 18. thathurt his exit and help the 18.

>> steve: i like to see lapped cars in a placeand drive completely right. let the two leaders go. don't impact the leaders.>> jeff: that was almost a half a second slower for the 20 of erik jones.>> rick: erik jones seeing the 18 car get smaller in front of him. as kyle busch continuesto pull away. a dominant day for busch. he has already led 185 of the 195 laps run. hecomes out of turn number four. kyle busch looking for his fifth xfinity serieswin at this race track. >> jeff: with four to go, the 18 is catchingmore cars to go. you can see him navigate by the 25. that not where you want to catcha car. we saw that across the 20 some time earlier.>> rick: we will see if erik jones is able

to get by the slower cars as he works hisway through three and four. they will give him a little bit of grief as he is workingby those two. we saw ty dillon make his way on pit road. he will take that back on topit road. can't gain anymore positions for ty dillon. he will wind up 33rd with underthree laps to go. kyle busch, erik jones, brad keselowski, daniel suarez, austin dillon.big day for alex bowman. involved in an incidents with ty dillon. two laps of racing to go.brennan poole also with a very good day. in the sixth position. currently 13 cars on thelead lap. erik jones, the gap between he and kyle busch continues to grow. it is 1.4 secondsnow. >> jeff: what an impressive job by kyle busch.they put together lap after lap to hold the

lead.>> rick: one more time around. kyle busch. a dominant performance today and a dominantcareer in the xfinity series. he is the winningest driver ever in the history of xfinity a large margin over second. he continues to add to his numbers today. kyle busch comingout of turn number four. the next flag he'll see is the checkered flag. kyle busch is goingto win in new england. >> good job, guys. way to do it.>> awesome day, boys. >> good job, bud. were you a little worriedon the first restart? >> a little bit.>> rick: erik jones will finish up in second. brad keselowski holds on for third. danielsuarez, fourth. austin dillon, a top five

finish. rowdy as he puts above the door onhis cars. kyle busch, another win. career win number 82 for kyle busch. and you lookat the gap between he and mark martin. 33 races more. think about just that. the gapbetween first and second is 33 races. drivers will race their careers just to win 33 races.and that's the gap between one and two between kyle busch and mark martin.>> jeff: everyone talks about mark martin dominating the series. being the driver tobeat. he has that many more wins than mark martin. unbelievable.>> rick: impressive show for the fans. the burnout at the start/finish line. traditionfor kyle busch will be to grab the checkered flag. he will do a bow to the fans.>> jeff: will anybody ever break the streak?

is that a record that you can beat? i knowrecords are made to be broken. how do you break this record? think about the run hehas to be on to make this happen. how does somebody else do that? it seems like it isunbreakable. >> rick: and he is just 31. he is not slowingdown. he is the defending cup series champion. bowto the fans. he will make his way to victory lane which he has been able to do many, manytimes in his career. you are right. it is a number, i wouldn't say similar to, but almostas daunting as what the king has put up. 200 wins in the cup series. we know that willnever been touched again. >> jeff: and he runs part-time.>> rick: when he does, he does it well. kyle

busch wins again in the xfinity series. we'llbe back to hear from him next.ionep an erection. talk to your doctor about viagra. ask yourdoctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitratesfor chest pain or adempasâ®â® for pulmonary hypertension. your blood pressure could dropto an unsafe level. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erectionlasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away ifyou experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. ask your doctor about viagra.let's do this. ohhh! toyota let's go places. >> rick: welcome back to new hampshire motorspeedway. kyle busch knows how to get to victory lane here. this is the fifth time he has doneit in the xfinity series alone. part of a

dominant joe gibbs racing organization thathas had great success at loudon over the past few years. he will once again be able to celebrate anotherwin. career win number 82. numbers are staggering for anyone involved in racing. marty.>> marty: kyle busch has pulled into victory lane and put sunglasses on and a knaus haton. team douses him with water. let's ask him about the final restart. i'll ask youwhat the crew chief asked you. were you worried on the first restart?>> a little bit. he got a good restart. he got to my inside. stayed there a bit. thenext one he stayed alongside me too. he ran clean. he gave me room and did not door slamme to try to get the win. our cars were pretty

equal, i felt like. it was a matter of trackposition. i thought the four tires would pay off for him, but it really didn't. that isloudon. i cannot say enough about chris gale and everybody on the nos energy drink. theydid a great job for me. we had a stout car and engines. toyota trd. i appreciate theirsupport. and xfinity series. this is fun to come out here and run here. race here. winhere. and of course, the fans as well. we appreciate those here and those on tv. lastweek i missed my dvx folks. i appreciate this being a day race. it is fun to get out hereand learn a couple things today. >> marty: 82 career wins. you went over 117,000laps led. they're all records. >> i don't know what big numbers are.

records are made to be broken. there may besomebody like me that comes down in years down the road and that does the same thingi have been fortunate enough to do. i'm with a good team here with joe gibbs racing andgreat partners with nos energy drink. running in the series and you know, it is somethingcool for me to do. it helps me out and gives me more experience.>> marty: amazing numbers for kyle busch. fifth win in eight new hampshire races. backin victory lane. dave. >> dave: marty, erik jones was chasing thedream. what was the difference? >> i think we were just as good if not betterwhen we were up close to him. we had a lap car off two. it took all the pressure off.he wasn't worried about making a mistake.

that's how we got around him earlier in theday. we did a good job all yesterday getting the car better. we were not where we needto be and got it up to the class a team. it feels good, but we need more out of the feels good to be up there with him, but we want to beat him one of these times.>> dave: that strong finish today, the nascar representative said he is officially lockedin to the xfinity chase. >> rick: that's good news. means he will notdrop out of points. he has two wins on the season. the battle on the track was the loudestwas ty dillon and alex bowman. so behind the wall ty dillon and the 3 team went. they weredown 56 laps at the end of the race. when ty came back out on the track, he made surehis presence was known around alex bowman.

we heard from ty dillon. kelli.>> kelli: he thought it was intentional after he saw the replay. i know i heard otherwise. what happened?>> you never right rear somebody intentionally. ite i put us in that box. i had a ton of wheelup to the left. and it finally caught. he came off the wall six inches and tag somebody.i hate that for the 3 car. i did not do it intentionally. he can think what he wants.he will get over it some day. did not mean to. i have to thank genesis for doing a goodjob getting us out of the hole. we are better than an eighth place car.>> kelli: you will now turn to the cup side tomorrow. good to put the race behind you?>> definitely. we would hope for a better

day. that's what we wanted. i thought we hada better race car than that. i think we can move on and have another good day tomorrow.>> kelli: thank you, alex. >> jeff: alex talked about the pressure onhim this weekend. this did not help. that i don't think he helped himself very much.when you wreck somebody and you say he will get over it one day. that's not what you needto say. you already inflamed someone and you throw fuel on the fire so to speak. you don'twant to throw fuel on the fire with ty dillon. >> steve: we saw in the past how commentsafter can infuriate. that is an opportunity to take the high road and say sorry. he didn'tmean to do it. the other driver will get over it. now he has to look forward to tomorrow.he will learn quickly as aggressive restarts

are on saturday, they are ten-fold on sunday.they will have you out of the groove. he has done a great job all weekend. hopefully forhim it will continue through the cup race on sunday afternoon.>> rick: it sounded like alex bowman didn't think he did anything wrong. official results. kyle busch and erik jonesrunning one and two. brad keselowski still looking for a win.>> jeff: brendan gaughan got a top ten. he has done a really good job. he did it againtoday. >> rick: the only other cars on the lead lap.everyone else at least a lap down. some involved in incidents on the track. others just notable to keep up pace with what kyle busch

was able to do at this race track.>> jeff: weren't in the minority there. he was dominant all day long. he put a lot ofcars a lap down. >> steve: obviously he is racing to get intothe chase with no wins. he will have to have a bad next nine races to move out of the see he is fourth. 162 points is good. too many more races like that and the pressureis gone. >> steve: look how close it is to the cutline. 13 points above and below. ryan seig. gained a bit of a cushion today. wanted torun better with clements in the 51. this is not decided.>> rick: 12 makes it to the chase. blake koch on the cut line. for more on this race, let'sgo to krista, kyle and d.j.

>> thank you. you see the team in victorylane as the celebration continues. we will hear from a lot more drivers, including therest of the top five. in the meantime, you know, in the pre-race show, kyle and d.j.,you gave me kyle busch versus the field. i have two words for you. thank you.>> bad idea. >> bad idea.>> you tried to tell me that. >> i'm sorry. i am sorry to ty dillon. i jinxedhim. that was a dominant performance there. they never put four tires on the 18 car. itshows you how well it handled. kyle busch did a phenomenal job on the restarts.>> it was a kyle busch day. a lot of xfinity races are kyle busch day. it is deja vu allover again.

>> we will discuss that and talk to more driverswhen we come back to new hampshire motor speedway. kyle busch wins in loudon. >>> back here in new hampshire. kyle uschwith his sixth xfinity series win in 2016 in ten starts. dominant today as he led 190of 200 laps. he is in the race tomorrow. he is the defending winner on the sprint cupside. let's listen to his teammate who caught up with our parker kligerman.>> a day you finished fourth today. what did you need to do to compete for first and second?>> i don't know. by monday, i'll have a better idea. i have a lot of information in my know, everything wrong was different. we made improvements in the car. and thencoming back. we were a little too loose. we

fixed part of that. and blake. it was loosemost of the day. we have a strong car. we finished in the top five. just a little bitshort. we hope to come back next year a bit stronger.>> if you look ahead for the bigger picture in the championship, these runs are good,but when you look at who is in front of you, erik jones, you know you are racing him fora championship. how do you work with him and try to beat him at the same time?>> we are racing in the front. whole team is racing in the front. we know we have stuffto improve. there is some room for improvement. still making room for improvement is not bad.we go back home and learn what we did wrong and right and try to make it better.>> he comes home fourth at new hampshire.

>> so podium finish for brad this afternoon.i know it was tough out there for you. especially trying to catch the 2 ahead of you. how do you describe the day?>> we had a decent day with the mustang. still, you know, not where we want to be. we wantto win the races. and quite a bit more speed to get there. closer than we have been overthe last two weeks. that's a step in the right direction. just have to keep going. the 18and 20 were really, really good. they had everybody by quite a margin. i felt we werethe next level. of course, we want to be the best.>> you had me scratching me head when you were talking about the restart on the inside.looks the same. no grip.

>> it is weird the way they lay rubber down.the race track looks the same, but the inside groove has less grip. it's just part of it.>> still part of the notebook for him for tomorrow.>> brad keselowski has never finished outside the top ten in the eight xfinity starts herein new hampshire. you put him with kyle busch, no doubt, they were two of the drivers tobeat. we heard from daniel suarez. he finished top five in both of those. so, there weresome exciting moments. i know if you are a kyle busch fan, the whole race is this moment, dale, this brought people to their feet.>> it was. the one time the 18 car was passed on the race track. this was a situation whereit is kyle busch who gotten less tires. they

were into a long run. erik jones did a nicejob of running him down and being patient. just like last week at kentucky, as soon ashe took the lead, the caution came out and the restarts is where busch is superior. hiscrew chief made the adjustments they needed and keeping his driver in control.>> two weeks, erik jones has done a great job of working kyle busch. he has nothing to show for it. nothing atall. the caution comes out and erases that deficit. and i have to laugh at us a littlebit and poor rick and steve and jeff. the highlight of the day was kyle busch gettingpassed one time. it was just that dominant performance for kyle busch and the jgr team.>> a couple of things. i think he is gaining

that experience. erik jones will be able topass him and it sticks. you are watching a piece of history every time kyle busch winsa race. >> no doubt about it. we talk about it. justlike we talk about your father's record of 200 wins. that will not be broken ever. kylesaid he was asked that in victory lane. somebody may come along. i don't see that happening.not in my lifetime. i know it took kyle -- we thought mark martin set a record that wouldbe hard to beat. kyle put that to shame. he wins one out of four races that he entersin this. it is incredible. he is with a great team and a tremendous driver of these cars.he very seldom makes mistakes. >> there were other exciting moments. oneof those involved a couple of drivers and

heated words. both on the radio and in interviews.we have will discuss this incident when we return.eturn. here's how it feels to get fiftypercent off most national carrier rates too. for those who can't imagine life without twowheels, allstate offers a genuine parts guarantee, that promises to fix your bike with originalparts. talk to an allstate agent about all the things they do to keep riders's a big australian dinner party every outback ...every day! i'm adrian richardson... inaustralia, we do everything big... and this month, we mean big... we've never had sirloinsthis big, before. 'gi-normous!' crab stuffed lobster tails. the loaded bloomin' onion...this big australian dinner party never ends, but, things won't stay this big hurry in, before august 2. is it bloomin'

great here, or what?>>> i'm sure we will not see the domination from one driver tomorrowrace. the countdown to green starts tomorrow. noquestion this is a difficult track. who will have the upper edge tomorrow? what about whathappened today between two xfinity series drivers? alex bowman and ty dillon? bowmanis in the 88 for dale jr. tomorrow. >> i know ty dillon will feel does look like that alex bowman came down. it was a misjudgment there, i believe. whenyou are the driver wrecked on the straightaway, you are not happy about it.>> alex bowman, the fifth race of the year in this series. after the incident in thegarage, let's say alex bowman is no longer

on ty dillon's christmas card list.>> we had a good chevy. probably my fault for being back there. he doesn't race muchand it showed why. i'm frustrated. he's beyond the corner and down the straightaway and justturns left. i feel like he is lucky he is still on the track and not in the garage withme. i'm upset right now. that's not how you race. you don't turn people down the straightaway.i don't know what to say because i don't have anything good to say except for i'm glad heis not around. >> he said he had such a tight race car andhe could not get the wheel to turn. does that make sense or change things?>> it seemed like it turned left down the straightaway when i was past him. maybe heneeds to figure out what loose and tight means.

maybe i can explain it to him.>> i'll probably let him cool his head a bit. the kid tried to wreck me four times and couldnot get it done. probably let him calm down so i can talk to him without it turning intohim yelling at me. that's probably what he would do. i wouldbe upset too. he has ever right to be upset. yes, i will talk to him at some point. i willlet him cool down first. >> well, well, well.>> what do you want me to say? i think bowman should show more remorse.>> you don't need to throw more fuel on the fire. you can argue it was an accident. itwas two cars that ended up in the same place on the track. how it got there? only thosetwo guys know. it is bowman's job to say sorry.

if ty wants to yell at him, you have to manup and take it and walk off. >> there's nothing wrong with saying yoursorry. when you're in the wrong. it wasn't intentional whatsoever. you go say look, i'msorry. i made a mistake. you take whatever the guy is going to give. if he is going tohollar back, that is fine. we have seen alex bowman's interview twice and he doesn't saythe right things. he is putting himself in the deeper hole.>> i will go back to watkins glen last year. ty dillon said i made a mistake. i'm sorryit happened. he went went through the whole thing. he grabbed him a bit, but he stoodthere and took it. they went back and forth. every driver has been on both sides. i havebeen on both sides. dale has been on both

sides.>> another driver, jeff burton agreed with you. alex bowman said the kid tried to wreckme four times. he is one year older than bowman. coming up, we will hear from another driver.brexton in victory lane. oh, he's tired. victory lane does that. coming up, let's hearfrom austin when we come back.hen we come back th why i he spark cash card from capitalone. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all ofy purchasing. and that unlimited2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business...which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet?♪♪ ♪♪ remember when every new fork on the trail, led to a new adventure? thenkeep the tradition going at bass pro shops

family summer camp. and save on the brandsyou need during our perfect summer sale. like redhead hudson shorts starting under $20. >>> here at new hampshire motor speedway,the xfinity race wrapping up. the k & n series race on the track now. kyle busch wins again.82nd win in 320 starts. austin dillon comes home with the top five. he spoke to parker.>> it's not the first time you have done that in new hampshire. you run well here. whatwas the difference between fifth and getting up in contention?>> we didn't have it today. we were decent at times. we could not take off fast enoughto maintain speed and stay up with the gibbs cars. i'm proud of the guys. we have to keepworking. it's tough out there to beat those

guys. another solid run. we want more.>> i was talking to your crew chief. almost getting the win. you felt like you were veryclose to joe gibbs racing. best of the rest. do you feel like on the short track you havework to do? >> yeah, we didn't bring the same car we broughtto kentucky. this is an older style car. we have to get that baby back out and hopefullythat will take us back to where we need to be and compete for wins.>> that's awesome. austin dillon comes home fifth at new hampshire.>> we talked to guys that run up front. the drive of the day was from ryan preece. the01 with johnny davis racing and under funded team running in the top ten until he got intosomebody's mess. dale, great job by johnny

davis racing.>> great job. i'll add to that too. this is the track where he ran the modified race.let's talk about tomorrow. what the guys may have learned. austin dillon and kyle busch.they paid attention to what was going on with the guy that won the race never changing fourtires. will that hold up with track position?>> watching the restarts. dale is right. we have fuel strategy. nascar will enforce thepit road rules for maybe a change. they will look at some of this stuff. there are so manythings that will play in and track position is keen here. we saw it today. we saw therestarts as dale said. track position, track position, track position. you are will seestrategy. it is just to keep the track position

up front.>> i'm surprised you can say that three times quickly. something we have seen in the pastat loudon is fuel mileage. >> you don't think about that on a one-milerace track. you will do it. i will go back to nobody dominating tomorrow like we sawtoday. only reason that is possible is jeff burton is not racing.>> it is starting to feel like a jeff burton race that we watched. when we come back, wehave more to talk about in the cup series. ryan preece is racing again. a triple dutyfor him today. >>> all the fans will get their money worthas nascar in new england continues. the knne series on the track now. kyle busch, the winnerin the xfinity series race, trying to defend

the win from last year in the cup race butthe momentum seems to be on brad keselowski. >> he said this was the race that he wouldhave circled that he could win. >> hendrick motorsports, jimmie johnson onthe pole tomorrow, are we going to see a better performance out of that group. >> and we'll continue to watch 8. we willsee you tomorrow here in new hampshire. >>> two men are defining this summer in americanmotocross. ken roczen. >> dominates here.>> eli tomac. >> tomac has gone down just like that. kenroczen has taken the lead. once again, tomac to the inside. no, he does it. eli tomac winsthe red bull southwest nationals, his first win of the year.>> their battle moves to minnesota and the

track at spring creek. 450 moto 2 is comingup. >>> it's round eight. spring creek national.hello, everyone, welcome to spring creek. jason welgandt joined by grant langston. reallyone of the most popular tracks amongst the riders.>> actually one of my favorite tracks coming to year after year. it's got a lot to it,this track. you get a lot of big breaking bumps. and of course the famous loop. notjust one long loop section. you come all the way back down. creates some great racing.>> last week, we had a bit of a surprise as eli tomac broke through and ended ken roczen'swin streak. we had one earlier and then we'll combine that with the results coming up rightnow to determine the overall winner. let's

show you the highlights from the first motoearlier. a right-hander, very fast, justin barcia. that opened the door for eli tomachere on the green number three. >> they were three wide coming out of thatstraightaway. roczen right there behind barcia. >> tomac was hanging tough. there goes roczenon the inside, takes advantage. >> tomac tries to rebound and fight back.little bobble again, and he never had that opportunity. but watch thiscrash. ugly crash here. as he lands on top. you see him getting up. we know that pike,a little slow getting up, he would be okay. >> roczen goes on to win over tomac who had a challenge frommarvin musquin. trey canard, first race back. here's lit pro.get some great data from the races.

>> this is from the first moto earlier today.this is comparing roczen and musquin. roczen pulls musquin before they even enter. he carriesmore speed through the rough straightaway. roczen breaks away even more in the loop bycarrying more speed. now it's 2.2 seconds by the time they exit it. that's just by carryingmore speed throughout the whole area. so he gets musquin from the start. to there.>> wow. >> which is technically less than half thetrack. the whole remainder of the track, musquin and roczen mirror

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