crossover a suv


hello there everyone,i'm michael land, and welcome to this edition ofnexccelerator. and the vehicle that i'm sitting in rightnow, is in the all-new 2016 mazda cx-3. and the cx-3 is the newest vehicle, to beintroduced, into mazda's lineup. but does the all-new subcompact crossoversuv have what it takes, to be a very competitive vehicle? well let's have some fun, and figure thatout. now like i've said, this is the all-new 2016mazda cx-3. but this particular trim-level, is the top-of-the-line, grandtouring edition, of this vehicle.

so taking a look at the exterior of the newestmember of the mazda family, the cx-3 does not only contain led headlightswith the adaptive front lighting system, but it even includes led foglightsthat provides the modernized and futurisic appearance of mazda's kodo designlanguage. but also looking at the left, right and topsides, the exact same characterstics that were described just now, have been carriedon over through the remainder of the vehicle. on top of that, there's even two powered heatedside mirrors equipped, with one turn signal indicator a piece, on each side.

now looking at the back of the cx-3, there'sa dual exhaust system attached, with one tailpipe each placed on both of theleft and right sides. in addition, the vehicle even comes equippedwith a rear wiper that helps increase the visiblity on rainydays, a rear mounted spoiler and a shark fin roof attenna as well. as for the tailights however, they're notonly stylish, but they even provide an incredible compliment to the rest of thefuturistic exterior, of this vehicle. getting to the trunk of the all-new cx-3,it has a high opening as you just now witnessed.

in regards of the trunk space however, itdefinitely has the ability to store a lot of groceriesin addition to other items for your daily routine. now located underneath the trunk floor ofthe cx-3 is where you'll discover both the spare tire and the bose audio subwoofer. additionally, the necessary parts to installthe spare tire are conveniently placed on the right side of it for easy accessibility. other amentites for the trunk area for thecx-3 is that there's a light on the right side with a switch that you can eitherhave turned off, or on,

depending on your prefrence. if you also want more cargo capacity in thecx-3, you can definitely make that a reailty by having all of the backseats folded down. to fold the back seats down, just gently pushdown on the individual left and right rear seat release levers, whichare placed next to both of the headrests of the rear seats. then when you want to fold them back up, justsimply put them back up, until they lock in place. so opening the door to the cx-3, it has ablack leather interior, with

lux suede seat surface inserts included onboth of the bottom and middle portions of all the seats, that even includesboth a 6-way driver, and a 4-way front passenger seat, all withmanual adjustments. now the cx-3 does come equipped with an enginepush button start system. just leave the key fob that you see me holdingin my hand anywhere close to you in the vehicle, then press yourfoot on the brake, and immediately afterwards, just push the enginestart button, to make the engine come alive. as you just now witnessed, the cx-3 startsup right away without any

kind of mechanical related issues whatsoever,even when the temperature is at 90 degrees fahrenheit like you're seeingright now on your screen. in addition, after you start up the cx-3,a heads up display rises up that display's your miles per hour, whichis only avaliable on the grand touring trim-level. now getting to the engine area of the cx-3,it's not only organized accordingly, but its even a piece of caketo access it also, in which i'll explain more on that, here very shortly. but focusing on the powerplant offering, thecx-3 has a skyactiv-g 2.0l,

146hp, dohc 4-cylinder engine, that punchesout 146 pound feet of torque at 2800 rpm. with that you get a remarkable 29 mpg in thecity, and 35 on the highway. but with the epa combination, you get an elegant31 mpg, overall. now focusing on the different parts of theengine area, both the oil dipstick and the engine oil are located right nextto each other, while both the engine coolant and radiator are placed directly rightin front of the engine. also, the airintake system is next to theengine on the front right side, while the battery compartment is situatedbehind the airintake system, on the

back right side, with the brake fluid compartmentbeing postioned directly behind the engine. in addition, the windshield washer fluid reservouris located on the front left side. so now taking a look at the interior of theall new cx-3, besides having the black leather interior seats that i mentionedearlier, it does not only have both a unique and modernized characteristiclook to it, but it even offers an adquate amount of creature comforts also,in which i'll explain more on that, here in just a little bit.

now the type of steering wheel that's equippedon the cx-3, is a three spoke leather wrapped steering wheel, that providesaddtional controls on both the left and right middle portions. now located on the left side of the steeringwheel is where you'll discover both the turn signal indicator and headlightcontrols, while the windshield wiper controls are just off to the oppositeside of it, on the right. now to adjust the steering wheel of cx-3,just push down on the lever, which is right underneath it. and you can easily lower it down, raise itup, and even have it closer

or further away from you. and when you're finished adjusting it, justpull up the lever, to lock it up in place. now postioned next to the steering wheel,on the left side, are the buttons for the traction control, tire pressure monitor,and the blind spot montior settings, while the gas cap release is directlyunderneath all of those items, next to the engine hood release. now the transmission equipped on the cx-3,is a 6-speed skyactiv drive, automatic transmission, with manual shiftablity just off to the side.

while the electronic e-brake is directly rightbehind it. also, the vehicle even comes with an intergratedbackup camera, providing easy-to-see distance lines, which makes thetask of backing up really simple and easy to achieve. furthermore, when you tap the arrow that'sin the top left corner of the touch screen, you're able to make variousadjustments to how you want the camera quality to be, such as being able tochange both the brightness and contrast, being a couple of examples. additionally, there's a sport mode buttonplaced behind the automatic

transmission, in where you can push it inthe up direction to activate it, giving the vehicle a more sportier and performance-orientedfeel when put into drive. however, to deactivate the sport mode, justpush the button down, and it'll turn itself off instantly. turning the attention on over to the middlearea of the cx-3, it not only provides convientent access to the sdcard slot, but you'll even find 2 usb ports and 1 auxilary port on the leftside, while there's a 12v poweroutlet, on the right side.

but placed right above those items is thecd player, while the climate controls are above the cd player, with theheated seat controls being right above the climate controls. but located above the heated seat controlsis the emergency hazard indicator, while the mazdaconnect infotainment systemis situated right above it. equipped with that are 7 bose speakers, alongsidewith a subwoofer, with the first one being placed on the bottom portionof the driver side door. in addition, the second and third speakersare postioned on the top left and right portions of the dashboard,while the fourth speaker

is located on the bottom portion of the frontpassenger side door. also, the fifth and sixth speakers are positionedon the bottom portions of both the left and right rear doors, whilethe seventh speaker is placed right in between the cx-3's sparetire, in which that particular one is considered as the subwoofer,respectfully. now the mazdaconnect infotainment system comeswith am, fm, and sirusxm satelite radio, that's even equippedwith hd radio capability. in order to navigate thru the rest of theaudio source section, just simply turn the rotary dial to the right,and by doing that,

you'll be able to vertically scroll down to see therest of the audio sources in that section of the entertainment menu. the other audio sources that are availableto choose from include aha, pandora, and even stitcher, just to name afew. in addition, to scroll back to the top ofthe entertainment menu, just turn the rotary dial to the left, to instantlyscroll back up to the top of the entertainment menu. additionally, to go back to the fm mode, gentlytap the rotary dial to the left, then gently push it down, and you'll be takenback to the fm mode of the

entertainment menu instantly. now turning the rotary dial to the left andpushing it down again to go into the entertainment menu, it displays the informationof the fm radio station that you're listening to alongside with thename of the artist and song title as well. furthermore, you have the ability to use therotary dial to horizontally scroll either left or right and push downto access a variety of options in the bottom portion of the touchscreen. so beginning with the auto memory functionfirst, you have the ability to

update the radio station list and even seeka variety of music genres to store moving right into the favorites function,you have the capabiilty to add and edit your favorite radio stations, likeadding or deleting a station to and from the current list shown here, asfor a relevant example. not to mention that you can peform the sameoperation in the xm mode, to where you can have a mixture of each ofstation, for addtional convenience. transferring on over to the hd menu function,you have the option to activate the hd radio feed by pushing down the rotarydial to perform that operation, in which in this case, the hd radio feed isalready activated, as indicated

by the checkmark on the right side of yourscreen. as for the next five functions, they're selfexplantory and easy to understand, such as scanning for another station, tagginga song, and even tuning into the previous and next available radiofrequency number to listen to another station. hovering on over to the sound settings function,you have the ability to adjust the different variety of sound settingsthat are best tailored to your standards. not to mention that there's even an automaticlevel control

sound setting that you can activate in whereboth the audio volume and sound quality can be controled on it's own. furthermore, depending on how fast or slowthe vehicle is moving, the volume will be louder if you're accelerating,but if the speed of the vehicle decreases, the volume will be softer. exploring the am mode of the entertainmentmenu, the setup and layout has the exact resemblance to the fm mode,making the task of navigating thru that mode, very simple and easy to manuever around. jumping into the xm mode of the entertainmentmenu, the setup and layout

is similar to the fm mode, with the only twodifferences being that both the stations phone number and categoryare listed. but when you select the channel list function,it allows you to directly access the list of the different xm stations thatare currently preset, such as the xm preview station being demonstrated in thisexample. not to mention that even accessing the categorylist does the exact same thing, except that you have access to the list ofthe different categories. as for the other functions in the xm mode,they're exactly the same ones that you saw eariler on the fm mode, withthe exception that there's a

lock function to the xm one. now looking at the applications menu, it presentsyou with the capability to utilize the array of useful apps, such asthe being able to view the traffic map to pay attention to the currenttraffic conditions, checking on the fuel economy montior to retrive informationabout the average of the current drive, having the option to whetheror not you want the maintenance reminders turned on or off, and even gagingto know any important warning guidances that are related to thevehicle. taking a glance at the communcations menu,you not only have the ability

to pair your cell phone and get it connectedto the infotainment system, but you even have an ample amount of otheroptions, such as dialing a phone number, being a relevant example. taking a brief gander at the navigation menu,it not only comes with a compass that reveals the exact placement of the vehiclesdirection and geographical map coordinates, but in orderto see a real-time map of the vehicle's location, you need to have the navigationsd card inserted into the slot, which is conviently placednext to the 2 usb ports, on the left side of the middle area.

taking a glimpse at the settings menu, you'reable to control and make various adjustments for the different array of vehiclesettings. so staring off with the active driving displaysetting, you can modify the height of display by either raising and orlowering it to match your line of vision. additionally, you can even change the brightnessof it by having either the automatic and or manual choices selected,depending on your prefrence. in order to access the other tabs in the settingsmenu, just simply tap the rotary dial to the right to go directlyto the next setting tab.

now looking at the display setting, you'reable to make different customizations to the mazdaconnect infotainmentscreen, such as the ability to have the display turned off withor without the clock, and even having both the brightness and or contrastadjusted to your prefrence. focusing on the safety setting, you have thecapability to set the blind spot monitoring volume as high orlow as you want it to be. skipping on over to the clock setting, youhave the option to select both the desired time format and time zoneof your choice, and the ability to the have the daylight savings timecheckbox checked as needed.

migrating on over to the vehicle setting,you have the ability to make any necessary changes to the doorlocks, turn signals, and even the lighting as well. as for the last two settings, the devicessetting allows you to make modifications to the bluetooth, while thesystem setting gives you the opportunity to change the desired language,the readings of both the temperature and distance, and even updatingyour music database as well. now another way that you can also get someuse out of the mazdaconnect infotainment system is that you can even takeadvantage of the

hands-free voice reconigition system to navigatethrough it also. in addition, i will go ahead and activatethe hands-free voice reconigition system to show you on what kind of generalcommands you can say to get the best possible experience. [mazdaconnect voice reconigition system]:say a command. [michael land]: tutorial. [mazdaconnect voice reconigition system]:tutorial. say the desired line number. [michael land]: line 1.

[mazdaconnect voice recognition system]:general voice control tutorial. a voice command session is incinated by pressingthe talk button on the steering wheel, and saying a command afterthe beep. the voice session can be terminated by sayingcancel, or by pressing the hang up button. you can always get directly to one of themain system features by saying, entertainment, communication, navigation,applications, favorites, or settings. from anywhere in the system, you can returnto the home screen by saying, main menu.

addtionally, many common commands can be spokenat anytime, allowing you to quickly move around the system. for example, you can say things like, callmary miller at work, or, play the album greatest hits. end of tutorial. now postioned next to the automatic transmissionis an armrest that you can easily raise up, and by doing that, itreveals the front cup holders, that are right underneath it, in which youcan place drinks inside of them with ease.

in addition, the armrest not only raises upsmoothly, but putting it back down is also a piece of cake as well. now moving on over to the top roof area ofthe interior, there are two sunvisors for both the driver & front passenger, thatfeature both their own vanity mirror and hidden extender, as well. in between the sunvisors are the sunglassesholder, the bluetooth microphone, the power moonroof controls, and front interiorlamps, which are all located right next to each other. so beginning with the front interior lamps,you can either have both

of the lights completely turned off like you'reseeing right now, have both of them stay on, or even having themoptionally turned on automatically when you open the door, if youwish. as for the sunglasses holder, it allows youthe option to either store a pair of sunglasses, or other small items of anykind. now to operate the power moonroof, just simplypush the moonroof button upwards, to open it up to let some fresh air circulateinside the interior of the cx-3. but to close the window, just simply pushthe moonroof button downwards, to close up the window to the power moonroof.

addtionally, to tilt the window open, justsimply push the button upwards, to tilt the window open. but to tilt the window shut, just push thebutton downwards, to close up the window and tilt it shut. furthermore, you can even close the soft coverup, or you can either leave it open, if you wish. transferring on over to the glove box now,it's got a decent amount of storage capacity to where you can easily store aboutanything that you can imagine, such as the driver's manual, being a relevantexample.

in addition to the airbag that you saw onthe steering wheel eariler, there are two side seat airbags for both the driverand front passenger, as well as another one equipped on the front passengerside of the dashboard. also, there's even two additional airbags,with one each on the b pillars of both the driver and front passenger sides,right above each seat belt, which adds up for total of six airbags, alltogether. now proceeding on over to the driver sidedoor of the cx-3, it doesn't only provide the controls for the power mirrors,power locks, and all 4 power windows, but the material quality is very sturdy, withsoft touch materials on not

only the top and middle portions, but thebottom portion is even the same way as well. additionally, the material quality on thefront passenger side door is the exact equivalent of the driver sidedoor. as for the rear left door, the same soft touchmaterial qualities that were present on the driver side door, are carriedon over to give the rear occupants the exact same benefit. plus, the material quality on the right reardoor is just as exactly the same as the left rear door.

now as for the back seat goes for the all-newmazda cx-3. it's not only a very comfortable and relaxingplace to be able to sit down and spend some time back here, but for evensomebody who's 5 ft 11 to 6 ft tall such as myself, i got just enough headroomspace to be able to kick back, relax, and even enjoy longtrips. but what about the thigh support though onthe other hand? as for thigh support goes, it's both verycomfortable and very supportive. plus, the amount of legroom space that i havein the backseat of the cx-3 is even very spacious and roomy, which make'senjoying long road trips,

a very pleasant experience, that you definitelywon't forget. in addition, there is a right rear map pocketthat's placed right behind the front passenger seat. so with everything that you have seen, includingthe optional equipment, the msrp price of this particular versionof the cx-3 is $24,990.00. and that's the price with the navigation system,included. but if you add the delivery, processing andhandling fee, to the previously mentioned msrp price, the totalcost of the vehicle runs at $25,870.00.

which is not a bad price for a subcompactcrossover suv, that provides an incredible amount of features,that you simply cannot refuse to pass up. so to reiterate the question that i askedin the beginning of this review, does the all-new mazda cx-3 have what it takesto be a very competitve subcompact crossover suv? the answer, it absolutely does, without adoubt about it. not just because of how stylish it is on boththe inside and outside, but also because of the generousamount of safety features

that the vehicle offers, that nobody can passup at all. in addition, the cx-3even provides a plentiful amount of room and comfort for both the driver andpassengers, without sacrficing both fuel economy and driving performance,which is in all thanks to the part, from mazda's skyactiv technology. so with that being said, i hope you enjoyedthis edition of nexccelerator. i'm michael land, and i'll see you next time.

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