crossover suv good in snow


welcome in oirschot (nl) we're at the practice area of the dutch army where we filmed the range rover we're here because we both had to choose a cheap 4x4 now.. i know martijn pretty good the last few years he is looking for an excuse to drive the panda 4x4 so i think he's going for that one i chose the subaru xv because subaru is the brand when it comes to awd and rally

it's pretty cheap.. available from 24.000 euro's (nl) this is the 2.0 luxury with cvt automatic which is a bit more but it's about the car, not the extra's lets wait for martijn.. there he is.. in a panda 4x4.. ofcourse..

i know him too well.. this really is a cool car.. you've started without me? yes.. panda 4x4! i knew you would have it the dream of every mountain conquering man it is cool.. army green..

fits this setting amazing you choose a scooby.. subaru.. 4wd.. should be good you do have some ground clearance more than you do panda 4x4.. cheapest 4wd in holland

i think.. yes it is.. it is.. the jimney is just a bit more, at 22k but this isn't just a panda with 4wd it's higher as you can see special colour.. grey rims..

and.. serious stuff... different rear axle 4wd with diff lock but you don't have permanent 4wd.. that's true and i do.. i have the symetrical awd system which always sends 25% of the power to each wheel

that's weird.. that's symetrical.. so it's always evenly spread i can lock mine.. i can't so power goes to the rear wheels as well.. and the front.. but what is very cool.. you can drive it through water

because.. they've lifted the air intake that is some serious offroading.. yes.. it is! open it.. where is it? normally it is here.. but they lifted it to here.. and here

so you have some room to drive it through water you can really cross some poudles and creeks.. which is awesome! that is cool.. i'm getting very excited by it! different rear suspension.. and.. this is some serious hardware.. steel plating

do i have that? no plastic. steel lets see.. no no steel for you just plastic i have a plastic one come.. it looks cool have a look

here steel thats how it's done but first you'll lose this i don'r care.. the important components are protected which is great with a car of 18k which is expensive for a panda..

they start at 7k.. but you do get three times more panda... three times.. ok, but what we need to discover first.. how are they offroad? can they manage? we were here with the range rover.. which had a though job..

so how long can these cars manage.. which is the better car? they're both fairly cheap 31k.. right? yes this one is.. but it is available from 24/25k the 1.6.. that is equipped with low gearing, manual transmission but it has less power

i think it's cool pretty big car with 4wd for a small price.. it reminds me of the dodge caliber only better.. yes the square lines.. it's a previous gen impreza.. the hatchback.. but a little bit higher that's the idea

ground clearance is... i do beat you there.. and on suspension.. i'm curious.. it's too deep.. omg.. 100 meters!! you consider this a victory for the scooby? if you get further than this, you win..

we both know i will.. if the army see us now.. i'm embarassed me even more in my army green panda panda power! follow the panda there they are.. brother like, side by side as are we..

panda.. between these trees.. nice and nimble i do notice it being small i can go everywhere you can but i have to pay more attention this is a mountain goat.. that is a donkey. not as nimble

but it can carry more so.. have fun on the normal roads.. have a nice day.. we're at a nice spot lets see what we think of the cars.. we've both driven both cars. i'll show you the scenery this is cool.. its little africa in holland

yes it looks cool.... it really does the rims look good on this car 30k for this car.. you do het a lot of car 4wd, spacious a basic interior.. it's not shabby.. the car feels well made

feels good it drives well on public roads.. i think it looks pretty cool.. they are pretty rare in holland it's special here.. which you notice when looking at people which is even more noticable.. in the panda! martijn is in love with the fiat panda..

people know its a panda but they also know its not a normal one thats because of the colour.. the colour is very cool these side things are cool as well it looks like lego.. the rims are nice interior.. fun as well..

with these army green plastics all is square on the inside gear lever.. it is a bit annoying.. because its square.. so it isn't nice in your hand who cares.. you know what it is with these cars? the thing that makes these cars..

they aren't true offroaders.. not real ones no.. but because of the 4wd you can reach places like this easily.. we just did some pretty serious offroading.. between the trees, in the forrest they really are impressing that fiat just shoots between the trees.. the subaru..

just pulls out of a ditch on two wheels.. very impressing.. it isn't a gimmick it reallt works panda was stuck for a moment.. they already saw.. but i wanted to make it clear.. you were stuck and i wasn't i predicted that..

fun cars.. now we're going to make some dust clouds.. on these dirt roads.. looks cool lets go you didn't see that.. it's unbelievable how good this panda's suspension is it is fenomanal i can go 50/60 kmh on these roads which are very bad..

without any bumps.. driving the xv is pretty good it's a nice car on public roads.. but i'm not a fan of the cvt automatic in combination with the engine they're too jumpy pretty annoying when offroading.. but that is the only downside.. it feels tough well made..

no vibrations.. it has surprised me.. the panda 4x4 is more expensive than the normal panda but you do get a lot.. the suspension is a lot firmer as well as the steering so it drives a lot better the 4x4 has a special gearbox because you nee more torque at low speeds

so it has a very short first gear but is has six.. we used to have a fiat 500 twinair.. and we only had five.. so it's very good on public roads as well steering is nice nice and smooth on motorways.. even in sixth, it pulls.. the twinair engine is a very fun engine

it has tax reduction (nl) but it isn't boring.. it has character.. which you will start to love at one point first, you'll think it has a moped engine but after a while you'll start to love it i'm in love with this panda 4x4.. i knew martijn would go for the panda for this challange

cheap 4x4's like martijn said, this car offers a lot for its money something which dutch people love so i don't know why there arent more on the roads it looks good.. offroading is done well traction control is to controlling but you'll get over it the panda comes jumping by

like a little mountain goat this one is a bit less agile.. but is is more practical you can drive it with five people in it, no problem which isnt possible with the panda on this road the panda is the winner it does it more easily the subaru's traction control is too controlling can you still hear me?

there's a button.. for the traction control, but it doesn't do anything you can't drive it fully the panda should have been called the wrc it goes like a range rover on these roads it can go unbelievably fast! without any bumbs the suspension is fantastic! it feels like a much bigger car

i don't know how they did it this thing beats 90% of the wannabee suv's hyundai santafe.. rubbish like that.. the panda beats the crossovers.. for sure.. i think it's amazing.. it costs 18k and some more.. but...

it has convinced me you were already convinced before driving it.. but i do agree.. here.. it's the best but.. value for money.. driving on the road.. comfort.. practical things..

extra's.. space.. styling.. the xv wins. rationally.. the xv is the winner it's a good looking, cheap car with 4wd.. pretty exclusive

you never see them and we've seen it can really go off road yes.. pretty tough terrain where the panda was stuck, the subaru wasn't.. that is discussable.. no it is not.. yes.. ok but here the panda was the winner

yes it was.. that was it.. if you're looking for a spacious cheap car i think this is the coolest crossover.. yes best looking.. coolest.. in the a segment.. this has it's own class..

this is so much fun.. it's like an abarth they are very much fun but this is just as much fun on roads like these.. do you know what's the thing.. we have a panda 4x4.. 18k and we have to get a car from a completely different class to compete with it which says enough...

after the panda the xv is the best cheap 4x4 you have the suzuki jimney, for 22k but it isn't a real competitor.. i think you still get greece the movie with it there's the dacia duster.. but the 4wd version is quite expensive the suzuki sx4.. which is as big as this one

a little smaller maybe.. a bit girly.. this is better.. i reallty like the xv which i didn't expect since it's your choice but it has proven to be a good one thanks i like yours as well

but i knew you would get this of course i would!! that's why we did this this video is to drive the panda 4x4 on to the next.. challange.. we're going to do some more driving yes? to the next challange

the million euro supercar challange that's a though one..

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