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be involved in a wreck. they don't want to be the story why someonelost a championship. they can go win the race, do it. don't get involved with one of these chasers. >> 200 laps and 300 miles in front of all40 drivers. time to go track side for prerace ceremonies. >> as kyle mentioned, look to the skies asteam fast tracks makes their way into homestead miami speedway. here to perform "god bless america" pleasewelcome sergeant first class marie koontz.

god bless america land that i lovestand beside her and guide her through the night with the light from abovefrom the mountains to the prairies to the oceans white with foamgod bless america my home sweet home god bless america my home sweet home>>> ladies and gentlemen, please join us for the essay contest leader lead us in the pledgeof allegiance. >>> i pledge allegiance to the flag of theunited states of america and to the republic for which it stands one nation under god indivisiblewith liberty and justice for all. >>> ladies and gentlemen, at this time, weask that you please rise and remove your hats as the u.s. southern command joint color guardpresents our nation's colors.

please remain standing as we offer our invocation. >> let's praise. >>> lord, we thank you for this time. for the opportunity that allows us to be heretoday. we pray you would be with the drivers andtheir families. we ask you keep them focussed and safe. we thank you, lord, for our amazing military,and their families. we thank you for their sacrifice and devotion. we thank you for this great united states.

we pray that you bless her and keep her safe. we ask all of this in your precious name wepray. amen. >>> here to perform our national anthem, pleasewelcome latina singer/song writer from miami, florida. lakita. o say, can you see by the dawn's early lightwhat so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? whose broad stripes and bright stars throughthe perilous fight

o'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantlystreaming and the rockets' red glare the bombs burstingin air gave proof through the night that our flagwas still there oh, say, does that star-spangled banner yetwave o'er the land of the freeand the home of the brave [ cheers and applause ]>>> drivers climbing into their cars, getting ready for 300 miles to finish out the 2016season. who will be the champion? welcome to ford championship weekend.

this year, we are celebrating the launch ofthe 2017 ford super duty. ford f-series are america's best-selling trucks,39 years straight. and we're proud that our new super duty isthe toughest, most capable, heavy-duty ford pickup, ever built. now, let's get ready for the running of theford ecoboost 300. >>> four drivers fighting for a title. >> when you get in a tough situation and yourback is against the wall, it's your time to persevere. >> it's the best, baby.

>> it's the most important race of the year. >> the xfinity series, where names are made. where legends are made. >> it won't be easy, but i love to be standingtwo years in a row on the stage at homestead and say we're nascar champions. >>> he wants to go back-to-back as far aschampionships. the last championship he won was a truck serieschampionship a year ago. welcome to the xfinity series championshipof the ford eco boost 300 from miami. i want to get a few updates before they firethe engines.

let's go track side so kelley. >> rick, after running two difficult seasonsin a cup car, justin allgaier said he essentially had to relearn how to race here in the xfinityseries. how to compete up front. well, he proved to be a quick study. while the team doesn't have a win to showfor their 2016 season, they have shown good consistency and a whole lot of heart. they know they might be the underdogs in thischampionship scenario. they're looking to steal the spotlight andchampionship here today.

justin allgaier starts this one sixth. dave burns? kelli, erik jones had the most speed in therace so far. 20 years old the youngest in the chase androokie in the series. he's fast beyond his years. if he has a little wisdom today, perhaps erikwill be great. >> think about a 2016 season for elliot sadler. his sponsor said we're not coming back tothe xfinity series and leaving the series overall.

then in august they decided they were comingback. elliot told me he felt like he was being sweptunder the rug at 41 years old. he wouldn't have a shot to drive any longer. now the driver from virginia has a shot towin his first ever nascar championship. something he appreciates more than ever. >> it's a long way from virginia to monterrey,mexico. that's where daniel suarez is from. he sits on the cusp of an historic accomplishment. attempting to become the first foreign-bornwinner.

he said we have to go into the race with thementality we need to win the race. worry about one car. our own. if he does that, he feels like they will winthe championship. rick, he's got a fast race car and lookingto break a barrier never broken before. >> mike, i tell you, it hasn't been withoutits challenges this weekend. especially yesterday during final practice. daniel suarez running around the bottom ofthe track and right in front of him, it was probably a foot that separated the two cars.

>> he did a nice job in recognizing the situation. you see here. the car is spinning out and it's the onlyroute he had to go around him. he couldn't slow down to go underneath him. luckily he was away from the wall. >> that was only practice. we haven't seen the ups and downs that thedrivers and teams have to go through over the course of the race. it could be on the racetrack between the driversand spotters.

on pit road between the drivers and pit crews. at any point there's curve ball thrown atthe four championship competitors. it's going to come down, in my mind, who canadapt and handle thssure the best. where names are made. all four are trying to make a name for themselves. >> and adversity is going to happen. you'll have a time in this race where thingsaren't going the way you want it to go. who takes advantage of the opportunities presentedand doesn't let those adversities ruin their chances of winning a championship.

>> we look inside the cars and now is thetime. take a deep breath. you're in your office. you have to just now focus on the task athand. try to calm the nerves the best you can. the crew chief will have to give a pep talkto the pit crew. if you want to win a championship, now isthe time. one race for amarbles. >> is the comfort level, all of a sudden nowyou're comfortable?

>> when it rolls off pit road and you geton the racetrack you focus on the race. right now you're waiting to get going. >> it's time to fire the engines. let's go track side for today's command. >> announcer: and the most famous words inmotor sports. please welcome your grand marshall jonathanhillstrand. >> drivers, start your engines! >> get fired. >> fired.

>> fired up. >> the focus of an entire season all couplenates today. it all culminates now. the green flag about to fly on four drivers'championship hopes. i want a hippopotamus for christmasonly a hippopotamus will do at the united states postal service, we deliver more onlinepurchases to homes than anyone else in the country. and more hippopotamuses, too. so whatever your holiday priority, our priorityis you.

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the official credit card of nascar. >>> welcome back to homestead miami speedway. we get ready for 200 laps and 300 mimes. the front row made of up of two of the championshipfour. daniel suarez, his third pole out of the season. and elliot sadler, a 41-year-old out of virginiawith his best start of the year. >> row two erik jones the best finisher amongthe four chasers 11 times this season. starting next to ryan blainy. in row three austin dillon starting next tothe four of the championship justin allgaier.

>> kyle larson and alex -- two drivers inthe cup race tomorrow. kyle larson won this race a year ago. >> and we have daryl wallace jr. starting next to brandon jones. >> row sixth ty dillon starting next to blakecook. >> ryan raid and brendon two drivers partof the chase. they left after the round of eight. >> row eight arik lmirola and cole whitt. >> we have 18-year-old cole custard.

>> back in row 10 j.j. yalely and ross chastain. chastain a native of florida. >> see if we can chat with one of the championshipfour. jeff, can you dial erik jones. >> hey, it's jeff in the nbc booth. you with us? >> hey, i got you guys. you came here last year battling for a truckchampionship.

how does it change your strategy? >> honestly, i think it's less pressure forme. we were the ones that had it all to lose lastyear. so this year it's kind of straight up andeverybody on the same playing field. so we go out and race and have fun and takeour game to the front. >> tell us what the biggest change of thisracetrack is. >>well, the biggest challenge is esse it takes. it's not easy to run up against the wall. keeping the right side on it and going fastand making fast is not always the simplest

things here. you need to balance it and keep your car cleanand give yourself a shot at the end. >> thank you. we know there's a lot on the line for you. thank you for taking time. good luck. >> thank you, guys. >> amazing the maturity in his voice at 20years old. we'll ride a low with a few drivers as wellas aerial coverage as they jockey for position

getting ready for the start of the race. we'll ride along with a few drivers. take us through them. >> yeah, the first car we'll ride is the fordin car camera ryan blaney. second row in the fourth position. >> with him is erik jones and he has the advancedauto parts camera. >> another championship contender elliot sadler. the hunt brothers pizza camera. >> and the pole sitter today daniel suarezwill carry the harris in-car camera.

>> before the green flag flies, let's geta few more updates from pit road. >> there's one word that swirls around andthat's "pressure." when i talked to justin allgaier he said thepressure for the 17 came last week when they had to race the way into the championshipfour. they're treating it like any other race. if they have a good, clean one, they can putthemselves in contention to capitalize when someone else fails and succumbs to the pressure. >> racing has been about family. he lost a big part of it in june when hisdad, dave, died.

in michigan the following weekend, his teammateand championship rival daniel suarez won the race and dedicated the race to the jones family. today his mom and sister is here. he hopes he can deliver the championship inhonor of his dad. >> if elliot sadler wins they have to do itwithout his crew chief. mike bumgarner has won in the xfinity serieswith kyle bush before. he was on the pit box three years ago withchase elliot. they finished second at martinsville. he's hoping he can get the win and championshiptoday for sadler.

>> just to give you an understanding how bigthe championship would be for mexican-born daniel suarez. all you need to do is look at mexican publications. these are from south of the border. all the headlines for daniel suarez. he was there earlier this month. he got an idea how the reaction is. he said they're going crazy. he said he feels like he's not just representingmexico today but all of latin america.

>> we take a look at the homestead miami speedwayrace analysis. 200 laps and 300 miles. 45 miles per hour on pit road. 55 to 60 laps is the fuel window. >> two-by-two in behind four championshipdrivers. suarez, jones, in the second row. in the third row the championship driver ofjustin allgaier. an up-hill battle for the 7 team justin allgaier. again, the way the format works, whicheverone of the four drivers, the championship

four drivers that finishes in front of theother three, that driver will be the champion. 200 laps about to get underway. the final race of the season. who will end up winning the race and willthey be the champion? the green flag is in the air from miami! >> it did not take long for this field togo two, three, and four wide. through one and two. they did it. >> clear back.

>> all the way down the back stretch throughthree and four. we heard the drivers mention the preferredline is going to end up being toward the top of the track. right up against the wall. early on daniel suarez decided to use themiddle of the racetrack to find his way around. >> and that bottom lane elliot sadler didnot get a good start on the race. that moves him to third. also, the 20 was behind him. he's all the way back in seventh place.

>> and dropping erik jones. trying to find a spot to move into. now the 88 coming up. alex bowman trying to go by. let's take a look at the start. >> on the re-start it looks like the 1 doesn'tget going. and the 20 trying to get going. hits the back not the bumper but hits himin the bumper but the left side. you can see it wrinkled up the quarter panela little bit.

not a lot of damage but not the start thatelliot sadler wanted. >> or erik jones. >> yeah. erik was trying to get moving but the 1 ofelliot sadler didn't get a good launch. >> could have been bumper or fender damagefor the 1 car. we'll have to look closer at the front ofthe 20 to find out if there's any damage to the front of that car as erik jones is tryingto find a spot to settle into. the big winner on the initial start of therace is justin allgaier. you see him clearing elliot sadler there.

he found good laps. we have a caution the 13 is going around. >> hightower and the 13 goes around bringingout the first caution on lap 4. and so as interesting as the first start ofthe race was, we're going to have a restart very quickly. >> what i have to say about allgaier i thoughthe was in the preferred lane on the top of the racetrack made grounds and the 7 lookslike this car is working in the top and bottom. >> take another look of what happened. brandon hightower and that 13 this week.

>> stay on the gas all the way around thecorner and did a nice job of never hitting anything. we talked about dealing with adversity. in my eyes, the driver dealing with adversitythe most now is erik jones. he started third and he's back in seventh. i know it doesn't sound like a big deal onlap five, but know he has a lot of good cars he has to get around he started in front ofthem already but he has to go past them because the initial start of the race. >> the sprint cup race tomorrow maybe notafter four laps but eight or ten we expect

the cars to come to pit road. with the limited amount of tires they can'tmake adjustments. older tires, even with four laps on them they'rewarm and lost a little bit grip. it has to be difficult going through the gears. >> it is. you're going to spin the tires. it's going to be easier to have a problem. we saw one. i think sadler will be fine.

he'll be restarting on the outside line, ithink you want to be. erik jones might start on the bottom again. >> so an early caution will rerack this startand we'll see the restart when we come back.restart when we come back.ways been rivals. we would dream about racing each other, inmonaco. we were born brothers. competition made us friends. wish bold in the 2017 camry. toyota.

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selling shaver. be your best you. innovation and you. philips norelco. save up to $50 on the philips norelco. >>> back at home steady miami speedway. erik jones lost four positions. here is why. >> the green flag -->> i can't go anywhere because everybody keeps

getting everywhere and holding me down inthe corner. so, yeah. >> second run coming up now, rick. >> a little frustrated on the radio. >> that's the problem with the inside line. they don't make a tremendous amount of power. it kills the way the engine accelerates. that's why they want the top line. >> he moves out of line.

erik jones looking to the inside now makingit three-wide as we go into turn one. >> especially with erik jones on the bottomthree wide. is that going to help or hurt him? he made a move to get on the inside but allthat momentum on the outside lane is coming. ler able to clear. kyle larson in the 42 trying to take third. >> make it four wide. >> you heard there a little bit of amped upresponse from the spotter of the 7. >> again, a great start for daniel suarez.

alex boman in the 88 trying to get by dillon. see justin allgaier running the second linethrough the apex of the turn. >> elliot sadler moved up the racetrack inthe blue and white number 1 car. now he's going back to the middle of the racetrackat one and two. but elliot sadler has been a good racer onthe top of the racetrack. i think this racetrack will lend itself himself. as the run goes on, i think he'll be rightagainst the wall. >> alex boman in front of ty dillon in thethree. dillon was a chase driver when the chase beganfor the xfinity series.

it's the first year for the chase in the xfinityseries. ty dillon, the grandson of richard childress. definitely a car on the move. has to be the 18 of matt tift. he didn't get out on the track to qualify. >> he couldn't clear inspection in time. didn't get a shot to make a lap. started last up to 11th. only 11 laps complete.

he's been aggressive doing it. i see him three wide. he's not been afraid driving back to the front. >> and tifft making the move. already made up 28 spots in 11 laps. it's six laps made up. marty? >> trying to get spot 29 and the crew chiefon this team told matt, listen, use this as a learning moment.

use this as experience. and that's what the last couple of weekendshave been for him in the nascar xfinity series. he raced in texas. made a couple of mistakes in that race. and earlier this week in practice hit thewall at homestead miami. hey, that's part of the game. he has to learn the limits and learn how topush that and don't worry about what is going on. the battle up front, rick.

good lesson, steve, from an experienced crewchief to a young driver. don't worry when you make mistakes. use it as a learning tool. >> elliot sadler has been able to get up tothird. here comstin allgaier as he looks to go forthe fourth spot. now championship contenders suarez, elliotsadler, justin allgaier in the top four. erik jones in eighth. >> and erik jones is battling against the3 of ty dillon. they've had their moments over the courseof this chase.

we'll see. it'll be a hard-fought battle. ty dillon won't cut jones any slack. the 20 of jones went to the bottom and beats39 in the corner. you see the advantage. >> that's right. watch erik jones beats him into the corner. 3 on the outside. erik jones is on the throttle.

the 3 on the outside lane lets the motor runbetter. the car is not as tight. he kills him down the front straight away. >> they had a history already this season. in kentucky earlier racing for the lead. erik jones slid up the racetrack and got intodillon. and took them both into the wall and tookhim out of the race. >> at the top of the show we talked abouthow the other competitors would race the championship four.

i think we were thinking for the win or howwould they battle. perhaps we had to be thinking about all the-- i won't say enemies but altercations over the course of the year. now they need a little bit of help from thedrivers. some drivers making it harder than others. >> is anyone surprised that elliot sadlerjust got running together on the racetrack? they do it every week. every week these two cars perform the sameduring the race. it seems like elliot sadler and his team finda way to be a little better at the end of

the race. this is what we've seen, in my opinion, forthe last three months. >> two teammates working together. we saw sadler working the issue. i won't say let the 7 go but gave him thehigh lane in turn three, which is like letting the 7 go. >> so the 1 drops back to 4th. let's listen in on spotter communication fromthe 1. >> don't get so much back.

>> how far is our biggest issue? >> getting rotated back. >> that was spotter coverage presented bylibermutual insurance. >> we'll see sadler late in the race. up against the wall. that's the fast way around homestead miamispeedway. elliot mentioned a couple times in an earliermeeting with tony stewart to say congratulations on your career. i've appreciated you as a friend.

tony gave him a little bit of advice. he said, listen, i know you want to run upagainst the wall here in miami. it's tempting. no doubt that's where the speed is. you have to have something for the end ofthe race. don't mess up your car early in the weekendor early in the race, i should say, and then not have anything for the end of the race. earlier elliot got in the wall. that's not as high as he can go.

he can go a little bit higher and there'sa little bit of speed there. it's a risk/reward factor, right, jeff? if you go there too early you might mess upthe car and you don't have the car you want at the end of the race. tony stewart's advice to sadler, take careof your car early. make sure you have something to run with atthe end of the race. >> that's good advice. especially running fourth. it's easy to do it running fourth.

if you can be in 7th or8th where you haveto make ground up. it becomes harder to manage it. you have to go where the car is fast. you see the 88 getting by the 1. sadler has been around for a long time. they've been together for a tremendous amountof time since '99. they're working together and talking. they a plan and they'll see it through. they'll be calm but there will be a pointwhere you won't be allowed to be calm.

>> daniel suarez out in front. a year ago the rookie of the year in the xfinityseries. now trying to win the championship.nd event,discover why ford is america's best-selling brand. i'm on top of the world, hey! with the most 5-star ratings... award-winning value... and the highest owner loyalty... giving drivers what matters most.

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>> he got loose and kept chasing it. ends up correcting it but in the grass. not sure how he didn't spin out in the grass. but he kept it straight. >> he was running in the 13th spot. up front the battle for the lead was takenaway from the 19 of daniel suarez by the 42 of kyle larson. kyle larson is out in front. that was before the spin by ryan reed.

and reed brought the lily diabetes ford onto pit road. >> now, rick, with 24 laps we expect all ofthe lead lap cars to pit this time by. it's the first time we'll see the pit crewsin action. we've talked about the pressure of this race. what is on the line? it's more than the drivers. think about the pit crews loose lug nuts,loose wheels. they have to perform. >> you can't watch the chase for the nascarxfinity series with the nbc app.

get closer with camera angles and driver statsand information. cow can watch live anywhere on any device. find out more at so the second caution comes out. the first one a little bit early as far asteams coming to pit road for tires. now about half way through -- less than halfway through a fuel run. we'll see most everyone on pit road. >> again, i think interesting story of today'srace. looking at tomorrow.

the 7 of allgaier and the 19 much suarez,those two teams are pitted by sprint cup championship contenders. the 7 uses mostly the 48 pit crew. the 19 of daniel suarez uses mostly the 19pit crew of karl edward. the sprint cup pit crews getting in reps. >> let's listen in to team communicationsfrom erik jones. [ inaudible ]>> probably not what a crew chief wants to hear. >> no.

>> you have to sort through that. it wasn't a good start. erik jones got back in traffic. the traffic making it worse. you miss the adjustments. you have to work on your car. is it the pressure? it sounds like a little bit of anxiety inhis voice and words. that's a fact.

you have to wade through it to decide howbig of adjustments to make. >> to be clear, all the cup teams are notin the championship battles for tomorrow. jones pit crude is the 20 cup team and elliotsadler is basically the 5 and a few of the 24 guys. >> they come to pit road lead by 42 of kylelarson. they're coming. >> justin allgaier advanced three positionsand pit from third. he started off by saying this car is awesome. got a little bit tight through the middleand free.

he thought he made a adjustment and cost himfour good years. >> upper right seventh on the track, lastin the championship now erik jones needs a big adjustment for a loose race car. four good year tires and sew know coe fuel. >> elliot sadler is concerned the rear isloose. >> daniel suarez lead 22 laps but said progressivelythe car has gotten looser and looser. a four-tire change with a wedge adjustment. he's away. >> a great stop for the 19 and the 7.

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>> starts with erik jones. >> he's got to pit. he's got to pit. watch it. >> very heads up move by jones. cost him a little bit of time on pit road. that's better than damaging a fender. >> look at allgaier is leaving pit road andthe car comes in front of him. and he had to slow down.

the car in front is moving out. allgaier did not have major blockage, butat the same time he was a little bit slow down pit road. but still came out second. as you can see look at the comparisons youmentioned justin allgaier had issues getting pit road. his pit crew made up the difference in thepit box. when you compare it to the 19 of daniel suarez. he has the better driver time up-and-downpit road.

look at the 19 surprising sprint cup crewhas been rock solid all year. the group of guys from the 19 on this xfinitycar had a struggle with the 15-second pit stop. >> just to add to what steve mentioned aboutthe pit stop on the 19. they lost two positions on that stop. daniel wanted to know if he could do anythingbetter. >> something i can do to help you guys onthit road? we're talking about it. sounds like we a hose get hung up going aroundthe right rear.

>> not completely flawless execution by the19 team. steve, as you alluded to earlier. the team has the opportunity to shake offthe rust and gets rep today. tomorrow is a big day for them. they pit the 19 for carl edwards in the sprintcup series. >> we'll take a look at the 19 pit stop. he looks pretty decent. go to the right side. the tires come off pretty good.

there's an issue on the right rear. you see the hose got hung up on the insideof the tire and the tire carries in the hose going into the left side. i mean, with these pit stops are fast. it's really beautiful. it looks like a dance. it doesn't take much to trip them up. >> the 90 was leaking a little oil. they continue to clean the racetrack up.

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>> remember the start of the race elliot sadlerstarting second on the inside line. his car didn't get the start he wanted. behind him was erik jones. you see him get in the left rear a littlebit. on channel two a moment ago, greg griffin,the spotter, talked to the crew chief and said, hey, we might want to check out thedamage. take a listen. >> we might have some left rear damage wherethe 20 hit us on the start. it may have separated us from the spoilerthat broke the left rear quarter panel.

we need somebody to really see it. >> we used our tv coverage to look at thedamage. they said it looks okay to them. what do you think up top? >> i think it looks okay. i don't see any major damage. obviously the left quarter panel is a littlebit. but i don't see the spoil ler away. >> two-by-two.

pace car off the track and green-- flag inthe air. >> we see that bottom line struggle to getgoing on the exit of turn two. >> yeah be surprised that larson takes theinside line on the start. allgaier can get a run off turn two and beathim off turn four. way on the bottom back straight away. >> the two rain for the lead allgaier up highand larson down throw as we go into three. larson will clear him and slide up the track. here comes ty dillon in the 3 working to theinside of the 19 trying to get by daniel suarez. as that racing is going on, the 88 of alexbowman is making the move on the outside.

kyle larson back out front. allgaier running second. daniel suarez third. boman and ty dillon fourth and fifth. the race hasn't been determined. ty dillon looking to the inside, once again. >> see right there erik jones underneath. erik is all the way back to eighth. elliot sadler back in ninth.

zbloenz. >> jones trying to find something on the track. he's been successful. all year four wins in the xfinity series. now struggling to find what he needs in thecar to get up front. battling for this championship. even behind erik jones is elliot sadler. he's fallen back toth. here is suarez trying to get by the 7 of allgaier.

>> we showed the 7th gained on pit road. the 9th suarez wants to take him back. suarez, as we talked about at the top of theshow, so consistent all chase long. finishing fifth but the 7 of allgaier probablyhas been a little below their own expectations. they have made the championship four. they have a chance today. >> daniel suarez at the finish line was justin front of the 42 and now has completely cleared kyle larson and suarez is back outfront. >> clear right now that daniel suarez hasthe fastest car.

especially on the short runs. we saw the 42 of larson go back and get bythe 19 car on the long run, but early in the run, suarez has the best car. >> suarez definitely looking strong. mike? >> certainly some of the credit for that strongrace car has to go to his crew chief. you see allgaier trying to make a move towardthe front himself. but getting back to him he's looking for thesecond xfinity series title. he called the shots last year under a completelydifferent format.

graves told me the reason he left rouge fenwaybecause he needed a new challenge. felt like he needed to be pushed. it helped. he said there's a lot of smart people surroundinghim at joe gibbs racing. he feels like he made the right decision. one thing he said he did learn watching thetruck race last night, he learned that track position is critical. he's going to have make any major adjustmentin this case better do it early. he did it in the last pit stop.

a big wedge adjustment cause the car was gettinglooser. >> as quickly as we saw suarez go by allgaierand larson, the gap already at 2nd. now the 88 of bowman is getting by larson. so larson has fallen back after starting upfront. >> i don'tly larson appreciated the 88th flyingout in front of him. bowman went up there and kind of closed thedoor. you saw larson's disappointment. >> no one has run right up against the wallyet. we know they're going to get there.

we know they'll be close as we see kyle larsonmight be flirting with it now. even kyle larson was a foot or foot and ahalf away from the wall. two feet. that's a long way for him. we've seen him up against the wall. >> in turn three you see him against the wall. now he started it. entering the corner against the wall and tryto carry it all the way around. ultimately get inches from the wall.

and on the long runs, i think that'll benefithim. again, he didn't see him when the race started. we saw it as the run went on. so either that's what this car needs or anadjustment they made during the pit stop wasn't the right away. >> marty, one of the championship four insadler has fallen back to 10th. what happened with the team? he talked about coming into the weekend abouttaking a bigger leadership role. he's getting a lot of feedback.

back in 11th a moment ago. now moved up to 109-. he said i'm struggling with right rear grip. paying a penalty with the right rear tire. we tightened up the center of the corner butit didn't help. you want the feedback but you want to geacecar right. >> what makes xfinity racing, in my opinion,more difficult you have less chance. as a crew chief so you to make bigger adjustmentssooner. if you go in the wrong direction, it's hardto catch up to your competitors if they went

the right away early. >> that puts all the pressure on mike bumgarner. the inner crew chief coming into the championshiprace. what a difficult task it has to be. knowing that they've come all this way withkevin and now mike bumgarner has to step in for the most important race of the seasonas they fight for a championship. sadler has moved up to the 9th spot. everyone continues to chase daniel suarezout in front at miami. when a moment spontaneously turns romantic,why pause to take a pill?

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>>> currently first daniel suarez. allgaier second, jones sixth, sadler ninth. kelli. >> reporter: i know we see the drivers startingto move up the racetrack. allgaier knows about the dangers of runningup against the wall. he ran into it in practice. not once, twice, but three times yesterday. he said the first two were okay. it was the third time hitting the wall thatcaused damage to the 77 car.

the team had to work extra car yesterday andtoday to get it put back together. they were late coming out to qualifying asthey were still tuck in inspection. he had to roll on to the racetrack. managed to qualify sixth. later thanking his team for all their effortsand apologizing for putting them behind the eight ball a bit. the good news, once they got the car fixed,he felt like they had en better short run speed. they had been happy with their car over thelong run.

allgaier entry and exits good. a little bit tight through the middle. >> since the race resumed jones made up nopositions. latest feedback. >> we don't have anywhere near the speed. i can't do anything right now. >> now the man charged with finding a solutionis crew chief chris. a purdue university graduate with an mechanicalengineering degree. i'm hoping he took an elective course in psychologist.

right now his 20-year-old racer is in a littlebit of distress. you can hear it in his voice. he knows all yearlong he's been able to goforward and run and compete for wins. four of them already this year. and yet right now he's looking at somebodyin front of him saying i can't catch this guy. >> as we heard the updates, jeff, we've beentalking about the decision need to be made in the front of the field. daniel suarez has been driving maybe a coupleof feet -- you see there.

a couple of feet outside the outside retainingwall. it's not much. it's a fat or two. you see him there a half a car width. it seems like the 7 and the 42 are fasterrunning up against the wall. you saw what it did down the back straightaway. allgaier was able to get a big run on suarez. what is interesting for allgaier he's runningagainst the wall and catches suarez. his car is not going to handle as well.

the air will be starting to get taken offthe 7 car and running against the wall. he's going to be careful not to try to overdrivethe corner entry or the middle. he's not going to have the grip he had beforehe caught the 19. >> i realize it's early. only 54 laps that we're on now. are you at all surprised that allgaier islooking as strong as he is right now contending for the lead with daniel suarez? >> i love it. i think he's pushing the issue.

he's hotter than the 19. i think he feels he needs to be. they talked about how they didn't think theyhad the speed to run with the joe gibbs cars. i'm not sure if they hit it right or thatwas a great message from the media. >> we heard kelli gave a report yesterdayallgaier got in the wall three times yesterday. they did damage to the car. first time no big deal. second time kind of a scuffle. but the third time here it did damage.

they had to come in and work on the car andfix it. this was a commitment coming to this racetrack. we'll use every bit of this racetrack. we need a little bit of speed. we need to do something different. we're willing to take the chance to win thechampionship. i love a game plan. i love the fact that they're against the wall. >> think about their owners.

dale earnhardt junior. there's no one that loves to talk more. kyle larson in the race third. dale earnhardt jr. could help. give insight how to run the wall in miami. >> it's an understanding where you are. they have not had the speed that suarez hashad, you know, throughout the chase. so come down here and do something different.

don't keep doing the same thing. get -- find a way to get an advantage. take the chance. that's what they're doing. >> allgaier trying to complete a fantasy story. started racing at the age of 5 in quartermidgets. able to win a championship in 2008 with thefamily-owned team. he was the rookie of the year in 2009. did xfinity series.

he doesn't have a win this season, but he'sput himself in position to win a championship. he's part of the championship four, and nowtrying to chase down the 19 of daniel suarez. >> it's about the mental challenge. not just the physical aspect of driving arace car. we're only 57 laps into the 200-lap race. lap after lap after lap running right againstthe wall. it has to be mentally taxing. you literally are on the edge of the patrol. you have to set that car right against.

you know if you make mistakes you'll hit thewall. it's tapping the wall, no big deal. you saw him on the third impact yesterdayin practice. it did that damage. he can hit the wall that hard. on top of that, behind him is one of the bestdrivers in the world and running the high line in kyle larson. he has to try to run suarez down to get thelead but at the same time hold off larson. >> behind larson coming in frame behind himis the 88.

another junior motor sports car. so all the junior motor sports chevy teamshave decent cars. they need that one of elliot sadler. he's in ninth. >> i feel like suarez is holding everybodyup a little bit. i know they're not right on his bumper. as i talked about when you get behind -- ithought he was going to try to make a move underneath allgaier. when you get behind the leader, it slows youup.

it takes air off your car. the 19, i think, is holding these guys upa little bit. bowman started running down. ty dillon started running down. >> some of the traffic they have to go byusing that preferred line. we saw that time suarez ducked below him. >> right there the 19 of daniel suarez wasleading the race. he committed to the top. you see larson goes to the bottom.

>> can he get in front of him? >> is he going to leave the 7? >> he takes it. >> right in front of the 7 of allgaier. that puts kyle larson, now, in second. >> allgaier has to remain calm here and understandthat the 42 made an aggressive move. now he'll try it back. >> larson getting into the wall. >> kyle larson, i think he taught allgaiersomething there.

he overdrove the entry and passed it. he almost passed the 19 car. he'll try to do it. overdrive the entry and slide in front ofthe car in front of you. allgaier on the inside. suarez on the outside. battle for the lead! not able to get by him that time. >> he is close enough now to try -- well,no, he pulled away from him.

>> here comes alex bowman. bowman will try to go by larson. >> he needs to get in front and fill the hole. he needs to get up the banking in front ofthe 42. >> kyle larson right up against the wall. bowman not able to complete the pass. doesn't get in front of larson as larson goesup against the wall again. here comes allgaier. looking to the inside of suarez.

>> not quite far enough alongside of him. this reminds of how you had to start and passat bristol. we watch races at bristol now. the guy following another guy has to overdrivethe corner entry, slide up in front of him, and slow the car way up to keep from gettingin the wall. then the car he passed has a decision to make. run into the back of him or try to do a crossover pass and get by him? >> and suarez has not gotten up against thewall like the three competitors behind him. he stayed about three or four feet away fromthe wall on quarter entry.

now allgaier running a line, almost a halfa line below suarez trying to position himself to get by. the gap now closed. >> i really believe allgaier has the bestcar. i think he needs to be a little more patient. he's trying this move here. it's too early. there's nowhere to go. all he's doing is running his tires off thecar.

wait until you get to him before you try topass him. so as he enters turn one here, he's too faraway. he has to get a good run off the corner andenter closer and make the move to the bottom. so what happens is when allgaier pitches hiscar off the corner exit, it allows suarez motor to run better. it allows it to be freer on the corner. he's able to drive away. allgaier needs to be a little bit more patient. stay against the wall and just like this andget the run off turn four and try to close

by inches. and then when you get to him make a move. >> talk about being patient. what started this whole mess here with danielsuarez. you see a lap car -- he was committed to thetop. now it kind of stacks everyone up. and the 42 of larson also got into the wall. that's, i think, what happens. you talk about patience.

run behind him. try to force that car in front of you intomaking a mistake. that was a pretty hard shot. the 42 looked like it may have caught thefront tire. >> look how close that is to the spoiler onthe back. we heard tony stewart give the advice don'tgo up there early in the race. don't damage your car. that's the risk. we saw suarez loosz off the corner.

the reward is so great. it's hard not to do it. >> daniel suarez able to stay up front. justin allgaier continuing to run second hereat miami as allgaier gets into the wall. is america's best-selling brand. visit what i love most abouttempur-pedic mattresses... >>> the spotter coverage is brought to youby liberty mutual insurance. helping drivers worry less on the track andon the road. >> we keep seeing these leaders running upagainst the wall.

these spotters will be very, very vital. if you're running atop and catching a carthat runs the bottom, that car on the bottom has to know you need the outside lane. we've seen the acceleration off the corner. he's higher for the car on the top. if the cars aren't clear of the information,it's easy to pull up in front of a car running faster than you, jeff. >> the spotters are so important. it's the drivers and the spotters have somuch trust between the two.

they have to be on the same page. they have to have the same strategy. then the spotters have to be able to givethe strategy to the driver when the strategy needs to change and the driver needs to trusthim. >> as we were going to commercial break, allgaierwas running second behind daniel suarez. as we went to break, allgaier got into thewall. might be doing it again live. on the top screen you see into the wall. and that dropped him all the way back to fourth.

he's been able to battle back to third gettingback by larson. >> while we were in replay the 3 of ty dillongot into the wall of the 7. that's how we switched positions. >> are we at darlington? >> the new darlington. >> you have the option not to run the wall. here in miami they're running the wall bothends of the racetrack. >> allgaier right up against the wall. slower traffic in front of him.

that takes his preferred line. he'll try to dive below. >> a little bit of report there. allgaier is complaining his car is tightersince he got into the wall. he may have done a little bit of damage. >> back in the 10 position sadler being patientand listening to tony stewart's advice. he's nowhere near the wall. a good lane below the wall. tight in the center.

too free off the corner. this has been the calling card for the oneteam all yearlong. they've kind of run this pack at times andthey seem to finish in the top five hoping they can pull it off once again. another interesting scenario setting up youhear the air gun in the background. green flag pit stops coming up quickly forthe lead lap cars. we'll see if it affects the race. >> sadler is showing a tremendous amount ofpatience. we've seen larson, allgaier, and larson inthe wall.

sadler is not comfortable running 10th. not a scratch on the right side of the car. >> green flag pit stops about to start. i hope the drivers practiced yesterday gettingon pit road. it's a difficult pit road to get on. we've seen a lot of drivers make mistakes. trying to get on and actually miss pit entrance. i hope they practiced it. >> allgaier is fighting to stay back in thesecond spot.

he was able to take it away from ty dillon. so suarez out in front. has about a second lead over allgaier. and about 50 laps from when they last wereon pit road. most were on lap 26. as we have completed the 75th lap on lap 76now. 50 laps on the tires. 50 laps of fuel. they'll be coming to pit road soon.

>> whoever comes to pit road first will havea large advantage. the tires are 2 1/2 seconds lower than whenthey were brand new. you get the advantage of new tires. daniel suarez down to the bottom of the racetrack. passing that lap car. >> here comes 3 of ty dillon looking to theinside of allgaier. and allgaier, once again, will get stuck behindthe slower car. has to go down the racetrack to get by. >> if we watch these leaders come by the 42of larson, he's the first car to pit road.

>> you see kyle larson has gotten into thewall. he has damage to the right side. lettering rubbed off the rear. >> this is going to bring everybody down pitroad. as mentioned a moment ago, you gain a tonof time putting on fresh tires here. kyle larson said after the contact -- beforethe contact the car was plowing. the rear tires slipped as he comes aroundthe race car you see him go down one round trying to free the car up for kyle larson. the wall contact they say not too bad.

>> under 13 seconds for the pit stop. green flag pit stops are underway. the question will be ty dillon made his wayon to pit road. when will race leader suarez come to pit road? >> teammate erik jones in the 8th positionbrings the 20 car to pit road. four good year tires and fuel. his complaint the car is loose. loose as it's been all season long. crew chief promising a big swing.

an air pressure and chastity adjustment. >> elliot sadler said we have to fix thattight in the center condition. you'll see a track bar adjustment here. undoing what they did a moment ago. if that's the case, undoing the track baradjustment where they tried to tighten up the race car. they're going to tighten it up on the leftside. four fresh good year tires for sadler. comes out behind erik jones gaining a littlebit of time.

and a tire on pit road. that's behind the 1 pit stall. >> more than likely we'll see a caution. they won't allow anyone to get the tire. at least nascar officials won't. we see the 19 of suarez making his way onto pit road. that tire has -- that's pretty close to theoutside wall on pit road. suarez makes the long trek all the way downto his pit stall. pit stall number one.

>> three, two, one. >> crew members for the 19 team emphaticallypointing down pit road allowing crew chief of the tire so he canuarez to avoid it. the car from tight to loose to tight to loose. >> justin allgaier has been tight throughthe middle and loose all throughout the run. when he made contact with the wall, you seethe right side damage. you said th car got tighter. he said you might have to pull it out a littlebit. they're checking the clearance on the rightrear wheel.

they'll make an adjustment to help him withthe tightness. it's four tires and fuel for allgaier. >> allgaier coming off pit road. the tire is still out there on pit road. nascar is going to let green flag. they don't want to throw caution and interruptthe flow of the race. it's in a reasonably safe position. and with an outside wall on the pit stall,unlike charlotte where it was in the grass, they perhaps may let a crew member get itafter pit stops are complete.

daniel suarez is on the racetrack. that's opportunity they took to stay out alittle bit longer in case there was a caution. that cost him a lot of time on the racetrack. currently 5.5 almost 6-seconds behind larson. we talked about how important new tires willbe. larson, first car to pit road, will take overthe lead. >> and look when it cost allgaier. he's going to be in sixth when it doublesout. he came into second and fall back to sixth.

he's going to be probably 7 seconds back fromthe leader. >> kyle larson resumed the lead. austin dillon, older brother to ty, will bein third. daniel suarez will be in fourth. see the large gap between kyle larson andall the way back to ty dillon running second. a little over a second and a half separatingkyle larson as he's utilizing the fresh tires to run the bottom of the racetrack. >> and the 20 of erik jones the struggle continuesa little bit. coming around the car very nice recovery.

you see right here go down and 25, 30, 35pound jack. he carries it in one hand like it's nothing. it goes to athleticism. >> once again, kyle larson out front. suarez has lead 66 laps. kyle larson 11 and counting. you don't own medon't try to change me in any way ohdon't tell me what to do just let me be myselfthat's all i ask of you the new 2017 corolla

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hurry, ends sunday. know better sleep with sleep number. >>> after all the green flag pit stops havecycled through. nascar will make a member of the 33 team goout and retrieve that tire wheel that rolled out to the outside of pit road wall. welcome back to the ford ecoboost 300. suarez has dropped back to fourth and allgaierin fifth. again, in the championship four standings,it's suarez in front of allgaier. again, it is whichever driver in the championshipfour is in front of the other three, they

will be the champion. when the checkered flag flies. >> this is decision time, also. you're limited in the number of tires youget in the xfinity series. you ran several laps. who is going to stay out and who is goingto pit. it if i'm sadler i might do whatever everybodyelse hasn't done. they haven't had the speed or running great. is it an opportunity to play a little bitof strategy to help you with track position.

>> black friday has a special holiday rivalryon ice. the rangers. they head to philadelphia for a match up againstthe fliers. the discover nhl thanksgiving showdown fridayat 1:00 p.m. with this caution coming out, will someonecome to pit road? what reason would they come to pit road? >> tires are worth a lot. you look at elliot sadler last on pit road11 laps ago. the real question is how many cautions doyou expect there to be?

the team started with one set on the car andfive in the pit. you have five new sets of tires this race. all the lead cars have put on two. so if they have three sets left, we're basicallyat halfway. so if the last 100 laps break up even you'reset. if they don't, you could be short a set oftires. one advantage sadler would have if he comesnow he could reglue or reinstall lug nuts. it would be better than hot slimy tires. we don't understand sadler because he's conservativeor tense because that's as good as his car

will run? >> that's the debate now on the radio. they're talking about having three sets oftires left. if you divide it up, clearly, you can runabout 36 laps or so and be fine. that's the debate. do we be aggressive. elliot said i'm fine with doing whatever. if you want to be aggressive. let's do.

it somewhere kevin is making a call on additionalradio and relaying it to mike. >> there's only 15 cars in the lead lap. if you make the call to come down pit roadand other people don't pit with you. he's running 10th now. the worst he'll come out is 15th. >> to be the opposite if the 42 comes to pitroad. i stay on the race tack if i'm sadler andsave a set of tires. >> rights. >> we'll see what the decision is.

and the first one to even look at pit road. they continue to play it safe. moved out of line. could have been the 88. the 22 is the first one to come on pit road. that's ryan blaney. made the move on to pit road. i'm like a sponge for this stuff. i can learn it.

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young professional slash weekend warrior. the whole business in the front, party inthe back sort of thing. >>> nascar on nbcsn is brought to you by libertymutual insurance. gorgeous shots of homestead miami speedway. our aerial coverage provided by our partnersat smith field foods. beautiful facility. two lakes inside the infield here in thismile and a half racetrack. pit road still open. again, it was ryan blaney who lead a few carson to pit road.

lap 91. blaney, almirola, reed all came to pit road. >> the 22 of blaney getting in pit road forchasety adjustments. they didn't change tires. now reed looks like they put new tires on. so, you know, we talked about the opportunityto make some strategy calls. i think some of the cars farther back willdo it at this point. i like the fact, we talked about sadler hadthe opportunity. i like the fact they stayed on the track.

with 107 laps to go, i don't think it's atime in the race where you can get a set of tires down to the leaders. >> let's take a look at the restart for the20 of erik jones. he's been struggling on the track. at least he's telling his team that. >> on the inside about every start. the initial start of the race got in the backof the 1 car. when he did it it slowed the momentum downand lost several spots. >> yeah, the subsequent on the restart he'shad a good run on the two of dylan.

went to the bottom of the racetrack. that helps the corner entry speed. it's difficult to carry the speed upon cornerexit. you see them carry the momentum past them. the bottom hasn't been a good place for the20 of erik jones. >> the most recent restart, once again, allthe way down the bottom of the racetrack and behind the 1 car once again. the cars on the outside are motoring by. so they need to get on the outside.

on the restart, he should be on the outside. he's in eighth position. it should be the first time he restart orderthe outside. >> perhaps the first indication kevin notbeing here for sadler might be hurting this 1 team. take a listen to the communication on theradio about whether to pit or not. >> take it here. >> aim pitting or not? >> what are you doing?

what are you doing? >> we need to work on our communication here. we need a code or something else. i know it's tough but just keep working at. work on our communication. >> it basically told elliot, listen, thatcall at the call and we have to call it quicker. he said i'm not mad or anything. this is elliot saying it to bumgarner. we have to work on the communication.

the first thing i need to know am i pittingor not. don't worry about the code words. and mike said we're going to drop the codewords and going old school. i don't want it to cost us this afternoon. >> there was a little bit of drama on pitroad. the 52 car of gase came down pit road andopened up the hood and there are open flames. the cash rater had been misfiring and caughtfire. you see the use of the fire extinguisher toput it out. they pushed the car off pit road.

nouf we've got members from the 17 workingto clean up the pit stop. allgaier's pit stall is next door. he'll be driving throw make his stop. his team working hard to clean up the messfrom that fire of the 52. >> we showed that struggle for erik joneson the restart being on the bottom. now when you look at the restart here, theonly one of our chase four that started on the bottom is the 7 of allgaier. back in row three. these are on old tires.

the old tires will make the restart more difficult. and getting in turn one more difficult. >> bowman not a good restart. third car back on the outside. here comes justin allgaier taking advantageof it. >> just deny a nice job. he went to the bottom i think that was betteroff for the 7. look how it's going to help him. >> how about erik joends jones.

finally got a restart on the outside. the guy in front of him didn't get going atall. he's in eighth place. that was not advantage there on jones. >> our camera shot there looking back on theexit of turn two. the opposite of what the drivers are seeing. they're looking into the sun when they comeout of turn four as they get ready to enter turn one. >> dillon made his way out front.

kyle larson all the way back to second afterhaving a good lead. ty dillon with a great run put himself infront. now it's daniel suarez and justin allgaierall the way to the bottom of the racetrack trying to fight four seconds. there's the sun. they have to deal with it coming out of four. >> it's a problem for them now. now it goes away. unlike phoenix last week where you couldn'tsee getting into turn one.

here it's more of coming off turn four. >> allgaier down to the bottom of the racetrackagain. trying to get by kyle larson. larson staying up against the wall. allgaier dives to the bottom of the racetrack. larson stays up high. allgaier has him cleared. but the momentum of the 42 might not allowhim to get up to the wall. he does, though, clears him for third.

>> yeah, the bright blue car behind larsonthat's the 98 of almirola. he's in fifth. he got new tires. we talked about how great the new tires felt. the 98 has driven into the top five tryingto use the new good year tires. >> allgaier made that move to get in frontof larson. and turn left and gave him the outside. not sure why he did that. >> going to do it again.

allgaier all the way to the bottom of theracetrack. and kyle larson still running that high line. not up against the wall yet but pretty close. >> that's the thing. it seems like the bottom is better for a fewlaps and the top gets better. it comes down to who commits to the top firstand gets it to work. >> looking to the outside. ty dillon was out front. a big run, once again, for daniel suarez.

suarez fights if are the lead on the outside. >> time and time again the 19 of suarez lostspots in the pit and the restart. he continues to fight back to the front andshows while he's the most dominant of the four championship cars so far this race. >> the 32 races leading up to this one. the championship race. everyone gets a bonus point for leading upfront. not the championship four in this race. we look at the 1, elliot sadler getting bouncedaround.

that was the restart. >> he falls back to 13. doesn't know where to go. >> inside, inside. outside. outside 22, outside. >> listen, i know -- >> the 20 of erik jones just into the wall. >> go inside there.

>> so erik jones' struggles continue. >> i'm really surprised erik jones has runwhere he has run all day. i thought he would charge to the front andhave a shot at leading it. he had trouble on the restarts. he gets back in eighth and ninth. that's the best he can do. after that trouble he's back there. >> erik jones' teammate daniel suarez hasbeen dominant in this race as they pass the half waypoint.

>> and he's been dominant despite the adversitysteve alluded to not too long ago. it doesn't surprise anybody in the 19 camp. his crew chief scott graves told me this morningperhaps our best strength all year has been the demeanor of our driver. he said he's so calm under pressure. it helped us stand out on many occasions. it doesn't surprise him knowing the car isn'tperfect now, but the driver is pretty poised. let's listen in. >> it was probably a good second off whenthe green flag stops compared to, you know,

a restart with a clean track. we just have to keep in the game -- our mindin the game. >> scott graves assured them they'll continueto work on the car. his spotter, chris osborn, telling him togo 100% but not beyond that. >> mike, the opposite misdemeanor. erik jones could have used that pit stop. listen. >> we're all over the place. tight, loose, tight, loose.

all we've done is tighten up the front. we didn't keep it -- we tightened up the front. we haven't done anything with the back. >> copy that. your laps are faster than anybody. dig down here. >> now he hit the wall a couple of laps ago. he shouted on the radio that the car was slowand he was asked to calm down. he has to pull it together.

he's just 20 years old. he is a nascar champion but has to find away to handle the race car until the crew figures out how to make an adjustment better. >> and remember he has to get it all togetherbecause next year he races in the cup series. he'll race against the best in the sport asthe teammate to martin truex jr. daniel suarez out in front. he lead over 70 laps today in miami as helooks for his first ever championship in nascar. and he's getting closer every lap. if carl wins today, i'm gonna do a backflip.

maybe when you're dreaming. guys, i'm telling you, i can do a backflip. i've seen carl do it a million times. well that's neighborly. enough. you're good, man. that is a banner. hand me one of the wings? uh, this one?

oh yeah, that's good. all right dude you got this. you gotta stick the landing. carl! hey man, you want a wing? shop our biggest event of the year, includingall tempur-pedic mattresses. m$w>>> welcome back to the ford ecoboost 300 from the homestead miami speedway. xfinity series championship race.

tomorrow the nascar sprint cup championshipwill be decided on nbc. race coverage begins at 2:00 p.m. eastern. jimmy johnson, kyle busch, carl edwards, andjoey logano fighting for the title. the battle for the lead here between suarezand ty dillon. and a day we haven't mentioned much come intothe picture is almirola. about a second and a half back. and the reason he's where he is is becauseof the pit strategy he has employed, steve. >> yeah on the last caution the 98 decidedto get fresh good year tires.

he restarted 13th on lap 95. on 111 he's driven up to the third position. we see the 3 look under the 19 again. i'm not sure that's going to work that farback. what the 98 does is bring the intensity on. we have long green flag runs, not a big deal. but if we have a bunch of 10 or 15 laps whatcaution these crew chiefs decide to put tires on could determine the champion. >> they were running about the same spot.

sadler back now in 14th. almirola in third. right now it looks smart. like almirola's team did a great job. as steve mentioned, if you get the cautionsand don't have tires late in the race. it looks great now, it could be -- it couldcost you later. >> rick, just to give you an idea how specialthe race is for daniel suarez, he has plenty of guests here from mexico. including his mother.

she's on top of the pit box. his father is a little bit too nervous. he's watching from the grand stands. there are more than 30 people here supportingsuarez. as you can see, ty dillon making a bid forthe lead. he draws even with daniel suarez. a big support from his crowd. looking at our monitor now as the battle forthe lead goes on. there are 30 people here.

one guy not here who was expected? adrian fernandez. that is daniel suarez's racing idol. he was supposed to be here today but couldn't. he texted daniel this morning to apologize. i asked daniel what the text said. he said "i don't know. i didn't see it. i turned my phone off" right now he's focussedon winning the championship.

right now he's trailing the leader ty dillonby four car lengths but leading the championship battle. >> he has to look at the big picture. ty dillon goes by. if he races dillon and wears his equipmentout a little bit. that will jeopardize the fact he's in frontof allgaier. that's who he is racing now for the big picture. the title for the championship for the xfinityseries. >> how about ty dillon.

they haven't had the year they wanted. it haven't shown the speed you expect froman crc xfinity team but having a good run today. >> let's listen into liberty mutual spottercommunication from the 17. >> let me know when i need to start movingaround. >> you're good, buddy. you ran at 90. they're catching up. you made your mark.

before we get past the last cap. i'll let you know your laps time. between th and the 9 and passed the lap carand lost a couple. ran a 22. >> at lot of information there. that was spotter coverage presented by libertymutual insurance. helping drivers worry less. again, the spotters of the top of the grandstands press box here. giving information.

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what he needed them to do. they went behind the fence on pit road andcut a piece of fabric-type material. it's hard stuff to fit to the front of thetoyota camry. and camry to the left of the "c" there's awhole they want to patch. they believe it's part of the big problemfor the handling tonight. they told them on the radio. >> yeah, we're going to fix the damage downhere. we have a whole in the nose. i haven't left you but we're fixing a wholein the nose here.

the lap times are really good. >> hopefully that can settle the driver, guys,until they make the fix. they need a caution. >> the first communication from the crew chiefto the spotter. the second communication from lambert to jonessaying, okay, look, you have a whole in the nose. the reason it's important is because, look,we have a problem. we're still in this. we're going to fix this and you're going tobe in good shape.

i think that was really important to let jonesknow it was a problem. >> caution has come out. you see a little more damage on the rightside of the 7. the reason for the caution, the 48. so poole looks like he has a right front tiredown and maybe even a right rear down. right side of the car is flattened. he was running 13th. >> he had a tire going down. had a problem all the way to the bottom ofthe racetrack going slow.

and earlier than that, the 7 car, again, inthe wall. he had run the 19 down and got close. had two car lengths away but entered turnone and got in the wall again. >> earlier like turning off into the corner. >> that's what i talked about. the closer you get to the car in front ofyou on corner entries, especially, it changes the way your car drives. your car is not in the racetrack anymore. >> remember they're going 150 miles per hourup against the wall and turning into the turns.

let's listen into the radio. >> you're going to win the championship likethat. i have to quit that. >> you'll be fine, man. going right up there in front of you. >> allgaier shows his frustration. he doesn't want to hit the wall but his spotteris calm as ice. it's okay. stick with your goal.

like you said, jeff, never more clear thanthere about the 7. this was their approach. they run the top start of practice and stillcommitted even with two or three times in the wall during the race. >> 75 laps to go. we know the teams will be on their way topit road here. will they have enough tires? they can at least come to pit road this timeand one more for another set of tires and have four fresh tires for each stop they needto.

>> the leaders have three sets of tires. the teams that decided to pit like almirolahad two sets. at this point he has to pit and put on thenext to last set. it's a easy decision for everybody comingto pit road put on four good year tires and chastity adjustments and patch the hole. >> allgaier making his way down in the 7. he said he's tight on entry. he keeps getting into the wall. he's tight in the middle.

and free on exit. he said don't loosen me up too much or i'llbe in trouble on exit. you saw the chastity adjustment there andfour good year tires and fuel. >> chastity adjustments for jones this time. they have the patch ready to go on. it will take four good year tires and fuel. >> sadler comes in running 12th. he's loose in and off the corners but tootight in the middle. need to turn better there.

he said i know it's a lot to fix but we haveto do it. four good year tires, air pressure. >> daniel suarez completed his stop. four tires and track bar adjustment. they tried to tighten them up. talked about how they are. strong on short runs. need more grip on the long runs. >> number one pit stall worked well for danielsuarez.

he gains a spot. taking over the lead from ty dillon. and the work still taking place on the 20. >> >> they're fixing it well and make sureit won't fly back off. he was tenth on the grid when he came intothe pit. they're only 17 cars on the lead lap. so that's about the amount of space he'lllose, rick. >> so they're spending the extra time to makessure they're going to be good for the finish of this race.

>>> this is an all access. >> in the middle corner. >> we're going to hear from their spotters,the crew chiefs. >> clear. clear. >> the communication that the drivers hear. you'll have the opportunity to hear that throughoutthe day. >> we did it, guys. >> yeah!

you guys are awesome. >> we'll be celebrating and you watch. you can get closer to the championship withhot pass on the nbc sports app. get play-by-play coverage, dedicated field. that coverage starts tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. you can find out more on nbc welcome back to the xfinity series ford ecoboost300. sunsetting on the 2016 season. and erik jones has had a difficult go of it.

take a look at what happened and how he gotthat damage. >> a little bit of contact. and the damage spent a lot of time on pitroad trying to get it fixed. >> and, rick, trying to give the driver reassurancethey've got a shot. >> we had a pretty good one on the nose there. we got it patched up fine. i think we're good to go here. thank the 16 for that. >> it's all good.

it's not terrible. plenty of time yet. >> just a reminder of the championship goesto the driver among the four who finishes ahead of the other three. erik jones still has a chance. >> i agree with them plenty of time. as you mentioned, rick, the sun is setting. lights are coming on. this track will change, like most tracks,when the sun goes down.

the driver we see daniel suarez be so dominantso far in the race leading a race hot 83 laps. with 71 laps to go, we made adjustments onthe pit stop and have at least one or two. who continues to adjust to the changing trackconditions. >> that's been the strength of this 1 carall year. we talked about when we came on the air. sadler and his team don't typically run inthe front. they find their way to the front. today they've had an average running positionof 9.5. remember back in charlotte they had an averagerunning position of 9 to finish second.

in kentucky their average running positionwas 8 and they won the race. this race, so far, all though they haven'tlooked spectacular, is the way their year is going. >> the chance the 1 will make a run to thefront they need to do it now. gaining a couple of spots on pit road andmade big adjustments, too. it's a big swing trying to tight unup andair pressure adjustment. what did sadler tell us? when he went to the top of the racetrack that'swhen he was getting in the ball game. guess what he did on the last run?

went to the top of the track. i think sadler is going to see what he's gotright here and if he can challenge the leaders and win a championship. >> four cars took the waive around. gear up with the pit crew and get the latestnascar t-shirts, hats on nascar super store. gorgeous shot of the sun as it's setting nowfor the homestead miami speedway area. and two by two the field once again suarezand dillon in the front. justin allgaier and bowman in row two. two championship contenders separated by justone row.

look a little bit further back until you getto sadler. he's back in row four. erik jones all the way back in row eight. coming back into the restart zone. dillon on the inside. green flag back in the air. great restart for the 7 of allgaier. looking to get up to the back bumper of the19 of suarez. so close between the 3 and 7.

allgaier forging to the front. he gets by the 3 of ty dillon. what a run allgaier is having. nascar is taking look at the restart. it's under review. that's normal. they're three wide. coming back on the front stretch. >> sadler had a good restart and battlingon the outside of the 98 trying to get the

position. they're battling for fifth. >> allgaier right in the tire tracks of danielsuarez. >> jeff, you mentioned it it was time forsadler to start moving. trying to make his car better. he's in the fourth position. >> and the 86 is brandon brown changed lanesbefore he got to the start finish line on the restart. you cannot do it.

that's what nascar was looking at. they're posting the 86 for changing lanesbefore he got to the start/finish line. great battle up front. daniel suarez now just 67 laps to go. justin allgaier. two drivers fighting for a championship. in this format, it's only been run by thesprint cup series for the past two years. it's taken a win to win the championship. it looks as though it may be the same wayin the xfinity series tonight.

for justin allgaier he's gone winless in the2016 campaign. only three career wins in the xfinity series. he is giving chase right now to the 19 ofdaniel suarez. kelli? >> and the 17 feels like they can get to the19 they have the better car. the last time justin allgaier was fightingfor a championship back in 2008, with his family-owned team on a limited budget. the other two teams ahead of him wrecked eachother and he took the championship. he told me it was a combining moment for himin his career.

he's had another championship he kind of feltlike he got away as we see ty dillon trying to make a move on justin. in 2010 racing for team pen sky he finishedfourth. that's when cup drivers were still allowedto collect points in both series. so he lost that championship to three cupregulars brad keselowscarl edwards, and kyle busch. he would love to get the championship heretoday and put those memories to rest. >> absolutely. as the 1 of elliot sadler has made the moveinto the top five.

currently running fourth. three of the four championship ford driversup front. we've got a problem. ryan reed has a tire down. >> ryan reed got into the middle. and he's going to go. and a big hit behind him. the 46 and 51 made contact. jordan anderson in the 46 fire under the hoodnow.

jordan anderson got into the 51 and andersontrying to get out of that car. >> he's out. >> car is on fire. so for the fifth time tonight, the cautionhas come out. it was ryan reed who had a tire going downtrying to get to the inside of the track to get down to the apron. then you see the field is going to be stoppedbehind this incident on the track. >> this all started in the middle of 3 and4. 16 car is in the wall.

behind him is a huge battle. they were behind him when it was going on. you can see larson just barely gets by. he has a tire down now and he's all over theracetrack. riding along with blaney. watch this accident happen. outside corner clear. >> so that was on the front stretch. this here was the 16 car on the back stretchtrying to get back around to get to pit road

and losing control because of the flat tire. behind him heavy contact, rick. the 46 of jordan anderson did look like hesaw the 51 slowing down and got underneath the 51 and lifted him off the ground. we saw the 51 get up in the air. and then the flames from underneath the hood. >>ing looks like fuel going to the rbohydraterater. probably still pumping fuel to the fire andfeeds the fire. >> look at this.

the 51 off the ground. took him awhile to get off the ground. jordan anderson wasn't expecting jeremy clementsto check up as much, apparently, as he was trying to find a line to get by him. the fifth time the caution has come out. >> he didn't see it. he didn't see what was going on and wasn'table to get slowed down in time. >> that was behind all of the championshipfour. so they were not affected.

suarez out front, sadler is foult and jonesis ninth. frustrated erik jones for most of this racehasn't been running in the top ten. but now back into the top ten running ninth. maybe sees a little bit of life in the championshiphopes. >> and, jeff, we were watching jones in thebattle, as you talked about two and three wide. it seems like the 20 car had a little bitimproved handling. not always running on the defensive. and going to have to take time.

unfortunately there's only 63 laps left. i think it's a matter of time. we won't be sure how much this repair on the20 until he's in the top five to measure the speed but improved over the previous run. >> guess where he gets a restart again? >> on the bottom. >> favorite spot. that's been a disadvantage today. being on the bottom of the racetrack.

they have not run well but they've also notgotten any breaks as far as on the restart. look at sadler now. he is talking about running back there intenth place, 11th place, now eighth place. now he restarts in fourth position on theoutside. >> it's been 11 laps since they were on pitroad. 63 to go. they wouldn't be able to make it all the wayfrom here. things definitely heating up as far as thechampionship four go. looking for a title.

>>> just over four minutes for the red flagas we are rolling once again. pit road is open right away. will anyone take advantage of this? >> it's going to be a tough decision for theleaders. it's on the outside of the fuel window. only six laps on the tires. i expect the field to split. some cars to come to pit road but some inthe back half will stay out. it will be the split strategy we talked about.

>> justin allgaier has been dealing with arace car tight through the center but loose on exit. he said it fired up quite a bit tighter thattime around. fuel only for the 7. >> the 21 is more rear grip than jones calledfor. four tires this time and adjustment. >> they told sadler welcome to the party whenhe got in the top five. they saw that the 7 took fuel only. they'll go with four fresh good year tires.

the adjustments will help the race car, mike. >> daniel suarez going with a two-tire change. right sides only there. very quick stuff. track position key as scott graves makes thatcall. >> it was a close call coming off pit roadbetween suarez and dillon. championship still in the balance. suarez in front of the field.

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to wind down. under 60 to go. let's take a look at this week's ford driveto the championship, and where the championship four currently stand. daniel suarez second. justin allgaier fourth, elliot sadler sixth. and erik jones is tenth. so a lot of drivers came to pit road. aric almirola stayed out.

right now aric almirola is being scored asthe race leader. daniel suarez will restart on the outsidemore than likely of the front row. or inside, whichever almirola choses. >> sometimes things happen so quickly on pitroad it takes you by surprise. he didn't take right sides only. he didn't take anything at all as far as tiresgo. fuel only. it was the call by scott graves. it took daniel by surprise.

he wasn't expecting it either. track position key and that's what scott graveswas thinking on that very aggressive pit call of fuel only. >> so really the situation we have now, rick,there's 60 laps to go. there's been a lot of different adjustments. a lot of situations. now it comes down to the xfinity series tirerule. daniel suarez running in second has two setsin tires with the 90 laps to go in the pits. behind him in the fourth position t of allgaierhas two sets of brand new tires in the pits.

sadler made a recovery and worked on his carimproved it, he put a set of tires on. he has one set of tires in the pit. you be by him erik jones patching the nosehas one set of tires in the pits. how many cautions come down is what thesecrew chiefs are gambling on. the ones that put tires on now, don't thinkthere will be more cautions. in the front think there will be cautions. blaney his car hasn't been hailing well. he's been doing a nice job of keeping thecar in one position. he put tires on.

it there aren't a lot of cautions, it couldbe the run that the 22 needs. think about the 22 winning a owners championshipwithout winning a race. the car is used to winning races. it's been off all year. blaney doing a nice job staying calm and keepingit in one piece. >> one consideration, what if we don't getany cautions. >> what if it's caution free. they stopped for fuel. they have fuel, but -->> can they make it?

>> with no caution. the thing with no caution elliot sadler hasfour tires and fuel. he's going faster now. they have to save fuel to try to make it. but great pit stop, guys. >> a little confidence from the driver. and the key from bumgarner save all you can. they play planning a full fuel run. >> and the 20 of jones has one set one.

i don't want them to make that decision. >> historically the final green flag stretchhere has been 16 laps or less. all but two of the last 12 races at this racetrack. almirola and suarez making up row one. almirola has chosen the inside line. suarez will restart on the outside. it could be an advantage for daniel suarez. that's been the preferred line on the oldertires. >> three and four wide as we go into turnone.

here comes elliot sadler on the high side. allgaier stays in front of sadler. they go down the back stretch. suarez out front. sadler in third. and here comes erik jones on the high side. all four of the championship four inside thetop five. the. >> the 3 of ty dillon trying to come downin front of erik jones.

he had to check up. >> and i think right now sadler and jonesthey need to take advantage of the tires, for sure. they need to try to get to the lead and takeadvantage. if they can't get to the lead try to takecare of those tires. right now i think you have to push. >> one, two, three, four. the championship four all running in the topfour. and, again, it's determined by who is outfront.

>> i'm impressed with allgaier. i didn't know he could hold off sadler thislong older tires. doing a nice job, jeff. >> going to use the top lane. don't give sadler the outside lane. make him pass you on the bottom. >> they head into three. going to the outside. trying to get by suarez.

>> the top four is racing with each other. >> all for the championship and they haveseparated themselves. the championship four one through four. >> all within a half second, rick. first through four within a half second onthe racetrack. the 7 is doing a nice job moving up the trackand look at the momentum carrying down the back stretch. >> that gave the 20 a big run. >> dejected erik jones mid way through therace couldn't figure out how to get past guys

running in tenth. after they fixed the front in the most recentstop, he's fighting for a top four position. >> a tough position now for sadler. he's going make this move, he needs to clearthe 7. if not, he's going to get bottled up and potentiallythe 20 could get by him. >> doesn't clear him there. >> he wasn't close enough to take advantage. >> allgaier able to stay in front of the 1. suarez still leading.

suarez has lead 96 laps this evening. >> 20 of jones the first one to go againstthe wall. the first one that made that move. you see how much it helped him down the frontstraight away. he has to guess where the leaders go. >> erik jones up against the wall. sadler goes up there, as well. jones leaves the wall trying to get by the1. they're side-by-side for third.

jones all the way to the bottom of the track. battle for the lead continues. justen allgaier look to the inside line ofsuarez. >> the 7 and the 19 they went to the lastminute to pick one line. >> here comes austin dillon into the mix. driving the number two this evening. all the way up the racetrack. the 20 of erik jones trying to stay in thetop four. what an incredible race for the championship.

you won't miss a second as we go nascar nonstop. >>> you're watching the ford ecoboost 300from miami speedway. you have seen all the action take place innascar nonstop. allgaier was able to make the pass on suarez. and now erik jones challenging for the lead. justin allgaier had to avoid the lap traffic,and that brought the 20 of erik jones right up against the back bumper. >> and have to have a little more sense thanthat. they have to be paying attention and givethe leaders the fast lane.

they need to get out of the way. here comes erik jones for the lead. down to the bottom of the racetrack. will they clear him as they come off. he'll slide up the racetrack and he'll clearit. allgaier with a little run. the cross over move as they enter three. allgaier trying to take the top spot back. jones against the wall.

jones hangs on to the lead. now jones is running 12, 13, 14. just put the lead and now back it down. all you have to do is stay in front of allgaier. save fuel in case it goes green. remember, he has one set of tires left. he needs to stay here and bring the pace ofthe race down a little bit. >> erik jones' average running position todayhas been worse than eighth. now he's up front as the laps wind down.

>> look what he did. he was against the wall. but on that lap look how far he was away fromthe wall. he's not against the wall. he's playing it safe. >> the caution comes out. who is the advantage now, steve? >> well, the issue was the advantage now isgoing to be for the 19 and 7. the 1 of sadler, you saw made heavy contactwith the wall.

he's currently seventh and needs to get repairs. big advantage for the 19 for daniel suarezand t of justin allgaier. you see heavy contact with the wall. it pulled him in. >> if i think if you're jones and sadler youhave to sit here. you're god on -- good on fires. you don't have tires but a lot of people behindyou don't either. there are other cars that will not have tires. the caution comes out again, there's goingto be a little bit of buffer between you and

the guys that come in and can put on tiresa the next caution. we'll see how it lays out. you have to fit now. >> you're 15 laps. they have no choice. they stay on the racetrack. i think it's a no brainer. the 20 of jones will be putting on his lastset. >> this was debris on the back stretch.

looked like maybe a patch that had been puton one of the cars had come off. kicked around quite a bit as the safety crewscome back. as i mentioned before, the last green flagrun at this racetrack historically has been under 16 laps. this, more than likely, is not the last cautionwe've seen. remember the report from pit road. they saved the six laps. they have good options. they may come into play with another caution.

race leader erik jones will bring you thelead lap cars to pit road now. let's go to kelli. >> remember the last time allgaier came topit lane. it was fuel only. he's happy with the race car. feels like it's got a lot of good speed. they'll give him four fresh good year tiresand fuel. >> the race leader called his car the bestbalance it's been of the evening. four fresh tires, air pressure adjustment,and fuel.

>> that's what elliot sadler's team will puton here. he's worried about the right front fender. >> daniel suarez saying he cannot get backto the throttle likes the other guys can. a four tire change here and wedge adjustmentfor suarez. >> great run for allgaier. he loses a spot there. suarez gains two and jones loses two. suarez out in front for the battle for thechampionship. and at progressive, we let you compare ourprogressive direct rate...

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elliot sadler came in running eighth and cameout running 16th. they put the scuff tires on. they were reglued moments ago. and when they put the left rear tire on allthe lug nuts fell off. they had to hand bread all five lug nuts. that's why he lost all the time. >> a tough pit to the for sadler. take a look at the 20. >> slow on the right front.

the lug nut didn't want to come off. it didn't kill the pit stop but slow enough. why it's so significant instead of liningup third or fourth. now erik jones will line up fifth on the inside. we've seen tonight the 20 car struggled onthe inside. that was before improvement ms to the car. we'll see if improvements to the chastityhave improvemented his restart opportunity, as well. >> in the front row of almirola.

they have old tires. they won't be able to do in the restart butit'll affect the guys behind them. >> the information will get conveyed to thedriver. 7 and 19 behind the front row. suarez all the way to the bottom of the track. allgaier in the middle. those two clear. that front row early. and the 20 of jones does the same.

top three now suarez, allgaier, erik jones. >> that wasn't a good restart by suarez. that was a great restart by suarez. to come out of turn two of the lead. >> kyle larson up against the wall early. he's trying to make up room. sadler restart all the way back in 16th. >> wonder why we were talking about with thetires it's clear the front row didn't have tires.

blaney is all the way back on 15th. how quick it goes away. austin dillon in the 2 trying to get by inthird. the 19 of suarez continues to lead. 102 laps today. >> 35 laps to go. suarez out in front. and the championship run. after qualifying in the worst position, whichwas sixth out of the championship four, allgaier

has been able to consistently run up front. could it be too little too late for allgaier? allgaier runs second to suarez. >> we talked all weekend how difficult theracetrack is to manage tires. that's going to come down to if we don't havea caution. with 34 laps to go. suarez is out to a lead. but allgaier, you said it, jeff, committedto the top of the racetrack since the start of practice.

it was the tire's age. they move up against the wall. will he be more successful than suarez? will he be able to close the gap down on therace leader? >> see the gap growing 230 feet as they enterturn one. neither driver against the wall. suarez down to the white line. for the championship 33 laps to go. >> back behind these guys kyle larson tryingto slide by jones.

he overdrove turn three. he had to slow the car down hugely. >> jones has been up against the wall. trying to use the momentum and a little bitextra banking. 20 degrees against the wall and 18 degreesat the bottom of the track. >> jones, as you mentioned, up against thewall. he's the highest of every car on the racetracknow. and in this moment he has to do somethingcurrently in fourth. you see him there in the white and black 20up against the wall.

gets beat a little bit by the it 42 on cornerentry. look how much speed he carries off the corner. now is the time to put your car in danger,you have to do it. >> 31 laps to go. suarez allgaier one and two for the championshipas we go nascar nonstop. you won't miss a minute. >>> you haven't missed a lap as you look atthe battle continuing between the 20 of erik jones and the 7 of justin allgaier. the ford ecoboost 300.

that's a fight for second now. suarez in front. drops to seven again. allgaier back by on the inside. a little contact there. looked like allgaier tried to get in frontof the 20 but he wasn't clear yet. >> what is going on here the following carhas to overdrive the corner to make the pass. off the corner they're so slow allowing othercar to cross them over. >> jones does the cross over.

>> this time jones tried to stay high andnot carry so much speed and try to slide in front of the 7. it didn't work. >> and allgaier will be able to stay in second. >> all clear. >> and suarez is just driving away. erik jones hasn't been able to clear him. >> two seconds in the gap between suarez andallgaier. you see the two fighting for second.

while that's going on, suarez continuingputa bigger lead between himself and allgaier. 23 laps to go in the championship run. dave? >> rick, on this run, there are times wherejones has been leading his teammate. we have indicators to show us has the fastestlap. erik has been that a couple of times. that's what crew chief radioed his driverand said, good, now i need absolute precision. show me what you got. what he meanings is, drive by this guy here,go to the leader and stay off the wall.

>> most of these cars are faster than suareznow. what is the strategy? do you try to get by the 20 or do you tryto get by the 7 and work with 7 and catch suarez? only 21 laps left. >> justin allgaier running second. >> he's asking his spotter where the 20 caris beating him. said he's able to hold the middle a littlebit better but forget him. forget about the 20.

hit your mark. >> and as you messaged, they're running alittle bit faster than suarez. out in front of them. they're reeling in suarez each lap. now under a second and a half a gap betweensuarez and allgaier. >> a great point, jeff. what does the 20 do? every time he tries the move here, it slowsthe two cars down. he has to try to dive underneath the 7.

this time he has a little better angle oncorner exit. how much will it slow us down? >> allgaier gets into the wall. allgaier into the wall coming off two. it slows his momentum down. >> now he needs to try to get back into hisrhythm. th20, in my opinion, is going to catch the19. if they get into it for the championship the7 has to be there. he comes down away from the inside wall sothe spotter can see the damage on the right

side. you can't see it when you're against the wall. >> right here th is close to the wall. the 20 slides up. the 7 makes contact and stays against thewall for quite awhile. doesn't look like any damage, though. >> looking up close they're running and geta little bit too close and it sucks you into the wall. >> that's a little harder contact we've seenthem make most of the day.

>> the championship on the line. justin allgaier trying to do everything hecan to reel back in the 20 of erik jones or the 19 of suarez. now it's joe gibbs' racing teammates runningone and two. >> and daniel suarez has to search aroundand find something. his teammate of erik jones is running himdown a ton. you see from here from 1.6 seconds to .6 secondsin one lap. >> we're way faster. be smart here.

be smart. >> will the race that erik jones just hadwith with justin allgaier help him know how to pass suarez? we've seen what happens. you have to overdrive the corner entry andslide in front of him. jones able to get it down with allgaier. is that a lesson he learned he can do to suarezis. >> look how much faster jones is than suarezat the line. >> gap is closed now.

suarez just three car lengths in front ofthe 20 of erik jones. and suarez not up against the wall. jones all the way against the wall. using that momentum. will add a grip against the wall. >> now suarez against the wall, as well. he comes back away. here comes the 20 of erik jones. he's got to run.

what will he do with this? he stays up against the wall. >> you heard the spotter say don't give himthat. you see suarez turns down away from the wallon corner exit. that's not what he needs to do. >> now suarez is going to come into play here. they go to the bottom of the racetrack. and continue that battle up top. suarez a big run.

it looked like jones had trouble getting inthe turn. >> i think jones getting into the wall. i was getting ready to say how patient joneswas being setting up the pass. then he overdrives turn one. >> you heard him. you're just fine. go get him. >> he is. he's closing the gap.

>> the closer you get to the car in frontof you the easier to make the mistake. you're trying to push to get the lead andoverdrive and just a little bit and once it touches the wall, i don't think that's bad,though. i don't think this is as bad as allgaier whenhe got into it. >> suarez out front. there could have been foreshadowing of thebattle. suarez was at the media appearance how hewould race his teammate erik jones. he said we'll help each other until the greenflag drops. once it happens, each one of us is on ourown.

there's two of us but only one trophy. he said throughout the course of the year,i've let him go and vice versa. that will not be the case tonight. we're going to compete hard. we've seen one heck of a finish in 13 laps. >> you can't ride that like you, baby. >> erik jones the 20-year-old from michigan. population of byron, michigan 581 people. and suarez, the 24-year-old from monterrey,mexico.

population of monterrey, mexico? 5 million people. >> get into the wall again. once again the closer he gets, the more he'sgot to throttle back a little bit. be a little more patient. it takes the air off the car. every time he gets within a couple of carlengths gets into the wall. he has to give himself a little bit of a cushion. when he gets to him, he'll have to try tonot be right against the wall.

try to be a half car length away from thewall. >> daniel suarez is doing a nice job as thegap opens up. he moves off the wall and gives himself alittle bit more room. >> right up against the wall. and even some contact. erik jones, that 20 has continued to makecontact as he pushes every so hard. >> and the 7 of justin allgaier has done anice job his contact with the wall settling in and he continues to try to gain back onthese front two. >> rebounding.

the contact from allgaier trying to reel himback in. >> closing in on the final 10 laps of theseason. >> look at the eyes. look at the determination daniel suarez looksup at the mirror and understands his gap. look at the focus. you talk about how precision you have to beentering the top of the racetrack. there's no room for error. >> look how the racetrack is. you see the helmets moving around inside theirseat.

you can see how rough it is. the car is difficult to drive. we talked about how the abrasive the racetrackis on tires. >> and around and the 07. with the slide on the front stretch. the caution has come out. under 10 laps to go. and a restart. crew chief, do you come to pit road for tires?

absolutely! there is no question in any mind with 27-laptires you wouldn't be able to hold the lead into turn one. you would be passed before you got there. that could be the difference. first, it comes down to the pit crew. the pit crew has to be efficient and do theirjob. you have to get the lug nuts on. you can't risk a penalty post race.

you have to be clean. >> take a look what happened. ray black jr. in the 07. coming off turn four. >> he's really loose already before he getsto the corner exit. sets up. pressure on the pit crews. pressure on the crew chief.

well before the restart. who is going to pit? who it going to do two? who will do four? from what we understand, i think i have the19 of suarez, you see here -- that's suarez. >> that's never what you want to see. >> the one good thing for suarez, they shouldhave a set of stickers, the 7 should have a set of stickers.

erik jones in second will have six-lap scuffs. >> the other benefit happening here? 19 of daniel suarez won the poll. he got the number one pit stall. that could come into play here. >> absolutely, rick. let's listen to the 7 radio. >> all right. >> that's why we save the last set.

>> that's it. >> stickers versus scuffs. six-lap scuffs doesn't sound like much butsix laps are a lot. you wouldn't qualify on six lap tires in isclose to a qualifying run. you look at a five or six lap run to the finish. >> remember blaney and almirola started onthe first. you have to put tires on. >> there are 17 cars on the lead lap. it makes it worse who will stay out in desperation?

>> the championship four, i believe, willcome to pit road. is there someone else on the lead lap thatwill stay out in desperation and bottle up the restart? >> has sadler been here? >> he's running 11. he's not going to win the race. he's not going to come from 11 to win therace. he has to stay out or do two tires. he cannot come on pit road and do the samething.

>> i think that's a great point for him torun 11th is no different than saying out and finishing 11th because of the strategy. >>> field lining back up on the back stretch. everyone seems to be in the proper position. caution came out, and now we just heard pitroad is open. >> there's going to be at least ten. >> coming to pit road is absolutely the callyou have to make. the question is, can you afford to put fourtires on it with, i think, a restart six laps to go.

i think so you to have four laps to go. the left tires are too old. the track is too wide. there are too many lanes you cannot protect. >> the pressure now on the teams. daniel suarez has got mostly the 19 cup teamthat is pitting him. >> you can believe there were cheers hereas the 7 pitted. when the caution came out. allgaier might have another shot at it.

he said he was tight everywhere. they'll take a little bit of wedge out ofthe right rear and give him four good year tires to go to battle with. >> jones' biggest worry is not enough timefor the high line to come in. he'll get the used tires and fuel. >> elliot sadler said sticker tires. it might be a two-tire stop for the 1 car. it's going to be a wedge adjustment. >> an incredibly difficult decision for graves.

they take four tires. they have a lot of ground to make up and alot of cars to pass on the restart. >> it was a two-tire stop for sadler. making up 10 spots coming off pit road first,but will four tires prevail against the two tires of sadler? >> yeah, and the 7 of allgaier, jack felgcoming around the car and he lost a spot. instead of restarting fourth on the outside. he has to restart fifth. the jack man losing his footing.

great recovery. that's all it takes. that is the one position. it was really, really close with the threeoff pit road. they had the 7 behind the three. i'm sure nascar will confirm it at the camera. if that's the case starting on the bottomversus top. >> that's the first jackman we've seen fall. >> he's probably taking notes.

>> behind the 7 is where the fire was. they had to put the fire out. they tried to clean it up as much as possible. maybe a little residue there to make the boxa little bit slick. >> nascar confirms it's the 3 then the 7. the 7 will restart in the inside row, butoh, my goodness. restarts are crazy. this one is not just for a win. it's for a championship.

>> who will prevail? sadler. they had a big shot there. dale earnhardt, jr. in the pit stall. >> i love the call sadler's team made. they were not going to win the championshipwithout doing something. they are disadvantaged. there's no doubt they are disadvantaged withtwo tires.

they had to make this call. >> think about this, if sadler chooses thetop with the two tires, he's backs the top up. he could inadvertently help the 7. if the 7 doesn't go and he's on the bottomit's interesting to see the lane choice by the leader. >> see if he can imagine the great feelingthey had down here when the caution came out. was the first guy. he jumped out the gate and everybody highfives.

they knew it was the one and only shot. how about the call by mike bumgarner to takeon two tires here. see if it gets him a championship. >> dale earnhardt jr. is the team owner of the 1 of sadler and the7 of allgaier. then on the other side of this championshipbattle you have suarez and erik jones. that's from joe gibbs racing. so two teams with four cars fighting for thechampionship. >> listening to the radio conversation betweencrew chief scott graves and daniel suarez,

it was a difficult decision whether or notto come down pit road. graves was convinced that not many would comedown and take tires. he anticipated that suarez would have to passas many as 10 cars in the closings laps. more cars came down pit road. and suarez finds himself in a better positionthan anticipated. >> erik jones was told in the entire tirestory around him was his competitors that he was told you need to restart of your lifeand well, you know. >> and, rick, we focussed on the cars thatcame on pit road. but the 14 of whit decided to stay on theracetrack.

that changed everything. that has taken sadler on two tires. he's not the leader. he doesn't get lane choice. he must start in the bottom. that point i was trying to make about the7 of allgaier. he's on the top behind jones behind used tireson the 14. i'm a little surprised with so much on theline that this team would stay on the track. >> i think it helps sadler.

i think having a car stay on the track isgoing to have a restart. he has to go first. sadler can respond to that. he has better tires. i think that helps him. >> i think it helps the 20. because i think the 20 will be able to getto the outside of the 14, roll the top, and have the momentum. this is why we race, jeff.

we'll see who makes the right move. >> it's how the 14 can launch. the 14 has trouble launching and the 1 carof sadler does a good job of anticipating that, i think it's an advantage to him. as opposed to he was going to line up nextto a car with better tires. he's lining up to a car that has worse tiresthan he does. you put the better cars behind him, the bettertired cars behind him versus having them besides him. >> i think everybody was taken aback by the14 staying on the track.

especially the team of elliot sadler. here is a crew member running down to the14 box. take the bottom. we would love 0 to scare have-- love to have the top. you can see the face of the crew member onthe reading to give the 1 of sadler the top. >> he is pleading. please take the bottom so i can have the top. but elliot sadler it looks he'll restart onthe bottom of the track. as you mentioned, jeff, the launch of the14 will be critical.

>> everything. >> he has over 30 laps on his tires comparedto everyone else who came to pit road on lap 193. >> you cannot change lanes until you get tothe start/finish. sadler will start next to him. if he spins the tires erratically and hasa major problem, that's different. but under normal circumstance you cannot changelanes until you get to the start/finish line. >> mentioned it at the beginning of the show. how will the other 36 cars on the track affectthe championship four?

we're about to see it. it'll be three to go when they get to thestart/finish time. race leader is 14. elliot sadler on the inside running second. he spun the tires. elliot sadler goes by. right when they get to the start/finish line. here comes the 19. daniel suarez trying to go to the high side.

>> you absolutely called it, jeff. that helped out the 19 and the 1 on the bottomlanes. the 19 of suarez has cleared the 1 and backout front. here comes the 3. ty dillon trying for a win. sparks coming out from underneath the 1. still holding on. two laps to go for the championship. daniel suarez with another great restart.

shot out to lead. he's got a three-car length lead over elliotsadler. the other championship contenders justin allgaierin seventh, jones is eighth. this time by come ough-- coming out of turnfour. one more time around. one lap to go sponsored by credit one bank. daniel suarez the 24-year-old from monterrey,mexico has the lead and has been dominant. 132 laps out in front today. the one thing he wants to do is lead lap 133to be out front for the final lap as he comes

out of turn four. he will be the first ever international championin nascar! >> daniel, bounce by, buddy. [ yelling and screaming ]>> and a entire country mind him. daniel suarez from mexico, the first latinamerican driver to win a nascar national series championship. and once again he had to win the race to winthe championship under this format. coach joe gibbs celebrating with the team. crash coming off turn four.

he's out of the car and will get into thesafety vehicle and go back to the infield care center. >> and the team is going to go see their championdriver. daniel suarez the best he finished in thenascar mexico series was second. he had ten wins in that series. now second all season in the nascar xfinityseries. he's a champion now! >> daniel's mom was on top of the pit box. his dad was too nervous.

said he had to watch from the grand stands. the nerves didn't get in the way for suareztoday. a dominant performance. erik jones taking look at the damage to theright side of the car and the disappointment. such a dominant year. four wins for erik jones coming into thischampionship four. a teammate to daniel suarez. he wanted one of them to win the championshipfor joe gibbs racing. tonight it was the 19 of daniel suarez.

so close for justin allgaier. incredible performance put together by the17. and you can already see the emotions. it's hitting him. he's the nascar xfinity series champion. what a leap of faith daniel suarez made tocome to america. elliot sadler the 41-year-old. his family here -- we heard the pep talk. no matter what happens.

we going to go after this. you can continue to see the elation. daniel suarez completes an incredible season. his third win of the season and his thirdwin of his career wins him the nascar xfinity series championship. [6:33:46 pm] the team celebrates. we will celebrate with him when we come backto miami. 2016 chadaniel sudaniel suarez.

the only high-strength, military grade, aluminumalloy body heavy duty pick-up. it takes first place in every measure of tough:best-in-class towing. best-in-class payload. best-in-class horsepower. and best-in-class torque. winner, winner, chicken dinner. he's come to america from mexico. for the fans in the u.s. and the mexico and latin america, i'm proudto be a latin america.

>> checkered flag. he wins at the monster mile. >> hopefully we can get it done. >> two times he celebrated in victory laneearlier. it was this restart. he was on the inside of row two and with the14 of cole whitt checked up. the momentum was with 19 daniel suarez. he was able to get by elliot sadler who hadtwo good year tires trying for the track position. in the end daniel suarez continued the dominationhe's shown all race long.

pulled away and now is hoisting the championshipflag. joe gibbs racing gets their first championship. that was the series director letting him know. 2016 championship going to daniel suarez. tomorrow in the sprint cup series race twocars from joe gibbs racing will fight for the title. you saw the strategy of cole whitt and histeam stay out late on tires. it had a huge influence on the race. they ended up finishing 18th.

i have to wonder if they would make that samedecision again. they gave him the green light to make hisway to the championship stage. the race winner and the series champion. >> we weren't sure if austin dillon, the sprintcup drivers if it was going to take a race win but this championship four put on a greatrace. when it all counted they restarted insidethe top 5. and daniel suarez with the race win and championship. >> you see the steam rolling out from thecar. that's from the burn outs.

that's from the celebration that has beendone. over the past three and four minutes. he didn't even unstrap his helmet yet. still waiting to be able to celebrate withhis team. daniel suarez about to climb out of the carto celebrate the win and the championship. >> he's been in the karzai voring this moment. what a journey from monterrey, mexico to homesteadmiami to win a championship. the crew guys around everywhere for danielsuarez. what a moment.

his girlfriend is behind us, as well. tom rosy here -- mom rosie here. dad alejandro coming around the corner. you got to love it. daniel told me growing up in mexico he saidi didn't have a lot of money. i 4 a dream. when you move to the united states, if youthink this dream would come true. >> oh, man. my family worked super hard since i was 11years old.

to get better and one day -->> thank you. >> congratulations. >> i'm happy for all the team. everyone that has been helping me get to thispoint. my friends, everybody in mexico. i just can't believe this. >> talk to me about the sacrifices your parentsmade and the moment you decided i'm going to go for this and move to the united states. >> i was 18 years old and racing in mexicoand we were winning races.

my dad, they gave me -- to learn english. >> the hardest part learning english. you said you watched tv? >> watching cartoons to learn english. oh, man, i can't believe it! i learned english watching cartoons and goingto a shop and all the guys helped me a lot in my career to learn english. >> you said this week i'm not just racingfor mexico but all of latin america. what would you like to say to them in spanishright now?

[ speaking in a foreign language ]>> you do this for your country today, daniel? >> my country and all the fans here and mediaand mexico. i can't believe it! it's a dream come true. >> i have one racing question. the final restart with the 14 out there, whatwas going through your mind as you went through >> i was a little worried because i knew the14 was going to be on top of everyone else there but it worked out. you're a nascar xfinity series champion.

>> thank you very much. >> daniel suarez said he was at a loss ofwords could barely speak english. he found the words and learned english andfound a way to get to victory lane. >> the drivers so respectful of what it takesto accomplish what daniel suarez has done. we saw ryan blaney come in and ty dillon comein to congratulate daniel suarez. the trophy presentation when we come backto miami. we hope you enjoyed today's broadcast.youenjoyed today's broadcast. >>> the celebration that started about fiveminutes ago when he climbed out of the car won't end until the next race, which is daytonain february.

they'll be able to cherish this championshipand savor what has been accomplished by this team. really impressive for the crew chief. this back-to-back championships. >> yes, scott graves won last year in theroush fenway organization. he decided it was better opportunity to moveto joe gibbs and able to get daniel his first win this year at michigan and here again atmiami. drove a tremendous race. lead 133 laps.

>> the development of daniel suarez has beenfun to watch. we've seen him make mistakes but when yousee him make a mistake you rarely see him make it again. he's been doing a good job. i like his approach. i like the way he attacked it. he's fun to talk to. he's energetic. and cares and put a lot of effort into it.

i like his willingness to learn. i like the fact he's willing to step backand take a look. how can i be better and apply it? >> i remember sitting down in richmond fiveor ten minutes between practices to have a conversation. he told me he watches all the sprint car racesat home by himself with the radio plugged into one of his teammates and watches hundredsof miles after one another. how kyle busch, how carl edwards, matt kensethdrive, adjust their car, communicate with their crew chief.

that's a true student of the game. he's relish the opportunity and willing toput in the hard work. think of the things he's overcome on the communicationsside. >> right. >> it's amazing. as difficult as the sport is, scott gravesis a great combination. he deserves it. he proved all yearlong and once again. without a doubt the most consistent in thechase.

worst finish fifth and wins the chase foonllee in miami. >> said he learned to speak english by watchingcartoons and television as he makes his way on to the stage. getting ready for the trophy presentation. his english has gotten so much better sincetwo years ago when he first came into the sport. let's go to the stage for the trophy presentation. >> thank you, rick. it is 1,714 miles from homestead florida tomonterrey, mexico.

this is a moment that daniel suarez continuesto hug friends and family and his owner joe gibbs. a moment he's been waiting for since he firstdrove a go cart at age 11. are you ready for a little bit of hardware? >> i think i am ready. >> let's turn things over to senior vice presidentof marketing communications for comcast to begin the festivities. >> thank you, krista. they say this is the series where names aremade.

it certainly is the series where championsare made. daniel, on behalf of the 100,000 employeesof comcast, we congratulate you for being the nascar xfinity series champion this year. congratulations. >> thank you very much, peter. now for the trophy. nascar vice chairman mike helton. >> on behalf of nascar, we're honored to haveyou as the 2016 xfinity team champion. congratulations to you, joe gibbs racing,toyota, and the whole group.

we're honored to have you as our champion. [ cheers and applause ]>> we'll set that right over here. >> and we talked to daniel about three hoursago. i said, and i know you talked about this. the fact it was a few years ago, you wereworking on your english by watching cartoons. i said if you win it, you have to do a lotof interviews. you said it was a good problem to have. >> honestly, i wouldn't mind doing all theinterviews in the world.

i'm so happy for my team! i'm so happy for my family and everyone here. i have a lot of friends and sponsors. >> i know as you got out of the car you'rehugging competitors, your sisters, your mom. it took awhile for your dad, alejandro tomake his way to you. he owns a restoration business back in yourhome country of mexico. the father/son bond is special. the father/son bond over cars. what you gave your family a nascar -- i'mgoing to say this.

a nascar championship. hard to put into words, i would imagine. >> it is very hard to put into words. i'm speechless right now. i'm just very proud of everyone. i'm very thankful to have the family i have. my mom, my dad, they gave me everything. all the tools to be here right now. my family has supported me all the racingbackground.

they supported me. right now we're living our dream. >> and mike helton he said he's going to bea fun champion. what does the word "champion" mean to you? how are you going to represent the sport ofnascar but your country of mexico. but you said it's big for kids dreaming anywhere? >> i just love nascar! when i was racing cars in europe and all overthe world my dad told me one day told me they want to take opportunities in stock car racing--

>> competitor with congratulations. i know you're excited and you want to celebrate. i don't want to hold you up. i'm going to bring -- you can go ahead andstay here. coach, you've been through a lot of championships. a lot of championship scenarios. what does it mean to bring a 24-year-old frommexico up to this stage? >> we had a meeting. we met with bob, we got produce there.

and we met two years ago. and then we sat down and talked about thisyoung guy. for us to -- in two years to be where we aretonight. it's a thrill for all of us. the other people in that car or interstatejust thank all of them. i want to thank the fans and everybody heretonight. it's going to be a big deal, i think, forour sport. >> can you say why -- i know we talked blot. how big it is for nascar globally.

>> it is huge. i want to say a big thanks to jd and everybodyback home that works on our cars. to say thank you. thank you, bub. and the lord blessed us with a great night. we're going to enjoy it. congratulations to you, coach, to you, danielsuarez, your 2016 xfinity series champion! and as he continues his celebration, we godown to dave burns with daniel's teammates. >> yes, that is erik jones, and we have tostart, first of all, the race and how it played

out at the end. you lined up behind the 14. what was going through your mind? >> well, i thought the 14 would at least attemptto go. he sat there and didn't attempt to go. so that's pretty unfortunate. really not a lot of republican for guys chasingdown the championship but i thought we were in an okay spot. if he had gotten up to speed and we wouldhave been able to go to the top and make something

happen. but didn't get that chance. we were in turn one and like in eighth place. it is what it is. there's nothing we can do now but just kindof unfortunate. >> how would you describe how you and yourteam fought back tonight? >> it was a valiant effort. you know, just didn't go. didn't come with a big reward.

we worked hard to get it good by the end. once the sun went down and the track cooleddown we started to get better. and the top started come in, at that point,and i felt like we were able to rim ride better than everybody else. just didn't have enough time to get aroundhim. but after that caution -- i knew we weren'tin a great spot. we didn't have any sticker tires left. we had to put on scuffs. it just didn't work out.

it's one of those deals and just didn't playon our end. >> i know you wanted to do well for your dadtonight, erik. how much was he on your mind? >> a fair amount. i was hoping we could bring it home for himand we took the lead there at one point. that was pretty cool. i would have loved to get back-to-back championshipsbut it didn't play out. we have to move on and get better. >> next year will be the cup series.

how will you remember this year for xfinity? >> a good learning year. i learned a lot, really, about racing itselfmore so than i thought i would have. there's a lot of things i feel i didn't knowyet and learned a lot throughout the year. i feel like hopefully we'll be better at themnext year. so just racing and making sure you put yourselfin good spots and taking what the car is giving you. not things i did necessarily all yearlong. hopefully i can do a better job next yearon those things and it'll play out better.

>> erik is not the champion this year. he acted like it for the last half hour. signing a lot of autographs. a lot of folks reminding erik he's their champion. >> and elliot sadler has gotten similar response. a lot of drivers, hall of famers coming upto congratulate him on a great season map is on your mind is coming up a little bitshort. what are your thoughts now? >> you know, it's heartbreaking.

to be that close and be in a position thereat the end. the guys made a great call to put me in thespot. we've had a great season. i've had the time of my life here at juniormotor sports. they have given me a great opportunity. and we have great partners and the supportthey give us in this racing program. and to come up short, yeah, i'm sad for myselfbut more sad for my sponsors and my team and my guys in the shop. i love them to death.

all the hard work they put in these cars. i wanted to win this championship really bad. >> you had a really good shot in the closinglaps on the final restart. the 14 was in the mix. we know your team was negotiating with theirs. what was the response you got from them? >> i just wanted to see if they would letus have the top and let us four race for it. but he decided to stay up there and i madea mistake on the restart and he didn't go and i was a little timid and let daniel geta good run on me and congratulations to him

and his team. he did a good job on the restart. i messed up a little bit. so all that being said, honestly, mike, thishas been a dream come true season for me. i do have a good race team. i love the guys. kevin has done a great job. i missed the him tonight being on the box. to finish second is definitely hard to swallow.

>> how much did it affect you not having yourprimary crew chief? >> a few communication stuff. we were going through under caution and thingslike that. he did a good job. he came in here on championship weekend. you talk about sitting on the pressure cookerfor one weekend. he did a good job and the rest of my guysstepped up to the plate. that's what the team is all about. we love each other.

we're on the same page. we definitely -- when something happens wepull each other up. i'm a sad guy here. i admit it. i wanted to hand her and dale a trophy tonightbut we came up a little short. it wasn't by lack of trying but we got beattonight and we'll regroup. again, i'm so glad my mom and dad and my familyand wife and kids are here to support me. we'll go back and celebrate a really goodseason we've had. >> elliot sadler has plenty to be proud of.

second place in the championship, kelli. >> justin allgaier crossed the line and comingaway third in the choice. start by taking me through the final restartand get your thoughts and the decision by the 14 team to stay out >>well, you know,obviously you have to take it sometimes and they took a chance. unfortunately, you know, i was super excitedon coming off pit road. it was all four fighting for the championship. going to have to battle it out. i knew we had a really, really -- we had racedall night with daniel and erik and elliot

and ran up front and ran second a lot of night. so to not be able to chase for it in the end,i think that was probably the hardest part. knowing that your shot was kind of gone. everybody at junior motor sports. elliot said it, but everybody worked so hard. this has been so much fun this season. we've had a blast. i told you before today, you know, we camein here with no pressure on ourselves. we wanted to lay it all on the table.

we did that. and, you know, i'm probably more bummed forthat that we didn't get a better finish for our guys. we did what we needed but it came down tosomebody else's mistake that took us out to be here in the first xfinity series chaseand have the fans and the support we all had, you know, from everybody it was really special. and it's a lot of fun >>well, they gave iteverything they had, certainly, so they can walk away with their heads held high. rick?

>> and the first year of the chase for thexfinity series. all four teams battling for that championship. it comes down to daniel suarez. we are just a stone throw from the championshipcelebration with kyle petty and dale jarrett. if you tuned into the race with 50 to go,you saw the championship four running, as shea they should, one, two, three, four. we said it was a race for the ages. it lived up to the hype. >> it was incredible.

i can't believe how many different scenariosplayed out during the course of the day. if you can see the cut here. it's where i popped myself in the head inthe last restart. what is going on here? i don't know. it was a crazy i did. a lot of intensity. but well deserved by daniel suarez. well deserved the championship today.

>> certainly. he earned the right to be the champion. throughout the chase and once again here tonight. but what a phenomenal race this was. we every one of them we said they were championshipcontenders. they were that and showed their driving skillstonight. they bounced back from different things thathappened throughout the afternoon and into the evening and it was just tremendous. and daniel suarez did the best job at theright time.

>> yeah justin allgaier probably drove therace of his career. you can't give that kid kudos enough. the team for erik jones. putting that car back together and keepingthe car in the race. same thing with elliot sadler. making calls to put him up front. and these teams did everything they couldto put their drivers in position to win this thing. this is a guy that made the least mistakestonight.

that's what it boiled down to in the end. >> there could only be one champion. all four of the championship drivers can goto bed tonight knowing they did everything they could to win the title. and this celebration is going to continuefor daniel suarez, joe gibbs, and his team. we're going to continue and bring you morefrom here in homestead. reminder at 7:05 you will be able to see thepremier of the new show on nbc sn. we'll wrap things up in miami next.hings upin miami nextaul. >> four different race cars.

four different drivers. and you. riding shotgun. >> that is coming up in just a few moments. daniel suarez wins the 2016 xfinity serieschampionship, and that is as carl edwards crew goes over the wall with them. they can't celebrate because another championship. >> they didn't take any but the pit crewsare a critical part of winning this championship, as they were tonight.

>> daniel suarez becomes the first latin-americanto win a nascar national championship. tomorrow we have joey logano and carl edwardstrying to win their first. jimmie johnson you think this is history andit is the first latin-american to win but jimmie johnson is trying to tie the king andthe ior tomorrow at 7:00. >> number seven would be incredible. tough battle. two guys that have never won a championshipthat feel they had opportunities that got away from them right here at this track andkyle busch motivated to get back-to-back. >> only ten guys have done it in the historyof the sport.

no one in this format. kyle busch is motivated for that. we know the history of jimmie johnson. the way we've seen joey logano run and carledwards step it up at texas, this is going to be i believe it's going to come down tothis, 40, 50 laps to go all the guys up front running for it. >> and you know all of the sprint cup driverswere watching this tonight and watching the fact justin allgaier, elliott sadler all runningthe race of their life tonight to do what daniel suarez did.

>> we saw exactly when erik jones was runningdown daniel suarez trying to get the lead in the race inches from the wall, the fastestway around. who is willing to push it and get that muchout of it? we saw every one except for suarez run intothe wall. how much of that we will see factor in tomorrownight with damaged race cars and who is pushing it over the limit? >> if we go back to prerace you got to runoff the wall a little bit, give yourself room to move up. suarez it was like he listened to everythingdale jr. said in the prerace show.

stayed off gave himself a cushion. moved up within three or four feet of it. he ran a conservative race but when he neededto go he wept. >> dale earnhardt jr. versus joe gibbs interms of their drivers trying to win the xfinity daniel suarez comes out on top. we'll do this all again tomorrow.

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