crossover suv depreciation


at long beach to the poll we have 37 program in the 54 areas up was that and up 180 reason pickets and i know that the poorreceived a packet that lit summer clothes and youtennessee other organized by various areas wherewe have our rear packwood what are the things we'regonna do tonight is each the deans in talk about the variousprograms

in youtube schools and then we're gonnainclude by showing from innovation the happening the first school is is my new school health me isthe ology science and and now and first but i'd like torecognize some michael t and now there appear in theback bro we have buried by other kathleen mae you twicein baker who's our program director for professional nursing and we have moreministers wanna or after members i and i also have gonedown here from life by its we're doing a

collaboration or reporter and i thought basie workover there hasn't been easy allah they were meant in other programs your paper to this live you can see all the programsthat are in this school particularly i know president kellogg for more nursingsewers is this board member auto who have attendedmany or or innings ceremonies we have a pointcoming up on tonight

7:30 should you be inclined to attendagain but what i really wanna focus on is that on this list program that the faculty continue to create relevant programme based on industry community me so if you look at it wonderful program the list hero highlighted re one of themis home hell and there's a tremendous demand forhome belts or professional nursing area has

created a on bill program it is forty hours been and the raining and it has beenrecently certified by the state of california or like point that out in addition inour dmi which is our radiology area we havecomputer tomography which is ewbal bird get a ct scan that's what you'll know about that andit and the reason that we created that is the advisory committee'snobody around

brains or staff members in the all these years users your student nowemployees that are working in radiology and new technologies in the park littlehave been brain in it yet and the i'm back longbeach the pollard praying with that program two years now very or and theni'd like to point out a new one it massage therapy with hisinner in these the only here and we've justrecently got back curriculum ru and we're philippine thatprogram me a lord need in the community

and many opportunity for though that it i'd also want to point out thatthese programs were at all la be in so i'm we're burning wide is to well i aidid i'm now i realize pat already came up andtalked about journalism and he's here i did on as you all know our journalism program is well actually let me back up a bitsoul as the dean

language arts and communication it'sprobably more familiar to you did to think up our school is englishreading foreign language esl communicationstudies and not necessarily ct and journalism is one of thoseinteresting programs that happens to be housed in the englishdepartment but it has a dual role so it functions academic and ct assistants have the opportunity to pursue a transfer toagree

or and/or move into the workplace and so as youcan see on the slide there are several certificates and areasin emphasis that our students can select which are really moving in a morecutting edge direction at this point as you know if we look back 10-15 yearsago paper newspapers we still have ourbiking a worst but it's also digital years ago wejust had paper you actual newspaper and so everythingis moving in a more multimedia direction and of course are biking is is certainlyup to speed with that with twitter

instagram facebook our digital newspaper all of these opportunities are here forstudents to learn the skills and move on into the workplace so it's avery exciting time i think for students to be participatingin are journalism program here at the college and i am actually filling in for mycolleague id number who is the dena this glove socialsciences and the arts so and i had to kinda bring myself up tospeed

with this very interesting school that had is a combination visual andmedia arts and business so on the one hand we havebusiness administration a downing money and bankinginternational business these are just a you and the opportunities options that students have if theydecide to focus in the area business and as you know businessescomplimentary too many many other programs as well andi need to do now that we have students who actually optto you abdul emphasis

in business business administrationalong with other academic programs that we might have on the visual me art side we are giving our students anopportunity of course in a region that is rich withentertainment film radio-television the opportunity the yetand on training hands-on skills in these areas good evening everyone and i just want topoint out that being the dino their career andtechnical education school

i'm oftentimes that but might be at all career and technical educationfalls under one school so as you can see tonight duringtechnocrat education act actually is applied across the college in these arevery very important programs that not only transfer onto universities but they also and in very successful job opportunitiesto provide very good family supporting wages so as youcan see here in the school of print equitation

there are a number have very interestingand innovative programs we're gonna get into that for thepresentation next so as we transition into the innovation you see two pictures on that wide one is the rendering a the new cbuilding that the nursing building and the other oneis the math technology with will be housing or ordinary art program and i want tocommend the board and and the leadership college with the

you vision up the bond program orinstructional possibilities we have participated at the school level in designing each of these facilitiesfrom from you know in talking with our faculty in designinginstructional bases that are absolutelystate-of-the-art moving forward the a/c building remodel its good willto open in spring of 2016 and the exciting thing about year iswere using nursing simulation for everything that we do andthat's going to be the next slide

but this is enabled us to bring thatstimulation which now resides in the building all into onelocation where we're going habits state-of-the-art deregulation well up coupled with our skills laboratory inits going to be a outstanding rep bass pro right back with inper-student up i the the cebu the the v building is upthere which is math tekken people there what's going to happen when map movedout of the building right well this is what happened becausei've the demand for prerequisites and in the healthcare area the there are

recourse is better extreme with my waymicrobiol is the only you now so when the mathdepartment moved out not only are we we're going to bebuilding more wet lab to accommodate thosebottleneck or but we're also gonna house party in myradiology area in our medical the in area on the burt or people thefaculty is already been working to design that space and it's gonna bex-wing so as i said those these are real pictures %uh partners inc emulationhospital

i n or do some the faculty i wanna inparticularly mention both debbie byler who was our orare in faculty liaison person relation and has been since day one and kathleen mason was our simulationordinator and the critical thing with simulationis that it allows the students to work on amanic in before they go to the hospital andwe're gonna human so they can make you years before they get out there withi p you all agree is a good thing right but in a low-pressure environment rightyou make a little mistake him

american-made talk but student overthere be in the boys that the man and so on you we're very excited thatthey're able to to use that and again i just wanna restthat that group backed there has beenintegral ian paul been in designing the bates along withother faculty members we went to different politicos and simulation his has been a major part apart rick on rover five years now on it hasbeen very beneficial

that is out this technology ties intoinnovation here long be all so a little bit more in simulation its ownis peeping into just about all aspects up teaching learning andtraining on specifically we have now some welding and metal fabrication programunder the engineering advanced manufacturing areaweld sir simulators and so if you think awelding as natural process you think a min firemen thats maybe hasa few months and needs ventilation

and it might be that your under a hoodin 20 teach in those conditions is quitedifficult so if you look at the illustration on the left there's to weldsimulators made by only can electric there's atable there so students are regular traditional classroom actually practice their welding skillsthe other thing that simulation brings n is that instant feedback so when you areactually a student trying to learn if you don't have an instructor overyour shoulder

really directing you to make acorrection or eight or teaching you how to do a specifictechnique on muni learn bad habits so into simulation you can actually southcorrect by actually the simulation process directing directing you some other examples a simulation would include i robotic simulation so wehave now are robots and in the manufacturingarea that before you actually get on the robot areyou can do simulation on the computers you can completely

plug in a teach pendant and seemsimulate on that computer and then you canactually go directly to the robot so if you think about a robot not having any real sense is like a human being aperson and director about to do something veryfor a bull in a few seconds i had a tour have a manufacturing plant where theywere doing castings and someone told the robot to do right rather than aleft and the robot probably reached missing this room andit actually went right through the wall

the factory so simulation on is a goodthing i a few others things that we have goingon to college that we do not have pictures appears 3dprinting 3d printing is creeping at all levels and i think you're gonna see 3d printing arm getting into the culinary arts ithink you're gonna see 3d printing getting into math classrooms unity 3dprinting inning everywhere because it it providesthat that that simulation that visual thatyou can't provide

any other way annika to 2d piece a paper or a computer screen saw 3d printing hasreally come down in cost and it's really starting to countryeducation and then let's not forget about the realauthentic things that we have going on here for example our child development centerso that allows long beach city college to install radar into an authentic environment and ofcourse our new culinary facility has it's going to have a fullfledged fully functional

restaurant and so again it's anauthentic learning activities a simulation an authentic morning i'm are veryimportant to college students report to the community and i think we're gonna secret benefittheir i like to discuss been into the wholeidea digital computing and we have a cybersecurity program and you can onlyimagine the amount to work that's going on todayto protect

i'm all the information that notes vitalto corporations the united states just upthe road here so many you saw what happened with sony you heard the target and home depot and it seems like everyday i'm peopleare being breached and so cyber security is going to becomeand network security is good from more more important and i think thething is that we're pointing out his wii we don't wanna really highlight everyprogram tonight because we do not but there are some really interesting thingsgoing on

on on at the college and so we're backto the arts digital visual and social media honestly when i took a look at the journalism programand be good fortune to work with this cool im social science and the arts what i sawwere lot of connections and so when we lookat these ct e programs that we had spread out inall our schools what we can see is that our studentshave opportunities to make many many

connections we're in a region that is rich with entertainment opportunities we have aradio and tv program on students have an opportunity to not only participate in simulation but actually in hands-on i had the goodfortune to being invited to sit in and be an intervieweeand when patent means classes during one of oursummer journalism classes and so i was beginning to pay can i saton a stool in front of the classroom

and students by request fired away theirquestion and i try to be as you know forthrightand candid as possible & poor's padded told me that which infor not going to print it so it's okay you know so i was a little bit more atease but the point is is that students had an opportunity to get that real practice in a simulated environment so then they would turn in their storiesand pat would review them and they'd get some feedback to me thatthats ideal that's what education is about it's thatopportunity to practice

something that eventually is going tolead to a career that's just one opportunity withjournalism with radio and television students can practice on developing producing commercials doing voice-overs for commercials we areno commercials are going away still that's certainly a great area thatstudents can go into i digital media actually brings togetherall the things that you see on the screen from film to computer

to social media there's a lot ofcrossover in a lot of collaboration and i think that for me that was thepoint that i wanted in bay with ct e it's not over here an academic is over here its like this and students have an opportunity to geta career start in the workplace right away buthost cell return if they want to and continuetheir education i think that's the most valuable thing that we have at thecommunity college are these options for speed

another hot topic out there is energy and here's a climber rationinglike to point out between electrical department and advancedtransportation program again in the illustration you have somesolar panels right next to the advancedtransportation center and those solar panels areactually plugged into a charging station that can actually charger vehicle and ifyou think about solar panels being off the grid and aplace the charger vehicle if there was for example if we had amajor quake in the area and the grade

went down they're actually be a spot at long beachcity college where you could actually charger vehicle you could charge laptop computers you could chargecellphones and through this collaboration that got the attention of well maybe we should be looking at morethis out in in government are places where wecan actually in a great these hotspot so if things godown least we can still i'm function and so

you've got the the idea of studentstaking solar class is right outside a facility where students are working incompressed natural gas and able to really see how an electricvehicle is charged and our final innovative collaborative project and iyou have on the screen is is is very exciting as well the the life science area got in asp ran to buy native drought-resistant plants and we were together with possibilities in brown'sarea and outside the building

we're gonna be planting those plantainand our body student in life sciences in be able to use that as the livinglaboratory as well as are oracle room at the civic both campusthough we're pretty excited about that that oneof the reasons mister downey's your you he was the i'm integral to getting that up in going we've beenworking on it right now we're pickin plan and big turnout was gonna work we havethe face in it just a really great example

up how all of the areas were gonna cometogether including the campus supports to help our students really experience something specialeurope long beach city college ball being environmentallythough as as and said and as doctor audiencethat these are just some the programs wewanna emphasize that we pick on that we're doing some me things thatwe wanted demonstrate for you guys night but thereare many many other programs on this yeppers they'redoing find work as well

without we like thank you for having a and make your thank you paul the questions the board at this timewhatever cherry as trustees here thank you paul and congratulations ongetting your doctor and your thesis is the station and and can and jennifer and just curfew questions that i have for stanthank you for this this is one this is one of my questionsi've which which programs we givecertificates and

and perhaps this is a question for terrywith the difference between certificate of accomplishment and certificateachievement though i i can handle that we can all have our a certificate accomplishment is is a certificate under 18 unit and a certificate of achievement is over18 units in the significance is that certificate the pompous minuteobviously are lesser and they're more local sothat whether

all the pomp the it to achievement havebeen on that did and approved by the answeris obvious okay great and a question that wanted to ask you and so what are the success rates forstudents in the city programs now really berries by by program for example i can use nursing in the no10 will be able to compose without tortureparade the

it's about a ninety percent success rateand most recently on the and bike which is better finally now we usually register about 95 percent and not they're fine with them it's theirthem bpm provide red partner but that that's an example very by and or separate but each of the programs that you have therewould have their own you know it in ball rate i don't knowthat i know an effort am okay with besides nursing how we doingoverall

with their success rates how manystudents do we have been the c key programs an adobe measuring that that they're getting jobs marketstudies are matching with industry does kinda dada he could help me out depreciated her well with the specific success rate i'm for we could come back with withsome data we were prepared to talk about that tonight however you did ask about

employer surveys which we the program'sto do employer surveys and they do it out theemployer's been in ask not only what are the opportunities in your areaour long beach city college student doing at your placebusiness that's an ongoing about way and for what's the percentage a our students getting jobs and what aretheir pay rates that they're getting our students did youhave a specific area in mind well %um and if he'd give me a range or am you know night i don't have aspecific area if i can interrupt paul

let me go back to previous question thestudent success scorecard has are overall completion on rates for tech critical education programs and 45percent 40 5.1 actually a.m. the salaries on the chancellor's office says it'sbest to capture salaries above for earnings for all the careertechnical feels and that's on the salary surfer which is also mom thoughts on thechances of his website so if an individual trustee once a targetspecific programmer

anyone in these programs that we havedata for you can look that up we the chance of this is not have datayet for all the programs at something to state isworking on and at this point has no means to trackindividuals into the workplace so other then specific faculty workingwith specific employers we don't have any way to track students into employment that the dateis also difficult to dis the segregate because a cohort ofindividuals that enroll in a program basically have toyou

select on that they're going toparticipate in the program but someone who may be coming back justto get a few courses to sharpen their skills and there's not that differentiation sowe have to some would do some interpretation other people may come to the collegeself-select re classes because their employers asking to takethis this and this. of the pic weekend classes at long beach citycollege will give you a job we don't really have a way toauthenticate that on a report

found that somewhat difficulty ofcurrent ecb education but i think one thing that is recognizesthat there is value intact but can absolutely i'm supportive edina i have been it's a very near anddear to my heart i participated in the advisory group for the new constructiontechnology program and i was very impressed with your work can't are too shy and i'm all the workthat you do it ct e group and and i just want to make surethat

we are and setting our students up forsuccess inc making them career ready so i reallylook forward to getting those dad i guess is being worked on to make sure that whatever we're doingor what evan has been so we need to do we focus on those an areas than and i think that's pretty much all i hada i'm shirt my other questions we'll comeback to me at my happen now thank you for your great work othermembers or at this time comments actually cameback to me

to have and i witnessed wanna bore and students to receive hintsat the board of governors breakfast dead atst. baxter hosted i was gonna report on this saidmy board member comments but since i may lose you guys a and thisit was fantastic and it was just wonderful to see thestudents come up with that project of the robotics program and the greatscott frazier he's definitely a doing some great work with them and it was a very proud professor may bevery proud at your work and

their work up this organization thisinstitution to thank you the members thank you verymuch german thank you and president kellogg yes and i just saythat if there is other information specifically that you would like i thinkpaul just mention this but i'd like to offer any opportunity that you have toask questions that would require us to actually dig up some data for you wouldbe happy to do that and if in the future you have anymore interest in learning more about aspecific program we would also be happy to do that so

thank you team for presenting and thankyou for the opportunity thank you it's always it's always apleasure ct we know too difficult times we've always beenvery proud the ct programs here on the city college whatwe offer in and it's called mention the the nursingevent graduations a great event to go to see success and family in the stands butdinner scene that is also high on my list as well asalways really a great event to tend so ups will be there for that but a great jobin i know

second half the bar very proud the cityprograms suffered here in long beach city college in the great work you do her neck to the final presentation whichis 3.4 the lead academy who's written a personal plea you do orsay recognized directly vice president talk radio i i will turn it over to vicepresident ok i do. from before that though i just wannacomment that them this is an an item that place president ok i do. other membersthe executive team coordination and in partnership with theacademic senate have been working on for

several months and at the behest for board member auto several months ago so were happy to saythat it's come a long way and i think themyou'll be happy with the results so with that i'll turn over to vice presidentgary thank you president oakley out let metake this moment to to introduce to my colleagues are gonnajoin me at the podium in a minute i karen kane i'll with the academicsenate our president in the academic senate andalso thomas hamilton

the president at the union and i firstwant to acknowledge them for the work that they've done on this programbecause together as a team we've worked to a developed the program and design whichyou can see here tonight and if you take a look at church at yourtable top you'll find that you have a brochure right next to you that's also beendeveloped hands for the program so we kinda have a theme going heretoday communication and collaboration and itcertainly has been that

effort together that we've had as we gathered input and come together notonly as the as a cohort of three representing be administration facultyin classified but then also puttingtogether a steering committee that has helped us to up with the design the program togetherso we solicited a lot of him put that pic actually began last june stake in 10 months to get it to where weare today but it was important

particularly for accreditation purposesbecause they do require that you conduct surveys and so or sowe've been serving as we can focus group and then of course aresteering committee has helped move this project law to let's just give you a quickperspective on the program i'm going to have my colleagues chime inhere with with their participation and experience has beenwith the program first of all let me say that we're getting very positive perceptionfrom our campus community

we're hearing comments such as i've beenwaiting for this all my career here thank you so much for putting thistogether and in our last session we've done threeinformation session so or personally and we have one more butin our last session there about forty-five people in thereinterested in listening to what the program was about and when we asked the question how manyhave you plan to apply all forty-five raise their hands we were

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