crossover suv comparison uk


hi guys, john here with real todayi'm going to show you how to install the titan side bed wheel well toolbox onto a 2014 chevysilverado. all right guys, as you can see here we'vegot this all laid out and you can see it comes with everything you need to install it. ithas your box, your lid, all your mounting hardware and a box divider, which is kindof a really neat feature. and one of the really cool things about this box is that it's madeso that you can put it on either side of your truck, either in the back or up towards thecab, wherever you want to mount this on the truck. the next step is to go ahead and get thison the truck, so let's get it. okay, guys,

we've got the box up here on the truck, butthe first step of this process is to determine where we're going to mount this thing. nowfor this particular instance, we're going to go right up here towards the cab and whatwe want to do is take our tape measure and measure about 3 inches from the end of thebox, and what i'm going to do is i'm just going to put a mark here on this box so thatway we know where the 3-inch line is. and now that we have that, then we can takethe box and set it up in here approximately where we are going to want it. now what ilike to do is the brackets that mount on here give you some up and down motion for mounting,but what i like to do is i'll put it all the way up against the bulkhead of the bed hereand then back it off, oh i don't know, maybe

about a quarter or half an inch, just so thatthis isn't rubbing on the bed of your truck. and it also allows your lid to open and closea little better. so we've got this about where we want it togo, so i'm going to make a mark on here on the truck just so that way i know where todrill the holes to put my brackets. and then if you have one of these, they'recalled a speedy square, and you can get these at your hardware stores or whatever. i usethem in construction but they work really good for doing this kind of stuff. and i'lljust take my speedy square and line it up on the mark, and this allows you to be ableto draw a nice straight line, and so i'll line it up with that mark and then i'll justdraw down and also down underneath here so

that way we can determine exact location wewant to put our mount. all right, now we have everything marked,the next step is to take our mounting bracket, set it up on the truck where we're going tobe putting it, and line it up on this line here so you can get your hole kind of centeredwhere you're going to be putting it on there. and then once you have that in place, thenwhat i'll do is i'll just take a punch and i'll put the punch up on the spot where i'mgoing to go with it, give it a little tap, and that will set us a spot for our hole thatwe have to drill. and then we'll take our 3/32 drill bit andwe will put the hole through here to attach our mounting bracket. all right, i'll doublecheck this to make sure we have it exactly

where we want it. okay, everything looks goodthere. so the next thing we're going to do is we'regoing to slip this up underneath here so that way it just keeps a nicer, cleaner look, andthen we'll take our self-tapping screws that come with our kit; and we'll run that throughhere to attach this bracket so we can mount this up to the box. okay, now that is in there, we'll go aheadand figure out where we're going to attach it onto our box and get that all set up andready to go. and then we'll make our spot up here on the rail for the other bracketthat goes on this end. so let's get that done now.

all right, once this bracket is installed,what you want to do is just take a tape measure and you can measure the amount of bracketthat you have here left, and this one is roughly about 2 inches. so what we're going to do,if you remember we put that line on our box; what we want to do with it then is to comeover to our box and then take our speedy square and just line it up with that line that weput on there originally, and then just draw lines straight down on the box and just goto this edge right here. now what you can do from there, just so youcan get an idea of about where you want to mount this on here, is what i will do is i'llcome up here to the top of the box and then i'll mark down here the 2-inch mark. and thatgives you the length of that bracket. so what

you can do is anywhere along this line herepretty much, you can put in the hole. i would probably keep it, if you look over here, youcan see the slot doesn't go the whole length, so the slot itself is only roughly about aninch and a quarter from the bottom of the bracket. so if you go up from here an inch and a quarterfrom this line we drew for the length of the bracket, then what that's going to do is that'sgoing to put our slot within this area here to here. so some place in this area here iswhere you can put your hole for mounting your box to the bracket. what i would suggest andwhat i'm going to do with this one is to go right about the center, which is right abouthere, because that bracket is slotted and

it'll allow you to slide this thing up anddown a little bit even after it's attached to the truck to get it set where you wantit. so now that we've got that marked, then we'llgo ahead and drill that and see what we can come up with and get ready to put our nextmounting bracket on. all right, now that we've got it marked we'lldrill this spot here. okay, you can see how simple and easy that was. now what we're goingto do is from that hole there we're going to come across our box 32 inches, which willbe, if i don't move this around too much, right here. and we'll just put a little markright here at the 32-inch mark. we'll take our speedy square again and drawa line down to 2 inches, which is right there.

so that's the bottom right here at the 2-inchmark. okay, so that's going to give us that location.what we're going to want to do from there is the same way we did on the other one. we'regoing to go up an inch and a quarter from the 2-inch mark, which would be right abouthere and put another mark; and then find our center, which is going to be right about here.and then we'll drill our hole right there. okay, having that done, the next step of ourprocess is to come from the center of this bolt right here where i come 32 inches acrosshere, and that's going to put us right here. so what we want to do is make sure we've gotthis center on here, for sure, so that way we don't get this off. actually the best wayto do this because of the way this tape measure

is designed, is to come this way, line up32 inches on here right in the center of that bolt head, which would be right there. thenblock this down, and then come up here to the end of our tape and make a mark righthere. okay, once we have that then we can take ourfriendly speedy square and mark us a line straight down the side rail here. the next thing we're going to do so we canget this all even, is we'll measure here and from the center there to the top of that railis about roughly an inch and an eighth. so we're going to come over here to this lineand we're going to measure down roughly an inch and an eighth. now remember these bracketsare slotted, so this doesn't have to be like

dead on perfect. the only thing we're lookingat to get dead on perfect on this is the location of this so it matches up with the hole weput in the side box. so now we've got our location for our hole that we're going todrill, so we'll drill that. alright, got everything all drawn out andready to go, the next part is to grab our bracket and our self-tapping screw and getthat in there so we can get that bracket attached. all right, we've got our mounting bracketsin place so the next step of our process here is to go ahead and get our bolts that mountthe box to the brackets and get them installed, so let's get those done. all right guys, we've got our bolts into ourmounting brackets and if you remember right,

we used a 3/32 drill to drill the holes forhere and into our box, but what we're going to do now is we're going to take a 3/16 drillbit and drill out those holes in the box a little bit bigger so that these bolts willfit through. so we'll just go ahead and drill those out real quick and get ready to mountthis box up on the truck. all right we got those drilled out so theyshould fit really nice now. and we're going to get our washers and our little rubber grommetwashers that will help these to seal; we'll put those on there and our nuts so we canget these mounted in the box. all right, so we have our rubber washers;we're going to put these on our bolts here, and for two reasons actually. one, and themost important, is that it will help keep

water from getting inside our toolbox. theother reason is that it helps keep these bolts held in place in here where we need them tobe when we put the nuts on the other side. all right, we have that. the next thing we're going to do is to attachthese bolts through those holes that we drilled in the box. once we get this one in, theni will attach a nut to it and just run it down finger tight, because we're going tohave to do some adjusting and such and that'll hold it in place while we get the other onein. and if we're really lucky and all our measurements were correct, then this willalign right up. and in this case we were in fact lucky and that will allow us to get thisone lined up nicely.

all right, so what we're going to do rightnow is we're just going to leave the box sitting just the way it is, and we're going to attachour lid for this. and once that's attached, then we'll get everything adjusted and setwhere it's all even and where it's going to be in the truck, where we want it to sit nicelyat. so let's get the lid attached and then we'll go from there. all right, one of the really cool things aboutthese boxes is with this lid, it's designed so that you can set this thing up to openfrom one of two directions. and you can set it up so that you can open it from this wayso it opens up into the truck where you can just reach in over the side and grab whatyou need. or you can put it on this way so

that you get in the truck and you open itup and you can get what you need out of there. so it really just depends on how you're goingto set this up, what you want to do with it, and where you're going to put it. it's kindof a universal kind of setup, so if you're going to put it on the other side of the truckor flip it around and put it back here' it allows you to do that so that you can putthis lid either direction. but for our purposes, we're going to set this lid up so that itopens from this side. now what you do is quite simple have your mounting pins for your lid to open on and it's just a matter of taking these,these actually will pop inside. there are holes on the ends of the lid. these will popinside those holes. but we don't want to put

this one on just yet, because what we're goingto do with this is we're going to actually attach it over here first and then slide ourlid onto it so it makes it a little easier to get it off and on there to attach it. solet's get these bolts bolted on, and then we'll get this lid on this thing, so herewe go. all right, the first process of putting ourlid on is to attach our brackets for the lid. it's really easy; you take the bolts, youcan see these have a square notch in them and that's for these carriage head bolts.they slip right down inside there and you line it up so that it slides down in thatnotch and that's what keeps it in place for when you tighten it up.

then you can take this one and you just slipit down inside there where it's going to go, and grab the nuts that go to it. and we'llspin those on. and unlike the box itself, we're actually going to go ahead and tightenthese down. all right guys, we've got this end attached,we got our lid slid up onto where it's going to go on that side. the next step is to attachthis part. so obviously we can't put this onto the toolbox and then slide it on, sowhat we're going to do is we're going to attach it to the lid and you can see how the lidhas holes in the end of it here. this just snaps inside there and it's designed so thatit won't pull back out. so make sure that you get these things on right, otherwise you'regoing to have some issues.

all right so what we'll do is we'll just slidethis out. remember how i was telling you how it had that little snap part so it'll slideout that far. so that allows us to put our bolt in here, and make sure that we get itsquared down in there where it's supposed to go. we'll slide this back up on here, anddrop the bolts through the holes in the box. we'll take our nuts and put them on the bottomand then we'll tighten this thing all up, and get already to start making the adjustmentsof where we want it to sit in here. all right guys, we've got the lid attached,so you can see it works pretty nice; it closes up really nice just like we want it to. it'snot rubbing or bumping anywhere. so what we can do at this point is we're going to takethose leftover bolts that came with the kit

and they actually attach in these holes onthe other side along with those rubber washers to keep this from getting water inside we're going to go ahead and put those in there and then we'll peel this tape off andget this thing set. so let's get these in. what i like to do with these when i snug thesedown is pull them all the way up to the top because it's a little easier to slide themback down when you're making the adjustment than it is to try and pull it back up. sowe're going to close this lid up, and we want to make sure that we've got the lid closedcompletely. one of the other really neat features of this box is that it locks and comes withkeys and everything for locking it. so we're going to close it down, and as soon as i figureout how to operate the key, we're going to

lock it up. now as you can, see i was kind of pushingdown on it a little bit and this slipped down and kind of becomes a little bit of a painto slide back up. so, now we have it pretty much where we want it. there you have it guys, that's how easy andsimple it is to install this titan side bed wheel well toolbox onto your truck. so untilnext time, happy motoring.

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