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>>> it's a good day for a nascarrace. hope you're having a good sundayas we welcome you live to a dry track in richmond, virginia.tony needs a hug and a win. kevin harvick with a couple ofwins. nascar's defending champ isready to race and jayme johnson has also won twice this sports proudly presents the toyota owners 400 from richmondinternational raceway. saturday night rain forced thisrace to be run today. the ninth race of the's the quarter mark of the

season, and in the first eightraces, we've had six different winners, guys like tony stewart,whom you've seen, dale earnhardt jr., jeff gordon and clintbowyer have won multiple races at richmond but looking fortheir first win of this season. looking for back-to-back shorttrack race favorites from bristol to here, joe gibbsracing and let's go trackside. >> race fans at this time,please rise and remove your hats as the honor guard presents ournation's colors. ladies and gentlemen this weeknascar lost one of its longest

standing voices and moreimportantly a great friend, with the passing of fox sportsbroadcaster steve byrnes. throughout his 30-plus yearscovering this sport, steve earned the respect andadmiration of the entire nascar community.steve was a remarkable person, served as an inspiration to manyduring his courageous battle against cancer, and he will bemissed. our thoughts and prayers go outto steve's wife, karen, son bryson, as well as all hisfamily, friends, and colleagues.

we ask that you please remainstanding and join us in a moment of silence as we remember stevebyrnes. thank you.and now, please welcome reverend tom potter from langley,virginia, as he offers today's invocation.>> dear lord, as we continue now to honor this great, remarkableman, i pray for his family, i pray that they might sense ourlove and our support, and they might be comforted andencouraged from above. lord, i want to thank you forthis most great speedway here,

lord, and all the extra hardwork that they put into this race tonight.we appreciate all of these race drivers, the team and familiesand their commitment to this sport.may this be a safe race. lord, i want to thank you forthese race fans. i thank you for theirdetermination, their patriotic spirit, and their belief in you.we especially thank you for our military, the sacrifice thatthey and their families make for freedom.we pray for our wounded

warriors.special thanks goes out for our law enforcement personnel, whofight a war that never ends, the war against crime.bring them safely home to their families, bless this race today,and god bless america, in jesus' name, shalom and amen!>> here today to honor america with the playing of our nationalanthem please welcome the soldiers of the ft. lee 392ndarmy band. >> present arms!\m\m \m\m\m\m

[�cheers and applause�]>> drivers, fans, family anxious to race and the race straightahead, 400 laps, 300 miles. our friend and colleague, stevebyrnes, will always be remembered.our thoughts remain with friends, family, and those ofthe nascar community. \m\m>>> thank goodness no more rain here in richmond.we expect plenty of three-wide racing today.there was racing here friday night in the xfinity series.there's denny hamlin front row,

the virginia native.he dominated bouncing back from the sore neck, in the lounge tofinish the rain-ravaged race last week in bristol he woneasily. earlier in it the race thereof afire in the pits that injured three crew members, gasmanjacques whitman released from the hospital last night, tirechanger anthony o'brien remains under physician's care andcliffard turner from eric mcclure's crew was treated andreleased from the hospital as well.the pit crew members and safety

crews do a great job on thetracks no matter what day it is. today's race, joey logano is onthe pole, he's won a race this year along with hamlin, twodrivers who have punched their ticket to the chase, ten spotsremain. we'll see drivers that haven'twon scrambling right away to get that "w.">> we talked to kevin harvick last night and he said we didn'tthink we'd race tonight but tomorrow.they adjusted their car likewise.the track is clean, a lot of

grip.the front tires will stick, maybe the back ones slidearound. >> jimmie johnson has won twicethis year and won the last two times they had a postponement atrichmond. last week he worked his way backup to finish second. >> are you sure?>> it was amazing. >> he started in the back, intwo crashes and winds up finishing second.that's the kind of determination and adversity you could befacing today with the conditions

that these drivers are facing.>> kasey kahne starts 40th, seventh in points but stilllooking for that first win. we'll keep an eye on him.>> fast chevrolet there, too. watch for him.>> it was going to be a night race and now it's a day racewith cool temperatures. they're ready to hear thosefamous words. >> race fans, it's time for themost famous words in motor spots.please welcome today's grand marshal, loyal toyota owner andvip customer of mechanicsville,

toyota, erin wincoop.drivers, start your engines. >> always appreciate a loyalcustomer, loyal viewers and loyal broadcasters, up in thebooth they always call the races for you on fox, hope you guysare having a good sunday, mike. >> thank you, chris.back in the day, richmond was the race right after daytonabecause promoter paul sawyer wanted to catch the snowbirdsheaded back from daytona beach. they started the race an hourafter church and that's just what we'll do today.earlier in the week the track

took on all kinds of rubber,there was rubber debris, good groove and with last night'srain it's all gone. >> we call it a green track.we love nascar's clean initiative but drivers don'tlike a track that does not have rubber near do the goodyeartires. all of the practice thesedrivers and teams had was in the day on friday and there was alot of anticipation, the forecast had been in thenewspapers all week long about yesterday, so i think we allfelt like we would be racing at

night.i think there has to be a lot of patience and a lot of trying ofthese patience until the rubber gets back down.>> darrel, what are your concerns about the early lapshere? >> i'm not even going to start.i'm a nervous wreck. i listened to michael, ilistened to larry. when i go off in the first turnthis car is not the same car i got out of friday and not thesame track that i ran on friday so everything is different.i'm going to be a little edgy

for the first couple of laps tosee what i've got. i've got to be patient with thiscar. remember what happened on thestart last year, i got to be sure that doesn't happen to methis year. >> kyle larson got turned aroundin the very first corner. the skies cried all night longin richmond here but now it's a new day, and we're ready torace, bring you nascar on fox. >>> welcome to the toyota owners400. i'm ed lapkis with toyota.three years ago we saluted our

toyota owners by creating thetoyota owners 400. in addition to saluting toyotaowners we're proud to create nascar history with the toyotamarai serving as nascar's first ever hydrogen fueled pace car.we'd like to send our thoughts and prayers to the family ofsteve byrnes, an inspiration to us all.we hope you enjoy the toyota own ares 400.>> thank you, ed. there is the pace car that edspoke of, hydrogen fuel, zero emissions.just water vapor.

here's the geico starting gradefor today's race, joey logano third pole of the season, heleads all drivers, denny hamlin led all but two laps here onfriday. kurt busch the 2005 winner anda.j. allmendinger best start of the season.kevin harvick, martin truex jr., brad keselowski, matt kenseth,brad won the pole here last september and matt broke thewinless streak last week, jamie mcmurray, and david ragan, beststart at richmond. jeff gordon runner up for bothraces here last year and kyle

larson, seventh last week hisbest of the season. tony stewart got his firstsprint cup win here, brett robbins here for the first time.paul menard won top ten here in ' elliott makes his second career start in the sprint cupseries. past winners, clint bowyer andcarl edwards in the ninth row and landon castle made thesecond round of qualifying and austin dillon his first top tenof the season last week. >> danica patrick, you got acopy?

>> sure, copy.>> you've got two top ten finishes on the short track,started mid pack. with all the rain and all thatstuff that's happening over the last day how do you feel aboutthe start of this race? >> i was thinking about how it'sgoing to change and i don't think there was a big shiftbetween the beginning of practice to the end of practiceso i think if the car is good the car is don't want to abuse the back tires coming off the corners andgetting a push out of it.

that's what i'll be focusing ontoday having a good car. >> all right, good luck.third best finish on short track, chase eligible.bring it to the house. >> copy that, thank you.>> danica will start 21st. >> the driver who benefited mostfrom the rain is kevin harvick. earlier this week he battled theflu. we to take a nap at one point.he said the extra night puts him back at 110%.he loves his chances for a fourth richmond win.jamie little?

>> matt, last time we raced herebrad keselowski dominated, started on the pole, led 383laps to win his first race at richmond.although the rules package is different and they trieddifferent setups nothing was as solid as what they raced in thefall. watch for keselowski to be athreat again. >> qualifying he said he doesn'tknow what happened to the car, he had no grip.he did come from the back to win atlanta but said today it'sgoing to be completely

different.ultraaggressive because it's easy to lose time and trafficand potentially go down a lap to the leader before thecompetition caution. mike?>> thanks, chris. today's race will be 400 lapsaround the three-quarter mile oval.richmond international raceway, sunoco race fuel every 110 to120 laps and half dirt inspection before they rauld therace. they impounded the cars and thenwhat?

>> the rules say they cannotmake adjustments on those cars when they're impounded as theywere last night for the race so they were able to just warm upthe engines, refuel the cars, just the tank and air pressureand that's all they can do to change the cars to start thisday race. >> thanks, andy.we are ready to go green in richmond.>> yes, sir, exciting day, a lot of fans came out to the racetoday, thank you for being here, it's going to be exciting.boogity, boogity, boogity, let's

go racing, drivers!>> for all that concern, darrel, good, clean start.>> so far, so good, coming around to complete lap one.lot of congestion mid pack. it's sorting itself out prettywell here. >> what we've been seeing allweek, though, the bottom line is the preferred groove and buschat 41 was doing everything he could to keep hamlin in the 11on the outside. kurt falls into second place.>> hamlin third, allmendinger fourth.then harvick, truex, keselowski,

the first side-by-side battle ismatt kenseth and jamie mcmurray for eighth.>> the thing we want to watch here early, can anybody make theoutside work, can you make passes on the outside?if you can, you got it made because there's nobody trying itright now. >> jeff gordon will try in turnthree against matt kenseth, back at ninth place, right behind himkyle larson on the outside. still a good fit a double widefrom there on back. >> you have to get up on theoutside when everybody's trying

to fight for the bottom and seeif you can make some passes. it hasn't looked good and rightnow matt kenseth is able to hold off jeff gordon as he tried topass on the outside. >> didn't work for gordon butkyle larson is still trying against david ragan there for11th. larson 42 on the outside.oh, danica turned around by casey mears!everybody's able to continue. that happened because two carsput danica in the middle three wide.she had to get out of the

throttle, and then got tagged.>> if you ever question her ability to drive a car and hercar control watch this. bam!casey mears right into the side of her, look at that car, almost90 degrees, saves it. carries on.>> let's look from ryan newman's >> stand behind you, stillgreen, still green. outside 51.>> go high, go to the wall, go to the wall.>> so we stay under green,

jamie?>> the only thing danica patrick said i am smoking in the car.right now they'll stay out and see if that was just from thetires. >> in the aftermath it stackedthe back of the field up so bad including greg biffle and daleearnhardt jr. they are back a half lap.>> i don't see anything in the roof, i don't see any tire rubon the 10 car. >> kevin harvick to the outsideof denny hamlin. martin truex pulls through aswell, drops hamlin two spots.

>> it just appears denny hamlinin the 11th, what we talked about before the green flag idon't think his 11 car is liking the racetrack that does not haverubber on it now. >> i think that 2 car you thinkabout the dominance of it last fall, 383 laps that car led hedid the tire test up here. i expect that car to be good onthe long run particularly. darrel, i am seeing more andmore drivers try to work that second groove in.if we ever get some rubber down we have two grooves of race.normally we see the groove in

three and four particularly, wayup near the wall so i think that will happen.just got to get some rubber down.>> tony stewart making his second career start, gave anudge in the door and clint bowyer was side by side withelliott a lap ago and now falls in line.>> bringing chase elliott to a track like richmond where he hassome good races under his belt, three top fives in the xfinityseries versus martinsville he had little to no experiencewhere he made his first start.

i i think chase will get a top15 today when it shakes out. >> landon cassill and carledwards mind hem. in seventh place kenseth andhamlin, teammates. jeff gordon looking in.>> denny hamlin tons slide back. i think he'll be one of thosedrivers that will be looking especially for that competitioncaution we spoke about at lap 50.>> it's not that unusual for a car to be way off in the startof the race when the track is like this, no rubber.nice battle for third, kevin

harvick and a.j. allmendinger.he qualified well, paid off for him.>> so joey logano has led every one of 13 laps so far from kurtbusch, kevin harvick, a.j. allmendinger and martin truexjr. >>> aerial coverage provided bygoodyear, for the gruelling demands of nascar, everythingwhat they do inspires their roll into yours.official tire of nascar showing you joey logano's lead over kurtbusch, 0.6 of a second as logano, just 20 laps into thisrace begins to get into race

traffic.>> that's slowing him down just a little bit here allowing kurtbusch closed a bunch because of logano trying to get by the 33car of alex kennedy there. >> ksh ksh is kurt busch is 0.4back. >> the car is on the tight sidethis early run. rodney childs resaid the trackshould take rubber when they get to the competition cautionaround lap 50. >> casey mears a good bit ofdamage on the right front when danica patrick had to lift andmears got into her, almost

turning her around.>> you can see here danica is caught in the middle there,casey got a nice run on the bottom and just drives rightinto the side of danica, lucky everybody escaped.>> casey mears talked about it on the radio.>> what the hell is that? >> up the right front fender,came down and i had to pull a little bit but no smoke.>> i got pretty tight. >> matt?>> mike, they had their spotter keeping an eye on the rightfront.

you can see the damage from the11:00 to 2:00 position above that right front.keeping an eye out for a fender rub at this juncture.good news, no rub. >> a little bit of damage ondanica's car there, the door at the right rear.>> i don't think it should become a big surprise jimmiejohnson and kasey kahne. they're back at 22nd and 24th.remember they started 36th and 40 so they've been making theirway through the field kicking off almost a driver a lap.>> right now they're a little

over, a little bit over a halflap down to the leader right now.>> and in between them is this orange car the number 19 toyotaof carl edwards. chris?>> jimmie johnson and kasey kahne.edwards is saying that car is so tight, won't turn in the centerof the corner. almost feels like he has a rightfront flat, the car is so bad. that seems to be the nature ofthis green racetrack with no rubber that the front wheels arenot gripping opinion

>> it will be interesting towatch the cars fading early, mike carl edwards and dennyhamlin. how that plays into their carslater in the race. the track will changetremendously with the rubber that goes down.these guys could be a couple to watch later on going the otherdirection instead of fading back.>> that's kind of normal. comers and goers on the greentrack. >> one of the goers is dennyhamlin, jamie?

>> he started this race secondand at the end of happy hour yesterday final practice he saidi can win with this car, because of how good it is.the so far in this race it's not the same car he had.he said he cannot roll the center at all, can't get off thecorners so watch for some adjustments to denny hamlin'scar in lap 50. >> i'm sure he'd love to have acar 75% as good as that xfinity series car he had friday night.led all but two laps. >> we have a new tire themultizone tire, inside a little

harder than the outside and acombination of the two tires they ran here last year.nobody what kind of give the tires is and what kind ofchanges. >> you talk about give up,darrel, we've run 30 laps and already the pace has fallen offover a second and a half from where we started.>> there's bumping and grinding. jimmie johnson may have somedamage as he worked his way up from 36th to 22nd.chris. >> that's right.jimmie johnson on the radio says

we've got damage on the nose ofthe car as you work your way through traffic and definitelygoing to have to deal with that on the first pit stop so plan onusing some spots in pit lane because we have to fix the nose.>> 31 laps complete, all of them green.joey logano has led them all, 19 more laps, nascar will put thecaution for to everyone check their tires and refuel.>>> the toyota owners 400 on fox is sponsored by�-- toy toyota.let's go places. joey logano still leading onsafe kids day.

nationwide is the sponsor ofthis national event to celebrate kids, prevent injuries and savelives. save kids worldwide andnationwide working together to reduce childhood injuries andprotect what matters most, our children.visit makesafehappen.fom for home safety tips and to find asafety event in your community. three cars under the blanket forthe lead, that's short track racing for you.>> joey logano number 22 has been in traffic a fourth driverjoined up, martin truex in the

78 right see martin in the black car. >> i'm watching right in frontof the leaders two cars trying to keep from going a lap downbut they're going to wreck each other in the process the 6 andthe 10. they have all over justhammering on each other but danica has been a mid cornerspeed but she was not getting off too well enough to make thepass. this time trevor bayne gives herroom on the inside as the leaders go closer.she can't complete the pass on

4.>> the leaders are getting there in a hurry.>> there's one driver between them and the leader, that's colewhit in the 35 car. can they run another eight lapswithout getting lapped before that caution.>> danica is starting to say one of us has to do need both of us getting lapped.>> they are 0.8 per lap lower than the leaders as harvick goesto work on his teammate for second and bayne gives a littlebump and run to danica between

one and two.>> she bumped him down in three and four and he said i'll payyou back in one and two, that was almost disastrous.>> and the leaders are coming. those two saving grace as that35 of cole whit that is the bumper and last car on the leadlap. kurt busch gets second placeback from his teammate. six laps to the competitionyellow, and let's go back and have a look.>> what happened down here in three and four, danica got intoback of trevor bayne and pushed

him up the hill.trevor comes back in one and two and bushes danica up the hill.>> joey logano laps 35 and martin truex comes into thepicture side by side for third. five laps for bayne and patrickto hold on to be on the lead lap when the competition yellowflags. >> what about the 78 car,though? i know we talk a lot about hiscrew chief but they do such a great job with this 78 car,martin truex, and there's another one joining this partyhere, brad keselowski, in that 2

car.he's right on the rear bumper of martin truex.brad started back in the seventh position.>> we have a five-car battle here for the lead right now andnot far behind is matt kenseth and jeff gordon.the front is really tightening up.>> trevor bayne has to hold up joey logano.even if logano gets past bayne would be in the lucky dogposition as long as logano doesn't lap danica patrick inthe next three laps.

>> competition caution at lap50. every driver will be on pit rowfor tires and fuel. >> that was the urgency withdanica patrick and trevor bayne, they knew they had a cautioncoming. you have to stay on the lead lapwith the caution. >> i think low dpa know justgave his fellow ford driver a break.logano will drive on and we're one lap away from that cautionflag. some really need a pit stop.denny hamlin who dropped all the

way back to 14.good example. >> a.j. allmendinger in the 47started fourth, he's right in front of denny see him right there. >> i couldn't even find carledwards on the list, down on page 2.27th way back. matt kenseth toyota is the onlyone in contention and looks good in the sixth time around competition yellow, patrick will stay on thelead lap behind stenhouse. trevor bayne will be the firstcar one lap down and get the

free pass.joey logano has led every lap. >> i think i've heard thatbefore. that was last week at bristol heled every lap in the xfinity don't think he's trying to pitch another in�-hitter?>> that's what we used to call. >> ran second to denny hamlinthe other night. he says i know what that feelslike now. >> right.a little damage on the back of trevor bayne there.>> he asked me one time do you

like to fish?i said no, sir, i never stink it up.he says you stink up my show we're going to go fishing.>> the flag signifying pit road is open and here come the leadlap cars. >> kurt busch made changes priorto the race to anticipate the changes.right now that car a little bit loose.jamie? >> brad keselowski in the 2 madethat pass on truex outside car working well as he moves up thetrack.

is he loose in and off andfour-tire stop here, already adjusted the track and he'llfill 'em up. matt?? up to second with, he was morehelp drive off the corner, air pressure change to help get moredprip. joey logano is holding onto thelead, he needed more help drive off as well, air pressure changeand he lost the front first and losing the back of the carduring that run, mike. >> a lot of needed adjustmentsas joey logano retains the lead

on this first caution flag ofthe day, the nascar competition yellow.>>> the toyota owners 400 on fox is brought to you by�--jamie mcmurray had to make a second stop to retighten theleft rear wheel dropping from 8th to 31st.dale earnhardt jr. had an issue in his pit pox.we get ready for the restart. joey logano led every lap as hepulls kurt busch down the front straightaway.>> kurt's going to venture up on the outside down in the middleof one and two, didn't gain but

didn't lose.that's encouraging. >> he got a great run throughthere, able to maintain that second spot.keselowski working outside of the truex in the 78.>> 31 cars on the lead lap. the black and yellow ford ofkeselowski. >> trying that outside, a lot ofspeed if you can get it hooked up off the corner and nice shotdown the straightaway, moves it in the middle of the turn.>> hey guy, don't awe think it's

interesting in bristol everybodywanted to be on the top. now everybody wants to be on thebottom. can't they make up their minds?>> good point, michael. >> i think eventually there willbe a second group. i think the rubber has to getdown a little bit more up there but eventually we'll have themside by side. >> 13th is dale earnhardt jr.and 12th is denny hamlin. he centered in his box, herecomes hamlin and knocks the tire right out of the carrier's handfor dale jr.

>> he knocked the stick off ofthat tire. >> sorry, sorry.i saw that on the ground and flipped me out somehow.>> did a great job. we'll get it fixed did a good recover. >> almost like the drivers arestill trying to adapt that you can't drive through a bunch ofpit boxes getting into your pit box, throwing them off.>> it's so tempting. you get over there and get linedup and get into your pit box nice and straight, real temptingto do that.

>> clint bowyer has gained aspot passing brad keselowski to put his toyota up into seventh.>> to me what this team needs to do, i'm sure they'd love to goto victory lane, a great track for clint, they need to closeout a solid day, a solid finish. >> they had a good weekendalready, they qualified better than they did at martinsville orin bristol and the car looks good, running the bottom on theyellow line, that's where you want to be right now.>> the mwr car carrying steve byrnes and his son bryson'spicture, as they did last week

in bristol.>> he has a couple of wins back in 2010, 2012.>> kevin harvick third, and kyle larson has gone from 8th to12th. >> the 2 car and the 24 gottogether down in the middle of one and two and brad lost a tonof momentum, cost him a couple of spots.i think he's all right. i think he lost momentum whenthey made a little contact. >> so larson also lost fourspots since the restart. tony stewart restarted 11th.he's picked up two spots.

matt?>> mike, during the test here, jeff johnson told me the car wasreally good on long runs. the temperatures are similar,very similar to what we have here today so they were veryhopeful. stewart said the balance wasgood the first part of that run. if ighe adjusted with the trackbar, that helped some but chad made three different adjustmentson their stop. the car is good.>> tony was one of four drivers to do the goodyear tire testhere and darrel in the pre-race

you talked about tony stewart.i think that sixth place finish at bristol was a small, littlevictory for him last week. >> good as he is and great as he is, confidence.>> excuse me, pardon me, out of the way, coming through.hello. >> aren't you a rookie?>> i see your yellow bumper. maybe i'll just give you a tap.>> i think we knew kasey kahne would work his way to the front.he was the fastest in practice the other day.they missed qualifying starting

back in the 40th spot.>> david ragan started 12th and dropped four spots to 16th, ifkahne completes this pass. >> jimmie johnson is not goinganywhere real fast, stuck way back in the 21st spot.>> chris? >> well mike, you said that 5car was fast in practice. he's also not having any grip inqualifying in the initial run. he's running tight and he made alot of adjustments on that last stop.>> well there's casey mears together with danica and was stenhouse who had to go

way wide to avoid those two whenthey got together coming off turn four.>> i don't think casey mears has forgotten about what happenedearlier in the race. he's pretty aggressive rightnow. and i saw that as a racingincident. i didn't see that as a blame oneor the other. that was one of the bottled upracing deals. but we have seen drivers getquite aggravated with each other a matter of fact, i think

marcus andros and kasey may havehad a little conversation after the race last year.>> very pointed one. >> yep.i thought it was more blunt, but that's�-->> i guess it depends which side you were jamie mcmurray, we told you, had to restart turns out 30thbecause they came in a second time on that pit stop and whenyou have 31 cars on the lead lap including the free pass car it'sa long way to come back. he's picked up four spots sincethe restart.

>> but he's over a half lap downto our leader joey logano which right now, kurt busch has beenreeling in joey logano on that 22.but that's to my point earlier, before that pit stop, i thinktoday we're going to get these long runs and you can't affordto make mistakes on pit row. >> this track starts to rubberup a little bit you can see the color, it already changed, itwas real white when we started, starting to get the dark will change a little bit. guys are running up front.i think the advantage if you

think about the guy that did thetire tests here they're all running pretty good.>> i know we mentioned the tire test a number of times butthat's a big advantage if you are one of the cars who got todo it. >> joey logano has led all 75laps so far. lot of racing left to go inrichmond. >>> sprint will cut your rateplan in half, bring them your verizon or at&t bill and turn inyour old phone. squl jl has the fastesteverything so far today.

he's led every one of the 83laps of this race. even during caution flag and pitstops. kurt busch is 0.4 of a secondbehind, kevin harvick one second back, martin truex, matt kensethare the fast five. let's look back about 24 places.>> these guys here, chase elliott and the 18 car here, the1, the 3, the 20, all in a wide right here.they get two and three wide. what's this, yikes!jamie mcmurray came out of the pit with a problem and workinghis way up.

been some close racing and acouple of close calls. >> chase elliott completed thatpass to move up to 23rd and david ragan continues to drop.he's now 27th in the 18. >> he's running alongsideteammate carl edwards, not going anywhere right now.>> the leader joey logano is actually on the samestraightaway as those drivers. >> joey logano talking about hisline around the racetrack. >> directly at the center of oneand two, when he does gain. >> yes, copy, if he lets thatline be seen it's there for kurt

to roll up on it.>> and that was tabb boyd his spotter in the beginning andmichael the other night in the xfinity race he was given joeylogano feedback where different drivers were running.>> the leaders have been digging on the yellow i look through the field there's one car beginning tomake some ground and making it on the higher side, jimmiejohnson has changed his line and finally after 250 laps thexfinity race and the first 100 of this one i think we see a carthat has some options now when

he goes to the bottom of thetrack in the turns and when he's all by himself, he's pretty fastbut when he catches people he's able to pop around the top ofthem and continue to make ground.keep your eye on number 48, just like as bristol last week.he's coming. >> he restarted 24th, michael,up to 16, a gain of eight. >> they did take a little bit ofextra time on that 48 car and did some repair to the nose onpit row last. >> must have been a hole poked.we couldn't see it.

chad knaust saw it and repairedit and it's paying off. >> second place came knocking onjoey logano's door, that is kurt busch.>> the whole five just like caution earlier, a heck of abattle for the lead amongst five cars.chris? >> kurt busch's crew chief saysif you want to be more aggressive, go after it.that's what he's doing right now.>> that's a little bit of that unknown about this tire and thecompound and the way the

structure here, the multizonetire. i think these guys are getting alot of confidence in that tire. >> good to see tony gibson backon the box. last week he could not go to thepit box during the race because he was fighting kidney stones.the inside two inches they call that the endurance edge and theoutside part the traction zone. that was the multizone tire andthat's just on the right side. >> yes.kevin harvick watching from third.he has a mirror full of martin

truex, matt kenseth is justbehind and jeff gordon says wait a minute, i'll be there soon.>> and clint bowyer not far behind.this is a heck of a battle for the first seven, eight cars,really tight. tony stewart lurking back there,bred brd, a lot of good cars near the front.>> busch is getting off turn four better than logano and joshwise is just ahead. he is back single file.>> the spotter remember he was telling joey that kurt wasbeating him in the middle of one

and two, rolling the center alittle bit better. i think he's got a good run onlythis time dunt couldn't make the pass.>> it's going to be busch that uses wise as the pick.logano has nowhere to go and kurt busch is only the seconddriver to lead this race, of the last 500 sprint cup laps inrichmond, the penske fords have led more than 90% of them.>> what we're seeing now and this is not a surprise, becausei felt like the last few laps kurt busch was quicker thanlogano.

he's pulling away now.>> another car making nice moves here is that 20 car of mattkenseth, he just put a crossover move on 78 of martin truex jr.and able to make the pass. matt's car looks real, realgood. >> kurt busch begins to pullaway from logano, harvick, kenseth, and truex.>>> joey logano led the first 94 laps in richmond.he has now faded to fifth. kurt busch is your new leader,kevin harvick to second, matt kenseth to third, martin truexto fourth.

just outside the top ten, daleearnhardt jr. is is itth. we go to jamie little for thenationwide dale jr. performance report.>> dale jr. said one of the biggest movers early in the racestarted 2th, up to 12 now. before the last pit stop hisbiggest concern was a shake he felt was come from the rotor.his crew chief opted to put some tape on the rotor.larry as our crew chief explain what that does and how it willhelp junior. >> i get a feeling where theyput the tape was on the front

end opening to where the airgoes in to cool the rotors, like they're trying to get more heatin them and when you put the tape there it increases frontdown force which helps the car to turn.they accomplished two things by putting the tape on the brakeduct openings. >> you use a lot of brake inturns one and two. you use a lot of brake gettinginto one, and then you go down the back and don't use so muchso instant heat that sudden instant heat is what works thatrotor.

it happens here a lot.>> cool temperatures today 53 degrees.track temp 84, similar to qualifying.>> that's the key and i think it will continue to go up some.>> larry, one thing about the notebook that you guys keep,when is the last time we had a day race at richmond?it's been a while. it's been a while.but the good news is, all of the practice on friday was in faurlsup light. >> a couple of drivers having astrong day in the early going

solidly in the top ten.tony stewart in eighth and jeff gordon in seventh.matt? >> coming off the season's bestfinish at bristol, jeff gordon ran a solid in the seventhposition but much of this race so far he's fighting the sameconsistent problem, lack of front grip.>> it's not gripping as good. real tight landing, been thatway the whole time. >> well the next thing you'regoing to hear is how are your gauges?why are they going to ask him

that, larry?>> a little tape. same accomplish the same thing that they accomplished with dalejr. helps the front downforce and helps the front tires grip.>> he and stewart are closing up on clint bowyer and bradkeselowski so that will be four cars battling there, sorry,bowyer and joey logano four cars battling for five.logano the yellow car there. i think we've had i acouple ofday races here and i think jimmie johnson won them both,'07 and '08, if i remember

correctly.your toyota top performers, matt kenseth third, bowyer sixth,hamlin and brett moffitt, as you're riding with denny to theinside of sam hornish, and hornish is two laps down, hamlinof course on the lead lap. >> i just get a feeling thatdave rogers and denny hamlin were probably going to have agood race car for a night race. >> yes.>> they got a lot more adjustments to make if they wantto dial this in. >> matt kenseth is up hererunning third and carl edwards

is running 26th and denny isrunning 15th, so they have got some�-- and the 18 car of raganis running 31st. other than that the other guysare struggling. >> could be the best race of theyear so far for clint bowyer. >> sure looks that way.>> bowyer passes logano and that moves him up into the top fivebehind kurt busch, harvick, kenseth and truex.>>> kurt busch still leading as nascar invites to you measureyour environmental impact and get tips how to reduce yourcarbon footprint at, join theconversation using�#nascargreen. 121 laps complete at thethree-quarter mile richmond international are your track facts, the last three sprint cup raceshere, brad keselowski won the 2014 fall race from the, go further. there the penske car trying torebound, back at seventh and eighth behind jeff gordon butahead of tony stewart, just kind of riding it out for right now,matt? >> mike, similar to the patternfrom the first run, joey

logano's car has lost its centerturn and doesn't have much drive off the corner as well.he adjusted with the track bar from inside the car and it hasnot helped. i had a conversation with toddgordan at bristol. he said if you look at the datatypically our first two runs of every race are our best runs.we have to close the gap of where we fade a little bit fromthat point on. he needs big adjustments fornext stop. >> if you think about the 22 carin qualifying, he barely made it

into the final 12.he was i think 11th and they made some nice adjustments airpressure wise and everything else and he got the he didn't have the best long run car didn't look like.>> two cars who are moving forward are the hendrick cars,kasey kahne and jimmie johnson. kasey kahne's graph through theday up through lap 125. >> the window opens for greenflag stops but the way the pace has fallen off, one some of theleaders start come you better not be far behind.>> tony stewart also having a

good day.coming off of bristol. >> mike, he's really strugglingin the middle. the car just will not turn.he's losing a lot of time. >> how about jamie mcmurray,chris, restarted 30th and he's made up half of that deficit.>> that's right, mike. he had to restart 30th becauseof that loose left rear wheel. >> car in the wall and that isthe 32 of joey gates. now gates was running three lapsdown in 40th position, and it might have been contact witheric almarolla.

let's see if we can figure thisout. >> he was a lead lap car, gacewas three laps down, you do the math.>> not too far to figure, is it? push, push, push, a little morepush. >> not only was eric almerollathe lead lap car, the leader was not far behind him.>> that's�-- yikes, gosh often does she do that? a lot.>> a lot. >> saw that at martinsville,bristol.

>> has larry pointed out andthere is the impact on safer barriers, added at richmond andtire packs borrowed from virginia international racewayadded to some of the inside wall areas here to attenuate impact.there were four cars trying to stay on the tail end of the leadlap, danica patrick you saw and eric almerolla.>> when you're in a situation like that with the 32 car youcan't get out of the way. the kid probably wished he couldpull down and get out of the way but you have to get in a spotwhere you can do that and he

wasn't in that spot.pit road will be a busy place, everybody will be in for fourfresh goodyear tires and filling up with race fuel.>> second caution flag comes at lap 127.didn't appear to be heavy damage to almerolla's car.kurt busch will lead them in. >> kurt busch said he could seethe track is heating up and starting to change.he said the 41 very good in the center of the corner so noadjustments there, if anything, try to get off the cornerbetter.

>> clint bowyer started 17th andworked up to fifth. he needs to be better on center.>> harvick and kenseth second and third.harvick has lost the forward drive, they're going to taketape off the grill and air pressure change.kenseth said his car is much closer, still two, three onexit. >> clint bowyer came out of hispit stall he turned around, danica patrick who was headinginto hers. pit road is a busy and a crowdedplace at richmond.

did quite a bit of damage to thefront of that 15. >> oh, yeah.>>> nascar on fox is sponsored by�--time forea kfc race break. jimmie johnson suffering somedamage here, that had to be corrected on the last 50,starting 36 moving his way up through, making it now insidethe top ten after repairing. watch the tire go flying, dennyhamlin in the pits, no penalty violation and then after leadingthe first 94 laps the joey logano was passed by kurt buschwho took over the lead and

moments ago clint bowyertwo-time leader in the pits. >> damage to the right front ofclint bowyer's car. we've seen a lot of action downthere. that damage, chris, doesn't looklike it will do a lot of harm to the 15 car.he's driven up inside the top five.good run for bowyer. hopefully his nose won't be toobad off. >> kurt busch who led the mostlaps without a win had a victory last year.joey logano led the second most

laps behind kevin harvickoverall. let's talk about guys working upinside the top ten aside from jooimie johnson.kasey kahne who started 40th. >> i love the car of kaseykahne. he's been able to go from 40thto the top ten and jimmie johnson started 36th, made hisway toward the front, had the damage, the team had to makerepairs pit road and he's inside the top ten.we talked about how the track will change and some guys in theback might come to the front.

they're on their way to thefront. >> let's head back upstairs thishas been a kfc race break live in richmond, virginia.>> thanks, mike. toyota joins nascar's pace togreen. the toyota mirai, the firstproduction hydrogen fuel celled combines hydrogen with oxygen within the fuel cell to makeelectricity on demand, the emissions are just water has a range of 300 miles. fuel cell technology.>> bowyer pulled up aside martin

truex and the team jokingly toldbowyer, how does it look? he said it might have helped it.>> there's always a chance. kurt busch, kevin harvick,teammated side by side on the restart.kenseth, truex, bowyer, keselowski, back under green.truex jumped right to the bottom and almost took the rest of thenose off bowyer's car in doing so.>> i'm really impressed with that 24.what a run he's had. >> matt kenseth who is thirdbehind the 2, stewart haas

chevrolet.caution. >> had a car stall down themiddle of one and two down there i think it's the 98 car.>> it is, josh wise. so on the restart lap 137 we'reback under caution. tire wear, brake dust, a lotgoing on on the short track at richmond.o .>>> the toyotas 400 on fox is sponsored by�-->> under the third caution of the day at lap 140 here is yourbudweiser race summary.

kurt busch is your leader, thefirst of 25 lead lap cars that will become 26 as trevor baynegets the free pass. joey logano led 94 laps, bush 45and kevin harvick led a lap under caution.denny hamlin started second, currently he is 14th, right inthe midst of the lead lap. that caution came out for the 98of josh wise who was lined up for the restart but the car lostfire in turn number one and would not crank.they pushed it to the garage. >> 16 trying to put his grillback in place.

>> yes.with we want to remember our dear friend long time colleaguesteve byrnes, passed away two weeks after his 56th birthdayafter a courageous fight with cancer.he touched countless lives at the track and through thetelevision and thoughts and prayers go to his family andfriends and we thank everyone for the tremendous outpouring oflove and support shown for steve last weekend at bristol, and wetake joy in the fact that he witnessed the entire race andwas thrilled by all the respect

that was paid to him so forthose of you who would like to honor steve byrnes,contributions can be made in his name to the church of christ atgold hill road, ft. mill, south carolina, to charlotte christianschool, where his son bryson attends or to the nascarfoundation, and for more information, please 142 laps complete and there goesthe grill. which is pretty much ornamentalon sprint cup cars. they take their air in below thecenter line of the bumper below

from it says "fusion" there butthe grill helps establish manufacturer identity.>> i think one reason he and matt fuchsia had not come to pitrow he would be the first driver fighting to get that free pass.>> toyota mirai, hydrogen fuel cell vehicle sprints to pit rowand teammates lined up for the restart, busch and harvick,kenseth and truex, keselowski, logano.way to the bottom goes larson! he's going to get away with thatone. wow.>> man, he forced that thing and

he was in the best spot on thebottom. lot of wheels outside to bankoff of. >> the old saying 8 wheels, 12wheels better than four. >> heck yes.>> kyle larson goes from 11 to 9th on the restart in the 42.>> it doesn't matter if we're at half mile, tlooer are the quaermile. the drivers know the restart isthe time to get spots. >> that's when they're bunchedup in front of you. can.>> jeff gordon battling clint

bowyer for's hard to pass once you get single file.>> jimmie johnson started this race in the 36, 37 spot.his crew had a heck of a stop the last time the pit row gothim inside the top ten. now he's well up inside the topten at ninth. >> i think bowyer will prevail.not sure that outside groove is in quite enough yet.the more they keep working at it the better their chance forsuccess. >> felt like safety vehicles gotin the way and cost him a spot.

the one piece of knowledge hepassed on to al gus to havesan you cannot overheat the tires inthe run because you'll lose grip so quick you'll pay the pricemore. got to be more gentle in theearly portion. >> thanks, matt.>> watching this 25 car chase elliott he is making the outsidework, he just sailed around denny hamlin in the 11th andworking on the 40 car here and he's got a little speed.>> the young fellow has a lot of poise and'd never know this was only

his second start in the sprintcup series. his car is as good as anythingelse here. jamie?>> denny hamlin started second, he's back in 20th saying hisbiggest problem is no forward bite on that last spot, theytook a big swing of the track bar adjustment, wedge, airpressure, hoping something will help this 11 team.>> thanks, jamie. he is 21st right carl edwards a lap down. how about landon cassill.>> he's not laying over.

they have to work to get aroundlandon. he's doing a good job.he's 19th. >> any time a team like this canrun inside the top 20, that is a big day for them, because he'sbeaten everyone he needs to be beating and a lot of the driversthat probably at the end of the day he shouldn't be outrunning.>> this team gets better and better, they added a second carand says it's really helped. >> we need that 40.>> a little encouragement for all-gaier who now has a mirrorfull of hamlin.

up front kevin harvick has beencontent to run behind teammate kurt busch.>> four cars rolling the center better than early on, where heis closing up on kurt busch of the 41, right through the centerof the corner. >> you know for five consecutiveyears, kevin harvick has won some type of race here, eithersprint cup or xfinity series. >> 153 laps about a sunday fox nascar crank it up.>> josh wise back in the race. they fixed his car that forcedthem to bring out the third

caution flog.a.j. allmendinger and tony stewart battle for fourth place.>> one thing they tried to focus on is smoke from the restarts.they feel like they give up each restart a position or two.he doesn't like the feel of the tar on low pressure with thispackage. they made some improvementsright now on the course of the long run.he says about the two-thirds mark of the corner is where heloses grip. they made an air pressureadjustment to help that for this

run.>> mike, larry, we were talking about getting them while they'rebunched up on the restart. 82, 89, 85, 86, i mean, they'reall running within hundredths of each other the first ten cars.>> even a heated battle for 25th as the two roush fenway fordsand childress chevy try to stay on the lead lap.>> that's why lead starts are so exciting, that's your bestchance to get in front of somebody.>> blowing up turn one is josh wise, fire beneath that car.>> come across here, still alive

here, still alive.start eating away a little bit. >> i'm surprised, i thought iunderstood him to say that 98 when he was pushed was havingoil pressure issues. he had been in the garage areaand was 24 laps down. >> so josh wise puts us underthe fourth caution flag of the day.and fluid down, they'll have to clean up.>> yes, he was high above the groove but there is some fluidfrom the blown engine. >> coca-cola is the officialsoft drink of nascar.

here's how the coca-cola racingfamily is performing today. joey logano led the first 94laps of this race. the rest of the ball on the leadlap joined by carl edwards who gets the free pass on thiscaution. >> good news/bad get the free pass but you got to get going, man.>> it's been 19 laps since that last restart but pit road willbe a busy play for four goodyear tires.>> chris? >> kurt busch saying that helost a little bit of short run

speed on that last run.he said the car just a little bit tight the center off thecorner. tony gibbs is saying let's notmake any changes here. jamie?>> brad keselowski said the last changes helped the car.he lost a little drive off but gained a little turn and found alittle more speed. four tire stop here for the 2.>> the 20 stopped his car free on entry and exit and it wasturning a little bit better on that run.he wants an air pressure change

and harvick thinks his car isalmost perfect, a slight adjustment is what he calledfor, in that window where he likes that 4 car.>> brett moffitt began to change the right side tires and the carrolled forward a foot or so. he'll be the last one to leavepit row. >>> all new tonight after "theclintons" on fox. >>> sprint will cut your rateplan in half, bring sprint your verizon or at&t bill, turn inyour old phone, they'll cut your rate plan in half, visit asprint retail store for truex has already eclipsed last year's round oftop ten finishes, seven this year.>> bristol's mean streak put an end to his top ten streak.>> right. >> each week look for the raceday advance auto parts driver spotlight.yesterday race day caught up with kyle larson only on the foxsports 1. nascar is part of their greeninitiative. they have sending digitalautographs, autographed photos

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eight cars took it around nonegot back on the lead lap. carl edwards the free pass caras kurt busch is trying to take all three lanes into turn one.>> he's slammed there on the outside and harv secured thesecond spot. the 2 is getting better andbetter and better. it makes some nice changes onthat car. >> well i tell you who reallyshined that last trip to pit road was joey logano's crew.they picked up three spots. there is the big difference, onesecond, see, the driver time on

pit road is the same but thatone second, that was a big difference, at least three spotsfor joey logano. >> big log jam behind the 42, asryan newman took him three wide down into the corner and nowthey're three wide again mid pack as keselowski goes throughfor second place. >> remember, we mentionedearlier in the race when it started we'll see some comersand goers. we'll see some guys that wasn'tvery good when the track was green as this track rubbers upand starts to change, it will

work for some others.>> keselowski is trying to continue a streak here, in thelast three sprint cup races here, he has led the halfwaylap, and that is 27 laps away. >> remember, he had this race,he thought he had a shot at winning this race last year andhe and i think it was jimmie johnson got into a disagreementon the last resort, cost keselowski the win but hedominated this race last fall. speaking of jimmie johnson, backin 2008 you see three of the chevrolet drivers running noseto tail kahne, the 24 and chris

neville, the 48.>> the 48 good all weekend larry.he said he never had a car that was that good off the hauler onfriday. he said typically they have tocoach for all kinds of speed but on friday it was smalladjustments. that car is moving up well.the balance is good, if anything just a little tight in thecenter. >> you can see that tight in thecenter as he runs behind jeff gordon there.can't get back to the throttle

quite quick enough but they maybe able to adjust that ought of that car.>> right there is where they styed to spend a little extratime on pit road to fix that nose.>> 13th place, matt kenseth trying to rebound here, againstpaul menard. allmendinger right behind them,then earnhardt, stewart, hamlin and chase elliott and landoncassill battling. there's dale jr.>> another car that made an incredible run back to the frontis the car of daniel mcmurray,

came to the pits, with a loosewheel, had to restart right near last and right now he moved hisself into the top ten, right at about 100 laps ago when he hadto restart it back in the 31st position.>> behind him, running 10th and 11th.>> right in front of him, clint bowyer, we saw the right frontdamage that he got exiting his pit stall as danica patrick wasturning in to hers, but on a track this size, how concernedare you going to be about that? >> you know what, in the pasti'd say no big deal but these

cars are so aero�sensitive andeven though the track is a three-quarter mile you're stillmaking strigtaway speed here. i don't think it's a huge effecton the car but it might have some effect.>> i'm sure what he and brian petty weighed out do we want togive up that much track position.they were inside the top five after that pit stop and sittinghere now almost 30 drivers on the lead lap, it's a huge riskversus reward. like i say, these guys even atmartinsville i hear them

complain about aero, and runningdown on the ground the way they do.>> jamie? >> clint bowyer has beenrelatively quiet all race long until now, starting to fade backand on that last stop all they do is put four tires on him.make no adjustments and now he's screaming loose in the 15.>> across the board i've heard time and time again jimmiejohnson may have had to say whatever they did to their carfor qualifying, no, it was kasey kahne whatever they did fortheir car for qualifying they

put four tires on it and the cardrove terrible. >> all it takes is for thespring rate of one tire to be off and it can change the waythe car is driving. >> these cars are amazinglysensitive these days. >> ryan newman is 13th.that hearing was held in front of the appeals board and thepenalty reduced, but the majority of the penalties ofinfractions were upheld. richard childress and the teamelected to appeal. the final step the supreme courtof nascar as the chief appellate

officer, brian moss, that won'tbe heard until the first week of may so that means luke lambert,the team engineer and tire specialist, they're here workingon the car until the final appeal is heard.>> i think that's may 6th, so they should also be able to beat talladega next week. >> if they don't get somethingdone think when they'll be back on the track.>> 19, denny hamlin on the high side i loved watching chaseelliott and landon cassill battle since this restart.>> right now about a half a lap

down to our leader kurt busch inthe 41. >> mike, this is a great, greatrace for chase elliott. he raced friday night and sohaving a day off probably helped him, because he might have beena little tired if he had to jump in his car and run last night.>> how is the rookie doing, jamie?>> pretty well. he says he's happy with the car.all they made is an air pressure adjustment.i talked to kenny francis, crew chief.he said our main goal is to

finish the laps something theydidn't do at martinsville. the next time is the sprintshowdown at the end of may. it will be five to six weeks sohe's doing a nice job hanging in with a happy car.>> he had a top five friday night in the xfinity race.>> i love what he told his team after martinsville.the duds that run in the back of the sprint cup series racethey're still pretty good. >> yes, they are.kurt busch the leader of the toyota pit race for fourth,coming up.

>>> the toyota owners 400 on foxis sponsored by�-- >>> nascar on fox live fromrichmond, virginia, hope you're having a good sunday and thanksfor watching. time now for the near mid racereport, we're almost at 200 of the 400 laps.pole sitter and daytona 500 winner joey logano with thefirst 94 laps, also turned the fastest lap in this race.jimmie johnson and kasey kahne who started outside the top 35worked their way inside the top ten.darrel, who are you keeping an

eye on?>> i go with my tv colleague that does a good job in thebooth and out on the racetrack running second but he'll benumber one when it's over with, brad keselowski.>> hmm. i have a lot of confidence inkasey kahne, darrel. he started in the 40th position.we heard all day long it's hard to pass.kasey kahne passed a bunch of cars.only got to pass five more. i say he does it.>> michael last week i felt kurt

busch had a shot at winning therace. i like he's got on the short runand long run. >> i like his teammate kevinharvick lurking in third. his car is fantastic he's in theharvick zone waiting until the end.his three wins here he didn't take the lead for the final timeuntil 16 or less laps to go. >> jamie mcmurray had loose lugnuts. he was brought in, retart 30thand get the spots back. he's done that and got tworecent fourth place finishes

here.he may not win it but i like his run back to the front.>> and mike, recent history indicates we'll see a mad dashto the end here, last season there were three cautions in thelast 30 laps and two years ago green and white checker kevinharvick came from seventh on the final restart to win that race.whose turn will it be today? second half of the race willdetermine that. if you're looking at atharvick/jimmie johnson finish, 11 times those two includingtwice this year finished one-two

with jimmie johnson being thebest of that nine times. we'll have more from richmond ina moment. >>> nascar on fox is sponsoredby�-- >> 206 laps complete, kurt buschleading. see why one of the most reverednames in nascar trusts the most winning name in nas sar, that' >> i think we're seeing thatchange in the track we were talking about, mike.if you think about, let's choose matt kenseth for instance.up there really challenging for

the lead before the last cautionflag. matt has fallen back to tenthplace so i think the track is going through that change wewere talking about, some of the guys good early in the firsthalf struggling second half. >> seems to equally haveaffected kenseth and clint bowyer, both fallen back afterbeing in contention earlier. >> a couple of guys we could saythat, tony stewart was in the top six and's back to 18 rightnow. some of the changes that need tobe made to the cars they're not

keeping up with the track.>> paul menard, chase elliott. 16th place battle here, stewartbehind them, all-men ding ear head of them.>> i see chase, i thought watch him around the other cars, he'sgetting more and more confident and figured out where and whento pass and it's really paying off for him.>> let's move back up to the head and lead lap where bradkeselowski is one second behind kurt busch.we listened in on brad. >> if i can get my exit driveback to go with the two-third

turn, then i'd be able to beatthese guys. >> number one, there's twobehind you. >> it sounds like they fixed hisfirst problem first. they've got the car turninggood. the front tires are gripping.they have to make sure when they fix the exit they don't givesome of the turning back. >> i love that feedback, it'sprecise. it's not well, i'm not sure, idon't know. well maybe.that's precise feedback, that

will help halworth make theright changes to that car. >> chase elliott moves up to16th. he restarted 20th.let's move up to the top five, martin truex is in fourth.he is 2.4 seconds off the lead, matt.>> mike, it's been a quiet and consistent day for martin truexjr., the 78 car. small adjustments every stop.the tires slightly the tight side cutting the center.he's been quiet on the radio. d.w. you know from a driver'sstandpoint, quiet, little

communication on the radio thecar must be pretty good. >> when i'm quiet that means idon't need anything and let me drive.lot of drivers don't like to be bothered.they like to focus and let them do the drive. >> joust about two secondsbehind truex comes kasey kahne with jamie mcmurray.chris? >> mike, we'll see kasey kahnethe first 100 laps you'd think he was running 43rd, fiveseconds off the pace.

he said the 5 car was terrible,wouldn't turn in the center of the corner.with all of the pit stops the car is better and better,turning on the corner and he's trying some things down in turnfour coming off that corner a little bit more shallow andfound some speed. >> mike, you talked about jamiemcmurray in that 1. he drove by kasey kahne in that5, now jamie has cracked the top five in the fifth position.>> not surprised. let's check in with jamie andget a nationwide performance

update on dale earnhardt jr.>> he started this race 26th. i talked to his crew chief hesaid we're confident we'll pass a bunch of cars early becauseyou have to be agreative at this racetrack, that's exactly whatdale jr. is. he moved his way up but theselast couple of runs his car is really stabilized and his latestfeedback the right front tire is really sliding through thecorners. he's not getting that grip hewants so on the next stopwatch for the 88 to make an airpressure adjustment.

>> thanks, jamie.all five of the hendrick cars running in the top 16, and justto remind you yes, each team is limited to fielding four fulltime cars. they can add a fifth car for arookie driver in up to seven races, and that's the plan forchase elliott this year. >> just think what an advantagethat can be or should be. you got five crew chiefs thatcan talk to each other. what are you doing?what are you doing? what changes did you make?what changes did you make?

then you get the feedback fromyour driver and put the pieces of the puzzle together, you'regoing to have a great run at the end of the day.>> that's jeff burton on the outside the 23, leading sunocorookie of the year candidate as joey logano and jimmie johnsonmove by on the inside. >> we've been talking aboutcomers and goers as we're well past the half way driver they continue to lose ground is joey logano in at 22our pole center. jimmie johnson in the 48, chadknaus they move to the front.

they have to make some drasticchanges to the 22 car. >> brad keselowski now within ahalf a second of kurt busch, who has now led a race high 124laps. >>> the toyota owners�00 on foxis sponsored by�-- >>> we're under green atrichmond, just 28 laps past is your canam race summary. kurt busch led a race high 132laps, the first of 26 cars on the lead lap, joey logano andkevin harvick have also led. four caution flags, acompetition yellow.

al�merolla turned joey gas'scar. two caution flags a total offour. so busch and logano led all buttwo laps today as you get a bug's view down thestraightaway. kevin harvick under fire forfourth place, jamie mcmurray, chris?>> jamie mcmurray has gotten up in the top ten initially he wasstaying he could only run one line around the racetrack.the last 10 or 15 tracks he said the groove is getting wider andthe 1 car working well high and

low.he said that car is great getting off the corner wherehe's beating everybody. >> the leaders are coming andyou can see here, kasey kahne is closing up on the back of the 4car. there's a heck of a battle forstaying in it just ahead of the leaders here, trying to sailinto the lead lap. matt?>> mike, once kevin harvick knocked the newness off thetires and the car settled in, it really didn't fall off muchduring the previous runs but now

he says the car won't doanything. unlike earlier it won't turn anddefinitely free on exit. >> i found it interesting, somany drivers this week talked about the difference in thebalance between a short run car here and a long run car, havingboth. >> kurt busch just passed the 55of brett moffitt. moffitt had a problem on thelast pit stop, started at the tail end of the lap lead cars,the car rolled forward on pit and paid the price, one lap downas you have trevor bayne, danica

patrick about to be in that sameposition. >> they've been trying to stayon the lead lap and you see the 15 year, they made a littlecontact with the 3 car. let's see if we can see whathappens. >> well the 3 is a lap down,austin dillon. hoyer racing with the 24 of jeffgordon. >> that right front fender onthe 15 already has a little damage on it.little more isn't going to hurt anything.i don't know if austin dillon

would agree with that or not,but. >> darrell that is the toughestspot, turn two, looks like it's the tightest place on theracetrack to get a good launch. >> if you can get through thatcorner you carry a lot of speed out there but it's tight oncorner exit if somebody is up on the outside you saw with clintbowyer you can't stay off of ride with denny hamlin now fighting to be the first driver,one lap down, to maybe get a free pass should we get thatcaution.

you get the long green runs likethis the leader keeps putting more drivers a lap down and youget that free pass spot and then you lose it.>> there's brad keselowski trying to close on kurt busch.0.6 of a second is the difference.jamie? >> when brad keselowski wasrunning third, he's second now, he said this is the best runthey've had today, it turns better.if we could get our drive up better question beat these guysand then he went around the 78

and working on the 41 of kurtbusch. >> well now hamlin will be thefirst car one lap down until kurt busch laps his teammatedanica patrick. jamie mcmurray keeps climbingladder here, third place. >> that car is really, reallygood. it's been great on this long runand he is a little bit quicker than the two cars in front ofhim. >> on the lap 50 competitioncaution we to come in twice for a loose left rear wheel.he had been eighth, didn't take

him all that long to make thatup and now top five. >> we're starting to see somegreen flags stop but these are the drivers that actually tookthe wave around on that last caution so they have to pitabout 20 or 30 laps earlier than our leaders.>> since we only had about 20 laps between cautions, eightdrivers took that wave around. none of them got back on thelead lap so they will cycle through pit stops now.>> danica went down a lap to leader kurt busch.they had a shot at dale jr., he

doesn't have a super, super fastcar but got a steady car, up to 11th.running relatively good lap times.>> 160 laps to go, jamie. >> and dale jr. just said allthings considered my car is pretty darned good.he said it's just a handful the first 20 laps with the long run,they were really good, he's coming around the longer therace runs. >> jamie, i watched him, he rana lot of practice laps. i've been watching him in therace and exactly what he said,

didn't start off that great butit stays pretty good over the long haul.>> we talked about chase elliott finishing second in both xfinityseries races last year, his crew chief, dale earnhardt jr.'screigh chief, did that. carlet wards is looking to are acheckered flag i think. it's been a long day for carl inthe 19. not working for him today.>> 158 laps to go, kurt busch leads brad keselowski by 2.3seconds. >>> the

toyota owners 400 on foxis sponsored by�-- >>> 150 to go.kurt busch still leading. jamie mcmurray now second onthis safe kids day. nationwide presents thisnational event to celebrate save kids world wild andnationwide work together to reduce child injury and protectchildren. visit forhome safety tips and find a safety event in your community.>> that's the future of our sport right there, all thosekids in the grandstands, great

to see.>> i imagine jamie mcmurray up to second, he passed keselowski.who is missing from the list? jeff gordon, he dropped to 11th.matt? >> on the previous run, jeffgordon said his car took off very well.maybe a little tight and he also felt like he was a little toohard, made a chassis adjustment. gordon thinks they went toosignificantly in the other direction on that chassisadjustment. he wants to back that up on hisnext stop.

right now he's dropped out ofthe top ten, trying to hang on to the next three pit stops.>> mind him comes the rookie, the kid in his second start,chase elliott coming up on the back bumper of jeff gordon rightnow. that 25 car very consistent.>> those green flag stops matt talked about, that window opensin about 15 to 20 laps. i think some of the guys at theback about to go a lap down they'll do short pitting tryingto get advantage of fresh tires like we see danica patrick inthis 10.

>> the longest green flagstretch we've had today, 147 laps to go.larry, could this be the last stop?>> it will be border line, mike. we still have to make one morepit stop, but the problem she'll have going back out there onfresh tires theel she'll be running over other drivers untilthey come to pit road. >> we saw jeff burton come outwith fresh tires and he was a rocket passing cars right andleft and we'll see others as well, austin dillon now we begin this cycle of green

flag stops.we have 21 cars on the lead lap. the last of which are almerolla,cassill and wise. >> that 41 car has gapped thefield. he's coming off turn two,keselowski running second or third, right in the middle ofturns two and 22. the only thing going for the 41right now is the 1. >> jamie?>> brad keselowski just radioed to his team "i think i've gonedown a cylinder." his crew chief paul wolf sayingthere's nothing you can do.

brad said are you sure i can'tdo any switches, flip anything? he said no, ride it out and seewhere it takes us. >> watch the top rpm.these guys should be turning somewhere between 8500 and 9000.>> jamie mcmurray calling for the lead.>> he's been somewhere around a half a second quicker than the41 car of kurt busch. >> that makes you really happy,doesn't it? not just because i picked him.i like the call made early in the have a great race and a

great race driver.we'll restart 30th, we'll make it up.boy, have they. >> they have done that for sure.he caught kurt busch in the 4 is in a hurry but not going to getby him. kurt was caught in lap trafficduring that time as well. that's the typical way jamiedrives. he's not going to force theissue and push it. he gets around on the outside,wanting to be sure he made a safe pass and not put himself inharm's way there in jeopardy.

>> the lap car of landoncassill, first time he's lapped and staying to the high side.three wide here we go into turn three!wow! that's exciting.>> again, that's a good jamie mcmurray move.all three couldn't make it in there, he backed out and letkurt have the line. you see the white cardibenedetoo four new tires. >> just a little contact there.austin dillon also has fresh cars.joey logano is in.

mcmurray takes the lead.>> you can only hold him off so long.mcmurray is just that much bet per>> you are the lead per. >> matt?>> earlier stop they shuffled the air pressure in three of thefour tires and made a chassis adjustment.this time logano says the car is doesn't have the good balancelike it did earlier in the run. >> ryan newman on pit roadpitting out of 20th place. matt?>> earlier in the race ryan

newman was fighting a tight racecar. make adjustments last time, airpressure change. chris neville?>> larson has lost five spots and said i'm leaning too hard onthe right rear. that car loose half way throughthe run. >> martin truex?. here comes kasey kahne, daleearnhardt and matt kenseth and kyle larson come into the pits.i'm not sure where he was on the commitment line but almost gotthe barrels.

at the last second finally makesthe turn. that was close.matt? >> look for chassis adjustmentfor martin truex jr. his car was a little bit tight,small adjustment. chris?>> kurt busch just giving up the lead to jamie mcmurray.he said if anything he'd like some short run's getting off the corner better than he is.>> allmendinger, rgan completing spots coming back out, bayne onpit road along with bowyer,

chase elliott and our leader.>> jamie mcmurray happy with his race.he said i got the best car coming off the corner but likeit better in the center. matt?>> chassis adjustment across the back for kevin harvick.he says the 4 car won't do anything, it won't turn in thecenter and he's lost all forward drive on exit.>> only four lead lap cars have not stopped, brad keselowskicycles through the lead, matt? >> jeff gordon is in, look for achassis adjustment.

there he goes.the crew member pushed the wrench in the back to adjust.remember we told you earlier trying to back up that waenlgjudgment they made on the 24 earlier.>> trevor bayne caught the wall. >> he got it pretty good, thewhole right side caved in but looks like he'll make it to pitroad. >> so the only drivers who havenot stopped, carl edwards, justin allgaier and bradkeselowski. >> the other side of that bradkeselowski he's given up over

two seconds a lap by staying outthere. >> trevor bayne who hit the wallpretty good, larry, i thought he was going to try to make it tothe pits but now the 55 is up on the wall and the 6 car stayedout. >> limping down the back stretchcomes brett moffitt. we are still under green.i'd say these tires are pretty worn at this point.they can't work him down to pit road.there's too much traffic. he has to come around again.>> he's got a flat tire in the

car.he just couldn't turn it down. >> ran my tire down.>> still green. >> brad keselowski in the 2 isstaying out there. >> yellow is out.>> clear, clear, clear. >> there's the caution at lap270. >> kurt busch just had passedbrad keselowski to get back on the lead lap so that's threedrivers on the lead lap. >> i'd say the tires areprobably pretty worn out, that's a long, long green run rightthere.

>> i think you'll see moffittblows a right front tire. trying to turn and it just won'tturn when the tire is down and you pick up all the debris.>> also see trevor bayne got up into the wall, there is hisnumber 6. >> he got into it good here.lot of right side damage on that car.i thought he'd try to make it to pit road but he stayed out.>> moffitt was on the lead lap most of the day until he gotcaught and lapped and now in his pit with a good bit of rightfront damage.

>> here's what should happenright here. you'll see brad keselowski andjustice tip all the other drivers leaders that are onedown they'll stay out and take the wave-around.they don't have that many laps on their tires.>> for that to happen, though, the leader has to we'll sort that out. jamie mcmurray should be thefree pass car with the caution coming out right when green flagpit stops had almost ended. interesting strategy by the 2car to stay out for that long.

could have bit him.>> he's got an engine problem. it sounds like he's probablydown a cylinder, and so he had to get good fuel miles.not using much on the cylinders. but that was a huge break forjustin allgaier. he had not pitted and runningsecond behind brad keselowski. >> steve eddington, nice work.all right, keselowski will pit. justin allgaier.kurt busch will be other cars on the lead lap.>> it hadn't been that many laps since kurt busch pitted but iwould still take advantage of

four fresh tires.>> 128 laps to go on a sunday afternoon in richmond.we're under caution for brett moffitt.>>> 126 laps to go, we are under caution for the fifth time todayfor brett moffitt. lot of almost everyone, almosteveryone had been on pit road within the last ten or so that means a lot of drivers may elect to not pit under thiscaution and take the wave around.our fox nascar rules analyst can explain their options.>> this is a rule a lot of

drivers will take advantage of,they stay on the racetrack, leader pitted which iskeselowski. they go back green they want tohave the leader as the first car behind the pace car so theyallow the cars to come around the racetrack on the wave-aroundto get the lap back. it's kind of a strange incidenthere because we have so many cars.the 1 car jamie mcmurray is the free pass car.he'll start in front of all of the wave around cars, that's theway the rule works.

>> so then we will have it lookslike 18 or 19 cars on the lead left.>> what used to happen was the leader would have beenkeselowski started mid pack if if we didn't have this rule.>> kurt busch talking with wave arounds.>> i don't understand how they can all be wave arounds whenthey're behind the caution. >> the two leaders pitted.the 2 and the 51, because they got their tires, they're a lapdown and i'm the leader, if we didn't pit here under yellow.>> that's exactly right.

everyone between the caution carand kurt busch is eligible for that wave around.jamie? >> brad keselowski had said hethought he was down a cylinder, they raised the hood on that,what did you learn? >> we want to make sure itwasn't a plug wire. we definitely dropped a cylinderand want to cover our bases. it was internal but we had theopportunity to take a look and we didn't see anything so whoknows, maybe it will hold on to the end of the race.>> paul told him don't baby it,

go for it and he'll startsecond. >> at the time of caution therewere three cars on the lead lap. the 2 keselowski, the 51allgaier and the 41 busch. the free pass car was the 1mcmurray and 15 drivers took the wave around so when we restart,we will have 19 cars on the lead lap.>> yes, and now a big concern if you're behind brad keselowski,i'm sure the word's gotten around he's down a cylinder,he's not going to be able to take off like everybody else is.he's up on the outside, better

watch out.carl has had a bad enough day and right behind him.>> and carl edwards in the 19 is the first driver one lap down,trying to get in position to get a free pass.>> toyota mirai, hydrogen fuel cell powered.mixes that hydrogen with oxygen to make electricity, make powerand the only emissions? water vat vapor.that's a first for nascar. kurt busch, brad keselowski,justin allgaier, carl edwards through the middle!can he make it?

>> he's got to get around theleader if he has any shot at all.that's why he was so aggressive on that start.kurt busch has five laps on his tires versus justin allgaier,carl edwards and almost everyone else, lap down in that area theyhave fresh tires on. >> jimmie johnson three wide tothe bottom as they squeeze into turn one and the 34 backs out ofit, that's reed sorenson. chris buescher wanted toconcentrate on his xfinity race last night where he is the pointlead sore sorenson takes that

over today.back to the restart. watch the 19 of edwards.rocketing to the middle down in turn one.>> darrell where brad keselowski pays the biggest price beingdown a cylinder is when everyone is own four fresh tires.>> the only place hurting him is on the straightaway.he's cooking that through the corners and not going to hurthis corner speed with four tires on there particularly.end of the straightaway a little bit, after that he's fine.>> justin allgaier racing half a

second behind kurt busch for thelead. chris?>> and mike, he's laughing this run of short track.he was eighth at bristol last weekend and right now he says hehas a great car early in the race he said it was way tooloose. he said that car is very stronggetting off the corners. >> what an impressive, justthink about this team. this kid right here had hisfirst top ten last week at bristol and here he is runningsecond today, nice work.

>> martin truex trying to getback up into the top five against joey logano.logano fifth place, he was 14th in line on the restart.jimmie johnson right with him in the 48.>> nice little battle between the 78 and the�2, the 48 andmatt kenseth made a little bit of a recovery.>> the thing that really got matt kenseth down that isomewhat put two and two together is they had a prettyslow pit stop a couple of stops ago.that's what got him behind the

most.>> right now his car looks pretty good.>> 11th place, dale earnhardt jr. trying to take it away fromteammate kasey kahne. as they battle, let's take anationwide inside ride with the 88.>> still not there. all clear by 3 to the 24, allclear. 5 clear.>> sixth place, johnson, logano and kenseth.>> kenseth is much better this looks like it's got some

speed in it now.>> matt? >> mike, dhurg run, the previousrun, he said i don't know what to tell you to try to fix itbecause it won't turn at all and we've lost the forward engine.he felt like he was a little too hard on the right rear earlierin the run and used up the good of the tires.>> that's very possible with this tire.12th place teammates quite a battle between the 88 and the24. they swapped back and forth acouple of times but jeff gordon

is going to drive away for themoment. >> when you look at the successof a team like that 51 team of justin allgaier, you have toremember who his crew chief is. steve eddington like having ahead coach with a winning record.steve has won races here, so he knows how to get a car set upfor this racetrack. we continue to document bradkeselowski being down a cylinder but right now we're run his laptimes are just as good as kurt busch in the 41 car that'sleading the race.

i just don't think you can usethat much throttle here. >> and as long as like on thatrestart he did a nice job of getting down and getting inline. once he gets going he's as goodas anybody. you watch his rpm you can seegot a little rpm on the straightaway but in the cornerprobably not any better than him than the one leading the race.>> carl edwards has driven around the 51 of justinallgaier, so he is setting sail on the leader, edwards, tryingto get back on the lead lap.

>>> just over 100 laps to golive in richmond, virginia. glad you're watching nascar onfox. time for the toyota race summaryand kurt busch who has led the most laps, fifth straight racethat he has led this season, but he has failed to win the lastfour races after he has led the most laps of course, he istrying to win his first race of the year, the 41 car holding offallgaier and keselowski, down a cylinder but jamie mcmurray,michael waltrip currently running fourth, made his way tothe front and within striking

distance.>> that car impressed me in the long run and richmond isnotorious for long runs in the middle of the race.mcmurray nipping on keselowski for the third spot but chris therestarts concern me for mcmurray.we didn't see that speed like we saw out of kurt busch after therestart. this is a long run car.if the cards play out for him where we don't have cautionslate he could be the guy. >> he is in the third placeposition.

we've only had five leaders andten different lead changes so far in this race.again kurt busch has led with the most laps.meanwhile it is the toyota owners 400 denny hamlin thexfinity win on friday, had the neck pain last week.let's check in with jamie little for more on the 11 car>> exactly right. last weekend the driver'sproblem with the neck spasms. this week today it's the racecar, has not had a good day. he started on the front row andhasn't seen the front since.

he's just struggling with thehandling. they've thrown everything at itand it hasn't made a big difference.he's saying he can't put his foot on the throttle through thecorner. they went a different directionlast round of stops made an air pressure adjustment but still23rd, a lap down. >> great battle for fifth place,truex, johnson and harvick. >> they've been going at itpretty hot and heavy. truex has the position butjimmie johnson is working hard

on the bottom.harvick trying to get up on the outside.mike, back to denny hamlin shocked me last week is a neckproblem. you have head and neck restraintsystem, the way the seats are built, headrest you can lay yourhead upon that was the thing that surprised me about him lastweek. >> we heard radio chatter,something happened on lap 12 almost like he got a crick inhis neck, something at that point.they worked on him during the

four-hour rain delay and couldnot improve it. hence the decision to step outof that car and eric jones hastily brought in.>> this is my favorite shot can see how these guys are working, who is running where,who has got the advantage. you see the 48 close a little,then here comes the 4 close a little.see saw battle back and forth. >> chris?>> larry was talking about short run and long run speed.short run pede is what the 48

car has.jimmie johnson staying in first half way through the run saidthe 48 is great, especially getting off the corner.the second half of the run is where he's been problems.the car gets too loose. right now it's all about attack.>> mike you asked me before that last caution came out couldanyone make it. you look at the fact thateveryone pitted somewhere between lap 252 and 272.everyone will have to make at least one more 92 to go, the window is open

f a caution comes out, you couldeasily make it to the end. >> carl edwards passed justinallgaier and set sail for the leader.allgaier repassed edwards. so carl right now not in aposition to get his lap back unless we have a caution flag,he would be the prepass car. >> the car was running on newtires. that car seemed like it washappy when it had four tires on but they go off in a hurry.i'm impressed with the run of that 51 car, nice job today forthat team.

>> let's go back to this fifthplace battle and catch up with kevin harvick.matt? >> mike, the next time kevinharvick hits pit road if he needs a track bar adjustment theteam has to do it manually because the track bar adjusterinside the cockpit has broken. that's the only comment he'sreally made about the car this run.he's been quiet trying to work his way back to the point.>> probably burned it up, running it up and down.he's been all over the place.

>> yes, it's adjusting the trackball on the right rear, the driver can raise it or lower it.take a look with animation to give you an idea what kevinharvick could do up until a point.track bar is in the rear of the car but the switch is actuallyon the steering wheel. if you look right here, this ishis radio button over there on the right.this is the track bar. he can adjust it up or down.this is what he's adjusting, the track bar holds the rear intothe center of the car and you

can raise it up to help the carto rotate or you can lower to help the forward bite off thecorner. the way this is designed even ifthe driver can't adjust it, the crew can annually adjust it aswe've done for years in the past.>> it's quite explanatory if you raise it up, you go up, the carwill turn better. you go down, the car will betight. >> here's carl edwards repassingjustin allgaier. remember, edwards is a lap down,but once clear of the second

place car he's got a ways to goto catch kurt busch and get his lap back the hard way.>> right behind him you see that black car, the 1 car of jamiemcmurray. he's sort of entered the picturehere as well. >> chris, jamie mac's comingback. >> so strong on that last runbut since he pitted he said he's given up some front grip in thatcar. his crew chief matt mccall saidwe have a bunch more cloud cover in the last 15 minutes so itmight be that.

on the last pit stop they'llprobably make adjustments, try to make that car quick again.>> remember that car really got better and better and betterthrough the run. he didn't fall off as some ofthe other cars and it looks like it's starting to improve his laptimes. >> that's just what justinallgaier and his team were talking about, the need to savetheir tires. >> the flags all the time it'sjust going to kill the tires. >> they're running 20s and 20 isbehind you.

>> and darrell it depends on howgood your race car is, how hard you can run it and not burn thetires off, because now we see justin allgaier lose a thirdspot to brad keselowski in the battle on the right-hand side ofthe screen between kenseth and truex the battle for seventh.>> when you're abusing the tires you can just feel them goingaway. you feel that car starting toslide more and more and when you know you have to back off oryou're not going to have anything left.>> there is your leader kurt

busch.matt kenseth up to seventh. matt?>> is sounds like the track might have taken a swing to thetight car. matt kenseth says he has to slowdown to make a turn it should be a good fuel mileage segment andmartin truex the same problem, way too tight in the center.>> matt, i'm seeing some clouds have definitely rolled in.we do not have a lot of sunlight on the track right now.>> 82 laps to race as the sun plays peekaboo with the cloudshere in richmond.

kurt busch leading jamiemcmurray by four seconds. >>> 75 laps to go in richmond.sprint we'll cut your rate plan in half, bring your verizon orat&t bill and turn in your old phone at a sprint retail storeor kurt busch has led more thanhalf of this race. he's led five times, 218 laps.joey logano led 9 had. no one else has led more thanten. he has four seconds on jamiemcmurray and look at the difference between all of lastseason and six races this year

for kurt busch.>> and mike, we talked about how the track has changed and here'sa pretty good example of jimmie johnson running fifth, allgaiersixth. kenseth seventh, and jeff gordonwho hasn't been good all day is eighth, logano.dale jr., those guys are all having pretty good runs here atthe end of the day. these two drivers they've beengoing at it for 30 laps though for this fourth position.kevin harvick riding in the 4 and jimmie johnson in the 48.>> you said the fuel window

opened quite some time ago.when do you start getting nervous about your fuel?>> i go back to the last time we cycled in the green flag stops.brad keselowski, justin allgaier, they rolled the diceand stayed out there. >> let us know if you see it.>> but the penalty which they didn't end up paying the penaltyis how much you would give up the fresh tires.that's the chess match at the end i think should we staygreen. >> just heard him talking aboutdebris in turn one.

i don't see anything down therethat's abysmal from here. >> that was from the 4 car adiscussion on the radio about that possibility.>> well, there is that couple of areas down there that they sortof put sealer in that people have complained about.i don't know if some of that may have come up.>> still 70 laps to go, our fox cam maman hasn't spottedanything down there. we continue under green with 19cars on the lead lap. >> there's a couple of areas yousee those right in there, areas

they put some sealer in, you seethe 6 car went over the top of that.i was told when you hit that, it really upsets the car and theywere trying to straddle it or stay below it.>> there's some of that crack seal.>> that's some mean stuff right there.>> you see the white lanes that are now black, that's justrubber being put down. >> believe it or not the whitelines until they get some rubber built up on them are slick whenyou hit them.

one driver that would be in thecatbird seat as far as green flag pit stops they wait and seewhat other drivers do would be kurt busch in the 41 car becauseof a three and a half second lead.he doesn't have to be the first one to commit to pit road.>> right now all he needs is for this, for nothing unusual tohappen. if this thing plays out like itlooks like it's going to, that 41 might pick up his first winof the year. he's come close a couple timesalready.

today looks like there's areally good chance. >> among sports, nascar is aleader in green initiative. they're inviting fans to measuretheir own environmental impact and receive tips on how toreduce your carbon footprint. go to or jointhe conversation using�#nascargreen.>> you know, mike, darrell i think about kurt busch that 41car, well doumtd, he sat out the first three races because he wassuspended by nascar for all the situation that was going on withhis personal life, but with the

227 laps that he's led today,he's going to close in on leading 500 laps this year andmissing the first three races. of course he came back with twotop five finishes right off the bat.>> great run in phoenix, great run at fontana and that car hasbeen fast ever since he got back in it.i still�-- the guy that's got to hope there's no caution is theguy driving the 2 car, because as long as he can run lapsclear, nobody around him, he can run as fast as the leaderalmost.

what he doesn't want is arestart because that would kill him with being down a cylinder.he doesn't need a late race caution.>> 63 laps to go, 19 cars on the lead lap, led by kurt busch,jamie mcmurray and brad keselowski.>>> 56 laps to go. everybody chasing kurt busch.jamie mcmurray is 2.4 seconds back, and closing slightly with55 laps to go. regardless of how this turns outour 5-hour energy big move of the race is this, the white 55of brett moffitts slow with a

cut tire, the caution might comeout. kurt makes his move, passes raceleader brad keselowski, gets back on the lead lap and therethe yellow lights for the caution flag.what a heads up move to force the issue in case the cautioncame out. >> and because they elected tostay out and everyone else pitted or either took thewave-around he went from that being almost a lap down to backonly a lap to leading the race on the restart.>> he's had the dominant car for

sure and that was really a headsup move and he's just on his game today, everything, in thepits. >> this is the most laps kurtlead in the race since the 2010 coke 600 where kurt led 252 lapsand won. 53 laps to go, three things youneed to know beginning with chris.>> mike, what a day for jamie mcmurray.he had that loose wheel on the caution, had to come back to pitlane, gave up so many position, dropped back to 31st.well he charged back to the

front, took the lead on lap 262.he has a great car especially on the long run.matt? >> what a week for kevinharvick, visited the white house, battled the flu,qualified his car sprint cup fifth and now running in thefifth position battling somewhat of a tight race car.harvick comes on strong near the end in two of his three wins inrichmond he didn't take the lead until two laps to go.>> young chase elliott making his second career sprint cupseries race.

the goal was to finish all thelaps and stay on the lead lap. he's doing that and more,currently running 12th, battling his own teammate, he just passeddale earnhardt jr. remember chase elliott, rememberthat name, he's the future taking over the 24 for jeffgordon next year. >>s he's on the verge of a topten finish in richmond. lot can happen in the 50 lapsthat remain. oh, caution is out for debris,turn three. >> danica patrick in the 10 carwas just about to pull into her

pit when that caution came out.they're going to see if they can make this stop and keep her inthat position, and just being the one lap down.>> a.j. allmendinger was the first driver one lap down.he will get the free pass on this, the sixth caution flag ofthe race, 49 laps to go now. >> she actually, my mistake onthat, she's actually right now showing three laps down.she'll obviously take the wave around to get to two laps downin that 10 car. >> keep the pits closed for onelap to gather up the field, and

then open it up for the 17 carsthat are on the lead lap. >> and i really believe this isgoing to be a detriment to the 2 car because even though he got apretty good restart that last time he was up near the front.if he gets back in the field at all the restart will be hisachilles heel with the engine the way it is.>> so it's busch, mcmurray, keselowski, johnson and harvicknow the top five, and mcmurray had been making small gains onkurt busch's lead. he's got a good, long run carand when we get the green flag

it will still be a gooddistance, 40 laps or so to the finish, if this is the lastcaution flag. >> once you get inside of 50laps like we are and bunch the cars up and everybody's goingfor it, i got a feeling we're going to have several cautionsbefore this is over with. >> and again, i just thinkthat's going to kill the 2 car's chances of getting a goodfinish. >> pit road is open.kurt busch, jamie mcmurray lead them in.chris?

>> and jimmie johnson will bethe first one to hit a pit box. his car very good on the shortrun. he said if anything, he needsthe car to be a little bit better after about 30 laps,getting off the corner, and then we've got the 41 and the 1,those two cars both fast, both drivers would like bettertakeoff speed. jamie mcmurray staying in thecar too tight, kurt busch saying a little too loose.jamie? >> brad keselowski doing a nicejob hanging on down a cylinder.

he wants to be freer for thisfinal restart. matt?>> kevin harvick's car took off well.he was pretty pleased making up headway no, changes on thisstop. >> advanced autoparts race offpit road, kurt busch will maintain the lead.brad keselowski loses a spot, jeff gordon gains two spots, nota good stop for justin allgaier. >> i believe that 48 car ofjimmie johnson will be ayou player now here, restart justover 40 laps to go.

>> yes.>> they keep gaining him spots on pit road.>> they have the first pit and it's paying off.he's out of the box way ahead of everybody else.>> allmendinger will join the cars on the lead lap when werestart. we go from our short trackseries to the fastest track on earth next week.>> next sunday nascar descends on talladega for 500 milesaction packed racing it's the fastest most dangerous track innascar and if you survive, it

could be the sweetest victoryyou'll ever take. find out who can conquer thissuperspeedway next sunday only on fox.\m\m >> big weekend of nascar racingfrom talladega, alabama. >> rapidfire qualifying nextweek, that will be fun, it will be better than what we saw atdaytona and what we've seen everywhere, daytona andtalladega rapidfire, keep them coming.>> i agree, that will eliminate the chance of someone elseaiding or abetting your

qualifying.>> just to me it doesn't work at daytona talladega.this is better. >> a little more on talladega,chris myers? >> mike the guy that usuallysits next to me on the pre-race show, michael waltrip, is goingto be jumping in the 55 car replacing brett moffitt attalladega superspeedway. after talladega speculate davidragan will take over the 55, if true the third different teamfor him this year since ragan would be vacating the 18 carreplacing kurt busch.

eric jones would be at the wheeluntil kurt busch returns. nothing's official here butthere are details to be worked out.>> i love racing at talladega. one detail i know i'll getbehind the wheel of number 55 dream machine and being a carcapable of winning a race and at my advanced age it would be anhonor. >> you get your perspectivebehind the wheel in the race quick.your observation here with just 45 laps to go.>> how do you say someone's

going to beat kurt busch.jamie mcmurray is fast, we talked about jimmie johnsonearlier in the day having a late running race car, fast car latein the race in a position to jump on them now.>> back upstairs to darrell larry and mike.>> jeff gordon jumped up to sixth and johnson made a moveand put himself in a position to contend for the win.>> i like this reset. this is almost like the start ofthe race. you got the 41 car who hasdominated all day, jimmie

johnson who finally got up therein third, harvick is in fifth and kenseth was up there early,logano is back up to eighth. the players early in the racehave come to the front again. >> out in front of the pack,looks different. the new toyota mirai pace carpowered by aed my gen fuel cell that develops 153 leading the future driving, today and tomorrow.chad knaus with a pep talk for his driver.>> all right, get a deep breath, give the belts a tug.tighten up on the steering wheel

buddy.43 laps to go before you take the flag here.>> that's one thing about jimmie johnson, chad knauss, last weekthey finished second. he said he didn't even thinkwith a car that was in fifth they could finish that high.>> i love it, even as much with 72 wins, six championships,still need to pump up that driver.>> who is in the better spot, johnson in third or mcmurrayoutside the front row? >> i don't know.if mcmurray can get down in

johnson he'll be okay but couldbe hung up outside if he's not careful.>> green flag, 42 to go. >> jeff gordon in that 24 istrying to shoot the gap. brad keselowski the 2 can't goon fresh tires, being down a cylinder.>> that's going to get him in trouble, not being able to takeoff. >> three wide into the corner.truex inside of larson and whoa, way up to the outside goes the51, he paid the price on that one, allgaier.oh, trouble!

tony stewart turn one!>> i think he made contact with dale jr. and cut a tire down.>> caution. tony stewart spun coming downthe curving front straightaway. little damage right front ofjunior's car. >> a lot of shaking and bakingand definitely contact. i think that's what happened tostewart. might have a tire cutdown.they're back in here, right back here is the 88 and you see rightthere, they make contact, actually i think tony might havegotten into dale jr. and that's

what cut the tire down.>> watch how close he comes to catching that wall right�-- oh,wow. >> yikes.>> may have just skimmed it but i'm telling you he was headedfor it in a hurry. >> too close.>> they were coming down the front straightaway, we've seenit time and time again, they made it all day long but thistime they didn't quite have enough room and right there.almost like they zigged and zagged.boy, as he spun his right rear

almost gathered dale earnhardtjr. number 88 with him. everybody scatters and only onecar incident, hard to believe. >> you know sometimes i hate itwhen you're right. how about caution greetingcaution. >> that may be why it won't run,may have to try to keep rpm'ing it and see if you can't limp itaround here. >> stewart is going to loseanother lap here. >> he's already got the windownet down. apparently it won't crank orpretty serious damage on it, i'm

not sure what the problem is.>> let's ride with denny hamlin. >> two back, bottom of three,bottom of three, bottom of that back. back, back, back, watch theoutside. >> darrell tony's car neverlooked like it was in the racetrack, the car was slidingaround loosey-goosy. we call it a straight-away butit's not. >> made serious contact with the88 right there and i think, man, i don't know.i can't tell.

right in front of chase elliottand that 25, you see denny hamlin we rode with him a whileago, he's having to check up. >> paul we nard behind him,casey mears locks it up behind him, just kissed the wall comingby. brushed it.hmm. >> stewart's going to climb out.apparently the car would not restart for him.>> this is where he got his first career sprint cup serieswin as a rookie back in 19�99. >> matt told us at the top ofthe show it's his favorite

racetrack.not today. we listened in on dale jr. andcompany. >> the 51, i had two guysunderneath me, trying to stay low for that 51 and the into the left rear somehow. >> allgaier was caught up on theoutside with a whole lot of company coming.>> it's real congested here. you see in the 51, dale jr.tries to�-- >> four inside, two inside, oneinside the 78, one inside on the line.still one inside on the line in

the the middle for the high, 1 inside, on you tight, on youtight. he's coming, he's come.>> you saw the little wiggle there, where he and stewart gottogether. >> tony stewart's car hauledback to the garage area. >> the pits are open right now.of course we only ran about a half a lap.all of the front leader also stay out.paul menard the free pass the 27.he'll get four fresh tires.

not sure about the damage on theleft rear tire of dale earnhardt jr.>> you can see the rub ear cumulated, not sure if that'sfrom stewart's car or the tire but something pretty closethere. >> pit road is open and thefirst taker is going to be ricky stenhouse followed by samhornish, casey mears locked up the left front, ryan newman,a.j. allmendinger and others coming pit side.we'll go side by side with 36 to go.>>> getting ready for the

restart it will be 33 to go.matt yokum heard tony stewart say the car restarted fine butevery time he'd let the clutch out to move it, it would stall.they towed it to the garage and we're set for the restart.18 lead lap cars led by kurt busch and jamie they go into turn one. logano way down below the yellowline. >> that was a restart rightthere. i mean, ran him all the way�--joey logano all the way out of the racetrack and kept ondigging and gained a couple of

spots making it work.he might lose one if he's not careful.>> caution is out. last year we had three cautionflags in the last 50 laps. that's j.j. yeley started therace in this number 23 so let's have a look at the restart andsee what happened. want to see some blocking?>> oh, yes. >> let me show you what blockinglooks like. 22, here he comes, got a run onjeff gordon, running out of room, running out of room andfinally had to let him go.

kind of one of those you play alittle chicken, force him, force him, force him, i guess i got tolet him go. uh-oh.>> and jeb burton going around back off the butcher of thatblue car. back off the bumper of thatblue car. >> again.>> this time it was sam hornish in the back of the of your screen, danica patrick had to avoid anotherone. >> another one.>> darrell if you have a yellow

bumper on your car today you'rea target. >> hit me here, does it say thatsomewhere back there? >> sure.all right. get some audio from joeylogano's team, our pole sitter b that restart.>> i don't know if that was as close as you thought it was,that's pretty close. ha.>> not only that. >> again there's nothing wronghere. jeff gordon is not doinganything wrong, trying to

protect his position and he doesrun joey down on the apron but then he gives him room when weget to the corner to let him get up in the track.>> unlike at talladega next week where yellow is out of boundseverywhere you want to go is free gain.>> the advantage of that move for logano, he'll restart on theinside. he's fifth place with gordonsixth. i guess it's safe to say, larry,as long as it's black it's safe. 's lowsky, allgaier making pitstops among the lead lap cars

burton is in along with hornishand edwards, who is the free pass car.>> i feel bad for brad. the last few restarts were goingto be what would do him in with the problem he's having.>> tony stewart checked and released at the infield carecenter, declined to comment on what put his car into thegarage. wednesday on "the ultimatefighter" after a devastating loss, the coaches feud boilsover and the house erupts. sounds like short track racing.the fighters hit the cage, one

big mistake will cost one teameverything. so don't miss an all new episodeof "the ultimate fighter" wednesday at 10:00 eastern andpacific only on fox sports 1. chris myers?>> thanks very much. let's go back to early whendanica patrick had a close call, you saw moments ago anotherclose call but this one jimmie johnson was involved in.>> jimmie trying to get on the brakes, gets into the back oftrevor bayne who has to come to pit road for repairs.>> the pole sitter kurt busch

taking the lead, led the mostlaps overall by far in this race, more than 260, and then ofcourse this mishap. >> joey gase getting impatient,that will happen later in the race.clint bowyer getting into the back of danica patrick on pitroad, causes damage to that car. >> brad keselowski had thecylinder down, well documented by darrell waltrip.hung in as long as he could. when the caution flag came output the winner of the last richmond race in trouble andtony stewart very upset here.

dale earnhardt jr. and him in awreck, and declined comment. his worst start of his careercontinues as we head back upstairs.>> thanks, chris, 27 laps to go when they come around and thetoyota mirai pace car hits pit road and will be back undergreen. we've had three cautions alreadysince lap 350, that was 50 to go, as many as we had last year.>> forget the long greens. >> waving off the restart.>> forget the long greens. we'll see with the caution.>> with the cautions we add

drivers back to the lead lap andwe'll end up with half the field on the lead lap.>> back to the last restart, you saw jeff gordon run joey loganodown the racetrack. here's what the 24 said.>> did he lay back like six car lengths?what's the deal there? >> no, he didn't laid back.he drove and ran away. >> what happened the 41 didn'ttake off, everybody tried to anticipate it.i certainly question if he was there before but other thanthat.

>> we can pretty much answerthat question. he did everything right but hedid time it perfect. >> remember the start/finishline is really close to the turn four than it is down in themiddle of the straightaway so he was well past the start/finishline. >> try it again with 26 laps togo, jamie mcmurray trying to rest the lead from kurt busch,we're back under green. mcmurray takes a wide arc intoturn number one. >> i don't know if that's a goodidea.

he got out there wide but ableto hang onto it. >> nobody dive-bombed the bottomin turn one that time. kevin harvick secures third fromjimmie johnson and gordon fifth, logano sixth, side by side forseventh, kasey kahne and matt kenseth.>> boy, they put some life back in that 4 car, up there now,kevin harvick trying to get around jamie mcmurray.>> truex and bowyer also side by side.two by two by two from fifth on back.>> they're three wide in the

back of the pack but jeff gordonthat 24 trying to battle back against joey logano the 22 toget back in the top. logano has some momentum off ofturn two. he makes the pass on theoutside. nice run there by the 22 car.>> justin allgaier went way up the hill with one and two anddropping way back we're told he is suffering from stomachcramps. 23 to go.i hope he can hold on and soldier on and finish this raceon the lead lap.

>> i thought that 48 car mighthave something for the 41 and the 1, but right now he's gothis hands full just holding on to joey logano.>> i think jamie mcmurray's best chance to beat kurt busch, theyhave identical laps that time, is for this race to go green tothe checker, because mcmurray's car seems better the longer itruns. >> i just don't think anybody'sgot anything for that 41 today. he is one of those dominant carsthat everything has gone his way, everything's gone right andthat car is perfect.

>> the biggest thing kurt busch,tony gibson the 41 team they want to see this thing run outgreen. we run a few laps here, thatwill be a huge chess match, who pits, who stays out.that's what beat them last week at bristol by making that pitstop. >> i'm not sure that was theright call. turned out not to be for's been a year since he visited victory lane.35 starts. how about that second place car,chris?

can he catch busch?>> right now it doesn't look that way.that car, the 1 car jamie mcmurray's car, he said all daylong so good off the corner. that's the place where kurtbusch is beating him. >> better not look back, becausethe 4 car of kevin harvick is breathing down his neck.>> that's what's been impressive about kurt busch and the 41, wetalked about comers and goers. his car was good when the trackwas green, good when it's rubbered up, short run, longrun, has not matter nypd.

>> remember harvick is notoriousfor doing what, mike? >> being the closer and here hecomes. >> here he comes.but he's going to need to clear jamie mcmurray pretty quick inthat one, looks like he's going to do it possibly off turn think the race that he won other than last yearparticularly, didn't worry about him until the end of the raceand looks like they scored some points today.>> kasey kahne passes jeff gordon.that's for sixth place.

>> i've been watching jeffgordon. jeff cannot get up off thecorner. his car is real loose and nowunder fire from matt kenseth in the 20.>> 16 to go this time. you know, kevin harvick secondplace would not be the worst thing for stewart haas racing.harvick is in the chase. kurt busch does not and a winhere would likely secure a spot in the chase for kurt.>> i'd say that's on everybody's mind.>> but kevin harvick.

>> you can tell anybody you wantto but it doesn't matter to kevin harvick.if he can pass him he'll pass him.>> i understand. >> you got to earn it, dude.if i'm better than you are, you have to really earn it.>> matt kenseth closing and here's brad keselowski.he's dropped back to 17th, dropped a cylinder early in therace on the long runs, the car is able to keep up just fine butright now his lap time is half a second off what the leaders areturning and yes, kevin harvick

is closing.his last lap was half a tenth better than kurt busch, who nowhas a 1.2 second lead, which may not be enough with just 14 lapsto go. >> no and you know that kurtbusch, he's just kind of mirror driving right now.he wants to keep kevin at bay. i don't think he's running 100%,probably more like 95, saving a little something in case heneeds it. >> seventh place for mattkenseth. coming off that win in bristol.they were not good in the mid

portion of this race, butthey've rebounded. he is the leading toyota with 12laps to go. >> he's run up in the top two orthree the early part of the race and then fell back but nicerecovery. >> harvick that last lap tookanother half a tenth of a second out of kurt busch's lead.>> kurt has a pretty clean racetrack in front of him forabout a straightaway. he may catch the tail end of thefield now that we have 11 to go but it's pretty clean right now.>> i know one thing, if i was

kurt busch the last guy i'd wantbreathing down my neck is kevin harvick.>> there's the dynamic interval inside that track diagram.generally, it's shrinking. kurt busch has now led the mostlaps in his career in one race. and there are your teammate crewchiefs, one of whom may win this.>> what a dominant day for the 41 car and stewart haas team ingeneral, you admit these two guys the 40 and 41 this year hada couple, three races where they just dominated.>> mike, we said it many times,

tony gibson with three races togo the end of last year they swapped him and daniel knostbetween the 41 and 109 and we all said immediately tony gibsonis the crew chief that kurt busch needs.old school, but does a great job of keeping up with newtechnology. >> call him the old man.or does he call everybody the old man?>> calls everybody the old man. >> looks pretty calm right now.not too worried i don't think. >> last week he passed thatkidney stone and this week his

driver's passed everybody.>> everybody. good point.>> fifth place. kasey kahne.joey logano for fifth. >> on that outside there's alittle bit of speed out there but i'm not sure there's enoughto make that pass. >> here's some audio from kurtbusch's team. >> whatever change you made itwas good for the short run speed.>> right now i wouldn't touch anything.just drive.

work your hands.>> this track is a three-quarter used to be a half mile paved and before that a half miledirt. nascar has raced here since1953, and has never, ever had a last lap pass for the win atthis racetrack. chase elliott nice job today inhis second cup start, running 16th behind paul menard.kurt moves underneath jeff green, no problems.pulls down on jeb burton as we get into the final five laps.>> they talk about work your

tools, two best tools you gotright now are the hands, work those.>> kevin harvick working the throttle.>> yes. kurt got through, by the twocars, burton and the 30 car of green got by those cars realeasy and not quite as easy for kevin harvick here as he'shaving to work a little harder. we've got four to go now.not sure if kurt will catch the other drivers that are up there,about half a straightaway in front of him.i don't think he'll get two of

them as we're down now to threelaps to go. >> he's got a nice clean track.i think he'll be just fine, i don't think he'll catch up tothe pack markers here. >> he's got a second in the bankwith two laps to go. >> now he's holding his breath,just let us get back to the start one more time.let me see that white flag, get that white flag in the air andin the last lap, you can do what you want to.what an awesome day for that team.>> clear track ahead.

>> white flag here, white flag.>> kurt busch leads his 290th lap of this race.kevin harvick within one second. cuts it down to 0.9 in the backstraightaway. traffic too hard, too far aheadto be a factor, and for gene haas, kurt busch has his 26thsprint cup win. >> nice job!>> that 41 car ran like one of these haas machines today,flawless. >> great job, everybody.everybody, this is a team win. appreciate it, buddy.unbelievable.

>> he started the season undersuspension for a suspected domestic violence issue, adivision by a delaware family court when the state's attorneygeneral declined to press charges after being onsuspension for three weeks. nascar reinstated busch fromsuspension to redemption to victory lane.>> this is when the tears flow. he'll shed a few tears i betyou. after what he's been through.>> sunoco, fueling victories. kurt busch becomes the seventhdriver to win in 2015.

it will be his second trip tovictory lane at richmond international raceway and hisninth short track victory. he led 291 laps, the most he'sever led in one race. he's going to burn down thehouse. >> he's going to be down acylinder if he keeps this up. >> doesn't matter, but�-->> i think i'd be willing to bet this is probably one of the morespecial wins in kurt busch's career.>> oh, yes. for sure.>> kurt busch is headed for

victory lane at richmond.>>> gene haas believed in kurt busch and kurt busch returns tothe wheel of the 41, picks up a victory, congratulations fromkevin harvick on the cooldown lap.harvick now matt. >> impressive one-two finish forstewart haas racing. what did you need on the finalrun to pass your teammate? >> what we really needed wasjust all the tires to be the same.we put the one set of tires on and went back to 12th to 13thand wound up making up the spots

but it got us way behind sotrack bar broke and we weren't able to get the track bar backwhere it needed to. real happy for haas racing andkurt and everybody on the 41 and jimmie johns' budweiser team.we were able to get back up and have a chance at the end.>> a great stretch come up for harvick, he's won at each of thenext three race tracks. >> great day for harvick insecond, jimmie johnson finished third.clint bowyer and martin truex talking it over.bowyer finished ninth and truex

ten.>> another top ten for the 78 team.>> new streak starting. >> yes.>> for them. >> i think across the board oneof the better days for clint bowyer in the 15 team.>> jimmie johnson third, jamie mcmurray fourth, joey loganocompleted the top five. here's chris neville in victorylane. >> well mike, so often we heardrivers say as long as we have speed, each and every weekendthe wins will come and kurt

busch in the 41 team, they havehad speed since phoenix. kurt, what a dominant day, witheverything you've been through this year, what does this winmean? >> it's an incredible's a total team effort, and the way that everything cametogether just seemed like we were building and building andbuilding towards a great finish like this, and i have thisopportunity because of gene haas and everybody that's part of ourfamily at stewart haas, it's an unbelievable feeling when youpull deep from within, you go

through troubles and you'reaccused of something and things go sideways, your personal lifedoesn't need to affect your business life and i'm here invictory lane, feels great to do it here in richmond, to do itwith 'automation, chevrolet, monster energy, mobile one, rushtruck centers, all of these guys back here, but tony gibson is anamazing crew chief and i'm glad i got the chance to work withhim. thanks, hendrick horsepowerchassis, we got it done today. our car is pretty good.>> an emotional win.

kurt busch gets his second atrichmond. matt?>> love you, man! >> woo!>> a great day for the hendrick engine and chassis department,building the top three cars. how would you describe your day,jimmie? a lot of comers and goers today.>> we had a great race car and felt like that was the case onfriday except for qualifying lap so i don't know what happenedfriday and in general i'm not the best qualifier so we have toget those better in order to

really win as often as we'd liketo. we have two wins and we'remaking the most out of the poor starts and pit road picks.we have to get better on friday. i think our race car worked hardto make it last in the long run and with the long runs we had iwas able to get through the field and get the service tochevy up front. restarts i hung on and duked itout with the guys and get a nice top three finish.>> johnson third. chris?>> thanks.

for kurt busch he's won withfive different crew chiefs, now make it six.first career win with tony gibson and celebrating inrichmond. why is dale earnhardt jr. soupset with tony stewart? you'll hear it in his words injust a moment. >>> a landmark win for36-year-old kurt busch, those three races suspended.he hoped but didn't know if he'd ever be able to race again letalone win again but the confidence of his race team,owner and the kurt busch fans

and finally in victory lane.he had the most laps led coming in of any driver who had not yetwon a race but took care of that today.we'll see kurt busch in the chase.tony stewart coming off his best finish of the season but off tothe worst start in any career year.mixes it up with dale earnhardt jr.>> junior clears the 51 car and he doesn't run against the wall.i think tony expected junior to be up higher.they made contact but that's

short'll have that. >> tony stewart declined commentafterward. he was's jamie little. >> dale earnhardt jr. brings ithome 14th. seemed like your car was good onthe long run especially the middle of the race but you endup getting together with the 14. what exactly happened there?>> i don't know, you have to ask him.he hit me in the left rear quarter panel.i was trying to clear the 51 on

the outside of me so i was ashigh as i could go, you have to ask him.>> thanks, junior. >> yes.>> we attempted to ask him but again no comment.michael waltrip, chris myers thank you for hanging out.kurt busch didn't have his first lead until lap 95 had the leadsix different times and dominated the race.>> kevin harvick talked about a set of tires that didn't matchhis car properly and fell back. lot of guys charged the front.kasey kahne comes to mind and

they had inconsistent parts ofthe race. kurt busch no inconsistency, hegot to the front and stayed there.very dominant car and that car stayed under him all day.>> nine races in, quarter mark of the season, and of the nine,kevin harvick seven of those finished first or second.already has two wins, he was right there with his teammate.back upstairs for final thoughts.>> back to the moment in the race when brett moffitt waslimping around and kurt busch

dive-bombed brad was a desperate pass just before the caution came out, puthim in position to win. >> it really did.when you have a car that dominant like the 41 car, theonly thing that can beat you is yourself and he didn't do that.they had great calls in the pit, the crew chief did a great job,the team did a great job, kurt drove flawlessly perfect day.>> it was a day of comers and goers like joey logano who saton the pole and led a number of laps and faded.kurt busch and tony gibson that

41 team were good when the trackwas green at the beginning, a lot of rubber at the end, shortrun, long runs, it did not seem to matter with the 41 car.>> no, he led tloo three-quarters of the lapstoday, dominating performance. >> a third away from the chaseand these are the guys that are in, chase ma matters, you winyou're in. seven different winners somichael, there are really just, what, nine spots available therest of the way to get into nascar's playoffs.>> we saw last year you needed a

win to get in.ryan newman snuck in late in the week a lot of cars it win at talladega.>> joey logano has a win, dominated early, standing bywith jamie little. >> joey logano 94 laps brings ithome, top five. seemed like the car to beat fora while. where did things change and the41 get away from you? >> we had a decent car to takeoff in the beginning of the race but weren't very good from lap12 to lap 60 or 70 in the run.

it wasn't until late in a runbefore they started gaining speed coming back to the field.we can never make up what we lost in the middle of the run.we made up some spots and great pit stops and pit stall whichkept us towards the front and rallied top five out of thewhole thing. it was good.we have to figure out how to be better in the middle part whenwe come back. >> joey logano second in points.>> another great run by jamie mcmurray in the 1 car.when you look back on this day,

where in the segment of the racedo you feel your car came on? >> our energizer ecoadvancechevy was good in the long run. it wouldn't take off quick butafter 30 laps it was about the same as the leaders and then itwas so much fun at the end to be that much quicker than thoseguys. it reminded me of the olddarlington or old rockingham when somebody would take off andthere would be the guy that couldn't go that would come atthe end. it was fun to be the guy thathad the speed at the end.

kurt's car, just took off somuch faster than ours but really proud of our guys.hiccup in the pit in the beginning and the guys did agood job brushing that off and god pit stops at the end.proud of the crew and we've run nice.>> thank you. >> second sprint cup series racethe goal was to finish all the laps what your crew chief toldme and finish top 20 and you finished 16th.what did you take away from today?>> we had a solid day overall.

i was a little disappointed atthe end that i fell back and couldn't get going in therestart. overall everybody on our teamdid great this weekend. i thought we had a fast car inrace trim, guys making adjustments to qualify where wedid and had a great car in the long run.we could really, really run well and run some guys down late intothe run. unfortunately, always comes downto the short runs of these we'll try to get better and

hopefully try to have a bettereffort in charlotte. >> we'll see chase elliott in acup car one month from now. >> the jeff gordon of thefuture. he won't be in talladega in may,charlotte. certainly based on hisperformance in martinsville. >> he left martinsville thinkingit wasn't fun. he comes here and talked aboutthe good long run car. there was a point in the race hewas the fastest car on the track, drove up to the top ten.he proved himself and his team

today, i can run with theseboys. i can beat them because i wasfaster than they were today. >> you'll be running with theboys next sunday at talladega. >> i love it out there.>> we like to see you in the fire suit.>> thank you. >> that means you're not in hereall afternoon. i kid, you know that.kurt busch all smiles today. we'll wrap up richmond in just amoment. >>> kurt busch led 291 laps, themost he's led in any race in his

entire career, a past championwho has come back after a tumultuous start to his nascarseason, winning for stewart haas racing with kevin harvick behindhim. jimmie johnson again winds upthird, already a two-time winner this year.we go to talladega, has been the best track for kurt busch, lastyear, denny hamlin won battling with kevin harvick.>> i love talladega, you never know what you're going to get,like a box of chocolates. these guys will be all over eachother.

what you want to do is positionyourself toward the front late in the'll see guys some of them way back but the key to winning attalladega, you go the to press, better be up front because it's too hard to pass 20 cars towin the race. you get at the front of the packmaybe you can block and hold them off, what denny hamlin dida year ago. >> longest track on the circuit,different as the first back-to-back short track racesin five years.

didn't produce a lot offireworks, a little with dale earnhardt jr. and tony stewart.action to, "simpsons" and "family guy" and "last man onearth." next sunday talladega note bigtrack, long race, exciting, 11:30 eastern time, 8:30pacific, race day begins on fox sports 1 and nascar on fox withmichael, darrell and i on the pre-race show and we'll go fromthere. the lead changed 12 times, fivedifferent leaders. in the end kurt busch with hisfirst victory of the year.

it's been a trying week for allof us here emotionally remembering steve byrnes and hiscontribution to the sport. we thank you for yours and forwatching nascar on fox.

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