c-crossover suv


hello there everyone, i'm michael land, and welcome to this edition of nexccelerator. and the vehicle that i'm sitting in right now, is in the all-new redesigned 2016 lincoln mkx. and the mkx has received a complete makeover to give itself a more competitive edge in the mid-size luxury crossover suv segment. but does the all-new mkx though have what it takes, to be able to do exactly just that? well let's have some fun, and figure that out.

now like i've said, this is the all-new redesigned,2016 lincoln mkx, but this particular version, is the reserve editionwith the opitional group 102a package, which will be explained in more detailthroughout this review. so taking a look at the exterior of this newlyrejuvenated mid-size crossover, the mkx does not only contain configurabledaytime running lights, but it even includes adapative led headlights, that providesa modernized, futuristic and revolutionary appearance. but also looking at the left, right and topsides, the exact same characterstics that were described just now, have been carriedon through the remainder of

the vehicle. on top of that, there's even two powered heatedside mirrors equipped with both one turn signal indicator and one securityapproach lamp a piece on each side. now looking at the back of the mkx, there'sa dual exhaust system attached, with one tailpipe each placed on both of theleft and right sides. in addition, the vehicle features four rearparking sensors, with two on the left, and two on the right, which adds upfor a total of four. furthermore, the mkx even comes equipped witha rear wiper that helps increase the visiblity on rainy days, and a rear mountedspoiler as well.

as for the tailights however, they're notonly classy, but they even provide an upscale compliment to the rest of the futuristicexterior, of this vehicle. getting to the trunk of the all-new mkx, ithas a high opening as you just now witnessed. in regards of the trunk space however, itdefinitely has the ability to store a lot of groceriesin addition to other items for your daily routine. also, besides benefitting from a large opening,the trunk liftgate even has an led light in the middle portion behindit, while it has a grab handle

on the right side, but on the opposite sideof it, is where the button to close the liftgate is placed at. on a sidenote, you get a total of five extrafloor mats, with two for both the driver and front passenger, twofor both the left and right rear passengers, and one for the trunk areaalso. now located underneath the trunk floor ofthe mkx is where you'll discover the spare tire. additionally, both the cargo net and a vehiclefluid funnel are both placed on the right and left side, next to the sparetire.

other amentites for the trunk area for themkx is that the rear seat controls and a 12v poweroutlet are placed next to eachother, while another led light is situated underneath both of those items,all on the left side. also, the mkx even has a cargo tonneau coverthat's not only real simple and easy to operate, but it even enhances theability to keep the items that you don't other people to see, private. if you also want more cargo capacity in themkx, you can definitely make that a reailty by having all of the backseats folded down. to fold the back seats down, you can eithergently pull back on both of the

release levers that are next to the left andright rear seats, or push both the left and right rear seat buttons, which areplaced on the left side of the trunk area. then when you want to fold them back up, justsimply put them back up, until they lock in place. so opening the door to the mkx, it has a cappuccinopremium leather interior, with both a 10-way driver, and a 10-way frontpassenger seat, all with power adjustments. now one way to start the engine of this mkxis by taking the key fob that you

see me holding up in my hand, press the lockbutton, then press the clockwise arrow button twice to start it up, in whichi'm about to demonstrate right now. as you just now witnessed, the mkx immediatelystarts right up like a champion without any kind of mechanical issues at all,even when the outside temperature is at 85 degrees fahrenheit asyou're seeing right now on your screen. in addition, to turn the engine off, justpress the clockwise arrow button twice, and it'll shut itself down instantly. also, another way to start it up, is to leavethe key fob anywhere close to you in the vehicle, then press yourfoot on the brake, and

immediately afterwards, just push the enginestart button, to make the engine come alive. now getting to the engine area of the mkx,it's not only organized accordingly, but its even a piece of caketo access it also, in which i'll explain more on that, here veryshortly. but focusing on the powerplant offering, themkx has a 2.7l, 335hp, ecoboost v6 twin-turbocharged direct-injection enginethat punches out 380 pound feet of torque at 3000 rpm. with that you get an admirable 17 mpg in thecity and 26 on the highway.

but with the epa combination, you get an elegant21 mpg, overall. now focusing on the different parts of theengine area, the engine oil is located next to the engine on the left sideit, while the oil dipstick is placed directly right in front of the engine. also, the radiator is postioned in front ofthe oil dipstick, in which it's being covered on top of the black plasticarea that you see the blue arrow pointing at on your screen. in addition, the windshield washer fluid reservouris located on the front left side, while the engine coolant is directlypostioned right behind it.

additionally, the airintake system is nextto the engine on the front right side, while the battery compartment is situatedbehind the airintake system, on the back right side, with the brake fluidcompartment being postioned directly behind the engine. so now taking a look at the interior of theall-new mkx, besides having the cappuccino premium leather interior seats that imentioned eariler, it does not only have a unique, futuristic, and modernizedcharacteristic look to it, but it even offers a plentiful amount of creaturecomforts also, in which i'll explain more on that, here injust a little bit.

now the type of steering wheel that's equippedon the mkx is a three-spoke leather wrapped steering wheel, that providesaddtional controls on both the left as well as on the right middle and bottomportions. addtionally, you can use the controls withthe arrows on the middle left side to scroll through the various menus intergratedunderneath the tachometer, such as viewing both the 1 & 2 trip mileages. furthermore, you can use the controls withthe arrows on the middle right side to scroll through the various in-dash gaugecluster menus, such as having the ability to change a radiostation or leaving the current one on.

now located on the left side of the steeringwheel is where you'll discover both the turn signal indicator and the (-) paddleshift gear, while both the windshield wiper controls and the (+)paddle shift gear are just off to the opposite side of it, on the right. now to adjust the steering wheel to the mkx,you can easily have it raised up, lowered down, and even have itcloser or further away from you, by using the powered steering wheelcontrol button, just off to the bottom left side of it. now postioned next to the steering wheel,on the left side, is the knob control

for both the headlights and daytime runninglights, with both the + and - gauge cluster brightness buttons being placedin between the knob, the trunk liftgate button being situated nextto the + gauge cluster brightness button, and the electronic e-brake being placeddirectly underneath all of the following items that i just now mentioned. now the transmission equipped on the mkx isa 6-speed push button automatic transmission with both a sport modeand manual shift ability, via the paddle shifters that are placed directlybehind the steering wheel. also, the vehicle even comes with an intergratedbackup camera,

providing easy-to-see distance lines thatalso turn along with the steering wheel at the same time, which makes the taskof backing up really simple and easy to achieve. furthermore, when you tap the arrow that'sin the top left corner of the touch screen, you're able to either zoom inor zoom out, depending on what your preferences are. turning the attention on over to the middlearea of the mkx, you don't only get a convientent middle storagecompartment, but also provided inside of it is where you'll discovera usb port.

now located right above the middle storagecompartment are the dual-zone climate controls that enables both the driver andfront passenger to independently set both of their own air conditioning temperaturesas well as the temperature to their own seats, respectfully. on a sidenote, there are two additional storageareas that are placed right underneath both the middle storage compartmentand the dual-zone climate controls, with a 12v poweroutlet being postionedin the storage area that's above the dual-zone climate controls. also, an electronic glove box opener buttonis planted on the right side of

the dual-zone climate controls, while theradio controls are postioned right above the climate controls, with the cd playerbeing placed directly right above the radio controls. plus, the emergency hazard indicator is locatedon the right side of the cd player, while the newly-introducedsync 3 infotainment system is situated right above the cd player. equipped with that are 19 revel ultima speakers,with the first speaker being placed on the bottom portion of thedriver side door. in addition, the second and third speakersare postioned on the

top portion of the driver side door, withthe fourth and fifth speakers being planted on the middle portion of thedashboard, while the sixth, seventh, and eighth speakers are placed onthe top and bottom portions of the front passenger side door. addtionally, the nineth, tenth, and eleventhspeakers are situated on the top and bottom portions of the left rear door,while the twelveth, thirteenth, and fourteenth speakers are locatedon the top and bottom portions of the right rear door. furthermore, the fifteenth and sixteenth speakersare arranged behind the

headrest of the left rear seat, while theseventeenth and eighteenth speakers are placed behind the headrest of the rightrear seat, while the nineteenth speaker is situated on the right side of thetrunk area. now the sync 3 infotainment system comes witham, fm, and siriusxm satellite radio, that's even equippedwith hd radio capability. but when you press the back button on thetouchscreen to return to the fm mode in the audio function, the radio stationsfrequency number, the name of the artist, and the song titleare all displayed. when you press the preset's button in thefm mode, you have a total of

three fm bands in the preset bank, that alsohave a different array of six frequency numbers that are currentlyselected as preset stations, in each one. moving on over to the am mode, the setup andlayout have the resemblance of the fm mode, making the task of navigatingthru that mode, very simple and easy to maneuver around. now moving into the siriusxm mode, the setupand layout also has the resemblance of the fm mode, that even providesa simplistic experience to navigatie thru that mode, with ease.

but the notable differences that are displayedis that there's a replay button to replay a song that you want to hear fora second time, as well as having the ability to view the channel guide that providesa variety of different genre choices that you can choose to listen to,such as hip hop and r&b for music, and comedy, howard stern, and news for talk,being a few examples in this demonstration. transferring on over to the climate function,you have the ability to independently control the dual-zone climatesystem via the touchscreen, such as adjusting both the air conditioningtemperature and fan speed,

being two relevant examples. transitioning onto the phone function, itgives you the ability to pair your bluetooth enabled cell phone by simplytaping "add phone" on the touchscreen, and following the directionsfrom there on. however, if you want to learn more on howto pair your bluetooth enabled cell phone to the sync 3 infotainment system,please feel free to check out the tutorial video, by clicking or tappingon the youtube card icon on the top right hand corner of your computer ormoblie device via the youtube app. hovering on over to the nav function, you'reable to access a variety

of modes that provide a user-friendly experiencethat's straightforward to operate, like being able to either zoom outand/or in, with an instant response, being a relevant example in thisdemonstration. so staring off in the menu section of thenav function, you're presented with four different options that are avaliableto you at your fingertips, such as screen view, navigation settings,traffic list, and where am i? so taking a concise look at the navigationsettings, it allows you to make any modifications that you find necessaryin the map, route, and navigation preferences.

now viewing the traffic list, it not onlydisplays a wide array of the different highway routes that are currentlylisted on the screen, but it even tells you on how many miles you'reaway from approaching from that highway, including both interchangesand intersecting roads. it also displays on what speed you shouldbe going at when approaching a certain area, such as the beginning of thefreeway portion of loop 1604, being a prime example in this demonstration. exploring the where am i mode, it tells theexact location that you're at, which includes both the latitude and longtitudnalcordinates, and the

intersecting road as well. taking a brief gander at the destination mode,you have the ability to perform different tasks that include searchingfor a point of interest, and finding a destination based on the categoriesof your choice of a restaurant, gas station, hotel, and even anatm machine. but when you tap on see all, it'll bring upaddtional categories that you can find to pinpoint other types of destinations,such as entertainment, automotive, domestic, and recreation. taking a glance at the apps function, besideshaving the ability to add a device,

you even have the capability to access thesirius travel link to view gas prices, movie listings, sport scores,and even viewing the weather forecast as well. taking a glimpse at the settings function,it shows the generous variety of vehicle settings to use, such as making adjustmentsto the clock, the navigation function, and valet mode, beinga few of the examples that can be performed in this function. addtionally, whenever you have the vehiclesheadlights turned on at night, the screen on the sync 3 infotainment systemwill go from having a light brown background, to having a black background.

not to mention that the gear shift buttons,emergency hazard indicator, and the ambient lighting in the cabin all illuminateat the same time, including on all of the doors, as well. now another way that you can also get someuse out of the sync 3 infotainment system is that you can even takeadvantage of the hands-free voice reconigition system to navigatethrough it also. in addition, i will go ahead and activatethe hands-free voice reconigition system to show you on what kind of generalcommands you can say to get the best possible experience.

[sync 3 infotainment system]: "start-up tone,"please say a command. [michael land]: help. [sync 3 infotainment system]: help. interrupt me at any time by pressingthe voice button. you can say phone, navigation, climate, sirius,usb, am, or fm. to get more detailed help, say the name of the devicefollowed by help, like "phone help." to access the voice settings, say voice settings. if your phone is connected, you can say commandslike, call john smith,

or dial 555-0155. for an introduction to the voice system, sayvoice instructions. [michael land]: voice instructions. [sync 3 infotainment system]: to use the voicereconigition system, press the voice button on the steering wheel. you'll then hear, "start-up tone," say a command. after the last tone, say a device name like,am, fm, or phone. i'll then give you examples of available commandsfor that device. if i have trouble understanding you, you'llhear this sound, "error-tone,"

followed by more sample commands. you can interrupt me at any time by pressingthe voice button. you can also say help for more information,or list of commands, for additional commands. please select another tutorial, or say mainmenu. [michael land]: line 2. [sync 3 infotainment system]: global commandscan be spoken at anytime. to return to the main menu, say main menu. to go back only one step, say go back. if you like to end the voice session, saycancel, or press and hold the voice

button on the steering wheel until you hear,"error-tone." if you've been presented with a list of choices,you can say next page or previous page to see more. you can also say help for more information. [michael land]: line 3. [sync 3 infotainment system]: voice reconigitionsettings allow you to adjust how the system plays prompts and providesconfirmation. in advanced mode, the system plays very fewvoice prompts. while standard mode, the system plays promptsat every step.

to adjust the settings using the touchscreen,touch menu, then settings, and then voice control. to adjust the settings using voice commands,say interaction mode standard, or interaction mode advanced. [michael land]: line 4. [sync 3 infotainment system]: voice reconigitionsettings also allow you to enable or disable phone confirmation, whichallows the system to confirm the contact name you want to dial if isn't sureof what you said. you can say phone confirmation on, or phoneconfirmation off.

[michael land]: main menu. [sync 3 infotainment system]: main menu. please say a command. [michael land]: cancel. [sync 3 infotainment system]: cancelling. now postioned behind the middle storage compartmentare the front cup holders, but right behind them is the two-tier centerconsole to the mkx. so opening up the top-tier part of the centerconsole first, you have a ample amount of storage capacity to store any kindof small item that you want.

now opening up the bottom-tier part of thecenter console, you not only get a generous amount of storage capacity to storea lot of items, but it even provides a usb port, as well as an led lightalso. in addition, the center console not only openssmoothly, but closing it is also a piece of cake too. now moving on over to the top roof area ofthe interior, there are two sunvisors for both the driver & front passenger, thatfeature both their own vanity mirror and lights. however, the garage homelink buttons are placedon the driver side

sunvisor, for easy accessbility. in between the sunvisors are the sunglassesholder, the bluetooth microphone, the power panoramic vista roof controls, andfront interior lamps, which are all located right next to each other. so starting off with the front interior lamps,you can either have both of the lights completely turned off like you'reseeing right now, or you can have both of them stay on, if youwish. as for the sunglasses holder, it allows youthe option to either store a pair of sunglasses, or othersmall items of any kind.

now to operate the power panoramic vista roof,just simply push the soft cover open button to open up the softcover to bring in some sunlight to create a relaxing ambiance. addtionally, push up on the up arrow buttonto open the glass portion of the panoramic vista roof up, to let some freshair circulate inside the interior of the mkx. but to close it up, just simply push on thedown arrow button to close up the glass portion of the panoramic vista roof. also, to tilt the window open, just simplypush the vehicle button upwards, to tilt the window open.

but to tilt the window shut, just push thedown arrow button, to close up the window and tilt it shut. furthermore, you can even push the soft coverclose button to either close the soft cover up halfway, or you can either leaveit entirely open or closed, if you wish. transferring on over to the glove box now,it's not only damped,, but it's even got a decent amount of storage capacityto where you can easily store about anything that you can imagine, suchas either the driver's manual, or even the leather seat cleaning sample kitthat you're seeing right now your screen.

in addition to the airbag that you saw onthe steering wheel eariler, there are two knee airbags situated underneath the steeringwheel of the driver side, and underneath the glove box of the frontpassenger side, while another one is placed on the front passenger side of thedashboard. also, there are even two other airbags, withone each on the b pillars of both the driver and front passenger sides, rightabove each seat belt. plus, there are two side seat airbags forboth the driver and front passenger, which adds up for a total of 8 airbags, alltogether. now proceeding on over to the driver sidedoor of the mkx, it doesn't only

provide the controls for the power mirrors,power locks, and all 4 power windows, but the material quality is very excellent, with soft touch materials on not only thetop and middle portions, but even the bottom portion is even the sameway as well. additionally, the material quality on thefront passenger side door is the exact equivalent of the driver sidedoor. as for the rear left door, the same soft touchmaterial qualities that were present on the driver side door, are carriedon over to give the rear occupants the exact same benefit.

plus, the material quality on the right reardoor is just as exactly the same as the left rear door. now as for the back seat goes for the all-new redesigned lincoln mkx, it does not only provide a very welcoming, and relaxing ambiance back here,but for somebody who's around 5 ft 11 to 6 ft tall such as myself,i'm definitely real satisfied with the amount of headroom spacethat i have back here, which even opens a door for me to kick back, relax,and enjoy longtrips. but what about the thigh support though onthe other hand?

as for thigh support goes, it's both verycomfortable and very supportive. plus, the amount of legroom space that i havein the backseat back here is even very spacious and ginormous, whichmake's even for enjoying those long road trips, an unforgetable experience,that you'll want to remember for a very long time. in addition, there are two rear map pocketsfor the rear passengers that also includes two adjustable rear airvents, and a household outlet, along with another 12v poweroutlet that'splaced right underneath the rear air vents.

additionally, besides being able to fold bothof the back seats down, you can also use both of the left and right rearseat release levers to recline the seats as far back as you want, if youwish to do so. also, both the left and right rear seats haveinflatable belts, which adds extra protection for the rear passengers. furthermore, there are even two rear cupholdersfor the rear passengers, for addtional convenience. so with everything that you have seen, includingthe optional equipment, the msrp price of this particular version of themkx is $52,900.00.

and that's the price with the 2nd row inflatableseat belts included. but if you add the destination and deliveryprice, to the previously mentioned msrp price, the total cost of thevehicle runs at $53,825.00. which is not a bad price for a mid-size crossoverluxury suv that's able to offer an incredible amount of features thatyou simply cannot refuse to pass up. also, the crash-test ratings for the mkx areeven outstanding for every category that you see listed, especiallyfor both the front and side-crash test rating categories. so to reiterate the question that i askedin the beginning of this review,

does the all-new redesigned lincoln mkx havewhat it takes to be very competitve against the other mid-sizecrossover luxury suv offerings? the answer, it absolutely does, without adoubt about it. not just because of how much the vehicle haschanged from both the inside and outside, but also because of the generousamount of safety features that the vehicle is able to offerthat nobody can pass up at all, based on the crash test ratings that you justnow saw. in addition, the mkx even provides a plentifulamount of room and comfort for both the driver and passengers,without sacrficing both

fuel economy and driving performance, whichis in all thanks to that part to the 2.7l ecoboost v6 engine from the fordmotor company. so with that being said, i hope you enjoyedthis edition of nexccelerator. i'm michael land, and i'll see you next time.

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