hello friends, im sergio oliveira. eduardo vargas. how are you lalo? doing well and yourself? very well too. its good that we are both well we are going to talk about chevrolet? yes, they have asked us alot about chevrolet there are lots of aveo fans and i think they want to know whats up with their aveos, they are going to cry. but anyways. - we are going to talk about chevrolet.
lets start by the order in their website so we donâ´t get mixed up lets start with the spark classic. the spark classic gets a 5, its missing safety its not a bad car but it needs more safety. do you know the difference betwen the classic spark and the normal spark because here im seeing the prices one is worth 126- the old generation
and the new generation but in terms of safety it says it has 4 airbags and abs breaks. only the new one has those. the old one does not. the ng, but the ng is another vehicle. or would you rather i talk about the spark ng right away? i would give the spark ng a 6 because it has abs and airbags, but it only has that in the the more expensive versions nearing 200,000
pesos, and those versions make it a little better, but its still not within the best in the segment it has a small motor right? 98 it says here. yes 98 horsepower but it does not drive poorly, it is a good urban vehicle then we have the aveo, your favorite. aveo, 2. it gets a 2, and iâ´m doing it a favor, its a very bad car poor durability, poor handling, poor safety
the only sort of recommendable version is the most expensive one, but its so expensive that you could buy much better things for that price the aveo is a very bad car, in my opinion, its the worst car on sale in mexico at the moment. is it worse than the patriot and the- its the worst car on sale in mexico, worse than any other you could mention, worse than the smart. that bad? yes. then lets not even spend any time on it.
or rather, why is it bad? i just said it breaks poorly, drives poorly, accelerates poorly it uses too much gas, its unsafe, you never know how its going to behave it trembles at 80km/h its not durable, it has poor resell values there is not one single good thing about that car everyone that bought an aveo before have
regreted it right? if they see the video they are either going to say that im a dumbass or they will regret it completely, they are going to say its not true, that its worked out well for them iâ´ve had it for two whole months and its great. you could even say you have 5 years with it and its lasted, and its possible that its true, but that doesn not take away from the fact that for the same amount of money that you spent you could have
bought a better car. if the question is that its not that its a bad car but rather that with that ammount of money you could buy something better. thats right. next we have the sonic. iâ´m also not a fan of it but that one gets a 5 or 6 between those two, the handling is its primary problem, its a lazy car very nonchalant, and the 2017 is a bit better it gets better in certain details, for example
the previous one has a cluster in the front which was inspired by motorcycles which looks very good on motorcycles but not so much on cars the digital one that- yes, very weird. and now they have changed it it has poker play in the more equipped versions, it has onstar in the most equipped version
but that more expensive version is so expensive that you could buy much better things for that price like a toledo, golf, or corolla it says here that it costs 182,900 with - its sad, but the most expensive one goes for about 240 - 250 or something like that, and is the only one which is worthwhile, and your only seeing "from" - i was actually going to tell you about the power at 115, so its not a bullet.
no its not, but none of the cars in that segment are bullets the problem is not the power, the problem is the handling how does the car feel? it feels lazy, it feels bad, it feels unstable. okay, chevrolet cruze its better it got alot better with the new generation but its still expensive and the basic versions still donâ´t have the safety
that the expensive versions do have to buy a cruze which is safe enough you have to go above 300 to 330,000 pesos and once again, there are beter things for that price if the cruze from where it started- 228,700. the cruze? chevrolet cruze. thats pretty cheap but its cheap but it only has 2 airbags
its not a car that i would buy. then we have the malibu 2016, it says here it costs 327,600 that is a very good car, i would give it a 7 a very good car the finishes are bad, the platics are cheap and poor quality but the car itself is good, the handling is good, the habitability got alot better in the end its a very good chevrolet, but its
in a very difficult segment. what does it compete with? against the accord, camry, mazda 6, passat, optima, sonata, fusion and almost all of them are better its not a bad car, on the contrary its good but almost all the rest are better but the malibu is famous in the unites states isnâ´t it? yes, and? no, no i was just saying
that it has its fans in the united states the joker is also famous in the united states but heâ´s the bad guy in the movie. well, lets go to suvs now here they are listing the crossover trax as an suv the cheap ones are not recommendable because they are not safe enough and it starts at? 257. 257 is a price
similar to the kia soul which will have less power but it has 6 airbags it has better finishes and better equipment, ect. and the ones that do have 6 airbags are too expensive you can buy something better, even an equinox because of space, power, ect. its not that i think the equinox is marvel
but it is better than the trax, shall we go to a break? lets go to a break. very well, we will be back shortly. were going on a short break, donâ´t leave. hey buys, stick around, you will love it. were back boys. very well we are back and we are going to talk about the volt. which chevrolet defines as an electric car. its not electric? yes and no, more no than yes. because of the electricity or why do they do that?
its not crappy, its actually a good car, the problem is that its more of a hybrid than an electric the idea behind hybrids is to take a gasoline motor, put an electric motor for auxilary use so that at some points in time it will only use the electric motor or uses both at the same time and in that way you can get better fuel efficiency
that is how the prius functions, the normal prius, and that is a technology which is almost obsolete now the industry is classifying it as on its way out and what chevrolet did with the volt was to make it backwards, the primary motor is a gasoline motor i mean an electric motor and the secondary motor is a gasoline motor
in theory the strength of the gasoline motor never gets to the tires, its only a generator for the electric motor so with that they say they have an electric car with an extended range because one of the primary problems with electric cars is the mileage, a nissan leaf for example they say it can go up to 160 kilometers
but in practical terms its 100 to 110, so if you go to chapala you literally need to charge the car all night to be able to come back, so you canâ´t go to chapala and come back in a volt iâ´m sorry, you can in a volt, but you cannot in a leaf. with the leaf you can go from here to mexico city without having th charge the tank thats why it has an extended range, however,
there were tests done in the united states that under some special circumstances the power from the gasoline motor does reach the wheels and its not only the generator, so in practical terms the car is a hybrid, a hybrid which focuses on the electric part rather than the gasoline part
but it is a good car, the only thing is that its too expensive, bein a car that costs around 600,000 pesos or a little more than 600,000 pesos lets open it up and see what its going for right now. for those of you watching from latin america, its 550 kilometers to 600 kilometers from here so the range- 680,400 pesos thats what the volt costs, so lets say
your going to buy it to save on gas it would not be worthwhile, the only way to justify buying it is to say that you want to have a clean hybrid car electric, a vangaurd, or whatever you want to say, to declare your love for the planet kiss all the polar bears you find on the road, and your ready to go, its a
flag to say your going green but from a monetary prespective, its not worth it, so i would give the volt a 7. a prius would be better wouldnâ´t it? its cheaper. a prius is more interesting, it costs exactly half at 340,000 so you could buy you could buy one for yourself, another for uber and finance it. now equinox. the equinox is the queen
if you need space, it is the most spaceous one from that segment but in terms of everything else it falls short in relation to the best ones like the sportage 2.4 like the cr-v, rav 4, and even the x-trail in terms of durability, fuel efficiency finishes, in all those it falls short so i would give it a 6 or 7 it says here it has a multiflex seat
do you know which ones those are? i have no idea. well, its part of their publicity, and next we have is the traverse 2017 i would give that one a 5, its slow poor fuel efficiency, its old, and soon to be remodeled its far too heavy, the new one is going to be smaller because the new one is based on the new buick enclave
which was recently launched in the united states i think it still has not arrived in mexico its virtue is its comfort its very comfortable and nice to be in that happens with some vehicles, they are cars that you get into and you are just so comfortable and its great, and a good car, but comfort is not everything there are many cars
that trick you well, its not really tricking you you are feinted by the comfort and you believe that makes it into a good car and it turns out to be bad for other reasons what are its bad qualities? what i just mentioned, its slow, its not fuel efficient, its heavy its not very stable, its hard to park, and you can see that its concept it so old that
you take the keys and the keys are separate from the chain that opens and closes it. it has things that litrally look like they are from the previous century, an that shows you that its a concept from the previous century and its not cheap, 653,400 pesos with 650,000 pesos the mazda cx-9 wins out in all aspects. okay, what about tahoe. its big, it drives well, or gives you the sensation
of good handling the suspension is nice with tahoe ans suburban, i didnâ´t grade the traverse did i? i think i gave it a 6 or 7. & actually. i would also give the tahoe a 6 as well the good thing about tahoe and suburban, and iâ´m giving them both a 6, iâ´m going to grade those two together the design and the handling, you see it on the street and its very imposing, its a truck that impresses
and when you drive it, it doensâ´t feel bad its alright, but the space is really bad on the inside and i wouldnâ´t see another reason why someone would buy a suburban or a tahoe? to put in a bunch of people because you want alot of space you want to be comfortable. if your paying 812,000 pesos you better be comfortable. but you canâ´t stretch your legs in any of the seats
not even in the front seats. as if you were in a subcompact. yes. the rear seat is very uncomfortable, the base is too thin and weird, and after a while in a suburban it should pay airfares for being so big. and your going like this and after a while you canâ´t find any way to get comfortable and that is in the second row. fuck, then the third must be-
the thrid? forget about it, in the suburban the third row ir more or less the same as the second row in the tahoe, the third row is for children, and at least the children with legs in its case, but i donâ´t any justification for something so big to offer such little space you see the ford expedition or the lincoln navigator and its the same space as an escalade and gmc, they are all the same
they all have different grilles and other things but they all get a 6 because of the same reason i donâ´t know what other reason you would have to buy such a big truck, if its not for the space and it does not offer space, you see ford and they have alot of space, but ford sells one of those for every 9 from general motors that they sell in the entirety of the united states
so the american consumer is not that intelligent. yes because you would think buying a suburban of that size for only 1 or two people to drive it? it doesnâ´t make sense, its something you would get if you have a large family or you need it for a trip or something, but to go like this? that is just sad, shall we go to pick-ups? sure. what do you think about the tornado?
its a good truck but it is not the best the one i wuold recommend the most is the ram 700, which used to be called the fiat strada but the tornado isnâ´t bad so i would give it a 7. s10 that one is a very good truck especially the base and the initial versions are the most recommendable one because of safety and durability ect. i would give it a 9. look at that
we found something good in chevrolet all the way into their trucks with a score of 9, colorado colorado gets a 9 as well, its a very good truck, i think its the best in the segment in mexico in terms of value/price ect. the finishes are very bad general motors really needs to work on their finishes, especially chevrolet but the truck itself is better than tacoma, better than
better than the preta, better than the ranger, its the best in the segment in my eyes silverado. that one is also good, that one gets an 8, i donâ´t think its the best, but it is very good. cheyenne. the high country version gets a 10 you giving a 10? put some drum roll there, fireworks. its very very good. it seems like the most recommendable from its segment, its not the best even though it has a 10 because the
best, which is the ford lobo platinum has aluminum, and by having that any problem with the bodywork is going to take longer and is going to cost more so they cheyenne high country seems more recommendable, between the normal cheyenne the one that does not have a 6.2 motor, that one gets an 8 it says here that it starts at 500,000. that one at 500,000
gets an 8, the high country which im sure costs more than 800,000 that one gets a 10 vans, i donâ´t know if you want to talk about those no, but the sports cars yes. iâ´m still missing the sports cars here so lets skip over vans camaro. camaro gets an 8 it has the best handling in the segment
if someone brings a camaro and you bring a mustang or a challenger the camaro is going to kick your ass in a circuit, a street ciruit. its very good , the problem is that its not easy to live with the camaro, the visibility is so bad that you get tired it feels like your doing exercise in the car, you get to a stoplight and you canâ´t see anything
neither forwards nor backwards, you cannot see anything i understand that the owners are so excited that they donâ´t say anything about it infact the current one has less visibility than the previous model in which that was already a problem, but that really doesnâ´t matter to alot of people its a great car the problem is the visibility, if you say you
want a camaro with visibility buy the convertible and lower the roof and youâ´ll have all the visibility you could want and its a great car. look here, the next one would be the corvette. but i was looking here and it says it has 455 hp and 460 horsepower but the difference in price is huge. i donâ´t know if this is correct.
corvette 1,262,000 and here you have this one yes, the difference in price between a corvette and a camaro the thing is that the corvette is much lighter than the camaro it has more motor, more torque, and more prestige the camaro is a great car the camaro is a car that also gets a 10 the camaro, and the corvette?
iâ´m sorry the corvette is a great car the corvette gets a 10, and the camaro gets an 8 my score for the camaro is 8, and my score for the corvette is 10, its a car that can beat ferrari, and porsche, it is on that level it does not have refinements it does not have the prestige of an exotic or an italian car, if you come with the key to a ferrari and a key to the corvette, everyone
is going to grab the ferrari key first, but once the time comes around for a circuit, the corvette will probably win and the price of the corvette compared to the price of a ferrari is- it says here 1,260,000. -well yes, ferrari start at 5 or 6 million its a car of that level if general motors were to sell it, if chevrolet were to sell a corvette for what it is
able to do in a circuit, its price would be around 5 or 6,000,000 pesos speaking of camaros, very good price right? 465,000 doesnâ´t seem like- thats the v6 version thats the v6 and the 5, iâ´m sorry i mean the v8 is around 600,000 and there is a 4 cylinder turbo, which i am not sure if its on sale in mexico but the 4
cylinder turbo also exists, the only one that i have driven is the v8. here on the site it says v8, but who knows if thats right or wrong. yes, well maybe it could be the version that- they can make mistakes on websites they put on the cheap- lets get into that one the price is from- 465,000- yes both of the ones listed here are v8, so that must be it. it should be a v8 from 465,000
if that is the case then the price is very good well, i think that was everything from chevrolet. i think so as well, i donâ´t remember i donâ´t think we are missing any. because if we miss any, they jell at us you can deal with the website because that is what we are using so that we donâ´t forget see you later. until next time. goodbye.
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