best small suvs for 2015


why are you sad, son? you have to study hardand become a big man. if you progress in lifethen you will make me proud. but father,i do not want to go to school. i do not enjoy at all. this is wrong. first finish your studiesthen enjoy your entire life. - mother wants me to become a doctor.- that is good. do you know how muchi will have to study?

you tell me father whatshould i become after i grow up. i cannot tell you right now. let few years go by then you will understand yourselfwhich path to follow. do you remember what we weretalking on the terrace yesterday? whatever your heart says. yes, whatever your heart says. and then work hard tofulfill whatever you decide. and this hard workwill give you satisfaction.

and then you will find the right way. what happened? after father kickedthe scooter started. this is the last photoof my father in my eyes. he was an honest government officer. he could not tolerate injustice. sir, sir.. what happened sir? sir, call the police. this.. in just 15 minutes they killed father.

i have come to take satya home. satya, come.. they had wrapped father in thecoffin and made him lie on the floor. i saw many things after that.. ..but none of things affectedme so much as father's death. do you know the meaning of gangster? you do not know? i don't know. even your father did not know.

then why was he killed. but how is this possible? your father was an honest man. - even then he was killed.- come on satya, have food. his death will not go waste. nowadays the voiceof truth is suppressed. if you have to take revengeof your father's death then.. i will not spare themurderers of my father. i was just 13 years old.

i was thinking that.. ..there are many peoplewho killed my father ..but will sit at peaceonly after finishing them. or i will become one of them. under the obsession of takingrevenge i reached that threshold.. ..from where oneway was that of kindness ..and other wenttowards the unkindness. the time was coming wherei had to choose one of the two. school got over.

time started flying. mother also did notforce me to become doctor. after 5 years she wasnot alive to ask me anything. life chose this path for me. are you satya? i do not tell my name to strangers. victor. i understood. are you from matthew gang?

people of amol bhai areplanning to kill you today. be alert. understood. so this was true. only 8 people have come to kill me. i will not spare you. hey.. catch them. catch them, don't let them escape. run hurry up, run..

come.. it has been eightmonths since i saw her. it would be great to seeher expressions when she sees me. where were you? didn't you miss me? come here, satya. - who is he?- i am your fan, boss. greetings, brother.. - satya..- come victor? tell me what is the matter?

i have found outeverything about satya. i have checked his entire background. - everything is fine, brother.- only fine is not enough. talk if it is final. what if he is a policemanand has hidden a mike. my friend too got trapped this way. i will first check him completely. - remove your hand..- salim, salim.. .there is no need.

i have already checked him. let's check him and be doubly sure.isn't it victor? i did not check there.if you want to then you can. i do not have the mikebut surely have its stick. you sit down. sit down. sit down. - how many years did you remain jail?- for 4 years. - for what?- cocaine, opium, weapons and even triedto kill a policeman.

i got punished for that. but you could not kill him. i would have. brother, we know eachother for last 6 months. we get along very well.isn't it satya? you were also in search of a person. he drives the care superbly. amazing.. he can changethe car if he sits in the car. we need him, brother.

he will be of great use. no, brother.. he is matthew. father matthew. father.. for 13 yearshe served the church. there was anotherface hidden behind him. a dangerous international mafia. his racket of organ transplantis spread in innumerable countries. he is very popular in india as well. he is on the top in the interpol list.

to get the organs he picksup heirless people from roads. they do not haveany near or dear ones. the customers areready to give any cost. that is why their businesshas increased manifold. the important personof matthew's gang is victor. and he is satya. gangster matthew's driver. satya, take the carin reverse gear and bang. quick, quick..

take it, take it.. great, buddy. hey, sit down.. come out. - hey, look up- shoot him.. sit down and shoot. sit down and take your hands up. sit down.. hurry up and get peopleout of the ambulance. hurry up..

come out quickly. do you rule here? take them out quickly. come on everyone in the bus. come on satya get the car ready. don't look at me. come on satya.. victor, hurry up and run. we have caught this fellowto make some big personality happy.

just watch out forthat big personality. where have you kept it rascal? - tell me quickly otherwise i will shoot.- i don't know. - and he will not spare you at all.- boss will not spare you. tell me quickly. - welcome boss.- matthew, where is he? he is there. - where else will he go?- yes, okay - he will tell everything. come this side.- yes, okay fine.

victor, come. satya, wait there. rascal, you have got intothe habit of stealing liver. tell me where have you kept it rascal? i do not know. if we do not get that organ then we will remove yourorgan and serve it to dogs. understood. don't take tension, boss.come on move.

victor, what has happened to him? satya, what are you doing? satyadev, deputy commissionerof police crime branch. keep standing quietlywithout any movement till.. team does not reach here. - satya..- victor.. you are not as bad as othersbut even you are a criminal. i saved you in jailso that i can destroy this racket of organs completely.

matthew was my target but luckily i found anotherbig shot with matthew. thank you victor. kill, kill the rascal. oh no.. rascal, you brought such a person. - hey, come on..- brother matthew, wait.. brother, matthew.. hey, brother.

victor is in jail now. even if you me with themthen don't kill me by mistake. look at me's me. satyadev.. this is that crossroad fromwhere one way goes towards kindness and the other pushes you towards hell. i have got you releasedso that you leave this business. if you do not agree to me.. ..then no power cansave you from death. you think it over.

one by one i startedsearching for local goons. and whosoever i found istarted putting him behind bars. due to this many peoplestarted becoming my enemies. you think you aredoing good job these days. hey dcp.. this is dcp's car..destroy it. destroy it completely. next time you will be the target. where are the weapons?

i never deal with policemen. danny told me everything. i request you thati don't want any problem. krish, take the moneyand give me the gun. agree to me or tellme the address of danny. do you need the address? - rascal..- you rascal.. satyadev ips.. you pose yourselfto be a gangster. this is your file. shall i kill him here right away?shall i kill him?

- hey..- don't stop me. take him upstairs. rascal, he is saved from death. even i can make suchfake files for you. don't talk nonsense. at this moment i wouldlike to say 3 things to you. firstly, i am in no moodto go upstairs with you. he is a fool, rascal. now share the second joke.

the second joke is on you, rascal. you will die before i reach the top. merry christmas. are you satyadev? hi, nice meeting you. i am dcp. -richard.-yes. i wanted to ask you something. before killing danny in the lift.. ..i have heard that youwanted to tell him three things.

i know the two of them. but i do not know the third thing. was it that to reach the topstairs can be used instead of lift? people are celebratingchristmas outside. and i have stopped you. so along with christmas iwill burn diwali crackers as well. great, what a cracker you have burnt. wait for a minute. - do you know me?- yes i know you.

what is your name? satyadev, who was my father'sbodyguard at one time. look, you will get your share. let me go and my father will takecare of the rest of the things. are you son of transport minister? so tell your fatherto first take care of you. arrest him. what? listen to me.. remember this thing. he is a rapist,murderer and a gangster.

after getting down from the trainhe will leave from gate number 2 arun will be there. and if he escapes arunthen he will find pandey. and if he escapes pandeythen i will meet him. okay sir. which stand do you belong to? i belong to no stand but i am on duty. what did you say? you don't worry. go.

i am not getting anyauto so please do not refuse. sorry madam, the auto is not free. i have to reach hospital urgently. madam, please hire another auto. i have to do some important work here. is there any work important than this? nowadays there is no humanity left. no one helps even pregnant women. thank you.

nurse. one minute.. keep the change. her action.. touched my heart. but after that i couldnot meet that girl. - hello!- pandey killed him, sir. thank god. one minute sir..

- is sir at home?- sir, you can't go. - i am his friend.- sir, please wait. come out, sir. my name is golden raaj. greetings sir. stay out of the house. you have become angry withoutknowing why i have come here. you have definitelynot come here for kind work. sit down at least.i know you are much tensed. you want to finish us.

but i have heard that if you wish you can removemy name from that hit list. i have brought 1crore with me. and will give 1crore tomorrow. i am sure you will understand this. i forgot about my daughter's wedding. give me the card. if i get arrested then i wouldbe humiliates in daughter's wedding. i m father of a girlso have pity on me.

i am not tensed in arresting you. others are more important. you have unnecessarily got trapped. unnecessarily. you have been trapped for no reason. useless.. don't consider me as useless,satyadev. you killed acp pandyan in malpurram. your men are selling drugs outsideall schools and colleges of the city.

it is not true. rascal, i know the truth. okay.. ..i have brought the money. i will get more tomorrowas much as you want. don't misunderstand this. you may take as manyrisks as you want in life.. ..or do as much hard work as you can. you will not be able to earnas much as a servant of my gang earns.

i know life without money is useless. i will give whenever you are in need. i have lots of money. just remove my name from the hit list. i have heard thatyou do not have dignity. who said so? even a dead man has value. - haven't you heard?- have you come to trap me? who has hidden the mike..

..or camera between the two of you.. ..or have brought reportersfrom news channel? no, what are you saying? i cannot have faith on you, raaj. come on remove your clothesand prove that this is not the case. i will take the money somewhere else. come on start. i will feel ashamed seeing you naked. my constable will come and check you.

later i will meet you. sarvam.. yes sir. today you came lateso that is your punishment. sir, remove your shirt and pant and you also. i hope you have not hiddenthe mike or camera in your vest. sir, neither thereis neither mike nor camera. hey, what are you doing satyadev?

wait. what do you think of yourself? entering my house youhave come to bribe me. this is what you are. you are nothing. - satya..- and i am a police officer. dcp satyadev. i am not like you who rapethe law openly by being a rowdy. government pays me well.

i have bungalow, car and everything. the constable standing theregets promotion for his work. he is faithful to me. but your men getpromotion after death. they all wait for you to die. hey, my father earned very less money. but after his death today i am dcp. after your death your childrenwill be begging on the road. they will insult you.

rascal.. - sarvam..- yes sir. if he stays here for another minutethen i will chop him into pieces. now get out. rascal. get lost from here. by doing this youhave invited trouble. out.. i will come tomorrowat 12 to arrest you. get lost from here.

come on get out from here. come on, out.. come on, come on.. the money was not less. many like these wouldbe coming to you. i just listen towhat my heart says, dad. you had aid so butthe problem is that.. are always with me. so when should i take bribe.

so am i the problem? after two years i met her again. i am asking that ifyou have bought the flat.. ..then why it is registeredon murali's name. - you are paying the installments.- i don't want anything. the custody of the child is with me.. ..and that is all iwant from this marriage. i am happy manoj. i just want this divorceto happen without any fight.

- you go ahead. - but i wanted toargue for your alimony. okay no problem. hello sir. as such this is seen in hindi movies.. ..but it is amazingto see an auto driver.. ..becoming a policeofficer in two years. - really.- i am joking. next day i saw you inuniform in the hospital tv what is her name? - esha.- hi baby.

that night only becauseof you her life was saved. otherwise i don't knowwhat would have happened. oh come on.. will you go, child? go. come. we shall meet again. richard, can you finda phone number for me. - this is personal.- sure. criminal's name, address, network..whether is post paid or pre paid.

- i will find out everything.- hemanika.. i have heard about hemamalini but who is hemanika? - hemanika.. she is a dancer.- oh! hemanika.. bharat natyam dancer. - the one who is very famous.- yes, she is the one. why do you need her number? do you want to learnbharat natyam from her? no, the neighbor's childwants to learn dance.. ..and she wants to learnfrom her and no one else.

that is why i am asking. there is a child in my neighborhood. she also learns dance from her. i have dropped her many times there. - he is so irritating.- do one thing satya. give your neighbor's number to me.. ..and i will give it to my neighbour.both will contact each other. there is no need for that.i will talk myself. you just find the number and the name.

i think the culprithas trapped the police. did you say anything? in five minutes thenumber will be with you. thanks. hi satya, this is hemanika's number. hi, this is satya here. this is my number and ithought of saying hello to you. hello, good to know that.will keep in touch, hemanika. hi hemanika,would you like to have coffee with me?

at any time convenient to you. - leave me sir.- get, up. don't try to be smart. - i will tell you what i know, sir.- you try to be smart. - you try to cheat the police.- i will tell you what i know, sir. leave me, sir. sorry, i was travelling.shall we meet on friday? take him and put him in lock up. okay. i will not spare you.take the rascal. let me go, sir..

hooligan.. kill him.. don't spare him. hi. you are looking very beautiful. slowly, slowly we startedmeeting almost every day. one day she came tomy house with the baby. hi, please come. this is my house. our friendship started getting closer.

we were trying to knoweach other's likes and dislikes. we used t spend alot of time together. and mostly esha used to be with us. in this way with the fragranceof love four years passed. - but during that time.. - i am sorry,the liver has to be transplanted. ..the gang who used torun racket of selling organs.. - patil. - ..was developingits business very fast. i did not have any idea about it. what happened? are you hungry?

yes i am. come with me.i will make you eat delicious food. come quickly. sundari. will you eat more? no tension from today onwards. we will do one thing. let's send her bloodsample to the lab for testing. you will be charged 1crore.

the liver donor hasbeen found for your husband. do you have any address of that donor? i cannot tell youthe name of the donor.. ..but you do not take any tension.everything is legal. the liver of the donor matcheswith that of your husband. but he has requested notto tell anything to anyone. time is very less, madam.take a decision quickly. come on put oxygen mask to her. check the pressure.

we have to finish heroperation as soon as possible. victor has sent one more client. his heart has to be transplanted. we will share themoney and earn a lot. the hooligan whom satya had.. ..released and advisedto follow the path of truth. has now become themafia of the organs racket. and he is victor manohar. satya and hemanikastarted meeting every day.

the meetings started increasing. they also started getting closer. when this closenesschanged into love.. neither satya cameto know nor hemanika. if you look so smartthen i will have doubt that you might behaving wrong intentions. i have intention of marrying you. will you marry me? are you tired of what people say?

look, i love you and ifyou do then let's get married. what is there to fear? esha.. esha.. so.. she is.. she is someone else's daughter. i am scared that.. ..if tomorrow we haveour own children then.. you are hurting me.

you will not think like this future. satya, i am sorry.i did not mean that.. esha is only you'reand you are only mine. from now esha belongs to both of us. she is my daughter since long. do you know when i took her in myarms for the first time in the court.. ..from that time i am thinking.. from 6th she will go to a good school. for that we willhave to apply every day.

we will have to stand in the queue. we will. after.. ..she finishes her schoolshe wants to go out to study then.. ..first we will refuse. if she still insists thenwe will save money for that. we will start doing it from today. and then we will send her to study. you know my salaryand i do not take bribe.

and will never take. i have told you this so thatyou don't expect this from me. and i promise that we willnot have another child except esha. even if we have to goto medical shop many times. and he was the one.. ..whom she does not remember. he did not even wait for esha's birth. but you.. that is why i am saying.. say yes.

i don't see there isany point talking to you. let me go and see ifthere is some elderly person. baby girl, esha menon.. ..just make your mother understand.. ..that she should agree to marry me.tell her. will you really take her? why not? even you have to get ready. she does not leave you for a moment.

that is why she isso close to my heart. it just takes me20 minutes to get ready. i will get ready before she is awake. it will take you 2 hours to get ready. i will take her. have kept her dress and shoes? everything is in this. when you wake her upshe will get ready on her own. good. i will get her.she is my responsibility.

- so we will meet in our marriage.- okay. hello.. ..yes tell me arun. esha baby,you be here till i come back. okay? you will be okay. some multiple injuries, cuts,slashes are there on the entire body. this has happenedwith her father also. they have been killed mercilessly.

their bodies havebeen dragged till here. sir, we are waiting control yourself. i am handing over my life to you. who did this? where has mother gone? how could i explainto a six year old girl.. ..who has lost everythingthat she will.. ..never be able tosee her mother again? because she is no more.

i wanted to kill thatperson who had done this work. but how could i leave esha alone. i could not understand anything. hemanika had never left esha alone. even i will always stay with her. - hello..- sir you had asked about victor? i have got all hisinformation through my agent. sir, for a long timehe is not in india. i have heard thathe has shit to dubai.

he does not even havecontact with his family. after getting released fromjail we have no record of his. - sir, i am still trying.- okay. - if i get any other informationthen i will call you. - thank you. what happened? are you feeling scared? i am there with you. go to sleep. come, richard. i am going out andwill b back after 2 hours. take care of her.

stop a little further. father, do you know what the time is? if you go now then won'tyour mother-in-law open the door? no, that is not the case. okay fine. - okay go. don't worry.- okay. sit. hey, go behind her. you come with me. i will take care here. your fight was with me thenwhy did you drag my family in it.

you made a mistake raaj.a very big mistake. whom did you send or you came? tell me. satya, ..don't think from your heart.. ..but use your brains also sometimes. just imagine that it was me who didit but do you think i will accept it. and by shooting mewill you escape from here. i will still shoot youwhether you accept it or not.

amazing, if you kill methen how will you come to know.. ..whether i killed her or not. only when the actual murdereris killed her soul will be at peace. don't spare him. kill him. -where is papa? hey, come on let's seewho kills him first today? hey stupid, do you have brains or not? - brother, shall i kill?- hey, no.. did i ask you to kill him? do you remember thatday when i came to your house?

you had made me nakedand thrown me out. since that time i hadkept an eye on what you do. i had a watch on that girl too. i knew her daughter s well. i knew when your menwere trying to find.. ..whether i have gotthe murder done or not. after offering lastprayers in dhanushkoti.. ..i knew you were in madurai.. ..and staying in roomnumber 203 of sangam hotel.

i also knew that youwould come at this time. do you know how i knew all this? your man had givenme all this information. your faithful who turnedout to be a cheater. don't ask me the namebecause you are an honest man. this mark is suiting you. do you know that.. killing your lover ihave quenched the thirst of my heart? my heart is at peace now.this is my style.

i took my revenge. satyadev, now it is your turn. i will not kill you so that youlive in pain and memory of your lover. i had told you not to mess with me. break his limbs. hey, beat him. he should not escape. where has he gone? you sleep. she never used togo without telling me.

kill him. now come. i remembered those momentswhen i saw her for the last time. if i am alive today thenesha is the only reason for that. her presence gave methe power to fight death. because of golden raaj'sdangerous action i got scared. i decided to leave the job of police.. ..and go far away with esha. now she was everythingfor me and i was for her.

i did not want her to be my weakness. i have a responsibility on me, sir. now i can more do the job of police. i left the job and dedicatedrest of my life for esha. because of me she wasleft alone in this world. there was one more reason to it. i had no one elseexcept her in this world. in next summer holidayswe will go far away for excursion. from east to west.from here to himalayas.

if you want to seethe true colors of life.. ..then come out of the book. go from place to placeand meet different people. only then you will be ableto learn that life is so beautiful. you will get a chanceto know yourself. you will be able to find yourself. sorry, brother. esha, come. we will go by train. we will go wherever you want to go.

look, this is india's map. we will go whereveryou will keep our finger. okay. this journey was that dreamwhich my father saw with me. and i was fulfillingit now as a father and a son. i went to many places with esha. we went to rajasthan. from one place to anotherwe reached sikkim. esha really liked that place.

and she became stubbornto stay in sikkim. esha studied there. after four years we came back home. what are you saying? my daughter has beenkidnapped from there. it has been 24 hours. they have not even called for ransom. i think the matter is something else. i have made a police complaintand they are finding her.

it has been two days already. i am feeling very scared. when i came to know that youhave come back then i came running. help me, please friend. nilanjana, age 15 years. we had gone to chennai station.. catch a train for coimbatore. there was a lot of rush. my wife and i were on the phone.

my younger daughteranjali was in front. bad luck, i was unnecessarilyfighting with my boss on the phone. later i saw nilanjana was not just a flick of a second. i told the police and fought a lot. i searched the entire station. i shouted her name but of no use. who is the police officer? acp chandikaftar. may be you know him. i will find out.i will have to make some calls.

no friend,just don't leave by making some calls. if you try then shewill be really found. i have full faith. please help me friend. father, get nilanjana back. shall i find herand bring her back home. it was a new beginning forme in the police job which i had.. ..left four yearsago for esha's benefit. i had removed my shoesfor my daughter's benefit..

..and that day for my friend'sdaughter i wore those shoes again. and came back again to finish crime. - greetings, sir.- i need a girl. what sir. when you were in police then i had.. ..offered you many girlsbut you did not accept. she is friend's daughter. - tell me, sir. - he was kidnappedfrom chennai railway station. who is there in thatarea that does this work?

- ali does this work.- who ali? her favorite dialogue is thathis name is ali who helps others. he can do this work. to find a girl, an honest policemanknows which door to knock at. ali helps everyone. - but why?- where is he now? - i don't know.- i have to meet him. is he finding this girlor he really wants to meet me? whom does he sell the girls to?

kalia swami. swami, come quickly and take the girl. no tomorrow but come right away. the one sitting on lastseat wearing blue jeans, orange t-shirt and red threadin his neck also works with ali. he was shoeing somethingon his phone to someone. i tried to see. there wasa photo on it but it was hazy. because phone is china made.

why have you tied this aroundyour neck? you will reveal the secret. nowadays hooligans are not like this. sir, we are ready.shall i add salt and chili? salt and pepper is present herebut on action that captain will hit. cheers. you seem to be a very strange man. for the first time i have seenanyone having juice in the bar shop. you do not look to be poor from face. but what differencedoes it make to you..

hey where are you going? richard, i am behindthe car about which ali told. i have ali's phone in which thereis the number of the owner of the car. you also try to findout where that car is. i will call him from ali's number. ali, i had asked you not to call. wait, wait.. there is police checking.let him go. the child is unwell. okay, where are you comingfrom so late at night?

from nandanvan. i am in a hurry sir. - and where do you stay?- i stay nearby on sv road. i called him at the right time. stop, stop.. sir.. has a white bmw xx gone from here? yes sir. just now ithas gone this side. thank you. richard, send your team to 117,radha krishnan road. i will call if there is any change.

okay, satya. suddenly i saw victor there. i found it strange. this case was more dangerousthan i was thinking. go straight from here. - what have you given her?- benzo dyzabine. i have given a very small doze. okay give one more. and let her sleep for half an hour.

give her the medicine andkeep on checking the heart beat. doctor has asked to lether sleep for some more time. what happened?she was to be operated today. sir was asking if thereis any doubt in the sample. not at all. this girl matches exactly. we tested her yesterday night.she would be of great use. understood. but she seems to be of 14-15 years. is this right? the other one willcome in next 2-3 days.

suhasini, from usa.she is 28 years old. wait for is just a matter of few days. what if she does not come? she has to come from america. if she comes then wewill kidnap her as well. can't victor kidnapthat girl in dubai? this would be right for us as well. sir knows many people in dubai. by wearing the veil we willtake that girl out from there.

if this girl is trappedthen why the other one. she will do. even victor says so. why hasn't the doctor come till now?till when will he come? don't worry about all that.victor has arranged everything. he has called for 3 for heart, one anesthetist and if hedoes not come then we will open her. we don't want this girl. you keep her. do whatever you want to do with her. according to me thisis not the correct match.

hey, we have found this girland she is a correct match too. now will you teach me? let the doctors comeand we will ask them. - hello..- come on get ready. we have to parcel a heart. sir, all preparationshave been made here. after that i cameback into my old style. who are you? - doctor.- what?

dr. satya. victor knows me. id. i don't have an id.i have forgotten it at home. victor has really called me. really. heart surgeon. i am a doctor. he had given me address of this place. and had said thatthe patient is ready.

call up victor and ask. but i don't why he did not call up. do one thing.go straight and then upstairs. - who is he?- he is a doctor. he is not a doctor but is police. can't you be careful? i don't know.. catch him. catch him, catch him. hey, who are you?

be careful.. victor, that policeman has come.i will see him. - who are you?- we have not done anything. don't move from your place. did you become doctor for this reason? remove the tubes.i will take him. hurry up. it took me six days to find nilanjana. full six days. but thank god she was found.

good response officers.thank you for coming. satya.. police force really helpedme especially richard's team. but private investigationso played a major role. i respect you are very good officers. it is about businessof illegal human organs. here, people do notdonate organs willingly.. ..nor the target ismade unconscious and stolen. but to get the organs..

..the target is kidnapped and killed. it is a big gang that runsthe racket of human organs. and its leader is victor manohar. you all must not have heardhis name but i know him personally. his records are present in scrb during matthew operationin mallure jail i met him. after that i saw him few days ago.i was surprised to see him. check all the recordsof victor and arrest him. satya, superb, come and sit here.

issue a warrant against victor.let's get him. now victor's eyesare hunting a young girl. her name is suhasini.she is from chennai. presently she is in usbut is going to return in 4 days. the moment she lands onairport they will kidnap her. because somewhere a patientis in need of a heart. now we have two waysto find that patient. nilanjana and suhasini'sblood group match with that patient. and secondly he hasan agent named abul.

i know the number of his car. do you want to live more or die? i want to live for many more years. i will give you a numberthat can be of our use. his name is victor. the business of which he dealsin human organs transplantation. hello sir. i was told that you can do my work. so shall we talk?

don't worry about money at all. if you can do this workthen i will remain alive. but if you are not ableto do then the game is over. there is a girl but todayshe is not in the city. she has gone to america andwill return in another 10 days. the moment she returnswe will kidnap her. after that operationcan be done 2 days. where so much moneyis in transaction there.. ..a back-up plan has to be there.

- listen.. - another optionhas to be always there. what is the name of thegirl whose heart you are getting? - suhasini.- suhasini.. instead of suhasini theyhad kidnapped nilanjana. now even nilanjana is not with them. you have got my passport sonow get me out quickly man. quickly. when people like ali.. ..come in contact with us.. ..then they get scared on seeing us.

but saving that part ishot him at a different place. i shot total 6 rounds. this is my gun and i surrender. police force needs you satya. now finish that gang. officers, today's meeting is over. thank you very much gentlemen.we will meet tomorrow morning at 9. flight to chennai. sorry, you should havebeen here half an hour ago.

the flight is closeddown for check in. but it is important for me to go. what's the problem mala? i called up on the way and someone.. it's okay. let me see what i can do. the moment they see abeautiful girl they start.. definitely there are manybenefits of being beautiful. there is one seat for you butnot in economy but in business class. this is it.

can i help you? yes, it is right there on the side. this way, ma'am. please. is everything alright? i had actually orderedsome indian food. - so you don't want this?- no, no, i want this. - but, can i have that also.- sure. 'i've got a free upgrade, soi must make the most of it. cheers.' excuse me.

are you okay. oh my, god. need any help? did i have to puke when sucha handsome man is sitting next to me? 'please don't make him look at me.' are you okay? can i.. there's a pressure point here. if you press this, you'll feel better.

what style. but it will hurt. he looks like a foreigner,but he speaks hindi. you'll feel better, trust me. i don't care how much it hurts,just don't let go. just a few more seconds. better? good. now rest. but who are you?

are you a doctor? who me? no chance. no. i must make him fall for me. we'll look so good together. love and vomit,sounds good in english. but how will it sound in hindi? 'love amidst puke.' disgusting. are you feeling better now?

yes. how do you speak hindi so well? because i am an indian. but it's not so good. please excuse me. i feel so out of breatheven when he says excuse me. i wish i was his ipad. at least he would've touched me. his killer smile.

the fact that he was sittingnext to me was making me crazy. and i was wonderinghow handsome he is. our love took a haltat dubai airport for a while. and i had decided thati won't let him out of my sights. who knew whetherwe'll meet again or not? many time i thoughtthat he will talk to me. but that didn't happen. yet.. i didn't lose hope. hi, baby.

sweetheart, i know. 12 missed calls. i would've called if i could. okay, sweetheart.see you soon. okay, i love you. bye. did i get upgraded to business class.. so that i can hear the loveconversations of that handsome. - this is my life.- so tomorrow evening at 4pm. where do we meet, sir? coffee shop. suhasini, you've no chance here.

where is richard's team? - hi.- hello, sir. - hello, sir. all well.- yes, sir. - hello, sir.- hello, sir. - richard?- there he is. - hi, satya.- hi. - how was your flight?- could be better. these days flightsare not that risky.. much as walking on the road.

there are no cars inthe air that can run over you. but here on the roadswe must wear helmets. because there are no roads in the air. shut up. hey.. why didn't you abductthe girl from the airport? no, victor. the man that attacked usin the hospital was with her. satyadev. oh my, god!

hello, sir. second house on the left. - did you identify her properly?- yes, sir. anything can happen at any time. be careful and watch her like a cock. - sir, that's hawk.- cock or hawk. i can say whatever i want.i am your senior. remember. - boys, do you understand.- yes, sir. - keep the eyes on your back open.- sure, sir.

but sir,we don't have eyes on the back. - boss is always right.- yes, sir. - get back to work, i am going.- yes. sir, why are you still unmarried? i am scared of ghosts. - any girlfriend?- i am scared of devils also. - keep your phone on silent.- yes, dear. - i'll be late for dinner.- who is calling? katrina kapoor. from mumbai.

she's a friend of mine. - see that he doesn't run away.- okay, sir. satya, they have checked properly. suhasini lives here.they will handle everything. okay. keep a good watch. let's go. get in. hi, sir. can i sit here?or are you waiting for someone? - thank you.- this is not a coincidence.

i overheard you fixinga meeting at this place. on the flight. i couldn't control myself, and..are you done with your meeting? yes, it's over. google. i googled about you. and found few things about you,and i wanted to know more. since i knew i would find you here,i came here. what did you see on the flight,that you came looking for me?

there's a something magical about you. i've met many people.but none like you. you're brave and i've read. and now i like you. first of all,i want to know more about you. is it what google says about you.. or is there something else.. ..which can tell meabout your personality. and before finding all that out,we'll drink coffee.

but that's not important right now. we can give this a thought,spare some time and meet for coffee. we'll decide whetherwe can be friends or not. if we become friends, we cango for dinner, lunch and go around. and then decide.. what? whether we can belife-partners or not. drink your coffee for now. we'll think about the rest later.

you might be disappointedafter finding out the truth. only disappointment? i will handle it. we'll get longer time if the coldcoffee's served in a longer glass. there's going to be a murder here. you can watch if you like,or close your eyes. you can record it on your phones,you have my permission. 'victor.' did you come here to give a speech? you want to be a politician?

come on! stop. i'll see you. come on. let's go. let's go. do you want to know more about me? stay with me. who is he.. that's foiling our plans? he's a honest anddaring police officer. what is his name?

if you hear his nameyou will pee in your pants. satyadev! how are you feeling now? fine. completely. don't worry. and you, are you okay? coffee, lunch, dinner..all your plans are foiled. i am sure you didn'tthink of me like this. you would've leftif i hadn't come there.

am i the reason.. ..behind this quarrel? absolutely. it's you. they came for you. they came looking for you. one of them came for me,and the rest came for you. killing two birds with one know. i didn't understand.

what could it be?why are they looking for me? don't think too much. i will protect you.but you must stay where i tell you. isn't this a bit too much? you don't know them. and as much as i know about them,they are dangerous people. our meeting on the flight,was it pre-decided? - but how did you do it?- just three phone calls.. ..and you were on theseat next to mine. simple.

who were you calling baby,darling, sweetheart on the phone? who was that special girl? if you're married or ifthere's someone in your life.. ..then i won't interfere. because that won't be right. and anyway, i don't want anykind of confusion between you and me. are you married? i thought i was married. but that wasn't right.

are you two separated? do you have a child? and you were calling him baby,darling, sweetheart. you've a daughter. now i get it. you're the father of a daughter. - right?- wrong. look ahead, signal. i kept trying to hidemy past life from her.

but her questions rakedup my old wounds again. please come. if i stay with you,it will be a problem for you. - it's better..- there's no other option. you can't go to work either.let's go home. how long will this continue? as long as you're with me,they can't touch you. does satya know that girl. actually he knows allthe girls that we target.

i don't get it. he knows me.that's why he was sitting there. he saw me the other day,i came to the nursing home. that's why this is happening?that's why. is everything okay, satya? bit of a pain. but i will be fine. nothing else. our men should've caught him.they missed.

they tried. how can anyone dare to attackyou in such a crowded coffee shop? he must have seen me with her. or maybe someone informedhim that i am sitting there. before leaving he said.. 'he will come back again'. richard. - suhasini.- so she's suhasini. yes, it's here. - hi.- i am revolver richard.

- dcp, working with satya.- nice meeting you. are you a relativeof amitabh bachchan? no. are you a distant cousinof abhishek bachchan? i thought maybebecause of your height. - i am 5'10.- 5'10? my god. please see whether there'straffic at the next signal or not. i need to take that route home.

- he's very funny.- sorry, just joking. thank you, richard. - leave some officers here.- right. and send the rest back. - okay.- i am right here. - see you later.- okay. hi, sweetheart. nothing. - promise.- promise, darling.

this is my baby darling, sweetheart..everything. esha. esha, she is suhasini. - hi, esha.- hi. listen, esha. suhasini will be stayingwith us for a while. she has a small problem. we've to look after her. is it okay? of course, papa. please, come.

please, come. your room is that side. whose picture is this? - that is my grandpa.- grandpa. - come, i'll show you my room.- sure. come.. come in. it's a very sweet room. whose picture is that? that's my mom's picture. papa says that mom's become a star.

- i am sorry, dear.- it's okay. - esha, what do you want to eat?- anything. please feel comfortable. you can stay here as long as you want. your daughter is very cute. why are they after me? tell me something. you want to know. what happened, victor?

actually, there's police everywhere. i am taking my last breath.. ..and you are having funwith your wife in the beach house. just tell me whetheryou can do it or not. first i used to payyou for the girls.. ..and now i am payingfor a girl's heart. tell me when can i get that heart. i've been chantingsuhasini's name all the time. the doctors say i have just one day.

do something, can take more money if you want. i will come see you anywhereyou want on a wheelchair. tell me where. 23 1st cross road. that girl is on this address. and it's satyadev's house. ips. yes, sir. you're right. they were drinking coffeeat the mg road coffee shop. are they two having an affair?

no, it's not that. if you need help, tell me now. i will send more men. just get her out of there at any cost. give me some time, sir. i don't have what you're asking for. if i die, i will take you with me. 'i sent the other officers away..' '..and told them toreturn in the morning.'

- is everything okay?- yes, sir. tell us what to do now. now get to your positions. one behind the other. and you'll be behind the second one. one lane or the other. if you see anyone coming, inform me. even if it's a dog. - signal me through this wireless.- yes, sir.

and keep communicatingin every half an hour. - i'll keep saying good morning.- good. good morning, sir. - good morning, sir.- good morning. good morning. as much as i knew victor,he will come. he will definitely come for her. and whenever he comes,i will be ready. our men are right before his house.

what do we do? satya knows me well. he knows i will come. let's go. i'll tell you. sir, alert. sir, a black scorpiois heading towards the house. why have you come here, victor's dogs? opening isn't right.something doesn't feel right.

something might go wrong. sir, does baburao apte live here. there's no one here by this name. now get lost. what will we tell swami? - but he gave us this address.- he gave you the wrong address. - sir, your name.- it's written out there. can't you read? it's futile talking to him. let's go.

wait, don't go. hey, send that girl outside. or else we will kill you. don't you have girls in your house.. ..that you've comelooking for one here. there's no one here other than me. and i wouldn't have senther out even if there was one. go and check in the house.and bring her out of you find one. but remember,i am standing in your way.

and if someone's going to die.. ..then it will be you. he's prepared.. i thinkthere are more men in the house. it's not right to stay here.i am scared. i am going. come on. let him die if he wants. let's go. - come on.- hey. i will come back. - i will come back with more men.- kalu..

- let's see how you escape.- ..let's go. of course. he said there's no baburao here,let's go. remember, i will come back. so victor..what have you decided next? - good morning, papa.- good morning. don't go to school today,you can go tomorrow. but why?i must go to school today. - esha.- i've a poetry recital today.

the teacher's said i must come. please, papa. - hello.- i know where you're looking. no one could escape,all of them tried. look at how long my arms are. look here, where are you looking. so victor, when are you coming? your hair has turned've grown old, satya. you must have seen yesterday atthe coffee shop how old i really am.

do you want to see something else? then come face me. fine, i admit you stillhave some fight in you left. but a minute more,and your game would've been over. your game. your shirt tore, satya. come face me againand i will tear yours too. you had quit thepolice force and left. so why did you come back again,suddenly?

but it's a good thing. i like it. by the way, i wanted to ask something. do you want her? no. is she your girlfriend? no. then why, satya? i've got this itch,not like the one you think. it's about my duty. - understood.- i get it. i am just like you, satya.

i've got that itch too. years ago you explained me,but i didn't want to understand. you see.. once you move ahead in life,it's hard to come back. not possible, not done. understood, satya. very well. you're right. so what now, satya.what do you think? let's meet. come on. - for the sake of old friendship.- why should i meet you?

are you a don, or a richman, no? i trusted you, satya.but your actions broke my heart. i had such big plans for you. but you ruined my reputationby infiltrating my gang. i remember that betrayal, satya.i remember. i was doing my duty, victor. and you sound like.. and your men are themost honest guys in the world. every member of your group,and you too..

fine, i admit. and that's why i willcall you up after sometime.. ..and tell you thateven i was doing my duty. go ahead. i got her, satya. i got that girl, do you understand? suhasini. suhasini! - are you okay?- yes.

satya. - is everything okay?- yes. everything is okay. i am sorry. - who did you kidnap victor?- did you get scared? did you check? so she's in the house? - tell me, victor.- i've been speaking for so long. will i keep talking toyou all day if you tell me to? something's wrong, satya.

you're not what you used to be. you've grown've lost that feel in your voice. what happened satya? i was wondering that too. you see.. let me tell you. these days police cantrace phone calls, right. we've been talking for so long. you didn't trace it. if you had,you would've known where i am.

this phone will shutdown in 10 seconds. remember what i saida little while ago, satya? that i got her. i should've saidit now, it would've been more fun. i am speaking fromyour daughter's school. i will call again, satya. - look that way.- sir. check all the roads headingtowards the main road. note down the numbersof all the cars in this lane. come on.

- philip.- sir. tell me the locationof the last call i got. working on it, sir.i'll tell you in 30 seconds. we just got to school, just arrived. - is esha fine?- what happened, sir? is everything okay?is everything alright there? - all clear, sir.- be alert. yes, sir. 100 percent. i'll send a team tothe school immediately.

but satya, this could be a stay at home. someone's calling. - i'll call you back.- okay. yes, philip. sir, trace routed tofountain head school, sir. thank you, philip. tell 5 men from the dc'steam to go to fountain head school. we must leave, hurry up. esha.

run. run away. dear, let's go. don't spare anyone. pappu, call the police. hurry up, hurry up. send them to the hospitalin the ambulance. sir, i can't tell you for sure.. ..but victor's menmust have attacked them. we've setup check-posts everywhere.

take them away. tell me properly what happened. sir, 5 people came here,and they first attacked them. one of them was the main guy. and they abducted thechild and went that way. - which car was it?- ford endeavor, suv. - are you at the school?- victor! i'll give you one hour. that girl sitting next to you,that beautiful one.

drop her at the place i tell you. after that,come to the second place i tell you.. ..and take your daughter home. if that girl is notin my car in an hour.. ..then i will courieryour daughter to you. victor, don't dragmy daughter in this. this is between you and me. you should be saying only two things. where do i come?

i don't want to hearyou say anything else. mt. road, lic corner. give me a missed callon this number. and.. when we sit and talk some other day.. ..i'll tell you whathemanika said before dying. is that okay, satya? till now i was living on a lie.. ..that golden raj killedhimanika because of my honesty. whereas she fell preyto my personal enmity.

this burden was too heavy to endure. forgive me, esha. sir! victor! esha, oh my, god. when we reach wherever he's called us,you can let me go. i don't want esha toget in trouble because of me. - please. please.- suhasini. this isn't important. arun, laptop.

esha, where are you? please, baby. - be quiet. don't trouble me.- leave me. if you make a noise, i will kill you. sir, gps tracker? esha' bag? no, it's in her watch. - thank god.- great, sir. esha is here right now. i thinkthey changed the car on their way. in this area. this roadleads from ananda to chaar naka. tell the team to check awhite endeavor, if they find one.

- sure, sir.- and keep telling them esha's position. richard. keep your teams ready at the airport,bus stops, port. can you check allthe vehicles on the way? sir, they went ahead.sir, they turned here. sir, airport.head towards the airport. richard, the car isheading towards the airport. okay, done. i'll call you back. they are close-by.

- where are you going, satya?- mt. road, lic corner. i see..why take such a long route? or did the lic buildingshift somewhere else? tell me if it has. no one told me. you should've taken thefirst right for the lic building. or take a right now. why did you take a left, satya? you can take any route you like,but you have only 45 minutes. and you will find mycar parked at the iron bridge.

it's your duty tomake suhasini sit in it. and if she doesn't get in it,or if your men follow our car. or the police triesto act smart on the way.. ..then it will be trouble,for you and your daughter. i swear..we won't talk again. but if you want to hear my voice,then let me hear yours. just say "got it,victor" nothing more. got it, victor. sir, what happened?

- victor's men. catch them.- yes, sir. - that's kanta, bring him out.- come out. remember i beat you up that day. you're calling victor, aren't you? - where is your phone?- i don't have a phone, sir. - get in, take your phone out.- give your phone. sometimes violence is necessary. sorry about this. - give your phone.- i haven't done anything.

break his face. give me your phone. - whose phone is it?- victor. what's going on there?why didn't you call? he's turned the car around,i am following him. there's a traffic jam. - where is he now?- he just took a turn from the garden. maybe..we'll get tonandanvan from salaam chowk. after that comes mt. road.

i think we'll go tonapier bridge from lic. i'll inform you ifhe changes his plan. - okay?- is that so? fine, i'll call you. be alert. - sir, the tracker has stopped.- must be at a signal. where are they now? just before the airport, sir. - lisa, where are you?- airport road. it's very congested,it will take us 30 minutes.

kanta's talking nonsense. i didn't tell him about napier bridge. he says i am following satya's car. he's saying i'll call assoon as we get to napier bridge. i am at the main road,he should've passed through here. but he hasn't arrived yet. and he's telling methat he's at salaam chowk. something's definitely wrong, lisa. sir, they are moving again.

sir, they've turnedtowards the honda showroom. - there must be a subway.- wait, wait..not this way. - take a u-turn for the honda showroom.- okay. yes, that's the one. - they came here.- keep checking. yes, sir. the tracker stopped her. the car hasn't beenmoving for 10 minutes. sir, careful. don't shoot! don't shoot!

victor has sent this watch for you. and said your time isn't right. where is the child?where is my daughter? venkat never talks nonsense.understood. i don't know anything else. wait, there's a call for you. - yes, victor.- who's there? satyadev and few police officials. - kanta.- i don't see kanta.

- the girl?- the girl? she is in the jeep. give him the phone. - victor.- you're taking a risk, satya. you're still taking a risk. you thought you could findyour daughter with a watch. and i knew this, right. we think so alike. where is my daughter? - where is suhasini?- i want to see esha.

first let me see my daughter. hand her over to me,and you can take her. this is no time for negotiation. you're forgetting your situation. you're only wasting time. hand over that girlto those men and get out. i will send your daughter back.i don't need her. i want you. that's different.i will deal with you later. just do as i say, satya.

i have 15 men, and you have just 3. i will shoot all ofthem and dump them here. i will cut your daughter'sfinger and take a vacation. - victor! - if i don't get suhasini,i will suffer a big loss. if my client dies,then i won't get paid. but that's not the same case for you.or is the same thing for you too? i have a small doubt? she is not your daughter, right?isn't it, satya? you couldn't marryher mother because of me.

i wonder who her father is. i doubt whether youwill come for her or not. i didn't until now.. buti do have a doubt now. your actions are making me think this. you wouldn't have donethis if you were a father. i've been trying to explain you,why don't you do what i say. why are you troubling me? you made me a friend andruined my life, bloody traitor. you value that girl more,but not your daughter.

i am coming there. who all are there? i don't want anyone there. send everyone away.i am coming there. let's see who survives this. i will kill you and take her. - come on.- shut up! stop threatening me and show yourself. you're hiding behindmy daughter like a coward. - satya.- victor!

hey! what are you doing? i killed your men. they were trying to show off to me. - understood. come on.- satya. i think i will have to cut off yourdaughter's fingers and sent it to you. i will send you apicture in 20 seconds. you have a phone don't you?you do have whatsapp, don't you? i'll send her picture. fine..what should i do now?

that's over. do as i say and i'lllet your daughter go. where is kanta?he's with you, isn't he? give the phone to him. - arun!- sir. - kanta.- yes, sir. - are they dead?- no, they are alive. he only shot at their legs.but they are alive. - should we leave with the girl?- yes, hurry up.

- one more thing, victor.- yes. we got what we wanted. should i deal with him now?i'll kill him right now. just one bullet.who does he think he is? he is not a police inspector.when he's dead, end of story. he talks nonsense. you'll die if blows hard! - get in the car.- okay. i will deal with him later.he broke my nose.

- i'm bringing the girl.- get the girl. hey! get the girl in the car. i will wait for you. she's best for our client. we shouldn't have touchedthat girl nilanjana. that was our only mistake. that's why satya gotinvolved in this mess. because of you. sir, take a leftfrom kalindi bus stop.

as soon as you turn left, you'llsee a under-construction building. that's the place. it's multi-storied. that's where they took the girl.they are waiting for some patient. they are preparing for operation. thank you, pakya. sir, you saved my child's life. i never thought that the 10,000i gave him to save his child's life.. ..will one day savemy daughter's life. we've arrived, where do we come?

come on, we've arranged foreverything. everything is ready. as soon as you come in,we'll cut open the girl. reverse the car in. open up. stop this ambulance. - who are you?- so you're the main villain. a stone-cold man whowants some more life. - no-no!- do you want a bullet instead? no!

police! run! stop. don't move. - arun.- coming, sir. - keep a watch.- yes, sir. i will. don't move. - hey!- no, no. no violence. - what did you give her?- i didn't do anything. what's wrong with her? i have given her anesthesia.i can remove the mask.

- take it off.- i am doing it. i am doing it. - i didn't do anything.- arun, go. call for help. is there any girl here?my daughter? where is my daughter? no, no child here, sir. no child here. it was you, wasn't it? lisa, everything is in a mess. satydev has arrived with the police. - pakya betrayed us.- oh, god. what now?

i think i escaped, but i don't know. don't worry. stay there. no one knows where you are. no, no, i won't stay here alone.come quickly. wherever you are, come quickly.come now. this way, come on. i want esha, victor. where is esha? 'you betrayed me inthe name of friendship.'

'kill him, victor. kill him!' 'victor.. this is your time.' 'there's only one motivebehind all these years of running.' 'this is your time.don't stop! don't stop!' arun, don't shoot. lisa, i shouldn't havecome even if you called. but what to do, you were my strength. you would cry,and i would feel the pain. i loved you like crazy.

lisa. what are you doing? you cannot go out of here. - let the child go, i will let you go.- no. you must suffer as much as i did. i wish i could stay away for you.then you would've been alive. it's my fault. something that i can't rectify. forgive me, lisa. forgive me. few police officersdo their duty like a madman.

they work.. like you, satya. and the rest are no good,who only carry out orders. it's been 8 days since lisa died.i've lost all slumber. not mine, but yours satya. i can see the fear in youreyes that i may arrive suddenly. you never leave your daughter alone. from day to night, and night to day. you've been going toschool with her for few days. i forced you to goback to school, satya.

okay, goodnight suhasini. it's goodnight for you,but in the us it's morning. lucky girl. okay. - see you soon, bye.- bye. is everything okay? we're looking forvictor on a large scale. you can soon come back. this is just a safety precaution,nothing more. there's still danger, stay alert.

- okay.- goodnight. you sent suhasini somewhere. i saw you two at the airport. you sent her away because youcan't look after two people at once. now you're takingcare of your daughter. guarding her. i don't want you, satya.i want your daughter. my time will come. time to take revenge.

and when my time comes,i will kill everyone. anand. selvam. selvam. i know you're here. because my constables are missing. show yourself, victor. what is this, victor? dagger. just one. i've come to kill you,and take your daughter with me.

i will go out the front door. i will make her wander on the streets. i will keep her withme for the rest of my life. i will take good care of her. stop it, victor. don't dream. come on. do you know who i am going to marry? he will come looking for you,and kill you. that's what she said. she was so beautiful.

but you found yourselfanother girl after she died. just tell me how you killed himanika. then i will turnher dreams into reality. i promise you. i thought.. i shouldn'thave killed that woman. i mean lisa. but now i think i did the right thing. let's end this game. either you will live or i will.

hit me. papa. - papa.- coming, dear. just 30 seconds. - i'll just finish this joband be with you. - okay. in a battle between the good and bad.. ..only the winner is called good guy. one that loses is the bad guy. tomorrow if someone avenges my death,he'll be called a good guy.

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