hello, i'm chris carter, the product manager for thor motor coach class a motorhomes. i'm in thevegas 25.3 today and with me is joel grimm, national sales manager thor motor coach gas division thanks for having me today chris thank you for being here wehave a star with us today folks hey we just took a drive this thing drove greatwe're sitting up here now we're set up camped comfortable tell us why this thingdrove so great well you know one thing that separates this thor motor coachvegas is it's the industry's first ruv recreational utility vehicle it is thefirst class a gas motorhome that has independent front suspensionmost class a's are on the ford f53 chassis well what makes this vegas very unique to theindustry is that it is actually built on
the ford econoline e450 chassis so thecoach sits lower to the ground it's got more stability and it's powered by theford v10 triton engine giving it 305 horsepower and 420 pounds of foot torqueso it felt very planted as we drove around is very very maneuverable couple otherthings that i notice to everything is within easy reach as it is i've gotwhat's this tell everybody little bit about the dash here and some of thefeatures that we have. standard on the vegas motorhome is gonna be thecolor backup camera ok? and its also equipped with side vision cameras forsafety so when you're going down the road and you want to switch lanes yousimply to turn your blinker if you turn your
right blinker on the right camera whichis located up in the heated remote powered mirror is going to shoot a camera down theright side of your coach so when you look in the back up camera you can seeany incoming cars that may be coming on so that really takes the guessing out ofswitching lanes very nice safety feature it also has a camera on the back rear capof the motor home that looks downwards so you can see any oncoming trafficfrom the backend and also if you're towing a vehicle you know you can see your towvehicle behind you here so it's a really nice safety feature that this backupcamera offers obviously this is a radio
as well k and it also will give you the ability tohave a mirror image of your smartphone so if you have google maps or some typeof gps on your cell phone or smartphone you simply plug it into thehdmi hookup and you have gps wherever you go i love that feature because your phone iscontinually updating maps so you're always have the most current map you're notworried about it built-in navigation system that youalways have to figure out how to download current maps absolutely and also thepassenger can be locating if you need to
find the nearest gas station or a localrestaurant or the closest camp ground the passenger can be searching through theinternet and through the google maps and pulling all of that up on the screen sothe driver never has to take their eyes off the road that's great now one thingi noticed too driving down the road is the visibility here we have this tallexpansive piece of glass i can see the road this is our picture postcard forour traveling across the country it is nice one piece windshield k nicepanoramic view and one thing you'll find about the vegas motorhome is the size ofthe front cap and also how we how far down the front cap goes behind thedashboard so when you're pulling up to
oncoming traffic and there's a vehiclein front of you you can see closer to the vehicle than a typical class amotorhome will give you and i notice the wipers are unique you don't see this alot of rvs really is that they swipe in a different pattern they swipe likeyou would see on a ups truck for going down the road right sure yep and thereason that the vegas is developed like that is because of the size of thewindshield is going to maximize the amount of water runoff that we can givethis front windshield again and other nice safety feature that the vegasoffers great we didn't have a bunch of some lights early this morning we drovearound but if i was driving into the sun we
have a nice visor here that will come down for us we do andthe greatest part about it is it's power you simply just gotta hit the buttonhere you can use it as a shade so instead of the two individual shadeswhich you will typically see in a motorhome this gives you consistent shadethroughout so that sun never seems to get through the gap where that individual sunvisorsgive you and then at night time when you're looking for or daytime when you're looking for complete privacy the shade will come all the way down and actually touch thedashboard that's fantastic excellent ok so
we've taken the drive we're now set up incamp mode like i talked about earlier we have our coffee table out here we could behaving snacks if i wanted to check my email search the internet i've got a placeover here we'll put the shade up then we can actually load our laptop plug it in andlet's tell everybody about that yeah we do we got a flip over computer desk hereok so you can put your tablet your laptop right here we've got plugsdown below to plugin also it's cut out a little deep so if you need to store anypaperwork or anything with you can do that and then you're also going tonotice you got two individual non slide grip rubber mallets up here and also oneright here so if you want to put your
cell phone or any objects up here theyaren't going to slide around here and a place if you're not using this for aworkstation is a great place if you're just going to have a sandwich going downthe road for a place to have a snack here excellent very good one of the things wedo very well at door motor coach that will be of benefit to our customers weconstructed coach we talked about the driving in the handling and and and theplay it really we could spend all day talking about the platform sure we havea quarter right that helps us with manufacturing the underneath portion ofit we do
company more right international is thenumber one fabricator we utilize them because that's what they do theyspecialize in a fitting in fabricating chest you so we lean on them to makesure that they can develop the substructure that allows us to build aneven platform and build a perfectly square motor oil why don't we go ahead and go to a videoand we'll we'll show everybody in detail at thor motor coach which we build many of the world's mostrecognized brands of motor homes to make sure your new motor home is the perfectfit for you and your family are
engineers work with more rideinternational the leader in chassis modification to design and construct thefoundation for your motorhome more ride provides the steel assembly that makesup the basement storage and support structure of the motorhome chassis hascome to us from leading chassis builders like ford chevrolet liner and mercedes-benz computer-aideddesign models allow thor motor coach engineers to provide more ride all theinformation needed to make the perfect parts for each chassis a specializedsteel cutting and forming processes used for each individual part the use ofthese metal forming machines help create
consistency throughout the build manychances need to be modified based on the floor plan of the motorhome thesechances will be stretched to provide the optimum combination of storage anddrivability steel see channels are welded in place to provide strength andrigidity the lengthening of the chassis requires a modified driveline newdriveshaft connect to the transmission and rear differential specializedmachines are used to create the correct driving goals and balance the newdriveshaft before being installed on the unit steel cross members make up thelargest section of the structure spanning horizontally from side to sideover the main frame rails these cross
members support the floor of the coachwhile evenly spreading the weight of the coach for better stability while drivingwith the newly formed structure in place the chassis is brought in for paintingto protect the raw steel from the elements this special paint isformulated to help inhibit rust and corrosion special attention has been toensure only the steel structure is painted leaving all of the automotivecomponents with the standard coding provided by the chassis manufacturereven though you can't see what has been meet the beauty of the motorhome you canbe certain thor motor coach and more right international have created astrong foundation meant to stand the
test of time so we've spent a lot of time talkingabout the drive in the handling and what we can do in the in the cab area thisfloor plan is really nice everything flows right into the galley and what i'mnoticing is a lot of storage we can talk about we have an excellent galley lotsof space let's share a little bit with with the folks what they're gonna get in25 30 min if you look at the size of the galleon all the works station you have here for twenty fivefoot motor home gives you all that you'll need is also equipped with thesingle bowl nice deep sink so when
you're doing dishes and washing cups andstuff like that it's nice indeed so that water is not going to be splashed nowstandard on the biggest water onto is going to be a chrome high-rise faucetthat's got a sprayer that actually comes out of it to standard bill to is goingto be three burner stove top oven and a standard microwave oven i cant get overthe counter spaces want to reiterate that because there's a ton here and lookwe even have a lift-up countertop extension we do when you think you havea bunch of countertop space in a little bit more this simply puts up added fantastic and just plenty ofstories in the order is over top here
gonna get two nite nice wide openingdoors here and then a third or over here plenty of space to put your cups orbowls your paper plates any cereal boxes or can go to things like that so itgives you a nice pantry of top as well excellent ok so we're not ready to go tobed for the night and make the coach up to go to sleep but we have a massivedinette here this look at the size of that table it is it's larger than astandard booth dinette in most motorhomes it's also going to be alegless tamil as well in case you're gonna just push this over here in thetable just pushes down for easy and that if there was an extreme dynamicmechanism so it makes it very easy for
someone to push it up and down and putit in it does it's lightweight probably takes about 30 seconds to push us downto two cushions over and make a nice sleeping here we have one of the things that we did intwenty-five thirty really was to spend a little bit more final organizing thedressing space in the bedroom of the coaches provide for stores talk a littlebit about that 25.3 is going to offer a bedroom slideout which will give you a full walk around queen bed so you can get in andout of bed easy from both sides are also gives you a nice amount of space righthere so when you come out of the out of
the shower nice dressing area you've gota sliding door here that also closed off for privacy back in the bedroom wherecan and where you're standing look at all the workers face it you have risenher she got a his and hers or my house to be heard her say but they're nice bighang in space up here and you also have adjustable shelves in here so if youdon't want to utilize it all just for hanging you can put all your clothes inthere as well we also have nice big deep drawers with full extension metal drawerguides here for extra durability do that throughout and everywhere we have adrawer perfect alright so i know this is an odd question with you stand in theshower but the really tall i mean this
is similar in size to you what we do inour diesel motorhomes it is the showers huge plenty of headroom space about sixfoot tall got plenty of headroom up here and alsoplenty of room to turn around so it's a it's a nice decorative shower that givesyou plenty of room you know when you give yourself a bathin a motor home that is a twenty five foot ballroom 25.3 motorhome that's agreat that's agree it is a lot of time to a twenty five foot motor home you'llactually have the shower the toilet and a sink all-in-one where this gives you anice pace with your own toilet here with plenty of room and also a nice stainlesssteel sink always come standard in the
vegas that's also alright so an houroutside week we call this ruv help explain what are you be me we do chriswhat we did with his vegas product is we created our own segment in the army industry are you ve standsfor recreational utility vehicle ok this unit here is only a little bit longerthan an extended suv so it has to maneuverability michael wong suv thecoaches low profile it's only 11 foot 3 inches to the top of the ac so if you'vegot that twelve-foot garage that you're trying to park a motor home in this onewill fit without a problem that's great most class a motorhomes as well areabout 200 201 inches wide
where the vegas here is only ninety fourinches wide so it's very compact its low-profile great maneuverability easyto drive so i was driving an earlier i didn't think about that but it feltgreat on the road like i could really center it where i needed to you can yesa little bit about construction we build the vegas just like we build our dieselswe do everything is going to be fully vacuum bomb laminated ok the floorstructure the sidewalls and also the roof structure we have state of the artlamination facilities at thor motor coach that are going to go through amaximum bonding process through the floor sidewall and the roof structurethat's great i think we have a video
that we can go into further detail theshow are you do homes are engineered using the bestcombination of aluminum steel and fiberglass the walls and roof areconstructed from aluminum which provides a strong yet lightweight skeleton tosupport the overall house of the motorhome our floors are built fromsteel the heavier steel construction helps lower the overall center ofgravity of the motor home while providing an excellent platform to helpinsulate the interior of erp from road noise cancellation within the walls roofand floor is low density polystyrene foam insulation is form fitted to allstructural areas to provide protection
from the exterior elements the sidewalls are finished in fiberglass large flat sheets or rolls of fiberglass orlaid upon elimination table to be prepped and bonded to lee aluminumstructure a large glue applicator runs beads of adhesive every inch down thelength of the structure to ensure 100% coverage now of elimination processtakes place the entire walls roof and floor are inserted into an individuallamination bed where air is removed and pressure is applied causing the adhesivein the walls to flash also known as vacuum bonding this flashing permanentlybonds all the layers together providing an optimal structure to build a motorhome with a lamination process complete
a final routing of all cut outs in thestructure is performed all paintings on the walls and roof were framed inaluminum foil the floor is offering didn't steal this extra step ensures theopenings are always sized correctly so items like windows events and entrydoors will fit each and every time so i'm sure you'll learn everything youneed to know about lamination how how we manufacture our side walls let's talk a little bit more this is wecall this hp max we do we're the first ones in the industry to come out withthis concept so typically it's a white motorhome going down the road we did itfor motor coaches we came out we call
each team match max which is coloredfibers class gives the appearance of full bodypaint without the added expense of full body paint that's that's great i standback and take a look at this coach i've plenty of storage options this one ispassed through yes on the this vegas to 25.3 floor plan we do have some pastorsstored up front we also have a nice big box here on the side one thing that thormotor coach what we do on all of our floor plans as we really try to focus onmaximizing storage under the patio awning and k also equipped standard onall vegas motorhomes inner compartments gonna be roto cast compartments there'sgonna be no fabric no cloth and each
will be equipped with his surgery and soyou can spread out clean it easy and then go can i still something in there ican wipe it out will wash it down it's not a problem you can as we move downthe coach i notice the israelis' windows windows frameless windows gives a nicesleek look to the motor home when you open them up a lot of the windows willbe jalousie style so if you're getting a missed in the morning or draining outyou can still open up the windows and give you some air flow throughout thethroughout the code we talked a little bit about the storage and i'm lookingdown here in the storage area there are some connections down here there arewhat you're gonna have down here is
you're gonna have an hdmi connectionyou're going to have also won 10 plugs so that makes it nice if i want to plugin a dvd player i can do that out here and play it on my experience came centerfor one of the few options at the vegas offers is the 32 inch flat screenexterior television which is built right into the side wall when you're not usingthe tv he discloses door here lock it up and entering notes there so i'm campedsunday afternoon i want to watch the race by contain that in right there i'vegot an opportunity to enjoy sitting right on your patio one thing i noticeto walking on the outside here is have speakers this is a great feature that weoffer on the vegas motor on my
smartphone for a reason with the latest technology and what wedo at thor motor coach we actually have an appt at jensen app which is the radiothat we use for the exterior speakers you can download thejensen have a right to your phone and then play these outside speakers fromyour phone you can use banned or you can use music off your off your own phone orany other type of music source that you listen to it comes a remote controlbasically you flip through your radio you turn the volume up and down it's anice feature when you're camping on the outside and enjoying i'm watching thegame or listening to the radio this
expensive i mean this disarming coversthe entire length of the country it does chris and it's an adjustable awning aswell so if the suns coming up you know one side your campsite in the morning orif you're looking for some water runoff if you get a little bit of rain it's gotsix different adjustments where you can tilt the awning and k another reallycool feature that we've added here recently in the vegas is going to be theled lights that light up your campsite at nighttime led lights there are a lotcooler than a typical light so as to not attract bugs just a great feature thatit does it'll adelaide ok very good alright so we talked a lot about theoutside of the coach a patio awning
benefits of the exterior entertainmentcenter radio you always talk about the back in a coach but there's a lot goingon back here that people should know about let's start with the camera i canbarely see that they yeah the new camera that we're using is gonna be almostflush mounted to the rear cap so it's not too big daily camera that you seetypically a lot of motorhomes so it's flush up there he gives a good you knowgood look to it and get it over shine down on your back over if your tone ofvehicle will shine right down on that car so i notice that the tail lights aremounted high and we have this nice all about four on the back
the other thing i've noticed is that wetalked her talk about the hp max we have a fuel filter back of the vehicle we dothe reason we locate this fuel fill in the back of the coach versus one of thesides is the convenience feature when you pull up into a gas station if you'vegot a long line on the left side or long line of cars on the right side doesn'tmatter what side of the island you pull up to you just pull up to it reach the hose around and you can feelthe 55 gallon fuel tank so this is this is asmaller vehicle a lot of people may take this out and never told anything butthere are a lot of people who will so
what are we providing folks to be ableto tell we have an eight thousand-pound rated hitch that's fantastic that is so and then the other thing is iknow we have a seventeen connection so that the multiple just plug rate in mostany vehicle and you're gonna be able to get everything connected that's correct let's talk about thebusiness side of the motor home this is where i would spend time my wife wouldnever come back here i would take care of all of this one thing that we have inthe back is worth is really nice is it really is a quick-connect marine stylemarine grade 30 amp plug connection by
my fury on this is a long as the ledlight so i know when there's power to the coach i don't have to guess at thecampground after plugging whether or not i have also we have also next to it ifyou do have a campsite that's got cable hookups you get your cable hookup youalso have your gonna run continuously fresh water from your campsite is gonnatake your hose hook it right up into here and give continuous water or if youwant to fill your freshwater tank they're gonna do this here put the hosein and fill your fresh water to gravity still here everything is an all in oneconvenient location and we were talking earlier off camera you were coming butyou're using a coach this summer you
came back from the beach right and whatwould it do we want to rent the kids off track in all the sand and stuff insideof the motorhome took the kids to the outside took this off-year there is hotand cold water so you don't have to freedom of its a chilly day or you knowif the water is cold covering the campsite spray the kids off don't haveto drag them also if you got pets you wanna walk your dog you take the dog outhere and watch the dog as well so really nice standard feature that the vegasoffers and also known as a kid washer it is the most convenient thing about thisside of the motor and you just mentioned is how everything is in one place
ok everything's here you also have yoursolid waste dump in your great tank right down here that's also contain yoursewer hose up blogs and dump your sewage pipe all mygloves off i can wash my hands i've got it all right here excellent big stores in the back for allof my conveniences big storage in the back great place toput the put the power cord headquarters right in there again as we mentionedearlier talking to be rohtak ask apartment in there but also a very talllarge compartments so you know if you want to put charcoal or any camp chairsthings like that you've got nice big
storage box here on the nine camps ireally good as containing down the rest of the country ok the vegas here the next apartment isgoing to be the hot water heater on the 25.3 floor plan and also your furnacethis was a mistake how these two features were put on the nine camps sidegave each could get hot the furnace can get hot as opposed to being under thepatio awning where you may bump in doing good possibly burn yourself safetyfeature a movie that i'm campsite where there's not a lot of traffic the hot water heaters going to be a sixgallon atwood quick recovery which will
actually give you a just under 18gallons of hot water per hour curtis that's awesome you'll never run out well well let's talk about the rest ya down here you're going to have your4.0 phone and gas generator which is standard on all vegas models ok which isgoing to power everything in the motor home which will make it a self-containedpart of the day we didn't talk about that back here and i could hook up iwanted to but when i have those times when i'm out and about i'm remotecamping that's a great picture one of the things you can see standing andlooking at the front of the coach now as
we do have that narrow front that wetalked about as a little while ago about the the width of the coach and drivingdown the road and comfort and driving and that's really evident and you cansee that here we also have some nice led strips that's nice visibility foroncoming traffic going on their own millet day it is it's very automotive toback to the ruv recreation utility vehicles designed just like an extendedsuv we talked a lot about the white birdsbefore it we have fog lights when there's everything here that you couldcould want in your other safety features and k
between the heater remote mirrors yourbackup camera your side vision camera fog lights lecture wide long windshieldhere for added visibility there's a lot of safety features that the vegas offers things we do it or motor coaches wedesign motorhomes and we have a variety of styles from the vegas every othersort of length and style you could ever want this is one of my favorites joelthank you so much for being with us today share all the benefits andfeatures of the biggest motorhome thanks for joining us
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