number 15. steven kocherin a missing persons case, you’d think that surveillance footage of the victim would bea huge break in the case and lead to a very happy ending for the loved ones of those thatdisappeared. however, in many cases such as this one surveillancefootage only brings up more questions. in april of 2009 a young man named stevenkoecher abruptly quit his job, for no apparent reason and then moved to st. george utah. it is said that while in st. george he struggledto find a stable job. he did odd jobs and handy work for severalmonths as he burned through his savings and
was unable to find consistent income. on december 12th, 2009 steven left st. georgein the same manner that he had run from his hometown of salt lake city. the day after fleeing from st. george he madea strange phone call to two friends, claiming that he was in las vegas. according to reports, he sounded fine duringthese phone calls but he never really explained his reason for running to las vegas, thoughit can be assumed he was there looking for work. this phone call was the last time anyone instevens life ever heard from him.
he never attempted to call his friends orfamily again, and they were not able to contact him either. after a few months a missing person’s reportwas filed in relation to stevens sudden lack of communication. during investigation, stevens car was foundabandoned in what can be considered an upscale neighborhood in henderson, nevada. the first red flag is why would his car beabandoned, and more importantly why would he be in such a nice neighborhood if he hadno friends or family in nevada, and no means of income to sustain a lifestyle in such aregion.
another huge concern was the wrapped christmaspresents in the back of his vehicle. again if steven had been struggling financiallyfor that long, it’s hard to imagine him having enough money to buy several presentsfor each family member, and even harder to imagine him leaving them all behind. investigators found surveillance footage takenthe day after the mysterious phone call, on december 14, 2009. the footage is from a security camera of ahomeowner near where stevens car was parked. it shows him parking his car, and walkingacross the street before disappearing out of frame never to be seen again.
his cell phone was marked at several locationsa few miles from where he left his car, but it never moved further than that before dyingtwo days later. stevens family as well as over 70 volunteersin the area set up search parties. there has not been a body, a report, or asingle piece of new evidence in relation to steven in over 6 years. people speculate he vanished to start a newlife, or perhaps became involved in dangerous activities as a way of making income. number 14. the floating cityour channel is no stranger to the idea of
parallel universes, interdimensional beings,and paranormal happenings. all over the world, everyday people reportstrange sightings and events that only seem explainable by the unknown. however, this one is fairly unique as nothinglike it has been reported before, and it has certainly never been caught on video. the video was captured in 2015 in foshan – acity in the guangdong province of china. it seems to show a large rain cloud whichholds a city inside. or at least that’s the best way it can bedescribe. there’s a huge dark gray cloud in the sky,just as any cloud on a rainy day.
but there’s a very clear skyline of a city. the lines of the building are straight, clearand easy to recognize. the city is filled with skyscrapers and incomparison to it’s location it’s a fairly large city as well. a few days after this sighting several peoplefrom a nearby province report the same exact thing to local authorities and of course,religious leaders. there have been various explanations and speculationsfrom all over the world. it seems though, that the most popular explanationto this is that there was a time of time or space rip in that location of the sky whichallowed onlookers to peer into another dimension.
weather experts have said that this is actuallya mirage known as fata morgana, which commonly makes distance objects or regions appear tobe floating. this is most common near water horizons onhot days, though, so not many people take this as a simple explanation. besides, what does it hurt to believe thatthere’s more out there and that once in a while the humans of this realm are ableto peer into the unknown? no matter what you believe in concerns tothis city in the sky, it’s a huge mystery that has been argued from every side of thespectrum, and it will probably be a very long time before we have a solid answer as to whatwe’ve seen here.
number 13. timothy j pitzenthis is another missing persons case, in which surveillance footage opened the door to morequestions than answers. timothy was 6 years old, and was the son ofjames and amy fry-pitzen. he was living with his parents in aurora,illinois at the time of his disappearance in 2011. the young boy was the couples only child,and according to family reports there were no signs of abuse within the family or evenbetween the spouses. early on the morning of may 11th, 2011 amypitzen was seen picking up timothy from his
elementary school. she checked him out of his kindergarten classand gave no reason, although it didn’t suspicious to staff at the time. after all, it’s not uncommon for a motherto pull her child out of school early. in the camera footage from the school everythingseemed normal, she waited for timothy and held his hand as they walked happily out thedoor. the only thing off about this was that shetold no one of her plans, and the pair never returned home. his father, james, went to school to picktimothy up, to find out that he had been withdrawn
by his mother. after calling family and assuring that noone had heard from them, he reported the mother and son missing. he also made several attempts to call amyvia her cell phone, but never got an answer. the first day that they were gone, after takingtimothy out of school they were seen on surveillance camera in the keylime cove resort where thestayed the night. again, nothing in this footage seems out ofthe ordinary. both mother and son seem to be in good spirits. from here began a 3-day vacation style mysterywhere the two were spotted at the kalahari
water park resort in wisconsin. the surveillance footage in this case showsthem standing in line as they wait to check out of the motel. nothing is out of the ordinary and later thatday amy called a few family members to let them know that she and timothy were okay. according to these family members, timothycould be heard in the background during the phone call. the child was completely fine and only complainedabout being hungry, but didn’t seem distressed or in danger.
on the same day of this phone call, 6 hourslater amy was seen on security camera in a family dollar in winnebago illinois. she was alone and it was clear that timothywas not in the car waiting, either. she made a small purchase of paper and pens. she was seen again shortly after on a camerain a sullivan’s foods, again she was alone and her purchase was uncertain. on the same night at around 11 she checkedherself into a motel in rockford, illinois. the next day she was found dead by motel staff. she overdosed on antihistamines and had alsoslit both of her wrists.
amy left a suicide note by her bedside andalso put two letters in the mail. one letter was to her mother and the otherwas addressed to a close friend. all three materials said generally the samething. she claimed that timothy was fine, with peoplethat loved him but that he would never be found. several of their belongings were missing,including her cell phone, timothy’s backpack and clothes, as well as her own clothes. according to her family she had suffered fromdepression in the past but had always coped well and never hurt herself or anyone aroundher.
it was clear that she had been planning thisfor month. timothy is still missing and several questionsare left. of course the first being, where is timothy? was he really left alive or did amy possiblykill him before killing herself? it’s not uncommon for those planning suicideto make great memories with people they plan to leave behind, this would explain their3-day spree of fun activities, but it also makes it unlikely that she would kill herown son. she would not have bothered to take him tosuch fun places if she planned on killing him.
she likely wanted his last memories of herto be happy ones. that being said, forensic testing of amy’ssuv found that it had recently driven along or sat in a gravel road, before driving throughor sitting a grassy area near a lake. as most of the locations where amy and timothywere seen appear nothing like this it’s questionable where amy was stopped beforetimothy vanished. some say this seems like a place where sheburied him, and others take it as clues to where the family she gave him up to may beliving. we are also forced to wonder why amy choseto give her son to other people instead of letting him stay with his father.
although there’s no evidence of abuse inthe family, there’s also no proof against it. timothy would be about 13 years old today,and flyers of his assumed appearance are still posted throughout the country. number 12. levitating carthe building of major roads has increased all over in the world in the past few decades,and a lot of crazy things seem to happen every day when it comes to commuting. with the addition of dash cams and cctv footage,crazy, hilarious and even creepy things from
the road can be viewed all over the world. this cctv footage from a busy city in chinais not like most road rage or bad driving videos we see. this is actually quite a mystery and has ledthose that believe in the paranormal to speculate all kinds of possibilities. the video shows an average day of traffic,with cars traveling on both sides of the street, generally mind their own business. a small group of people are standing to theleft of an intersection, more than likely waiting to cross.
a mid-size van and sedan are sitting a littlefurther to the right, and traffic on the other side is going normally. another van begins to approach the crossingbut just as it passes the stopping point, it seems to mysteriously lift into the air. as if some force grabbed the front end ofit and tried to throw it backwards. the other van, and a car off to the rightalso move into the air less drastically. however, the people off to the left, and everyother car on the scene seem unaffected. there have been several attempts to explainthis such as an earthquake, a loose cable, and a disturbance in magnetic fields.
none of these theories have been proven sofar, so people have approached with other ideas like ghostly figures, super humans,and time warps. of course these haven’t been proven either,but people are going to assume the wildest things they can just to add a little spiceto their everyday. number 11. invisible manin relation to crazy things happening on the road, this video comes from the dash cam ofa driver who probably never expected to capture something this unbelievable. a car is traveling down what appears to beeither a highway or busy main road.
the car moves over to the right lane, as doesa jeep in front of it. just as the jeep gets into the right laneit slams on it’s breaks and out of seemingly nowhere a man falls from the left side ofthe vehicle, he appears to be injured and is only on screen for a split second. he then falls to the ground and it almostappears as if the car with the dash cam runs him over. both cars stop with the jeep pulled off tothe side. there have been claims that the owner of thedash cam got out of their car and there was no man in sight, no blood, and no one sawhim run off.
people have said that the door flung openand he fell out, however you don’t clearly see a door open. more importantly the jeeps left-side rearview mirror get broken off which means the man had to come from the outside somewhere. but in the footage of the jeep moving laneshe wasn’t visible in the lane in front of them. in fact, there wasn’t even another car immediatelyin front of them. another explanation has been that he droppedfrom the bottom of the vehicle, and as creepy as that would be it also doesn’t explainthe broken mirror, or the fact that he had
totally vanished when the drivers left theircars. the more paranormal explanations for thisare an invisible man who was in the way of traffic, and who only became visible afterbeing injured before his ability reactivated and he ran from the scene. some also speculate this was actually theghost of a crash victim who may haunt the highway causing trouble for drivers. whatever you believe this video is prettyintense, in fact it took a couple times watching it just to make sure he didn’t come outof the car. number 10.
flying russian girlthis video has traveled the web for several years now. it’s not new to the horror community, andit has also yet to be explained or proven in any way. a man was walking his dog in a snowy woodedarea, which he claims not many people ever went into. as his dog runs off he pans the camera tothe right where a little girl in a red jacket can be seen floating in the air. her legs are extended out behind her, andher arms are spread open.
she’s in almost a lying down position, andshe makes a lot of head movements that also seem unnatural. an older woman who was probably her motheris looking up at her talking, she doesn’t seem worried or in a panic. it actually seems like a pretty casual situationaside from the flying child. the dog barks and slightly whines which causesthe man to move his camera swiftly moves into another direction. when the child and her mother are back inshot, the child is now standing on the ground and her mother grabs her hand and they runoff in a stressful hurry.
again this photo has had plenty of peopletrying to explain it by saying she was attached to wires, balancing on a tree, or that thefootage was edited. while none of these have been proven, there’salso never been any evidence against this being some kind of hoax. overall the video got thrown around and peoplemade peter pan or crazy russian jokes. if this child really could fly, her motherseemed to encourage it and it has some very serious viewers worried. would you allow your child to fly? number 9.
kayelyn louderin late september of 2014, a 30-year-old woman from murray, utah name kayelyn louder wentmissing from her home. she made a 911 call before she completelyvanished. during the call she explained to the dispatcherthat there were two intruders in her home. she claimed that she didn’t see them butshe could hear them somewhere in the house, talking to one another as if she wasn’tthere. she yelled “get out of my house†to thealleged intruders several times. according to a report, her roommate was homeduring the call and told her “the bolt is still on the door, it’s impossible†asshe didn’t believe there were intruders
in the home. “they must have a key†louder argued withher roommate, convinced someone was in their home. after she went missing and this call was reviewed,police were worried louder was delusional. despite her family claiming that she had nohistory of mental illness, the police kept the possibility of her running away open. during investigation another piece of evidencetoward her mental instability was found. a security camera captured louder the verysame day of her call. she was walking barefoot in the rain nearher condo.
she had her dog in her arms but let it downto walk around. she appeared to be having a very intense conversationwith either her dog, herself, or someone around her. she was throwing her hands in the air andslightly pacing around. not much later the same day she suddenly startedrunning, still barefoot, toward the road. she left all of her belongings, her car, andher dog at home. she was never seen again and a search began. a friend explained to investigators that louderwas cleaning her home and writing a resume that day, she had just been fired from herlong time job as a social worker.
her family hired a private investigator inhopes of more specific help than what was being offered by law enforcement. on november 30th 2014 louder was finally found,but unfortunately she was not alive. her body was found in the jordan river 5 milesfrom her home. her toxicology reports found that she hadno drugs or abnormal chemicals in her body, and her autopsy which concluded in april 2015was deemed inconclusive. while no foul play was suspected, there werealso not the usual signs of drowning. police pronounced her death as a suicide oraccident, but her family doesn’t believe that.
considering that louder had no history ofdelusional behavior, there were no drugs in her system, and it didn’t seem as thoughshe had drowned, labeling her death as suicided feels like a cheap excuse to her family andthey have urged further investigations. however, her 911 call, the video footage,and the fact she had just lost her job makes professionals believe she could have had ameltdown, or possibly abused drugs which left her system before the toxicology report couldcatch them. another fact that seems to convince investigatorsis that her 911 call back in september was the not her first false claim of intruders,or other delusions. in one call she had reported a fight at awedding.
not only was there no fight, there wasn’teven a wedding. she made the call from her home. though those calls have never been releasedthey seem to aid in the idea that louder was losing touch with reality for months. either way, even if louder had been havingdelusions, the details of her death seem too open ended to convince most that read aboutthis case. there have been paranormal explanations forthis, as well as theories about a stalker trying to make her seem crazy before killingher. louder’s family still fights for answers,but this young woman can never have her life
back. number 8. the possessed manthis cctv footage was capture in a corner store in an unknown region. the video starts out with what seems likea casual everyday trip to the local convenience store. a man walks toward the back of the store wherethe coolers are, probably to get a drink. things are fine as he reaches into a coolerand grabs a can. but then he begins to shake uncontrollably,throwing his head back and jolting around.
it seems as if his muscles are also lockedup as he has this fit. as this is happening he’s also making strangenoises that sound like short screams, yells, or the attempt of words. two other people in the store that are inthe view of the camera notice the man shaking violently, the first person is a woman wholooks at him in fear, drops what she is holding and runs to the front of the store. another person in the back, whose face cannotbe seen does generally the same thing. this is of course pretty strange because ifhe was having a seizure or other medical crisis, these people would likely approach him – notrun the other way.
many speculate that these people saw or heardsomething that was not picked up on camera. the man continues to shake, while simultaneouslylooking around him as if watching for something. his hands are at his side as he opens, closesand shakes them like trying to grasp something. he tugs at his shirt and drops to his knees. the woman from before comes back, possiblyto try and help, but he points a finger at her in the middle of his freak out and yellsseveral times in a grunting and high pitched voice. she immediately runs back toward the frontof the store as the man continues to throw his head around and gets off his knees.
at the end of this footage, the man fallsto the ground and twitches slightly before going completely motionless. there’s a white fog or reflection on thecooler door and a few things unexplainably fall off a shelf nearby. many skeptics claim that this video is fakedbecause cctv footage can’t record sound, the time stamps change at different points,with no glitch, and this could easily be a strange performance put on for some attemptat fame. the issues here are that some cctv footagesare in fact capable of recording audio, the time stamps can be explained by a paranormalpresence, according to the paranormal community,
or the time stamps could have been added bythe system later and it would not have needed a glitch in the video, and even if this manwere faking it doesn’t explain the reflection in the cooler, the things falling off theshelf or the clearly terrified people around according to those that believe in a higherpower, this man was possessed by a devil or demon, or possibly even an angry spirit. he collapsed at the end because possessionis an exhausting experience. of course the problem with these explanationsare that not everyone believes in this kind of stuff. any explanation could be right, and has therehas never been a report or additional video
published, it will remain speculation. this video serves as proof of just how farpeople will go for 15 minutes of fame, or on the opposite end of the spectrum it servesas proof there are things around us that we can’t not see, but that can harm us. number 7. nurin jazlin jaziminnurin was only 8 years old when she left her house to a local market, in efforts to purchasea hair clip, on august 20th 2007. she left her mom and was never seen aliveagain. it’s uncertain why she was traveling tothe market alone, and her parents filed a
missing person’s report the next day. search parties gathered to find the littlegirl, and during investigations the police stumbled upon local cctv footage. the footage showed nurin being forced intoa white van by an unidentifiable man. on september 17th a gym bag was found whichcontained the nude body of a young girl that had been dead for at least 6 hours. she had been kept alive for over a month,to be beaten, tortured, raped, and eventually died from the immense abuse. among the list of horrible things done toher body, a cucumber was stuck inside her
genitals, which caused a severe bacterialinfection. the infection was considered to be what ledto her death, meaning her kidnappers would have kept her alive longer if her young bodywould have sustained the abuse. when the nurins parents were asked to identifythe body, they didn’t recognize their daughter whatsoever, and she was even missing a veryparticular scar. they rejected the idea of this body beingtheir daughter and continued their search. however, a week or so later in depth dna testingconfirmed that the body was in fact 8-year-old nurin. a few days later more cctv footage was releasedto the public, one video showed a man on a
motorcycle talking on his phone and droppingoff the body of nurin. another video showed a van similar to theone that abducted the child, picking up a woman that had been loitering in the area. the van was filled with three men who talkedwith the woman for several minutes before leaving. while none of them directly acknowledged thebag, it’s unsure if that is because they were involved or because they simply didn’tnotice. this case sparked outrage in the community,and in media. man people deemed this crime the worst inyears.
a prime minister suggested releasing a listof registered sex offenders to help aid in finding her killer, as they were assumed tobe a psychopathic pedophile. the inspector-general of police also offeredthat her parents be further investigated, as negligent parenting was considered a crimeand could be punishable by law. furthermore, there was speculation amongstseveral people in the community that her parents may have even sold her to this pedophile. others in the community, though, were outragedat the idea of punished parents further after losing a child under such gruesome circumstances. several men and one women were arrested ina shop, but were all eventually released based
on lack of evidence. later in september, another woman was arrestedand as police tried to apprehend her she attempted to swallow a sim card she was carrying. however, the contents of the sim card wereeither unrelated to the case or were simply never released. the woman was also eventually let go becausea lack of evidence. so as of today, nurins’ killer is free. the footage in the cctv videos were too blurryto make out faces or license plates. local police have a reward still being offeredin the amount of 10,000 malaysian ringgits,
which roughly converts to 2,500 u.s dollars. this amount was matched by a local businessman, bringing the total award to over 5,000 dollars. this reward is promised to anyone who bringsin important information, and even more is offered for the killer himself being turnedin. this case has several layers, and varyingopinions related to it. which makes it more than just a sick murder. number 6. man meets himselftime travel is a concept that has been explored
and played with for centuries. there have been legends, stories, works ofliterature, films, and even alleged evidence to the idea of time travel. this video has over 800,000 views and hasenraged plenty of people as being completely fake, but as encouraged others the time travelis possible and happens to us randomly. it’s a 15 second clip which starts withthe title screen “this is my video from the future recorded on a mobile phoneâ€. uploaded in 2006, it just features two mentalking to one another, hugging and looking at the camera.
they don’t say anything and it even seemslike the video doesn’t have audio at all. the men do look very much alike, and evenmore boggling they have the exact same tattoo. this is the story according to the man whorecorded and published the video, it all happened on the afternoon the 30th of august. it was a beautiful day and i was on my wayhome from a job. when i got home, i found water on the kitchenfloor. somehow there was a leak. i got my tools and opened up the doors tothe sink. and started to work.
when i reached in to examine the pipes, theyseemed to be further in than i remembered. i had to crawl inside the cabinet, and asi did so, i discovered that it just continued. so i kept on crawling further and furtherinto the cabinet. in the end of the tunnel i saw a light, andwhen i got there, i realized i was in the future. i met myself as 72 years old, the year was2042. i did a lot of tests on him to see if he wasreally me. and the strange thing is that he knew everythingabout me. where i hid my secret stuff when i was infirst grade, and what the score was in the
soccer match in the summer of 88. he knew it all. we even had the same tattoo, although he'swas a little faded. he told me some of the stuff that will happen,but not so much. and i promised not to tell anyone. i made a film with my mobile phone. unfortunately, the quality is not the best. but it's what i have got. actually i don't care if people think i ama liar.
i know i'm not. i met myself in the future, and i was fine. that's all i know. but if it happened to me it probably musthave happened to someone else.†number 5. dynamo jackthis indonesian acupuncturist became popular when he was featured in a documentary titled“the ring of fire: an indonesian odysseyâ€. dynamo jack was discovered when a camera-manwas injured during filming, and they sought jack’s medical attention.
the team went in for what they assumed wouldbe a usual visit but they left totally amazed. during normal acupuncture, the doctor wassomehow able to pass small volts of electricity through the small metal needles. the electricity caused the patient to shakein reaction to electricity, and also be nearly immediately cured of his damaged eye. dynamo jack claimed that he obtained electricalabilities, as well as control over energy through intense meditation. during this visit the team also caught videoof jack causing a small crumple of newspaper to catch fire.
he squats near the paper and holds a handover it, while focusing or likely meditating. the fire begins to slowly ignite and jackeven leaves his hand momentarily in the fire without pain. unfortunately, the doctor didn’t know thisfootage was going to be shared with the public, and he was very upset when he found out. while he did offer to show this team his abilities,he didn’t want the public eye knowing of as he claimed he sought these unnatural powersfor his own evolution as a human, and to help others. he didn’t want fame and believed the skepticswould circulate negative energy in his name.
of course speaking of skeptics, many claimthis footage is faked. however, the documentary was filmed in 1987,and faking footage like this didn’t become popular until the rise of the internet. many believe that obtaining abilities likethis is actually quite possible through meditation and spiritual journey, and the idea that furtherfilming was refused by dynamo jack lends to the idea that this wasn’t just for fame. otherwise several more videos would have publicized. number 4. thailand girl with telekinesisthis video comes from a bus stop along a busy
city street in thailand. several people exit the train and two youngschool girls get into some kind of altercation with an older man. it’s unsure what the argument is about,but one girl seems to be really telling him off when he starts to approach them with hisfist in the air. the other girl, who has mostly remained quietimmediately throws her hand up as if the stop the man, and he unexplainably thrown backwith great force, without having even been touched by the girl. another man beside him begins to yell at thegirls as well.
the girl throws a hand into the air, whichsubsequently throws the man into the air as well. the girl looks down at her hands as if sheis amazed by her own power. a few seconds later, even her own friend isafraid of her and backing away from the situation. the girl faces toward a table set up alongsidethe street and it falls down, knocking several things over. she becomes upset and starts to scream andthings near her being to crash and break. even a street light appears to fall. if these really are some form of unknown telekineticpowers, this young girl was apparently unaware
she possessed them and is clearly terrifiedby her own ability. while this video could very likely be fake,or connected to some media ploy there has been no solid evidence suggesting so. with over 7 billion people in the world, andscientific anomalies all around us, is it really all that hard to believe that peopleout there are capable of more than most of us? number 3. time traveling womanfor this entry we have decided to group two videos into one, because they are very similarand are both possible evidence for time travel.
the first video is from a 1928 charlie chaplinfilm titled “the circusâ€, and there is no evidence related to it other than whatwe see. a woman seems to walk by the camera, unawareit’s even there. she has a device or object pressed up to herear and is talking and laughing. the way she holds this device is uncanny tothe way cell phones are held, and there’s no clear explanation for why else she’dbe talking. the next video has a little more of a storyto it. this is a clip from an unknown 1938 film,that features several people walking along the street.
a small group of 3 women and 1 man pass thecamera. the woman in the middle appears to be holdinga black device up to her ear and talking, much like the woman in the first clip, andmuch like anyone using a cell phone today. as she nears the camera she looks right intoit, removes the device from her ear and begins to talk to the people next to her. as she moves the device from her ear we cansee it a little more clearly, and it’s obviously that she didn’t just have her hand on herface, however the details of the object are unclear. the original post of this video on youtubefeatured a comment from user planetcheck,
in which they claimed that this women wastheir grandmother. according to planetcheck; “she was 17 yearsold,†planetcheck writes. “i asked her about this video and she remembersit quite clearly. she says dupont [the company that reportedlyowns the factory in the video] had a telephone communications section in the factory. they were experimenting with wireless telephones. gertrude and five other women were given thesewireless phones to test out for a week. gertrude is talking to one of the scientistsholding another wireless phone who is off to her right as she walks by.â€
this seems unlikely as the exploration ofwireless phones as early as 1938 would have been released to the public or at least documentedsomewhere in history. other claim it isn’t impossible as it couldhave been more like a walkie-talkie, but it still seems unlikely to just be handed outto a random young woman without any documentation. furthermore, planetcheck claims that theystill have phone, but never updated with a photo. it’s not impossible this is really was thecase, since it seems more logical than time travel, but there are too many missing piecesfor anyone with a sense of wonder to just blindly accept this as the answer.
even if these women were time travelers, there’sstill a huge issue even with that theory, cell phone towers. if you were to travel back in time with acell phone is likely wouldn’t even work, much less be able to make phone calls. the programming just doesn’t make senseand the lack of cell phone towers means there wouldn’t even be a signal. so if these women did have cell phones, howcould they talk on them and who could they possibly be talking to? regardless, they’re holding some sort ofdevice that was not known to the public, and
that on its own is a mystery. number 2. mike tyson boxing match – time traveleranother time traveling case that became popular is this video of a man at a mike tyson boxingmatch in 1995. the video is a short portion of the filmedmatch, and it shows an audience member holding what appears to be a smart phone. camera phones weren’t even manufacturedand sold until 2000, so the idea of a smart phone is even more wild. the alleged time traveler is a man sittingin the front row in the audience.
he’s holding white vertical device, witha black spot or lens toward the top, and a small flash to the right. he appears to be looking through the decideinstead of directly at the fight. explanations for this have included old digitalcameras, and special recording devices. aside from the lens and flash being all wrongfor cameras during this time period and the man looking through the device as opposedto through a view finder of some kind, another issue is the orientation at which he is holdingthe device. it wasn’t uncommon for older cameras tobe used in a vertical portrait position, but it was quite rare.
because of photo printing, and view findersit was most common to keep your camera in a landscape position. there are a lot of things that make this confusing,and conspiracy theorists and paranormal enthusiasts speculate a time traveler, advanced alien,or government worker with access to technology advanced beyond the 90’s. either way, no one has ever published photosthat appear to have been taken right at the event via smart phone. but no one has come forth claiming it wasthem and they were using a certain old camera. so this remains and open mystery, availablefor any explanation.
number 1. the jamison familybobby, sherilynn and their daughter madyson jamison were originally believed to have gonemissing by means of foul play and not be their own choice. the family vanished in early october 2009,from their hometown of red oak, oklahoma. family and friends had not heard from themin several days and noticed they weren’t at their home either, so a report was filedwhich led to their truck being discovered a few days after they went missing. the family truck was found in latimer county,oklahoma, about a 30-minute drive from their
hometown. inside the truck, the beloved family dog hadbeen left behind to starve. the dog was severely malnourished and on theverge of death when it was rescued from the vehicle. also inside the truck were bobby and sherilynn’s,i. d’s, wallets and mobile phones. a gps system was left behind, as well as 32,000dollars in cash. the family was known to carry large amountsof cash but friends and family admit that 32,000 seemed like much more than usual. in bobbys’ phone a photo of madyson wasfound, it appeared to have been taken in the
woodland mountains. the child is dirty, has messy hair and seemsquite scared. family don’t believe the photo was takenby bobby because of the fear on the child’s face, and the fact that she’s not lookingin the direction of the camera. this was the only photo taken on the phonesince the family disappeared. in november 2013, 4 years after the familyvanished, their skeletal remains were found by two hunters. they were located less than 3 miles from wheretheir truck had been abandoned. in july 2013 after extensive testing, theremains were confirmed to belong to the jamison’s,
however a cause of death could never be determinedas the bodies were too badly decayed. security footage had been found during investigations,from the day before the family’s disappearance. it showed the family loading belongings intotheir truck. they seem to be in a trance-like state, hardlyspeaking to one another, pacing from the truck to the house even when they weren’t loadingthings in, and generally appearing paranoid. they were also very thin, weak and sluggishin the footage. this led to the possibility of the parentsabusing drugs, or being addicted to meth. there had been no reports of drug use in thehome, though, and investigators didn’t find a single trace of drugs or drug paraphernalia.
this footage did lead to the discovery thatseveral weeks before going missing, bobby had spoken to a local preacher about his homebeing haunted. he had asked if he could purchase holy bulletsto kill the spirits tormenting his family. even sherilynn had reported the alleged hauntingto family and friends. this event was what led to the family inquiringabout a local home for sale, they were looking to leave behind these supposed spirits andstart over. according to medical records and family reports,bobby and sherilynn both suffered from depression in the past, and in addition sheriylnn wasdiagnosed with bi-polar disorder. while these types of mental illnesses don’tcommonly cause delusions or hallucinations,
in severe cases it is possible. despite these medical details people stillspeculate several different explanations such as cult involvement, cartel drug dealings,alien or paranormal abductions, and several other things. it has been 3 years since the discovery ofthe families remains, and there has been no further evidence to explain their death. so technically at this point, people can speculateliterally anything, which is what makes this case so popular.
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