best crossover suv in snow


things are not good and they're getting worse by the second we could really use good old donnie right about now ever since bishops mutant outbreak began don's been the one guiding us through this whole mess coming up with all the answers there have been hundreds of times we have been turtle waxed if don's brains

hadn't bailed us out it's too bad don's not here now because this is definitely one of those times 30 watch the wise guy be there's no one that blackout for sure 1230

oh coming casey look at you grow go i'll take that as a compliment sheesh april that's a great look for you and all but uh well on your you know gonna get ready i've been getting ready all afternoon my hair took me two hours and it's

unbelievably awesome but i got his reservation said that's when joint you're always talking about shay's born i thought you wanted to go on a romantic motorcycle ride and maybe hit a few biker clubs all right yeah i i think it didn't we maybe i'm not looking that be guys hey this is unexpected

sorry april but we're on our way to a possible mutant outbreak at the power plant and who whoa don you look greener than usual lot greener than usual i know i i picked up this little bug and i haven't been able to shake it i was feeling alright but i just kidding beauties right now

did you figure that out before or after you barf in the battle shell mikey how adults are talking april can you keep an eye on donnie for us there joe of course don can stay here i mean we weren't going anywhere anyway bro you watch seriously cramping my style here sorry you guys have been on monster patrol for weeks

what's the plan clean up all the mutants in manhattan well no this outbreak is way more than four turtles can handle we're just trying to keep it from spreading well go get them guys will watched on donnie take it easy bro good look huh help hood come on shickley mutant ninja turtle you

better lie down before you fall down dave come feet mikey you take the left don you cover me on john some sick from school today leo right wrap you cover me on the right and remember guys just contain them do not splatter them we know the true can't have the cream filling spilling out infecting other

creatures with the frico dna last thing we need is more genetic rejects i mean we already got it you don't know oops mikey you blacked out the city casey grab the flashlight my room on the dresser ah honey you're burning up

cut on my leg it hurts like she'll all of a sudden oh my bad wait i got it but it tight on be right back sorry april casey done that you stay stay on white what's happening to done

welcome back to the living dr. stockman donatello daddy done honey are you alright we just want to help your bro donnie god what one he it's crazy what we go it done right

tried talking to end part for my you much he's a freaking challenge much three just left them in the face with a call the guys don't know what to do okay donnie easy pal we're still buds right alright god this is not the time for a phone call

trying to get my ass full you're a troll big and fast hello a problem are you there a problem no the lines gone dead we've got to get back to april there's trouble guys their undersides are weaker get them there let's move it we've got to get to april's place and

save donnie and april and casey oh yeah i'm casey too no that's my girlfriend and you stay behind me when he goes for me you make a break for it run run and don't look back i i don't understand what's happened what have you done to me i had your brain recovered from the bottom of new

york's east river after your misguided sabbatical while i could do without your personality i do need your brain the outbreak is getting worse by the minute and i expect you to use that powerful mind of yours to clean it up i i i can't believe i can't believe you brought me back like this why why

oh why couldn't you let me finally rest in peace april i told you i can't hold it whoa freaky monsters didn't you hear with the ladies guys all what the shell is what was that thing and was done that launcher get on guys that monster is done say what that thing

you just want is done so anything you can tell us leatherhead fascinating the tissue sample from donatello's bandage contains the same alien dna found in the strange mutated creatures you've been battling of late you mean john's been infected by the outbreak mutagen yes in donatello's case it's triggered a secondary mutation and

donna tells already mutated dna what i can't understand is how this agent was introduced into donna tells bloodstream i think i know remember when we were fighting mutants when the upgrade first occurrence ok prob done my child my leg you okay yeah just a nick

that's it don got a nasty gash when we were fighting those mutated roaches remember i regret to say i i i cannot cure him what and i am gonna take bishop and ran by foot so far easy wrath will find a cure but first we've got the capture done before he hurts himself or anyone else

and just how we gonna capture a 300-pound kill internal as you know donatello and i have been working together developing ways to neutralize bishops mutant threat we engineered this containment unit to incarcerate and study larger mutations i've made this with donatello i never imagined we would be using it on

donatello yeah favor of the motion tracker is picking up an underground signals it's the right size to be donatello and it's headed towards central park it looks like he's making his way to your new home john's head of the layer come on we're coming up on the layer and donna's

close real close someone will need to lure him to us while we set up the containment unit go leave you did version of my beloved brother john a shallow where are you did donny light now i know how it feels but then i don't like it wow not you i quit the little

help here guys whoa mama john's been taking his final i'm really sorry about this donnie remember this is done do not hurt him not gonna be probably leatherhead you're on i can sympathize i know what it's like to be a monster what are we gonna do do do this is

donatella this is our brother we're going to hunt down a cure for him no matter what it takes no matter what it takes honor integrity susheela these were the ideals the drove master splinter's beloved master hamato yoshi he had traveled far to reach this castle fortress only to find four foot elite

warriors bar in his way but for or 400 it matter not for on this particular night yo she was driven by a powerful force unfamiliar to him hatred hatred that burns so bright and threatened to destroy him hatred born out of the need for revenge letter relax your

always have the wiseguys there's no one down for sure 123 donatello you okay i thought it was grounding that terminal but instead i shorted it out sorry mikey but i'm afraid the entertainment system isn't going operational tonight

no no i need mighty a time hi i can't go on without it please somebody let me out of my misery you mean our mystery mikey don't mind if i do rafael that is enough work for one day my son's but master what are we gonna do no tv no video games how did people ever survive in such a nightmare world before

tv and video games people survived quite well michelangelo noah perhaps even better they told stories and i think we should do just that ten stories who wants to begin hey maybe leo could tell us about his time with the ancient one yes well let's hear about the ancient one i want to hear all about the new

ways to learn that kick butt well i wouldn't know where to start but the ancient one did tell me a story i think you guys would want to hear about master splinter's master hamato yoshi well let's hear it it's a story about a girl a girl that she kick button is rafael please continue ok

our story begins in tokyo way back in the early 1960s japan was still trying to get back on its feet after an attack from godzilla no efforts to defeat in world war two it wasn't uncommon to see orphan children in the streets begging for food and money wow i've yin shi no shi let's keep it no

much me that would not be right yoshi sir sir excuse me sir you dropped your money what is this so much honesty in one store very hungry try is quickly as you can to snatch the coin from my hand and you may keep it i don't think so so slow that bother you

such speed and natural gift come let me buy you something to eat and my friend to please sir alright yes the both of you know me coming out not great and so the ancient one took the boys into his home and raise them both as if they were his own sons became his students and he trained in the ways

of ninjitsu year after year they work hard and learn quickly and as they grew into young men they became closer than brothers best friends who did everything together they even fell in love at the same time with the same girl tang shen they were crazy about her sanction was also an orphan raised by the ancient

she was beautiful intelligent sweet tang shen took it upon herself to turn the ancient ones house into a home she saw to it that their makeshift family was well fed and well cared for and sometimes that care even extended to surprise visitors to her kitchen machine inspired intruder and his only thought was to exterminate it lets me know what

tang shen so hungry innocent creature and as always my first thought was to care for it she decided to keep the curious rat as a pet seeing the chair had grown fond of the hungry little visitor yoshi built a home for the newest member of their family the tang shen had captured both boys

hearts over time it became clear that her heart belong to only one of them yoshi one night while out enjoying the city the friends chanced upon something that will change all their lives forever no stay away time four against one have they no honor let's even the odds

and set things right seamlessly and unarmed know she let machine and battle against the katana wielding assailants against what they later learned your foot ninja this was the first time the two young men were to put their ninjitsu skills to use an actual combat situation that night machinery and yoshi learned

that their ninjutsu training is formidable indeed but that was nothing compared to the revelation they learned about the man just saved because he wasn't a man at all he was a neutron and neutron called more too mr. mortu was impressed by their skills and since the young man had seen his true nature he gave them a choice

leave now and live with a small mystery of what they had seen or consider service as a guardian and learn the whole story ever curious the young men wanted to know more mr. mortu unveiled to yoshi and machines much of what we've come to learn about the neutrons and their centuries-long conflict with the shredder and the foot

by the end of the tail the two young men shows to join the ranks of the guardians but the ancient one was dead set against it then no guardians are no place for you you must not do these yoshi a different destiny awaits you neither of you are ready you need much more training sensei we are more than ready in body perhaps

but it is your heart and mind that still need training my son the guardians are an honorable forceful good sensei i want to help them no i won't beat you to join the guardians that is my final work but hamato yoshi and yukio mishima we're not asking for permission they were no

longer boys so they started training with mr. mortu and the utroms yoshi was promoted time and time again right up to the top rank of guardian prime while machine was passed over time and time again it didn't take long for machine is lack of advancement to turn to jealousy

though his friendship with machinery began to weaken yoshi's bond with tang shen grew stronger than ever but the coils of jealousy were winding tighter and tighter and machines soul until something snapped tension machine you startled me what what is wrong with you

thank you thank you thank you that night the shrubs in there tokyo headquarters would suffer their greatest defeat at the hands of one of their own they were betrayed set your of the exits let's not escape fushimi you have betrayed us she need why how dare you ask why you betrayed me

we were like brothers but you took everything and left me with nothing nothing now i take everything you including your night going from cottage finishing starting tomorrow you'll see we are living they have eluded us you did not tell me of those escape

parts i i was not aware of them i swear on my life yes on your life yo she returned to tell tension all that had happened only to find out the horrible truth shape no

this is my fault i know machine he had a dark streak in his heart it is not your fault master it is mushy me spot he shall be with his life be careful my son vengeance is like a splinter get under your skin thinkin poison your knife but you know she could not listen what he had but one thought pounding through his entire body

i have come for yukio mishima me no she had come to the shredder stronghold to face mashini and nothing would stop him yukio mishima me i have come for you show yourself straight mushy me machine me i challenge you to a duel assassin a tool haha you have ignorant

lee stepped into the dragons den your sheet i have no need to fight you are known we outnumber you you are mistaken you kill me you stand alone defeat hamato yoshi and i will give a humiliating retreat from the neutron base only a few defeat yo she will not let you live as you wish master so yoshi our story

has come for work on it began with just the two of us and here it ends with just the two of us this story will only end with one of us machine yoshi forgive me seize the guardian we will make him lead us to the old roms new home no she was outnumbered but he could not allow himself to be captured it was time

to leave no she escaped the shredder this time but nothing in his life would never be the same again i must go since a i know despite the plans of a foolish old man one must follow one's destiny no matter where it leads by my son goodbye and so yo she followed his destiny come

into new york to serve and protect the utroms as their guardian prime well little one i will name you splinter to remind me of what i have done and what i have failed to do and together we will remind each other of tension of her beauty kindness and love well i think we all know the rest of the

story wow what a bummer story perhaps michelangelo but perhaps not destiny is an inscrutable force at best if not for these events i would never have been brought to new york and the neutrons wouldn't have had to relocate here either meaning no booze me know us

yes the fabric of fate weaves and endless interconnected pattern in which we are all just threads i have come to eat for the turtles you must not carry out your designs all too late agent one we have we judge the turtles state we will determine whether they were here hope they will meet their end

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