mission control: mars team,mars team, be advised, stay at your consoles. t-minus 10 seconds. hana seung: can iask you a question? astronaut: ofcourse, go ahead. hana seung: doyou ever miss home? man: three, two, one. lily seung: hana,come on, let's go. come on, joon.
joon seung: thanks. ♪ ♪ lily seung: almostat the new house, guys. home sweet home. come on, girls. joon, that one goeswith me into the kitchen. hana, take thatupstairs into your room. joon seung:um, what are you doing? hana seung: i wannasee what's up there,
pass me that box. joon seung: no way. it smells likeold people up here. carly once said she founda dead body in an attic. hana seung: really? joon seung: that'swhat she told me. [static and hiss] what's that? so it says here thatthese are frequencies.
it also says hereit's illegal to operate a ham radiowithout a license. astronaut: thisis november, alpha, this is november,alpha, one, sierra, sierra. do you copy? hana seung: i sawthat written in here. hello? astronaut: mission control. [static interference]
hana seung: hello? [inaudible radio chatter]. hana seung: are you okay? hana seung: it'llprobably work better outside. november, alpha,one, sierra, sierra. radio announcer: there'sa chance it will rain today, [inaudible] and then on sunday... [inaudible].
lily seung: hana,are you ready to go? [inaudible radio announcer] joon, hurry up,we're gonna be late! [overlapping group chatter] joon seung: we have toget rid of these lunches, they smellhorrible to other people. hana seung: but i'm hungry. michelle:i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i shouldn't be laughing.i shouldn't be laughing.
it was so funny. joon seung: let's gosit with those girls. hana seung: i don't know. joon seung: come on,it's not a big deal. hana seung: you go ahead. joon seung:fine, wish me luck. christine:she'll have friends. like, one isn'tgoing to ruin your life. joon seung: hi,i'm joon, i'm new here.
christine: i'm christine. joon seung: didyou see mr. k today? hana seung: yeah. joon seung: ithink he has a wig. i didn't even notice. joon seung: so, that girlchristine invited me over, do you wanna come? hana seung:maybe next time. joon seung: okay,well, tell mom i'll
be home before dinner. you know how she gets. radio announcer: andthere's a series of high speeds. man: hey, what areyou doing with my truck? hana seung: uh,nothing, sorry. danielle: hey,you all right? why are you sittingout here with the trash? hana seung: uh, no reason. danielle: well, you hungry?
carl, how many timesdo i have to tell you? you can't keep yourdentures on the table. carl: it's only soup. danielle: it's common sense. albert: prettyexciting stuff, ain't it? i still rememberwhen they launched a monkey into space, 1948. he was catapultedinto that black abyss that floats over us,and he never came back.
danielle: here, dad,don't forget to take these. albert: but in that moment,the little chimp became a space pioneer forfuture monkeys like us. danielle: ignore him. albert: pancakes arethe secret for a long life. hana seung: my momsays ginseng is. albert: doesn't soundas delicious as pancakes. hana seung: she saysit cures everything from colds to heartbreak.
[static] albert: what's that? hana seung: oh, it'sjust this old radio i found. albert: i haven't seenthis model for ages. hana seung: you knowabout these things? albert: know aboutthese things? i'm old, of course iknow about these things. hana seung: oh, andthere's this notebook with all these codes in it.
there's this one iheard on the radio. november, alpha, one. albert: sierra, sierra. hana seung: yeah,how did you know? albert: well, you weretalking to that black abyss that themonkey had lead us to. hana seung: space? albert: space. hana seung: i'm notsure if this is working.
albert: the new antennashould be helping, do it again. hana seung: november,alpha, one, sierra, sierra, christine: daniellooks like jack. he's blonde and he has,i think he has blue eyes. hana seung: november,alpha, one, sierra, sierra. christine: but he'scuter and they're brothers. hana seung: maybe wecalculate the time of day wrong. christine: whatis she doing now? joon seung: um,i'm not actually sure.
madison: i thinkshe made contact. that picture is awesome. christine: send it to me. hana seung: novemberalpha, one, sierra, sierra. lily seung: joon,joon, where were you? joon seung: out. lily seung: what doyou mean out, with who? joon seung:it's friday night. lily seung:were you smoking?
joon seung: no. lily seung: youreek of cigarettes. joon seung: mom. lily seung:dinner's ready. albert: hello there. so i have this newantenna design we can try. that was thedayton hamvention, 1997. that was a good year. hana seung: um, i'vebeen thinking, and,
you should have this. albert: well, ihave one already. hana seung: i'lljust leave it here then. i'm becoming theweird kid at school. albert: you knowwho was weird? einstein was weird,picasso, mozart. a bunch of weirdos! you know, you remindme a lot of my daughter when she was your age.
you may not see it now, butone day, when you look back, you'll begrateful for being weird. let's trythis new antenna. hana seung: so if i goto a more open clearing, i can get abetter connection? albert: exactly, thetrees and buildings around here areobstructing the signal as the internationalspace station passes by. there's only a short windowof time to make the connection.
hana seung: 7:03 p.m.,pointing upward, following anortheastern path. albert: there. let me try it. hana seung: why areyou hitting it like that? albert: back in the day, when our electronicsmalfunctioned, we give 'em a goodold fashion whack. radio announcer:partly sunny,
temperature, 86,mostly sunny skies. temperature, 82. winds south atfive miles an hour. temperature, 86. hana seung: what would youask the astronauts on the iss? albert: i think i'd ask themhow it looks from out there. in the greatframework of things, a life is only afraction of a second. in a universe, that'salmost 14 billion years old.
i'd like to hear fromsomeone outside of everything. girl: oh, my gosh. albert: someone whounderstands what really matters. lily seung: hi katie,i'm lily, nice to meet you. katie: nice to meet you. lily seung: i've lefta list of phone numbers and emergencycontacts beside the tv. and here is moneyfor pizza tonight. where are my keys?
katie: let me guess,you must be joon? hana seung: hana. katie: darn, well,i had a 50% chance. lily seung: joon isworking on a science project until about 5:00 tonight. call me if you need anything. hana, i'm working adouble tonight on the base. i'll be homein the morning. you girls begood, all right?
madison: i wonder how manyanimals died to make this coat? christine: oh, my goodness. picture, two. madison: all right,let me see how it looks. christine: okay, #hotstuff. madison: yeah, i know. joon seung: i wish my momwould let me get a cellphone. christine: yeah, mymom's all right like that, but she checksit, like, every day,
so i have todelete everything. madison: youdon't have a phone? madison: that sucks. christine: yeah, it does. joon seung: hanawould love this. christine: oh, my god. you look exactlylike your sister. madison: i wouldput that down. christine:what do you think?
madison: super cute,i would get it. christine: it's $18. madison: youcan't afford that. joon seung: whatare you doing? christine: what? it's no big deal. it's just a shirt, besides,i can totally outrun that guy. madison: it's not a big deal. we do it all the time.
cashier: you knowthere are security cameras everywhere, right? christine: go, go, go, go. madison: come on. [cars passing] katie: oh, hey,you must be joon. joon seung: yeah. katie: i'm katie,your babysitter. hana is upstairsif you wanted to know.
katie: great. joon seung: hana? hana seung:albert, do you copy? albert: hana? hana seung: it's hana, willyou be by your radio tonight? albert: of course, over. hana seung: over and out. joon seung: hello? hana seung: joon?
hana seung: where didyou get a ham radio? joon seung: i foundone at a thrift store. it was supposedto be for you. where are you anyway? hana seung: i'm trying toget a better signal so i'm going to thetop of the mountain. joon seung: um, why? hana seung: there'sjust someone i really have to talk to.
joon seung: how can i help? do you see atelephone pole near you? joon seung: there should bea hiking path that starts there. hana seung: i found it. [thunder] katie: did you hearhow loud that thunder was? i mean, where's hana? joon seung: uh,she's not feeling well. she's been in thebathroom for a while.
katie: all right,i hadn't seen her for a little bit so gota little worried. yeah, no, no. we haven'tlost power yet. joon seung:hana, are you there? [gusting wind] [hard rain] katie: alright, jig's up. i know oneof you isn't here.
joon seung: she'sin the basement. katie: i'mcalling your mother. [thunder] [hard rain] hana seung: come on! albert? joon? katie: your mom'sgonna kill me. how do you lose a kid? lily seung: joon,where's your sister?
really joon, whyup the mountain? joon seung: she wanted toget a better connection. to talk tothe space station. lily seung: whythe space station? joon seung:turn left up here. hana seung: albert? albert: hana,are you all right? hana seung: a littlesoaked from the storm, but i'm all right.
go to frequency 144.49. joon, do you copy? joon, are you there? i'm here with mom. lily seung: hana? you're grounded forthe rest of the year. hana seung: i know. mom, i gotta go. and i promise i'llget home soon.
just tune intofrequency 144.49, okay? november, alpha, one,sierra, sierra, do you copy? astronaut: this is november,alpha, one, sierra, sierra. we hear you loudand clear aboard the internationalspace station, over. hana seung: hi,this is hana seung. can i ask you a question? astronaut:of course, go ahead. hana seung: what doesthe earth look like from
way up there? astronaut: it'sbright and colorful. hopeful. it looks like home. astronaut: i do,i think about it a lot. as a kid, i reallystruggled to find where i fit in the world. hana seung: i feellike that sometimes, too. astronaut: for me, i justhad to change my perspective.
and now, whenever ithink of the word home, i don't think of a place. i think of my family. of my mother, of my sister. it took me years torealize that a home can change over time, thatit isn't a destination or a location. mission control:t-minus ten seconds. astronaut: and onceyou find that place,
home is anywhereyou make it. mission control: 3, 2, 1... announcer: now that youknow how their story begins, join hanna and joon ontheir historic mission to make mars home. joon: i'm lookingat a red planet. elon musk: it'll be thegreatest adventure ever. announcer: "mars" aglobal event series, mondays at 9:00pm,starting november, 14.
on national geographic. ♪ [music plays through credits] ♪
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